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Prepared by Office of Institutional Studies and Planning

Dr. Cindy Dutschke, Assistant Vice President

Texas A&M University


I. Definitions ...................................................................i

Notes & References...................................................iv Executive Summary....................................................v

II. Demographic Summaries

Change by Level................................................1 University ..........................................................2 College...............................................................3 Classification ...................................................15 Residency and Tuition Status ..........................18

III. Headcount Summaries by Ethnic Origin by Gender

College.............................................................19 Student Level...................................................20

IV. Headcount Summaries by Department Level ................................................................21 Level by Entry Status ......................................24 Ethnic Origin ...................................................26 Ethnic Origin by Gender .................................28 Classification by Ethnic Origin .......................30

V. Headcount Summaries by Major Level ................................................................44

Level by Entry Status ......................................51 Ethnic Origin ...................................................56 Ethnic Origin by Gender .................................62

VI. Geographic Distribution

State .................................................................67 Feeder Patterns ................................................68 Country ............................................................72

VII. First-Time In College Students

College by Ethnicity/Gender ...........................75 Top 10% Texas High School Students............85

VIII. Additional Population Summaries Entry Status .....................................................87 Housing............................................................88 Corps of Cadets ...............................................89 Blinn TEAM Students .....................................90 First Generation Students ................................91 Additional Data ..............................................92



Age: is calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the year of the semester report; it does not take into account the month of birth.

Age Categories: recodes the variable “Age” by ordering students into one of the following age categories: <18 18-21 22-25 26-30 31-39 40+

Blinn Team: is a collaborative effort between TAMU and Blinn Junior College. Students in this program will complete a specified number of courses at each institution with a 3.0 to qualify for automatic admission to TAMU. They are classified as part-time students.

College: specifies the college to which a student’s major is assigned.

Department: designates the four-letter abbreviation specifying the department to which a student’s major is assigned.

Enrollment Status: this variable categorizes students into one of the following admissions categories: 1st Time in College: an undergraduate, degree seeking, student who applied and enrolled in college for the first time

regardless of whether the student has acquired college level credit through testing, advanced placement or summer enrollment. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

1st Time PB Undergraduate (Post Baccalaureate – U5): a student who has graduated with an undergraduate degree (BA or BS) but who is returning to obtain either another undergraduate degree or certification. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

1st Time PB Graduate (Post Baccalaureate – G6): a non-degree seeking graduate student who has never attended another post-secondary institution at the same level for which they have enrolled. Graduate PB’s are included with Masters students. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

1st Time Graduate: a graduate student who has never attended another post-secondary institution at the same level for which they have enrolled. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

1st Time Professional: a professional student who has never attended a professional program at another post-secondary institution. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data


1st Time Transfer: a student entering TAMU for the first time but who is known to have previously attended another post-secondary institution at the same level (e.g. undergraduate to undergraduate, or masters to masters, not undergraduate to masters). This does not include an institution’s own graduates who re-enter for further education. This field is used only the first semester of a student’s enrollment at TAMU.

Readmitted: a student who previously attended TAMU and is enrolled after applying for readmission. Continuing: an undergraduate, master’s, doctoral or professional student who has completed at least one full

semester at TAMU with no break in spring and fall semester enrollment.

Ethnic Origin: is the code indicating the ethnic origin of the student. Students are classified as “International” if they are not citizens of the United States but are in the United States on a temporary basis and do not have the right to remain indefinitely. Non-citizen students, who are lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or Resident Aliens, are reported in the appropriate racial/ethnic category along with United States Citizens. The unknown classification is reserved for students that have not selected a racial/ethnic designation. White Black Hispanic Asian American Indian International Unknown

First Generation: neither parent (or guardian) graduated from a four-year college.

Ft/Pt TAMU Status: field calculated in the SIMS database that groups students into one of four full-time/part-time categories based on their enrollment (SCH) in courses as of an official census date, their program, and their department of instruction (i.e. Student teaching, co-op, etc.). Note that it is possible to calculate full- and part-time status using SCH as the sole criteria by using the SCH Categories. For specific information contact The Office of Institutional Studies and Planning. Less than Half Time Half Time Three-Quarter Time (used for fall and spring semesters only) Full Time

Gender: identifies a student as either “male” or “female”

Not Certified: if the heading of the report contains “…– Not Certified” then this report has been generated using data that has not yet been certified as correct to The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). The data has undergone vigorous clean up and we do not anticipate significant changes between this data and the certified data. (Certification generally takes place towards the end of a semester.)

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data


Major: designates the four-letter abbreviation specifying the student’s declared major.

Official Certified 12th Class Day Data: if the heading of the report contains “Official Certified … Data” this report has been generated using data that has been certified as correct by TAMU to The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB).

Percent Change (also % chg): Measure of change from previous like semester of last year to the current semester as a percentage of previous semester’s numbers (i.e. %CHG=(CURRENT-PREVIOUS)/PREVIOUS ). When considering % change it is important to note that increases or decreases in categories with low numbers will result in a notably high percentage changes.

Residency Status: categorizes students into one of the following three categories based on the state or foreign country in which the student resides (where the student lives at the time of application). Texas Resident Non-TX, US Resident Non-TX, Non-US Resident SCH Categories: groups student’s into one of the following categories based on the sum total of all the semester credit hours for which a student is enrolled without regard to funding. < 6 SCH 12-14 SCH 6-8 SCH 15-17 SCH 9-11 SCH >18 SCH

Student Level and Classification: involves the grouping of students into the following student level designation. Student Level TAMU Classification Undergraduate U0, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5 Masters G6, G7, G9 Doctoral G8 Professional V1, V2, V3, V4

Top 10%: are the First-Time In College students who have graduated in the top 10% of their high school class and are either from a Texas high school or are Texas residents for tuition purposes.

Tuition Status: indicates a student’s status for tuition purposes. (For specifics on the residence tuition policy contact the Office of Admissions.)

Resident Tuition: students who pay “Resident Tuition” rates. Non-Resident Tuition: students who pay “Non-Resident Tuition” rates. Tuition Exemption/Waiver: students who pay “Resident Tuition” rates because they are granted a

tuition exemption or waiver.

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data


Notes & References

1. % Change: is based on a comparison of the current semester’s data to the prior like semester’s data. When considering % change it is important to note that increases or decreases in categories with low numbers will result in a notably high percentage change.

2. Corps of Cadets: Membership in the Corps of Cadets is calculated from the SIMS field that specifies student’s membership in an outfit (or unit) of the Corps of Cadets (e.g. Company A-1, Company D-2, Squadron 8, A-Battery, etc.)

3. Other Special Populations: was added to document the enrollment of students who fall into special categories that for various reasons can not be assigned to a regular college or department. This category currently contains (but is not limited to) Exchange Students, Distance Education, students enrolled from the Health Science Center, and BioTechnology students in Council of Dean’s College.

4. Katrina students refer to those students who are enrolled under the Texas A&M special admissions policy for the 2005 Hurricane Katrina affected students. They are not included in the University enrollment.

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data


Spring 2006 Executive Summary

□ Compared with Spring 2005, Undergraduate enrollment increased by 175 students (0.5%); Doctoral level increased by 47 (1.4%). However, enrollment at the Master’s level decreased by 59 students (-1.4%).

□ Black and Hispanic total enrollment improved by 117 and 358 students, which accounts for 11% and 9.2% increase respectively. The total number of International Students declined by 187 (-5.6%).

□ College of Architecture had the largest percentage increase in undergraduate enrollment of 60 (4.9%). George Bush School of Government and Public Service had the largest percentage increase in Master’s enrollment of 19 (10.6%).

□ The First Time in College (FTIC) students (undergraduate) increased by 4 or 4.4%.

□ First Time Graduate students increased by 69 or 18%.

□ The flat tuition policy resulted in a significant increase in the undergraduate semester credit hour (SCH) load. Compared with Spring 2005, the number of students carrying 15-17 SCH increased by 3,059 (32.4%). The number of students carrying more than 17 SCH also increased by 310 (43.2%).

□ Other special population shows an increase of 217.7% from Spring 2005. This category includes the Council of Deans. At the end of the Spring 2005 all interdisciplinary graduate majors were changed to Council of Deans and removed from their respective colleges. The 235.8% increase is due to a change in reporting and not to an increase in enrollment. Decreases in the graduate enrollment in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences are also the result of this change.

□ Of the 332 Hurricane Katrina-Affected students enrolled with Texas A&M University in Fall 2005, 47 continued to enroll in Spring 2006. They are not included in the University total enrollment.

□ Qatar campus enrolled a total of 140 students (Page 95). They are not included in the University total enrollment.

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Texas A&M University SummaryStudent Head Count, Change by Level

Spring 2006

33,493 175 0.5% 4,230 -59 -1.4% 3,359 47 1.4% 509 -1 -0.2% 41,591 162 0.4%5,088 72 1.4% 515 -85 -14.2% 441 -107 -19.5% 6,044 -120 -1.9%1,281 60 4.9% 312 -39 -11.1% 100 -8 -7.4% 1,693 13 0.8%3,803 13 0.3% 684 20 3.0% 67 -6 -8.2% 4,554 27 0.6%3,953 113 2.9% 541 14 2.7% 700 9 1.3% 5,194 136 2.7%6,148 192 3.2% 1,033 -27 -2.5% 894 11 1.2% 8,075 176 2.2%

199 19 10.6% 199 19 10.6%442 6 1.4% 141 -23 -14.0% 120 1 0.8% 703 -16 -2.2%

5,924 -126 -2.1% 282 -26 -8.4% 435 16 3.8% 6,641 -136 -2.0%1,905 82 4.5% 301 -8 -2.6% 386 14 3.8% 2,592 88 3.5%1,699 -69 -3.9% 59 -4 -6.3% 63 -26 -29.2% 509 -1 -0.2% 2,330 -100 -4.1%3,207 -171 -5.1% 3,207 -171 -5.1%

43 3 7.5% 163 100 158.7% 153 143 1430.0% 359 246 217.7%16,428 -12 -0.1% 1,736 -75 -4.1% 1,320 38 3.0% 375 2 0.5% 19,859 -47 -0.2%17,065 187 1.1% 2,494 16 0.6% 2,039 9 0.4% 134 -3 -2.2% 21,732 209 1.0%26,915 -269 -1.0% 2,496 48 2.0% 1,296 16 1.3% 452 -6 -1.3% 31,159 -211 -0.7%

897 96 12.0% 141 13 10.2% 136 8 6.3% 4 0.0% 1,178 117 11.0%3,713 323 9.5% 302 4 1.3% 220 30 15.8% 30 1 3.4% 4,265 358 9.2%1,207 116 10.6% 125 0.0% 82 20 32.3% 16 3 23.1% 1,430 139 10.8%

173 -3 -1.7% 12 5 71.4% 11 2 22.2% 1 0.0% 197 4 2.1%486 -29 -5.6% 1,094 -123 -10.1% 1,569 -35 -2.2% 3,149 -187 -5.6%102 -59 -36.6% 60 -6 -9.1% 45 6 15.4% 6 1 20.0% 213 -58 -21.4%

3 0.0% 3 0.0%18,733 284 1.5% 13 9 225.0% 1 1 100.0% 2 0.0% 18,749 294 1.6%13,648 -125 -0.9% 2,034 93 4.8% 175 -6 -3.3% 244 -2 -0.8% 16,101 -40 -0.2%

771 16 2.1% 1,342 -97 -6.7% 1,233 48 4.1% 202 12 6.3% 3,548 -21 -0.6%227 3 1.3% 589 -47 -7.4% 1,341 23 1.7% 52 -9 -14.8% 2,209 -30 -1.3%111 -3 -2.6% 252 -17 -6.3% 609 -19 -3.0% 9 -2 -18.2% 981 -41 -4.0%95 4 4.4% 95 4 4.4%7 -12 -63.2% 119 3 2.6% 126 -9 -6.7%

362 57 18.7% 91 12 15.2% 453 69 18.0%778 34 4.6% 778 34 4.6%222 -58 -20.7% 10 2 25.0% 3 -10 -76.9% 235 -66 -21.9%

32,391 207 0.6% 3,739 -121 -3.1% 3,265 45 1.4% 509 -1 -0.2% 39,904 130 0.3%31,486 -184 -0.6% 2,445 -7 -0.3% 1,215 17 1.4% 461 -15 -3.2% 35,607 -189 -0.5%

803 -66 -7.6% 382 -11 -2.8% 428 47 12.3% 4 -1 -20.0% 1,617 -31 -1.9%1,204 425 54.6% 1,403 -41 -2.8% 1,716 -17 -1.0% 44 15 51.7% 4,367 382 9.6%

31,891 183 0.6% 2,499 37 1.5% 1,264 53 4.4% 469 -7 -1.5% 36,123 266 0.7%1,094 27 2.5% 629 30 5.0% 502 22 4.6% 40 6 17.6% 2,265 85 3.9%

508 -35 -6.4% 1,102 -126 -10.3% 1,593 -28 -1.7% 3,203 -189 -5.6%901 -10 -1.1% 643 -20 -3.0% 745 4 0.5% 2,289 -26 -1.1%

1,413 68 5.1% 433 -18 -4.0% 177 0.0% 2,023 50 2.5%1,982 -28 -1.4% 2,198 -38 -1.7% 2,348 96 4.3% 6,528 30 0.5%

15,508 -3,260 -17.4% 735 8 1.1% 73 -53 -42.1% 0 -1 -100.0% 16,316 -3,306 -16.8%12,662 3,095 32.4% 140 11 8.5% 10 -5 -33.3% 12,812 3,101 31.9%1,027 310 43.2% 81 -2 -2.4% 6 5 500.0% 509 0.0% 1,623 313 23.9%

775 7 0.9% 518 -18 -3.4% 607 6 1.0% 1,900 -5 -0.3%1,095 71 6.9% 523 -31 -5.6% 297 10 3.5% 1,915 50 2.7%1,867 -70 -3.6% 1,867 -70 -3.6%

29,756 167 0.6% 3,189 -10 -0.3% 2,455 31 1.3% 509 -1 -0.2% 35,909 187 0.5%

University TotalAgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations




WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# chg % chg

Undergraduate# chg % chg

Masters# chg % chg

PhD# chg % chg

Professional# chg % chg

Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 1

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

University Total

33,493 0.5% 4,230 -1.4% 3,359 1.4% 509 -0.2% 41,591 0.4%16,428 -0.1% 1,736 -4.1% 1,320 3.0% 375 0.5% 19,859 -0.2%17,065 1.1% 2,494 0.6% 2,039 0.4% 134 -2.2% 21,732 1.0%26,915 -1.0% 2,496 2.0% 1,296 1.3% 452 -1.3% 31,159 -0.7%

897 12.0% 141 10.2% 136 6.3% 4 0.0% 1,178 11.0%3,713 9.5% 302 1.3% 220 15.8% 30 3.4% 4,265 9.2%1,207 10.6% 125 0.0% 82 32.3% 16 23.1% 1,430 10.8%

173 -1.7% 12 71.4% 11 22.2% 1 0.0% 197 2.1%486 -5.6% 1,094 -10.1% 1,569 -2.2% 3,149 -5.6%102 -36.6% 60 -9.1% 45 15.4% 6 20.0% 213 -21.4%

3 0.0% 3 0.0%18,733 1.5% 13 225.0% 1 100.0% 2 0.0% 18,749 1.6%13,648 -0.9% 2,034 4.8% 175 -3.3% 244 -0.8% 16,101 -0.2%

771 2.1% 1,342 -6.7% 1,233 4.1% 202 6.3% 3,548 -0.6%227 1.3% 589 -7.4% 1,341 1.7% 52 -14.8% 2,209 -1.3%111 -2.6% 252 -6.3% 609 -3.0% 9 -18.2% 981 -4.0%95 4.4% 95 4.4%

7 -63.2% 119 2.6% 126 -6.7% 362 18.7% 91 15.2% 453 18.0%

778 4.6% 778 4.6%222 -20.7% 10 25.0% 3 -76.9% 235 -21.9%

32,391 0.6% 3,739 -3.1% 3,265 1.4% 509 -0.2% 39,904 0.3%31,486 -0.6% 2,445 -0.3% 1,215 1.4% 461 -3.2% 35,607 -0.5%

803 -7.6% 382 -2.8% 428 12.3% 4 -20.0% 1,617 -1.9%1,204 54.6% 1,403 -2.8% 1,716 -1.0% 44 51.7% 4,367 9.6%

31,891 0.6% 2,499 1.5% 1,264 4.4% 469 -1.5% 36,123 0.7%1,094 2.5% 629 5.0% 502 4.6% 40 17.6% 2,265 3.9%

508 -6.4% 1,102 -10.3% 1,593 -1.7% 3,203 -5.6%901 -1.1% 643 -3.0% 745 0.5% 2,289 -1.1%

1,413 5.1% 433 -4.0% 177 0.0% 2,023 2.5%1,982 -1.4% 2,198 -1.7% 2,348 4.3% 6,528 0.5%

15,508 -17.4% 735 1.1% 73 -42.1% 0 -100.0% 16,316 -16.8%12,662 32.4% 140 8.5% 10 -33.3% 12,812 31.9%1,027 43.2% 81 -2.4% 6 500.0% 509 0.0% 1,623 23.9%

775 0.9% 518 -3.4% 607 1.0% 1,900 -0.3%1,095 6.9% 523 -5.6% 297 3.5% 1,915 2.7%1,867 -3.6% 1,867 -3.6%

29,756 0.6% 3,189 -0.3% 2,455 1.3% 509 -0.2% 35,909 0.5%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 2

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Agriculture

5,088 1.4% 515 -14.2% 441 -19.5% 6,044 -1.9%2,411 3.5% 241 -18.9% 188 -19.0% 2,840 -0.6%2,677 -0.4% 274 -9.6% 253 -19.9% 3,204 -3.1%4,250 -0.7% 377 -10.2% 203 -20.1% 4,830 -2.5%

144 11.6% 12 0.0% 9 28.6% 165 11.5%473 14.8% 35 -5.4% 15 -11.8% 523 12.2%110 32.5% 4 0.0% 8 -27.3% 122 24.5%41 0.0% 5 400.0% 1 100.0% 47 11.9%47 9.3% 74 -35.1% 200 -21.9% 321 -22.3%23 -23.3% 8 -33.3% 5 66.7% 36 -20.0%

1 0.0% 1 0.0%2,063 0.6% 0 -100.0% 2,063 0.6%2,726 1.5% 240 -11.8% 13 -27.8% 2,979 0.1%

227 18.2% 184 -14.4% 164 -21.9% 575 -6.8%47 -6.0% 69 -21.6% 186 -15.5% 302 -15.6%24 -35.1% 22 -8.3% 78 -22.0% 124 -23.0%

8 14.3% 8 14.3%5 -37.5% 24 33.3% 29 11.5%

51 -5.6% 12 -25.0% 63 -10.0%228 46.2% 228 46.2%61 3.4% 1 100.0% 62 5.1%

4,786 0.0% 439 -16.9% 429 -19.4% 5,654 -3.3%4,793 0.3% 339 -7.9% 148 -22.1% 5,280 -1.0%

98 -11.7% 34 -22.7% 62 -6.1% 194 -12.2%197 55.1% 142 -24.5% 231 -20.9% 570 -6.1%

4,854 1.4% 347 -6.0% 158 -17.7% 5,359 0.2%184 1.7% 94 -19.0% 82 -15.5% 360 -8.6%50 8.7% 74 -35.7% 201 -22.4% 325 -22.6%

106 -5.4% 113 -15.0% 77 -32.5% 296 -17.5%232 0.0% 51 34.2% 21 -12.5% 304 3.4%373 12.3% 322 -16.6% 332 -16.8% 1,027 -8.1%

2,294 -16.2% 25 -35.9% 10 0.0% 2,329 -16.4%1,900 29.5% 4 0.0% 1 0.0% 1,905 29.4%

183 33.6% 183 33.6%95 6.7% 84 -18.4% 65 -33.7% 244 -15.9%

209 -1.9% 71 18.3% 31 -16.2% 311 0.3%373 12.3% 373 12.3%

4,411 0.7% 360 -17.6% 345 -16.5% 5,116 -2.2%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 3

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Architecture

1,281 4.9% 312 -11.1% 100 -7.4% 1,693 0.8%364 2.5% 111 -16.5% 34 -2.9% 509 -2.7%917 5.9% 201 -7.8% 66 -9.6% 1,184 2.3%

1,070 3.3% 159 -5.4% 24 -11.1% 1,253 1.8%14 0.0% 9 125.0% 1 0.0% 24 26.3%

145 22.9% 22 10.0% 3 0.0% 170 20.6%32 14.3% 15 0.0% 2 100.0% 49 11.4%

5 -44.4% 5 -44.4%10 0.0% 102 -26.1% 68 -8.1% 180 -18.9%

5 -16.7% 5 -16.7% 2 0.0% 12 -14.3%

581 8.8% 581 8.8%638 1.8% 104 -6.3% 1 0.0% 743 0.5%45 2.3% 141 -15.6% 20 -23.1% 206 -13.1%11 10.0% 57 -10.9% 55 0.0% 123 -4.7%

6 0.0% 10 11.1% 24 -7.7% 40 -2.4%4 33.3% 4 33.3%

3 -25.0% 3 -25.0% 10 11.1% 1 0.0% 11 10.0%

36 -7.7% 36 -7.7%6 -14.3% 1 100.0% 0 -100.0% 7 -12.5%

1,235 5.4% 298 -11.8% 99 -6.6% 1,632 1.0%1,230 4.9% 167 -9.2% 26 -10.3% 1,423 2.7%

20 -25.9% 20 -20.0% 20 11.1% 60 -14.3%31 40.9% 125 -12.0% 54 -11.5% 210 -6.7%

1,241 5.9% 172 -6.5% 29 0.0% 1,442 4.1%30 -21.1% 38 31.0% 3 -40.0% 71 -1.4%10 -9.1% 102 -26.1% 68 -8.1% 180 -19.3%

8 -50.0% 37 -24.5% 30 15.4% 75 -17.6%114 11.8% 18 12.5% 2 -50.0% 134 9.8%69 -25.0% 117 -11.4% 65 -14.5% 251 -16.3%

599 -11.1% 92 -21.4% 2 100.0% 693 -12.5%432 43.5% 48 29.7% 1 0.0% 481 41.9%59 63.9% 59 63.9%

8 -50.0% 28 -31.7% 26 8.3% 62 -23.5%114 235.3% 26 8.3% 6 0.0% 146 128.1%66 -25.8% 66 -25.8%

