th - Christ Presby


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4th Sunday after Epiphany

February 3, 2019 Liturgist: Beth King 10:00 AM *Those who are able, please stand

PASTOR: Office Administrator: Bill Schofield

Christian Education Director: Mistie Timmons Nursery Coordinator: Karmen Krueger

Music Director: Phone: 317-335-7600

In remembrance of Me eat this bread, In remembrance of Me drink this wine, In remembrance of Me pray for the time, When God's own will is done, In remembrance of me heal the sick, In remembrance of me feed the poor, In remembrance of me open the

door, And let your brother in, let him in, Take eat and be comforted, Drink and remember too’ That this is my body and precious blood, Shed for you, shed for you, In

remembrance of me search for truth, In remembrance of me always love, In remembrance of me don't look above, But in your heart, in your heart, Look in your

heart for God, Do this in remembrance of Me. Ragan Courtney


Announcements / Time of Greeting

Prelude “Brother James Air” Dale Wood

Use this time of the prelude to reflect silently on the different ways in which the Spirit has moved within your life.


Call to Worship We gather together to worship God. We gather together to share a holy meal. We gather around this table To which Christ has invited us. You’ve got a place at this table. We’ve all got a place at this table. We’ll feast on milk and honey. We’ll give thanks to God. We’ll find our home With God together. So welcome to worship. Welcome to the table. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord

*Hymn of Praise #521 “In Remembrance of Me”

*Call to Confession God’s reconciling work in Jesus Christ and the mission of reconciliation to which he has called his church are the heart of the gospel in any age. Our generation stands in peculiar need of reconciliation in Christ. We confess our need, confident in God’s forgiving grace *Prayer of Confession God, we are thirsty and you call us to your waters. But sometimes we try to slake our thirst from other sources. Forgive us when we turn away from the living water that you offer. God, we are hungry and you offer us bread without cost. But sometimes we pay too much for food that does not nourish. Forgive us when we do not accept your gracious provision. Forgive us, God, for the many ways we fail to trust you: When we spend our money for that which is not bread and our labor for that which does not satisfy. God, we seek you; we call upon you. Have mercy on us, for we know you will abundantly pardon. *Assurance of Pardon In Jesus Christ, God has revealed the mystery that brings grace and forgiveness. The light of God’s love transforms us so that we may act with boldness and confidence as forgiven people. *Response #525 “Let Us break Bread Together”

Verse 3 Let us praise God together on our knees; Let us praise God together on our knees.

When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun, O Lord, have mercy on me.

Prayer of Illumination First Scripture Reading Micah 6:1-8

This is the Word of God for the People of God Thanks be to God

Anthem “In This Very Room” Ron and Carol Harris


Time With Young Christians

The Lord’s Prayer


Second Scripture Reading Matthew 5:1-12 This is the Word of God for the People of God

Thanks be to God

Sermon “Don’t have no Ram” Galen Schwarz


Prayers of the People Joys and Concerns

The Offering Offertory “He Who Will Suffer God to Guide Him” J.S. Bach

*Response Of Thanksgiving *Prayer Of Dedication

The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Invitation to the Lord’s Table The Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to God for God is good. God’s love is everlasting. Eternal God, holy and mighty it is our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise,…Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with people of faith from every time and place, we lift our hearts in joyful praise, for you alone are holy: Holy, holy, holy Lord,

God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. You are holy, O God of majesty, and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Son, our

Lord….We thank you for your saving love in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

If Pastoral Care is needed, please contact: Clerk of Council

Bill Wheeler (317) 823-8174

The Words of Institution The Communion of the People

(Each juice tray contains both wine [lighter in color] and grape juice.)

Prayer after Communion

God of glory, you nourish us with your Word who is the bread of life: fill us with your Holy Spirit that through us the light of your glory may shine in all the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. *Sending Hymn #720 “Jesus Calls Us”


*Blessing Almighty God, you have given us grace to bring our prayers to you, and you promise that when two or three of us are together in your name you will grant our requests. Fulfill now, Lord, our desires and prayers, as may be best. Grant us in this world knowledge of your truth, and faithfulness in your service. *Benediction Eternal God, by whose power we are created and by whose love we are redeemed: guide and strengthen us by your Spirit, that we may give ourselves to your service, and live this day in love to one another and to you; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen *Benediction Response “2226 “Bind us Together Lord”

Words on screen Sing the Faith

*Postlude “Eternity, Thou Thunder-word” Johann Gottfried Walther

The flowers today are

provided by Tony DeSimone In celebration

Kelly’s birthday 2/2! Ordination and Installation of new Deacons and Elders

Sunday, February 17

Visit us at


Sunday February 10 Liturgist: Scouts from Troop 88 Ushers: Scouts from Pack & Troop 88 Soundboard/Video: Joe Abramo / Ron Fleshood Fellowship: Scouts from Pack & Troop 88 Flowers: ????? Preaching: Galen Schwarz

Angel Connection Needs These Items

Angel Connection would like CPC to focus on these items — • paper towels • toilet paper • ketchup • mustard • cake mix We are one of a few churches in the immediate area donating items to ensure Angel Connection has adequate supplies to meet the demand.

Thanks to Dawn Waddell who is sitting in for Dodie Urias while she relaxes in

the sun in Arizona!

Souper Bowl Sunday TODAY

Who will it be? RAMS


Place your donations in respective buckets!

Scout Sunday SUNDAY

February 10


February 10

The Presbyterian Women are sponsoring the Church World Service Blanket Sunday on February 10th. For only $5 dollars each, these blankets help people in a disaster or emergency situation. Your donation to this cause WILL make a difference!

Blankets+ Provides disaster survivors with blankets, food,

shelter and safe water — and later with tools, training and other resources for long-term recovery.

Brings help and hope to people in need the world over.

Empowers congregations to be a true neighbor to those in need.

Per Capita for 2019 The total bill CPC will be sending to Presbytery this year is $4,683.00. Your commitment to help pay this is greatly appreciated. For 2019, the figure per member is $40.72.

Received To Date $540.35


Shirley Sheeks Miki Bean

In Hospital, Nursing Home & Assisted Living Centers:

Ann McFate @ Brookdale of Castleton, Indpls., IN Mary Alice Beaumont @ American Village

Fellowship A Commission or group will be assigned the responsibility to provide fellowship. Here are

the groups for the next few weeks: February 10 — Scouts from Troop 88 February 17 — Deacons February 24 — Sarah Circle March 3 — Men of Christ

February Steven Cook 2/10 Harper Perez 2/12

Arlene Wheeler 2/16 Martha Dawson 2/25 Joel Floetker 2/25

Calendar for Week of February 3, 2019

Sunday 2/3 Galen Schwarz, Preaching

Souper Bowl of Caring Monday 2/4 7 PM Troop 88 — MP & Education Rooms Tuesday 2/5 1 PM Needlecrafters — MP Room Thursday 2/7 1 PM PW Coordinating Team — Education Room 5 PM Deacons — Education Room 7 PM Crystal Pointe HOA — MP Room Saturday 2/9 9 AM Men of Christ — Lincoln Square Sunday 2/10 Galen Schwarz, Preaching

Scout Sunday / Blanket Sunday



January 27 947

Year to Date $17,574


Please let us know who you are and how we can help you. Please tear off this sheet, fill it in and place in the offering basket.

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