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DAYDREAMNATION 2A tribute to Copenhagen.

I look like a tourist most days.

�is is a short photobook with pictures from last summer in Copenhagen. Partly because I long for sunshine, partly because I am ridiculously slow at following up on the �rst issue of Daydream Nation.

I hope you enjoy it.

THE LAST LIVING SOULS�e fascination with cemetries is simple - it’s gloomy, beautiful, wild, and right next door. Wonderful spots in the dead centre of the city. If you’re ever here in Copenhagen, be sure to visit them.

Copenhagen cemetries are huge areas filled with the weirdest of things — some of them I only recently discovered even though I grew up just around the corner from a lot of these places. Especially Assistens Kirkegård in

Nørrebro which houses the biggest danish poets and philosophers has a stunning atmosphere.

The next couple of pages are snapshots from some of my favourite spots.

This particular view at Vestre Kirkegård blew my mind. I know very little about trees, but this has the feel of being shaped over a very, very long time. Patience will always be fascinating. Even when it comes from a tree.

The pictures are taken with a mix of x100, Lensbabies and the old trusty Nikon D3000.

SQUATOPIAChristiania is a self-governing little society, founded by le�-wing-dudes in the 70’s, today a subject to constant political �re. Maintaining a lawless marihuana haven in the most attractive spot of land in the capital has its price.

And no, it’s not the wild west. It’s more the sort of stoned place if you ask me. Amateur plumbing, divine architecture, an ever-growing roma population, organized crime, and 1000 potheads — come on -

that’s bound to end in tears. And it does - all the time. Fantastic idea: make a small self-governing society, and see how it plays out for 30 years. Hey, it’s gamification, and that’s as trendy as ever.

Not subject to the otherwise strict construction laws in Copenhagen, the housing in Christiania is imaginative and childish. Amazing.


�e biggest and fastest growing block party in Copenhagen, Distortion is a �ve-day celebration of Copenhagen nightlife. Placed cleverly right a�er Roskilde Festival, it brings the party (and all citizens able to open a beer I think) to the streets, and for �ve days the city feels like a real capital.

A view through one of the most ethnic parts of Copenhagen, at this particular moment some club nearby played Jay-Z’s New York tribute at this very moment, this was just perfect. That’s what we all felt like for 3 minutes. Citizens of a big city.

Daydream Nation is an outlet for photography, editorial layout tests, and pure fun. I’m profoundly happy you reached this page and hope you had fun, and in this particular issue, even learned a bit about Copenhagen. Please keep the comments and shares �owing, I like action and feedback.

All the best,Rasmus Landreen