1,093 1.0% 258 -9.8% 68 -12.8% 1,419 -1.9%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 4

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Business Admin

3,803 0.3% 684 3.0% 67 -8.2% 4,554 0.6%2,059 -1.7% 269 -2.2% 25 -19.4% 2,353 -2.0%1,744 2.9% 415 6.7% 42 0.0% 2,201 3.5%3,247 -2.2% 481 3.9% 32 6.7% 3,760 -1.4%

69 7.8% 21 -8.7% 1 -50.0% 91 2.2%302 28.0% 35 2.9% 2 -33.3% 339 24.2%131 15.9% 19 -34.5% 2 100.0% 152 6.3%17 13.3% 0 -100.0% 17 6.3%30 11.1% 114 8.6% 28 -20.0% 172 3.0%

7 -50.0% 14 55.6% 2 0.0% 23 -8.0%

2,286 1.6% 7 250.0% 2,293 1.8%1,470 -1.7% 428 8.6% 1 -50.0% 1,899 0.4%

22 -8.3% 123 -5.4% 25 -13.8% 170 -7.1%12 20.0% 74 -21.3% 30 0.0% 116 -13.4%13 30.0% 52 18.2% 11 -8.3% 76 15.2%16 45.5% 16 45.5%

2 100.0% 2 100.0% 88 49.2% 0 -100.0% 88 46.7%

2 100.0% 2 100.0%15 -21.1% 15 -21.1%

3,770 0.3% 594 -1.7% 67 -6.9% 4,431 -0.1%3,683 -0.2% 528 1.0% 16 -5.9% 4,227 -0.1%

41 -10.9% 26 8.3% 5 0.0% 72 -4.0%79 51.9% 130 11.1% 46 -9.8% 255 15.9%

3,708 0.4% 530 1.5% 20 -4.8% 4,258 0.5%63 -8.7% 40 8.1% 17 6.3% 120 -1.6%32 10.3% 114 8.6% 30 -16.7% 176 3.5%33 10.0% 13 8.3% 6 -25.0% 52 4.0%

102 -4.7% 26 -27.8% 1 100.0% 129 -9.8%285 14.0% 151 -3.8% 60 -6.3% 496 5.3%

2,092 -8.7% 348 13.0% 0 -100.0% 2,440 -6.2%1,249 17.4% 66 -2.9% 1,315 16.2%

42 -10.6% 80 -3.6% 122 -6.2%25 8.7% 12 20.0% 5 -28.6% 42 5.0%94 -12.1% 20 -44.4% 2 100.0% 116 -19.4%

264 14.3% 264 14.3%3,420 -0.3% 652 5.5% 60 -7.7% 4,132 0.5%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 5

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Education

3,953 2.9% 541 2.7% 700 1.3% 5,194 2.7%3,032 0.2% 406 2.8% 478 0.4% 3,916 0.5%

921 13.3% 135 2.3% 222 3.3% 1,278 10.2%3,368 0.9% 413 8.7% 390 -1.3% 4,171 1.4%

111 42.3% 34 -2.9% 91 -4.2% 236 13.5%380 13.1% 50 -24.2% 116 10.5% 546 7.7%62 24.0% 3 -50.0% 12 50.0% 77 20.3%14 -12.5% 1 0.0% 3 50.0% 18 -5.3%10 0.0% 32 0.0% 79 3.9% 121 2.5%

8 -27.3% 8 14.3% 9 -10.0% 25 -10.7%

1,749 -0.8% 1,749 -0.8%2,040 5.6% 244 36.3% 15 -40.0% 2,299 7.6%

100 11.1% 133 -18.9% 111 13.3% 344 -2.3%40 -2.4% 91 -11.7% 267 6.0% 398 0.5%24 71.4% 73 -9.9% 307 -2.8% 404 -1.7%

5 -28.6% 5 -28.6%0 -100.0% 27 -6.9% 27 -12.9%

68 17.2% 27 42.1% 95 23.4%148 -11.9% 148 -11.9%22 -35.3% 1 -66.7% 3 -50.0% 26 -39.5%

3,778 4.1% 445 1.8% 670 0.6% 4,893 3.4%3,836 1.9% 464 3.1% 552 -3.2% 4,852 1.4%

52 20.9% 23 -11.5% 43 53.6% 118 21.6%65 91.2% 54 5.9% 105 12.9% 224 25.8%

3,865 2.7% 474 5.3% 572 -0.3% 4,911 2.6%78 18.2% 36 -20.0% 48 17.1% 162 6.6%10 -9.1% 31 -3.1% 80 5.3% 121 1.7%36 -14.3% 149 44.7% 338 11.2% 523 16.5%

398 13.4% 158 -21.8% 117 0.9% 673 0.6%281 -0.4% 160 3.9% 218 16.6% 659 5.8%

1,620 -16.3% 63 1.6% 23 -69.7% 1,706 -17.7%1,486 32.6% 10 66.7% 4 -50.0% 1,500 32.2%

132 21.1% 1 100.0% 133 22.0%35 -5.4% 121 44.0% 269 7.6% 425 14.6%

126 -4.5% 184 -16.7% 186 10.7% 496 -4.8%225 -8.5% 225 -8.5%

3,567 4.1% 236 6.3% 245 -10.3% 4,048 3.3%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 6

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Engineering

6,148 3.2% 1,033 -2.5% 894 1.2% 8,075 2.2%1,115 0.3% 188 0.0% 134 0.0% 1,437 0.2%5,033 3.9% 845 -3.1% 760 1.5% 6,638 2.7%4,670 2.7% 377 5.0% 132 13.8% 5,179 3.1%

175 26.8% 32 14.3% 18 63.6% 225 27.1%708 12.9% 48 2.1% 19 18.8% 775 12.3%273 -2.8% 42 10.5% 22 22.2% 337 0.0%29 26.1% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 31 24.0%

270 -10.3% 524 -9.0% 698 -2.8% 1,492 -6.5%23 -39.5% 9 -18.2% 4 33.3% 36 -30.8%

1 100.0% 1 100.0%3,413 10.4% 3 100.0% 3,416 10.5%2,487 -4.9% 512 -5.9% 45 -21.1% 3,044 -5.4%

194 -0.5% 375 -1.3% 419 3.5% 988 0.8%39 -7.1% 115 4.5% 369 0.8% 523 1.0%14 27.3% 28 7.7% 61 10.9% 103 12.0%21 16.7% 21 16.7%

1 -66.7% 11 -8.3% 12 -20.0% 102 32.5% 34 6.3% 136 24.8%

119 13.3% 119 13.3%29 -29.3% 4 33.3% 0 -100.0% 33 -28.3%

5,978 3.3% 916 -5.4% 860 1.3% 7,754 1.9%5,516 2.7% 380 1.9% 129 24.0% 6,025 3.0%

279 -13.1% 175 2.3% 148 5.7% 602 -4.7%353 34.7% 478 -7.4% 617 -3.4% 1,448 2.2%

5,595 4.2% 390 3.7% 126 26.0% 6,111 4.5%274 -0.4% 115 11.7% 65 10.2% 454 3.9%279 -10.3% 528 -9.1% 703 -2.9% 1,510 -6.6%145 -7.1% 133 -4.3% 118 7.3% 396 -2.2%170 14.9% 81 19.1% 14 16.7% 265 16.2%301 -10.9% 757 -0.3% 731 0.0% 1,789 -2.1%

2,950 -14.8% 60 -32.6% 27 0.0% 3,037 -15.2%2,388 37.6% 2 -60.0% 1 -66.7% 2,391 37.1%

194 70.2% 3 100.0% 197 72.8%52 -23.5% 113 2.7% 97 14.1% 262 -0.4%

165 13.8% 97 9.0% 25 31.6% 287 13.4%296 -12.2% 296 -12.2%

5,635 4.2% 823 -4.4% 772 -0.9% 7,230 2.6%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 7

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College G. Bush School of Govt

199 10.6% 199 10.6% 80 11.1% 80 11.1% 119 10.2% 119 10.2% 149 5.7% 149 5.7% 8 14.3% 8 14.3% 22 46.7% 22 46.7% 3 -25.0% 3 -25.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 14 27.3% 14 27.3% 2 100.0% 2 100.0% 86 21.1% 86 21.1% 67 8.1% 67 8.1% 35 20.7% 35 20.7% 11 -38.9% 11 -38.9% 28 -3.4% 28 -3.4% 171 13.2% 171 13.2% 136 -3.5% 136 -3.5% 7 133.3% 7 133.3% 56 55.6% 56 55.6% 145 0.7% 145 0.7% 38 65.2% 38 65.2% 16 23.1% 16 23.1% 40 -21.6% 40 -21.6% 23 9.5% 23 9.5% 18 -30.8% 18 -30.8% 110 42.9% 110 42.9% 8 60.0% 8 60.0% 40 -21.6% 40 -21.6% 23 9.5% 23 9.5% 136 25.9% 136 25.9%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 8

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Geosciences

442 1.4% 141 -14.0% 120 0.8% 703 -2.2%168 9.8% 59 -13.2% 44 4.8% 271 3.0%274 -3.2% 82 -14.6% 76 -1.3% 432 -5.3%377 1.1% 99 -14.7% 42 10.5% 518 -1.7%

3 50.0% 2 0.0% 1 100.0% 6 50.0%39 -11.4% 7 -12.5% 2 -33.3% 48 -12.7%13 44.4% 2 -33.3% 15 25.0%

3 200.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 66.7%6 50.0% 28 -17.6% 70 -4.1% 104 -6.3%1 -66.7% 4 33.3% 2 100.0% 7 0.0%

191 -6.4% 191 -6.4%211 8.2% 68 1.5% 3 -25.0% 282 6.0%25 13.6% 41 -28.1% 45 12.5% 111 -6.7%14 27.3% 27 -10.0% 53 -5.4% 94 -3.1%

1 -75.0% 5 -50.0% 19 0.0% 25 -24.2%

1 -50.0% 1 -66.7% 2 -60.0% 6 -50.0% 4 33.3% 10 -33.3%

13 -35.0% 13 -35.0%5 66.7% 0 -100.0% 5 25.0%

423 2.9% 134 -9.5% 116 0.0% 673 -0.3%410 -1.4% 65 -7.1% 21 16.7% 496 -1.6%10 11.1% 12 -7.7% 16 0.0% 38 0.0%22 100.0% 64 -21.0% 83 -2.4% 169 -4.5%

420 1.2% 66 -2.9% 21 16.7% 507 1.2%16 0.0% 46 -25.8% 27 3.8% 89 -14.4%

6 20.0% 29 -14.7% 72 -4.0% 107 -6.1%4 -20.0% 27 -12.9% 13 -13.3% 44 -13.7%

15 -21.1% 12 50.0% 3 200.0% 30 7.1%23 -20.7% 98 -19.7% 102 0.0% 223 -11.9%

190 -16.3% 3 0.0% 2 100.0% 195 -15.6%194 32.9% 1 100.0% 195 33.6%16 60.0% 16 60.0%

4 -20.0% 24 9.1% 12 -7.7% 40 0.0%15 -16.7% 9 -30.8% 1 -50.0% 25 -24.2%23 -20.7% 23 -20.7%

400 4.2% 108 -16.3% 107 2.9% 615 -0.3%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 9

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Liberal Arts

5,924 -2.1% 282 -8.4% 435 3.8% 6,641 -2.0%3,574 -1.4% 137 -7.4% 200 6.4% 3,911 -1.2%2,350 -3.2% 145 -9.4% 235 1.7% 2,730 -3.1%4,818 -3.2% 167 -8.2% 253 1.6% 5,238 -3.2%

170 6.3% 11 -8.3% 11 57.1% 192 7.3%714 6.4% 38 5.6% 33 13.8% 785 6.7%145 8.2% 17 142.9% 8 33.3% 170 15.6%24 -27.3% 3 0.0% 27 -25.0%32 -17.9% 43 -32.8% 113 0.9% 188 -12.6%21 -40.0% 6 -14.3% 14 7.7% 41 -25.5%

2,913 1.8% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 2,915 1.9%2,813 -5.3% 114 -8.8% 27 8.0% 2,954 -5.3%

124 -13.9% 96 -10.3% 159 7.4% 379 -5.0%48 9.1% 46 -17.9% 180 4.7% 274 0.7%26 -16.1% 25 25.0% 68 -8.1% 119 -4.8%17 13.3% 17 13.3%

0 -100.0% 4 0.0% 4 -20.0% 3 -50.0% 4 33.3% 7 -22.2%

165 -9.3% 165 -9.3%49 -26.9% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 50 -29.6%

5,693 -1.6% 274 -7.7% 431 4.4% 6,398 -1.5%5,567 -3.7% 129 -9.2% 173 0.6% 5,869 -3.7%

135 -0.7% 45 -18.2% 62 10.7% 242 -2.0%222 65.7% 108 -2.7% 200 4.7% 530 21.6%

5,644 -2.7% 136 -6.2% 179 3.5% 5,959 -2.6%243 18.0% 103 6.2% 140 6.1% 486 11.7%37 -11.9% 43 -34.8% 116 1.8% 196 -11.7%90 5.9% 49 -16.9% 116 -4.1% 255 -3.8%

232 0.9% 19 -32.1% 15 50.0% 266 -0.7%403 -10.0% 209 -0.5% 297 6.1% 909 -3.1%

2,333 -24.2% 4 -55.6% 4 -33.3% 2,341 -24.3%2,578 27.5% 1 -50.0% 1 -50.0% 2,580 27.3%

288 54.0% 2 100.0% 290 55.1%80 14.3% 40 -9.1% 93 8.1% 213 6.5%

226 1.8% 27 -37.2% 37 -15.9% 290 -6.1%388 -11.4% 388 -11.4%

5,230 -1.7% 215 -2.7% 305 5.5% 5,750 -1.4%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 10

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Science

1,905 4.5% 301 -2.6% 386 3.8% 2,592 3.5%1,087 1.5% 123 -20.1% 109 13.5% 1,319 -0.2%

818 8.8% 178 14.8% 277 0.4% 1,273 7.6%1,397 3.6% 153 -1.3% 131 3.1% 1,681 3.1%

64 1.6% 8 100.0% 2 -50.0% 74 4.2%243 7.0% 23 -8.0% 24 100.0% 290 9.8%175 15.1% 13 -7.1% 19 90.0% 207 17.6%

8 0.0% 2 100.0% 2 0.0% 12 9.1%13 -23.5% 99 -2.9% 205 -4.7% 317 -5.1%

5 -37.5% 3 -62.5% 3 50.0% 11 -38.9%

1,301 5.8% 1 0.0% 1,302 5.8%571 0.9% 140 12.9% 51 37.8% 762 4.8%19 -5.0% 101 -12.2% 198 5.3% 318 -1.5%12 71.4% 39 -11.4% 121 -8.3% 172 -6.0%

2 100.0% 20 -20.0% 16 6.7% 38 -5.0%2 -80.0% 2 -80.0%0 -100.0% 8 700.0% 8 100.0%

14 -17.6% 5 66.7% 19 -5.0%36 16.1% 36 16.1%

1 -87.5% 2 100.0% 3 -62.5%1,866 5.4% 277 -4.8% 381 3.3% 2,524 3.8%1,777 3.4% 120 -7.0% 76 18.8% 1,973 3.2%

33 -31.3% 17 -19.0% 47 9.3% 97 -13.4%95 66.7% 164 3.1% 263 -0.8% 522 8.5%

1,815 5.6% 120 -7.7% 82 20.6% 2,017 5.2%75 -9.6% 81 6.6% 90 4.7% 246 0.4%15 -28.6% 100 -2.9% 214 -1.8% 329 -3.8%21 23.5% 30 -30.2% 16 -50.0% 67 -27.2%47 -4.1% 17 -19.0% 2 -66.7% 66 -13.2%74 7.2% 249 7.3% 366 10.9% 689 9.2%

966 -14.0% 5 -61.5% 1 -66.7% 972 -14.7%749 40.8% 1 100.0% 750 41.0%48 45.5% 0 -100.0% 48 41.2%20 33.3% 19 -51.3% 13 -55.2% 52 -37.3%44 -6.4% 26 8.3% 3 -25.0% 73 -2.7%65 0.0% 65 0.0%

1,776 4.7% 256 4.1% 370 9.1% 2,402 5.3%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 11

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Veterinary Medicine

1,699 -3.9% 59 -6.3% 63 -29.2% 509 -0.2% 2,330 -4.1%1,159 -2.3% 44 0.0% 34 -29.2% 375 0.5% 1,612 -2.4%

540 -7.2% 15 -21.1% 29 -29.3% 134 -2.2% 718 -7.8%1,269 -6.1% 42 13.5% 29 -32.6% 452 -1.3% 1,792 -5.1%

35 -5.4% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 4 0.0% 41 -2.4%231 0.9% 6 50.0% 2 0.0% 30 3.4% 269 1.9%145 19.8% 3 -25.0% 3 -25.0% 16 23.1% 167 17.6%

8 -27.3% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 10 -16.7%8 -20.0% 6 -66.7% 26 -27.8% 40 -37.5%3 -66.7% 2 -33.3% 6 20.0% 11 -35.3%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

1,193 -7.0% 1 100.0% 2 0.0% 1,196 -6.9%497 6.4% 28 -3.4% 6 -50.0% 244 -0.8% 775 2.8%

7 -41.7% 17 -19.0% 25 -34.2% 202 6.3% 251 -3.8%1 -75.0% 11 37.5% 22 -21.4% 52 -14.8% 86 -14.9%1 0.0% 2 -60.0% 10 -9.1% 9 -18.2% 22 -21.4%7 16.7% 7 16.7%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 8 14.3% 2 100.0% 10 25.0%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%5 -44.4% 0 -100.0% 5 -50.0%

1,687 -2.9% 51 -7.3% 61 -29.9% 509 -0.2% 2,308 -3.4%1,612 -6.4% 39 8.3% 24 -29.4% 461 -3.2% 2,136 -5.8%

21 -16.0% 4 0.0% 4 -50.0% 4 -20.0% 33 -21.4%66 214.3% 16 -30.4% 35 -25.5% 44 51.7% 161 34.2%

1,651 -4.0% 40 8.1% 26 -27.8% 469 -1.5% 2,186 -3.7%40 8.1% 13 62.5% 10 -41.2% 40 17.6% 103 7.3%

8 -27.3% 6 -66.7% 27 -25.0% 41 -36.9%17 183.3% 11 -15.4% 12 9.1% 40 33.3%38 -9.5% 9 80.0% 2 -33.3% 49 -2.0%

101 46.4% 33 -25.0% 47 -36.5% 181 -3.2%836 -27.7% 6 500.0% 2 100.0% 0 -100.0% 844 -27.2%673 45.0% 673 45.0%34 9.7% 509 0.0% 543 0.6%17 240.0% 7 16.7% 10 11.1% 34 70.0%37 -9.8% 13 8.3% 4 -20.0% 54 -6.9%98 42.0% 98 42.0%

1,547 -6.4% 39 -13.3% 49 -34.7% 509 -0.2% 2,144 -6.1%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 12

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College General Studies

3,207 -5.1% 3,207 -5.1%1,438 -2.2% 1,438 -2.2%1,769 -7.2% 1,769 -7.2%2,449 -6.2% 2,449 -6.2%

112 -3.4% 112 -3.4%478 -2.4% 478 -2.4%121 0.8% 121 0.8%24 26.3% 24 26.3%17 21.4% 17 21.4%

6 -14.3% 6 -14.3%1 0.0% 1 0.0%

3,030 -4.4% 3,030 -4.4%166 -12.2% 166 -12.2%

7 -41.7% 7 -41.7%3 -40.0% 3 -40.0%

15 7.1% 15 7.1%

31 19.2% 31 19.2%29 -12.1% 29 -12.1%

3,132 -5.2% 3,132 -5.2%3,062 -6.0% 3,062 -6.0%

71 10.9% 71 10.9%74 27.6% 74 27.6%

3,098 -5.1% 3,098 -5.1%91 -5.2% 91 -5.2%18 12.5% 18 12.5%

441 0.0% 441 0.0%65 0.0% 65 0.0%72 -28.7% 72 -28.7%

1,605 -21.9% 1,605 -21.9%996 41.7% 996 41.7%28 133.3% 28 133.3%

439 -0.2% 439 -0.2%65 0.0% 65 0.0%69 -31.7% 69 -31.7%

2,634 -5.0% 2,634 -5.0%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 13

Demographic SummarySpring 2006

College Other - Special Populations

43 7.5% 163 158.7% 153 1430.0% 359 217.7%21 16.7% 78 110.8% 74 100.0% 173 214.5%22 0.0% 85 226.9% 79 690.0% 186 220.7%

79 192.6% 60 5900.0% 139 396.4% 3 200.0% 1 100.0% 4 300.0% 16 166.7% 4 100.0% 20 233.3% 6 50.0% 4 100.0% 10 150.0%

43 7.5% 58 152.2% 82 811.1% 183 154.2% 1 -50.0% 2 100.0% 3 50.0%

13 18.2% 13 18.2%29 0.0% 70 180.0% 13 100.0% 112 107.4%

1 100.0% 64 204.8% 67 2133.3% 132 450.0% 25 150.0% 58 728.6% 83 388.2% 4 -42.9% 15 100.0% 19 171.4% 11 -21.4% 11 -21.4% 12 100.0% 2 100.0% 14 133.3%

43 7.5% 140 225.6% 151 1410.0% 334 259.1% 78 116.7% 50 100.0% 128 255.6%

43 10.3% 19 171.4% 21 2000.0% 83 76.6%0 -100.0% 66 230.0% 82 811.1% 148 393.3%

79 113.5% 51 100.0% 130 251.4% 25 733.3% 20 1900.0% 45 1025.0%

43 7.5% 59 156.5% 82 811.1% 184 155.6%0 -100.0% 41 36.7% 19 100.0% 60 93.5%

19 137.5% 0 -100.0% 19 111.1% 84 500.0% 130 1344.4% 214 830.4%

23 -14.8% 19 111.1% 2 100.0% 44 22.2%17 54.5% 0 -100.0% 1 100.0% 18 38.5%

3 200.0% 1 100.0% 4 300.0% 30 15.4% 17 100.0% 47 80.8% 27 145.5% 2 100.0% 29 141.7%

43 7.5% 106 307.7% 134 1388.9% 283 277.3%

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 14

Demographic Summary by ClassificationUndergraduate Students

Spring 2006

55 5,728 7,653 8,674 11,292 91 33,49322 2,801 3,769 4,206 5,589 41 16,42833 2,927 3,884 4,468 5,703 50 17,065

