The Aero Modeller’s Newsletter - VMAA · 2017. 8. 26. · The Aero Modeller’s Newsletter...


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  • Volume 4, Issue 16, December 2012

    V i c t o r i a n M o d e l a e r o n a u t i c a l a s s o c i at i o n

    Visit our web site at

    The Aero Model ler ’s Newslet ter

    Victorian 2012 F3C State Championshipsheld at the

    VMAA State Field 16 to 18 November

    The championship included Novice, Advance and F3C events. This was the first time the event has been held at the State Field which was a ideal

    location to hold the event.Well done to the Contest Director Matt Carmichael, pilots and supports for

    their participation over the weekend. Congratulations to those pilots who finished in the top three

    for each category.Hope to see the event run again in 2013.

    Photo by Roger Chapman

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:2Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    For the Record... Well another year is almost over and

    Santa is on his way. It has been a great year for events and competitions. I again had the pleasure of being involved either via competing or taking photos. Along the way I have been able to go to a number of fields and catch up or meet some fantastic people who do a great job in promoting our hobby.

    In particular, display days & Fun Flys that most Clubs hold on a regular basis. These events are invaluable as it brings the spectators to the field. These events provide a good eye opener to our hobby and highlights that all ages are welcomed. Entry point to the hobby can be based on what takes your interests and how much you like to spend. It does not have to be quarter scale size model to get some real enjoyment. Other events like Working with Wood Show is another activity that allows our hobby to be exposed to many people over three days. I know it is difficult to quantify how many new Club Members we actually get, but point is we are advertising our hobby.

    One of the main reasons, as we all know that stops us from flying is the weather. Again it has been unpredictable as it seems we are covering all four seasons during the course of each week. The biggest impact I have seen is the wind as some of the wind storms have been very destructive. The irony of it is, most fields are beautifull and green as we have had extended rains and the grass runways look fantastic along with surroundings.

    Predictions seem to be that we will have a hot and dry summer. I urge you all to take precautions with “Slip, Slop and Slap” as the sun has its own destructive ways if you do not look after yourself. Be careful on total fire ban days as the last thing we need is a fire. I know many Clubs have imposed a local rule that no flying is to be conducted while a fire ban is in place. Considering what we do and technology used, it is a good option.

    The take up of the electronic newsletter continues to grow as we move forward to this format. I would like to thank you all the Club Members that have provided articles and photos in the past 12 months. I hope you have enjoyed the newsletter for what it is worth. Please keep the articles and photos coming and all news is interesting.

    I like to wish you all a very safe Christmas and a fantastic festive season. May the New Year bring you new models and enjoyable flying. Take care. Until next time, keep your face into wind and your wings level.........


    The fees for Financial Year 2012/2013 are: MAAA VMAA Total

    Seniors $60 $52 = $112Juniors $30 $26 = $56

    For the Record 2Newsletter Closing Dates 22012/2013 Fee Structure 2President’s Report 3Purchase of Flying Fields 3Secretary’s Report 4KMRC JETS Ad 4Vic 2012 F3C State Heli Championshops Report 5/6Melbourne Table and Chairs Hire 7Timber & Working with Wood Show Report 7/8VMAA Newsletter - Electronic Format Notification 8AIROPULT Restraint Ad 92012 FAC Control Line World Champs Report 10/11NSWPF - 2013 Aust Nat Champs Bulletin 1 12The Australian Team AOC 2012 Report 12/14A&DAC Fun Fly Report 14/15LVMAC 2013 Float Plan Weekend Ad 16Warrnambool Grand Annual Jet Event 7 to 9 Dec ad 17VFSAA Scale Flying ad 17VMAA Education Officer’s Report 18/19MFWAC Inaugural Bipe & Bush Plane 10 Feb 13 ad 19TCMAC 29th Annual Seaplane Event 12/14 Oct Report 20/21Proficiency Ratings Decmeber 2012 22VMAA Trophy Weekend 13/14 April 2013 ad 23MRCHC 25 Anniversary Event Report 24Victorian Pattern Association ad 25CMAC 40th Anniversary - Leura Fun-Fly 24 Feb 13 ad 26DVD Library Links 27Calendar of Events Link 27MAAA Newsletter Link 27NFG Twins & More 28 Apr 2013 Ad 28VMAA Committee & Appointed Members 28

    If you have a business and you would like to advertise in the VMAA Newsletter and reach 3000 modellers plus. No problem, just send an

    email or give the Editor a call.

    Inside this December 2012 Edition..........

    Closing dates for VMAA NewslettersMarch 2013 Closing Date = 20 Feb 2013July 2013 Closing Date = 13 June 2013

    If you have an article, event or just information you would like to share with all modellers, please send an email or contact the Editor to discuss. All articles are considered, space is always an issue so first in will have the space. There is no charge for

    Club events or Display Days to advertise in the VMAA Newsletter.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:3Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    Presidents Report December 2012

    It always amazesmehow fast the years go by. This year has been another busyyearfortheVMAAandourClubs,withmanyevents,FunFly’s,StateChampionships,DisplaysandInstructorcoursesrun.




    Carl BizonVMAA President


    We, at the VMAA do not think that anyone would argue that the most important matter is the use of a flying field from which to function.

    With this in mind the MAAA has a policy of supporting State Associations and Clubs to acquire suitable properties to go some way to guarantee the future of Aeromodelling in Australia.

    In Victoria we have a number of Clubs that have secure tenure because they or the VMAA own the property from which they fly and operate.

    These Clubs are Pakenham and District Aircraft Radio Control Society; Sale and District Model Aero Club; Valley Radio Flyers; and Twin Cities Model Aero Club.

    Each of these Clubs hold their property through various arrangements, but they all have one thing in common. A person or group of persons committed themselves to finding and then putting together an arrangement from

    which their local Club could secure their future and tenure.

    VMAA would like a local club to investigate in their local area and see if there is any suitable property that could be used as a flying field. It may be that the first proposition is rejected but without some effort from the

    local Clubs there will be no permanent flying field established.

    It would be difficult to give you any criteria to assist in your search but the flying site must be of a size to allow multiple discipline use and also not likely to be swamped by suburbia in the short term.

    So, the challenge we at the VMAA would like to issue to all Clubs is to locate a site; put together a proposition; submit it to the VMAA and be prepared to argue your case. If at the end we can agree on the concept we will

    work with you to put together a finance package that will bring the dream to reality.

    FromYour VMAA Committee

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:4Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    Secretary’s Report December 2012

    VMAA MinutesTheVMAAminutesareemailedouttoallClubSecretary’s.IfyourclubisnotgettingtheVMAAminutes,it’sprobablybecausetheClubsechasnotpassedontheiremailaddresstotheVMAA.IfyourclubwantstoknowwhatishappeningwithintheVMAA,pleaseinformtheVMAASecofanemailaddressyouwishtheinfotobesentto.

    Field Purchase - Echuca Moama MAC ThepurchaseofthelandthattheEchucaMoamaClubresideisgoingahead.Paperworkisinhand.Oncepurchased,wewouldbeaskingthatanyS.I.Gthatisinterestedinutilizingthefieldwillbeabletodoso.

    Safety and Incidents Withbetterweathercominguponusitisexpectedadditionalflyingbythememberswillbehad.Iwishtoremindallmemberstopayattentiontoallsafetyrelatedmatters,restrainthemodel,keepfingersawayfrompropsandfollowyourbasicstepstoprepareforflightetc.

