The 15 Hottest Supplements - Stop aging...


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The 15 Hottest Supplements

By Joshua CornEditor-in-Chief of Live in the Now

L O O K I N S I D EFrom green coffee extract to astaxanthin, learn the truth

about 15 of the most popular nutritional supplements.

Which Ones Are Actually Worth Taking?

A Straightforward Buyer’s Guide to Shopping Wisely for Nutritional Supplements

About Live in the NowLive in the Now is your guide to living a happier, healthier and more natural life. Our mission is to educate, empower and inspire you, so you can make the most of every day, and live life to its fullest potential. Here’s a quick overview of some of the things we believe in:• Living in harmony with the natural world is the best way to maintain

superior health• A proactive approach to preventing illness is always better than treating

it after the fact• Reducing exposure to environmental toxins is an imperative of modern life• Eating nutritious, sustainable food is fundamental to sustained health• The more information people have concerning their health, the better

decisions they make• Pharmaceutical drugs and high-risk medical interventions should always

be a last resort• Natural healing options should be legal, accessible and affordable for all people• The present moment is the gateway to health, happiness and enlightenmentWe write about the things we are passionate about — natural solutions to health challenges, political issues that directly affect human health and the environment, green living, conscious consumerism, food and nutrition, the mind-body connection, personal development and awakened spirituality.

For information regarding this and other publications, please visit

About Joshua Corn, Editor-In-Chief and CEOJoshua Corn is a health freedom advocate who’s been involved in the natural health movement for over 15 years. He’s dedicated to promoting health, vitality, longevity and natural living and is currently writing a book on natural remedies and launching a radio show. In addition, Josh is an avid outdoorsman, organic gardener, animal lover and enjoys “living in

the now” with his wife and two sons. In addition to serving as Editor-In-Chief of Live in the Now, Joshua is also CEO of Stop Aging Now, a company that has been formulating premium natural health products since 1995.

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Have you ever stood in the aisle of a store selling nutritional supplements and wondered how you’d ever make sense of it all? I have. And I know how frustrating it can be to sort out fact from fiction when it comes to something as important as your health.

We’re bombarded daily with mixed messages about nutritional supplements from doctors, advertisers and the media. How can you tell which products work and which are a waste of money? Even if you take the time to read all the fine print on the products, who knows what it all means? Separating the good from the bad and the worthless just isn’t something that most people can do without help.

That’s why I’m here. As Editor-in-Chief of Live in the Now and CEO of Stop Aging Now, I’ve made it my life’s work to provide information you need to make intelligent supplement choices

This Special Report focuses on one of the issues I’m most passionate about — safe, effective, natural solutions to health challenges. It’s designed to help you live a happier, healthier, more natural life. I’m staking my name and reputation on that!

Here are some of the questions you need to ask before taking any product:

• Does it contain too little, too much or no active ingredients?

• Am I taking the right form for maximum absorption and efficacy?

• Are there dangerous substances in it? Can I be sure it isn’t contaminated?

• How many pills do I need to take each day?

• What are all the other things listed on the label and are they really necessary?

• Have all these ingredients been proven to do what the manufacturer says?

• Can I trust that the product even contains what’s on the label?

As you may have heard, a recent investigation into several bargain-brand supplements found that many of them contained nothing more than house plants and rice powder instead of the herbs detailed on the label. This is a shameful finding; the result of brands cutting corners by ordering their products and raw materials from manufacturers outside the U.S. that do not meet FDA inspection standards, and neglect the important step of having independent third-party labs test and verify their products.

Your health is too important to entrust to the cheapest product you can find. And taking a supplement just because it’s “hot,” and everyone is talking about it is even worse! Make no mistake — taking the wrong product with the wrong ingredients and the wrong dosing is just a waste of money.

To protect your health and well-being, we’ve put together this “buyer’s guide” to 15 popular nutritional supplements. In these pages, you’ll find out what works and what’s best avoided. You’ll also learn how to make sure you are getting an effective supplement at an affordable price.

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Why take my word for it? Because I’ve read the studies, consulted with my Scientific Advisory Board of medical and nutrition experts, and even played guinea pig and taken them myself to see if each product does what it says it will.

This report is intended to be educational. I urge all readers to check the facts and head into the supplement arena knowing exactly what to look for.

I want to make buying nutritional supplements simple, straightforward and foolproof — so you can feel confident about your choices and get the full health benefits you deserve.

Editor-in-Chief of Live in the NowCEO of Stop Aging Now

To Your Good Health,

The 15 Hottest Supplements

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The 15 Hottest Supplements — What You Need to Know About Them and Which Ones Are Actually Worth Taking?

CURCUMIN: The Root of Good Health ..................................................................................................................................... 6

PROBIOTICS: Digestion’s Best Friend ........................................................................................................................................ 8

ASTAXANTHIN: Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant ...................................................................................................... 11

GREEN COFFEE BEAN: Not the Weight Loss Miracle You’ve Been Waiting For ...................................................................................... 14

OMEGA-3S: The Healthy Fats Your Cells Crave ..................................................................................................................... 16

COENZYME Q10 (COQ10): Your Heart Will Thank You .................................................................................................................................. 19

ST. JOHN’S WORT: Not Ready for Prime Time .................................................................................................................................. 21

VITAMIN D: Sunshine in a Bottle ........................................................................................................................................... 23

VITAMIN B12 The #1 Vitamin for Maintaining Your Brain ......................................................................................................... 26

GLUCOSAMINE & CHONDROITIN An Incomplete Solution for Joint Pain ................................................................................................................ 28

CALCIUM: More Than Just Strong Bones ........................................................................................................................... 30

SAW PALMETTO: The Secret to Successful Prostate Relief ........................................................................................................... 33

FORSKOLIN: Another Fad Bites the Dust ................................................................................................................................ 35

RESVERATROL: Defy the Aging Process ...................................................................................................................................... 37

CINNAMON: The Simple Way to Better Blood Sugar?............................................................................................................ 40

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What Is It?An antioxidant compound extracted from roots of the turmeric plant.

Why People Are Talking About ItCurcumin has been used medicinally for thousands of years, for everything from indigestion to joint problems. But the studies generating the most excitement are those showing that it’s one of the most powerful natural brain protectors available!

One thing we’ve learned from decades of health research — pharmaceuticals are not going to save us, especially when it comes to conditions related to aging and brain health. When it comes to preserving your memory and protecting your brain, prevention is critical. That’s why it’s important to know that countries consuming the most dietary curcumin have the lowest levels of cognitive decline in the world – and this has gotten people talking about the this spice’s unique ability to combat brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Why is this so important? Because by age 65, 1 in 8 Americans suffers from severe cognitive decline. Make it to age 80, and you’ll be looking at a 1 in 2 chance of living with serious mental decline.

A major new clinical trial, for example, found that curcumin actually revs up the immune system until it sends out cells that target and destroy the abnormal proteins that could rob you of your memories. I’m not aware of any other substance that has such a profound protective effect on the brain.

These facts, combined with curcumin’s outstanding ability to combat health-damaging inflammation, have made this one of the hottest supplements available today.

What Else Does It Do?There’s more to curcumin than better brain function, though. In one recent study, researchers found that curcumin eased arthritis pain just as well as ibuprofen — without the stomach upset and risk of gastrointestinal bleeding that’s a risk with all NSAID pain relievers.

Here are a few of its proven benefits: • Fights inflammation, a prime cause

of nearly all diseases

• Counteracts free-radical damage to cells caused by aging

CURCUMIN:The Root of Good Health

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• Improves heart health, lowers triglycerides and reduces cholesterol oxidation that produces LDL (“bad”) cholesterol

• Boosts immunity and infection-fighting abilities

• Keeps blood thin, so platelets don’t become “sticky” or form a clot

• Reduces joint pain as well as over-the-counter pain relievers

• Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels

What to Look for in a SupplementHere are my five guidelines for choosing a safe, effective curcumin supplement:

1. Start with at least 1,000 mg of curcumin daily. This is the minimum dosage that has been shown to provide benefits in studies. Many supplements provide far less than that, with dosages in the 100-200 mg range. Be picky when shopping. Saving a few cents on a lower dosage supplement could mean the product is worthless.