7 4,271 6,163 7,162 9,240 72 26,915 255 194 195 252 1 897 859 906 846 1,094 8 3,713

2 249 274 301 377 4 1,207 29 42 34 67 1 173

45 60 61 117 200 3 4861 5 13 19 62 2 102

2 1 318 5,689 7,144 4,847 1,035 18,73333 31 451 3,602 9,488 43 13,648

2 5 44 140 549 31 7711 1 11 55 149 10 2271 3 30 70 7 1113 417 962 1,571 2,116 19 5,088

135 255 357 533 1 1,281 564 800 1,209 1,230 3,803 371 714 1,155 1,679 34 3,953

4 1,123 1,309 1,459 2,226 27 6,148 56 89 115 178 4 442 647 1,242 1,786 2,249 5,924

2 436 451 462 548 6 1,905 405 384 379 531 1,699

3 1,574 1,447 181 2 3,20743 43

90 5 95 7 7 36 495 216 30 1 778 20 49 72 79 2 222

55 5,582 7,104 8,386 11,183 81 32,39110 5,321 7,190 8,230 10,653 82 31,48645 141 156 191 266 4 803

266 307 253 373 5 1,20410 5,462 7,328 8,277 10,729 85 31,891

204 260 276 351 3 1,09445 62 65 121 212 3 508

5 316 181 77 315 7 9013 42 139 169 1,044 16 1,4132 45 239 343 1,327 26 1,982

25 2,961 3,819 3,984 4,693 26 15,50817 2,319 3,132 3,796 3,384 14 12,662

3 45 143 305 529 2 1,0275 311 176 43 233 7 7753 42 137 164 737 12 1,0952 43 235 339 1,238 10 1,867

45 5,332 7,105 8,128 9,084 62 29,75650 3,339 4,548 5,306 6,785 70 20,098

5 2,389 3,105 3,368 4,507 21 13,3957 3,995 5,413 6,029 7,525 57 23,026

48 83 145 321 869 13 1,479 1,650 2,095 2,324 2,898 21 8,988

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations


1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Spring 2006 U0: UGNon-Degree





U5: UndergraduatePB


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 15

Demographic Summary by ClassificationGraduate Students

Spring 2006

295 3,930 3,359 5 7,589127 1,607 1,320 2 3,056168 2,323 2,039 3 4,533210 2,284 1,296 2 3,792

9 132 136 27726 276 220 522

6 119 82 2073 9 11 23

36 1,055 1,569 3 2,6635 55 45 105

13 1 14102 1,931 175 1 2,209

79 1,260 1,233 3 2,57564 525 1,341 1,93050 201 609 1 86138 476 441 1 956

7 305 100 4124 680 67 751

81 459 700 1 1,24122 1,009 894 2 1,92774 125 199

3 138 120 26117 265 435 71717 284 386 687

2 56 63 1 12230 133 153 316

119 119 358 91 4 453 10 3 13

176 3,562 3,265 1 7,004236 2,207 1,215 2 3,660

34 345 428 3 81025 1,378 1,716 3,119

248 2,249 1,264 2 3,76312 617 502 1,13135 1,064 1,593 3 2,695

158 485 745 1,38882 350 177 1 61039 2,155 2,348 4 4,54615 720 73 808

1 139 10 150 81 6 87

137 381 607 1,125100 422 297 1 820

58 3,127 2,455 4 5,644

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineOther - Special Populations


1st Time PB1st Time GraduateReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006 G6: PBNon-Degree



G9: GRConditional


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 16

Demographic Summary by ClassificationProfessional Students

Spring 2006

128 126 130 125 50996 85 99 95 37532 41 31 30 134

111 114 114 113 4522 1 1 47 5 11 7 306 5 3 2 161 11 1 1 3 62 2

93 74 52 25 24427 41 56 78 2026 11 16 19 52

6 3 9128 126 130 125 509128 126 130 125 509118 114 118 111 461

2 1 1 410 10 11 13 44

119 117 120 113 4699 9 10 12 40

128 126 130 125 509128 126 130 125 509

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

Veterinary MedicineCollegeContinuingEnrollment StatusResident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US Resident

Residency Status

>17 SCHSCH CategoriesFull-TimeFt/Pt: TAMU Status

Spring 2006 V1: 1st YearVeterinary

V2: 2nd YearVeterinary

V3: 3rd YearVeterinary

V4: 4th YearVeterinary


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 17

Residency Status by Tuition Status by CollegeSpring 2006

5,273 -1.0% 13 44.4% 73 421.4% 5,359 0.2% 97 -19.8% 263 -3.7% 360 -8.6%

7 -22.2% 84 -7.7% 234 -26.9% 325 -22.6%5,280 -1.0% 194 -12.2% 570 -6.1% 6,044 -1.9%1,420 2.7% 1 0.0% 21 2000.0% 1,442 4.1%

22 -4.3% 49 0.0% 71 -1.4%3 50.0% 37 -19.6% 140 -20.0% 180 -19.3%

1,423 2.7% 60 -14.3% 210 -6.7% 1,693 0.8%4,219 -0.1% 0 -100.0% 39 290.0% 4,258 0.5%

30 -16.7% 90 4.7% 120 -1.6%8 0.0% 42 10.5% 126 1.6% 176 3.5%

4,227 -0.1% 72 -4.0% 255 15.9% 4,554 0.6%4,848 1.5% 11 57.1% 52 940.0% 4,911 2.6%

64 1.6% 98 10.1% 162 6.6%4 -50.0% 43 59.3% 74 -11.9% 121 1.7%

4,852 1.4% 118 21.6% 224 25.8% 5,194 2.7%5,994 3.3% 22 0.0% 95 331.8% 6,111 4.5%

0 -100.0% 120 -12.4% 334 11.7% 454 3.9%31 -34.0% 460 -2.7% 1,019 -7.0% 1,510 -6.6%

6,025 3.0% 602 -4.7% 1,448 2.2% 8,075 2.2%135 -4.3% 2 100.0% 8 166.7% 145 0.7%

4 300.0% 34 54.5% 38 65.2%1 100.0% 1 -50.0% 14 27.3% 16 23.1%

136 -3.5% 7 133.3% 56 55.6% 199 10.6%495 -0.8% 12 500.0% 507 1.2%

23 -8.0% 66 -16.5% 89 -14.4%1 -80.0% 15 15.4% 91 -5.2% 107 -6.1%

496 -1.6% 38 0.0% 169 -4.5% 703 -2.2%5,863 -3.6% 11 -31.3% 85 304.8% 5,959 -2.6%

162 8.0% 324 13.7% 486 11.7%6 -45.5% 69 -14.8% 121 -6.9% 196 -11.7%

5,869 -3.7% 242 -2.0% 530 21.6% 6,641 -2.0%1,967 3.4% 5 25.0% 45 309.1% 2,017 5.2%

39 -31.6% 207 10.1% 246 0.4%6 -33.3% 53 3.9% 270 -4.3% 329 -3.8%

1,973 3.2% 97 -13.4% 522 8.5% 2,592 3.5%2,132 -5.7% 2 -50.0% 52 1633.3% 2,186 -3.7%

23 -14.8% 80 15.9% 103 7.3%4 -33.3% 8 -27.3% 29 -39.6% 41 -36.9%

2,136 -5.8% 33 -21.4% 161 34.2% 2,330 -4.1%3,057 -6.0% 11 22.2% 30 500.0% 3,098 -5.1%

51 13.3% 40 -21.6% 91 -5.2%5 25.0% 9 -10.0% 4 100.0% 18 12.5%

3,062 -6.0% 71 10.9% 74 27.6% 3,207 -5.1%128 265.7% 2 0.0% 130 251.4%

8 700.0% 37 1133.3% 45 1025.0%0 -100.0% 75 63.0% 109 336.0% 184 155.6%

128 255.6% 83 76.6% 148 393.3% 359 217.7%35,531 -0.4% 78 6.8% 514 419.2% 36,123 0.7%

0 -100.0% 643 -6.3% 1,622 8.6% 2,265 3.9%76 -30.9% 896 0.8% 2,231 -6.8% 3,203 -5.6%

35,607 -0.5% 1,617 -1.9% 4,367 9.6% 41,591 0.4%

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal

G. BushSchool ofGovt

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal

Liberal Arts

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US ResidentSubtotal

Other -SpecialPopulations

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


Grand Total

Spring 2006# % chg

Resident Tuition# % chg


# % chg


# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 18

Headcount by College by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

140 181 67 98 23 24 64 58 262 261 2,266 2,564 18 18 2,840 3,204 6,04464 116 9 15 1 4 22 27 53 117 358 895 2 10 509 1,184 1,69357 115 49 42 5 12 72 80 177 162 1,986 1,774 7 16 2,353 2,201 4,55487 34 171 65 14 4 47 30 381 165 3,202 969 14 11 3,916 1,278 5,194

232 1,260 83 142 3 28 81 256 176 599 859 4,320 3 33 1,437 6,638 8,0755 9 5 3 1 3 13 9 57 92 2 80 119 199

35 69 2 4 2 3 4 11 22 26 203 315 3 4 271 432 70373 115 142 50 22 5 89 81 440 345 3,128 2,110 17 24 3,911 2,730 6,64195 222 45 29 6 6 102 105 162 128 902 779 7 4 1,319 1,273 2,59218 22 28 13 5 5 113 54 189 80 1,251 541 8 3 1,612 718 2,330

9 8 52 60 8 16 44 77 220 258 1,102 1,347 3 3 1,438 1,769 3,20783 100 1 3 7 3 11 9 69 70 2 1 173 186 359

898 2,251 654 524 89 108 645 785 2,106 2,159 15,383 15,776 84 129 19,859 21,732 41,591

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special PopulationsGrand Total

Spring 2006Female Male

InternationalFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

Am. IndianFemale Male

AsianFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

WhiteFemale Male

Unknown/OtherFemale Male

Grand TotalTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 19

Headcount by Level by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

13,311 -1.9% 1,124 1.3% 614 2.0% 334 -0.3% 15,383 -1.5%486 10.2% 73 -5.2% 94 5.6% 1 -50.0% 654 7.4%

1,818 10.2% 144 -4.0% 122 15.1% 22 0.0% 2,106 9.3%545 11.7% 52 0.0% 36 20.0% 12 20.0% 645 11.2%74 -6.3% 8 100.0% 6 100.0% 1 100.0% 89 3.5%

151 -1.3% 314 -18.4% 433 -1.4% 898 -8.1%43 -32.8% 21 -36.4% 15 15.4% 5 25.0% 84 -26.3%

16,428 -0.1% 1,736 -4.1% 1,320 3.0% 375 0.5% 19,859 -0.2%13,604 -0.1% 1,372 2.5% 682 0.6% 118 -4.1% 15,776 0.1%

411 14.2% 68 33.3% 42 7.7% 3 50.0% 524 15.9%1,895 8.8% 158 6.8% 98 16.7% 8 14.3% 2,159 9.0%

662 9.8% 73 0.0% 46 43.8% 4 33.3% 785 10.4%99 2.1% 4 33.3% 5 -16.7% 0 -100.0% 108 0.9%

335 -7.5% 780 -6.3% 1,136 -2.5% 2,251 -4.6%59 -39.2% 39 18.2% 30 15.4% 1 0.0% 129 -17.8%

17,065 1.1% 2,494 0.6% 2,039 0.4% 134 -2.2% 21,732 1.0%33,493 0.5% 4,230 -1.4% 3,359 1.4% 509 -0.2% 41,591 0.4%

WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/OtherSubtotal


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/OtherSubtotal


Grand Total

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 20

Headcount by Department by LevelSpring 2006

496 1.4% 40 -37.5% 54 12.5% 590 -1.8%910 1.6% 62 17.0% 37 -15.9% 1,009 1.6%696 -3.3% 76 -30.9% 31 -41.5% 803 -9.1%290 -10.2% 23 -4.2% 19 -5.0% 332 -9.5%327 5.1% 43 -12.2% 71 -26.0% 441 -3.3%313 -3.7% 4 300.0% 317 -2.8%102 32.5% 23 -17.9% 29 -9.4% 154 12.4%

53 -7.0% 10 -16.7% 6 -25.0% 69 -10.4%144 -1.4% 13 -35.0% 16 -38.5% 173 -9.9%497 21.8% 497 21.8%185 11.4% 9 80.0% 16 -11.1% 210 11.1%144 -21.3% 15 -37.5% 15 -25.0% 174 -23.3%148 -5.1% 29 -3.3% 15 -40.0% 192 -9.0%294 10.1% 27 50.0% 36 -2.7% 357 10.9%111 -6.7% 37 -40.3% 32 -38.5% 180 -22.7%378 1.3% 104 4.0% 64 -7.2% 546 0.7%

5,088 1.4% 515 -14.2% 441 -19.5% 6,044 -1.9%538 8.2% 177 -6.8% 50 -15.3% 765 2.5%617 4.0% 62 -6.1% 679 3.0%126 -3.8% 73 -23.2% 50 2.0% 249 -9.5%

1,281 4.9% 312 -11.1% 100 -7.4% 1,693 0.8%593 -6.5% 139 5.3% 15 7.1% 747 -4.2%

1,542 2.6% 177 -1.1% 1,719 2.2%571 1.1% 191 3.8% 9 -10.0% 771 1.6%160 6.0% 129 21.7% 9 -10.0% 298 11.6%385 4.9% 22 -37.1% 18 -25.0% 425 -0.2%552 -3.2% 26 -7.1% 16 6.7% 594 -3.1%

3,803 0.3% 684 3.0% 67 -8.2% 4,554 0.6%353 18.5% 353 18.5%

154 -5.5% 315 -3.4% 469 -4.1%255 100.0% 114 -15.6% 151 -5.6% 520 76.3%

1,707 8.9% 64 -9.9% 57 9.6% 1,828 8.1%1,638 -17.0% 209 32.3% 177 15.7% 2,024 -11.4%3,953 2.9% 541 2.7% 700 1.3% 5,194 2.7%






Business Admin



Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 21

Headcount by Department by LevelSpring 2006

471 12.4% 60 9.1% 38 -13.6% 569 9.8%327 19.3% 40 29.0% 30 3.4% 397 18.9%431 6.4% 56 3.7% 69 -9.2% 556 3.9%

1 100.0% 19 -13.6% 20 -9.1%504 -11.6% 132 -14.8% 155 -2.5% 791 -10.5%982 5.0% 149 -13.4% 135 11.6% 1,266 3.1%797 -7.9% 155 -5.5% 176 -3.3% 1,128 -6.9%817 -2.0% 25 78.6% 842 -0.7%277 8.2% 71 -6.6% 64 16.4% 412 6.5%

1,032 8.5% 170 -7.6% 129 -0.8% 1,331 5.2%169 3.0% 49 2.1% 34 6.3% 252 3.3%341 20.5% 125 16.8% 45 36.4% 511 20.8%

6,148 3.2% 1,033 -2.5% 894 1.2% 8,075 2.2% 199 10.6% 199 10.6% 199 10.6% 199 10.6%

144 12.5% 31 -3.1% 26 0.0% 201 8.1%45 15.4% 0 -100.0% 45 12.5%

142 -12.3% 29 0.0% 28 16.7% 199 -7.4%111 3.7% 45 -30.8% 39 -2.5% 195 -8.0%

36 -2.7% 27 -6.9% 63 -4.5%442 1.4% 141 -14.0% 120 0.8% 703 -2.2%120 -0.8% 65 -3.0% 42 13.5% 227 0.9%451 15.6% 5 25.0% 456 15.7%858 8.7% 18 -5.3% 38 8.6% 914 8.4%480 -9.6% 34 -29.2% 66 13.8% 580 -8.9%699 2.8% 29 -19.4% 73 0.0% 801 1.5%

25 -13.8% 25 -13.8%111 7.8% 8 -33.3% 12 71.4% 131 7.4%655 4.1% 36 33.3% 43 0.0% 734 5.0%

95 -13.6% 20 -13.0% 7 0.0% 122 -12.9%914 -0.3% 7 -36.4% 58 1.8% 979 -0.6%

75 -20.2% 75 -20.2%1,083 -12.2% 34 47.8% 52 -10.3% 1,169 -11.0%

358 13.7% 26 -3.7% 44 0.0% 428 10.9%5,924 -0.3% 282 -5.1% 435 3.8% 6,641 -0.2%1,312 5.1% 44 33.3% 46 -22.0% 1,402 4.6%

250 7.8% 108 -7.7% 152 19.7% 510 7.1%249 -4.6% 63 -23.2% 59 -4.8% 371 -8.4%

94 14.6% 53 20.5% 94 10.6% 241 14.2% 33 0.0% 35 -10.3% 68 -5.6%

1,905 4.5% 301 -2.6% 386 3.8% 2,592 3.5%




G. Bush Schoolof Govt




Liberal Arts



Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 22

Headcount by Department by LevelSpring 2006

1,699 -3.9% 509 -0.2% 2,208 -3.1% 21 50.0% 15 -51.6% 36 -20.0% 5 66.7% 5 66.7% 3 -40.0% 3 -40.0% 26 -16.1% 38 2.7% 64 -5.9% 4 -60.0% 10 -52.4% 14 -54.8%

1,699 -3.9% 59 -6.3% 63 -29.2% 509 -0.2% 2,330 -4.1%3,207 -5.1% 3,207 -5.1%3,207 -5.1% 3,207 -5.1%

7 -36.4% 7 -36.4% 132 500.0% 153 1430.0% 285 790.6%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 3 0.0% 3 0.0%

43 10.3% 5 -16.7% 48 6.7% 16 -23.8% 16 -23.8%

43 7.5% 163 158.7% 153 1430.0% 359 217.7%33,493 0.9% 4,230 -1.1% 3,359 1.4% 509 -0.2% 41,591 0.7%




General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 23

Headcount by Department by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

1 45 2 448 2 1 37 2 52 590 44 12 854 5 10 47 4 33 1,009

2 1 33 5 655 7 7 62 31 8031 8 4 277 1 5 17 1 18 332

8 3 316 1 42 71 441 7 11 295 2 2 317 3 1 98 1 22 29 154 3 2 48 1 2 7 6 69 1 9 3 131 1 12 16 173

1 1 17 3 475 497 3 2 180 9 16 210 8 136 2 4 9 15 174 1 6 1 140 1 1 27 1 14 192

1 17 2 274 3 24 2 34 357 4 1 106 3 34 32 180

2 1 13 9 353 5 11 88 2 62 5468 5 228 61 4,786 24 51 1 439 12 429 6,0443 14 3 518 3 1 173 1 49 7651 19 3 594 9 53 679

3 123 1 72 50 2494 36 6 1,235 3 10 1 298 1 99 1,693

1 592 26 113 15 74716 2 8 1,516 2 175 1,719

2 569 38 153 9 771 1 159 23 106 9 298 385 22 18 425 3 549 1 25 16 594

16 2 15 3,770 2 88 594 67 4,554 9 8 336 353 10 22 122 8 2 305 469

1 10 244 4 10 100 151 5204 70 8 1,625 2 8 1 53 3 54 1,828

59 6 1,573 11 28 170 16 1 160 2,0245 148 22 3,778 27 68 1 445 27 3 670 5,1944 7 460 5 55 1 37 5692 4 321 2 38 2 28 3971 12 1 417 5 51 3 66 556

1 19 203 8 493 10 122 1 154 791

17 12 953 1 25 123 9 126 1,2662 15 5 775 2 19 1 133 7 169 1,128

19 5 793 25 8422 6 2 267 1 9 61 64 4123 1 25 2 1,001 3 11 1 155 4 125 1,3311 3 165 6 43 1 33 2523 3 2 333 4 10 2 109 6 39 511

21 1 119 29 5,978 11 102 4 916 34 860 8,075 28 171 199 28 171 199 1 6 137 1 30 1 25 201 2 43 45 1 4 137 1 2 26 1 27 199 4 1 106 45 39 195 3 33 2 25 63 1 13 5 423 1 6 134 4 116 703






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt



Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 24

Headcount by Department by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

4 116 1 64 42 2273 9 4 435 1 4 4562 28 2 826 1 17 2 36 9141 25 5 449 34 66 5802 14 6 677 1 28 1 72 801

25 25 3 3 105 8 1 11 131 20 6 629 2 1 33 43 734

3 2 3 87 1 19 7 1223 21 5 885 7 58 9791 1 73 751 32 8 1,042 34 52 1,1691 7 6 344 26 44 428

17 165 49 5,693 4 3 1 274 4 431 6,6412 33 1,277 1 43 46 1,402

250 2 4 1 101 152 510 2 1 246 5 2 1 55 1 58 371 1 93 1 6 46 3 91 241 1 32 1 34 68

2 36 1 1,866 8 14 2 277 5 381 2,5927 5 1,687 509 2,208

4 17 2 13 36 5 5 3 3 3 23 38 64 1 3 10 14

7 5 1,687 8 51 2 61 509 2,33015 31 29 3,132 3,20715 31 29 3,132 3,207

7 7 12 120 2 151 285 3 3 43 3 2 48 8 8 16 43 11 12 140 2 151 359

95 7 778 222 32,391 119 362 10 3,739 91 3 3,265 509 41,591


Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 25

Headcount by Department by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

494 0.0% 2 100.0% 31 6.9% 2 -33.3% 3 -25.0% 56 -18.8% 2 100.0% 590 -1.8%857 -2.2% 52 79.3% 69 25.5% 7 16.7% 13 -13.3% 9 28.6% 2 -60.0% 1,009 1.6%689 -9.0% 10 -28.6% 70 20.7% 9 -10.0% 5 0.0% 17 -50.0% 3 -40.0% 803 -9.1%271 -9.1% 8 -20.0% 20 11.1% 3 -40.0% 1 -66.7% 27 -10.0% 2 -33.3% 332 -9.5%258 -10.4% 11 37.5% 54 25.6% 47 38.2% 1 0.0% 65 -17.7% 5 66.7% 441 -3.3%218 3.3% 35 -30.0% 48 -14.3% 9 125.0% 1 100.0% 4 33.3% 2 0.0% 317 -2.8%106 9.3% 8 166.7% 20 5.3% 4 33.3% 1 100.0% 13 0.0% 2 0.0% 154 12.4%

