The Belly Fairing - SENER · 2009. 4. 6. · Jaime Sáenz, Alexis Sánchez, Fernando Sánchez,...


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La industria aeroespacialinternacional en el

Paris Air Show 2005











Fuente de Neutronespor Espalación,

una instalación de gran ciencia

La Belly Fairingdel A380

International aerospaceindustry at the

Paris Air Show








Spallationneutron source and

advanced science facility

The Belly Fairingof the A 380

Train Phoenix,comunicación de datos

para trenes de alta velocidadTrain Phoenix,

data links for high-speed trains


Francisco Albisu, José Manuel Almoguera, Iván Altaba, Jerónimo Angulo, Alfredo Arnedo, LuisBazán, José Manuel del Cura, Guillermo Dierssen, Soledad Garrido, José F. González Lodoso,Ricardo Lacruz, Jesús Laforgue, Carlos Miravet, Javier Molero, Carlos Pascual, Xavier Pascual,Lorenzo Quevedo, Mª Jesús Quiñónez, Ricardo Rebollo, Diego Rodríguez, Esteban Rodríguez,Jaime Sáenz, Alexis Sánchez, Fernando Sánchez, Pelayo Suárez, Mirko Toman, Emilio Vez.

Published by Gabinete de Comunicación de SENEREdit staff: Begoña Francoy, Olivia Cid, Antonia Gutiérrez, Carolina TébarPhotographic documentation: Mercedes DomínguezLayout : Miriam Hernanz RaseroAdvertising: Lourdes OlabarríaLegal deposit number 1804. Imprenta Garcinuño.


summaryCorporateAeroespace and SystemsActuation and Control SystemsEnergy and ProcessCivilArchitectureMarine



In Brief





Special reportSENER and the Belly Fairingof Airbus A380


TechnologyA national earth watch system withoptical instrument


C O R P O R A T E U P - T O - D A T E

04 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

Diego Rodríguez,new director of the aerospacedepartment

The European Space Agency (ESA) has granted diplomas of recognition to several teams of SENER engineers, for their contribution to the success

of the Rosetta mission. This award was collected on behalf of all the other colleagues who worked on the different instruments and mechanisms that

have been on their way since March last year, on a journey that will take a decade, towards the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, with the aim of

studying the dust particles forming the comet’s tail when breaking away from its core.

The SENER engineers whose work has been recognised are José Ángel Andino, for the Plasma Consortium’s Sensor Deployment System; Jaime

Azcona, for the design and thermal analyses; Miguel Domingo, for the thermal shutters to control the temperature of the probe, and Javier Eguía, as

head of Quality.

The other SENER team recognised by the ESA was the team that developed the GIADA (Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator) instrument

for this space mission. Diego Rodríguez, Alfonso López, Santiago Jarabo, Luis Fernando Sánchez and Santiago Terol came to collect the awards.

The ESA rewards SENER engineers

Diego Rodríguez Gómez, Telecommunications engineer of the Aerospace

Division, replaces Mercedes Sierra Toral in the Aerospace Department. Over

the course of his eighteen years experience with SENER in areas relating

to electronic control equipment and systems. Diego Rodríguez started to

work for the space area of the company with the SOHO satelite and since

then has headed various projects, such as the filter wheel and the electronic

units OSIRIS and GIADA for the Rosetta satellite, the IPU (Image Processing

Unit) for the RecceLite designator, or the APME unit of the Hispasat 1-C.

The replacement is due to the fact Mercedes Sierra, who has worked at

SENER for the last 20 years, has been appointed Director of Space and

Industrial Returns of the Centre for Industrial Technological Development

(“CDTI”), an organization wholly dependant on the Ministry for Industry,

Tourism and Trade.

Left to right: Santiago Jarabo, Alfonso López, Diego Rodríguez, Santiago Terol and Luis Fernando Sánchez.

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 05

C O R P O R A T EU P - T O - D A T E

Late last March, SENER signed a cooperation agreement with the

Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, whereby it becomes a

member of the Pro Rebus Academiae Committee during the period


The Royal Academy of Engineering promotes the quality and

competence of Spanish engineering, fostering the study, research

and progress of the sciences, techniques and methods its applications


SENER, a cooperating memberwith the Royal Academy ofEngineering

Replacement in the senior administrative andfinancial management of SIS

José Luis Anzola Fiñaga takes charge of the Senior Administrative and Financial Management of SENERIngeniería y Sistemas (SIS), in replacement of the current head, Anzola Zuluaga, who is retiring after over 40years working with SENER.Anzola Fiñaga, 37 years old and a graduate in Business Studies and Economics from the University of theBasque Country, began his professional career with SENER eleven years ago now. He has worked inAdministration, with responsibility for SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas and subsidiaries, and for the Senior FinancialManagement in risk analysis for special projects.


On the April 8th, the SENER offices in Tres Cantos hosted the meetingof the patrons of the SENER Foundation. Full advantage of this meetingwas taken to bring together the three students the Foundation currentlyhas on scholarships. The Bulgarian student Elisa Bobolina travelled fromthe University of Crainfield (UK), where she is about to complete herpostgraduate studies, and she was able to meet Edgar G. Zambranoand Claudio J. Barrientos, a Mexican and Chilean respectively, who arecarrying out their practicals in Madrid.

With a view to reasserting and consolidating SENER’S businessactivity in this sector, a new Aeronautics and Vehicle Department hasbeen set up, and it will be headed by Jordi Brufau.Mr. Brufau, a graduate in Mechanical Structural Engineering from theE.T.S.E.I.B., will be combining this new responsibility with Managementof the Barcelona Division, with the aim of developing and exploitingthe synergies with the Vehicle team more efficiently, in view of thesimilarity between professional profiles and working methods.

New Aeronautics and

Vehicle Department

Several photography of the patrons ofthe SENER Foundation with the freestudents Elisa Bobolina, Edgar G.Zambrano and Claudio J. Barrientos.

C O R P O R A T E U P - T O - D A T E

06 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

From June 13th to 19th, Paris will be hosting the Le Bourget Air Show,

where SENER will once again be taking part in the Spanish Pavilion.

At this new date with Le Bourget – the first was held in 1909 – the stars

of aviation will be presented, such as the gigantic A380, in which SENER

has been actively involved, in the design of the Belly Fairing (see Page

23). At this show, the most important for the sector and benchmark on

the world market, SENER is exhibiting real mechanisms of actuation

and control systems for important multilateral programs, a prototype

micro-exchanger developed with MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical

Systems) technology, and E-cards.

The new production activities are also being presented (manual and

semi-automatic mounting of electronics, mechanical mounting of sub-

assemblies and assemblies, final integration, vibration, temperature or

operational tests, etc.) for half-series of parts with high technological

content. The mechanisms developed at SENER’S new Integration and

Testing Centre (see SENER News Nos. 29 and 30) can be applied to

aeronautics (flight control), space (satellites, spacecraft, or usable loads)

or propulsion (engine nozzles, control of the thrust vector), amongst


The pulling power of Le Bourget AIR SHOW is apparent in the 1,728

exhibitors from 42 countries, 202 aircraft, around 94,000 professional

visitors from 142 countries, 143,000 non-specialist visitors, 3,400

accredited journalists, 156 official delegations from 66 countries, and

a surface area of 3,000 square metres of exhibition.


