The 3-Week Metabolism Diet Exercise Guide - ClickFunnels · PDF file10 Safe and Effective...


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The 3-Week Metabolism Diet – Exercise Guide

This guide will help you exercise the perfect amount using ONLY your bodyweight.

After a brief introduction, I’m going to provide you with the following:

10 Safe and Effective Workout Tips

The top 5 bodyweight exercises you should MASTER before starting ANY

exercise program

Personal Trainer Guided Videos to perform throughout the next 3 weeks

When it comes to exercise: more does NOT Equal Better

When someone is very overweight and trying to shed pounds permanently, they

have a tendency to eat less and exercise more.

Since, we’ve already discussed that eating less is a bad idea, let’s talk about

exercising more.

Exercise is a stress.

Excess stress leads to more fat gain.

You need exercise to lose weight permanently.

So what are you supposed to do?

Exercise the Smart Way!

I call smart exercise: High Intensity Metabolic Training

The Workouts…

The workouts provide the lean muscle building, calorie burning, and metabolism

increasing aspect and the nutrition ensures that the workouts are more effective

at burning fat.

In order for this program to be effective, you MUST follow the workouts AND

nutrition guidance.

Even if you JUST followed the nutrition (metabolic meal plans) you would see

amazing results and even if you JUST followed the workouts you’d see results,

BUT together, when combined you will get the ultimate metabolic makeover!

Let’s take a look at the workout program…

What to Expect:

Expect to be sore if you haven’t been exercising and expect to see awesome

results if you are consistent with the program. Either way, expect SUCCESS!

These workouts wake-up your body, muscles, and metabolism! Whether you’ve

been sedentary for months or doing a few sessions of cardio a week, your body

needs time to adjust to the new metabolic demands placed upon it through high

intensity metabolic training.

Many people start a fitness program gung-ho and work-out for an hour with super

heavy weights, end up sore for 5 days, hating life, and feeling disappointed. This is

NOT a Fit for Life approach.

When To Work Out

Since this program is about YOU achieving RESULTS I want to show you how a

workout week should and will look for you during the program. Even though, this

week is laid out for you here, if something comes up and you miss Monday’s

workout, don’t let that ruin the rest of the week.

In other words, use the below “sample week” as a dynamic guideline, adjusting

according to your lifestyle. See I wasn’t lying about tailoring this program to YOUR


You’ll work out 3-4 times a week with 3 days of rest in between workouts. Ideally

you’ll do some foam rolling, stretches, and corrective exercises as you need

throughout the program.

Your workout week will look like this:

• Sunday—Rest and Recover, Plan Your Week, Workouts, and Meals; Go for a


• Monday—Workout #1

• Tuesday—Workout #2

• Wednesday— Rest and recovery; Foam roll, stretch/corrective exercise

• Thursday— Workout #3

• Friday— Workout #4

• Saturday— Rest and recovery; Foam roll, stretch/corrective exercise

* Workouts are no longer than 30 minutes.

* Foam Rolling, stretching, yoga, or corrective exercise takes about 10 minutes.

10 Tips For Safe and Effective Workouts

1.) If you want to start the 3-Week Metabolism Diet Exercise Program but think or

know you have an injury, send me a message and/or get medical attention before


2.) Pay attention to form and function cues from your coaches and exercise

guides. Performing exercises correctly and consciously makes for a safe and more

efficient workout.

3.) If something “just doesn’t feel right” stop doing it immediately. There are

plenty of substitutions and corrections for EVERY movement, ask us in the VIP

Facebook Group or e-mail us

4.) If you need extra rest during your scheduled breaks, don’t hesitate to take the

time you need, especially if you are starting this program from living a mostly

sedentary life.

5.) Try not to skip the warm-ups, in fact DON’T! The warm-ups are specific to the

work-out and you should perform each knowing that it’s to prevent injury, get

your blood flowing to your muscles, and increase your workout performance

6.) Don’t do these types of workouts more than 4 days per week. Recovery is just

as important as the actual workout.

7.) If you don’t completely understand how to perform an exercise, first slow

down the video, listen for cues. If that doesn’t work, ask us to clarify in the VIP

Group or via e-mail. This is for your safety and the effectiveness of your program.

8.) If you don’t feel well on a workout day or you are emotionally, mentally, or

physically drained don’t hesitate to skip the workout for that day, you can

workout the next day with a strong body. Be smart and listen to your body.

9.) Foam rolling, yoga, massages, dynamic stretches, and corrective movements

should be incorporated into your program during your scheduled time. Don’t skip

these if you feel like you need them, you are extra sore, and/or your body just

needs a musculoskeletal jumpstart before your real workout.