54 -12.9% 3 50.0% 4 33.3% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 -28.6% 1 0.0% 69 -10.4%145 -11.0% 2 0.0% 10 66.7% 3 0.0% 13 -23.5% 0 -100.0% 173 -9.9%406 20.1% 8 60.0% 55 31.0% 15 7.1% 3 0.0% 8 60.0% 2 100.0% 497 21.8%139 10.3% 7 -12.5% 36 20.0% 12 100.0% 2 -33.3% 13 0.0% 1 -66.7% 210 11.1%140 -21.8% 1 0.0% 16 -20.0% 1 -50.0% 1 100.0% 14 -39.1% 1 -50.0% 174 -23.3%162 -10.5% 1 -50.0% 14 75.0% 2 0.0% 0 -100.0% 10 -28.6% 3 0.0% 192 -9.0%285 7.5% 7 600.0% 25 19.0% 2 100.0% 6 100.0% 28 0.0% 4 33.3% 357 10.9%149 -15.3% 4 0.0% 5 -16.7% 2 100.0% 2 100.0% 17 -63.0% 1 0.0% 180 -22.7%457 3.6% 6 -25.0% 46 -11.5% 3 -25.0% 7 133.3% 22 -12.0% 5 -44.4% 546 0.7%

4,830 -2.5% 165 11.5% 523 12.2% 122 24.5% 47 11.9% 321 -22.3% 36 -20.0% 6,044 -1.9%542 4.2% 11 22.2% 85 14.9% 37 19.4% 2 -50.0% 83 -17.8% 5 -28.6% 765 2.5%558 1.3% 7 40.0% 65 38.3% 9 -10.0% 2 -33.3% 34 -15.0% 4 33.3% 679 3.0%153 -4.4% 6 20.0% 20 0.0% 3 0.0% 1 -50.0% 63 -22.2% 3 -25.0% 249 -9.5%

1,253 1.8% 24 26.3% 170 20.6% 49 11.4% 5 -44.4% 180 -18.9% 12 -14.3% 1,693 0.8%642 -4.5% 10 -23.1% 45 4.7% 30 -6.3% 3 200.0% 14 -12.5% 3 0.0% 747 -4.2%

1,399 -4.0% 46 64.3% 177 67.0% 54 5.9% 5 -28.6% 30 20.0% 8 0.0% 1,719 2.2%666 2.1% 10 -37.5% 42 2.4% 25 13.6% 4 100.0% 18 -10.0% 6 -25.0% 771 1.6%184 15.0% 5 -28.6% 11 10.0% 10 11.1% 2 -33.3% 85 10.4% 1 0.0% 298 11.6%347 1.5% 14 0.0% 32 -8.6% 18 0.0% 1 -50.0% 10 -23.1% 3 50.0% 425 -0.2%522 -1.7% 6 -45.5% 32 -15.8% 15 36.4% 2 -33.3% 15 -6.3% 2 -33.3% 594 -3.1%

3,760 -1.4% 91 2.2% 339 24.2% 152 6.3% 17 6.3% 172 3.0% 23 -8.0% 4,554 0.6%281 17.1% 14 55.6% 45 21.6% 7 -22.2% 2 100.0% 3 200.0% 1 0.0% 353 18.5%298 -4.2% 52 -5.5% 80 -4.8% 2 -33.3% 2 100.0% 28 7.7% 7 -22.2% 469 -4.1%325 75.7% 21 10.5% 122 149.0% 11 120.0% 2 100.0% 38 11.8% 1 -50.0% 520 76.3%

1,522 6.5% 72 35.8% 165 19.6% 35 16.7% 5 -16.7% 21 -19.2% 8 -11.1% 1,828 8.1%1,745 -10.5% 77 6.9% 134 -32.7% 22 29.4% 7 -30.0% 31 0.0% 8 14.3% 2,024 -11.4%4,171 1.4% 236 13.5% 546 7.7% 77 20.3% 18 -5.3% 121 2.5% 25 -10.7% 5,194 2.7%

405 7.4% 11 175.0% 67 31.4% 14 0.0% 70 0.0% 2 0.0% 569 9.8%242 21.0% 12 20.0% 47 14.6% 43 22.9% 2 -33.3% 49 16.7% 2 -33.3% 397 18.9%333 1.5% 22 83.3% 63 28.6% 20 -23.1% 3 200.0% 113 -2.6% 2 -33.3% 556 3.9%

5 -37.5% 1 -50.0% 1 100.0% 13 8.3% 20 -9.1%481 -9.6% 24 9.1% 60 -7.7% 42 0.0% 1 100.0% 179 -17.9% 4 -20.0% 791 -10.5%878 3.9% 16 -33.3% 130 26.2% 42 50.0% 3 -40.0% 194 -9.8% 3 -62.5% 1,266 3.1%580 -6.6% 33 50.0% 104 -5.5% 63 -22.2% 2 100.0% 346 -7.2% 0 -100.0% 1,128 -6.9%699 -0.1% 25 8.7% 70 14.8% 26 -27.8% 5 0.0% 9 -35.7% 8 -11.1% 842 -0.7%202 27.8% 25 19.0% 49 -9.3% 14 -22.2% 122 -9.0% 0 -100.0% 412 6.5%905 5.7% 36 63.6% 121 22.2% 41 36.7% 11 83.3% 209 -14.0% 8 -11.1% 1,331 5.2%179 9.1% 2 0.0% 21 -8.7% 14 7.7% 1 -50.0% 32 -8.6% 3 -40.0% 252 3.3%270 15.4% 18 38.5% 42 23.5% 18 28.6% 3 50.0% 156 26.8% 4 33.3% 511 20.8%

5,179 3.1% 225 27.1% 775 12.3% 337 0.0% 31 24.0% 1,492 -6.5% 36 -30.8% 8,075 2.2%149 5.7% 8 14.3% 22 46.7% 3 -25.0% 1 0.0% 14 27.3% 2 100.0% 199 10.6%149 5.7% 8 14.3% 22 46.7% 3 -25.0% 1 0.0% 14 27.3% 2 100.0% 199 10.6%






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 26

Headcount by Department by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

155 6.2% 1 0.0% 16 23.1% 5 66.7% 21 0.0% 3 50.0% 201 8.1%37 12.1% 5 25.0% 3 0.0% 45 12.5%

154 -4.3% 5 150.0% 13 -48.0% 3 50.0% 3 50.0% 19 -9.5% 2 0.0% 199 -7.4%131 -9.7% 0 -100.0% 12 9.1% 3 0.0% 2 100.0% 45 -6.3% 2 -33.3% 195 -8.0%

41 -2.4% 2 0.0% 1 0.0% 19 -9.5% 63 -4.5%518 -1.7% 6 50.0% 48 -12.7% 15 25.0% 5 66.7% 104 -6.3% 7 0.0% 703 -2.2%184 0.0% 1 100.0% 16 -5.9% 5 66.7% 0 -100.0% 17 6.3% 4 0.0% 227 0.9%328 12.7% 15 36.4% 85 19.7% 18 100.0% 4 0.0% 3 -50.0% 3 50.0% 456 15.7%790 8.2% 17 54.5% 78 8.3% 11 0.0% 2 -50.0% 10 0.0% 6 20.0% 914 8.4%396 -8.8% 9 -25.0% 57 -19.7% 29 16.0% 0 -100.0% 86 -3.4% 3 -40.0% 580 -8.9%670 1.1% 28 16.7% 55 10.0% 15 15.4% 6 -14.3% 24 -4.0% 3 -57.1% 801 1.5%

20 -13.0% 0 -100.0% 2 -33.3% 2 100.0% 1 0.0% 25 -13.8%76 -2.6% 0 -100.0% 52 26.8% 1 0.0% 2 100.0% 131 7.4%

630 1.8% 15 87.5% 63 28.6% 9 50.0% 4 100.0% 4 33.3% 9 -25.0% 734 5.0%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

100 -8.3% 3 -25.0% 9 -40.0% 3 -25.0% 4 -20.0% 3 0.0% 122 -12.9%784 -1.3% 27 -6.9% 122 10.9% 23 -4.2% 3 -50.0% 16 -5.9% 4 -20.0% 979 -0.6%

56 -30.9% 4 300.0% 14 16.7% 1 100.0% 75 -20.2%906 -12.4% 43 -12.2% 166 1.2% 35 -2.8% 5 -28.6% 11 -35.3% 3 -57.1% 1,169 -11.0%298 10.0% 30 25.0% 66 24.5% 18 50.0% 3 -25.0% 11 -45.0% 2 0.0% 428 10.9%

5,238 -3.2% 192 7.3% 785 6.7% 170 15.6% 27 -25.0% 188 -12.6% 41 -25.5% 6,641 -2.0%990 6.1% 48 4.3% 172 -0.6% 145 13.3% 7 0.0% 39 -17.0% 1 -83.3% 1,402 4.6%288 5.9% 18 20.0% 62 17.0% 33 22.2% 3 0.0% 102 2.0% 4 -33.3% 510 7.1%268 -10.1% 4 -42.9% 35 25.0% 16 14.3% 44 -18.5% 4 0.0% 371 -8.4%114 12.9% 4 100.0% 20 122.2% 10 100.0% 2 100.0% 90 -2.2% 1 0.0% 241 14.2%

21 -19.2% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 3 50.0% 42 2.4% 1 0.0% 68 -5.6%1,681 3.1% 74 4.2% 290 9.8% 207 17.6% 12 9.1% 317 -5.1% 11 -38.9% 2,592 3.5%1,721 -4.9% 39 -4.9% 261 1.2% 161 20.1% 9 -25.0% 8 -20.0% 9 -35.7% 2,208 -3.1%

24 -7.7% 1 0.0% 3 50.0% 1 100.0% 7 -53.3% 0 -100.0% 36 -20.0%4 33.3% 1 100.0% 5 66.7%1 -50.0% 1 0.0% 1 -50.0% 3 -40.0%

37 -11.9% 2 100.0% 5 0.0% 1 -50.0% 17 0.0% 2 0.0% 64 -5.9%5 -28.6% 0 -100.0% 1 100.0% 1 -66.7% 7 -65.0% 14 -54.8%

1,792 -5.1% 41 -2.4% 269 1.9% 167 17.6% 10 -16.7% 40 -37.5% 11 -35.3% 2,330 -4.1%2,449 -6.2% 112 -3.4% 478 -2.4% 121 0.8% 24 26.3% 17 21.4% 6 -14.3% 3,207 -5.1%2,449 -6.2% 112 -3.4% 478 -2.4% 121 0.8% 24 26.3% 17 21.4% 6 -14.3% 3,207 -5.1%

2 -50.0% 0 -100.0% 5 0.0% 7 -36.4%127 1054.5% 3 100.0% 16 1500.0% 10 900.0% 127 568.4% 2 100.0% 285 790.6%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%1 -66.7% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 3 0.0%

48 6.7% 48 6.7%9 -10.0% 1 0.0% 3 0.0% 0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 1 -50.0% 16 -23.8%

139 396.4% 4 300.0% 20 233.3% 10 150.0% 183 154.2% 3 50.0% 359 217.7%31,159 -0.7% 1,178 11.0% 4,265 9.2% 1,430 10.8% 197 2.1% 3,149 -5.6% 213 -21.4% 41,591 0.4%




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 27

Headcount by Department by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

163 331 1 1 7 24 1 1 2 1 17 39 2 193 397 590416 441 17 35 32 37 2 5 7 6 4 5 1 1 479 530 1,009415 274 5 5 43 27 6 3 2 3 5 12 2 1 478 325 803

30 241 3 5 4 16 1 2 1 5 22 2 43 289 332156 102 7 4 27 27 24 23 1 38 27 1 4 253 188 441

78 140 6 29 20 28 4 5 1 2 2 1 1 112 205 31759 47 6 2 11 9 1 3 1 5 8 1 1 84 70 154

5 49 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 12 57 6992 53 2 3 7 1 2 5 8 103 70 173

341 65 6 2 46 9 10 5 2 1 7 1 2 414 83 49776 63 4 3 18 18 6 6 1 1 2 11 1 108 102 21050 90 1 4 12 1 1 5 9 1 60 114 17437 125 1 4 10 2 4 6 3 48 144 192

154 131 2 5 14 11 1 1 2 4 21 7 3 1 197 160 35719 130 4 2 3 2 2 5 12 1 29 151 180

175 282 5 1 25 21 3 4 3 13 9 2 3 227 319 5462,266 2,564 67 98 262 261 64 58 23 24 140 181 18 18 2,840 3,204 6,044

251 291 5 6 36 49 19 18 1 1 33 50 2 3 347 418 76550 508 3 4 9 56 2 7 2 9 25 4 73 606 67957 96 1 5 8 12 1 2 1 22 41 3 89 160 249

358 895 9 15 53 117 22 27 1 4 64 116 2 10 509 1,184 1,693383 259 4 6 26 19 17 13 3 6 8 1 2 437 310 747729 670 26 20 81 96 24 30 3 2 11 19 2 6 876 843 1,719263 403 4 6 18 24 6 19 1 3 5 13 1 5 298 473 771

61 123 2 3 4 7 4 6 2 26 59 1 97 201 298182 165 8 6 24 8 13 5 1 5 5 2 1 234 191 425368 154 5 1 24 8 8 7 1 1 4 11 1 1 411 183 594

1,986 1,774 49 42 177 162 72 80 5 12 57 115 7 16 2,353 2,201 4,554169 112 9 5 20 25 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 204 149 353183 115 34 18 53 27 2 2 22 6 4 3 298 171 469290 35 17 4 106 16 9 2 1 1 30 8 1 454 66 520917 605 47 25 86 79 16 19 3 2 7 14 3 5 1,079 749 1,828

1,643 102 64 13 116 18 19 3 7 26 5 6 2 1,881 143 2,0243,202 969 171 65 381 165 47 30 14 4 87 34 14 11 3,916 1,278 5,194

58 347 3 8 11 56 3 11 4 66 2 79 490 569107 135 5 7 18 29 20 23 2 9 40 2 159 238 397107 226 8 14 31 32 7 13 1 2 36 77 2 190 366 556

5 1 1 1 12 2 18 2040 441 6 18 10 50 6 36 1 34 145 4 96 695 791

175 703 7 9 33 97 7 35 1 2 33 161 1 2 257 1,009 1,26642 538 10 23 16 88 12 51 2 52 294 132 996 1,12887 612 12 13 25 45 6 20 1 4 2 7 8 133 709 84251 151 13 12 8 41 7 7 22 100 101 311 412

109 796 14 22 9 112 6 35 11 11 198 8 149 1,182 1,33132 147 2 7 14 4 10 1 6 26 2 1 51 201 25251 219 4 14 8 34 3 15 3 22 134 4 88 423 511

859 4,320 83 142 176 599 81 256 3 28 232 1,260 3 33 1,437 6,638 8,07557 92 5 3 13 9 3 1 5 9 2 80 119 19957 92 5 3 13 9 3 1 5 9 2 80 119 199






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 28

Headcount by Department by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

66 89 1 8 8 2 3 7 14 1 2 85 116 20120 17 4 1 2 1 26 19 4553 101 1 4 4 9 3 1 2 5 14 2 64 135 19942 89 5 7 3 1 1 14 31 2 64 131 19522 19 1 1 1 9 10 32 31 63

203 315 2 4 22 26 4 11 2 3 35 69 3 4 271 432 703109 75 1 8 8 4 1 5 12 1 3 128 99 227232 96 9 6 54 31 12 6 4 1 2 1 2 313 143 456593 197 16 1 54 24 6 5 2 7 3 4 2 682 232 914

94 302 3 6 14 43 5 24 22 64 3 138 442 580530 140 23 5 43 12 11 4 6 16 8 3 632 169 801

16 4 1 1 2 1 19 6 2557 19 25 27 1 2 84 47 131

240 390 11 4 17 46 3 6 3 1 2 2 2 7 278 456 73422 78 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 30 92 122

308 476 21 6 44 78 6 17 3 6 10 2 2 387 592 97935 21 1 3 6 8 1 43 32 75

685 221 35 8 129 37 25 10 5 6 5 2 1 887 282 1,169207 91 19 11 41 25 14 4 2 1 6 5 1 1 290 138 428

3,128 2,110 142 50 440 345 89 81 22 5 73 115 17 24 3,911 2,730 6,641600 390 30 18 106 66 72 73 3 4 21 18 1 833 569 1,402136 152 10 8 36 26 16 17 1 2 31 71 2 2 232 278 510146 122 4 16 19 11 5 12 32 4 193 178 371

11 103 1 3 4 16 1 9 2 12 78 1 31 210 2419 12 1 2 1 19 23 1 30 38 68

902 779 45 29 162 128 102 105 6 6 95 222 7 4 1,319 1,273 2,5921,199 522 26 13 184 77 109 52 4 5 5 3 7 2 1,534 674 2,208

19 5 1 2 1 1 2 5 25 11 363 1 1 3 2 51 1 1 3 3

26 11 2 3 2 1 7 10 1 1 40 24 643 2 1 1 3 4 7 7 14

1,251 541 28 13 189 80 113 54 5 5 18 22 8 3 1,612 718 2,3301,102 1,347 52 60 220 258 44 77 8 16 9 8 3 3 1,438 1,769 3,2071,102 1,347 52 60 220 258 44 77 8 16 9 8 3 3 1,438 1,769 3,207

2 3 2 3 4 764 63 1 2 8 8 7 3 58 69 1 1 139 146 285

1 1 1 1 2 3 21 27 21 27 48

5 4 1 3 2 1 9 7 1669 70 1 3 11 9 7 3 83 100 2 1 173 186 359

15,383 15,776 654 524 2,106 2,159 645 785 89 108 898 2,251 84 129 19,859 21,732 41,591




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 29

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity White

43 98 159 157 457 2 23 25 12 12 49434 115 236 384 769 8 50 58 30 30 85765 140 181 220 2 608 8 52 60 21 21 68921 39 64 124 2 250 1 14 15 6 6 27124 55 58 79 216 1 17 18 24 24 25817 54 98 45 1 215 3 3 218

5 11 27 29 72 19 19 15 15 1066 6 16 19 1 48 1 5 6 548 21 37 61 3 130 1 7 8 7 7 145

35 111 126 132 2 406 4064 9 31 83 127 1 6 7 5 5 1395 15 40 65 125 2 10 12 3 3 1408 19 44 60 1 132 1 22 23 7 7 1624 45 89 117 255 18 18 12 12 2853 17 31 50 2 103 28 28 18 18 149

36 62 95 142 2 337 4 73 77 43 43 457318 817 1,332 1,767 16 4,250 30 347 377 203 203 4,830

79 89 105 154 427 4 97 101 14 14 54219 107 162 246 1 535 23 23 55810 18 34 46 108 1 34 35 10 10 153

108 214 301 446 1 1,070 5 154 159 24 24 1,253 254 256 510 119 119 13 13 642

446 670 150 8 1,274 2 123 125 1,399 1 213 287 501 162 162 3 3 666 61 78 139 44 44 1 1 184 1 144 182 327 12 12 8 8 347 232 264 496 19 19 7 7 522

446 672 1,054 1,075 3,247 2 479 481 32 32 3,7605 40 111 125 281 281

23 90 113 185 185 29817 29 47 70 163 3 71 74 88 88 325

129 273 439 595 4 1,440 4 52 56 26 26 1,522150 271 399 642 22 1,484 32 138 170 91 91 1,745301 613 996 1,432 26 3,368 62 351 413 390 390 4,171113 96 71 93 2 375 25 25 5 5 405

51 53 53 59 1 217 17 17 8 8 24257 69 62 117 305 20 20 8 8 333

5 5 575 91 99 131 1 397 2 50 52 32 32 481

115 161 195 312 7 790 1 68 69 19 19 87887 128 137 183 1 536 1 31 32 12 12 58031 84 200 362 2 679 20 20 69929 44 52 50 175 1 17 18 9 9 202

171 205 184 257 3 820 1 65 66 19 19 90524 28 24 54 1 131 37 37 11 11 17955 56 63 70 1 245 1 20 21 4 4 270

808 1,015 1,140 1,688 19 4,670 7 370 377 132 132 5,179 64 85 149 149 64 85 149 149






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 30

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity White

29 28 23 40 2 122 26 26 7 7 1552 11 12 12 37 375 15 43 62 125 2 16 18 11 11 154

13 20 19 39 2 93 27 27 11 11 131 28 28 13 13 41

49 74 97 153 4 377 2 97 99 42 42 51810 25 27 44 106 2 44 46 32 32 18439 70 96 119 324 4 4 32883 174 235 260 752 11 11 27 27 79023 60 126 166 375 7 7 14 14 39647 128 202 224 601 3 20 23 46 46 670

1 6 8 5 20 209 11 14 34 68 1 2 3 5 5 76

55 125 166 223 569 5 21 26 35 35 6309 16 27 33 85 1 10 11 4 4 100

97 153 238 257 745 4 4 35 35 7844 11 12 29 56 56

89 199 242 324 854 1 19 20 32 32 90622 43 78 120 263 12 12 23 23 298

488 1,021 1,471 1,838 4,818 13 154 167 253 253 5,238200 240 238 255 6 939 2 25 27 24 24 990

42 44 40 52 178 3 48 51 59 59 28831 39 52 84 206 6 37 43 19 19 26817 14 16 27 74 21 21 19 19 114

11 11 10 10 21290 337 346 418 6 1,397 11 142 153 131 131 1,681290 279 279 421 1,269 452 452 1,721

16 16 8 8 24 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 16 18 19 19 37 3 3 2 2 5

290 279 279 421 1,269 2 40 42 29 29 452 452 1,7921,180 1,121 146 2 2,449 2,4491,180 1,121 146 2 2,449 2,449

2 2 2 67 67 60 60 127 1 1 1 9 9 9 12 67 79 60 60 139

4,278 6,163 7,162 9,240 72 26,915 210 2,286 2,496 1,296 1,296 452 452 31,159




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 31

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Black

1 1 1 1 22 5 19 23 49 3 3 521 2 2 4 9 1 1 10

2 4 6 2 2 85 2 2 9 2 2 119 10 8 8 35 351 1 2 3 7 1 1 8

1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2

2 1 3 2 8 81 1 1 4 7 7

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 4 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 4

2 1 2 5 1 1 623 26 40 55 144 12 12 9 9 165

1 1 2 4 8 3 3 112 1 1 2 6 1 1 7

5 5 1 1 63 2 3 6 14 9 9 1 1 24

4 2 6 4 4 1024 14 38 8 8 46

1 5 6 4 4 10 1 2 3 2 2 5 3 8 11 2 2 1 1 14 5 5 1 1 6

24 14 9 22 69 21 21 1 1 91 2 4 8 14 14 2 13 15 37 37 52 3 3 6 6 12 12 21

10 14 20 19 63 1 1 8 8 728 5 7 10 1 31 4 8 12 34 34 77

18 21 31 40 1 111 6 28 34 91 91 2367 1 1 1 10 1 1 115 3 1 3 12 128 2 1 5 16 6 6 22