    Avalon Airshow - March 2013 TheVMAAwillonceagainbeattendingtheAvalonAirshow.ThiswillonlybeaStaticDisplayasperthelastevent.TheVMAAreceivesalotofpublicattentionatthisshow,andonceagainwillbelookingforassistancefromthememberstomakethiseventasuccessfulone.IfyoucanassistatthiseventpleasecontacttheSecretaryforfurtherdetails.

    Twin Cities Model Aero ClubTheVMAAwillbeintheprocessofupdatingtwograsscontrollinecirclesattheClub.Thesecircleswereroughlyputinplacewhenthehardsurfacewasputinplacebutwerenevercompleted.ThegrasscirclewillbeabenefittotheControllineMemberswhentheVMAAandalsowhenNSWhosttheNationalsatAlbury.

    RC Flight Training - Fly In at Woorndoo - at Easter 2013Youmayhavereadaboutthiseventinsomeofthelocalmagazines.ThisisbeingrunbyanIndividuallyoperatedRCTrainingSchool,thisgrouphaveapayasyoulearnsystem,andaregoingtoberunningafunflyinforallinterestedpeople.ThisgrouphasnothingtodowiththeVMAA/MAAA.TheyhavetheirownPublicliabilityinsurance.IfanyoftheVMAAmemberswishtoflyatthisevent,theyaremorethanwelcometoattend,butbereminded,youwillberunningundertheorganisersinsuranceNottheMAAAInsurance.


    VMAA Secretary Chris Caulcutt

    KMRC JETS not only sells KingTech Turbines, but is the new Australian dealer for Der Jet Models.

    KMRC JETS also sells Airpower Jet Model Accessories and Trim Aircraft Accessories

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:5Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    Victorian 2012 F3C State Helicopter Championships

    16 to 18 November 2012 This the first time this event has been held at the State Field and proved to be a great weekend for all those that like helicopters. The three categories for the event are novice, advance and of course, F3A.

    Pilots started to arrive at the field on the Friday and set up tents and caravans to settle in for the weekend. It also allowed some to get in some practice and iron out any issues with their machines before the competition started on the Saturday.

    I headed up the State Field on the Saturday arriving mid morning. Competition had started and the weather was cold and overcast. By midday, the weather was improving and became comfortable for the rest of the day. By 4:30 the cold started to be felt but by then three rounds of each

    category had been almost completed.

    Northern Flying Group (NFG) provided the canteen service and ensured there were plenty of hot and cold beverages with hot food. Even some cake and biscuits were available for the afternoon. The canteen was opened for both days and manned by NFG to ensure everyone was well watered and fed.

    Matt Carmichael was the CD for the event and kept things moving. Judges completed their tasks with no issue and the computer scoring system kept track of how things were going. The whiteboard located on the clubhouse wall was set up as a makeshift scoring board so scores could be written up and keep competitors informed. By the look of the board after the initial rounds, it was going to be a good competition with the majority of pilots with achieving good scores and running very close to each other.

    Having a look at some of the technology that is available for helicopter is amazing. The swing towards electric continues with the majority of models powered by this method. Battery packs, charges, streamline bodies, carbon fibre blades and the list continues. Like any other RC discipline, were do you stop. At the end of the day

    this is only part of the equation. Pilot skills, determination and concentration are the other parts which are needed.

    There was plenty of the above as each pilot went through their routines and pushing their machines to gain every point. It was fantastic to see all three groups and as you would expect, each level raised the bar. No doubt the F3C group had the most difficult manoeuvres as each stick moment had to be precise with very little room for error.

    But like anything, training, practice and entering competition improves your skill level. It also needs an awareness of how you are flying yourself and acknowledging that some times, “dumb thumbs” will get us. But this is also part of the fun as you challenge and push

    Headquarters for the event. A multitude of Heli, technology and best of all camaraderie..

    Matt Carmichael CD entering scores. Great job supported by all


    NFG Members Ewan Kent, Dete Hasse and Paul Winter, keeping the food coming. NFG

    again doing a great job. There were others who assisted as well. Well done

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:6Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    yourself that little bit more.

    Well done to Matt Carmichael (CD) and everyone to make the event such a success. I am hoping next year I will be able fly in novice and be part of a great weekend flying RC Helicopters


    Matt Carmichael keeping everyone up to date with each round scores. Some rounds were only a few

    points apart. Good competition.

    F3C place getters from (L to R). Marc Swan 2nd (Jeff ?), 1st Brendon Tucker and

    3rd Mick WarrenCongratulations and well done to all

    Advanced place getters from (L to R)1st place Paul Webber, 2nd Russell Edwards

    3rd place Carl Bizon

    Novice place getters from (L to R)2nd Place Phil Coghill, 1st Place Greg Lepp and

    3rd place Neil Russell

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:7Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    Timber and Working with Wood ShowOctober 19th– 21st 2012

    By Brian Dowie

    What started out as a glib comment and a very tentative enquiry has now become an annual event which showcases and educates the public about Aeromodelling. The Committee of the VMAA was again invited to participate for the ninth year and the response from the organizers indicate that they are more than delighted to have us involved. They have already issued an invitation for next year’s event.

    The show is held at the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds with our stand covering about 70 square metres, roped off to prevent persons meandering through the stand and at night there are security patrols throughout the building. With the precaution and security in place there is less risks to models than at a local Flying Field.

    The promotion of Aeromodelling and display of a selection of good quality models to people who, in there normal day to day activities will never visit a club is essential. The majority of these people have very little knowledge about us and in many cases they are our neighbours, and generally the only experience that they have is negative news reports about an incident.

    Over 3 days we speak to many hundreds of people and hear the many compliments from those admiring our hobby. If we could somehow relate the comments and responses heard about the display; and the craftsmanship evident in the models on show, everyone would recognise the value of our involvement.

    What we have is a unique opportunity, one that we could not afford without the generosity of the organizers to promote our hobby to a number people. It is most likely that these people would never go to a model aircraft field or display and provides the opportunity to prove to the public that Aeromodellers are not part of the groups depicted in negative media reports. Where else are we able to display our activities to more than 10,000 people in a very short period of time and able to distribute literature and provide contacts to many genuinely interested people?

    If someone has a suggestion or recommendation on how we can spread the word, please contact the VMAA committee, they will only be to eager to follow it through.

    The stand was our usual area and provided to us at a peppercorn charge, the cost of this stand for a commercial participant would be around $25,000. We have regular sponsors; All Melbourne Trestle & Table Hire (Marcus Guss) provides us with tables free of charge; Model Engines loans a number of models as a contribution to the display and to advise potential newbee’s of what is available. Our major costs are for Polo Shirts, cartage, and an allowance for those assisting to cover their cost of parking and travel.

    The display this year had approximately 20 models and there were many gratifying accolades and comments about the display. Most of the disciplines were on display, Radio, Control Line, Jets, Electric Powered, Indoor, Outdoor, Scale, Sport, and Gliders.

    In organizing this show without the help of Members and the assistance from Model Engines would not only be difficult but almost impossible. The VMAA would like to express our thanks and appreciation to all those who provided Models and stood over the three days to answer the many questions.

    BMMAA President Ken Mollison’s Hawk takes centre stage at the show.

    Draws a lot of attention

    Reeve Marsh and Brian Dowie take a moment to reflect

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:8Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    Without denigrating the contribution of anyone we would like to thank Dave Balfour for bringing his models all the way from Albury and Ken Mollison of Kingtech Turbines for the extraordinary Jets provided.