10.) Remember, safety first! You are no good to your fat loss efforts with an


A few other suggestions…

Metabolic Workout Guidelines

• Perform metabolic interval training no more than 4 days per week or 2 hours

per week

• On off days, especially if your muscles are tight/hurting/etc…perform foam

rolling, stretches, and appropriate corrective exercises.

• On off days if doing any exercise related activities, keep them short and low


• Every workout starts with a dynamic warm-up, don’t skip it!

The 5 Exercises You MUST Master

I’m about to share with you 5 of the best bodyweight exercises that have been

proven to not only prepare the body for an increase in exercise performance, BUT

have consistently produced fat loss and fitness results.

I’ve been coaching and studying these exercises for over 10 years and can say

with complete confidence that these exercises form the foundation for an

effective exercise program.

And of the best pieces of advice I could provide you in regards to starting an

exercise program is to set a FOUNDATION for fitness. In other words, don’t ignore

the fundamentals of fitness. These 5 exercises and there variations could literally

be your workout for the next 3 months and you wouldn’t get bored.

When it comes to exercises, some are more effective than others, so in this guide

I am going to provide you with 5 of the most efficient, effective exercises.

When you decide it’s time to exercise to get in shape, lose weight, etc…you

don’t want to waste your time. You want to train, train hard, train well, and get

on with your awesome life.

You want and expect results with your exercise program. Without results you get

frustrated, so YES you should expect results.

When you’re bootstrapped for time, money, and energy, you can’t afford to

waste any of your precious resources on dead-end workout strategies and


You have weight to lose!

You have a dress to fit in!

I’m absolutely obsessed with exercises, not necessarily EXERCISE, but coming up

with awesome exercises that are not only killer for fat loss, but also keep

workouts fun and engaging.

It blows my mind that some women spend hours at the gym a week, stumbling on

the treadmill or gliding on the elliptical. I mean seriously, the elliptical is the most

NON-functional piece of equipment at the gym. When in your daily life, do you

perform a task remotely close to resembling the elliptical.

This seems silly, right? Sure, there is a time and place for cardio. But the majority

of fit women focus on ONE area of fitness…resistance training.

If you are serious about getting fat loss results, you should be doing some form

of resistance training. The BEST place to start learning how to lift weights is with


Gyms, boot camps, and personal trainers can be really intimidating, especially if

you KNOW you haven’t done any exercise in 5 years or have a lot of weight to

lose or you just HATE exercise. Trust me, I’ve interacted with women from all

shapes and sizes and all walks of life.

No matter what, I start with SIMPLE exercises. There is A LOT of effectiveness

and fat burning potential in the following 5 exercises.

There is no reason why you should try and reinvent the exercise wheel, which is

why I put this little Bodyweight exercise cheat sheet guide.

With each exercise I will provide an exercise card, as well as a link to a video

breakdown, walking you through each part of the movement, making absolute

sure you understand the mechanics.

Print the workout cards out by saving the images. Tack them on your wall and

do a few of them everyday, especially before your main workout.

The Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises to Burn Fat:

1. Squat

The “Squat” is probably the most well-known exercise in the entire fitness

world…and for good reason.

The squat is a MAJOR primal movement, meaning you squat in a variety of ways

ALL day, except that in today’s world, sitting tends to overtake squatting.

However, doing squats throughout the week, will help ward off the negative

effects of sitting for extended periods of time.

Many women believe their knees will hurt if they do squats, however, the irony is

your knees hurt because you either don’t do squats or you don’t do them


Squats can be done anywhere, anytime,

In the “Squat” video below, I go over the 7 main mechanical checkpoints you

want to consider when performing a squat.

Checkpoints like:

Always drive your hips back

Breathe in through your nose on the way down, and exhale through your

mouth on the way up

Drive your weight through your heels

The MAIN thing you want to remember about squats (after following the

checkpoints) is to actually DO them.

You can’t tone what you don’t have. Squats will help build lean muscle and

eventually help burn off excess fat.

Exercise Card: Squat

2. Push-up

I know…I know… you HATE push-ups. BUT, if you were to ask me what the

number one exercise to tone your arms and chest was…I would say push-up and

you would say “I hate push-ups” and I would say “well, then they are probably

good for you!”

And then you would do push-ups, right?

One of the major reasons you might hate them is because you aren’t performing

them correctly and putting too much pressure on your joints (wrist, shoulders,

and neck).

For example, if you jut your head forward while doing a push-up, the entire

exercise is going to fall apart.

A great way to keep your push-up position in check, is to drive your arms into

your side, which helps keep your shoulders back and down, however this doesn’t

solve the problem of leading the motion with your head.

So… Always, lead the movement with your chest!