1 1 16 3 5 1 15 3 3 6 6 243 3 4 4 14 1 1 1 1 16

12 7 4 6 29 3 3 1 1 332 3 8 11 24 1 1 255 2 3 9 19 3 3 3 3 256 7 3 8 24 8 8 4 4 36

1 1 1 1 23 3 2 3 11 7 7 18

57 35 32 51 175 32 32 18 18 225 1 7 8 8 1 7 8 8






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 32

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Black

1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 6 1 1 1

2 1 7 5 15 153 5 3 5 16 1 1 171 3 5 9 93 4 10 9 26 1 1 1 1 28

3 1 4 3 11 1 1 2 2 2 15 1 1 1 3 3

5 4 8 8 25 2 2 27 2 2 4 4

8 11 9 12 40 2 2 1 1 433 3 6 8 20 5 5 5 5 30

28 31 53 58 170 1 10 11 11 11 19223 7 8 9 47 1 1 48

2 3 5 3 13 3 3 2 2 181 1 1 3 1 1 4

1 1 3 3 4

26 11 14 13 64 8 8 2 2 7410 12 8 5 35 4 4 39

1 1 1 1 2

10 12 8 5 35 1 1 1 1 4 4 4166 42 4 112 11266 42 4 112 112

2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 4

255 194 195 252 1 897 9 132 141 136 136 4 4 1,178




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 33

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Hispanic

4 3 12 10 29 1 1 1 1 312 9 18 36 65 3 3 1 1 69

15 11 17 21 64 1 3 4 2 2 703 3 6 8 20 20

13 7 8 20 48 4 4 2 2 546 10 17 14 1 48 483 3 5 7 18 1 1 1 1 20

1 1 1 3 1 1 41 2 2 3 8 2 2 105 13 19 18 55 552 4 9 19 34 1 1 2 363 2 3 7 15 1 1 163 2 2 5 12 1 1 1 1 14

4 9 9 22 2 2 1 1 25 1 3 4 1 1 5

1 8 3 16 28 1 12 13 5 5 4661 83 134 194 1 473 3 32 35 15 15 52313 16 12 29 70 13 13 2 2 85

5 14 21 21 61 4 4 651 3 10 14 5 5 1 1 20

19 33 33 60 145 22 22 3 3 170 1 20 16 37 8 8 45

71 74 13 1 159 18 18 177 17 19 36 6 6 42 3 6 9 2 2 11 13 16 29 1 1 2 2 32 21 11 32 32

71 75 87 69 302 35 35 2 2 3392 5 18 20 45 45

6 7 13 67 67 803 10 30 37 80 2 18 20 22 22 122

18 36 42 62 158 3 3 4 4 16515 15 15 49 3 97 14 14 23 23 13438 66 105 168 3 380 8 42 50 116 116 54625 11 16 9 61 6 6 67

8 16 10 8 42 3 3 2 2 4723 16 10 12 61 1 1 1 1 63

1 1 116 12 9 12 49 1 8 9 2 2 6038 23 21 42 1 125 3 3 2 2 13025 23 23 21 2 94 1 7 8 2 2 104

3 12 11 42 68 2 2 704 9 13 16 42 3 3 4 4 49

26 29 26 30 111 8 8 2 2 121 3 1 12 16 3 3 2 2 21

9 8 10 11 1 39 1 1 2 1 1 42177 162 150 215 4 708 3 45 48 19 19 775

3 19 22 22 3 19 22 22






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 34

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Hispanic

2 8 4 2 16 16 1 4 5 5 4 5 9 1 3 4 13

2 1 3 3 9 1 1 2 2 12 2 2 2

4 10 11 14 39 1 6 7 2 2 482 5 3 10 4 4 2 2 16

16 16 19 34 85 8511 13 24 23 71 5 5 2 2 78

1 7 17 29 54 2 2 1 1 578 12 13 19 52 3 3 551 1 2 21 9 13 18 41 1 3 4 7 7 52

12 7 12 27 58 1 4 5 631 1 2 2 6 2 2 1 1 9

18 29 37 32 116 2 2 4 4 1223 3 3 5 14 14

25 31 47 48 151 8 8 7 7 1667 10 19 18 54 6 6 6 6 66

106 138 212 258 714 2 36 38 33 33 78549 42 37 40 168 2 1 3 1 1 172

6 14 9 8 37 6 6 19 19 629 7 2 9 27 7 7 1 1 355 2 1 3 11 7 7 2 2 20

1 1 169 65 49 60 243 2 21 23 24 24 29071 61 43 56 231 30 30 261

1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 5 1 1 1

71 61 43 56 231 6 6 2 2 30 30 269243 213 22 478 478243 213 22 478 478

12 12 4 4 16 1 1 1 3 3 3 4 12 16 4 4 20

859 906 846 1,094 8 3,713 26 276 302 220 220 30 30 4,265




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 35

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Asian

1 1 2 2 1 2 4 7 7

1 3 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 9 3 3 3

11 10 7 13 41 1 1 5 5 47 2 5 2 9 9 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 1

1 1 1 3 3 3 6 6 15 15

1 1 4 6 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 3

14 21 29 45 1 110 4 4 8 8 1223 4 12 5 24 1 10 11 2 2 37

1 5 6 3 3 9 1 1 2 1 1 3

3 4 14 11 32 1 14 15 2 2 49 9 18 27 2 2 1 1 30

16 28 6 50 4 4 54 13 7 20 5 5 25 2 3 5 4 4 1 1 10 5 11 16 2 2 18 8 5 13 2 2 15

16 28 43 44 131 19 19 2 2 152 1 1 5 7 7 2 2 2

1 2 1 1 5 1 1 5 5 115 5 11 12 33 1 1 1 1 353 2 4 6 2 17 1 1 4 4 229 10 17 24 2 62 3 3 12 12 774 1 3 5 13 1 1 149 8 6 16 39 3 3 1 1 434 3 2 6 15 4 4 1 1 20

6 7 6 8 27 1 6 7 8 8 424 9 11 10 34 3 3 5 5 423 12 11 24 1 51 8 8 4 4 633 4 5 14 26 26

1 5 6 12 2 2 147 9 10 6 32 8 8 1 1 411 4 2 6 13 1 1 144 2 3 2 11 1 5 6 1 1 18

45 60 64 103 1 273 2 40 42 22 22 337 2 1 3 3 2 1 3 3






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 36

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Asian

1 1 1 2 5 5 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1

1 3 2 7 13 2 2 151 1 2 3 3 53 7 3 5 18 18

5 2 2 9 2 2 112 3 8 11 24 4 4 1 1 291 3 1 8 13 1 1 1 1 151 1 2 2

1 1 1 2 4 1 7 2 2 9 1 1 2 2 3

5 4 9 4 22 1 1 231 1 14 7 6 13 30 4 4 1 1 352 2 1 10 15 1 1 2 2 18

20 35 34 56 145 17 17 8 8 17036 28 36 41 141 2 2 2 2 145

9 2 3 5 19 3 3 11 11 331 2 5 2 10 1 3 4 2 2 161 1 1 2 5 2 2 3 3 10

2 2 1 1 347 33 45 50 175 1 12 13 19 19 20734 28 46 37 145 16 16 161

1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

34 28 46 37 145 3 3 3 3 16 16 16762 52 7 121 12162 52 7 121 121

6 6 4 4 10 6 6 4 4 10

251 274 301 377 4 1,207 6 119 125 82 82 16 16 1,430




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 37

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity American Indian

1 2 3 3 2 4 7 13 13 2 2 4 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 2 2

1 1 2 4 1 2 3 71 7 10 23 41 1 4 5 1 1 47

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 2 1 3 3

1 3 1 5 5 3 1 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2

1 3 6 7 17 17 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 5 5

3 1 2 6 1 1 73 2 3 6 14 1 1 3 3 18

1 1 2 2

2 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 3

1 1 2 2 1 4 5 5

3 3 2 1 1 10 1 1 11 1 1 1

1 2 3 37 5 4 12 1 29 1 1 1 1 31

1 1 1 1 1 1






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 38

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity American Indian

2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 3 4 4 2 2 2

1 2 2 5 1 1 6 1 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 1 2 1 1 3

1 8 2 13 24 3 3 273 2 1 1 7 7

1 1 2 2 3 2 2 2

3 3 1 1 8 2 2 2 2 12 3 3 2 8 1 1 9 1 1 1 3 3 2 8 1 1 1 1 10

13 10 1 24 2413 10 1 24 24

29 42 34 67 1 173 3 9 12 11 11 1 1 197




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 39

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity International

1 1 2 2 12 14 40 40 56 5 5 1 1 3 3 9 1 1 2 9 9 6 6 17 3 6 9 6 6 12 12 27

1 1 2 5 9 1 16 17 39 39 65 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 12 12 13 1 1 4 4 5 1 1 3 3 9 9 13 3 2 3 8 8

1 1 2 11 11 13 1 1 2 2 11 11 14 1 3 4 6 6 10 3 3 2 2 23 23 28 1 1 5 5 11 11 17 1 1 8 8 13 13 22

3 6 20 18 47 4 70 74 200 200 3211 1 2 2 6 1 45 46 31 31 831 2 3 31 31 34

1 1 25 25 37 37 632 1 2 5 10 1 101 102 68 68 180

2 6 8 5 5 1 1 146 6 1 13 2 15 17 30

1 3 4 8 8 6 6 18 1 1 2 77 77 6 6 85 1 1 3 3 6 6 10 2 2 4 4 9 9 15

6 6 8 10 30 2 112 114 28 28 172 1 2 3 3 11 11 17 17 28

1 1 1 3 1 11 12 23 23 38 1 2 3 3 3 15 15 21 1 1 1 5 6 24 24 31

1 2 2 4 1 10 2 30 32 79 79 1212 3 5 10 28 28 32 32 704 3 1 5 13 17 17 19 19 493 4 9 13 29 25 25 59 59 113

1 1 12 12 133 1 2 8 14 60 60 105 105 1791 2 4 8 15 1 71 72 107 107 1945 9 25 45 1 85 104 104 157 157 3461 3 5 9 92 2 7 18 29 45 45 48 48 1224 6 6 15 31 3 73 76 102 102 2091 1 1 2 5 9 9 18 18 325 3 6 15 1 30 5 82 87 39 39 156

31 31 67 139 2 270 9 515 524 698 698 1,492 2 12 14 14 2 12 14 14






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 40

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity International

1 1 2 2 18 18 21 4 4 15 15 19

2 1 2 5 16 16 24 24 45 6 6 13 13 19

2 2 2 6 28 28 70 70 104 1 1 1 10 11 5 5 17 1 1 2 1 1 3

1 2 1 4 1 1 5 5 102 3 5 6 16 21 21 49 49 86

3 3 21 21 24 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 4 3 3 1 1 4 1 1 15 15 16 3 3 8 8 11 1 1 2 2 2 7 7 11

3 5 10 14 32 1 42 43 113 113 1881 1 6 2 10 11 11 18 18 391 1 44 44 57 57 102

2 5 7 37 37 44 1 1 2 1 17 18 70 70 90 19 19 23 23 42

2 2 6 3 13 3 96 99 205 205 317 1 7 8 8 2 2 5 5 7 1 1 1 3 3 14 14 17 7 7 7 1 7 8 6 6 26 26 40

12 5 17 1712 5 17 17

5 5 5 45 45 82 82 127 1 1 1

43 43 5 5 48 2 2 2

43 43 12 46 58 82 82 183105 61 117 200 3 486 36 1,058 1,094 1,569 1,569 3,149




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 41

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Unknown/Other

1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 6 14 1 23 8 8 5 5 36 1 1 3 3 1 1 5 2 2 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 5 5 5 2 2 12 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 3 5 5 8 6 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 7 14 14 2 2 23 1 1 1 2 2 5 5 7 1 1 1

1 1 3 5 3 3 8 1 1 2 2 3 5 1 1 8

1 1 5 1 8 2 6 8 9 9 251 1 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 2 2

1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 2 2 8 4 4 4 4 8 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 4

2 1 2 18 23 1 8 9 4 4 36 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2






Business Admin






G. Bush Schoolof Govt

Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 42

Headcount by Department by Classification by EthnicitySpring 2006

Ethnicity Unknown/Other

2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 2 2 7 1 1 3 3 4 1 2 3 3 2 2 4 2 2 6 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 4 4 9 2 2 1 1 3

1 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2

1 4 4 12 21 6 6 14 14 41 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4

1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 3 5 3 3 3 3 11 3 3 6 6 9 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 6 6 11

1 4 1 6 61 4 1 6 6

2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3

6 13 19 62 2 102 5 55 60 45 45 6 6 213




Liberal Arts






General Studies


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior PB Total


PB Master Total


PhD Total

PhDProfessionalVeterinary Total


Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 43

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

706 7.6% 16 166.7% 722 9.1%109 -2.7% 109 -2.7%

76 -16.5% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 76 -40.2%311 8.7% 40 37.9% 54 14.9% 405 11.9%

46 -2.1% 37 -15.9% 83 -8.8%113 0.9% 1 0.0% 114 0.9%

88 2.3% 88 2.3%310 -3.7% 310 -3.7%110 -5.2% 13 -23.5% 12 -25.0% 135 -9.4%116 -24.7% 116 -24.7%166 -12.2% 4 300.0% 170 -10.5%

2 -60.0% 1 0.0% 3 -50.0%689 -3.4% 63 6.8% 18 -10.0% 770 -2.8%

18 -18.2% 19 5.6% 37 -7.5%179 7.8% 179 7.8%182 11.7% 34 -2.9% 70 -1.4% 286 6.3%

11 -50.0% 11 -50.0%7 0.0% 7 0.0%9 100.0% 9 100.0%

102 32.5% 23 -14.8% 29 3.6% 154 16.7% 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

9 -25.0% 3 0.0% 12 -20.0%36 -10.0% 10 -9.1% 6 0.0% 52 -8.8%55 34.1% 2 -90.9% 0 -100.0% 57 -32.1%

145 -2.0% 9 -43.8% 1 -96.8% 155 -20.5%135 0.7% 10 -37.5% 14 -17.6% 159 -4.8%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 7 -12.5% 7 -12.5%

442 20.4% 442 20.4% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 13 -7.1% 15 7.1% 28 0.0% 7 250.0% 16 0.0% 23 27.8% 2 -33.3% 2 -33.3%

144 -21.3% 14 -26.3% 15 0.0% 173 -20.3% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 10 -44.4% 12 9.1% 22 -24.1%

1 -66.7% 1 -66.7%27 -28.9% 27 -28.9%

130 -5.8% 29 0.0% 15 -37.5% 174 -8.9%294 10.1% 25 38.9% 36 -2.7% 355 10.2%

12 -7.7% 7 -12.5% 19 -9.5%12 140.0% 12 140.0%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%



Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 44

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

374 1.6% 90 7.1% 61 -1.6% 525 2.1% 10 11.1% 3 50.0% 13 18.2%

5,088 1.4% 515 -14.2% 441 -19.5% 6,044 -1.9% 114 -8.8% 50 -15.3% 164 -10.9% 62 -6.1% 62 -6.1%

355 6.6% 355 6.6%262 0.8% 262 0.8%313 10.2% 313 10.2%225 5.6% 225 5.6%

67 -4.3% 26 -21.2% 93 -9.7%59 -3.3% 59 -3.3%

15 -34.8% 15 -34.8% 31 -18.4% 31 -18.4% 1 0.0% 50 2.0% 51 2.0% 63 -3.1% 63 -3.1%

1,281 4.9% 312 -11.1% 100 -7.4% 1,693 0.8%593 -6.5% 139 5.3% 15 7.1% 747 -4.2%

5 -37.5% 5 -37.5%1,526 2.9% 138 -22.9% 1,664 0.1%

11 -8.3% 11 -8.3% 39 100.0% 39 100.0%

571 1.1% 133 12.7% 9 -10.0% 713 2.9%160 6.0% 0 -100.0% 9 -10.0% 169 4.3%385 4.9% 22 -37.1% 18 -25.0% 425 -0.2%

129 22.9% 129 22.9%552 -3.2% 26 -7.1% 16 6.7% 594 -3.1%

58 -12.1% 58 -12.1%3,803 0.3% 684 3.0% 67 -8.2% 4,554 0.6%







Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 45

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

7 75.0% 28 -17.6% 35 -7.9% 85 -28.0% 208 -1.0% 293 -10.7% 209 32.3% 177 15.7% 386 24.1%

239 5.3% 239 5.3%744 -15.2% 744 -15.2%662 -21.7% 662 -21.7%247 100.0% 247 100.0%

25 -26.5% 25 -26.5% 69 53.3% 107 -7.8% 176 9.3% 72 -20.9% 87 -1.1% 159 -11.2% 8 -38.5% 22 10.0% 30 -9.1%

162 28.6% 162 28.6%1,120 3.8% 1,120 3.8%

353 18.5% 353 18.5%268 -20.9% 54 -5.3% 30 25.0% 352 -16.2%

2 100.0% 5 -37.5% 7 -22.2%129 330.0% 129 330.0%

10 66.7% 36 -5.3% 46 4.5%29 61.1% 29 61.1%

3,953 2.9% 541 2.7% 700 1.3% 5,194 2.7%



Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 46

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

238 22.1% 238 22.1%233 4.0% 60 9.1% 38 -13.6% 331 2.5%170 33.9% 170 33.9%157 6.8% 40 29.0% 30 3.4% 227 9.7%132 21.1% 132 21.1%

87 -15.5% 26 30.0% 21 31.3% 134 -3.6%97 -2.0% 97 -2.0%

101 -35.7% 25 8.7% 15 50.0% 141 -25.8%179 34.6% 179 34.6%252 -7.4% 56 3.7% 69 -9.2% 377 -6.2%

1 -66.7% 13 -45.8% 14 -48.1%167 -16.9% 106 -20.3% 129 -5.1% 402 -14.5%118 -24.8% 118 -24.8%237 13.4% 237 13.4%605 1.0% 136 -9.3% 111 6.7% 852 -0.1%255 12.8% 255 12.8%344 -10.2% 130 -7.1% 153 -2.5% 627 -7.8%

13 62.5% 13 62.5% 2 -66.7% 2 -66.7%

228 -8.4% 228 -8.4%117 -15.8% 117 -15.8%

12 33.3% 1 100.0% 13 44.4%120 -9.1% 120 -9.1%352 12.1% 25 78.6% 377 14.9%

85 25.0% 85 25.0%192 2.1% 69 -1.4% 64 16.4% 325 3.8%

6 -50.0% 6 -50.0%434 21.6% 434 21.6%598 0.7% 170 -7.6% 129 -0.8% 897 -1.2%

59 31.1% 59 31.1%80 -4.8% 37 -2.6% 33 3.1% 150 -2.6%39 105.3% 39 105.3%

101 -6.5% 13 -40.9% 24 41.2% 138 -6.1%211 19.2% 125 16.8% 45 36.4% 381 20.2%130 22.6% 130 22.6%

8 33.3% 8 33.3%22 -24.1% 22 -24.1%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%6,148 3.2% 1,033 -2.5% 894 1.2% 8,075 2.2%



Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 47

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

61 5.2% 61 5.2% 37 100.0% 37 100.0% 14 100.0% 14 100.0% 87 -28.7% 87 -28.7% 199 10.6% 199 10.6% 30 -3.2% 26 0.0% 56 -1.8%

45 18.4% 45 18.4%35 -7.9% 35 -7.9%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

106 -15.2% 29 7.4% 28 16.7% 163 -7.4%92 8.2% 36 -21.7% 26 -3.7% 154 -2.5%19 -5.0% 8 -55.6% 13 0.0% 40 -21.6%

3 -25.0% 3 -25.0%144 12.5% 1 0.0% 145 12.4%

34 -8.1% 27 -6.9% 61 -7.6%1 100.0% 1 100.0%

442 1.4% 141 -14.0% 120 0.8% 703 -2.2%23 -20.7% 23 -20.7%

120 -0.8% 65 -3.0% 42 13.5% 227 0.9% 4 0.0% 4 0.0%

480 -9.6% 34 -29.2% 66 13.8% 580 -8.9%699 2.8% 29 -19.4% 73 0.0% 801 1.5%

17 21.4% 17 21.4%1 -90.0% 1 -90.0%

3 0.0% 12 71.4% 15 50.0%655 4.1% 36 33.3% 43 0.0% 734 5.0%406 12.5% 406 12.5%

22 -79.8% 22 -79.8% 5 -44.4% 5 -44.4%

22 -8.3% 22 -8.3%95 -13.6% 20 -13.0% 7 0.0% 122 -12.9%

914 -0.3% 7 -36.4% 58 1.8% 979 -0.6%1,083 -12.2% 34 47.8% 52 -10.3% 1,169 -11.0%

7 40.0% 7 40.0%725 1.5% 18 -5.3% 38 8.6% 781 1.7%358 13.7% 26 -3.7% 44 0.0% 428 10.9%111 7.8% 111 7.8%

1 -90.9% 1 -90.9%133 77.3% 133 77.3%

53 -24.3% 53 -24.3%5,924 -2.1% 282 -8.4% 435 3.8% 6,641 -2.0%


G. BushSchool ofGovt




Liberal Arts

Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 48

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

2 0.0% 4 33.3% 6 20.0%67 -18.3% 67 -18.3%

1,103 8.0% 32 60.0% 21 -4.5% 1,156 8.7%68 7.9% 68 7.9%0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 4 0.0% 6 -14.3%

250 7.8% 108 -7.7% 152 20.6% 510 7.4% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

182 1.7% 63 -23.2% 59 -4.8% 304 -5.9%65 -16.7% 8 14.3% 16 -15.8% 89 -14.4%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%94 14.6% 51 21.4% 90 9.8% 235 14.1%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 33 0.0% 35 -10.3% 68 -5.6% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

76 -10.6% 2 -50.0% 5 -37.5% 83 -14.4%1,905 4.5% 301 -2.6% 386 3.8% 2,592 3.5%1,699 -3.9% 1,699 -3.9%

10 100.0% 10 100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 3 50.0% 3 50.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -96.0% 1 -96.9% 10 42.9% 10 42.9% 2 0.0% 2 0.0% 4 -33.3% 10 100.0% 14 27.3% 4 -20.0% 9 12.5% 13 0.0% 4 33.3% 15 36.4% 19 35.7% 509 -0.2% 509 -0.2% 17 -5.6% 28 12.0% 45 4.7% 2 -33.3% 2 -33.3% 3 0.0% 3 0.0%

