The 5 senses - GWS Joeys 5 senses.pdf · Theme The Five Senses ... then lift over your head into a...


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Theme The Five Senses

This program will cover a five week time frame

• Week 1 Smell

• Week 2 Touch

• Week 3 Hearing

• Week 4 Sight

• Week 5 Taste

Everything you need to know will be in this book so hopefully it will

make programming easier for you.

You Will need

• Week 1 Smell Onions, mint, cheese, apple, flowers, a tissue dipped in

perfume, A cake of soap, garlic and so on.

Fragrances in containers to make it easier.

Copy of sheet

Copy of sheet (see back of book), Glue

Smelly Cards (see back of book), Glue, Scissors, Magazines.

• Week 2 Touch Crepe Paper

Several boxes, items of different texture and feel.


• Week 3 Hearing Chairs

Music and CD Player

CD with sounds

• Week 4 Sight Pretend jewellery

Missing Jewellery list

Cover sheet

Pipe cleaners

• Week 5 Taste Animals shaped cookies or Animal Cards

Tissue Paper

Ingredients and cooking utensils for Popcorn, Marshmallows and

Pancakes (see back of this book)

Pre cut various food for food tasting


Theme The Five Senses Week 1 Smell

Time Item Description Leader

00 Opening Parade Promise/Law/Prayer All

05 Game Blind Shoe Shuffle


To play you ask the Joeys to take of their shoes. Blindfold them and mix

their shoes around and they have to work out which is their shoes by smell

and feeling the shoes. Once every Joey has two shoes ask them to remove

their blindfold and see if they have their own shoes.

Need Scarfs

15 Activity Smelling Trails

Instructions Take it in turns to blindfold the children and give them each a turn at

trying to identify a selection of the ‘smelly’ things.


A blindfold, Food with distinctive smells, such as onions, mint, cheese,

apple, flowers, a tissue dipped in perfume, a cake of soap, garlic and so

on. You could use fragrances in containers to make it easier.

30 Game Who’s nose is that

Instructions Ask the Joeys to try and work out who owns the nose.

Needs Copy of sheet (see back of book)

40 Activity Smelly Card


Ask the Joeys to go through the magazine and find pictures that show nice

smelling things and yucky smelling things. Cut them out and stick them on

their Smelly Cards.

Need Smelly Cards (see back of book), Glue, Scissors, Magazines.

50 Song Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut A pizza hut a pizza hut

Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

A pizza hut a pizza hut

Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

McDonalds McDonalds

Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

McDonalds McDonalds

Kentucky fried chicken and a pizza hut

Actions Pizza Hut

Arms make a circle

then lift over your

head into a


Kentucky Fried


Chicken wings


Make Arch’s with


55 Closing Promise/Law/Prayer All


Theme The Five Senses Week 2 Touch

Time Item Description Leader

00 Opening Parade Promise/Law/Prayer All

05 Game Joey Tag

Instructions Joeys place crepe paper in the back of their shorts as Joey tails. Ask

the Joeys to run around a try to take the tails of other Joeys

Need Crepe Paper

15 Activity What’s in the Box

Note Be careful of Joeys with Allergies


You will need several boxes with a round hole in the top or side. Inside

of box place various items such as feathers, carpet, sand, pasta etc.

Ask Joeys to place hands inside the box and touch

whatever is inside, they need to try and guess what is inside.

Remember to keep the Joeys separated — the ones that have touched and

those that haven’t.

Need Several boxes, items of different texture and feel.

30 Game Newspaper Relay


2 pieces of paper per team. Two joeys stand on one piece of paper, swap-

ping over from one to the other to move to the other end of the hall and

then one Joey returns on the paper to get another Joey and moves down to

the end of the hall. Repeating until they have made it down to the end

of the hall

Need Newspaper (you will need lots of paper to replace broken pieces)

40 Song Head and Shoulders

Head and Shoulders

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees

and toes, knees and toes.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes

We all clap hands together

(or we all turn round together)

Eyes and ears and nose and mouth, nose and

mouth, nose and mouth

Eyes and ears, nose and mouth we all clap


Together (or we all turn round together)

Heads and shoulders, knees and toes

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head and shoulders, knees and toes

We all clap hands together

(or we all turn round together)


Point to body

parts as you say


Go faster and see

if the ‘kids’ can

keep up.

50 Game Joey Knot


Joey come in close, lifting their hands above their heads closing their

eyes they grab each others hands until there are no hands loose. They

then must untangle without letting go.

55 Closing Promise/Law/Prayer All


Goin' On a Bear Hunt

Goin' on a bear hunt.

Goin to catch a big one.

I'm not afraid.

Look, what's up ahead?


Can't go over it.

Can't go under it.

Can't go around it.

Gotta go through it.

Following verses:






Theme The Five Senses Week 3 Hearing

Time Item Description Leader

00 Opening Parade Promise/Law/Prayer All

05 Game Marco Polo


Blindfold a Joey — who calls out Marco and the other Joeys reply Polo —

the blindfolded Joey tries to catch a Joey using Marco Polo to

locate Joeys. Set a boundary area and no running rules.