    We make this request each year for assistance and models, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. The display is only as good as what is provided and information given to each member of the public. The next show is scheduled for October 18th to 20th, 2013 and we have already been invited to participate. The reason we are able to have this display is because members loan their models for the event; without models the show would be a dismal failure. Every year we have difficulty in attracting models to display. We have members who initially offer the models and then back out at the last minute.

    Without YOUR assistance in providing the models the show cannot go on. The future of our hobby/sport is dependent on our ability to promote at every opportunity. Let’s not throw it away.

    And to repeat a sincere thank you from the Committee to those who gave up their time to assist, without your effort our model show would not exist.

    Well done Brian in promoting our hobby to the masses and a big thank you to all the helpers/supports over the weekend. The time given does make a difference and is appricated by the VMAA Committee. Hope to see you in 2013. Ed

    Good to see a vareity of models on display.

    This is what make the show so good for

    our hobby

    VMAA Newsletter - Electronic Format The last printed version of the newsletter will be June 2013. It is up to you to ensure your email address is provided to your Club Registrar so the information can be passed on to the VMAA Registrar. Emails have been sent to me saying “the email is incorrect or how did you get this email”. The email used to send out the newsletter is the email address provided to your Club Registrar. We do not use any emails unless they provided to the VMAA. If you do not provide an email, then you will not receive the newsletter after the June 2013 edition. So I ask you all to check and make sure your details are updated. If you change your email address or have a specific one you want to be used, then talk to your Club Registrar so the information can be changed and updated correctly. As from the October 2013 edition, an email notification will be sent to your designated email address. Newsletter editions are located on the VMAA Web Site and can be downloaded at anytime.

    RegardsJoe FinocchiaroVMAA Editor

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:9Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:10Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous


    By Graeme Wilson - Team Manager

    Australia was represented at the 2012 Control Line World Championships by members from :- F2A had Richard Justic NSW, Murray Wilson VIC, Andy Kerr NSW, F2B Russell Bond & Peter Anglberger both from SA,

    F2C Murray Wilson/Mark Poschkens VIC/SA, Trevor Letchford/Stephen Walton WA, Geoff & Grant Potter NSW & the 2010 reigning World Champions Rob Fitzgerald/Mark Ellins SA/VIC. F2D Tom Linwood NSW, Bruce Bellis WA & Michael Comiskey NSW with Andrew Linwood, Michael Comiskey (jnr) NSW & Richard Bellis WA as pit crew. Frank Battam NSW was my assistant & Fiona Wilson, Jenny Walton, Rosa Nistico, Tracy Letchford, Roy Summersby & Matthew Bond our team of supporters.

    World Cup All team members competed in the World Cup event held prior to the World Championships to get any problems sorted before the World Championships began. It was very hot (42 deg in the shade) with the F2D fliers stuck out on a soccer pitch out of town with no natural shade so very trying conditions especially coming from winter in Australia.

    World Championships Processing was being held at a sporting hall within walking distance of our team motel & we were scheduled for 9:30 am. F2A, F2B & F2D all got through with no problems, the F2C team were kept waiting a long time because the French & Ukraine teams all had tanks which were very close to the limit & were required to be checked numerous times until the organizers were happy they were correct. This then had an effect on our scheduled practice time, so as team members completed processing they were sent off to at least be at the official training site, we only had 40 minutes for 4 teams to do 10 minutes practice each or which ever way we wanted to use the time. Free open practice was at the end of official training & some countries monopolized the only circle available, this situation was brought up at the team managers meeting.

    The opening ceremony was held in the city square & all teams assembled near the Trakia Hotel & marched into the square following young marching girls, the Australian team was first into the square followed by all the other 37 countries who were competing, not all countries had full teams.

    The Team Managers meeting was held after the opening ceremony in a conference room in the Motel we were staying in, we were given all the draws for the first day of competition with some starting at 8:30am. At the meeting concerns were raised about the condition of the grass circles especially for F2B, it was quite rough in places & only a small strip was suitable for take off & if you managed to get back to the same spot then good luck. The judges were willing to compromise if the landing was deemed ragged but the idea of giving everyone 10 pts for landing was knocked back when flying on the grass. The F2D site was also mentioned as not good but there was nothing they could do about it, very patchy grass coverage & the pits were a disgrace, dirt only & if the wind got up which it did then there was dust everywhere so most flyers once finished packed there gear away. There were tents at each site where you could prepare out of the dirt. If teams wanted to practice they had to travel out to the World Cup site (F2B & F2D) the F2C site was over the other side of the river from the island park where the World Champs site was but it was pathetic, very bumpy, dirty & had donkeys attached to carts wandering around, they eventually found another area to use but I didn’t get to see it. The F2A flyers had to wait until all official flights were flown then the main circle was available for practice. The team managers meeting finished around 10:00pm.

    Day 1 First to fly on day 1 was Murray Wilson in F2A at 09:10, they disallowed his first attempt as they said he was not in the pylon properly so had to come back later in the day for a second attempt, he got a time the second time at 279.1 km/h. Second up was Andy Kerr at 09:25 & put in a time first up at 277.7 km/h.

    Michael Comiskey was up first in bout 4 against Tachony from Belarus, lost 2 cuts to 1 but thought he flew well.Russell Bond was next at 10:00 flying F2B on the concrete circle, windy conditions but managed to get through the pattern unscathed.Official training for F2C (2 teams at a time) started at 09:30 & we had Potter/Potter at 10:01, Fitzgerald /Ellins at 10:49, Wilson/Poschkens at 11:29 & Letchford/Walton at 12:17.Peter Anglberger was next to fly at 10:42 & was 3rd up after the judges first break, the wind was starting to get up & many flyers were concerned it was too strong but the organizers had the wind gauge out & deemed it ok to continue. After Peter took off & got started into his pattern then the wind really picked up & while managing to keep the model out of the ground on some manouvres got really messed up in the hour glass with the lines going that slack that he got the up line tangled around the top part of the handle making the lines way out of neutral thus putting his superb model into the ground, not a good way to start his World Champs campaign. He was visibly upset & many team mates came to offer their help. He was scheduled to fly round 2 at 14:21 that afternoon over the concrete circle, not looking promising with no model.

    Richard Justic was next at 12:55 flying F2A, had 2 flights during his first attempt but the engine wouldn’t get on the pipe & ran out of time, down to the end of the queue for his second attempt, not as well as hoped but got a time, 265.5 km/h. Now over to the F2C circle for racing to start at 13:30 with the Potter/Potter team in ht 2 against Menyhart/Menyhart HUN & Carracedo/Aldecoa ESP, on for a reasonable time but on the 2nd pitstop came in a bit quick & Grant couldn’t hang on dropping the catch so dnf’d on 70 laps.

    Tom Linwood was next to fly in bout 26 in F2D & was drawn against another from Belarus, Nekhai, was still very windy but Tom managed to win 2 cuts to 1. Peter Anglberger was next to fly at 14:21 over the concrete but with no model withdrew from Rd2.

    If you want to read the full article and see more photos from the event, just click on “Read more please...........” and enjoy. Ed

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:11Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    The Australian Team

    Richard JusticMurray Wilson

    Andy Kerr

    Geoff Potter (red vest) in a heat ofF2C

    Mark Poschkens pitting as Steve Walton lookson.

    Congratulations to all team

    members in taken part

    in the World Championships.