1,699 -3.9% 59 -6.3% 63 -29.2% 509 -0.2% 2,330 -4.1%2,768 -5.9% 2,768 -5.9%

439 0.9% 439 0.9%3,207 -5.1% 3,207 -5.1%







Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 49

Headcount by Major by LevelSpring 2006

33 100.0% 33 100.0% 20 33.3% 20 33.3% 6 100.0% 6 100.0% 18 100.0% 24 100.0% 42 100.0% 7 100.0% 48 100.0% 55 100.0%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 3 0.0% 3 0.0% 7 -36.4% 7 -36.4% 10 100.0% 23 100.0% 33 100.0% 7 0.0% 16 60.0% 23 35.3% 17 100.0% 12 100.0% 29 100.0% 16 -23.8% 16 -23.8% 1 100.0% 1 100.0%

43 10.3% 5 -16.7% 48 6.7% 5 100.0% 25 100.0% 30 100.0% 9 100.0% 4 100.0% 13 100.0%

43 7.5% 163 158.7% 153 1430.0% 359 217.7%33,493 0.5% 4,230 -1.4% 3,359 1.4% 509 -0.2% 41,591 0.4%


Other -SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006# % chg

Undergraduate# % chg

Masters# % chg

PhD# % chgProfessional

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 50

Headcount by Major by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

35 11 660 1 8 7 722 19 90 109 76 76

1 26 2 282 2 1 37 2 52 405 4 2 40 4 33 83 3 1 109 1 114 5 1 82 88 5 11 294 310 4 1 105 1 12 12 135 4 112 116

1 5 3 157 2 2 170 1 1 1 3

2 1 33 5 648 7 5 51 18 770 3 15 1 18 37 3 2 174 179 5 1 176 34 70 286 11 11 7 7 2 7 9 3 1 98 1 22 29 154 1 1 9 3 12 3 33 1 2 7 6 52 2 1 52 1 1 57 3 2 140 1 8 1 155 1 9 3 122 1 9 14 159 1 6 7

1 1 15 2 423 442 2 11 15 28 7 16 23 2 2 8 136 2 3 9 15 173 1 1 1 9 12 22 1 1 1 1 25 27 1 5 1 123 1 1 27 1 14 174

1 17 2 274 3 22 2 34 355 1 11 7 19 1 11 12

2 1 13 9 349 4 7 79 2 59 525 1 3 6 3 13

8 5 228 61 4,786 24 51 1 439 12 429 6,044 1 113 1 49 164 9 53 62 1 354 355

1 19 2 240 2623 14 2 294 313

1 224 225 67 26 93 3 56 59 1 14 15 31 31 1 50 51 2 1 60 63

4 36 6 1,235 3 10 1 298 1 99 1,693





Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 51

Headcount by Major by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

1 592 26 113 15 747 5 5

16 2 8 1,500 2 136 1,664 11 11 39 39 2 569 24 109 9 713 1 159 9 169 385 22 18 425 23 106 129 3 549 1 25 16 594 14 44 58

16 2 15 3,770 2 88 594 67 4,554 7 28 35 5 9 71 6 1 201 293 11 28 170 16 1 160 386 8 2 229 239 56 4 684 744

3 36 4 619 6621 26 220 247

1 4 20 25 5 13 51 2 1 104 176 3 6 63 87 159 8 1 21 30 162 162

1 13 2 1,104 1,120 9 8 336 353 2 266 2 8 44 2 28 352 1 1 5 7 129 129 10 36 46 29 29

5 148 22 3,778 27 68 1 445 27 3 670 5,194





Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 52

Headcount by Major by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

4 3 231 238 4 229 5 55 1 37 331

2 4 164 170 157 2 38 2 28 227

2 2 128 132 87 5 21 21 134 3 2 92 97 1 100 2 23 15 141

1 12 1 165 179 252 5 51 3 66 377 1 13 14 167 5 101 1 128 402

1 6 111 118 7 8 222 237 4 2 599 1 24 111 8 103 852

2 10 2 241 255 2 342 2 17 1 110 7 146 627 13 13 2 2 1 227 228 7 2 108 117 2 10 1 13 12 108 120 2 350 25 377

2 5 2 76 85 1 191 1 7 61 64 325 6 6

3 1 25 2 403 434 598 3 11 1 155 4 125 897

1 3 55 59 80 4 33 1 32 150 5 34 39 1 2 98 1 12 1 23 138 211 4 10 2 109 6 39 381

3 3 2 122 130 8 8 22 22

21 1 119 29 5,978 11 102 4 916 34 860 8,075 61 61 19 18 37 6 8 14 3 84 87 28 171 199 1 29 1 25 56 2 43 45 1 34 35 1 3 102 1 2 26 1 27 163 4 1 87 36 26 154 19 8 13 40 1 2 3 1 6 137 1 145 2 32 2 25 61 1 1 1 13 5 423 1 6 134 4 116 703




G. Bush Schoolof Govt



Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 53

Headcount by Major by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

23 23 4 116 1 64 42 227 1 3 4

1 25 5 449 34 66 5802 14 6 677 1 28 1 72 801

17 17 1 1 3 1 11 15 20 6 629 2 1 33 43 734

3 9 4 390 406 22 22 5 5

1 21 223 2 3 87 1 19 7 1223 21 5 885 7 58 9791 32 8 1,042 34 52 1,169

7 7 17 2 706 1 17 2 36 781

1 7 6 344 26 44 428 3 3 105 111 1 1

2 11 120 133 1 52 53

17 165 49 5,693 4 3 1 274 4 431 6,641 2 4 6 67 67

2 30 1,071 1 31 21 1,156 2 66 68 2 4 6 250 2 4 1 101 152 510 2 1 179 5 2 1 55 1 58 304 65 8 16 89 1 93 1 6 44 3 87 235 1 32 1 34 68 1 75 2 5 83

2 36 1 1,866 8 14 2 277 5 381 2,5927 5 1,687 1,699

10 10 3 3 1 1 1 9 10 2 2 4 10 14 1 3 9 13 2 2 2 13 19 509 509 2 15 28 45 2 2 2 1 3

7 5 1,687 8 51 2 61 509 2,33015 30 28 2,695 2,768

1 1 437 43915 31 29 3,132 3,207


Liberal Arts






General Studies

Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 54

Headcount by Major by Level by Entry StatusSpring 2006

1 32 33 5 15 20 1 5 6 2 16 24 42 7 48 55 3 3 7 7 1 9 23 33 7 16 23 1 16 1 11 29 8 8 16 1 1 43 3 2 48 1 4 25 30 9 1 3 13 43 11 12 140 2 151 359

95 7 778 222 32,391 119 362 10 3,739 91 3 3,265 509 41,591


Other - SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing

Masters1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing





Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 55

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

599 3.1% 47 123.8% 56 40.0% 6 50.0% 7 -22.2% 5 150.0% 2 -60.0% 722 9.1%102 1.0% 5 -28.6% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 109 -2.7%

67 -37.4% 5 66.7% 1 0.0% 2 100.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 76 -40.2%325 13.6% 2 100.0% 21 10.5% 1 100.0% 0 -100.0% 55 1.9% 1 100.0% 405 11.9%

73 -3.9% 3 -50.0% 3 -25.0% 4 -20.0% 83 -8.8%97 6.6% 0 -100.0% 8 0.0% 1 -50.0% 1 -50.0% 6 0.0% 1 -50.0% 114 0.9%81 2.5% 1 -50.0% 4 100.0% 0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 88 2.3%

212 1.9% 35 -30.0% 48 -12.7% 9 125.0% 1 100.0% 3 0.0% 2 0.0% 310 -3.7%124 -10.8% 2 -33.3% 4 100.0% 1 100.0% 2 100.0% 2 -60.0% 135 -9.4%104 -25.7% 1 100.0% 6 -33.3% 1 0.0% 4 0.0% 116 -24.7%151 -12.7% 5 0.0% 11 22.2% 0 -100.0% 3 50.0% 170 -10.5%

3 -50.0% 3 -50.0%665 -5.0% 9 -25.0% 68 30.8% 8 14.3% 5 0.0% 12 9.1% 3 -40.0% 770 -2.8%

17 0.0% 2 0.0% 17 -15.0% 1 0.0% 37 -7.5%125 8.7% 5 -37.5% 33 10.0% 11 83.3% 2 -33.3% 2 100.0% 1 -66.7% 179 7.8%156 -0.6% 6 50.0% 32 33.3% 35 40.0% 55 -5.2% 2 100.0% 286 6.3%

6 -62.5% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 11 -50.0%6 0.0% 1 0.0% 7 0.0%5 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 9 100.0%

106 12.8% 8 166.7% 20 11.1% 4 33.3% 1 100.0% 13 8.3% 2 0.0% 154 16.7%1 100.0% 1 100.0%

11 -26.7% 1 100.0% 12 -20.0%38 -13.6% 3 50.0% 3 50.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 5 -16.7% 1 0.0% 52 -8.8%41 0.0% 0 -100.0% 7 -12.5% 0 -100.0% 9 -70.0% 57 -32.1%

102 -26.1% 5 25.0% 22 22.2% 12 33.3% 1 0.0% 10 -56.5% 3 50.0% 155 -20.5%133 -8.9% 2 0.0% 9 50.0% 3 50.0% 12 20.0% 0 -100.0% 159 -4.8%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%6 -14.3% 1 0.0% 7 -12.5%

365 18.5% 8 100.0% 48 26.3% 15 15.4% 3 0.0% 1 100.0% 2 100.0% 442 20.4%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

13 -13.3% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 11 0.0% 1 0.0% 28 0.0%10 66.7% 2 100.0% 11 -8.3% 23 27.8%

2 -33.3% 2 -33.3%140 -20.5% 1 0.0% 16 -15.8% 1 -50.0% 1 100.0% 13 -23.5% 1 -50.0% 173 -20.3%

1 100.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0%15 -34.8% 1 0.0% 2 0.0% 1 100.0% 3 0.0% 22 -24.1%

0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 1 -66.7%25 -28.6% 1 -50.0% 1 0.0% 27 -28.9%

146 -9.9% 1 -50.0% 13 62.5% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 10 -28.6% 3 0.0% 174 -8.9%283 6.8% 7 600.0% 25 19.0% 2 100.0% 6 100.0% 28 0.0% 4 33.3% 355 10.2%

13 18.2% 0 -100.0% 1 100.0% 5 -44.4% 19 -9.5%11 120.0% 1 100.0% 12 140.0%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%439 5.5% 6 -25.0% 46 -11.5% 3 -25.0% 6 100.0% 21 -4.5% 4 -55.6% 525 2.1%

11 0.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 13 18.2%4,830 -2.5% 165 11.5% 523 12.2% 122 24.5% 47 11.9% 321 -22.3% 36 -20.0% 6,044 -1.9%



Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 56

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

72 -7.7% 2 100.0% 11 10.0% 7 -12.5% 68 -18.1% 4 0.0% 164 -10.9%23 -11.5% 1 100.0% 4 100.0% 3 50.0% 31 -18.4% 62 -6.1%

312 4.3% 3 0.0% 30 42.9% 5 0.0% 0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 3 200.0% 355 6.6%223 -1.3% 3 50.0% 31 19.2% 1 -66.7% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 -50.0% 262 0.8%248 8.3% 4 0.0% 42 50.0% 15 7.1% 2 -33.3% 2 -60.0% 0 -100.0% 313 10.2%179 2.9% 4 0.0% 28 -3.4% 9 200.0% 0 -100.0% 4 300.0% 1 0.0% 225 5.6%

71 4.4% 1 0.0% 11 0.0% 1 0.0% 1 -50.0% 8 -55.6% 0 -100.0% 93 -9.7%53 0.0% 0 -100.0% 5 0.0% 1 -50.0% 59 -3.3%

4 -66.7% 1 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 5 -54.5% 2 100.0% 15 -34.8%15 -6.3% 3 50.0% 1 -66.7% 12 -25.0% 0 -100.0% 31 -18.4%10 -9.1% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 38 5.6% 1 0.0% 51 2.0%43 10.3% 1 100.0% 4 -42.9% 6 0.0% 9 -25.0% 0 -100.0% 63 -3.1%

1,253 1.8% 24 26.3% 170 20.6% 49 11.4% 5 -44.4% 180 -18.9% 12 -14.3% 1,693 0.8%642 -4.5% 10 -23.1% 45 4.7% 30 -6.3% 3 200.0% 14 -12.5% 3 0.0% 747 -4.2%

4 -42.9% 1 0.0% 5 -37.5%1,359 -5.6% 45 60.7% 166 59.6% 52 2.0% 5 -28.6% 30 20.0% 7 -12.5% 1,664 0.1%

11 0.0% 0 -100.0% 11 -8.3%25 100.0% 1 100.0% 10 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 39 100.0%

618 3.7% 10 -28.6% 38 5.6% 25 13.6% 4 100.0% 17 -10.5% 1 -83.3% 713 2.9%140 11.1% 3 -40.0% 9 0.0% 6 20.0% 2 -33.3% 8 -38.5% 1 0.0% 169 4.3%347 1.5% 14 0.0% 32 -8.6% 18 0.0% 1 -50.0% 10 -23.1% 3 50.0% 425 -0.2%

44 29.4% 2 0.0% 2 100.0% 4 0.0% 77 20.3% 129 22.9%522 -1.7% 6 -45.5% 32 -15.8% 15 36.4% 2 -33.3% 15 -6.3% 2 -33.3% 594 -3.1%

48 -14.3% 0 -100.0% 4 -20.0% 1 0.0% 5 150.0% 58 -12.1%3,760 -1.4% 91 2.2% 339 24.2% 152 6.3% 17 6.3% 172 3.0% 23 -8.0% 4,554 0.6%

21 -16.0% 4 -20.0% 6 50.0% 2 100.0% 2 -33.3% 0 -100.0% 35 -7.9%202 -7.8% 32 -13.5% 47 -19.0% 2 100.0% 6 -25.0% 4 -20.0% 293 -10.7%261 32.5% 46 -6.1% 37 32.1% 5 0.0% 1 0.0% 30 11.1% 6 50.0% 386 24.1%196 4.8% 11 -8.3% 24 14.3% 7 0.0% 1 100.0% 239 5.3%655 -14.8% 19 72.7% 54 -36.5% 11 57.1% 4 100.0% 1 -66.7% 744 -15.2%554 -23.5% 26 -3.7% 65 -4.4% 15 -6.3% 1 -80.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -50.0% 662 -21.7%205 100.0% 13 100.0% 24 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 247 100.0%

17 -32.0% 1 0.0% 2 -33.3% 1 100.0% 4 -20.0% 25 -26.5%96 4.3% 20 11.1% 33 26.9% 2 -33.3% 22 22.2% 3 -25.0% 176 9.3%98 -13.3% 7 0.0% 24 -22.6% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 28 12.0% 1 100.0% 159 -11.2%15 -34.8% 8 33.3% 1 0.0% 1 100.0% 4 100.0% 1 0.0% 30 -9.1%

136 22.5% 7 133.3% 14 40.0% 3 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 -50.0% 162 28.6%970 0.3% 14 16.7% 120 41.2% 9 125.0% 3 -57.1% 3 200.0% 1 -66.7% 1,120 3.8%281 17.1% 14 55.6% 45 21.6% 7 -22.2% 2 100.0% 3 200.0% 1 0.0% 353 18.5%299 -15.3% 5 66.7% 22 -35.3% 8 14.3% 2 100.0% 12 -33.3% 4 0.0% 352 -16.2%

4 0.0% 1 -66.7% 2 0.0% 7 -22.2%113 318.5% 2 0.0% 14 1300.0% 129 330.0%

26 18.2% 6 0.0% 10 -9.1% 3 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 46 4.5%22 37.5% 1 100.0% 3 200.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 29 61.1%

4,171 1.4% 236 13.5% 546 7.7% 77 20.3% 18 -5.3% 121 2.5% 25 -10.7% 5,194 2.7%







Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 57

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

184 9.5% 8 700.0% 37 60.9% 6 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 238 22.1%221 5.7% 3 0.0% 30 7.1% 8 -27.3% 68 -2.9% 1 -50.0% 331 2.5%111 37.0% 9 80.0% 25 8.7% 17 30.8% 1 0.0% 7 75.0% 170 33.9%131 10.1% 3 -40.0% 22 22.2% 26 18.2% 1 -50.0% 42 10.5% 2 -33.3% 227 9.7%

99 16.5% 3 50.0% 17 21.4% 9 50.0% 4 100.0% 132 21.1%77 -17.2% 2 0.0% 8 14.3% 13 116.7% 1 100.0% 33 6.5% 134 -3.6%65 6.6% 10 150.0% 16 -30.4% 3 -62.5% 3 0.0% 97 -2.0%79 -30.1% 1 -50.0% 11 -21.4% 9 -40.0% 41 -6.8% 0 -100.0% 141 -25.8%

116 13.7% 11 450.0% 36 89.5% 6 -14.3% 2 100.0% 7 133.3% 1 100.0% 179 34.6%217 -4.0% 11 10.0% 27 -10.0% 14 -26.3% 1 0.0% 106 -6.2% 1 -66.7% 377 -6.2%

2 -66.7% 12 -42.9% 14 -48.1%218 -5.2% 12 0.0% 17 -34.6% 14 -30.0% 138 -22.5% 3 -25.0% 402 -14.5%

86 -28.9% 7 16.7% 18 0.0% 6 -40.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 118 -24.8%172 -1.7% 5 0.0% 54 145.5% 6 0.0% 0 -100.0% 237 13.4%591 4.0% 9 -40.0% 61 -6.2% 26 73.3% 3 0.0% 160 -11.1% 2 -71.4% 852 -0.1%178 12.7% 9 125.0% 40 21.2% 14 7.7% 1 0.0% 13 -18.8% 0 -100.0% 255 12.8%257 -10.5% 13 8.3% 37 -7.5% 37 -17.8% 1 100.0% 282 -4.7% 627 -7.8%

1 0.0% 1 100.0% 11 57.1% 13 62.5%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 2 100.0% 2 -66.7%

185 -2.6% 4 -42.9% 22 0.0% 10 -54.5% 2 100.0% 1 -75.0% 4 33.3% 228 -8.4%83 -22.4% 4 -33.3% 18 28.6% 8 60.0% 1 -66.7% 3 50.0% 0 -100.0% 117 -15.8%

8 60.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 3 50.0% 13 44.4%110 -0.9% 4 -33.3% 4 -50.0% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -80.0% 120 -9.1%321 9.9% 13 225.0% 26 52.9% 7 -12.5% 2 100.0% 4 33.3% 4 0.0% 377 14.9%

61 52.5% 8 100.0% 11 -38.9% 1 0.0% 4 -20.0% 85 25.0%141 21.6% 17 21.4% 38 8.6% 13 -23.5% 116 -10.1% 0 -100.0% 325 3.8%

4 -33.3% 1 -50.0% 1 -75.0% 6 -50.0%341 15.6% 12 50.0% 52 73.3% 14 7.7% 6 200.0% 9 12.5% 0 -100.0% 434 21.6%564 0.5% 24 71.4% 69 0.0% 27 58.8% 5 25.0% 200 -14.9% 8 0.0% 897 -1.2%

48 37.1% 1 100.0% 4 33.3% 3 50.0% 0 -100.0% 3 0.0% 0 -100.0% 59 31.1%104 5.1% 10 -23.1% 8 -20.0% 1 0.0% 25 -10.7% 2 -33.3% 150 -2.6%

28 64.7% 6 200.0% 3 100.0% 2 100.0% 39 105.3%87 2.4% 2 -50.0% 9 -35.7% 7 0.0% 0 -100.0% 32 -8.6% 1 0.0% 138 -6.1%

178 17.1% 12 20.0% 25 4.2% 12 33.3% 2 0.0% 148 26.5% 4 33.3% 381 20.2%92 12.2% 6 100.0% 17 70.0% 6 20.0% 1 100.0% 8 33.3% 130 22.6%

5 150.0% 3 0.0% 0 -100.0% 8 33.3%14 -36.4% 0 -100.0% 3 0.0% 3 100.0% 1 -50.0% 1 0.0% 22 -24.1%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%5,179 3.1% 225 27.1% 775 12.3% 337 0.0% 31 24.0% 1,492 -6.5% 36 -30.8% 8,075 2.2%

38 -5.0% 4 33.3% 10 42.9% 0 -100.0% 8 33.3% 1 0.0% 61 5.2%31 100.0% 3 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 37 100.0%13 100.0% 1 100.0% 14 100.0%67 -33.7% 4 0.0% 9 12.5% 2 -33.3% 0 -100.0% 5 0.0% 87 -28.7%

149 5.7% 8 14.3% 22 46.7% 3 -25.0% 1 0.0% 14 27.3% 2 100.0% 199 10.6%




G. BushSchool ofGovt

Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 58

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

32 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 20 -4.8% 3 50.0% 56 -1.8%37 19.4% 5 25.0% 3 0.0% 45 18.4%29 -9.4% 1 100.0% 3 -40.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 0 -100.0% 35 -7.9%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%124 -3.1% 4 100.0% 10 -50.0% 2 0.0% 2 0.0% 19 -5.0% 2 0.0% 163 -7.4%109 -8.4% 12 20.0% 2 0.0% 1 100.0% 28 16.7% 2 -33.3% 154 -2.5%

21 -8.7% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 17 -29.2% 40 -21.6%2 -50.0% 1 100.0% 3 -25.0%

123 7.9% 16 23.1% 5 150.0% 1 100.0% 145 12.4%40 -4.8% 2 0.0% 1 0.0% 18 -14.3% 61 -7.6%

1 100.0% 1 100.0%518 -1.7% 6 50.0% 48 -12.7% 15 25.0% 5 66.7% 104 -6.3% 7 0.0% 703 -2.2%

18 -28.0% 2 100.0% 3 -25.0% 23 -20.7%184 0.0% 1 100.0% 16 -5.9% 5 66.7% 0 -100.0% 17 6.3% 4 0.0% 227 0.9%

3 200.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -50.0% 4 0.0%396 -8.8% 9 -25.0% 57 -19.7% 29 16.0% 0 -100.0% 86 -3.4% 3 -40.0% 580 -8.9%670 1.1% 28 16.7% 55 10.0% 15 15.4% 6 -14.3% 24 -4.0% 3 -57.1% 801 1.5%

