Terms Review IX



Terms Review IX. The Great Depression and World War II. What term was used to describe the period during the 1930’s in which there was a long period of high unemployment and increased poverty in the United States?. Great Depression. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Terms Review IX

The Great Depression and World War II

What term was used to describe the period during the

1930’s in which there was a long period of high

unemployment and increased poverty in the United States?

Great Depression

What term was used to describe the blowing away of

huge amounts of soil from the Plains states, causing

farm failures?

Dust Bowl

What United States President was blamed for starting the

Great Depression?

Herbert Hoover

What was Roosevelt’s program to stimulate the

economy and increase the nation’s reserves?

The New Deal

What act created a committee to monitor unfair

management practices?

Wagner Act

What part of Roosevelt’s New Deal provided new jobs for

unskilled workers during the Great Depression?

Works Progress Administration

What popular 1939 movie depicted a story of love and loss in the South ravaged by

the Civil War?

Gone With the Wind

What were Franklin Roosevelt’s weekly radio

addresses to the people of the United States called?

Fireside Chats

Who was the fascist dictator who transformed Italy into a

militaristic state?

Benito Mussolini

This was a political movement started in Italy which called for

eliminating all political opposition, preserving a capitalist economy, and increasing the military power

of a nation.


What was the political party in Germany led by Adolph Hitler

which supported racist fascism?

National Socialists (Nazis)

Who was the dictator of Germany and leader of the Nazi Party who initiated a systematic conquest of Europe leading to

World War II?

Adolph Hitler

Term used to refer to Hitler’s secret police who helped suppress his dissenters.


Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during

World War II?

Joseph Stalin

A military agreement of mutual assistance between the nations

of Germany, Italy, and Japan

Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

Meeting in 1938 of European nations; they agreed to Hitler’s demands for the Sudetenland, a

German speaking section of Czechoslovakia.

Munich Conference

German term for “lightening war”, swift sudden offensive

used by Germany in World War II.


United States Navel Base in Hawaii which suffered a

surprise attack by the Japanese on December 7, 1941.

Pearl Harbor

These were certificates issued to a person who lends money to the government to pay for

war, the certificate earns interest and is redeemed for

cash on a given date.

War Bonds

Term that refers to the event where under the authority of Executive

Order 9006, the United States military forced 110,000 Japanese Americans to live in barracks on

federal land until the end of WWII.

Japanese Internment

In January 1943, Soviet troops repelled attack, causing the German army to retreat from


Battle of Stalingrad

Who was the United States general who led the Allied

forces in Europe during World War II?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

What was the military code name for the Allied invasion of

North Africa?

Operation Overlord

Who was the strong leader of Britain during World War II? He

was the Prime Minister from 1940-1945.

Winston Churchill

Event that happened on June 6, 1944. Allies landed

on the beaches of Normandy.


The northern coast of France, the Allies attacked here to

recapture France.


What was the common name for the army of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Red Army

Who was the United States General who led the Allied forces in the Pacific during

World War II?

Douglas Macarthur

What was the code name for the construction of an atomic bomb in the United States?

Manhattan Project

What was the name of the B-29 airplane which dropped an

atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

Enola Gay

What Japanese city was destroyed on August 6, 1945

by an Allied atomic bomb?


What Japanese city was destroyed on August 9, 1945

by an Allied atomic bomb?