2. Black Pepper makes it better. The best curcumin supplements are made with piperine, an extract of black pepper that increases curcumin absorption by an astounding 2,000%! If your body can’t absorb a supplement, it can’t use it — it’s that simple! And any curcumin product that doesn’t include at least 20 mg of piperine to boost absorption is likely to produce disappointing results.

3. Standardization matters, too. Standardized products provide you with the highest consistency as far as the active constituents of an herb go, so you know you’re getting the real deal, not some mystery powder and fillers. An effective curcumin supplement should contain curcuminoids standardized to at least 75%.

4. Purity can be a concern. Some curcumin supplements have been found to be contaminated with lead and/or cadmium. To avoid taking a low-grade product, I personally, recommend searching out a product made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility to meet or exceed stringent US Pharmacopeia (USP) standards for quality, purity and potency.

5. More expensive doesn’t always mean you’re getting a better product. Don’t fall for the myth that a higher price tag means a better product. I’ve seen curcumin selling for big bucks. But I’m here to tell you that any product that costs more than $30 for a month’s supply is overpriced.

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What Is It?Health-enhancing bacteria found primarily in fermented foods.

Why People Are Talking About ItIt seems that ever since Activia hit the market, probiotics have been in the spotlight. And while eating bacteria-rich foods is always a good idea, there’s a reason people are seeking more digestive support from probiotic supplements.

One in three Americans lives with digestive problems. If you’re one of them, you know how uncomfortable these issues can be. Meals end in bloating, upset stomach, gas and/or heartburn, with alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea. Anyone who’s taken antibiotics, lives with high levels of stress or eats a less-than-healthy diet occasionally, knows what I’m talking about. These are all symptoms of “microbial imbalance,” or a lack of the beneficial intestinal bacteria that play a huge role in good health.

A beneficial bacteria shortage doesn’t just cause stomach problems. It contributes to malnutrition, weight gain, skin problems, low energy, mood swings, inflammation and a weak immune system. Remember, roughly 80 percent of your immune system is located in your gastrointestinal tract. That’s why probiotics are often called the foundation of a strong immune system, which will protect you from the overwhelming numbers of pathogenic microbes we face today.

“80 percent of your immune system is located in your gastrointestinal tract. That’s why probiotics are often called the foundation of a strong immune system.”

Another common consequence of lacking healthy bacteria is acid reflux, causing many people to reach for over-the-counter remedies that only make matter worse.

So have probiotics earned their claim to fame? I’d say that between offering both immediate benefits and long-term preventive properties -- definitely.

What Else Does It Do?Back in the day, our diets were excellent sources of probiotics because we consumed fermented foods like sauerkraut and homemade yogurt. Now, not so much. Too few probiotic-rich foods, a poor diet, stress and especially antibiotics have robbed us of these essential nutrients.

PROBIOTICS:Digestion’s Best Friend

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But as they say, “you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone.” And now it’s known that your intestinal tract is home to both the precious good and sometimes life-threatening bad bacteria. The bad ones — like E. coli — cause disease. The good ones — like Lactobacillus acidophilus — improve your digestion, help you absorb nutrients from food, eliminate toxins and enhance your immune system so it can conquer the bad microbes.

Science is just beginning to unlock the tremendous health benefits of probiotic supplements, which support and enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria in your intestines.

If you’re not taking probiotics, these are the benefits you could be missing out on:

• Painless, efficient digestion and elimination

• Decreased symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, diarrhea and other inflammatory conditions involving the digestive tract

• A more powerful immune system

• Reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol

• Improved weight management

• Fewer allergy and asthma symptoms

• Improved mood and mental function

• Fewer urinary tract, skin and joint problems

“Americans spent more than $1 billion on probiotic supplements last year and, sadly, a great deal of that money was wasted on drinks, snacks and pills with more marketing hype than benefits.”

What to Look for in a SupplementAmericans spent more than $1 billion on probiotic supplements last year and, sadly, a great deal of that money was wasted on drinks, snacks and pills with more marketing hype than benefits. Here are the crucial details to look for when shopping for a probiotic supplement.

1. The bacteria must be alive. This is non-negotiable. The best way to ensure that your probiotic supplement contains live cultures is to buy a “shelf stable” product. Unless the product is made using “heat stabilization technology” that guarantees this shelf stability, the typical probiotic must be refrigerated. If it’s exposed to heat or light, the bacteria die. In fact, if you’ve tried probiotics before and were disappointed, it’s probably because the bacteria were not specially processed to make them “shelf stable” so as to not need refrigeration. If your product sat on a truck, loading dock or in a back room before you purchased it, there’s a good chance the bacteria weren’t viable.

2. Effective Dose. Look for a product with at least 10 billion CFU (colony forming units). In fact, you should confirm with the manufacturer that this dose is guaranteed upon consumption. Some probiotic makers list the amount of CFUs in each capsule upon completion, not accounting for the facts that their formula isn’t shelf stable and could be mishandled, causing most or all of the friendly bacteria to be dead on arrival.

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3. Acid-resistant capsules (which are not the same as enteric coating). The dosage doesn’t matter if the effective friendly bacteria are killed off by stomach acid. Look for a product that can survive a long trip through your digestive system. The harsh hydrochloric acid in your stomach can wipe out supplements unless they’re packed in a special type of capsule known as “acid resistant.” Maybe you’ve noticed products claiming to have solved this problem because they’re “enteric coated.” But that’s not the same as being packaged in an acid-resistant capsule. In fact, enteric-coated supplements are treated with synthetic chemicals and heat to get that way — and neither one of those processes are good for the bacteria — or for you.

4. Variety of strains. If you’re spending money on a probiotic supplement, it should contain a variety of strains, because certain types of probiotics provide specific benefits. I have found that these five have the most research supporting their effectiveness: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus casei and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

5. Look for prebiotics in the formula: A high quality probiotic supplement should include prebiotics, like inulin and fructooligosaccharides. These substances — sometimes called probiotic “food” — enhance the effects of probiotics synergistically, so you actually get even more benefits than from probiotics alone.

To make sure you’re getting a safe, effective supplement, choose a product made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility to meet stringent USP standards for quality, purity and potency. Getting all these features should not be expensive; you should be able to purchase a great product for less than $20 for a month’s supply.

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What Is It?A natural antioxidant pigment found in seafood and algae.

Why People Are Talking About ItAstaxanthin has been hailed for its ability improve joint health, enhance brain function and provide a surge of youthful energy.

But where it’s receiving the most attention is in the skin health arena, where experts are claiming this nutrient has a unique ability to curb damage from the types of free radicals that threaten skin health and cause wrinkles.

So is there truth to these claims or is astaxanthin just the latest health fad?

After diving into the extensive research, I am convinced that this powerhouse nutrient has more than earned the headlines for its outstanding abilities to quench dangerous free radicals, the rogue molecules that sap your energy, wrinkle your skin, make your joints ache and cause heart, vision and memory problems. In fact, Researchers were so stunned, they had to double-check their results! Astaxanthin outperformed every other antioxidant tested, making it the most powerful antioxidant ever discovered.

Here’s how it works:Astaxanthin works is by protecting the skin’s outermost layer against oxidative stress. This enhances cell repair and collagen production, thus increasing skin moisture, preventing and reducing wrinkles, and providing for firmer, more elastic skin. Astaxanthin can also suppress inflammatory markers, which can help to reduce puffiness and irritation. Overall, research is showing that astaxanthin is, in fact, one of the best supplements you can take to repair and heal your skin from the inside out, reverse years of damage and maintain a youthful appearance.

“Astaxanthin is, in fact, one of the best supplements you can take to repair and heal your skin from the inside out, reverse years of damage and maintain a youthful appearance.”

Up until recently, we relied on the antioxidant abilities of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene and CoQ10. But astaxanthin studies show this nutrient leaves all the old standbys in the dust.