    Australia achieved 2nd & 3rd in F2C Team Race, the World champions

    from 2010 came 2nd by just 3 seconds. The

    F2C team came 4th overall.Great effort

    again and well done to all


  • VMAA December 2012 Page:12Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    The Australian F3A TEAM

    for AOC 2012By Darren Williams- Team Manager

    Steve Coram- Pilot (WA) Glenn Orchard - Pilot (VIC) Bill Bloodworth- Pilot (VIC)Matthew Bailey- Jnr Pilot (VIC)Peter Bailey- HelperGreg Heade- HelperRobert Clarke- Australian Judge

    This was my second time as team manager for the Australian team to participate in an Asian Oceanic Competition. I did not want to take this for granted as it would be easy to forget the little things. The MOP for Team manger is well written and if followed is a great tool. Everything went smooth all communication from Kevin Dodd the MAAA Secretary was fast and helpful. (Thanks Kevin).

    The team was one of the highest ranked that we have taken away for a while all barMatthew our junior pilot had experience with international competitions.

    The lead up to the competition was very busy and communication from the AOC committee was not as good as it had been two years before from the same committee. This was a little concerning but as we had been to Bacolod in the Philippines two years previously we were conformable that all would be ok.

    Glenn, Bill, Matthew, Peter and Robert left for Bacolod on Tuesday 4th September their goal was to adjust to the humid and hot conditions and get a couple of days practice in before the rest of the competition arrived.

    There were no major issues with the model boxes but excess luggage fees were paid by all on the Internal flights in the Philippines only.

    Steve Coram and myself flew out of Australia on the Thursday 6th with an overnight in Manilla due to no connecting flights the team was together on Friday 7th.

    The Pilots all had a good practice with Bill having a few issues with his undercarriage. It was flexing too much on the hard Bitumen runway and he had gone through a few props already. A quick call home and Greg who was joining us on the Sunday brought across a new set of legs and a couple of more props to get us through. The Registrations and Model Processing on Sunday gth Sept all went without a hitch. Bills new undercarriage and prop all came in under weight we were set for the camp. We had the opening Ceremony on the Monday night and it was again a little disappointing compared to the calibre that we had seen just years before. The Competition was Official Practice on Monday went well with Steve flying second followed by Glenn, Bill and Matthew at 0808 respectively so an early night for the team.

    Tuesday the official competition started Steve was again up first for Australia with a 0754 flight time. This was a great time to fly little wind but an overcast day. Round one was over after lunch

    2013 Australian National Championships for

    Radio Control Precision Aerobatics - Bulletin 1 Organisers - NSW Pattern Flyers Inc. On behalf of MASNSW and MAAA.

    Dates – A Three day event 26 – 28 April 2013.

    Location – Hawkesbury Region, NSW

    Flying Site Charles Kingsford Smith Model Aircraft Club field Pitt Town Bottoms Road Pitt Town. 33 35’14.22 S 150 50’59.52 E

    The field is located 50KM west of the Sydney CBD and is easily accessible from the M7 Westlink or M2 Motorways. It is 55 minutes by motorway from Sydney Airport.

    The field has two smooth, closely cut grass runways orientated 90 degrees to each other. The main runway is aligned east/west and is 300m long and 30m wide it will be possible to operate two parallel flight lines for the full flying day without the sun in the manoeuvring area. The pit area is a covered concrete surface, additional shelter will be provided for competitors.

    Participation The event is open to all members of MAAA affiliated clubs and International FAI affiliated air sports bodies.

    Classes of Competition F3A P-13, Expert A-12, and Advanced and Sportsman.

    Australian competitors must compete in their current class in accordance with the APA ranking system. Overseas competitors may fly in any class at the discretion of the organisers.

    Accommodation Competition Headquarters will be at the Hawkesbury Racecourse Motel, 11 km from the contest site

    Other accommodation Options:

    For more information contact Richard Knox on 02 4446 1021 or


    Bill Bloodworth, Glen Orchard and Matthew Bailey with their model. Well done

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:13Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    with Glenn flying last @ 1253. The conditions had changed by now and the wind had picked up. Round two begins with Glenn being the last pilot for the day @ 1629. It was starting to look a little dark by now as sunset was 1745. The first two rounds were over and the team was a little disappointed with the results. This was certainly going to be a tough camp as other countries had certainly shown some improvement from what I had seen two years previous.

    Wednesday and we had the third and forth rounds. The team flew consistently to what they had flown the day before and the scores showed the same Slight improvements by all but now enough to gain the needed positions that we would require. The standout was young Matthew Bailey he was continually listening and showing improvement through all of his flights bar the last. He was certainly applying the pressure to himself and was dedicated to achieving his best. Wednesday was a practice day for the F Schedule in the Semi Finals and we had three team members in With Matthew leading the pack finishing in 7th Position Bill finished in 8th and Steve finishing in 15th position. It was interesting that the Committee decided to have a Semi final with 15 positions when the overall entrant count was 30. This was discussed and was put down to ambiguity in the rules. It did look pretty straight forward to us. This was a valuable lesson to the Australian team

    as our top flyer had never flown the F schedule and our pilot that did not make the finals had had some 200 flights of F assuming that he would have got in. This is something that we are trying to address as the APA across the states in the coming months.

    As the main practice line was full of flyers we flew on the second line with the Japanese team. Matt had a couple of issues with his YS engine and the Japanese were more than happy to help out. This is the great part of our sport / hobby everyone wants to help everyone. At an AOC anyway. Matthew struggled a bit with the schedule at first but pulled it together for the last flight of his practice. Steve had a good handle on the F as he had also thrown in a few practices at home. Bill tightened everything up on the practice day for what could be a great Semi final.

    Thursday morning I think the team was a little tense. Glenn who narrowly missed out of the Semi's flew the F for the judges. Like his practice a very nice flight. Matthew flew as if he had a bit of work to do. It was OK but it did not look that rehearsed. Bill and Steve had it together. Steve just putting the icing on the cake so to speak, with very consistent flights.

    Overall the Australian team ended up: Steve Coram = 11th, Bill Bloodworth = 12th, Matthew Bailey= 13th and Glenn Orchard = 16th

    Its not the way that I would have predicted the outcome but that's competitions.

    Friday was the Finals with two rounds of unknown's. Picked now by a computer rather than the finals pilots. I see pro's and Con's to this but it is what it is. This is the pointy end of the competition and what separates the men from the boys. The Japanese flew exceptionally well as expected. Thailand, have improved from the last time that I saw them fly at the last AOC and were a pleasure to watch. China new to my time at AOC, flew very well seasoned professionals. Hong Kong Alex has always led a strong team and did not let us down at this years event. Taipei it was great to see on the tour this year. The competition after Japan was very tight with only 100 points between 10th and 4th. Great flying and well done by all.

    Saturday we were going to see a Flight Demo on a couple of IMAC planes from Tzu Chun T Lin (Taipei) and Onda T Tetsuo (Japan) but unfortunately there was trouble with one of the planes that crashed in practice. Onda flew a demo for us at the field and I must say he has never disappointed me in a demonstration flight. His flight is posted on You Tube but it does not do justice to the ability or the manoeuvrability that he can give a model aircraft. Thanks Onda you are an amazing pilot and thankyou for sharing some of your knowledge with our team. You are an honorary member of Team Australia. Onda wore proudly the team Australia official hat whilst performing his demo.