N O T I C I A S S E N E R 07

A E R O E S P A C EU P - T O - D A T E

SENER has completed the detail design of the Guidance, Navigation and Control subsystem of theautomated vehicle ASVIS (Automatic Servicing Vehicle for ISS Surveying) which will provide differentservices for the International Space Station (ISS).Before designing the subsystem, a general analysis was carried out of the missions and their scenarios,which extend from inspection to maintenance, repair, assistance to astronauts, rescue operations,etc. Taking all the alternatives into account, a versatile system was conceived comprising a spacevehicle, control centres and base platform in the ISS.The detailed project of the Guidance, Navigation and Control subsystem was simulated in aMatlab/Simulink environment, and later incorporated in a Eurosim test bed, the simulation tool thatESA intends to transform into the European standard for space applications of this type. The testbed was used to check the flight software of the vehicle in real time with an external platform provided by ESA based on an ERC32 processor and aseries of interface cards. The study was complemented with Java-based 3D visualizations of the simulations effected in a Linux environment.The European Space Agency (ESA) hired SENER as main contractor, with GMV as subcontractor. For the ASVIS project funds were used from theprogramme for ISS Studies, Technology and Evolution Preparation (STEP), and had the support of the Spanish Delegation (CDTI) to ESA.

ASVIS, a versatile vehicle for the ISS

SENER has developed a series of guides to identify industrial equipment and facilities for the European UnionSatellite Centre (EUSC), an intelligence agency engaged in interpreting photographs taken by satellite.presented are oriented toward those plants or systems which the client wants to investigate and they correspondto LNG Regasification Plants, Urea Production Plants, Ammonia Production Plants, Cement-making Plants andVenting Systems and Flares.These guides describes the plant type and the process of its industrial activity, the main equipment that constitutesthe installation, its characteristics and those technical data that allow identification through satellite images. Moreover,when possible, the basic parameters are indicated that allow an estimate to be made of the plant capacity, itsoperating status (normal/emergency) and constructional state, among other items. Some of the difficulties encounteredin this type of document are the low resolution of the satellite images and shadows or buildings that cover thefacilities, since they do not allow the equipment of the plant to be analysed in detail.Each guide also includes a “decision tree” which guides the user through a basic questionnaire in the case ofdoubts arising in the identification of an image.

Guides for identification of industrial plants

OBEFONE: technology for space antennas

The pointing and scanning of the beam of an antenna can be made withouthaving to move the antenna itself. This process is based on a combination oftechnologies, which two main elements are a phased array antenna (PAA) anda beam forming network (BFN). In space applications, like Earth observationand telecommunications satellites, this technology allows a reduction in complexity,weight, failure points, etc., by eliminating the mechanical pointing subsystem.Nevertheless, in the case of broad-bandwidth, high-performance antennas,complex BFN systems are required because the antenna has to be reconfigurableand self-pointing, and implementing these systems using radiofrequency methodsresults in high cost, size and power consumption. In addition, the requiredDigital Signal Processor (DSP) technology is not capable of handling the amountof information of the broad-bandwidth applications.The solution lies in the use of Optical Beam Forming Network (OBFN) technology. This technology improves the antenna features substantially,in terms of weight, volume, power consumption and in data processing capability.OBEFONE (Optical BEam FOrming NEtworks) is an ESA-financed project in which SENER is the main contractor and the Polytechnic Universityof Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia are the subcontractors. The objective of the project is to develop an OBFN demonstratorbased on True Time Delay (TTD) and to conduct the pertinent tests. In terms of the results, it is intended to find the limiting factors of the systemand the best way to overcome them, so that it can be possible to develop a system scaled to the needs of a real application such as a SARantenna. At the same time future developments will be identified, which should allow its integration in space systems.

Aerial photography of a cement works plantof the Basque Country

ASVIS free flier vehicle located on top of its Base Platformon International Space Station

A E R O E S P A C E U P - T O - D A T E

08 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

SENER and Spanish Naval Research and Development Centre(CIDA) have developed a silhouette-based decision support systemfor ship identification. The system operates on the ship contour,which has been previously extracted, either manually or by useof semi-automatic tools. The extracted contour is automaticallycompared to each of the contours stored in a database, and mostsimilar ships are presented to the system operator, which makesthe final ship identification.Contour comparison is not performed directly, but using the contourcurvature scale space (CSS) representation. The CSS representation,which is part of the MPEG-7 standard, provides a robust meansto describe closed contours, and has been successfully used inseveral recognition tasks. In our system, the local maxima of thesilhouette CSS representation are extracted, and the location andamplitude of the set of largest maxima are used as features forship identification. These maxima are matched to those of eachcontour model using a decision-tree based hierarchical classifier,and a matching cost is derived for each potential target-to-modelassignment.This system has been tested with image sets of ships acquiredunder representative naval operational conditions using differentsensors, including color CCD cameras, image intensifiers and thermal imaging systems. This project of investigation is placed under the frameworkof PROFIT and MOD programmes.

The development of an automatic tool changing device is one of the R&D activitiesbacked by ESA, aimed at developing technology for the Eurobot mission, a roboticservice system for the ISS and for planetary expeditions. The objective of the roboticarm is to assist or even replace astronauts during complex extravehicular activities,so that crew safety is enhanced and the time and cost of this type of operation aredecreased.Current technology does not permit the design of a robotic manipulator that canhandle objects and use all types of tool like a human hand. The solution consistsin fixing the specific tools for each task directly to the robotic wrist. The tools wouldbe stored in a tray for this purpose in the back part of the robot, and they wouldbe collected without human intervention by means of the automatic changing device.This project is developing a compact device for automatic tool changing that canbe fixed on the end free of the robotic arm, which allows different tools to be mountedon the arm and thereby increases its versatility. Among the features required arecompactness to minimize the effect on robotic dexterity, a high level of monitoringto achieve good control of the movements, and the capability to transmit powerand signals to the tool.SENER is participating in this activity jointly with the Italian companies, GalileoAvionica, as main contractor, and Tecnomare. SENER is responsible for the design

and mechanical analysis of the device, as well as for the manufacture and integration of a prototype. Together with the same partners, SENERis also presently involved in another space robotics activity of ESA, aimed at developing a robotic arm to which the device described would befastened.

Tool changing device for the ISS Robotic arm

Automatic tool exchange device concept© SENER /Galileo Avionica / Tecnomare

Decision support system for ship identification based onthe curvature scale space representation

Left: ship image, with its extracted (upper) and database (lower) contours. Right: CCSimages for both contours sets.© Ship image property of the Spanish Ministry of Defense.

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 09

A C T U AT I Ó N A N D C O N T R O L S Y S T E MU P - T O - D A T E


Within its R, D & I activities, SENER is working on a projectfor ship propulsion based on PEM type fuel cells.Characteristics such as their high energy efficiency, andthe low acoustic, thermal and environmental pollution,make them an alternative to conventional propulsionsystems.The low-temperature PEM-type fuel cells for navalapplications, in both the main propulsion unit and auxiliarypower unit (APU), also offer a number of additionaladvantages. On one hand the absence of a heat signatureand exhaust gases are interesting in scientific or militaryapplications since it results in the vessel being lessdetectable and vulnerable. And as an integral part insubmarine Anaerobic or Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP)systems for conventional submarine navigation underwater,it increases their autonomy to three or four times thatobtained with conventional battery-based systems.

The interest of SENER is centred on developing a SPECIFIC CONTROL UNIT, with a high level of robustness, versatility and specialization.For the foregoing reasons a test bed has been set up that reproduces a PEM-based propulsion system and a Control Unit prototype is beingdesigned that allows optimum and safe operation of the system.This project is financed by SENER’s own development funds, by the PROFIT program of the Ministry of Education and Science, and by theCOINCIDENTE program of the Ministry of Defence.