ASTAXANTHIN:Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Antioxidant

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What Else Does It Do?Antioxidants like astaxanthin neutralize free radicals, making them harmless. And, thanks to an antioxidant this powerful, you don’t have to live with creaky joints, fuzzy vision, senior moments or constant fatigue any longer. Astaxanthin may be the closest thing to the Fountain of Youth in a pill.

Here’s how astaxanthin stacks up against other antioxidants:

• 40 times more powerful than beta-carotene

• 100 times stronger than vitamin E

• 800 times more powerful than CoQ10

• 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C!

! Astaxanthin shields your brain, eyes, joints and central nervous system from assault by damaging free radicals, minimizing signs of aging throughout your entire body. !Astaxanthin offers: !

• Protection against the eye disease known as macular degeneration • Improved immunity • Reduced inflammation and joint pain • Higher energy levels • Improved heart health, with reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and elevated HDL

(good) cholesterol

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Astaxanthin shields your brain, eyes, joints and central nervous system from assault by damaging free radicals, minimizing signs of aging throughout your entire body.

Astaxanthin offers:

• Protection against the eye disease known as macular degeneration

• Improved immunity

• Reduced inflammation and joint pain

• Higher energy levels

• Improved heart health, with reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and elevated HDL (good) cholesterol

• Five times the eye protection of lutein, an antioxidant known for targeting the eyes

• Protection against neurodegenerative diseases, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s

• Reduction in skin damage and wrinkles from ultraviolet (UV) light.

What to Look for in a Supplement?Have you seen how many astaxanthin products are in the market now? How do you know which ones can do the job and which fail? To know you’re getting a good product, here’s what I suggest looking for:

1. One pill is all it takes. The recommended dosage of astaxanthin is 4 mg daily. So you want a product that provides that in one pill. A lower dose won’t have the same benefits, and more is not necessarily better.

2. The form matters. Steer clear of synthetic versions of astaxanthin. They won’t provide all the great benefits listed above. You can tell the real deal because it will be labeled as natural, purified and derived from H. pluvialis, a species of marine algae considered one of the richest sources of the nutrient.

3. Research the raw material. For best results, look for products made with Zanthin®, a natural, purified astaxanthin derived from H. pluvialis. This special patented form of the nutrient was the first to earn regulatory approval in both the United States and Europe, due to its pioneering extraction and stabilization processes.

4. It shouldn’t cost a lot. It’s important to be cautious of companies that will try to use astaxanthin’s amazing health properties to makes claims that support a high price point. Astaxanthin should not cost an arm and a leg. There’s no reason these products should cost more than $20 for a month’s supply.

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What Is It?An extract from unroasted coffee beans.

Why People Are Talking About ItAfter being the topic of discussion on an episode of The Dr. Oz show, women and men were eager to try these “magic beans. ” But when I hear the words “miracle” and “magical” being used to describe a weight loss supplement, I have to admit — I’m skeptical. So when green coffee bean extract hit the market with borderline ridiculous claims for what it could do, I just had to investigate. Here’s what I found.

What Are the Facts?Green coffee beans contain chlorogenic acid, which is touted as the active ingredient. But where’s the supportive research? There isn’t much. The study that started it all was not exactly groundbreaking or rigorous. First of all, there were only 16 participants, instead of the several thousand it takes to really test the effectiveness of a substance. But that’s not all. The study was financed by a supplement manufacturer, and that conflict of interest puts its credibility in question.

A look at the study itself was also revealing. According to the published results, the people who took green coffee bean extract lost an average of 17 pounds in 22 weeks, even though they ate the same food and portions as those in the control group. But how exactly did that happen? Was it the caffeine in the coffee beans? The chlorogenic acid, as the researchers claimed? Or maybe the beans really are magic!

Apparently not. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the claims of significant weight loss “without diet or exercise” were false. Not only were participants told to restrict their diet and increase their exercise, but also the weight loss statistics were altered to be more impressive. The study was retracted and the firm behind the scam was fined $3.5 million. As the FTC noted, the “study was so hopelessly flawed that no reliable conclusions could be drawn from it.”

“The study was financed by a supplement manufacturer, and that conflict of interest puts its credibility in question.”

If you sometimes wonder if it’s worth spending hard-earned dollars on nutritional supplements, there are a couple lessons to be learned here. First, do your homework. Look at the studies. How many are there? One is far from enough. There should be at least a handful, involving hundreds, or even thousands, of participants.

GREEN COFFEE BEAN:Not the Weight Loss Miracle You’ve Been Waiting For

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Second, whenever you hear words like “magic” or “unbelievable,” hold on to your wallet. Scams are common in any industry. But there’s no need to settle for worthless or dangerous supplements when there are so many excellent alternatives available.

What to Look for in a Supplement Instead? If you’re serious about losing weight, combine a nutritious diet — with a strong emphasis on fruits and vegetables, small amounts of lean protein, whole grains and good fats — with regular, moderate exercise. This combination is the only sensible, safe way to lose weight.

While there is no replacement for a healthy lifestyle, there are some supplements that can support your efforts to lose weight. Unlike green coffee bean extract, there actually is substantial clinical evidence showing that natural weight loss aids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), green tea extract, niacin-bound chromium, Garcinia cambogia extract and white bean extract can make dropping unwanted pounds easier.

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What Is It?Essential fatty acids derived from fish, krill, other aquatic life or plant sources such as flax or perilla seed.

Why People Are Talking About ItEvery cell in your body requires omega-3 fatty acids to function properly. Yet these healthy fats are nearly absent from the modern diet. In fact, according to some experts, most Americans are critically deficient in omega-3s. A lack of these essential fats makes you vulnerable to a wide range of health problems, including cardiovascular problems, cognitive decline, mood swings, vision loss, premature skin aging, joint pain and chronic inflammation. The fact is, pretty much everyone can benefit from adding more omega-3s to their diet, and the payoffs can be huge.

Fish Oil and Krill Oil: The Two Most Talked About Sources of Omega-3sFish oil is the most popular omega-3 supplement and has been around the longest. It has a long track record and thousands of clinical studies backing its safety and effectiveness for a variety of health conditions. The problem with fish oil is that much of it is heavily contaminated, so you need to be careful and choose a fish oil supplement that has been thoroughly purified with a special molecular distillation technology.

Krill oil is another popular source of omega-3s that is newer to the supplement scene, but nonetheless well studied and shown to be effective. Krill are tiny pink shrimp-like crustaceans that are abundant in the pristine waters surrounding Antarctica. Because of this, and since krill are low on the food chain, you don’t have to worry about mercury, PCBs and all the other toxins that contaminate many fish oil supplements these days. Krill oil also contains brain-preserving omega-3 compounds known as phospholipids that also increase omega-3 absorption, along with a hearty dose of the supercharged antioxidant astaxanthin (see above).

Most experts agree that fish and krill are the best sources of omega-3s, but if you are vegan or vegetarian, or avoid seafood for other reasons, you might consider a plant-based omega-3 supplement. Marine algae oil is one excellent source, as are the oils of flax and perilla seeds.

What Else Does It Do?Omega-3s have been proven in hundreds of studies to nourish and protect the heart and brain — along with the rest of your body. Here are some of the key benefits:

• Substantially reduced inflammation

• Normalized cholesterol and blood sugar levels

• Lower blood pressure and better circulation

OMEGA-3S:The Healthy Fats Your Cells Crave

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• Improved immunity

• Deep, restful sleep

• Mood stabilization

• Pain-free, flexible joints

• Fewer wrinkles and other signs of skin aging

• Sharper vision and hearing

• Better mental functions, including memory

• Enhanced energy and less fatigue

Fish Oil or Krill Oil – That is the QuestionWhether fish oil or krill oil is better depends on whom you ask. There are arguments in favor of both, and both are excellent sources of omega-3s. The primary advantages of taking fish oil are that it has been around longer and has more long-term studies backing its effectiveness. Also, since the doses of EPA and DHA are typically higher, it is ideal for anyone looking to protect heart and brain health.

The main pros of taking krill oil are that it contains brain-boosting EPA and DHA that are bound to phospholipids, as well as the antioxidant astaxanthin, and you may be able to take less of it and get the same effects when it comes to reducing inflammation and protecting skin, as its phospholipid content boosts absorption.