    AOC was over after the closing ceremony for another year. All Australians represented F3A and our Country proudly. I would have no hesitation in representing an Australian F3A team at as the Team Manager for another AOC in the future. In

    Bill Bloodworth assisting Matthew Bailey standing at the back with Robert Clarke, International Judge (in orange) and

    Behind him is Greg Heade (Field Assistant)

    Ausie Team Members minis Matthew Bailey. Matthew is taking the photo. Well someone had to do it. Well done to all

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:14Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    the Juniors Matthew bailey finished first. This is a great achievement as Matthew has only been flying F3A seriously for the last few years. Watch this young man as he progresses with his F3A flying. He is passionate and focused on the end goal. Well done Matthew, a fantastic achievement for your first international event keep

    The Team Results were:lst Japan, 2nd China, 3rd Thailand and 4th Australia

    I will finish by thanking our Supporters and Sponsors. Without the ongoing support sending teams to AOC and World Championships would not be possible.

    JR Sport www.oxai-rc.comAPA

    Thanks Darren for the report and photos. A fantastic outcome for the Australian team and well done to Matthew Bailey in achieving a great outcome and showing some real determination at a young age. Hope to see you in more world class competitions and being part of Australian teams. Great to see our modellers competing on the world stage and flying the Australian flay. Great effort. Ed

    Ararat & District Aeromodellers ClubFun Fly - 3 & 4 November 2013

    I have been meaning to go to the Ararat Fun Fly for a number of years, but as we all know, something else comes up that gets in the way. Like TCMAC Float Fly In, I was not going to miss the event this time. Good friend, Ken Thomas also was looking to go up to take a few happy snaps and see what we could see. Considering we were both going in the same direction, it only seemed logical to use one car so off we went.

    The intent was to stay for Saturday and return that night. Both Ken and myself have not been good of health lately for one reason or another so a casual drive up and back was in order. I was the lucky one with Ken driving with me navigating.......... well the GPS did most of that.

    We arrived at Ararat early Saturday morning and there was plenty of activity already with a number of pilots arriving the day before. With their tents and caravans, they set up house and were preparing their models for the day. The weather leaving Melbourne was average, but as we got further away and over the ranges, it started to clear up. There was a slight cross wind but kept on changing during the day, but nothing our good pilots could not handle.

    As per normal, you always bump into people you have not seen for a while or the same people that seem to turn up where the fun is. Some have travelled quite a few kilometres to get to the event. Either way, it was going to be another good day and I should have taken a model to join in.

    Instead, with cameras ready, managed to take some photos for your viewing pleasure.

    I meet up with the Club Committee and enjoyed the scenery and facilities the Club has to offer. For a small Club of about 30 Members, A&DAC have done very well for themselves and the hospitality is first class. I believe the Club was established in 1982 in its current form. If anyone has more information, please let me know.

    Both Ken and I were welcomed as we prepared ourselves for the day’s activity. The canteen staff were already at work with a pork roast on the go for lunch with plenty of hot/cold drinks. The roast was interesting as it was cooking inside a beer keg converted to an oven. Great

    Moss Heard receiving his Life Membership Award. Well done.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:15Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    idea (hope they drank the beer first).

    What I found to be fantastic is the lake which was only 200 meters away if that with the runway in good shape for the majority of models taking to the air. The event was not a competition, just good fun and lots of flying for those that wanted to. If you wanted a chat, have a coffee, or relax or do all the above, then you could.

    The event bought out some great looking models and the flying was pretty good as well. Matt Warner put on a great show with his Yak, but had a smoke problem (look at the photos), why Lyall Tevelen flew his low wing training like there was no tomorrow. Richard Mudge was trying to break the sound barrier with his Rivets and Spitfire. This was just a taste of what would be a great weekend.

    One of the highlight was the 46% Ultimate bi-plane which flew on Sunday. Awards presented on the day were:1. Matt Werner for most flown,

    2. Richard Mudge got the best flying display,3. Pilots Choice award was Rob Pederson,4. Best Military was Mark Radburn for his P-51D Mustang,

    5. Best classic model went to Daniel Mendoza, and6. The Best Crash award went to Brendan Maretta for his Nemesis.

    Apart from the awards, the Club also had the customary raffle prizes. By drawing out your ticket resulted in the possibility of picking up a set of glasses, a Jack Daniels speaker set, or a bottle of wine.

    Another highlight was the presentation of Life Membership to the President, Moss Heard for his outstanding work in the club over the years. Outstanding. Well done to A&DAC for a fantastic weekend. Congratulations to all award winners and great effort to all pilots that participated in the event. Ed

    Matt Warner and his Yak. Yes there is a

    model in that smoke (L). 3D for the big Yak is no issue as

    Matt provided a good demonstration of his skills and the model


    Peter Harrison preparing his Ultimate. Peter also won the Hitec Aurora 9 full kit

    Lyall Tevelen and his Christen Eagle. Flew beautifully

    Richard Mudge and his 55 DLE rear induction “Rivets” racer. Looks fast and is fast

    Kevin Curwood and his Extra. Great weekend enjoyed by all.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:16Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous


    2013 FLOATPLANE WEEKEND ( No competition, no Trophies, just Fun flying on Land & Lake )

    SATURDAY 26th & SUNDAY 27th JANUARY 2013 at the


    Flying from 0900hrs on each day

    Radio Certification as per your club rules.

    The Lake Narracan Flying Field has a 130m X 50m grass strip and plenty of Lake to fly off.

    A powered rescue boat will be available if required on the days.

    Limited Catering in the way of Hot & cold drinks, Hamburgers & Sausage Sandwiches will be available on both days. For catering purposes, It would

    be appreciated if you could let us know if you are attending.

    Enquiries to Wayne Lewis on 03 5134 3189 or

    Feel free to come for the whole weekend if you like ! No problem if you want to camp on site ! Please let someone know if you wish to stay overnight and do not have a key, because the gate is normally locked.

    Club Secretaries please pass this info on to anyone you think may be interested !

    We hope to see you there !

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:17Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised


    Victorian Flying Scale Aircraft Association.

    If you like to build and fly scale radio controlled aircraftthen the VFSAA is the SIG for you. Scale events at various venues and are listed on our website. Events are open to all members of the MAAA and cater for Scratch built/Kits as well as Flying Only (ARF) scale models.

    General Meetings are held bi-monthly on the first Thursday of every even month at the Field Naturalist Club of Victoria. Address: 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn. Visitors are always welcome. The highlight of meetings is the show and tell presentations from members of their new models and includes discussions on construction techniques. Members are always available to advise or assist you in your building project or to explain and guide you through our flying schedules.

    Our website keeps members up to date with news and information on upcoming events as well as event entry forms which can be downloaded and printed prior to entering an event.

    Visit our website at









  • VMAA December 2012 Page:18Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous


    It seems only a short while since I wrote my last education report and as a result this one will not be quite so extensive one.

    Peter Harrison of the PARCS club has done a great job in organising model flying activities for the 3rd Chelsea Air Scouts. With his help and the co-operation of the scout leaders we were able to organize a full on buddy box training day which was very well attended. This took place on Sunday 21st October at the PARCS field near Carrum.

    We held a number of preliminary nights at the scout hall when we held chuck glider nights and all sorts of demonstrations. Most of these I was able to attend myself and all of which were successful evenings. The training all went well even though the wind was not all that favourable for training. We had a number of instructors all set up with their own aircraft and buddy boxes and that was just as well as there were around 20 air scouts to get through.