SENER and ACORDE have together developed a system of bidirectionalcommunication via satellite for high-speed trains, capable of providing highspeed data links for broadband services.This system combines the bidirectional satellite link with a wireless distributionsystem, also bi-directional, inside the actual train, connecting the satelliteterminal with the users on the train. To overcome the difficulties associatedwith the high speed of the trains and the movements due to the track, thesystem uses a pointing mechanism able to acquire and follow the satellite.The mechanism developed allows the antenna to be properly positioned,independently of train movements.Tracking the satellite is controlled by a box of electronics called the APODbox, which includes: a GPS receiver, an inertial unit and its accompanyingelectronics.

This electronic box defines the position and orientation of the system,permitting pointing to continue in the event of loss of GPS signal. For receptionof the signal, a GPS antenna is mounted outside on the train roof. Thesystem is completed with the equipment for control, data transmission,power and auxiliary gear. All of which is located inside the train.The prototype has been successfully tested in the Madrid-Seville and Madrid-Lérida high-speed trains. RENFE has expressed interest in the system forinstallation in the high-speed and in long-haul trains. Its installation is alsobeing tested in the laboratory wagons (those that check the track or thecatenary status), which would allow data to be transmitted to the centraloffice in real time and, therefore, quicker solutions to anomalies that areencountered. As well as the Spanish company RENFE, the French railwayenterprise also intends to install them in high-speed and long-haul trains,since its use is possible in any type of transport.


Performance test in AVEtrain © SENER

Antena + pointing mechanism © SENER

E N E R G Y A N D P R O C E S S U P - T O - D A T E

10 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

On 9 March 2005 a Strategic Alliance Agreement was signed in Mexico City between the companies SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A, andTriple I (III, S.A. de C.V). The first was represented by its Energy and Process Director, Francisco Jiménez, and the second by its Legal Counsellor,Sergio Blanco.The alliance seeks to make the combined experience and capacity of SENER and TRIPLE Iavailable for the clients of both companies, especially for companies with investments inMexico, which have now reached very substantial numbers in the energy and process sectors.Carrying out the engineering in Mexico is a requirement regarding these projects and thosefor other infrastructures that are expanding in that market, one of the main beneficiaries fromthe worldwide oil bonanza.SENER and TRIPLE I have already been working together on some specific projects, andthe understanding developed between those responsible for the different fields of eachcompany has been easily observed, not to mention the excellent reception in Triple I of theSENER engineers that moved there for these tasks. Commercial actions will be centred ona joint promotion regarding projects that have already been identified and that figure amongthe objectives of the alliance. This agreement is expected to be the first step toward a greaterintegration between the two companies.

Strategic alliance in Mexico


Thermal power station of combined cycle “Plana del Vent”

Jesús Laforgue and Francisco Jiménez of SENER; SergioBlanco, legal representative of III; Elena Oropesa, GeneralAssistant director of III; and Eduardo Bosque, President of III.

Just like other Spanish electricity generating companies that produce energy by burning coaland fuel oil, ENDESA is implementing numerous improvements in several thermal units to complywith the European directive 2001/80/EC that limits the emissions of pollutants from largecombustion plants, making electricity generation a cleaner activity, more respectful with theenvironment.These modifications are based on arranging the combustion conditions to minimize the formationof NOx, which is achieved by means of improvements in the instrumentation and control systems,the installation of low-NOx burners, coal classification systems and stratification of the combustionair. All this has to be achieved without altering the boiler operation, which could impair the electricitygeneration, the running costs and the availability of the generating unit for the electric grid.While participating in this process, SENER is pursuing two approaches. Firstly, it is collaboratingwith ENDESA in the definition of the technical requirements of the interventions in the thermalunits, the outcome of which has been the edition of new technical and commercial specifications. New guarantee conditions have also been definedfor operation, environmental performance and pre-commissioning tests. Secondly, SENER has also been active during the tender selection phase, inthe analysis of the technical information in the proposals submitted, the clarification of matters under discussion and the presentation of the informationrequired for ENDESA to decide on the selection of the technologies and investments that will minimize this type of emission.

Natural Gas is building a thermal power station of combined cycle in theregion of Baix Camp (Tarragona). This technology of combined cycle isone of the most efficient ones and has a very low environmental impact.The power station, called “Plana del Vent”, consists of two groups ofgeneration power with a capacity of 400 MW each. It is about a “key inhand” project, where the main contractor, General Electric (GE), hassubcontracted part of the work to the UTE made up of “Técnicas Reunidas”and “Ferrovial”. This latter one has subcontracted itself the BOP engineering (Auxiliary services and rest of plant) to “Empresarios agrupados”.SENER has been hired for the execution of the property engineering,engineering supervision, supplies, construction, final project of the workand the starting up. It is planned that the power station will be running inJuly 2007.

C I V I L U P - T O - D A T E

12 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

The Railway Infrastructures Agency (GIF), incorporated from January 2005 in theInfrastructures Administration (ADIF), has awarded the SENER-INECO Consortiumwith the drafting of the construction project for covering the railway in the city ofLogroño. The cutting and covering of this railway corridor has an approximate lengthof six kilometres, based on the solution included in the corresponding InformationStudy prepared by the Ministry of Development.The work contracted includes the railway aspects of the operation, the project forthe structures and the work of building the enclosure, the rail and non-rail facilitiesand development of the corridor no longer used by the railway. It also includes theproject for the underground part of the station and coordination with the office ofarchitects Ábalos and Herreros, responsible for the design of the surface building.According to the allocation of tasks agreed with INECO, SENER has to carry out

the project of the underground part of the station, the non-rail facilities and the development of the railway corridor (with the exception of the stationsurroundings, for which of the team that won the aforesaid international tender is responsible).The performance of the work is split into two main stages: a first part lasting six months, in which the definitive solution to be developed will beagreed with the different organisations and administrations involved, and a second part of 15 months in which the different construction projectswill be carried out.

Railway integration in Logroño

In fulfillment to the Declaration of Environmental Impact with regard to the worksof the “Prolongación del dique rompeolas” Project, and after the first beachstabilization stage by means of construction and extension of two groins, thePort’s Authority of Tarragona has made the first contribution of 100.000 m3 ofsands to the “Playa de la Pineda” beach coming from dredged, like cogoverningmeasurement to extension works of Harbour.SENER has supervised the Beach Nourishment works in the “Playa de la Pineda”,coordinating and establishing a nexus of union between the Port’s Authority ofTarragona and the Vilaseca City council, so that the contribution of DIA and othersstudies have the predicted effectiveness. It has been carried out a work ofmonitoring and control of the works, supervising and advising technically to theCity council in order to satisfy exactly the Declaration of Environmental Impactcontents.