In my opinion, these two forms of omega-3 fats complement each other, and if you can take both, that would be ideal. But if you are unsure what essential fatty acid supplement is best for you, taking a fish oil supplement daily is a safe bet and a smart choice. So why is it that most Americans are seriously lacking in omega-3s, in spite of the fact that fish oil is the number one supplement in the country? If we’re taking lots of fish oil and yet are still deficient in omega-3s, I’d say that means that some fish oil and other omega-3 supplements contain very low levels of the nutrients we desperately need.

“In my opinion, these two forms of omega-3 fats complement each other, and if you can take both”

In fact, Consumer Reports tested these products and found that 1 in every 3 bottles of fish oil didn’t measure up to the content claims on the labels. Even worse, some manufacturers were trying to pass off stale, rancid or oxidized oils as perfectly acceptable. In fact, the most dangerous toxins found in fish oil supplements are heavy metals, pharmaceutical drug residues and banned pesticides and chemicals.

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What to Look for in a Supplement:So how do you separate the winners from the losers? Here are my suggestions:

1. Effective Doses:

a. If you take fish oil, make sure you’re getting at least 1,000 mg of omega-3s, 600 mg of which should be the important omega-3 EPA, and at least 400 mg of which should be the equally important omega-3 DHA.

b. Since the omega-3s found in krill oil are bound to phospholipids that help to boost absorption, you may not need to take as much to get the same benefits (usually between 400-500 mg).

2. Purity is critical in the case of omega-3 supplements. In this day and age, you can’t be too careful about environmental toxins, especially in the ocean. Whether you take fish oil or krill oil, be sure to seek out a product that has gone through rigorous purification and safety testing, so there are no worries about mercury or other impurities. The best technology for purifying fish oil supplements, while ensuring that their omega-3s stay intact, is molecular distillation.

3. Freshness: Omega-3s have a unique molecular structure that makes them prone to oxidation, which transforms them from health-promoting fats to rancid trans-fats when they are exposed to light and heat. There are several measures that manufacturers can take to avoid creating rancid fish oil, but here are the three indication that the manufacturer places freshness high on their list of values:

a. Molecular distillation: The most important is the use of molecular distillation (which I mentioned above) that purifies the oil without the use of heat.

b. A dark colored capsule: It’s also important that the softgel itself be a dark color to limit light exposure.

c. Formula includes antioxidants: Lastly, a softgel formula should incorporate antioxidants like vitamin E and CoQ10 to help prevent oxidation.

4. Where was made?: Buying supplements that were made in a state-of-the-art, FDA-inspected facility in the USA is always important, but even more so for fish oil. Lipids can hold dangerous amounts of contaminants and metals and many other countries do not meet our strict guidelines, so quality, purity and potency are not always ensured.

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What Is It?A vitamin-like substance found in every cell in your body.

Why People Are Talking About ItThere’s no shortage of studies showing the health benefits of CoQ10, particularly when it comes to your heart. CoQ10 is the fuel that helps your heart do its job, which involves beating about 100,000 times each day. Levels of this nutrient plummet as you age. In fact, by age 30, CoQ10 levels are already falling. At 50, there could be too little CoQ10 in your body to maintain optimal heart function. When that happens, you’re left feeling fatigued — and your heart is struggling. Those stubborn “mystery” symptoms that stump your doctor and won’t go away could very likely be due to low levels of CoQ10.

The situation is worse for anyone taking statins (Lipitor®, Zocor®, Crestor® or Pravachol®), prescription medication for lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol. Statins deplete the body of CoQ10 — by as much as half in as little as 30 days after you start taking them — leaving you with side effects ranging from uncomfortable to dangerous. Now, if you think about the situation for a minute, I think you’ll agree that it’s infuriating. Doctors prescribe statins to about 1 in every 3 adults over age 50 to “help” their heart. Instead, what those drugs are actually doing is robbing the heart of the very thing it needs to function optimally. It simply makes no sense at all.

“Whether due to the side effects of cholesterol lowering medication or just plain aging, most physicians make no mention of CoQ10 when patients complain of severe muscle aches, pains and nerve trouble .”

Worse? Whether due to the side effects of cholesterol lowering medication or just plain aging, most physicians make no mention of CoQ10 when patients complain of severe muscle aches, pains and nerve trouble, despite the wealth of clinical support that CoQ10 helps to reduce muscle pain and weakness.

What Else Does It Do?Thousands of studies show that CoQ10 energizes your heart and keeps it strong, without side effects or toxicity found in pharmaceuticals. But CoQ10 goes beyond heart health, with the ability to:

• Improve blood pressure significantly

• Transform food into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the body’s energy supplier

COENZYME Q10 (COQ10):Your Heart Will Thank You

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• Boost brain power and provide mental clarity

• Improve vision and keep eyes healthy

• Reduce wrinkles and protect skin from sun damage

• Combat dangerous free radicals that harm your cells

• Fight fatigue

• Reduce muscle pain and weakness

• Promote optimal gum and oral health

What to Look for in a Supplement:All you need is one daily dose of 100-200 mg of CoQ10, with 200 being the optimal amount for most people over 45, and the prudent approach for anyone on a cholesterol-lowering drug. But choosing the right CoQ10 can be tricky.

Here are my recommendations for choosing a product that performs at the highest level:

1. Most reliable form. Look for a product made from “trans” form CoQ10. This is the most easily absorbed type of CoQ10 in a form closest to what your body produces naturally. Stay away from the inferior synthetic “cis” form of CoQ10.

2. Research the fermentation process. Check the label or manufacturer’s website to see if the CoQ10 is made using yeast fermentation, a patented process that produces the most effective form of the nutrient. It’s the only process a reputable firm uses.

3. Black Pepper makes it better. To make certain the product you choose is absorbable, look for the addition of the black pepper extract piperine. This ingredient has been shown to boost CoQ10 absorption by more than 30%!

4. Always check to make certain the CoQ10 was made in the USA and states that on the bottle. That eliminates the risk you run buying from questionable overseas sources.

5. Opt for the CoQ10 your body recognizes. Experts go back and forth between whether ubiquinol or ubiquinone is superior -- but your body knows best. Your body produces CoQ10 in the form of ubiquinone, so opt for a formula that uses this form of the nutrient. (And here’s a secret -- the only so-called advantage to taking a formula that uses ubiquinone is that “you can take less of it.” But you’re taking a pill anyway! So might as well take the version your body recognize.

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What Is It?An invasive weed found throughout the US that has been used as a folk remedy for brightening mood and combatting insomnia and other ailments.

Why People Are Talking About ItSt. John’s wort has a long history of use in Western herbal medicine as a remedy for depression. In the 1980s, St. John’s wort supplements became popular alternatives to prescription antidepressants like Prozac and Zoloft. Sales eventually topped $300 million, and the herb was touted as a remedy for ADHD, eczema and even ear infections.

But conflicting study results and reports of low-quality supplements raised dserious questions about effectiveness. Then, in 2001, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a major study showing that St. John’s wort failed to provide relief for individuals with major depression. Apparently, earlier studies showing that it worked were not well designed, leading to flawed results.

“But that wasn’t the end of the bad news. It turned out that St. John’s wort did not “play well” with other medications”

But that wasn’t the end of the bad news. It turned out that St. John’s wort did not “play well” with other medications, including heart drugs, oral contraceptives, antibiotics and treatments for AIDS. More recently, the herb failed again, this time in a study to determine if it actually improved behavior and focus of children with ADHD. The answer was, “No.”

What Are the Facts?Several different substances in the plant are believed to elevate dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin, the brain’s “feel good” neurotransmitters. But so far, that has not been confirmed in the lab.

Regardless of St. John’s wort’s effect on depression, the herb does come with quite a few side effects, including:

• Intense dreams

• Upset stomach

• Dry mouth

• Fatigue

ST. JOHN’S WORT:Not Ready for Prime Time

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• Dizziness

• Headache

• Anxiety

• Insomnia

• Low blood sugar

• Sun sensitivity

What to Look for in a Supplement Instead:Studies have repeatedly shown that 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week outperforms prescription medications. On the supplement front, studies show that omega-3s, curcumin, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 improve mood — and much more.