14 40.0% 0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 1 0.0% 17 21.4%1 -88.9% 0 -100.0% 1 -90.0%6 100.0% 8 14.3% 1 100.0% 15 50.0%

630 1.8% 15 87.5% 63 28.6% 9 50.0% 4 100.0% 4 33.3% 9 -25.0% 734 5.0%289 9.1% 11 0.0% 81 22.7% 17 88.9% 4 0.0% 2 -50.0% 2 0.0% 406 12.5%

17 -81.7% 2 -33.3% 1 -87.5% 1 -50.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -50.0% 22 -79.8%2 -60.0% 3 0.0% 0 -100.0% 5 -44.4%

15 -25.0% 2 100.0% 4 33.3% 1 100.0% 22 -8.3%100 -8.3% 3 -25.0% 9 -40.0% 3 -25.0% 4 -20.0% 3 0.0% 122 -12.9%784 -1.3% 27 -6.9% 122 10.9% 23 -4.2% 3 -50.0% 16 -5.9% 4 -20.0% 979 -0.6%906 -12.4% 43 -12.2% 166 1.2% 35 -2.8% 5 -28.6% 11 -35.3% 3 -57.1% 1,169 -11.0%

5 25.0% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 7 40.0%685 2.4% 14 40.0% 59 -11.9% 8 60.0% 1 -66.7% 8 -11.1% 6 20.0% 781 1.7%298 10.0% 30 25.0% 66 24.5% 18 50.0% 3 -25.0% 11 -45.0% 2 0.0% 428 10.9%

68 -2.9% 0 -100.0% 41 32.3% 1 0.0% 1 100.0% 111 7.8%1 -80.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -90.9%

105 72.1% 3 200.0% 19 280.0% 3 -50.0% 1 0.0% 2 100.0% 133 77.3%41 -32.8% 2 100.0% 10 11.1% 53 -24.3%

5,238 -3.2% 192 7.3% 785 6.7% 170 15.6% 27 -25.0% 188 -12.6% 41 -25.5% 6,641 -2.0%




Liberal Arts

Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 59

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

2 0.0% 2 100.0% 2 -33.3% 6 20.0%58 -17.1% 0 -100.0% 2 -33.3% 6 -14.3% 1 100.0% 67 -18.3%

815 10.9% 41 0.0% 151 6.3% 124 14.8% 4 0.0% 21 -27.6% 0 -100.0% 1,156 8.7%48 20.0% 4 100.0% 6 -40.0% 10 42.9% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 68 7.9%

3 -25.0% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 6 -14.3%288 6.3% 18 20.0% 62 17.0% 33 22.2% 3 0.0% 102 2.0% 4 -33.3% 510 7.4%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%210 -7.9% 4 -20.0% 33 32.0% 10 42.9% 44 -18.5% 3 -25.0% 304 -5.9%

57 -16.2% 3 0.0% 6 -57.1% 6 -25.0% 1 0.0% 16 60.0% 89 -14.4% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

112 13.1% 4 100.0% 18 100.0% 10 100.0% 2 100.0% 88 -1.1% 1 0.0% 235 14.1%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

21 -19.2% 0 -100.0% 1 0.0% 3 50.0% 42 2.4% 1 0.0% 68 -5.6%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%

67 -20.2% 8 14.3% 4 0.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 83 -14.4%1,681 3.1% 74 4.2% 290 9.8% 207 17.6% 12 9.1% 317 -5.1% 11 -38.9% 2,592 3.5%1,269 -6.1% 35 -5.4% 231 0.9% 145 19.8% 8 -27.3% 8 -20.0% 3 -66.7% 1,699 -3.9%

8 166.7% 1 0.0% 1 0.0% 10 100.0%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%3 50.0% 3 50.0%0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 0 -100.0% 1 -94.4% 0 -100.0% 1 -96.9%8 100.0% 1 0.0% 1 -50.0% 10 42.9%2 0.0% 2 0.0%7 16.7% 1 100.0% 6 20.0% 14 27.3%5 25.0% 1 100.0% 1 0.0% 6 -25.0% 13 0.0%

10 25.0% 2 100.0% 7 40.0% 19 35.7%452 -1.3% 4 0.0% 30 3.4% 16 23.1% 1 0.0% 6 20.0% 509 -0.2%

25 0.0% 2 100.0% 4 0.0% 1 0.0% 11 -8.3% 2 100.0% 45 4.7%1 -50.0% 1 0.0% 2 -33.3%2 -33.3% 1 100.0% 3 0.0%

1,792 -5.1% 41 -2.4% 269 1.9% 167 17.6% 10 -16.7% 40 -37.5% 11 -35.3% 2,330 -4.1%2,061 -7.4% 108 -6.1% 442 -2.4% 113 0.9% 21 23.5% 17 30.8% 6 -14.3% 2,768 -5.9%

388 0.5% 4 300.0% 36 -2.7% 8 0.0% 3 50.0% 0 -100.0% 439 0.9%2,449 -6.2% 112 -3.4% 478 -2.4% 121 0.8% 24 26.3% 17 21.4% 6 -14.3% 3,207 -5.1%







Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 60

Headcount by Major by Ethnic OriginSpring 2006

19 100.0% 3 100.0% 11 100.0% 33 100.0%10 0.0% 1 0.0% 4 300.0% 5 66.7% 20 33.3%

3 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 6 100.0%11 100.0% 5 100.0% 1 100.0% 25 100.0% 42 100.0%33 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 4 100.0% 15 100.0% 1 100.0% 55 100.0%

0 -100.0% 0 -100.0%1 -66.7% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 3 0.0%2 -50.0% 0 -100.0% 5 0.0% 7 -36.4%

11 100.0% 2 100.0% 20 100.0% 33 100.0%1 0.0% 22 37.5% 23 35.3%

16 100.0% 1 100.0% 2 100.0% 1 100.0% 9 100.0% 29 100.0%9 -10.0% 1 0.0% 3 0.0% 0 -100.0% 2 0.0% 1 -50.0% 16 -23.8%

1 100.0% 1 100.0% 48 6.7% 48 6.7%

13 100.0% 1 100.0% 15 100.0% 1 100.0% 30 100.0%10 100.0% 3 100.0% 13 100.0%

139 396.4% 4 300.0% 20 233.3% 10 150.0% 183 154.2% 3 50.0% 359 217.7%31,159 -0.7% 1,178 11.0% 4,265 9.2% 1,430 10.8% 197 2.1% 3,149 -5.6% 213 -21.4% 41,591 0.4%


Other -SpecialPopulations


Spring 2006# % chg

White# % chg

Black# % chg

Hispanic# % chg

Asian# % chg

American Indian# % chgInternational

# % chgUnknown/Other

# % chgTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 61

Headcount by Major by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

243 356 13 34 23 33 1 5 2 5 1 4 1 1 284 438 72237 65 5 1 1 38 71 10927 40 2 3 1 1 1 1 32 44 7699 226 1 1 5 16 1 17 38 1 123 282 40536 37 2 1 1 2 3 1 42 41 8314 83 8 1 1 6 1 14 100 11471 10 1 3 1 2 77 11 8876 136 6 29 20 28 4 5 1 2 1 1 1 110 200 31013 111 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 17 118 13566 38 1 5 1 1 3 1 76 40 11610 141 5 3 8 3 13 157 170

2 1 2 1 3404 261 5 4 42 26 6 2 2 3 3 9 2 1 464 306 770

4 13 2 5 12 1 11 26 3768 57 2 3 17 16 6 5 1 1 2 1 95 84 17993 63 4 2 14 18 15 20 32 23 2 158 128 286

2 4 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 111 5 1 1 6 72 3 2 1 1 5 4 9

59 47 6 2 11 9 1 3 1 5 8 1 1 84 70 154 1 1 1

11 1 12 125 33 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 11 41 52

20 21 5 2 8 1 33 24 5763 39 3 2 13 9 9 3 1 6 4 1 2 95 60 15581 52 2 2 7 1 2 5 7 91 68 159

2 4 1 2 5 7321 44 6 2 41 7 10 5 2 1 1 2 383 59 442

3 10 2 1 2 9 1 6 22 287 3 2 2 9 9 14 23

2 2 250 90 1 4 12 1 1 4 9 1 59 114 173

1 1 18 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 10 12 22

1 1 16 19 1 1 7 20 27

31 115 1 4 9 1 4 6 3 41 133 174153 130 2 5 14 11 1 1 2 4 21 7 3 1 196 159 355

3 10 1 2 3 6 13 19 11 1 1 11 12

169 270 5 1 25 21 3 3 3 13 8 1 3 219 306 5255 6 1 1 7 6 13

2,266 2,564 67 98 262 261 64 58 23 24 140 181 18 18 2,840 3,204 6044



Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 62

Headcount by Major by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

32 40 1 1 5 6 3 4 27 41 1 3 69 95 1644 19 1 1 3 1 2 9 22 16 46 62

26 286 3 4 26 5 2 3 30 325 35520 203 2 1 4 27 1 2 1 1 27 235 262

126 122 1 3 15 27 9 6 1 1 2 152 161 31380 99 2 2 14 14 5 4 3 1 1 105 120 22531 40 1 3 8 1 1 8 43 50 9315 38 3 2 1 18 41 59

1 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 12 157 8 3 1 2 10 9 22 313 7 1 1 11 27 1 16 35 51

13 30 1 2 2 2 4 3 6 21 42 63358 895 9 15 53 117 22 27 1 4 64 116 2 10 509 1,184 1693383 259 4 6 26 19 17 13 3 6 8 1 2 437 310 747

2 2 1 2 3 5721 638 25 20 78 88 24 28 3 2 11 19 2 5 864 800 1664

3 8 3 8 113 22 1 3 7 2 1 7 32 39

253 365 4 6 18 20 6 19 1 3 5 12 1 287 426 71345 95 3 2 7 2 4 2 4 4 1 53 116 169

182 165 8 6 24 8 13 5 1 5 5 2 1 234 191 42516 28 2 2 2 2 22 55 44 85 129

368 154 5 1 24 8 8 7 1 1 4 11 1 1 411 183 59410 38 4 1 1 4 11 47 58

1,986 1,774 49 42 177 162 72 80 5 12 57 115 7 16 2,353 2,201 455413 8 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 23 12 35

116 86 21 11 31 16 2 5 1 2 2 177 116 293223 38 39 7 28 9 5 1 25 5 5 1 326 60 386162 34 9 2 19 5 5 2 1 196 43 239628 27 15 4 47 7 11 4 1 706 38 744328 226 17 9 33 32 4 11 1 1 383 279 662

72 133 4 9 6 18 1 1 2 1 83 164 2479 8 1 1 1 1 4 15 10 25

67 29 13 7 22 11 2 17 5 2 1 121 55 17685 13 4 3 20 4 1 20 8 1 130 29 159

9 6 7 1 1 1 3 1 1 22 8 30123 13 5 2 11 3 1 2 1 1 142 20 162936 34 12 2 112 8 7 2 3 3 1 1,074 46 1120169 112 9 5 20 25 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 204 149 353171 128 4 1 15 7 4 4 2 2 10 4 198 154 352

2 2 1 1 1 3 4 750 63 1 1 1 13 52 77 12924 2 6 7 3 3 1 41 5 4615 7 1 3 1 1 1 20 9 29

3,202 969 171 65 381 165 47 30 14 4 87 34 14 11 3,916 1,278 5194







Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 63

Headcount by Major by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

17 167 3 5 7 30 1 5 2 1 28 210 23841 180 3 4 26 2 6 4 64 1 51 280 33147 64 3 6 11 14 7 10 1 2 5 70 100 17060 71 2 1 7 15 13 13 1 7 35 2 89 138 227

8 91 1 2 4 13 2 7 1 3 16 116 1327 70 2 1 7 1 12 1 5 28 14 120 1342 63 3 7 4 12 3 3 9 88 975 74 1 2 9 9 5 36 12 129 141

33 83 2 9 14 22 3 3 1 1 3 4 1 56 123 17974 143 6 5 17 10 4 10 1 33 73 1 134 243 377

2 2 10 2 12 1414 204 3 9 3 14 3 11 27 111 3 50 352 40211 75 2 5 2 16 6 1 15 103 11837 135 2 3 15 39 2 4 56 181 237

124 467 4 5 15 46 4 22 1 2 30 130 2 178 674 85212 166 3 6 5 35 14 1 3 10 23 232 25523 234 4 9 5 32 12 25 1 43 239 87 540 627

1 1 11 13 13 1 1 1 1 2

9 176 1 3 6 16 1 9 2 1 4 17 211 2283 80 1 3 4 14 8 1 1 2 9 108 1174 4 1 1 1 2 6 7 13

13 97 2 2 2 2 1 1 17 103 12062 259 8 5 13 13 5 2 1 1 1 3 4 90 287 37715 46 3 5 1 10 1 1 3 20 65 8536 105 10 7 7 31 7 6 20 96 80 245 325

4 1 1 2 4 637 304 3 9 3 49 1 13 6 9 44 390 43472 492 11 13 6 63 5 22 5 11 189 8 105 792 897

3 45 1 2 2 1 2 3 6 53 5916 88 1 9 2 6 1 4 21 1 1 24 126 150

6 22 2 4 1 2 2 9 30 398 79 1 1 1 8 7 3 29 1 14 124 138

35 143 4 8 3 22 2 10 2 21 127 4 65 316 38116 76 6 5 12 1 5 1 1 7 23 107 130

3 2 2 1 5 3 86 8 1 2 1 2 1 1 10 12 22

859 4,320 83 142 176 599 81 256 3 28 232 1,260 3 33 1,437 6,638 807526 12 4 8 2 3 5 1 41 20 6111 20 1 2 1 1 1 12 25 37

5 8 1 5 9 1415 52 1 3 4 5 2 2 3 22 65 8757 92 5 3 13 9 3 1 5 9 2 80 119 19912 20 1 6 14 1 2 20 36 5620 17 4 1 2 1 26 19 4518 11 1 1 2 1 1 19 16 3535 89 1 3 3 7 2 1 1 5 14 2 45 118 16336 73 5 7 2 1 9 19 2 53 101 154

6 15 1 1 5 12 11 29 40 2 1 3 3

54 69 8 8 2 3 1 65 80 14522 18 1 1 1 9 9 32 29 61

1 1 1203 315 2 4 22 26 4 11 2 3 35 69 3 4 271 432 703




G. BushSchool ofGovt



Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 64

Headcount by Major by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

9 9 1 1 2 1 12 11 23109 75 1 8 8 4 1 5 12 1 3 128 99 227

3 1 4 494 302 3 6 14 43 5 24 22 64 3 138 442 580

530 140 23 5 43 12 11 4 6 16 8 3 632 169 80112 2 1 1 1 14 3 17

1 1 15 1 5 3 1 11 4 15

240 390 11 4 17 46 3 6 3 1 2 2 2 7 278 456 734206 83 6 5 51 30 11 6 4 2 2 278 128 406

14 3 2 1 1 1 19 3 221 1 3 1 4 59 6 2 1 3 1 11 11 22

22 78 3 4 5 3 4 1 2 30 92 122308 476 21 6 44 78 6 17 3 6 10 2 2 387 592 979685 221 35 8 129 37 25 10 5 6 5 2 1 887 282 1169

4 1 1 1 5 2 7532 153 14 41 18 5 3 1 5 3 4 2 602 179 781207 91 19 11 41 25 14 4 2 1 6 5 1 1 290 138 428

51 17 20 21 1 1 72 39 111 1 1 1

61 44 2 1 13 6 1 2 1 2 80 53 13326 15 1 1 5 5 32 21 53

3,128 2,110 142 50 440 345 89 81 22 5 73 115 17 24 3,911 2,730 6641 2 1 1 2 1 5 6

28 30 1 1 4 2 1 34 33 67495 320 27 14 91 60 62 62 1 3 11 10 687 469 1156

24 24 2 2 2 4 3 7 31 37 681 2 1 1 1 4 2 6

136 152 10 8 36 26 16 17 1 2 31 71 2 2 232 278 510118 92 4 15 18 7 3 12 32 3 159 145 304

35 22 1 2 5 1 3 3 1 9 7 54 35 8911 101 1 3 3 15 1 9 2 12 76 1 30 205 235

9 12 1 2 1 19 23 1 30 38 6845 22 7 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 57 26 83

902 779 45 29 162 128 102 105 6 6 95 222 7 4 1,319 1,273 2592865 404 25 10 162 69 97 48 3 5 5 3 2 1 1,159 540 1699

6 2 1 1 8 2 102 1 2 1 3

1 1 16 2 1 1 7 3 102 2 25 2 1 2 4 7 7 143 2 1 1 2 4 6 7 138 2 1 1 2 5 11 8 19

334 118 1 3 22 8 12 4 1 5 1 375 134 50917 8 2 3 1 1 5 6 1 1 29 16 45

1 1 2 22 1 3 3

1,251 541 28 13 189 80 113 54 5 5 18 22 8 3 1,612 718 2330927 1,134 51 57 206 236 43 70 8 13 9 8 3 3 1,247 1,521 2768175 213 1 3 14 22 1 7 3 191 248 439

1,102 1,347 52 60 220 258 44 77 8 16 9 8 3 3 1,438 1,769 3207


Liberal Arts







Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 65

Headcount by Major by Ethnic Origin by GenderSpring 2006

8 11 1 2 5 6 14 19 334 6 1 2 2 3 2 9 11 202 1 1 1 1 3 3 66 5 2 3 1 13 12 22 20 42

18 15 1 1 3 1 8 7 1 29 26 55 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 7

4 7 2 10 10 16 17 33 1 3 19 3 20 23

10 6 1 2 1 5 4 19 10 295 4 1 3 2 1 9 7 16

1 1 1 21 27 21 27 48

8 5 1 9 6 1 18 12 304 6 1 2 5 8 13

69 70 1 3 11 9 7 3 83 100 2 1 173 186 35915,383 15,776 654 524 2,106 2,159 645 785 89 108 898 2,251 84 129 19,859 21,732 41591


Other -SpecialPopulations

Grand Total

Spring 2006Female Male

WhiteFemale Male

BlackFemale Male

HispanicFemale Male

AsianFemale MaleAmerican Indian

Female MaleInternational

Female MaleUnknown/Other

Female MaleTotal


Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 66

Over 500From 100 to 500From 25 to 100Less Than 25


Total Enrollment by State of Residence(±change from previous year)





















(-6) (-7)














(+1) (-4)



















87 28



















175 16




Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 67

StudentsTexas County Students % Total State Students % Total Country Students % TotalHarris 6471 15.6% Texas 36123 86.9% United States 38370 92.3%Brazos 2744 6.6% Louisiana 234 0.6% India 691 1.7%Dallas 2212 5.3% California 175 0.4% China, People's Rep of 574 1.4%Tarrant 2046 4.9% Oklahoma 109 0.3% Korea, Republic of 494 1.2%Bexar 1919 4.6% Florida 99 0.2% Taiwan 131 0.3%Fort Bend 1401 3.4% New Mexico 91 0.2% Mexico 111 0.3%Travis 1105 2.7% Illinois 87 0.2% Turkey 87 0.2%Montgomery 1078 2.6% Virginia 79 0.2% Indonesia 58 0.1%Collin 958 2.3% Missouri 72 0.2% Canada 57 0.1%Denton 753 1.8% Pennsylvania 71 0.2% Colombia 56 0.1%

Feeder PatternsTexas A&M University Campus

Top 10

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 68

FTIC StudentsTexas County Students % Total State Students % Total Country Students % TotalHarris 15 15.8% Texas 77 81.1% United States 81 86.3%Tarrant 6 6.3% California 2 2.1% India 2 2.1%Bexar 5 5.3% Wyoming 1 1.1% Serbia 1 1.1%Brazos 5 5.3% Louisiana 1 1.1% Qatar 1 1.1%Travis 5 5.3% Pakistan 1 1.1%Montgomery 4 4.2% Kenya 1 1.1%Collin 3 3.2% Kazakhstan 1 1.1%Dallas 3 3.2% Equatorial Guinea 1 1.1%Hidalgo 3 3.2% Ecuador 1 1.1%Williamson 3 3.2% Cayman Islands 1 1.1%

Feeder PatternsFirst Time In College

Top 10

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 69

FTIC StudentsTexas County Students % Total State Students % Total Country Students % TotalBrazos 129 16.6% Texas 727 93.4% United States 749 96.3%Harris 117 15.0% California 3 0.4% Indonesia 3 0.4%Montgomery 41 5.3% Louisiana 3 0.4% Mexico 3 0.4%Dallas 34 4.4% Georgia 2 0.3% Colombia 2 0.3%Tarrant 31 4.0% Nevada 1 0.1% India 2 0.3%Fort Bend 28 3.6% Missouri 1 0.1% Japan 2 0.3%Bexar 25 3.2% Michigan 1 0.1% Iran 1 0.1%Williamson 21 2.7% Indiana 1 0.1% France 1 0.1%Travis 19 2.4% Arizona 1 0.1% Ethiopia 1 0.1%McLennan 14 1.8% Florida 1 0.1% Ecuador 1 0.1%

Feeder PatternsUndergraduate Transfer

Top 10

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 70

FTIC StudentsTexas County Students % Total State Students % Total Country Students % TotalBrazos 55 12.1% Texas 294 64.9% United States 323 71.3%Harris 36 7.9% Louisiana 5 1.1% India 32 7.1%Dallas 12 2.6% California 3 0.7% China, People's Rep of 23 5.1%Montgomery 12 2.6% Florida 2 0.4% Korea, Republic of 12 2.6%Tarrant 12 2.6% Kansas 2 0.4% Colombia 4 0.9%Bexar 10 2.2% Michigan 1 0.2% Iran 4 0.9%Fort Bend 9 2.0% Massachusetts 1 0.2% Nigeria 4 0.9%Webb 7 1.5% Illinois 1 0.2% Saudi Arabia 4 0.9%Collin 6 1.3% Colorado 1 0.2% Hong Kong 3 0.7%Williamson 6 1.3% Arkansas 1 0.2% Kazakhstan 3 0.7%