Beach Nourishment in the Pineda’s Beach

METRONORTE, mobility for new city-planning developmentsin MadridRecent years have seen unprecedented growth in the Madrid Metro System. To improvemobility, the Community of Madrid has plans to implement a new infrastructure that considerablyimproves the public transportation proposal in the north side of the metropolitan area, bothfor radial displacements to communicate with the city centre, and to facilitate internalcommunications. MetroNorte will be a backbone linking the new city-planning developmentsof North Madrid, the large housing estates of Montecarmelo and Las Tablas, and the urbancentres of Alcobendas and San Sebastián de los Reyes.SENER has been awarded the contract for “Consultancy and assistance in the inspectionand monitoring of the construction work of the MetroNorte infrastructure, sections 1C and2A”. This task is centred on supervision of the work on the infrastructure necessary for operationof the line on which train convoys will run formed by wide loading gauge wagons, and includesthe tunnel, stations, ventilation shafts and the track superstructure, as well as the architecture,decoration, illumination, outfitting and sewerage of stations.SENER will also oversee the performance of the work, the construction processes, the qualityof the materials and fulfilment of the conditions set out in the environmental impact study,among other items.In total, more than 5500 metres of tunnel and three stations are projected, two of them, in the municipal district of Alcobendas, will be built “top-down”, that is, laying the floor slabs and then excavating underneath.

Nourishment in The Pineda´s Beach © SENER

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 13

C I V I LU P - T O - D A T E

The number of cities is increasing that have a metro system with old

stations; a context that requires user safety on public transportation

to be addressed with similar criteria and which, moreover, are compatible

with the design of new stations.

Commissioned by GISA, SENER has analysed the conditions for

evacuating the Barcelona Metro and has put forward a number of

alternatives that can alleviate the critical situations arising on

underground station platforms until reaching safety. This multidisciplinary

task required the participation of specialists in planning, architecture,

civil works and facilities, both for problem diagnosis and for its final

solution. The improvements proposed vary from small enlargements

in passing areas to the building of new exits, with a high load of civil

work, without omitting the compartmentalisation of pressurized

enclosures adjoining the platforms if the distance to the exit is far.

To carry out the evacuation tests, a realistic number of passengers

has been envisaged at the scenario of a supposed accident, both on

the platform and in the train itself. Evacuation is calculated at four

minutes to the platform and six for reaching a safe location, which is

the street in a great many cases. The data on peak hours, load

diagrams and connections in stations with several lines have been

extrapolated to foresee the situation in 2010.

Alternative modes of Metro evacuation


Last January, GISA commissioned SENER with the “Technical Support for drafting theInstallation Manual for High Voltage, Medium Voltage, Direct Current and Low VoltageGrounding on Line 9 of the Barcelona Metro”. It concerns implementing a grounding systemfor all metallic elements that can become live and thereby avoid situations of electrical hazardin the possible event of direct and indirect contact. The document will analyse which systemsare best for grounding each section of the line and define standards to unify these systemsand be applied by all of the companies that participate in the project.Given the scope of the work and the great number of existing facilities, allowance will bemade for aspects such as the eddy currents that can occur, the possibility of atmosphericdischarges in the stretches of viaduct and the presence of signalling and communicationsequipment laid alongside the track, among others.

Municipal distribution of goods in Catalonia

The mobility law 9/2003 of June 15 in the Generalitat de Catalunya, thefirst in Spain, states that the Catalan Government has to draw up the NationalMobility Guidelines (DNM) in accordance with the objectives set out in thesame law. For this, the Government of the Generalitat is proposing to draftthe mobility guidelines under four headings, depending on the objectiveuser, passengers or goods, and the geographical environment considered,which can be urban or interurban. One of these headings corresponds tothe Municipal Distribution of Goods, and SENER has been commissionedto write it in collaboration with the company SPIM.The task addresses diverse objectives: analysis of the market for the municipal

distribution of goods in Catalonia, in both the current situation and the future development prospects; proposal for classification of the Catalan citiesaccording to their specific problems; identification of good practice in other Spanish and foreign cities and the possibility of adaptation thereof to theCatalan case; definition of strategic objectives to be achieved with the guidelines; drafting and action plan and, lastly, the definition of a tool to trackand monitor the effectiveness of the actions proposed.

Line 9 of Barcelona Metro

14 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

Passenger traffic in the Port of Bilbao has traditionally been served by theferry “Pride of Bilbao” (P&O). Twice weekly this ferry provides a regularservice with Portsmouth and has the capacity to carry 2500 passengers,6000 cars and 62 trucks.In recent years transatlantic traffic has increased significantly, to the extentthat it has grown from two liner stopovers in 1995, to 14 in 2000 and 21in 2004, with the increase in passengers rising proportionally.In this context, Bilbao Port Authority commissioned SENER with the projectfor a “Liner Pier in the Inner Basin”, which served as the basis for contractingthe corresponding work last January. The terminal in question was awardedunder licence to Euskadiko Kirol Portua, the Basque Government Enterprisein charge of marina harbours, and SENER is presently carrying out theworks management for a quay 355 m long by 17 m wide, with 12 m ofuseful draught at low tide. It also has a surface area of 6750 m•'5f of landreclaimed from the sea alongside the harbour dike of Getxo Marina, whichwill facilitate access thereto from land.The technical solution consists of six port caissons 31 metres in length, 16m in breadth and 16.5 m in depth, separated by 30 metres from each other,in such a way that the intervening spans are filled by means of prefabricatedtrough type beams, which furnish a continuous roadway 355 m long by 17m wide forming the free surface of the quay. The terminal will be built in arecord time of seven months and it will be possible to berth the largestliners built at the present time. Two ships will be able to tie up alongsidesimultaneously, one on each side of the quay.The Cruise Liner Quay of Cruises in the Inner Basin of the Port of Bilbao

will enhance the Atlantic cruise ship traffic, the growth outlook of which hasbeen systematically confirmed in recent years. In addition, this project waspresented by the Bilbao Port Authority in SEATRADE 2005 (Miami) topublicise the excellent facilities that this port of call can offer the cruise linermarket sailing from British and North American ports.

Cruise liner pier in GETXO

The Railway Infrastructures Agency (GIF), incorporated in the RailwayInfrastructures Administration (ADIF), has awarded the SENER-INECOConsortium the contract for “Consultancy and Assistance for managementsupport in the projects to build the roadbed for the Vitoria-Bilbao-SanSebastian high-speed line. Section: Vitoria-Bilbao”.The Vitoria-Bilbao artery has an overall length of 62.6 km and has beendivided into thirteen sections. The work of drafting the projects forconstructing the first four sections (Arrazua/Ubarrundia-Legutiano;Legutiano-Eskoriatza; Eskoriatza-Aramaio; Aramaio-Mondragón) that runthrough the provinces of Alava and Guipuzcoa, has been in progressfrom the beginning of the year. Tenders have been submitted for theremaining nine and the award process is now underway.In general terms the object of the contract will consist in providing TechnicalSupport Services to the Contract Management, which signifies coordinating

and following up the drafting of the construction projects and the preparationof reports; Qualified Counselling to the Contract Management by acounselling team of specialists in the matters of greatest significance(structures, geotechnical aspects, tunnels, hydrology and drainage, andthe environment) and Supplementary Services. The scope of the workof the SENER-INECO Consortium foresees carrying out studies, preliminaryanalyses of solutions and preliminary designs necessary for laying theVitoria-Bilbao high-speed line.This contract is additional to the work carried out earlier by SENER forthe Vitoria-Bilbao-San Sebastian High-Speed Line, in the conception ofwhich SENER participated from the outset. Outstanding within this workwere the “Information Study of the New Rail System Project in the BasqueCountry”, also carried out in consortium with INECO, and the “BasicRoadbed Project of the Mondragón-Amorebieta/Etxano Section”.