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What Is It?A fat-soluble nutrient also known as the “sunshine” vitamin, because your body produces it when bare skin, free of sunblock, is exposed to bright sunlight.

Why People Are Talking About ItSadly, the main reason it seems everyone is talking about vitamin D these days is because deficiency has become a major problem.

Thanks to years of bad advice about avoiding the sun, experts estimate that most Americans are now deficient in vitamin D. To make matters worse, all that sunscreen people have been slathering on significantly interferes with the body’s ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure. Talk about a double whammy!

Deficiencies of vitamin D aren’t obvious at first, and can go years without detection. Or they could be misdiagnosed as “aging.” How many people suffering from chronic pain, mental difficulties, depression, brittle bones and an underpowered immune system realize that one simple nutrient could erase all that discomfort and make them feel good again? Instead, they’re given a prescription drug cocktail that does nothing to relieve the original cause of their misery.

After years of neglecting vitamin D deficiencies, we now know that vitamin D is absolutely essential for a healthy immune system, strong bones and muscles, proper vision and fully functional lungs. It also combats cancer, plays a role in hormone production and supports healthy brain function. Vitamin D is so important to your well-being that being deficient even raises your risk of early death, according to one study.

“After years of neglecting vitamin D deficiencies, we now know that vitamin D is absolutely essential for a healthy immune system, strong bones and muscles, proper vision and fully functional lungs.”

What Else Does It Do? With tens of thousands of studies on vitamin D, there’s an impressive list of benefits, including:

• Protection for blood vessel linings, leading to improved heart health

• Reduced muscle spasms, body aches and pains

VITAMIN D:Sunshine in a Bottle

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• Stronger bones and better calcium absorption

• Fewer symptoms of depression

• Softer, stronger, smoother skin and fewer wrinkles

• Stronger lungs

• Better communication between cells within your body

• Improved insulin secretion

• Increased absorption and efficacy of other nutrients such as curcuminoids

What to Look for in a SupplementThink you’re in the clear getting your vitamin D from milk and foods fortified with vitamin D3? Forget about it! The dairy industry claims that fortified milk is the answer to vitamin D deficiencies. But the truth is, it’s just not possible to get enough vitamin D from milk to make a difference. Year-round supplementation is required for most people, and during the winter months many people need to up their intake. But don’t get stuck wasting your money on an ineffective vitamin D supplement. Here’s what to look for:

1. Optimal dose: Since the majority of Americans are deficient in this essential nutrient, the dosage often recommended to maintain an optimal vitamin D level is 5,000 IU daily.

2. The right form is critical: For best absorption and benefits, look for vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol. Doctors tend to prescribe vitamin D2, the synthetic form, as a favor to pharmaceutical companies. They created D2 — and patented it — because devising a synthetic form of a natural substance is the only way they can make money on it.

3. Don’t ignore the importance of co-factors! So to maintain healthy vitamin D levels, you need vitamin D3 rather than D2, but to maximize all that this nutrient can do for various systems in the body you should understand that vitamin D is part of a team, and here are the other players:

• Magnesium: According to some industry experts, magnesium is the most important vitamin D cofactor. All of the enzymes that metabolize vitamin D from its largely inactive prohormone form to its active steroid hormone form require magnesium as a co-factor.

• Zinc: The active hormonal form of vitamin D also exerts many of its beneficial effects by regulating and influencing gene expression. Zinc has been shown to influence the activity of vitamin D dependent genes in cells.

• Boron: Boron is a trace mineral that supports vitamin D activity by influencing the activity of enzymes that metabolize vitamin D and related minerals including magnesium and calcium

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• Vitamin K2: If magnesium is the most important vitamin D cofactor, then vitamin K2 is a close runner-up. This important fat-soluble nutrient plays a critical role in regulating the increased blood levels of calcium that result from increased blood levels of vitamin D. When blood calcium levels are increased, it is critical that the body have the right tools to properly deposit that calcium in the correct place.

• Antioxidants: Another sign of a worthwhile supplement — it includes antioxidants, nutrients like grape seed extract, quercetin and alpha lipoic acid that serve as co-factors to help vitamin D work to its full potential.

Whether you find an all-in-one vitamin D supplement that contains all of the necessary co-factors or you aim to supplement individually, it’s important not to ignore the nutrients that help vitamin D do its job.

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What Is It?A member of the B vitamin family that helps to keep the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA, the genetic material in all cells.

Why People Are Talking About ItOne of the reasons vitamin B12 is finally a hot topic is thanks to a story that appeared in the New York Times detailing the journey of a woman named Isla. Doctors diagnosed Isla with early Alzheimer’s, prescribed her Aricept and sent her away. It wasn’t until one doctor was wise enough to run a few more tests that it was discovered that Isla didn’t have Alzheimer’s, she had an easily corrected B12 deficiency. Doctors started her on a high-dose B12 regimen and within weeks her memory had recovered.

“Isla didn’t have Alzheimer’s, she had an easily corrected B12 deficiency.”

Vitamin B12 is not just another nutrient. The truth is, it could be the critical difference between a senior who can live independently and one who experiences brain shrinkage needs constant care. Yes, it’s that important! And a vitamin B12 deficiency is among the most common to go undetected. The signs of a

vitamin B12 deficiency mimic so many symptoms of what we call “aging,” it’s frightening. If you’re troubled by feelings of weakness, fatigue, brain fog, sleep problems, irritability, “senior” or Alzheimer’s-like moments, difficulties with your hearing or declining vision, you could be suffering from a deficiency of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is found primarily in animal products, so vegans and vegetarians definitely need to supplement. But they’re not the only ones. If you’re over the age of 45, take acid-blocking medicine or certain diabetes drugs, or drink alcohol

frequently you could be low in B12. And if you’re older, you should know that nearly 50% of older adults are deficient in this important nutrient. This is due to the fact that the lining of the stomach loses its ability to produce intrinsic factor as you age, and, without this glycoprotein, you can’t absorb B12 from food.

What Else Does It Do?In addition to preventing brain shrinkage, vitamin B12 is known as the “energy vitamin.” But your brain and nervous system also use it to keep communication flowing. And now studies show that vitamin B12’s ability to reduce homocysteine, a stress marker, means it supports heart and brain health, too.

Here’s a prime example: As you age, your brain actually shrinks. Not surprisingly, memory loss and cognitive

VITAMIN B12:The #1 Vitamin for Maintaining Your Brain

If a B12 deficiency isn’t corrected, the condition can lead to irreversible damage to nerve cells, which can cause the following symptoms:

• Numbness and tingling in the hands and feet• Muscle weakness• Irritability• Memory loss• Dementia• Depression

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decline go hand in hand with the shrinkage. But now studies are showing that B12 supplementation slows shrinkage and cognitive decline. In addition, people with the most B12 in their blood had bigger brains and higher scores on cognitive and memory tests.

What to Look for in a Supplement:Be choosy when selecting a B12 supplement. Not only can the form make a world of difference, the amount of vitamin B12 taken daily has a major impact on long-term health. Here are the most important things to look for when shopping for a supplement:

1. Make sure you get the right form. Take a pass on products labeled as cyanocobalamin; they contain cyanide, a poison that can build up in the body over time. The best form of B12 is methycobalamin, which has been clinically proven to be the most active and most effective form for cognitive support, a healthy nervous system and healthy sleep patterns. In shopping for a B12 supplement you may find a few forms to consider. While I urge you to always do your own research, I’m here to tell you that I have reviewed nearly every study available and have found that only methylcobalamin has been used with consistent results. Study after study have shown that high amounts of methylcobalamin effectively regenerate neurons and support the nervous system by protecting the myelin sheath that protects axons and peripheral nerves.

2. Delivery has a major impact in the amount you absorb. Look for a sublingual product that dissolves under your tongue. It’s a fast, easy way to correct any deficiency without worrying about swallowing large pills. And since sublinguals are quickly absorbed without passing through your digestive tract, they eliminate worries about absorption, especially for those who can’t absorb B12 from food any longer.

