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Text one:

Teachers in many education development have their own way to teach and learn many things. Students can see the professional and the personal Qualities of the successful teachers. This is what this essay talk ab ut.

Every student has an opening about the teacher after every simester. This opinion built by student by depending on the teacher way by treating the students, how teacher tried to explain the information to the students and how teacher is fully known with his subject.

Nowadays, the successful teacher has his own reputation that be known to the students. The style and way of teaching his/her patient with student, will kewledge of the information, how he can deal with difficulties that thaces the students, the way of incorching the student to do their best in preparing to the exams and how to drive his students to the correct way to pass the course with most important information that can be used in their practict and technical lives.

In my opinion after allthis years by sudding I faced many tutors that I can say about thim or call thim a professional. They becomes change my life. Way of their characters which were brilliant and like open eyener for all student. The information that know informations that they choose to tought if for us and time that they give it for us from their lives just to make us understand the subject and become will know with professionate teacher never ever give us from misunderstand or irresposiblity of the student and never give up from teaching thim.

Text two:Every teachers must have a characteristics to get his way to successful. I think it depand on the teaches self. I this essay I will write about what I think of characteristics of successful teacher.

The teacher. Must be able to know at the first what is his job . the good teacher is who help student to understand the subject not to save without understand what the subject is. Also the teacher need to know the good student make him to get better. The characteristics of the the successful teacher different from one to one. It depand on person itself.