Consultancy and assistance in the BASQUE FORK

C I V I L U P - T O - D A T E

Perspective of the wharf of cruises leaned to the sport port of Getxo© Harbor Authority of Bilbao

Actuations route

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 15

A R C H I T E C T U R EU P - T O - D A T E

The new Bilbao Exhibition Centre, located in Barakaldo, better knownnow by its business name: BEC, is already operational as such. Howeverit remains to conclude the Reception and Congress Building (namedEACO for its acronym in Spanish). This building, for which the project,management and coordination is being carried out by the SENER-IDOMConsortium, is to constitute the main concourse to the Centre. It is theconstructional element identifying the BEC, thanks to its tower which is100 m in height and visible from the nearby motorways.The building is a large piazza whose central void is the lobby of thepedestrian central street that directs the flow of the visitors through theCentre enclosure. Its large canopy, which covers the public walkway, isin itself a divisible pavilion able to hold different types of event. In thesame central block are to be found the spaces which are intended forcongresses; it has a divisible room for more than a thousand people anda selection of conference rooms adequately equipped for any large scaleoccasion (3000 people). The west side block is finished with a restaurantat a height of about fifty metres. And on the east, with the base of the

tower shaft, the useful surface, dedicated to offices of the BEC itself,starts at about sixty metres high, and is capped at nearly one hundredmetres.The built-up surface comes to more than fifty thousand square metres.The structure consists of large bays erected in reinforced concrete, withpre-stressed elements. As for the tower, it is a shaft of reinforced concretethat holds elevators, stairways, facility ducts and the washroom services.The shaft is finished off at the top with a “hat” consisting of a collectionof deep concrete beams. From this hat hang the pre- and post-stressedelements that form one of the supports for the frames, the other supportbeing the shaft itself. The facade of the tower is glazed with a curtain wallwhich, as a whole, will appear, when appropriately illuminated, as thebeacon of the lighthouse that the building is intended to simulate.SENER activities within the UTE have been the architecture, shared 50%with IDOM, and the entire structure.

The Reception and Congress Building of the Bilbao Exhibition Centre (BEC)

In Zaragoza, between the 18th and 19th of May, severalconferences were held organized by the Recolertas groupconcerning infrastructures and equipment for Zaragozawith regard to the 2008 World Fair. Several topics werediscussed in these conferences such as airportmodernization, the implantation of a local train andunderground network, and the rehabilitation of the banksof the river Ebro. SENER was represented, amongstothers, by Esteban Rodríguez Soto, Director of theDepartment of Architecture, who participated in the debate“Architecture and Engineering for the Development ofEmblematic Buildings.

FORO RECOLETOSsobre infraestructuras y equipamiento para Zaragoza

Close-up, Esteban Rodríguez from SENER and Juan AlbertoBelloch, Zaragoza´s mayor

M A R I N E U P - T O - D A T E

16 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

SENER has recently signed an agreement with the Bulgarian companyMARINE DESIGN Ltd., pursuant to which this company becomes aclient of the FORAN System and SENER’S agent in Bulgaria.MARINE DESIGN Ltd. is a private company with offices in Varna, whichis home to most of its shipping industry. With its highly qualified staff,this company carries out work on conceptual design, classification anddetail of vessels for shipyards as important as Bulyard or Burgas, andfor engineering companies both in Bulgaria and abroad.MARINE DESIGN Ltd.’s references include RO-RO ferries, LNG carriers,dredgers, fishing vessels, grain bulk cargo ships, and others.After going through a major depression during the period between 1997and 2002, the Bulgarian shipping industry is right now undergoing amajor process of expansion, as a consequence of the investmentsmade by western European businesses in shipyards and shipping designoffices.

FORAN in Bulgaria

The new upgrade of the FORAN System, the “V50R3.0 Release”, is thesecond major upgrade of the System, and is taking place in less than a year.The innovations and function options added to this new version include themigration to Oracle 9i, the option of defining internal structure for basicdesign (in the FHULL module), and the advanced definition of equipmentstructures (in the FPIPE module).Compared with the previous version, launched barely six months ago, majoradvances have been incorporated into the plan-generation module FDESIGN;more options for generating 3D plans, increased user involvement inconfiguration, labelling and dimensioning, enhanced performance with largevolumes of information, generation of structure classification plans, integralmanagement of detail drawing, dimensioning, in respect of vessel references,and automatic generation of intermediate products.With this new version, the FORAN System offers its users the most state-of-the-art CAD/CAM solutions.

FORAN V50 R3.0

FORAN, at the ARS

The Río Santiago Shipyard (ARS), located in the city of Ensenada,

Buenos Aires province, has the modules of the FORAN System installed.

Several groups of users were trained in the use of these modules at

the SENER offices, and covered the disciplines of Basic Project, Structure

and Equipment. Two weeks of technical assistance in each of the

second and third of these disciplines completed this stage of

implementation, which will be continued at further Maintenance Sessions.

A singular feature of the project was that half the training process was

carried out on an actual project for a tug for Trans-Ona, and the basic

structural engineering for this was also carried out by SENER.

The project is now close to completion at the ARS, which intends to

carrying on using the FORAN system in further projects. The first of

these could be the repair of the engine room of the Argentine Navy

frigate Libertad.

FORAN, advance grating regeneration

SENER has recently been working on a cooperation project, in which itwas responsible for the detail engineering for conversion of a bulk carrierfor the Port Weller Dry Docks, forming part of the CSE Group (CanadianShipbuilding Engineering).Conversion of the vessel “Jean Parisien” consisted of cutting out andreplacing the entire forebody and corresponding transition zone to midship,covering a total length of approximately 30 m.The vessel had already been fitted by the Port Weller users with FORANV50. SENER’S participation consisted of updating the correspondingdatabase according to the new plans, and subsequently extractinginformation on blocks for construction, specifically everything relating to

cutting sequences for plates, information on structures, developmentand conformation of shell plates and producing the classic block planwith section views, marks and main characteristics.The “Jean Parisien” has 16 holds, and it is used for shipping grain viathe Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway routes.

Buque “Jean Parisien”

Hull 80 - Fore replacement


Total length 225.5 m.

Breadth 23.76 m.

Moulded depth 14.75 m.

G R O U P U P - T O - D A T E

18 N O T I C I A S S E N E R

The ZABALGARBI Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) energy valorizationfacilities, which began to be commissioned in mid 2004, are operatingat full capacity, having successfully completed the guaranteed performancetests. Since the start, ZABALGARBI has now treated 130,000 tonnes ofMSW.At present, ZABALGARBI is processing 720 tonnes of MSW per day,with electrical generation output of 99MW.The ZABALGARBI facilities use an innovative thermal cycle developed bySENER, which substantially enhances the energy efficiency of conventionalMSW valorization technology.SENER, responsible for the technology and engineering of ZABALGARBI,markets MSW valorization plants compliant with the provisions of RoyalDecree RD436/04 and with the most stringent emissions values inEuropean legislation.SENER’S energy valorization process is also a complementary solutionfor physico-chemical and biological treatments, whose rejects it processes,so that the volume of MSW requiring transfer to a disposal site is minimized.

SENER has begun to market biomass electricity generation installations,using a new thermal cycle with increased energy efficiency. The cyclemakes use of the possibility offered by Royal Decree RD436/04 of using30% natural gas in the energy use of biomass.This new technology makes use of the hot fumes and cooling water fromnatural gas power generators, to supply heat to the auxiliary services ofa biomass boiler. It is, in sum, a combined cycle comprising a gas powergenerator and a steam turbine.In this high-efficiency cycle, the energy use of the natural gas in electricitygeneration is somewhat higher than that of the gas turbine-steam turbine,and consequently it produces a lower emission of greenhouse gases.The use of natural gas in this cycle, in terms of energy and the environment,offers the best technology available for its use in electricity generation.According to current figures, the high-efficiency cycle surpasses the cost-effectiveness threshold, particularly in the installed capacity ranges from30 to 50MW, which had not been achieved until now with conventionaltechnologies.