3. Choose an effective dose. A regular daily dose of 1,000 mcg (micrograms) is often all it takes to correct deficiencies, restore energy, boost brain function and balance mood. But it is safe to take higher doses, even as much as 15,000 mcg daily to correct a deficiency. And there are no worries about drug interactions or toxicity with B12.

4. Vitamin B12 is no budget buster. You should not have to pay more than $15 per one-month’s supply bottle. A high-quality product will be made in USA in an FDA-inspected facility, with 100% methylcobalamin as the only ingredient. Plain and simple.

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What Is It?Two molecules found in the cartilage that comprise joints.

Why People Are Talking About ItJoint pain affects roughly 40 percent of the population, close to 100 million adults. If you’ve ever asked a mainstream doctor for help with a painful joint, you probably know the drill — take pain relievers and try glucosamine and chondroitin. Unfortunately, any relief you experience with that combination is likely to be temporary. It’s also putting you at risk for even worse pain and joint health. Here’s why:

A Note on Using Drugs to Relieve Pain:Drugs may ease the pain for a few hours, but as for long-term pain relief, these pills are about as effective as putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone.

And don’t fall for the idea that these drugs are harmless, either. Over-the-counter pain medication has serious side effects — things like kidney damage, stomach bleeding, vision loss, ulcers and elevated heart attack risk. And ibuprofen can damage joints further by suppressing the natural healing process Prescription medications have similar risks, along with the possibility of addiction. And let’s not forget that experts estimate properly prescribed pain meds claim as many as 100,000 lives each year.

“Drugs may ease the pain for a few hours, but as for long-term pain relief, these pills are about as effective as putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone.”

Relieving pain without reducing your body’s inflammation is a losing strategy, because as soon as the medication wears off, the pain returns. That’s why loading up on inflammation fighters is the only strategy that leads to true healing.

Now, glucosamine and chondroitin are called the “building blocks” of cartilage. In theory, taking these nutrients would spur the growth of new cartilage to cushion your joints. But, at best, this is only a partial solution for joint issues. It’s perhaps perfect for those in their early 30s looking to prevent cartilage breakdown, but not an effective solution for those of us who are looking to protect, rebuild and easy pain.

GLUCOSAMINE & CHONDROITIN:An Incomplete Solution for Joint Pain

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In my research, an effective pain relief joint solution that will get you back on the golf course will always contain the joint building blocks glucosamine and chondroitin but will also include specific anti-inflammatory ingredients that are clinically proven to sooth joint pain.

What to Look for in a Supplement Instead:Look for a product that also contains time-tested, safe, natural inflammation-relieving ingredients, proven in well-designed clinical trials to soothe aching joints and muscles. There are five herbal substances that I’ve found do the job quite effectively, especially when taken in combination (it doesn’t hurt to add these to your diet when possible, too!):

• Boswellia

• Curcumin

• Ginger

• Bromelain

• Tart cherry (Which is surprisingly effective for joint pain).

Astaxanthin and omega-3s also have powerful inflammation-fighting benefits and are proven joint health supporters.

If you’re going to get a glucosamine and chondroitin formula, make sure you can maximize its efficacy by making sure the following ingredients are included:

1. Herbal inflammation fighters like boswellia, curcumin, ginger, bromelain and tart cherry

2. Glucosamine and chondroitin to protect and possibly even regenerate cartilage

3. Hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that strengthens the shock-absorbing synovial fluid in your joints

4. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), a recognized pain reliever that helps deliver nutrients to areas where they’re most needed

Also, contamination in chondroitin sources has been a problem, so look for a product made in the USA.

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What Is It?The most common mineral in the body, best known for its connection to strong bones.

Why People Are Talking About ItBack in 2012 calcium supplements received some bad press after researchers found that taking the wrong type of calcium in excessive doses posed dangers to heart health and increased risk for atherosclerosis. This left the medical community and health officials perplexed, especially since several studies have shown that adequate calcium intake—from both foods and supplements—reduced risk of heart attack.

There seemed to be no question that having sufficient calcium is the only way to protect bone health and that nearly everyone over the age of 45 needed to supplement—so what was the answer?

Well, as they discovered and later emphasized to the public (though, not loudly enough, in my opinion), is that there are three critical things to take into account when choosing the best way to supplement your diet with calcium: The form, the time of day you take it, and the other nutrients you’re getting with it.

Why is this information critical? Because getting the right amount of calcium in the right form can make or break your bones---and the risks of getting too little can have even more serious consequences. For example, did you know studies show that breaking a hip (a common occurrence among the elderly) more than doubles your risk of death in the following year?

Too many people make the mistake of thinking that bone health isn’t a problem until they’re older. And, while women are especially vulnerable to bone thinning, due to their particular hormonal makeup, men are not exempt. The truth is, the sooner you start protecting your bones from the ravages of aging, the better. Bone mass loss begins around age 35. After that, your bones will deteriorate — unless you take steps to protect them. That’s why my advice has always been to take bone protection seriously.

What Else Does It Do?As I mentioned, the benefits of this mineral don’t stop with bone health. Your heart, nerves and muscles all need calcium to work properly, too. And some research shows that the mineral protects against diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

CALCIUM:More Than Just Strong Bones

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In fact, calcium has a surprisingly long list of health benefits, including:

• Regulating blood pressure

• Protecting against diabetes

• Lowering the risk of cancer

• Assisting in blood clotting

• Transmitting nerve impulses

• Maintaining regular heart rhythm

• Decreasing the risk of kidney stones

• Helping with weight management

If you’re running on low stores of calcium, weak and brittle bones won’t be the signal until it’s too late. Muscle cramps, memory loss, tingling in the hands and feet, and dry, brittle hair and nails are other red flags that you could be low on calcium.

What to Look for in a Supplement:Sure, it’s convenient to grab a bottle of calcium supplement from the supermarket shelf. But you might as well eat chalk — seriously!

And those inexpensive supplements can do more harm than good. Experts now warn that if you’re taking the wrong kind of calcium — or missing out on much-needed co-factors — your efforts could backfire. When that happens, calcium accumulates in your body and tissues (this is why some studies found calcium caused hardening of arteries in the heart – it was because these people were taking the wrong forms). You really don’t want calcium hardening your blood vessels, arteries, brain tissue, joints and other places where it can be deadly!

In fact, I’d recommend steering clear of any calcium supplement that contains only calcium. Without the co-factors, you might as well throw your money—and your health-- out a window.

As I mentioned earlier, there are a few things to consider: The form, the time of day you’re going to take it, and the other nutrients you’re getting with it.

Here’s what to look for in an absorbable, effective calcium supplement:

1. The form matters. You’ve probably heard supplement makers go back and forth for years, some saying that calcium carbonate is the best, most absorbable form and others touting calcium citrate as the best. Here’s the definitive honest answer: They’re both great! What makes one better than the other is when you take it!

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Here’s the breakdown on different forms of calcium:

• Calcium Carobonate:• 40% calcium by weight and MUST be taken with food to be fully absorbed (this is why this is the form

I chose for our premium vitamin line).

• Calcium Citrate:• 20% calcium by weight and does not need to be taken with food. But the lower percentage of calcium

by weight is why you often see this form offered in higher doses.

• Eggshell Calcium:• Eggshell calcium is a unique form of calcium carbonate. Also 40% calcium by weight, it contains unique

transporter proteins that make it 20% more absorbable than other forms of calcium and especially beneficial for anyone looking to protect bone health. A product containing 800 mg of eggshell calcium is ideal.

2. Calcium needs co-factors, too. Without the proper co-factors, such as Vitamins D3 and K2, which transfer calcium out of your bloodstream and into your bones, where it should be, calcium will build up in all the wrong places.

3. Trace minerals in the right ratios. Magnesium, zinc, copper and boron, are also essential. And be sure calcium and magnesium are in the ideal 2:1 dosage ratio (twice the amount of calcium as magnesium) for best results.