Need Blindfold

15 Activity Chinese Whispers.

Instructions Joeys sit in a circle and a leader whispers something to the Joey which is

then whispered all around the circle. When it get s to the last Joey they

repeat the whisper and see how different it is to the original message.

25 Song Going on a Bear Hunt


Audience echoes

each line and

sets up clap/

lap-slapping rhythm.


Making sloshing

sounds and move

hands as if


Following verses:


Snap fingers.


Make gestures

climbing up and







Make swimming



Go in it and find

bear. Reverse all

motions quickly

to get home.


Theme The Five Senses Week 3 Hearing (Continued)

Theme The Five Senses Week 4 Sight

Time Item Description Leader

00 Opening Parade Promise/Law/Prayer All

05 Game Treasure Hunt


Find some special items like jewellery and hide them around the Scout

grounds. Tell the Joeys that someone has lost some items around the Scout

Hall and needs some really clever Joeys to find them. When they find

something they need to bring it back si that they can be checked of the

Missing things list.

Needs Items to Hide around the hall as missing treasure

15 Activity Kim’s Game


Place several items on a table and ask the Joeys to look at these items

and try and remember what they are. Cover the items and remove one item

and then uncover and ask the Joeys to try and tell you what is missing

Needs Items from treasure Hunt would be suitable

30 Game Eye Spy


Pick out an object and then say to the Joeys ‘ I spy with my little eye

something beginning” saying the first letter of the object you have

chosen. Ask the Joeys to raise their hands to have a turn. The Joeys that

gets it right has the next go.

40 Activity Paper Glasses/ Boolookers


Take a pipe cleaner and make a circle out of it, repeat it with

another pipe cleaner and join the two together with another pipe cleaner.

Use two pipe cleaners to make the arms.


55 Close Promise/Law/Prayer

Pipe Cleaners (see instructions at back)

Time Item Description Leader

35 Activity Musical Chairs


45 Game What sound is that?

Instructions Tape various sounds and play them to the Joeys asking them to name that

sound - see CD

55 Closing Promise/Law/Prayer

Place one chair per Joey in a circle. Tell the Joeys that when the Music

starts they must move around the chairs and when the music stops sit on a

chair. When music starts again remove a chair, Joey who doesn’t get chair

is eliminated. Continue until one chair is left , the Joey who gets this

chair is the winner.


Theme The Five Senses Week 5 Taste

Time Item Description Leader

00 Opening Parade Promise/Law/Prayer All

05 Game Animal Crackers

Instructions Fill a basket with a variety of animal shaped cookies wrapped in

coloured tissue paper. Seat the Joey Scouts in a semi-circle. One at a

time, each Joey Scout draws a package from the basket and takes it to the

far corner of the hall to open it (have a leader/parent helper to assist.)

The Joey Scout then returns to the circle and acts out the animal while

everyone tries to guess what kind of animal it is. When all have guessed

the next Joey Scout picks a cookie. Eat the cookies after everyone has had

a turn. (Cookies could be replaced with animal picture card).

15 Activity Cooking


You will need Parent help. You will need to set up 3 bases.

1. Popcorn

2. Marshmallows

3. Pancakes.

See back for Detailed Instructions and Needs

45 Game What Taste is That?

Note Check for food allergies


Pre cut various types of foods and hide them under a cover. Ask the Joeys

to sit in a circle and use their scarfs as a blindfold. Then ask the Joeys

to taste a piece of food. Then ask them what they think it was. When they

have all had a guess tell them what it was and move on to the next food


Need Various food like fruits etc

55 Closing Promise/Law/Prayer


Any mistakes or suggestions please forward to Lower Hunter Joey District Leader NSW


Additional Information


You’ll Need

A bag of Popcorn.

A Fry Pan

Some Oil

Place oil in fry pan and heat oil. Place popcorn in oil in pan and

replace lid and wait. Once popping has commenced leave until popping

slows down. Then turn of heat. Share around popcorn.


You’ll Need





Place candle on sturdy base and light candle using match’s (remember to

strike away from your body). Place marshmallow on skewers and place on/in

flame until marshmallow become brown then eat it.


Take a pipe cleaner and make a circle out of it, repeat it with

another pipe cleaner and join the two together with another pipe cleaner. Use two pipe

cleaners to make the arms.

You’ll Need

5 pipe cleaners



You’ll Need

Pancake mix

Fry Pan


Egg Flip


Heat fry pan and place a small amount of oil into pan. Pour a small

amount of mixture into pan. When pancake starts bubble flip with egg

flip. Cook for a little longer, then serve.

Pancake Mix

You’ll Need

1 cup of plain flour

1 egg

11/4 cups milk


1. Sift flour

2. Break egg

3. Make a well in the middle of the flour

4. Add egg (whole)

5. Stir in flour gradually from the sides

6. Add milk, a little at a time

7. When half the milk is used and the flour is moistened beat well to

remove all lumps and make it light.

8. When quite smooth, add the remainder of the milk gradually

(Best if allowed to stand before use)






Cover the answers

with a piece of

paper when


A 7

B 5

C 6

D 4

E 8

F 1

G 3

H 2

I 9