    The PARCS Club very kindly closed the field for general flying for us which made life much easier. We wish to thank all members of PARCS and their forward thinking committee for allowing us to do this at their field as it did encroach on their own flying time. Also lunch was provided by the club and that was a very nice and welcoming touch.

    The pictures say it all, so I will let them. If we can do more of this sort of thing then we are bound to ensure the future of model flying.

    Monday the 12th November saw a group of keen volunteers from the Yarra Valley Aeromodellers Club, helping out in a big way with a model building night

    for the Australian Air League.

    The assistance was Adrian Whiter, Jon Goudge, Euan Haig and some bloke from the VMAA called David Nichols who organised it all. Kahlid Ally from the PARCS Club was unable to come along this time but is very keen to be involved. I will fit him in somewhere in due course as he does want to be involved.

    A special thanks to Adrian Whiter who bought along his scratch built P40 Kittyhawk for the cadets and everybody else to marvel at. I was lucky enough to witness most of the construction process of this model as this was something that came out of Haydn Hampsons shed, which is where you will find some of us most Wednesday nights. Seeing it in the flesh is quite something because it really is a magnificent piece of work and a great credit to Adrian. It was flown at Shepparton this year and is powered by a 60cc converted petrol

    chain saw engine The evening was held for the Australian air League group in Coldstream where regular meetings are held in a community/sports hall that they use for most of the Air League activities. I have done Spitfire chuck glider nights for them in the past but this time we got them to build their own.

    I designed a glider of my own [called the dangerous] from scratch, and made templates for them to follow marking out the parts as required. It is at times like this that I really appreciated the help I have received as it is very difficult to keep an eye on so many cadets all at the same time. The guys were really great as they were able to pass on some of their building skills assisting with both the construction and balancing part.

    We were also very careful about the use of “Cyno” glue as we did not want to un-stick any small fingers which is a good thing. Cyno can be hazardous even if used carefully. The fun part came when the cadets started chucking their newly made

    gliders all over the hall. I was most impressed with the way some of them flew so they obviously followed their instructions to the letter with good results. We saw some interesting innovations as well, some of which worked and some which did not.

    The repairs were common of course which is all part of the fun. All in all everybody enjoyed themselves which is always pleasing. One builder claiming he was the youngest amongst us took the original design and made it into a bi-plane. To our delight it flew very well indeed. Euan asked me not to mention his name [ so I won’t ]after I told him that the constructor needed to be less than 6

    Looks like Peter Harrison has there full attention. PARCS 3rd Chealsea Air Scouts

    This were we need to start and have our young involved with modelling. The 3rd

    Chealsea Air Scouts enjoy the day Fantastic to see a number of volunteers helping out. It makes a big difference..

    The Australian Air League become involved with aeromodelling with

    David and his merry helpers

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:19Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    foot 5 inches tall [which he isn’t] to win the fly off. He would have won had it not been for this rule so the photo on the nose of the P40 will have to do.

    The air league were most grateful for our efforts and are keen to get the cadets into more intensive modelling activities next year so we will look forward to working some more with them and hopefully attract some candidates for the VMAA junior incentive scheme.

    Coming up shortly, I am hoping to attend a father and son/daughter night which is to be held at the Bunnings store in Melton and organised through the Melton Model Aircraft Club. I am not sure what form it will take yet

    but I do know I will have unconditional support from David Axon and Club members.

    Thanks to absolutely everybody who has contributed to the education program so far in any shape or form. Model construction and flying has certainly kept me out of mischief for a long time so the more we can encourage the young to do the same the better.

    Have a great Merry Christmas and fantastic New Year. See you in 2013, teaching our young about our great hobby

    Good FlyingDavid Nichols

    Adrian Whiter’s P-40 makes an impressive sight. Maybe when the chuck glider grows

    up, it wants to a P-40..

    We all have to start somewhere and building a chuck glider is a good start. It seems the hands on approach

    is a winner

    Pre-entry registration form can be found on our website


    MITCHELL FIXED WING AERO CLUB Inc Invite you to our Inaugural

    Our field is located at Hilldene Vic. (Between Seymour and Puckapunyal) Map on website

    To be held on Sunday February 10th

    Bring your plane & bring your seat. 10am start

    Food and drinks will be on sale

    $20 Entry fee for all competitors as many planes as you like, must be MAAA Registered Pilots.

    Come and fly Saturday, camp or Motel it (Bring your own water etc) Contact: Barry Dunn. 03 5792 1017. Mob: 0418 246 693

    Entry forms can be found at

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:20Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous



    IarrivedatTableTopontheFridayafternoonwithanumberofpilotsalreadyinthewatercheckingouttheiraircraftandsettinguphousewithinthecampingsite.Thelocationisfantasticandisperfectfor the event. Arriving too late to put amodel in the water, I didmanagetocapturesomephotos,speaktoafewfriendswhoIhavenotseenforawhileandcatchupwithDavidBalfour,PresidentofTCMAC.Theexpectationswerehighonagoodturnoutfortheweekendbasedonweatherandthelakebeingsofull.

    Saturdaymorningwewere up early and as viewed the lake iswas glories. The tranquillity and thestillnessofthewaterwasasighttosee.Itwasanearlyrisesowecouldcaptureasmuchofthedayaswecouldandenjoyafantasticdayofflying.ArrivingatTableToppeoplewerepreparingforthedayandfindingabitofspace.Thisyeartherewasabout50pilotswith70modelsofalltypesandshapes.Youdonotrealisehowmanydifferentfloataircraftthereareuntilyouseetheminonespot.TherewereanumberofsportsmodelsaswellsuchasSeamasters,Neptune’s’andafewothersthatIcouldnotidentify.

    AfterpayingmyentryfeeandsettingupmyNeptune,Ifuelledupandheadedfortheflightline.Oneoftheconditionsontheflightlineistohaveaspotterwithyou.Goodideawhenthereafewmodelsupandabout.Theflight linewaswellmanagedbyTCMACandensuredthetraffickeptmoving.Therewouldhavebeenat

    least4to6modelsintheairatonetimesoacompanionwasveryhelpful.MyNeptune startedupok, but Imust admit, itwasawhilesinceIusedherlast.Ifoundoutquicklythatgoodpreventive maintenance helps a lot as I was having enginesissueswithtwodeadsticksoneaftertheother.

    AfterafewmorechecksIdiscoveredthatmyrefuellingreceptacleonthemodelhadjammedandfuelwasnotflowingas itshould.As Iwas thinkingonhowIwasgoing tofix theissue, friendDarrengavemeasprinklersystemconnectorsoI couldbypass the receptacleandcontinuesflying.Necessity,themotherofinvention......brilliant.Puttingfewofthoseinmyflightbox!!

    Itwas fantastic toseetherangeofmodelsflyingatTableTop.ThisincludedscalemodelsofalltypessuchasCubs,

    Lake Hume and all its glory. It reached capacity the day after we left. Hopefully it will stay full without causing any issues.

    Laurie Baldwin and his electric King Fisher

    Trevor Pugh (GMAC) Aquabird. Has been around for a while. Unusual model but flies very well.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:21Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    King Fishers (I think everysecond model was a KingFisher, the only differencewas the size). There werepilots from many partsof Australia which wasexcellent. We even had aspecial treat when a SuperPetrel LS flew in fromSydneyand landed. It thencasuallydroveitselfontothebankwhereitwasparkedfortheday.Thephotoswillgiveyouanideawhatagreatdayit was at Table Top. On theSunday,theSuperPetrelputonabitofaperformancebydoingtouchandgoesonthewaterbeforeitflewbacktoSydney.