4. I also recommend calcium fructoborate, a proven bone-building form of the essential trace mineral boron; silica, to boost collagen; and inflammation-fighting herbs, like turmeric and ginger.

5. For the best quality, purity and potency, look for a product made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility to meet or exceed USP standards.

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What Is It?An extract from the berries of the saw palmetto plant, a palm tree indigenous to the Southern United States.

Why People Are Talking About ItGotta “go” — again? Endless trips to the bathroom can make life miserable for many men. And the pharmaceutical solution is one that poses some serious risks.

Fortunately, men don’t have to choose between living with the discomfort and inconvenience of an enlarged prostate or taking risky medications. Saw palmetto has been used for hundreds of years as both a food and a medicine. Today, it has a well-earned reputation for easing men’s mid-life prostate issues. With one in every two American men looking for relief, prostate difficulties are just too common — and annoying — to be ignored or written off as “just what happens when you age.”

Before I explain the benefits of saw palmetto, here’s a recap of what us men deal with as we age. Ordinary testosterone is converted to a form called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), thanks to a naturally occurring enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase. In theory, this conversion process is to blame for prostate discomfort, urinary urgency, hair loss, and all the other problems that so many men deal with later in life.

“Prescription medications for treating prostate problems target the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. And then things really go wrong!”

The Problem with Conventional Treatment As usual, the pharmaceutical industry’s solution misses the mark. Prescription medications for treating prostate problems target the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. And then things really go wrong! When 5-alpha reductase is blocked, another enzyme — aromatase — takes over and converts your testosterone into the female hormone estrogen. A little estrogen in your body is perfectly normal. But too much, and you’ll be kissing your sex life goodbye, while watching your weight go up, your breasts get bigger and your hair go away.

In other words, if you take prescription medication, you’ll not only experience only minimal relief, you’re likely to experience even worse symptoms and side effects! That’s right — the “solution” from Big Pharma is often worse than

SAW PALMETTO:The Secret to Successful Prostate Relief

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doing nothing at all.

What Else Does It Do?Fortunately, in rigorous clinical trials, saw palmetto extracts have proven abilities to:

• Protect and nourish your prostate

• Reduce prostate swelling

• Support a healthy sex drive

• Provide recovery from exercise

• Increase healthy hair growth

By age 70, 90% of all men will suffer from prostate problems. And too many men wait until they’re miserable to do something about it.

Maybe you’ve seen ads for saw palmetto supplements and wondered if they really can ease symptoms of BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia), while reducing hair loss and urinary tract infections. The simple truth is an enthusiastic “Yes” — provided you do your homework and find the right one!

What to Look for in a Supplement:You’ve probably noticed that there’s no shortage of saw palmetto supplements available. But if you’ve tried one or two brands and were disappointed in the results, here’s why: According to an independent lab analysis, nearly half of the supplements tested just didn’t measure up when it came to product potency. So before wasting your hard-earned money, here’s what to look for in a saw palmetto product:

1. Effective dose. Look for a product containing a minimum of 300 mg of highly concentrated, organic saw palmetto berries.

2. Avoid saw palmetto berries grow in China. Many saw palmetto supplements are made from berries grown in China, where there are few growing or processing standards. That means you’re probably also getting pesticides, herbicides and other hormone-disrupting substances you should be avoiding! Don’t settle for a product that isn’t “made in the USA.”

3. Follow up on how the raw materials were made. Here’s another thing to avoid — products processed

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What Is It?An extract from the root of Coleus forskohlii, a tropical plant.

Why People Are Talking About ItIf you’re having trouble with weight management, you’ve probably heard of forskolin. An extract of the Coleus forskohlii plant, one of the newer overnight sensations in the weight loss arena, forskolin promises more lean muscle, less belly fat. Sound too good to be true? Guess what — it is!

Checking major databases, I found very little in the way of supportive research. The study most often cited as proof of forskolin’s effectiveness involved only 30 men, hardly enough to be taken seriously. During the 12-week long study, researchers noted a “trend” toward increased lean body mass and less body fat, but failed to provide more precise details.

Meanwhile, a second study, this one involving 23 mildly overweight women, canceled out those findings. Researchers found no significant differences in the subjects’ appetites or metabolism. What about weight loss? There was none to report.

What Does It Do?In theory, here’s how forskolin is supposed to work. After you eat, any glucose that’s not burned as energy gets deposited in your body as fat. Taking forskolin interferes with that process. Theoretically, the herb revs up a cycle involving an enzyme that melts the fat away. As stored fat continues to “melt,” metabolism goes into high gear and even more fat is burned off. At the same time, forskolin supposedly pumps up lean body mass and suppresses appetite. The idea they’re selling here is that you can become a lean, mean, fighting machine without really doing much at all. Good luck with that!

Forskolin does appear to have one potentially serious side effect — low blood pressure, or hypotension. Symptoms include blurred vision, fatigue, mental fog, dizziness and nausea. Consequences, including brain damage, could be serious and permanent.

What to Look for in a Supplement InsteadI think by now it’s clear that products promising effortless weight loss — with no change in diet and no exercise — are just exploiting the fact that so many individuals want to lose weight and are frustrated and confused.

FORSKOLIN:Another Fad Bites the Dust

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If you want a little extra help to enhance your weight loss efforts, consider natural weight loss aids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), green tea extract, niacin-bound chromium, Garcinia cambogia extract and white bean extract, which have been proven to balance blood sugar, combat cravings and boost fat-burning metabolism safely.

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What Is It?An antioxidant found in red wine, grapes, cocoa and a few other foods.

Why People Are Talking About ItYou’ve probably seen resveratrol advertised for everything from increased stamina to improved skin to a longer lifespan. But can all of these promises be true? Let’s look at the facts.

After reviewing data suggesting the red wine drinking populations of France – the same ones that were also consuming high quantities of fatty cheeses and red meat – were experiencing significantly lower heart failure rates, researchers theorized that the compound responsible was resveratrol, the antioxidant found in heavy concentrations in red wine. And they were right. But that was only the beginning of what we would eventually learn resveratrol is capable of.

Resveratrol has since become synonymous with anti-aging, in part because of its unique ability to mimic the effects of calorie restriction (CR). Research shows that CR slows cellular aging dramatically. But getting those benefits means giving up about 30% of your daily calories, along with many of your favorite foods. Few people can stay on a diet that strict for very long — and who can blame them?

Studies show that adding resveratrol to a balanced, healthy diet increases lifespan by as much as 70%! And that’s without any sacrifice or hunger on your part. No wonder resveratrol is one of the most exciting supplements to hit the market in years.

There’s no denying that CR slows the aging process. But that’s not all!

What Does It Do?What if growing old was a chance to make your life not just longer, but better, too? In other words, instead of weight gain, joint aches, wrinkles and fatigue, you could actually control the aging process and retain your zest for life for decades.

In addition to its anti-aging abilities, resveratrol also tackles disease-causing inflammation — responsible for everything from type 2 diabetes and heart disease to arthritis and cancer — and combats neurodegenerative disorders, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

RESVERATROL:Defy the Aging Process

!What to Look for in a Supplement Instead !I think by now it’s clear that products promising effortless weight loss — with no change in diet and no exercise — are just exploiting the fact that so many individuals want to lose weight and are frustrated and confused. !If you want a little extra help to enhance your weight loss efforts, consider natural weight loss aids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), green tea extract, niacin-bound chromium, Garcinia cambogia extract and white bean extract, which have been proven to balance blood sugar, combat cravings and boost fat-burning metabolism safely. ![“FAIL. Not Recommended” Stamp] !To learn more about clinically tested weight loss support, click here. !

14)Resveratrol: Defy the Aging Process !What Is It? An antioxidant found in red wine, grapes, cocoa and a few other foods. !Why People Are Talking About It !You’ve probably seen resveratrol advertised for everything from increased stamina to improved skin to a longer lifespan. But can all of these promises be true? Let’s look at the facts. ![GRAPHIC: Graph source: Artaud-Wild SM et al. Differences in coronary mortality can be explained by differences in cholesterol and saturated fat intakes in 40 countries but not in France and Finland. A paradox. Circulation. 1993 Dec;88(6):2771-9.] !

