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What is the product or service being advertised? TurboTax

LINE is being used in the design to: (Check all that apply) X Create a mood X Organize other elements on the page X Create texture through illustration

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisement or website uses LINE. The designer chose to use a series of lines to portray a grid like “map” similar to one you would see on a GPS screen. They then used a single red line that seems to hover above the gridded map. This line starts in the back and works its way through the grid toward the reader. The red line is representing the paths or directions you have chosen in your life. I think the designer’s use of lines in this ad represents a mood and creates a texture. There is a clear mood depicted in this advertisement. Even though the map of life for the man in the ad is full of turns and changes, he appears to be calm and relaxed. Also, you the get the feeling of accomplishment. You went from point a to point b, made good decisions, and now you are rewarded with the proper tax return deductions and credits. The texture is the illustration of the gridded map to represent the GPS map. Even though there are no building or road names, the sentence above gives the hint to the fact this grid is in fact a GPS. Then the red line illustrates the directions taken on the GPS map. This line then leads you to a box of information. Please describe the effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design . The use of lines themselves makes a very effective design. It is clear with the im pression it is trying to convey. This idea is, we can be the GPS to get you through your taxes and get you the return you deserve. Who is the primary audience of the advertisement or website? I think the primary audience for the advertisement is college graduates with jobs. It is showing how using this product, you can receive deductions and credits be cause you went to college. Also, if you take an interest the environment and buy somethinglikeanenergyefficientcaryougetcreditsalso.


What is the product or service being advertised? Special K Cereal SHAPE is being used in the design in the following way(s): (Check all that apply) _x_Photos and illustrations are creating shape through the actual shape and content of the art. ___Line or a line illustration is creating the predominant shape ___Type is creating the predominant shape ___Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape ___Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest. ___Shape is organizing the page _x_Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept _x_Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your own words how this advertisement or website uses SHAPE. The designer used a few different types of shapes to get across the mes-sage in this advertisement. These shapes were used to help the viewer understand the concept.Thedesigneristryingtoillustratewhatappearstobeabathroomfloorwithascaleonit.ThefirstshapethatI,astheviewer,noticeisthescale.Thescaleitselfrepre-sents a long thought of enemy to many women. They have taken this “enemy” and in-stead of it presenting a number, it shows a digital representation of the word pride. Also, on this scale is the shape of the cereal’s logo. The square tiles give even more of the feel-ing that this is a bathroom scale. The concept of this advertisement is clearly represented, that if you eat this product you are more likely to have pride when stepping on your bathroom scale. Nowhere in the ad does the word scale appear but the shape is pretty much universal and needs no explanation. The K for special K is also on the scale. Even if the cereal had not appeared in the corner of the ad, the viewer would most like know it is an advert for Spe-cial K, since the logo has been cemented into of minds already from past exposure. How do I know this is a bathroom scale and not a gym or doctor’s scale?Well,thepinksquaretilesgivethesensationofabathroomfloor.Thetilesalsostart to fade out in color the further away from the scale you getting. This draws your at-tention to the scale. It also gives white space that is used to give a brief statement explain-ing the concept of the ad and product placement.

• PleasedescribetheeffectivenessoftheuseofSHAPEinthisdesign. The use of shape in this advertisement is very effective. The shapes are used appro-priately to portray the idea the designer is trying to get across. The square tiles give the sensationofabathroomfloorandthescaleisplacedinthemiddleofthemdirectingtheeye to it.• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?Women of all ages that are looking to lose weight. This means basically all women since most women believe they could lose some weight.