New thermal cycle for energy use of biomass

The TRACJUSA (Juneda) manure treatment facility continues to operatein an exemplary fashion, and both the VALPUREN® process it uses andthe management plan for the livestock farmers supplying it with pig manureare right now a national and international reference.Recently it was visited by a large group of livestock farming entrepreneursand directors of water management companies from the area of Leiría(Portugal); after finding out about the plant in detail, they had the opportunityof witnessing the satisfaction of the municipal authorities and of the farmersas to the smooth running of the management plan and of the facilities,which have successfully resolved the manure problem in the region.The facilities have also been visited by a group of advisers and directorsof the National Energy Commission, accompanied by various seniormanagers of ADAP (Association for the environmental neutralization ofmanure).Lastly, it is worth highlighting the visit made by representatives of the BasqueGovernment (Industry and Agriculture) and of the Foral Community ofGuipúzcoa, interested in application of the VALPUREN® process in treatmentof livestock farming faeces in the Basque Country.

Visits to TracjusaZabalgarbi: 130.000 tonnes

of MSW treated

Diagram of high-efficiency cicle of biomass

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 19

G R O U PU P - T O - D A T E

SENER has recently been granted a new patent for the procedure for

regenerating oils by demetallization and distillation.

This process is an application of the technology for distillation and

purification of base oils regenerated by extraction with solvents, which

has been used commercially at the ECOLUBE S.A. installations for four

years. The process of extraction by solvents this company uses is also

protected by an international patent, which was granted to SENER in

2004, and which is now being extended to different member countries

of the Patents Cooperation Treaty (PCT).

Industria de Turbopropulsores, S.A. (ITP) has a 16.6% stake in the fourTrent 900 engines of the A380 AIRBUS, which has successfully completedits first flight from Blagnat airport, in the outskirts of Toulouse. With thisjoint venture, ITP consolidates its relationship as ROLLS ROYCE’S topally in low pressure turbines (LPT) for the Trent family, and it also tops thehighest percentage in its RRSP (risk-return sharing) programs for civilianaviation engines.The Trent 900 engine, the cleanest and quietest on the market, offers20% lower fuel consumption than any others now available. ITP is incharge of the design, development, manufacture, assembly and testingof the complete LPT module.The maiden flight of the A380 AIRBUS proves that ITP has definitelymade it to the top; in its short 15-year lifetime, ITP has become successfullyconsolidated as a producer of a complete module for gas turbines, thanksto its commitment to cutting-edge technological development

ITP takes a 16.6% share in the Trent900 engine powering the A380

New SENER patents in the treatment of used oils

Ignacio Mataix, General Manager of ITP (Industria de Turbo Propulsores),has been appointed Chairman of the European Aeronautical ConsortiumEPI (Europrop International), responsible for the TP400-D6 engine thatwil l power the European A400M mil itary transport plane.Ignacio Mataix will be in the chair for the next two years, during whichtime the first engine tests and the first flight are expected to take place.The TP400-D6 is a three-spool turboprop developing 11,000 shp, makingit the most powerful in the western world. ITP is responsible for the LowPressure Turbine, and likewise for the main engine structures and theexternal ducts. It has a 20.6% share in the program.

Ignacio Mataix,chairman of EPI

A 380 @ Airbus

Diagram of the process

Ignacio Mataix, General Manager of ITP

20 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


By: Diego Rodríguez Gómez, SENER Space Director

A national earth watchsystem withoptical instrument

Spain is studying the opportunity of implementing an autonomous Earth Watch System bysatellite, managed completely from our territory, for dual use (military and civilian), and interoperablewith future European watch systems. Late last year, through the Ministry of Industry (CDTI) andthe Ministry of Defence (INTA), various feasibility and market studies were requested from theindustries in the sector.

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 21


Sener has headed the study of a Watch System based on satellites with

optical instrumentation, and this system was christened with the name of

Serviola. The study has been conducted working in cooperation with the

top companies in the sector, and in its conclusions, it proposes a system

designed to meet the varied demand of a wide spectrum of users, as it

would have application in security, intelligence and defence activities on

the one hand, but also in cartography, environmental management, uses

of land, and prevention of natural catastrophes on the other. In fact, wide-

ranging, diverse professional sectors are by the day increasing their demand

for images of the Earth’s surface, with higher and higher resolution and


Serviola would be integrated into the European GMES (Global Monitoring

for Environment and Security) Program. This program groups together and

coordinates the future means in Europe for Earth watching via satellite,

guaranteeing the availability of images and data on all bands of the spectrum,

and interoperability of the systems up and running.

Lastly, it should not be forgotten that the development of a National Earth

Watch System is an investment in R&D&I, that would increase the capability

of the Spanish space industry, placing our country in technological terms

in a position more in line with its international role.


The System proposed contemplates a usable load in the satellite that

includes a Main Instrument with two channels, panchromatic and

multispectral, to capture images in the visible and near infrared spectrum,

and an optional secondary instrument, smaller in size. Wide field cameras

and stereoscopic image cameras have been proposed for this function.

The Space Segment will consist of two similar satellites, situated in the

same orbital plane and separated by 180º, in order to guarantee a revisit

period of less than 24 hours, or to enable stereoscopic images. The launch

of the first of the satellites is scheduled for 2010, in a Rockot type launcher,

with the second are being launched six months later.

With practically global coverage, the Watch System would have the capability

to obtain several thousands of kilometres of image every day, with a swath

width of 18.4 Km in high resolution (1.15 m in panchromatic and 4.5 m in

multispectral). The System will pay special attention to Spanish national

territory, since it is possible to cover it entirely, with high-resolution images,

in less than 10 weeks.

The Earth Segment will consist of one single station for reception of images,

with centres for mission control, processing, archives, management of user

requests and distribution of images.


The Main Instrument is a key element of the Serviola mission. It has two

channels (Panchromatic and Multispectral), sharing between them a Korsch

type telescope, with 5.7 m focal length and 38 cm aperture. In the focal

plane, three Divoli-mounted detectors, with a total of 16,000 pixels, provide

a resolution of 1.15 m in the Panchromatic Channel. The Multispectral

Channel resolution is 4.5 m. Combined, they enable colour images to be

obtained with a resolution of 2.6 m.

System performance. Coverage of Spain

Equipment layout for the service module

22 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


(1) and (2) Instrument structure detail and payload structure detail


Following six months of intensive work, the technical, programmatic and

financial conclusions of the study were presented to INTA and CDTI. I

honestly believe that Sener has done an excellent job in heading the

feasibility stage, which has been an example of cooperation between

companies. But above all, the study has proven the sector’s coming of

age over the last decade, and it is without a doubt now prepared to take

on a project of this magnitude.

The program’s continuity now depends on the government. Let’s keep

our fingers crossed.


Panchromatic. AR.PAN 1,15 m 18,4 km 0,45mm 16.000 pixels wideHigh resolution 0,7mm

Multispectral. AR.MX 4,5 m 18,4 km RGB+NIR 6.000 pixels wideHigh resolution

Multispectral CA.MX 10 m 60 km RGB+NIR 6.000 pixels wideWide channel

Stereo CA.ST 10 m 40 km 0,45mm Stereo pairs inWide channel 0,7mm panchromatic



AR, PAN 2918 km 160 Sc. 2918 km 160 Sc. 5836 km 320 Sc.