Exercise Card: Push-Up

Exercise Video: Push-Up

3. Plie Squat Technically this exercise could be called a “squat with your feet rotated to the outside” BUT this particular variation of a squat is my personal favorite. The main problem I see with poor squat execution is the inability to drive your hips back as part of the first movement of a squat. If you don’t start the movement with a hip hinge, THEN you are going to put pressure on your knee joints. And you DON’T EVER want to add pressure to your precious knees. So, rotating the feet externally (as you can see in the video) helps aide the body in driving the weight back with the hips and through the heels for OPTIMAL glute engagement.

Optimal glute engagement = A nice, firm butt The plié squat is also known as a sumo deadlift position, but since you are a woman reading this, it’s much more feminine to leave this exercise “plié squat.” Agreed? Lastly, the plié squat (as you’ll see in your free workout videos) is one of the best exercises to do compound exercises with. Such as:

Plie Squat to Overhead Press

Plie Squat to Front Raise

Plie Jump Squats

Exercise Card: Plie Squat

Exercise Video: Plie Squat

4. Mountain Climber Mountain climbers are one of my favorite exercises, which works out well since they are one of the best core/ab exercises in the world! The problem with mountain climbers? You were incorrectly taught how to effectively and safely perform a traditional mountain climber. THEN, your personal trainer has you doing all different kinds of climber and plank variations before you have perfected the ART of the mountain climber.

Yes, it’s an ART. I take my mountain climbers seriously… The two main culprits that influence the mountain climber are your shoulders and your belly button/low back.

1.) If your shoulders are rounding, you’re promoting forward head posture AND tighter shoulders.

2.) If you’re low back is swayed in or up, then you aren’t engaging your core and abs like you should be.

Generally, if you fix these two deviations, your mountain climber becomes an EPIC exercise in your fitness arsenal. Watch the video below for a few more mountain climber fixes, then you can check out the rest of my YouTube channel for even MORE mountain climber variations.

But, not until you perfect the foundation.

Exercise Card: Mountain Climber

Exercise Video: Mountain Climber

5. Split-Stance Squat Our final exercise for a rocking booty camp experience, the split-stance squat. Think of this exercise as doing ONE reverse lunge, then staying in that position, squatting up and down. Read the exact description in your exercise card. The split-stance squat is an excellent exercise to tone your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. It’s also a GREAT exercise to increase your balance and neuromuscular efficiency (a fancy word for how your muscles connect to your brain).

Posture is almost EVERYTHING when it comes to this exercise. Keeping your shoulders down and back and your belly button engaged in towards your spine

will help keep all biomechanical systems in check. Split-stance squats are an AWESOME exercise to “pulse”, which is to perform one repetition, then stay in the low position, pulsing your body up and down, driving through your front heel the entire time.

It’s one of those that “hurts so good!” Split-stance squats should be used as an alternative to lunges, especially if you are struggling with any knee or ankle issues. Remember, keep your front leg close to 90 degrees and drive your weight through your front heel and if you feel tightness in your quads (back or front) be sure to foam roll and stretch before and after.

Exercise Card: Split-Stance Squat

Exercise Video: Split-Stance Squat

Now that you understand the TOP 5 exercises to know, it’s time to GET UP and do


Each week you’ll perform 4 metabolic workout videos, workout sessions range

from 20-25 minutes.

Just so you have some perspective, in 69 weeks you have 1,008 hours and I’m

only asking for about 12 of those or about .0009%.

You’ll burn an average of 250-450 calories every single workout, but like I

mentioned above you’ll experience a 24-48 hour “After-Burn” Effect after your

workouts are complete.

To access each week’s video, simply click on the links below.

*Note: While the videos are hosted on Youtube, only 3-Week Metabolism Diet

members, such as yourself can access them, since I have made them “Private.”

You’ll be instructed by me and most of the time I’ll show you the advanced and

modified versions of each exercise.

Week 1:

Workout #1:

Workout #2:

Workout #3:

Workout #4:

Week 2:

Workout #1:

Workout #2:

Workout #3:

Workout #4:

Week 3:

Workout #1:

Workout #2:

Workout #3:

Workout #4:

If you need exercise modifications or have any questions, ask in the Private

Facebook Group: Click HERE to Access

Remember, go as intensely as you can. Try to find a workout buddy (your partner

or kids) to join and have some fun!

Your workout will be over before you know it.

See you inside the videos,



Please review the following carefully before using The 3-Week Metabolism Diet Exercise Guide.

The 3-Week Metabolism Diet and Fit Women for Life strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.

You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise.

Fit Women for Life and The 3-Week Metabolism Diet is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition.

You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Fit Women for Life or The 3-Week Metabolism Diet from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Fit Women for Life’s or The 3-Week Metabolism Diet’s negligence.