After reviewing data suggesting the red wine drinking populations of France – the same ones that were also consuming high quantities of fatty cheeses and red meat – were experiencing significantly lower heart failure rates, researchers theorized that the compound responsible was resveratrol, the antioxidant found in heavy concentrations in red wine. And they were right. But that was only the beginning of what we would eventually

Graph source: Artaud-Wild SM et al. Differences in coronary mortality can be explained by differences in cholesterol and saturated fat intakes in 40 countries but not in France and Finland. A paradox. Circulation. 1993 Dec;88(6):2771-9.

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“Other than practicing calorie restriction, science knows of no other way to boost this life-extending protein.”

Most recently, a new study from Harvard Medical School confirmed earlier work showing that resveratrol does indeed have impressive anti-aging benefits, taking it a step further to hone in on resveratrol’s mechanism of action. Here’s how it works: Resveratrol boosts production of SIRT1, an enzyme that inhibits diseases by speeding up energy production in mitochondria, the tiny energy factories that serve as power supplies for each cell. Other than practicing calorie restriction, science knows of no other way to boost this life-extending protein.

Recently published research shows that resveratrol has many of the same benefits as CR, including:

• A reduction in signs of aging

• Lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels

• Less risk of heart attack and stroke

• Reduced risk for blood clots

• Fewer mood swings

• Improved weight management

• Better memory and brain functions

• Enhanced energy levels

What to Look for in a Supplement:First, let’s dispense with the idea that you can get all the resveratrol you need from red wine. It may be possible, but you’d have to drink more than 200 glasses of red wine — a day! So enjoy an occasional glass of wine, but don’t count on much in the way of health benefits.

As you’ve probably noticed, there’s no shortage of supplement companies trying to capitalize on resveratrol’s unique strengths. But with so many choices on store shelves, how do you know you’re getting the real deal? Here’s what to look for:

1. Choose the right form. Choose a supplement made with trans-form resveratrol. That’s not only the natural form of the substance, it’s also the most potent form.

2. Choose a pure formula by selecting one with high standardization. With pure, standardized, trans-resveratrol, all you need is one simple 400 mg dose daily. You’ll get the benefits of more than 200 glasses of red wine — without the hangover!

3. Synergistic ingredients boost efficacy. An effective product should also include extracts of whole grapes, grape seeds and alcohol-free red wine — related substances that have been shown in studies to enhance the actions of resveratrol, and even provide additional cardiovascular benefits. Grape seeds, for instance, are potent antioxidants proven to blast free radicals, with 50 times the power of vitamins C and E!

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4. Stay wary of raw materials from other countries. With resveratrol’s popularity, many manufacturers and raw material suppliers overseas are eager to capitalize on the buzz and maximize profits by cutting corners. Check labels for “Made in the USA” to make certain you get a quality product.

5. Don’t fall for marketing hype and overpay for a resveratrol supplement. You should be able to find everything you’re looking for priced at less than $25 per bottle for a month’s supply.

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What Is It?A spice derived from the inner bark of several different types of trees.

Why People Are Talking About ItIn the summer of 2014, two important pieces of news broke around the same time: The CDC announced that 1 in 3 Americans likely has pre-diabetes, and a leading class of diabetes drugs was found to be associated with a laundry list of terrifying side effects, most notably pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, urinary infections, thyroid cancer, gastrointestinal issues.

Together, these prompted many to consider the leading natural approach to blood sugar balance and diabetes prevention –cinnamon.

Millions of Americans are insulin resistant, putting them on the fast track to diabetes and all the health complications that come with it. Insulin resistance occurs when your cells lose the ability to properly respond to insulin, either because of genetics, sedentary lifestyle or chronic stress. Blood sugar levels then spiral to dangerous highs or plummet to disturbing lows — either way spelling bad news for your health — a situation on made worse by taking the expensive and risky diabetes drugs some doctors recommend.

Cinnamon has been used as both a culinary spice and medicinal herb for thousands of years. Recently, groundbreaking research on cinnamon has led to even more exciting discoveries in the areas of blood sugar control, weight loss, cardiovascular health and more.

What Does It Do? Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years to add flavor to food and to treat health problems. More recently, USDA scientists discovered that cinnamon boosts insulin production substantially while balancing not just blood sugar, but cholesterol and blood pressure, too. And here’s an impressive plus — a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who consume cinnamon daily have improved insulin function and increased levels of a peptide that help prevent overeating!

“USDA scientists discovered that cinnamon boosts insulin production substantially while balancing not just blood sugar, but cholesterol and blood pressure, too.”

In sum, here’s what clinical research has found cinnamon can do for your health:

• More balanced blood sugar

• Fewer food cravings

CINNAMON:The Simple Way to Better Blood Sugar

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• Easier discipline while dieting

• Better heart health

• Reduced inflammation

• Higher energy levels all day long

• Fewer signs of aging

• A stronger immune system

• Improved mood and clearer thinking

• Better weight management

Now, I hesitate to mention weight loss, only because there are so many diet scams out there. But I can tell you without a doubt that cinnamon’s ability to mimic insulin means it could help you shed a few pounds. And that’s what happened in several studies — cinnamon canceled out the negative effects of a high-fat and/or high-fructose diet.

What to Look for in a Supplement:Here’s the thing about cinnamon — you can’t just pour the spice you buy in a grocery store on your food and expect your health to improve. Cinnamon contains volatile oils that can be toxic to your liver. So here is how you locate the best, most effective cinnamon supplements:

1. Buy a water-soluble supplement. The great health results I’ve mentioned were achieved with “water-soluble” cinnamon extract. That means the harmful toxins have been removed, so you’re only taking the active compounds.

2. Choose high quality raw material. The cinnamon should be made using a high quality cinnamon bark

3. Look for an optimal dose. Make sure the cinnamon supplement isa standardized product that provides 500 mg of water-soluble extract. This is the dosage that was used in the studies that demonstrated cinnamon’s powerful blood sugar balancing effects.

4. Check for the active ingredient. Check the label for the inclusion of active, type-A polyphenol polymers, cinnamon’s most active compounds. Without those, you might be disappointed with the results.

5. Confirm where the supplement was made. Check where the raw ingredients are from and where it was made, There are lots of cinnamon supplements out there, but I consider those made in this country superior and safer. I recommend looking for a product made in the USA in an FDA-inspected lab.

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A Final WordIs there anything I can do to do reduce my chances of suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia?

Is there a natural product that is proven to relieve inflammation in your joints and throughout your body?

Is it possible to control your blood sugar without the dangers of prescription drugs?

I’m asked questions like these every day. That’s why I wrote this guide — to let you know the truth about what to look for in natural remedies that can help solve your specific health issues, so you can lead a happier, more active life.

I think it’s very clear that conventional medicine does not have all the answers. As a result, more and more people are researching their options, looking for ways to protect themselves and create a solid foundation of good health.

But where to begin? A healthy diet and regular, moderate exercise are excellent and necessary first steps. And high-quality supplements can go a long way toward filling in nutritional gaps and making up for the deficiencies caused by environmental toxins, medications, stress and all the other health threats you may face on a daily basis.

Of course, the key to proper nutrient supplementation is to buy products containing the specific nutrients that are backed by clinical research, in the dosages used in this research, in forms that are absorbable to be fully utilized by your body. And that’s far from easy.

It can be next to impossible, for example, for the typical consumer to get past all of the myths and misinformation spread by the medical establishment, the media and Big Pharma.

That’s why, with the help of my Scientific Advisory Board, I’ve taken a hard look at some of the most popular, well-researched dietary supplements. Some, as you’ve seen, didn’t make the cut. But the ones that did get a “thumbs up” stood up to our scrutiny and delivered as promised in clinical trials.

I hope you find the information in this report useful reference the next time you’re shopping for nutritional supplements. With the right supplements, I think you’ll quickly notice a real difference in your health and quality of life.

In good health,

Joshua Corn

For more actionable health insights from Joshua Corn and the entire Live in the Now editorial team, visit

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