Feeder PatternsNew Graduate

Top 10

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 71

Country Undergraduate Masters PhD Professional Total StudentsAfghanistan 1 1Albania 1 1Algeria 1 1Angola 1 1Antigua and Barbuda 1 1Argentina 2 4 8 14Armenia 2 2 4Australia 3 2 5Austria 1 2 3Azerbaijan 5 5Bahrain 2 2Bangladesh 9 10 7 26Barbados 1 1Belarus 1 4 5Belgium 1 1Belize (British Honduras) 1 1 2Bolivia 11 1 1 13Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 2Botswana 2 2Brazil 5 11 13 29British Virgin Islands 1 1Bulgaria 1 6 7Burma (Myanmar) 1 1Cambodia (Kampuchea) 1 1Cameroon 3 1 1 5Canada 18 15 24 57Cayman Islands 1 1Chile 4 8 12China, People's Rep of 17 182 375 574Colombia 6 24 26 56Costa Rica 6 1 7Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 1 1 1 3Croatia 1 1Czech Republic 2 1 3Denmark 4 1 5Dominica 1 1Dominican Republic 2 1 2 5Ecuador 10 11 4 25Egypt (A.R.E.) 19 19El Salvador 2 4 6Equatorial Guinea 4 4Eritrea 1 1 2Estonia 1 1Ethiopia 1 2 1 4France 16 13 8 37Georgia (C.I.S.) 1 2 3

Students by Country by Level

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 72

Country Undergraduate Masters PhD Professional Total Students

Students by Country by Level

Germany 3 10 7 20Ghana 3 1 4Greece 2 7 9Guatemala 8 1 1 10Honduras 7 3 1 11Hong Kong 10 6 4 20Iceland 1 1India 79 382 230 691Indonesia 40 10 8 58Iran 6 6 22 34Iraq 1 3 1 5Ireland 1 1 2Israel 1 1Italy 2 2 4 8Jamaica 2 1 6 9Japan 12 10 18 40Jordan 2 2 8 12Kazakhstan 8 6 1 15Kenya 1 3 4Korea, Republic of 28 107 359 494Kuwait 2 2Lebanon 1 3 8 12Lithuania 2 2Macedonia 3 3Malawi (Central Africa) 1 1Malaysia 10 2 3 15Mali 1 2 3Mauritius 1 1 2Mexico 30 33 48 111Mongolia 1 1 2Morocco 4 2 6Nepal 1 2 3Netherlands 1 1 2New Zealand 1 1Nicaragua 5 5Niger 1 1Nigeria 20 27 7 54Norway 3 2 1 6Oman 1 3 4Other Foreign or US 1 1Pakistan 13 10 7 30Panama 4 4 8Paraguay 1 1 2Peru 4 8 14 26Philippines 2 7 9Poland 1 2 3

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 73

Country Undergraduate Masters PhD Professional Total Students

Students by Country by Level

Portugal 2 3 1 6Qatar 2 1 3Romania 3 10 13Russia 2 8 15 25Rwanda 2 1 3San Marino 1 1Saudi Arabia 4 8 9 21Serbia 1 6 6 13Sierra Leone 1 1Singapore 3 1 1 5Slovakia 1 1Slovenia 1 1South Africa 1 1 2Spain 3 1 4Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1 2 8 11St. Lucia 1 1Sudan 1 1Sweden 4 2 6Switzerland 1 1 1 3Syria 1 1 2Taiwan 8 40 83 131Tanzania 1 1Thailand 3 12 21 36Togo 1 1Trinidad & Tobago 2 2 1 5Tunisia 2 1 3Turkey 1 25 61 87Turkmenistan 1 1Uganda 1 1 2Ukraine 4 9 13United Arab Emirates 4 4 3 11United Kingdom 9 2 3 14United States 32,986 3,111 1,764 509 38,370Uruguay 4 2 3 9Uzbekistan 1 1 2Venezuela 6 12 17 35Viet Nam Socialist Republic 8 3 7 18Zaire 1 1Zambia 1 1Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) 5 5

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 74

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

University Total

32 27 59 2 2 6 8 14 2 2 4 2 2 5 9 14 47 48 951 1 1 1

31 24 55 2 2 6 7 13 2 2 4 2 2 4 8 12 45 43 88 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

30 25 55 2 2 6 7 13 2 2 4 2 2 5 9 14 45 45 902 2 4 1 1 2 3 5

29 22 51 1 1 6 8 14 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 38 36 741 4 5 5 7 12 6 11 172 1 3 1 1 3 1 4

31 25 56 1 1 6 8 14 2 2 4 2 2 40 37 771 2 3 1 1 2 2 4

5 9 14 5 9 14 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2

20 15 35 2 2 3 5 8 2 2 4 3 6 9 30 28 5811 9 20 3 3 6 2 2 2 1 3 16 15 311 1 1 1

1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2

32 24 56 2 2 6 8 14 2 2 4 2 2 5 7 12 47 43 9018 25 43 1 1 3 5 8 2 1 3 2 2 5 8 13 29 41 7014 2 16 1 1 3 3 6 1 1 1 1 18 7 2526 19 45 2 2 2 4 6 2 2 4 1 1 2 33 26 59

4 7 11 4 7 116 8 14 4 4 8 2 2 1 1 10 15 25

12 12 24 1 1 2 2 4 2 1 3 4 6 10 21 21 4220 15 35 1 1 4 6 10 1 1 2 2 1 3 4 26 27 53

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 75

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Agriculture

2 4 6 1 1 2 3 5 8

2 2 4 1 1 2 3 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 4 6 1 1 2 3 5 8

1 4 5 1 1 2 2 5 71 1 1 1

2 4 6 1 1 2 3 5 8

1 1 1 1

1 2 3 1 1 2 2 41 1 2 1 1 1 2 3

1 1 1 1

2 3 5 1 1 2 3 4 72 4 6 1 1 2 3 5 8

2 3 5 1 1 2 3 4 7

1 1 1 1

1 3 4 1 1 2 3 51 1 2 1 1 1 2 3

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 76

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Architecture

1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4

1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4

1 1 2 2 2 1 3 4

1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 1 1 1 2 31 1 2 1 1 1 2 3

1 1 1 11 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1

1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 77

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Business Admin

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 9 7 16

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 1 1 2 8 7 15 1 1 1 1

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 9 7 16

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 7 6 13 2 1 3 2 1 3

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 7 6 13 2 1 3 2 1 3

4 3 7 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 6 7 131 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

5 3 8 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 3 9 7 161 3 4 2 2 2 1 3 3 6 94 4 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 74 1 5 1 1 1 1 6 1 7

2 1 3 2 1 31 2 3 3 3 1 5 63 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 5 2 72 2 4 1 3 4 1 1 4 5 9

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 78

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Education

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 5

4 1 5 4 1 51 1 2 1 1 23 3 3 34 1 5 4 1 5

2 1 3 2 1 32 2 2 2

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 79

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Engineering

3 9 12 1 1 2 2 1 1 5 5 4 17 21

3 9 12 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 16 20 1 1 1 1

2 7 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 3 14 171 2 3 1 1 1 3 43 8 11 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 12 15

4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

3 9 12 2 2 1 1 3 12 15 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1

2 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 10 13 4 4 1 1 1 1 6 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 9 12 1 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 4 16 201 7 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 2 14 162 2 4 1 1 2 3 52 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 9 12

4 4 4 41 3 4 1 1 1 4 5

4 4 1 1 3 3 8 83 5 8 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 9 13

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 80

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Liberal Arts

6 6 12 2 1 3 2 2 10 7 17

6 5 11 2 1 3 2 2 10 6 16 1 1 1 1

6 6 12 2 1 3 2 2 10 7 17

6 3 9 2 1 3 2 2 10 4 14 3 3 3 3

6 4 10 2 1 3 2 2 10 5 15 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

2 2 4 1 1 2 2 5 2 74 2 6 1 1 2 5 3 8

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6 4 10 2 1 3 2 2 10 5 154 6 10 1 1 2 2 7 6 132 2 1 1 2 3 1 45 5 10 1 1 2 2 7 6 13

1 1 2 2 2 3 1 41 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 3 75 4 9 1 1 6 4 10

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 81

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Science

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 2

2 2 2 22 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 82

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College Veterinary Medicine

4 1 5 2 2 6 1 7

4 1 5 2 2 6 1 7

3 1 4 2 2 5 1 61 1 1 13 1 4 2 2 5 1 6

1 1 1 14 1 5 2 2 6 1 7

3 1 4 1 1 4 1 51 1 1 1 2 2

4 1 5 2 2 6 1 72 1 3 1 1 3 1 42 2 1 1 3 32 1 3 2 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 41 1 1 13 1 4 2 2 5 1 6

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 83

Demographic Summary by College by Ethnicity/GenderFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

College General Studies

5 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 8 7 151 1 1 14 2 6 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 7 6 13

1 1 1 1

5 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 8 7 15

4 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 5 9 1 1 3 1 4 3 2 5

1 1 1 14 2 6 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 6 101 1 1 1

3 1 4 3 1 4

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 4 3 73 2 5 2 2 1 1 4 4 8

5 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 8 7 154 2 6 1 1 2 2 3 1 4 7 6 131 1 1 1 1 1 25 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 10

2 1 3 2 1 3 2 2 2 2

3 1 4 1 1 3 1 4 6 3 92 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 6

Headcount Total<1818-2122-2526-3031-39

TAMU AgeCategories



Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First Generation

Off-campusDorm (On-campus)

Dorm / Off-campusstudents

Spring 2006F M Tot

WhiteF Tot

BlackF M Tot

HispanicF M Tot

AsianM Tot


F M TotInternational

F M TotGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 84

Demographic Summary by Top 10% StatusFirst-Time In College Students

Spring 2006

25 26.3% 70 73.7% 95 100.0%18 38.3% 29 61.7% 47 100.0%7 14.6% 41 85.4% 48 100.0%

16 27.1% 43 72.9% 59 100.0%1 50.0% 1 50.0% 2 100.0%6 42.9% 8 57.1% 14 100.0%1 25.0% 3 75.0% 4 100.0%

2 100.0% 2 100.0%1 7.1% 13 92.9% 14 100.0%

1 100.0% 1 100.0%25 28.4% 63 71.6% 88 100.0%

4 100.0% 4 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 1 100.0% 8 100.0% 8 100.0%

1 25.0% 3 75.0% 4 100.0%7 43.8% 9 56.3% 16 100.0%3 60.0% 2 40.0% 5 100.0%5 23.8% 16 76.2% 21 100.0%4 23.5% 13 76.5% 17 100.0%

2 100.0% 2 100.0%3 42.9% 4 57.1% 7 100.0%2 13.3% 13 86.7% 15 100.0%

25 26.3% 70 73.7% 95 100.0%24 32.4% 50 67.6% 74 100.0%

17 100.0% 17 100.0%1 25.0% 3 75.0% 4 100.0%

24 31.2% 53 68.8% 77 100.0% 4 100.0% 4 100.0%

1 7.1% 13 92.9% 14 100.0% 3 100.0% 3 100.0% 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

18 31.0% 40 69.0% 58 100.0%6 19.4% 25 80.6% 31 100.0%1 100.0% 1 100.0%

3 100.0% 3 100.0% 2 100.0% 2 100.0%

25 27.8% 65 72.2% 90 100.0%

Headcount TotalFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternational



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral Studies


1st Time in CollegeEnrollment StatusResident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006# %

Yes# %

NoTop 10% Texas High School

# %

Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 85

Demographic Summary by ClassificationFirst-Time In College Students

Top 10% Texas High School StudentsSpring 2006

22 3 2516 2 18

6 1 714 2 16

1 15 1 61 11 1

22 3 251 17 73 33 2 54 42 1 32 2

22 3 2521 3 24

1 121 3 24

1 117 1 18

5 1 6 1 1

22 3 25

Headcount TotalFemaleMale




18-21TAMU Age CategoriesArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringLiberal ArtsVeterinary MedicineGeneral Studies


1st Time in CollegeEnrollment StatusResident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Full-TimeFt/Pt: TAMU Status

Spring 2006 Freshman Sophomore Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 86

Demographic Summary by Entry StatusSpring 2006

95 7 778 222 32,391 119 453 13 7,004 50947 3 366 81 15,931 46 198 4 2,808 37548 4 412 141 16,460 73 255 9 4,196 13459 6 636 173 26,041 82 266 9 3,435 452

2 9 6 880 5 9 1 262 414 77 34 3,588 10 31 1 480 30

4 20 7 1,176 1 14 1 191 162 4 1 166 3 20 1

14 29 443 18 128 1 2,516 1 3 1 97 3 2 100 6

1 2 88 524 57 18,064 6 8 2

4 4 182 105 13,353 44 240 1 1,924 2441 3 46 44 677 29 108 4 2,434 2021 21 10 195 28 75 6 1,821 52

5 6 100 18 24 2 817 98 5 228 61 4,786 24 63 1 868 4 36 6 1,235 3 11 1 397

16 2 15 3,770 2 88 661 5 148 22 3,778 27 95 4 1,115

21 1 119 29 5,978 11 136 4 1,776 28 171 1 13 5 423 1 10 250

17 165 49 5,693 4 7 1 705 2 36 1 1,866 8 19 2 658 7 5 1,687 10 112 509

15 31 29 3,132 43 11 14 291

95 531 69 12,741 7 247 153 19,650 119 362 10 3,739 91 3 3,265 509

74 7 712 213 30,480 93 291 11 3,265 46117 43 5 738 18 47 1 744 4

4 23 4 1,173 8 115 1 2,995 4477 7 727 216 30,864 98 294 11 3,360 469

4 22 6 1,062 4 29 1 1,097 4014 29 465 17 130 1 2,547

20 13 868 55 41 10 1,282 3 2 36 17 1,355 32 56 2 520 2 60 22 1,898 22 274 1 4,249

58 3 413 110 14,924 9 76 723 31 2 240 56 12,333 1 6 143

1 9 4 1,013 87 509 20 13 742 48 32 10 1,035

3 2 36 16 1,038 38 56 2 724 2 59 21 1,785

90 5 663 172 28,826 33 365 1 5,245 509

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations




Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006 1st Time inCollege

1st TimePB

1st TimeTransfer Readmitted Continuing

Undergraduate1st Time

PB1st TimeGraduate Readmitted Continuing




Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 87

Demographic Summary by HousingSpring 2006

24,660 8,833 4,218 12 3,357 2 508 1 32,743 8,84812,558 3,870 1,730 6 1,320 374 1 15,982 3,87712,102 4,963 2,488 6 2,037 2 134 16,761 4,97120,430 6,485 2,491 5 1,296 451 1 24,668 6,491

532 365 141 136 4 813 3652,316 1,397 298 4 219 1 30 2,863 1,402

788 419 124 1 82 16 1,010 420131 42 12 11 1 155 42372 114 1,092 2 1,568 1 3,032 117

91 11 60 45 6 202 113 3

11,082 7,651 13 1 1 1 11,096 7,65312,481 1,167 2,023 11 175 244 14,923 1,178

757 14 1,341 1 1,233 202 3,533 15227 589 1,340 1 52 2,208 1110 1 252 609 9 980 1

4,282 806 514 1 441 5,237 8071,014 267 311 1 99 1 1,424 2692,980 823 681 3 67 3,728 8263,381 572 541 700 4,622 5724,010 2,138 1,030 3 894 5,934 2,141

197 2 197 2312 130 141 120 573 130

4,503 1,421 282 434 1 5,219 1,4221,205 700 300 1 386 1,891 7011,117 582 59 63 508 1 1,747 5831,841 1,366 1,841 1,366

15 28 162 1 153 330 2942 53 42 53

7 118 1 125 1 361 1 90 1 451 2

661 117 661 117206 16 10 3 219 16

23,744 8,647 3,729 10 3,264 1 508 1 31,245 8,65923,419 8,067 2,436 9 1,214 1 460 1 27,529 8,078

600 203 381 1 428 4 1,413 204641 563 1,401 2 1,715 1 44 3,801 566

23,632 8,259 2,490 9 1,263 1 468 1 27,853 8,270638 456 628 1 502 40 1,808 457390 118 1,100 2 1,592 1 3,082 121744 157 643 745 2,132 157

1,355 58 433 177 1,965 581,885 97 2,192 6 2,346 2 6,423 105

11,466 4,042 730 5 73 12,269 4,0478,453 4,209 139 1 10 8,602 4,210

757 270 81 6 508 1 1,352 271620 155 518 607 1,745 155

1,039 56 523 297 1,859 561,774 93 1,774 93

21,227 8,529 3,177 12 2,453 2 508 1 27,365 8,544

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations


1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006Off-campus














Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 88

Demographic Summaryfor the Corps of Cadets

Spring 2006

39,551 2,040 41,59119,676 183 19,85919,875 1,857 21,73229,512 1,647 31,159

1,135 43 1,1784,005 260 4,2651,370 60 1,430

186 11 1973,138 11 3,149

205 8 2133 3

17,651 1,098 18,74915,215 886 16,101

3,500 48 3,5482,201 8 2,209

981 9815,709 335 6,0441,588 105 1,6934,427 127 4,5545,076 118 5,1947,599 476 8,075

192 7 199652 51 703

6,173 468 6,6412,524 68 2,5922,281 49 2,3302,974 233 3,207

356 3 35993 2 95

122 4 126448 5 453762 16 778224 11 235

37,902 2,002 39,90433,844 1,763 35,607

1,603 14 1,6174,104 263 4,367

34,341 1,782 36,1232,019 246 2,2653,191 12 3,2032,253 36 2,2891,952 71 2,0236,460 68 6,528

15,515 801 16,31611,879 933 12,812

1,492 131 1,6231,868 32 1,9001,848 67 1,9151,812 55 1,867

34,023 1,886 35,909

TotalHead CountFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringG. Bush School of GovtGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations


1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time Graduate1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing


Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver


Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident


< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH


Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006 Not in Corps In Corps Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 89

Demographic Summary for Blinn TEAM StudentsSpring 2006

299 137 3 439125 64 2 191174 73 1 248261 124 3 388

4 425 11 366 2 83 3

299 136 3 438 1 1 1 1 1 1

299 135 3 437290 131 3 424

5 6 114 4

292 134 3 4297 3 10

286 134 3 42313 3 16

286 133 3 42213 3 16

1 1

Headcount TotalFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican Indian



TAMU AgeCategories

1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing

Enrollment Status

Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US Resident

Residency Status

< 6 SCH6-8 SCH

SCH Categories

Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006 U1:Freshmen




Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 90

Demographic SummaryFirst Generation Students

Spring 2006

1,479 8,988 23,026 33,493581 4,578 11,269 16,428898 4,410 11,757 17,065772 6,228 19,915 26,915

55 441 401 897154 1,860 1,699 3,713

56 381 770 1,2077 37 129 173

417 21 48 48618 20 64 102

1 2 3362 4,894 13,477 18,733779 3,721 9,148 13,648238 231 302 771

56 97 74 22744 44 23 111

327 1,614 3,147 5,08859 309 913 1,28181 764 2,958 3,803

191 1,148 2,614 3,953427 1,479 4,242 6,148

29 110 303 442199 1,571 4,154 5,924

43 476 1,386 1,90539 462 1,198 1,69941 1,055 2,111 3,20743 4311 25 59 95

1 6 744 232 502 77821 75 126 222

1,403 8,655 22,333 32,3911,009 8,632 21,845 31,486

309 102 392 803161 254 789 1,204

1,016 8,785 22,090 31,89141 182 871 1,094

422 21 65 50872 213 616 901

148 388 877 1,413138 578 1,266 1,982618 4,342 10,548 15,508448 3,213 9,001 12,662

55 254 718 1,02760 190 525 775

123 307 665 1,095133 549 1,185 1,867

1,163 7,942 20,651 29,756

Headcount TotalFemaleMale


WhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral StudiesOther - Special Populations


1st Time in College1st Time PB1st Time TransferReadmittedContinuing

Enrollment Status

Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, US ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus

Spring 2006Unknown Yes No

First GenerationUndergraduates

Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 91

Demographic SummaryStudent Recipients of Regent Scholars Award by Gender

Spring 2006

604 481 1,085234 157 391

72 48 120261 233 494

32 37 694 2 61 3 4

1 1600 471 1,071

4 7 11 3 3

59 31 9012 17 2959 36 9560 12 7238 153 191

3 2 599 54 15367 26 9377 24 101

130 126 2563 1 4

601 480 1,081581 475 1,056

1 122 6 28

603 478 1,0811 3 41 1 24 45 3 8

358 273 631228 195 423

8 9 174 44 3 7

596 478 1,074182 207 389422 274 696

9 11 2011 9 20

584 461 1,045

Headcount TotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianAmerican IndianInternationalUnknown/Other



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringGeosciencesLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral Studies



Enrollment Status

Resident TuitionNon-Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Half-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First GenerationUndergraduates

Spring 2006Female Male

Gender GrandTotal

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 92

Demographic SummaryStudent Recipients of Century Scholars Award by Gender

Spring 2006

88 67 15521 20 4143 16 5921 25 463 5 8

1 153 40 9335 27 6211 3 141 1 2

15 8 238 1 9

15 36 5121 7 2810 6 165 1 62 4 61 11 1 2

86 66 15286 67 1532 2

88 66 154 1 1

1 1 23 2 53 6 9

38 33 7139 23 624 2 61 13 2 52 5 7

82 60 14211 5 1677 62 13938 25 63

4 450 38 88

Headcount TotalWhiteBlackHispanicAsianInternational



TAMU AgeCategories

AgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringLiberal ArtsScienceVeterinary MedicineGeneral Studies


1st Time GraduateReadmittedContinuing

Enrollment Status

Resident TuitionTuition Exemption/Waiver

Tuition Status

Texas ResidentNon-TX, Non-US Resident

Residency Status

< 6 SCH6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH>17 SCH

SCH Categories

Less Than Half TimeHalf-TimeThree-Quarter TimeFull-Time

Ft/Pt: TAMUStatus


Top 10% TexasHigh School


First GenerationUndergraduates

Spring 2006Female Male

GenderGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 93

Demographic SummaryKatrina Students

(Not included in University Total Enrollment)Spring 2006

39 7 1 472 21 2 3

18 1 191 1 25 1 1 74 1 54 1 53 3

1 1

1 1 5 5

17 2 1922 22

TotalHead CountAgricultureArchitectureBusiness AdminEducationEngineeringLiberal ArtsScienceGeneral StudiesOther - SpecialPopulations


6-8 SCH9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH


Spring 2006 Undergraduate Masters PhD Grand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 94

Demographic SummaryQatar Campus

(Not included in University Total Enrollment)Spring 2006

61 55 24 14020 20 14 5441 35 10 861 2 3

22 22 15 599 25 9 43

29 6 35

Head CountFemaleMale


9-11 SCH12-14 SCH15-17 SCH

>17 SCH


Spring 2006U1 U2 U3

Student LevelGrand Total

Prepared by OISP, 21 Apr 06

Texas A&M UniversityOffice of Institutional Studies and Planning

Enrollment Profile – Spring 2006Official Certified 12th Class Day Data

Page 95