AR, MX 2918 km 160 Sc. 2918 km 160 Sc. 5836 km 320 Sc.

CA, MX 2918 km 40 Sc. - 2918 km 40 Sc.

CA,ST - - 2918 km 74 pairs 2918 km 74 pairs



Level 0 All

Level 1 All

Level 2 ST.CA

Level 3 All

Level 4 All


Detection systems. Focal plane

1 2



Raw, unprocessed data. Includes all the auxiliary data. Compressed and ciphered upon request. Qualified users only.

Raw data with correction of detector alignment. Decompressed data, ciphered upon request, and with auxiliary data.Without further processing.

Stereoscopic pairs, decompressed and ciphered upon request. With auxiliary data. Without further processing.

Data in cartographic format, with geometric correction and pre-defined dimensions.

Images with added value, according to user’s specifications.

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 23

By: Jaime Sáenz Project Manager at SENER

SENER and the Belly Fairingof Airbus A380

Belly Fairing

At Station 30 of the Airbus A380 Final Assembly Line (FAL) in Toulouse, we witnessed the scene that resulted from long months of intensive andexciting work. Installed on MSN0001 aircraft and besieged by a multinational miniature army of workers, the Belly Fairing Panels where there:220 carbon fibre panels, 650 systems installation components, two variable geometry air intakes of 70 kg and 3,5 metres long, 14.000 fastenersfor their attachment with a one kilometre long and winding scalloped interface, 350 rubber details which seal a span equivalent to two footballfields, almost 40 pressure and access doors, a total of 3.000 parts manufactured at Seville by SACESA and detailed in one and a half thousanddrawings produced by SENER.


Central Belly Fairing, whith the three bulkheads (R.46, R.54 y Fr. 72), at h7. cheek and integration tool in Puerto Real.

24 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


At the beginning of the 1950´s, when Boeing effectively “froze” the

aerodynamic shapes of commercial airliners with the 707, belly fairings

did not exist. They are probably one of the few elements of aircraft

structures that have emerged and Darwinianly evolved from there on,

when wings shifted down their relative positions with fuselages and when

system installations surfaced out from the pressurised fuselage.

The A380 belly fairing has a wet area close to 300 m2. Since A380 has

a bigger relative chord and angle of attack than its wide body predecessors,

its belly fairing is, in relation with its proportions, notably greater, being

its enclosed volume segregated in four different environmental and hazard

zones. Their three separating bulkheads are composed of 26 composite

panels that support and are penetrated by the following systems routings:

electrical (ATA 92), air conditioning (ATA 21), hydraulic power (ATA 29),

landing gear extension and retraction systems (ATA 32), fuel (ATA 28),

flight controls (ATA 27), pneumatics (ATA 36), flight test installations (ATA

89), water / waste (ATA 38) and the so called Supplemental Cooling

System (SCS), comprised within ATA 25, new optional system for

additional cooling of commercial equipment.

In November 2001, Airbus España finally accepts the SACESA proposal,

supported by SENER for the all the engineering project, for the A380

work package of the Belly Fairing internal and external panels and all the

system installation components associated with the fairing composite

skin. A few months later, the Castle Aero proposal supported by SENER

within the main EADS-CASA tender, would become the successful bidder

for a third part of the Belly Fairing metallic support structure, the so called

“Zone 2” work package. The present article describes the SENER project

with SACESA: the development of the composite A380 Belly Faring,

which accounts for two thirds of the fairing´s two and a half metric tonnes.

In November 2001, challenges were high. They were for the Spanish

aeronautical industry, that has successfully undertaken, led by Airbus

España, a work package substantially greater than its traditional Airbus

consortium share, and they were for SENER: a project office had to be

established, a project team had to be built, effective tri-party

communications had to be put together, and results had to be produced

rapidly, since the Belly Fairing was planned the first constituent assembly

to be delivered by Airbus España within the Program.

Technical challenges were equally important. Airbus had established,

conceptually, for the panels a carbon fibre sandwich construction as

opposed to the previous hybrid glass / carbon A340 architecture. Some

250 load cases were identified for the panels. Critical cases were different

from panel to panel, that had to be sized with eight design criteria:

stiffness, low energy impact (DTA), global buckling, maximum strain, and

the following typical sandwich failure modes: dimpling, crimpling, wrinkling,

and core rupture. In December 2001, some 180 (that would eventually

reach 220) systems installation requirements were established, together

with 70 access requirements affecting the work package. Aside from

the endless interfaces, probably the most challenging chapter of all, the

following issues had to be tackled: strict interchangeability requirements

for all panels and doors, the complex design of the pressure doors, the

hitherto unheard-of huge tolerance build-up predicted at the wing-

fuselage integration, severe electrical bonding and lightning requirements,

a demanding aerodynamic surface quality, and a doubled corrosion

protection scheme.


From November 2001 to the end of September 2002, the Joint Phase

or Preliminary Design Phase takes place at the Airbus España premises.

During this period the following activities are undertaken by the SENER

engineers in a joint effort with the Airbus teams: wrap-up of the general

lay-out (aero shapes evolve twice while structural arrangement is modified

many more times), documentation of all design principles, closure of all

access and maintainability requirements, validation of all structural and

systems interfaces, preliminary sizing and construction of a full Space

Allocation Mock-Up (SAM), final selection of all applicable materials and

processes, freeze of the industrial plan (manufacturing, integration and

logistics, all of which severely impact the assembly tree and a number

AGU NACA for Cabin 0 testing at the SACESA assembly shop

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 25


of design principles), establishment of a preliminary product structure,

agreement of the Stress Substantiation Plan and production of a Project

Management Plan and a joint SACESA / SENER integrated industrial-

engineering schedule.

In May 2002, the first SACESA / Airbus España Program Review Meeting

(PRM) takes place in Seville, preceded by the respective first SENER /

SACESA PRM. From the beginning of the project both companies agree

on a joint management responsibility, a principle that has lasted until

today. SENER not only interfaces directly with Airbus España in the

engineering areas because of mere ease of operation, but reports in

parallel to Airbus España as one of SACESA´s internal organizations.

Furthermore, SENER is called to subsidiary report to the Aircraft Component

Management Team Nose and Centre Fuselage (ACMT NCF), one of the

main A380 Program governing organizations, headed by an Airbus France


By summer 2002, the Stress team performs the preliminary sizing of all

panels, supported by a specifically developed application, “Boreas Tools”,

a Patran module which automates the generation of panel detail finite

element models from the general Belly Fairing FE model. At the same

time, the first tooling information definitive geometries are provided to

SACESA, once the aerodynamic surface is frozen by Airbus. This information

is managed with an internal application, “BODEMA” (Boreas Design

Management) adapted to the Airbus Concurrent Engineering (ACE)

standards, which processes preliminary CAD files as they are consolidated

in successive partial approval statuses by the project key personnel.

Eventually “BODEMA” would witness more than 15.000 file status release

processes. Working procedures at the project office and information

interchange protocols from SENER are designed in detail and tested, and

the effort is intensified towards PDR, that finally takes place at the beginning

of October.

The last quarter of 2002 is especially harsh on the project team: it is not

only necessary to keep up the pace providing tooling information for the

SACESA toolmakers, that are working flat out with the machining of 250

molds, but to provide info for actual composite panel manufacture. For

the purpose of documenting internal panel ply architecture, SENER agrees

with Airbus España the deployment of the CATIA composites module

“Covering”. Since this tool is only available at the time in CATIA V4

environment, the process is complex: from Airbus basic geometry (itself

a conversion from CADDS 5), solids are constructed in CATIA V5 and ply

laminate fi les are prepared using “Covering” in CATIA V4.