    TCMACsetupatentfor admin and cateringpurposes and providedhot/cold drinks andplentytoeatatbreakfastand lunch. The teamdid a great job as theyalwaysdoandmadetheweekend that little bitbetter.Spectatorsflowedinalldayfortheweekendwatchingthemodelsandtakinginthesun.Averyrelaxingweekend,sharedwithfriendsandfamily.




    Well done Albury RC Models. If you need something in modelling, Speak to Ken.

    Tony Gyoles (TCMAC) and his electric Pup. Flew very well

    The Super Petrel LS made a beautiful site as it come in for a landing. David Balfour with

    pilot Jay Laybutt (bottom)

    Graeme Fraenfelder (TCMAC) and his Piaggio P136L. 9.7 Kg with 2 x Saito 100 Twin 4S. Another good flyer

    and sounded awesome with the Saitos

    Dale Carstein (LVMAC) and his $10 model at an auction. Not bad for ten bucks and it flew

    great after some minor repairs. Good job.

    Another King Fisher. A very popular model in manydifferent sizes

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:22Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    Proficiency Ratings

    As from December 2012 Bronze Wings (Fixed Wing)

    Bronze Wings (Helicopter)

    Gold Wings (Fixed Wing)

    74351 Jason Allen72546 Ben Biggs68336 Kalpesh chouhan38796 Bryan Johnson75865 Dat Quach76033 Johnny Tran

    74700 Daniel Arapakis75779 Aaron Brewer74516 Ivan Camileri72407 Robert Carey74342 John Cottis74424 David Hornstra48222 Bill Marshall20663 Gary Martelloni5576 Kevin McKay20934 Peter Ralston75882 Anthony Sisley61241 Derek Wee

    72704 Chris Szabobencze74660 Jay Alaan20829 Andrew Arapakis74497 Nigel Bennett75873 Chris Boncoeur72729 Bruce Butterworth75974 Dan Davies74451 Tim De Harn75998 Andrew Dell75921 Joel Eisner13190 Wayne Girdlestone19378 Rudolf Koehler36818 Anton Koller

    72619 Thomas Koller74563 Gregory Lewis75877 David Louden75796 Jim Paschalis72519 Craig Sarginson29975 Graham Sullivan64953 Stephen Taranto75925 Peter Teo74645 Christine Towns20506 R.P Van Andel72453 Robert John Walker 45528 David Williams

    Congratulations to all recipients in achieving their proficiency ratings and being part of the National Framework.

    Bronze Wings (Glider)63121 Graeme Gublin75982 Chris Ineson5930 Daryl McCleary31266 David Sampson26174 George Thompson75824 Pavel Wojtech

    Gold Wings (Helicopter)75798 Ben Van Deventer

    MAAA Instructor’s Course

    If any Clubs are interested in hosting an Instructor’s Course, please contact the SFI, Murray Ellis. Just remember, nominated Club Members require to have their Gold Wings

    before attending the course. This is due to the course being completed in one day.

    By completing the course you will be helping our sport by teaching within a National Framework and promoting safe flying.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:23Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    VMAA Trophy Weekend

    13 & 14 April 2013 The aim of this event is to encourage Associated Clubs to have a go as a team effort in a two day event that has the emphasis on fair play and

    maximum fun.

    The Trophy rules make it fair for the many smaller Clubs to have a go with a good chance of doing well against big Clubs. Enter as many events as you can. Your best six of the twelve events to count. A person may be a pilot in up to two events and also ‘assist’ other pilots/team members in other events. All Clubs may be asked to provide people to act as judges or time-keepers for some events.

    For continuity, the Trophy rules will remain materially unchanged for the next 2 years.. ENTRY IS FREE

    Trophy Events: Fun Scale 2 x Helicopter events Fun fly Thermal Soaring Scale Aerobatics Electric Glider Old Timer Duration Most Unusual Model Musical Landings Club Racing Combat (New Format)

    If you need further information, please contact the VMAA CD; Graham Scott on 9737 1707 Phone & fax. Mob: 0419 400 019, email or go to the VMAA Website and go to VMAA News for all the details and rules

    on all events

    The event will be held at the VMAA State Field. Catering available both days and on site camping facilities available. Motels and caravan parks are available nearby.

    ENTRIES CLOSE: Midnight, Monday 08 April 2013.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:24Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    By Roger Chapman

    To celebrate the 25 years of the MRCHC’s formation, the club had an informal Fun Fly and BBQ on Sunday 7th October at our field which is located on the grounds of Cornish College at Bangholme.

    The weather started off very ordinary but cleared by the afternoon and it was great to see such a fabulous turnout that also included some visitors from other clubs. It was also great that Ian Anderson a founding member could make it. Ian was instrumental in the formation of the Club back in 1987 and in later times helped form the Helicopter Sub Committee and no doubt many of you reading this would remember that Ian also served on the VMAA Committee for many years. Another person, Nick Csabafy who many of you would know from NC Helicopters and as one of the photos reminds us, has also been around the hobby a very long time, has been part of and remains a strong supporter of the MRCHC from almost the very beginning.

    Our Club President demonstrated some ‘Master Chef’ skills in baking a ‘birthday cake’. Now this was no ordinary cake– it had to be in the form of a helicopter of course. I don’t think I am overstating things to say the cake was absolutely fabulous – may not win too many prizes in the ‘glam’ department but hey you could tell it was a helicopter and more importantly it tasted great. Rob Hopkins (Events Officer) put a huge effort into setting up the field and also organizing the day to ensure things ran smoothly and it did. Thanks Rob.

    There was a fantastic array of helicopters both on show and flying – these included Jeff Sussman’s Schluter Heli Baby fixed pitch machine showing where the hobby all began to James Dargue’s terrifyingly fast Kasama. He thrilled us with an insanely high auto and blade stop. James’s skill coupled with state of the art technology shows just what exciting flying potential there is. In the scale department our Club President Jeff also had his Hughes 500E multi bladed head model. Awesome detail, with a matching scale rotor head that finishes off the model beautifully. Back in the beginning this was what dreams were made of but unfortunately even back less than 10 years ago there wasn’t the technology to bring all this together as a viable flying machine – but now it is.

    It was a great day – thanks to all those that helped out, visitors, sponsors and for the members and friends of the club who came along and supported the day and for any of you that might be reading this who would like to take a closer look at RC helicopters, if you visit our web site you can find all the details about our Club there. Just ‘Google MRCHC’.

    It is great to have some information and feedback on another long standing Club. It is a credit to the Club for their ongoing work and establishing a very strong relationship with the school. The Heli discipline is growing and there are some fantastic flyers as well as models out there. MRCHC hold a fun fly on a regular basis and assist pilots if asked. Well done in reaching a milestone of 25 years. Hope the next 25 are as good if not better. Ed

    The party goers and the heli Cake. Well done to MRCHC for reaching a Club milestone

    What is a celebration without a cake. Well done Jeff Sussman and the fabulous cake. Club Member Dieter

    lighting the ‘candles’. Happy 25th

    Melbourne Radio Control Helicopter Club 25th Anniversary

    Club President Jeff also had his Hughes 500E multi bladed head model. Awesome detail, with a matching scale rotor head that finishes off the model beautifully.

    Sign of the times – the array of chargers and batteries on charge in the MRCHC Club House

    James Dargue’s terrifyingly fast electric Kasama

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:25Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised


    Reg: A0044708J

    It’s all about the Competition!

    The Victorian Pattern Association (VPA) brings together Victorian Aeromodellers who share a passion for precision aerobatics. Precision aerobatics, or Pattern as it is better known, is about performing a series of specified manoeuvres (called ‘the schedule’) to the best of the pilot’s ability. The schedules, typical model configurations, as well as the competition calendar and recent competition reports, can be accessed at the VPA website:

    From November onwards, the VPA will now be hosting three different aerobatic disciplines: F3A,Sports Aerobatics and Classic Pattern.

    As discussed in our previous article, the new Classic Pattern discipline will focus on promoting aerobatic competition from the classic era of non-turnaround pattern aerobatics back in the 70’s and 80’s. Our first full-blown Classic Pattern competition will be held on November 11, 2012 at the Nepean Club in Rosebud. We are expecting all of you to take your model off the wall, check everything out, get some practice and come join us for some real classic fun!

    By the time the newsletter goes to print, our Aussie Team, consisting of Bill Bloodworth (VIC), Matthew Bailey (VIC), Glenn Orchard (VIC) and Steve Coram (WA) will have come back from the Philippines where they will have been competing in the 2012 Asian Oceanic Championship (AOC) against some fierce rivals like Japan, Thailand and China. Preliminary rounds will be flown on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 11 & 12. Semi-finals will be flown on Friday, September 14 and the Finals will be flown on the Saturday. We wish them all the best.

    Getting started in Pattern is very easy. At the VPA we can lend a hand to get you started. Feel free to contact any of the committee members for help:

    Fernando Monge Gibbs Travassaros Hutchinson

    Our Australian Team representing us at the Philippines Asian Oceanic Championship:

    Glenn Orchard Bill Bloodworth Matthew Bailey Steve Coram.

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:26Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    Corangamite Model Aircraft Club



    SUNDAY 24th FEBRUARY 2013 9AM to 5PM

    Prizes on the day

    BBQ & Refreshments available

    Entry by Gold Coin Donation

    Contact: Foster (03) 55932400 Brendan (03) 55938233

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:27Happy New Year. Hope 2013 is a great year for US ALLPlease remember - “Never leave” a charging battery unsupervised

    Links you should know about…..

    DVD Library - December 2012 UpdateIMPORTANT NEWS – 4 DVD’s for only $5-00;EffectivelyimmediatelytheVMAAhasincreased,from3to4,thenumberofDVD’syoucanborrowfromtheLibraryfornoadditionalcost.Yesthecostremainsatonly$5.Thismeansthatforonly$5-00youcanselect4DVDfromVMAA’shugelibraryofover1200DVDonaviationtopicsandhavethempostedtoyouwiththereturnpostageincludedforyoutosendthemback.Nodoubtagreatbargain.

    TheV.M.A.A.hasaveryextensiveDVDLibrary.Itcontainsover1200titlescoveringmodelsandfullsizeaircraftaswellasaviationmovies.PleasenotethatthelibrarysourcesDVD’sfromallovertheworldsoyouwillneedaDVDplayerthatcanplayDVDsfromallregions.Therearemanyexcellentinstructionaltapes/DVDthatprovideyouwithexcellentinformationthatwillassistyouinthisgreatsport.Therearealsolotsoftitlescoveringmanyofthebigmodelshowsandcompetitionsfromallovertheworldaswellasahugeselectionoffullsizeaircraftdocumentaries.Youarereallymissingoutonsomethingifyouarenotamemberofthelibrary.Itonlycosts$5-00,whichincludesthereturnpostage,for4 DVDs.


    JointheVMAADVDLibraryjustclickMembers Application

    WanttoorderaDVD,justclickon,justclickonOrder DVDs


    StillnotsurethenthefulldetailofhowtojointheV.M.A.A.DVDLibraryisinyourV.M.A.A.Directory.Alternativelyyoucane-mailmeatDVD Librarianandaskfordetailsofhowitoperates.



    Calendar of Events

    TofindthelatesteventsandwhatishappeningaroundourgreatAssociation,justclickon Calendar of Events NeweventsareaddedfrequentlysokeepaneyeonthecalendarbyusingthelinkorourgototheVMAAWebsite

    MAAA Newsletter

    TheMAAANewsletterbringyou informationofanumberofareaat theNational level.ThisincludesreportsfromtheCommitteeandcontactdetails,ManualofProcedure(MOPS),NationalandInternationalEventsCompetitiondatesandreportsonsuchevents.Click MAAA Newslettertohavearead. Application Form.pdfhttp:// Application Form.pdf Order form.pdf of Events.pdf

  • VMAA December 2012 Page:28Merry Christmas and a Safe Festive Season

    Please remember - “Spinning Propellers” are Dangerous

    VMAA Committee Members

    Carl Bizon - President - Ph: 0407 762 140 Lepp - Vice President - Ph: 0411 732104 Caulcutt - Secretary & Public OfficerPostal Address - PO Box 5695, Cranbourne, 3977 - Ph/Fax 03 5996 2155 - Mob: 0418 515 689 Dowie - Treasurer - Ph: 9706 2074 (AH) Ellis - State Flying InstructorPostal Address - PO Box 57, Bannockburn, 3331 Ph: 03 5281 5345 AH Mob: 0419 522 602 mellis01@bigpond.comGraeme Wilson - Registrar and Control Line Rep. - PO BOX 298, Seaford, 3198. - Ph: 9786 8153 (AH) Scott - Contest Director - Ph: 9737 1707 Collyer - Committee Member - Ph: 95619097 - C.Collyer@aerosonde.comJoe Finocchiaro - Committee Member & Editor - Mob: 0425 708 654 Joe to submit articles, ads and photos. All welcome. First in, first printed, Space is always an issueDavid Nichols - Education Officer - Ph: 9752 5830 - Mob: 0417 547 040

    Contact Dave to organise a presentation on aero modelling. Scouts, Cadet, School Group, general

    interest in aviation. All welcome.

    Ivan Chiselett - DVD Librarian - Ph: 9898 4379

    The VMAA DVD Library is the best collections of aircraft stories, modelling building and techniques.

    Robert Koren - Webmaster -

    Meetings held 2nd Thursday of each month at Koonung Heights Uniting Church, Cnr Belmore &

    Winfield Rds Balwyn

    Please contact the VMAA CD for Calender updates and inclusions.

    Change of addresses need to be sent to the VMAA Registrar.

    Sunday 28th April 2013 Held annually every year at the State Flying Field, Quayles Road,

    Darrawiet Guim Melways Reference 425 G3

    Visit for a detailed map and registration form.

    All pre-entered registrations will receive one bonus entry into the prize draw at the end of the day.

    Entry is open to all MAAA registered Pilots that have a plane with two or more engines.

    Non flying visitors are most welcome to come and enjoy the day

    Food and drink will be available during the event.

    Great prizes on a fly per ticket lucky draw system.

    A trophy for the most unusual multi-engine aircraft.

    $10 Entry Fee for all Competitors – bring as many planes as you like.

    Pilots briefing and registration 9.30am

    Flying from 10am

    Contact: Mark Sills – 0419 338 847

    Northern Flying Group in conjunction with our major sponsors hopes you come and enjoy a relaxed Sunday flying at this unique event.