In December 2002, audited by Airbus and certified by Spanish certifying

body AENOR, with a closed PDR and a compressed schedule to tackle,

the team starts the detail design phase.


The SACESA and Airbus España pressure is notably felt at the end of

2002. SACESA stocks on dock a collection of 60 mold tools and requires

immediate fabrication commencement since panels must be delivered

to Puerto Real in March. Airbus España requires to report to the ACMT

at Toulouse brisk S curves for solids release. SENER expands the design

teams incorporating all available internal and necessary external resources.

Throughout 2003 the project would consume an average of more than

7.000 hours per month and the team would employ over 60 engineers

at peak.

Produced solids are checked in Digital Mock-Up (DMU) in the SENER

premises employing another application developed in-house, “PS Viewer”,

which generates integration sessions in CATIA V5 from Airbus product

structure Optegra “PS” files. The deployment of this application allows,

every day, a FTP interchange Airbus / SENER of 5 Gb of A380 models

from all over Europe and 500 Mb in the direction opposite. DMU integration

sessions are generated with all systems mentioned in the introduction

and with all relevant adjacent structures: Cargo Door and Door 3 designed

by Airbus Deutschland in Hamburg, Shroud Box and wing Fillet Fairing

designed in Filton by Airbus UK, Slide Raft and Flap Track 1, a German

interface, British Over-wing and Under-wing Splices, French Gear Box

and Central Wing Box structures, Body and Wing Landing Gear Doors

of Airbus España… SENER has accumulated an electronic mock-up of

100.000 files and 200 Gb. Once DMU checks have taken place and once

file “E6 Status” (pre-release for fabrication) consolidations have been

performed by Stress, Weight, Manufacturing and Systems Integration

technical functions, the process of geometry transformation and ply

architecture description using “Covering” takes place in all composite


Additionally, SENER produces Manufacturing Engineering data for the

SACESA workshop. Flat pattern geometry files, ply-books and lay-up

drawings, laser projection files and cutting machine nesting deliverables

are generated in parallel with the corresponding drapeability assessments.

The SENER information is fed to the SACESA shop floor resources directly:

Only two days elapse from the moment the SENER key personnel release

at Getafe, with “BODEMA”, the detail composite data set in a “ready for

manufacture” status until the first prepreg plies are laid up in a Seville clan


Panel equipep with FTI video cameras supports and fairings

26 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


April 2003: the new objective has become to deliver the necessary

information for CNC programming of panel trimming and drilling.

Programming is performed as data comes along, with “hot” info from

DMU irreversibly committed since it affects panel interchangeability. On

2005-04-30, as planned, the first panels are delivered by SACESA and

are successfully mounted on the integration tool at Puerto Real. In four

months the remaining “puzzle” is completed with the metallic structure

sub-assemblies. When, in September 2003, the Central Belly Fairing fit

check takes place, coordination between metallic structure and panels

non conformity is found in only one of the more than 8.000

interchangeability fasteners. The validation milestone is important:

mechanical and functional (a large amount of the fasteners are for electrical

bonding) interchangeability is verified, along with step and gap, essential

for the aerodynamics engineers since panels are stepped out at the rear

side to minimize parasitic drag.

During the Summer of 2003, the SENER project team takes very little

vacations, since the delivery of the Central Belly Fairing, with the “Set

1” of panels, is due for late September. These sub-assemblies will be

shipped to the Airbus France Saint Nazaire factory, instead of travelling

straight to FAL at Toulouse as the forward and rear sections of the fairing.

Between July and August two of the four design teams release the first

150 drawings, populating and synchronizing in the same process the

different Airbus España Configuration Control data bases (the graphic

environment CATIA V5, the ERP “Sprint”, and the PDM “Optegra”). After

the mentioned fit check, on 2005-10-02, rigorously following the master

schedule, in a solemn but colourful official ceremony in the presence of

the Minister of Industry of Spain, the President of the Government of

Andalucía, and Airbus top executives, the new A380 facilities at Puerto

Real are opened and Airbus España delivers its first A380 element, the

Belly Faring. The congratulations letter from Airbus is extended by the

Airbus España Belly Fairing chief engineer to SENER.

Benefiting from the momentum, the project team massively produces

documentation for “Sets 2 and 3” of panels, between November 2003

and March 2004. Assemblies are mounted at SACESA, validating

numerous design solutions. Junction drawings for all sub-assembly and

aircraft installations are produced for all three Airbus sites involved (Puerto

Real, Saint Nazaire and Toulouse), and much detailing is also performed

for Flight Test Installations (FTI): provisions for dynamic and static pressure

ports, supports and fairings for video cameras installed in external panels,

and a number of feedthroughs and brackets for all routing.


Aside from the typical provisions for all system installations impacting

the composite Belly Fairing, those referred at the introductory section,

(mainly supports for tubes and harnesses, supports for specific

components and equipment, drainage outlets and piping…), in the

SACESA work package several system components stand out significantly.

They form part of or are the whole installation of the following sub-

systems: the Emergency Ram Air (ERA) Inlet, combined with the Low

Pressure Ground Connectors (LPGC´s), which is an air inlet that deploys

itself in case of failure of the main air conditioning system, and four

connectors for feeding external air to the aircraft during ground operations;

the Ram Air Inlets (RAI´s) and Ram Air Outlets (RAO´s) of the already

mentioned SCS, optional system for galley cooling fully integrated in the

Belly Fairing, composed of refrigerating equipment and ducting

components, among which SACESA´s RAI´s and RAO´s stand out; last

but certainly not least, the Air Generation Unit (AGU) NACA Inlet, a

variable geometry air intake with choke flaps moved by a mechanism

and actuator fully integrated in the sub-assembly.

The AGU NACA Inlet, especially, becomes an important technical

challenge, involving structure and mechanisms interacting with two fluid

systems, aircraft and duct. Notably larger than that of the A340-600, its

basic reference, with the additional difficulty of integrating a substantially

more complex mechanism and a slot door to reduce noise in ground

Wall R.54 monted below central wing Box, equipedwith electrical hanesses

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 27


operation, its development requires the preparation of a 20.000 node

finite element model, with more than 300 service and failure load cases,

including the static and dynamic analyses necessary for the equipment

qualification. The result is a constituent part with more than 100 details

and a bonded assembly composite main channel made up of 250 flat

patterns and 100 m2 of carbon fibre prepreg fabric.

All these systems components must be developed in a very short period

of time, since the first manufactured units are necessary for the “Cabin

0” test, set up in Hamburg by Airbus Deutschland in a bench that

occupies a several storey building, for the validation of all A380 pneumatic

and cabin fluid systems (air, water, oxygen…) Further to this, every

component that constitutes a fluid-dynamic homogeneous section must

be submitted to qualification testing (pressure tests at different

temperatures, vibrations, shock, functional testing and endurance). These

tests are performed at the Escuela Superior de Ingenieros de Sevilla

(Seville Engineering School), with the exception of the AGU NACA Inlet

vibrations tests which are done at INTA (Spanish National Institute for

Aerospace Technology). Drawings for all these system components are

released between January and June of 2004. The mounted components

are tested and delivered to the Cabin 0 and FAL between March and

July. Qualification testing is performed in the second halve of 2004.


The cooperative link and special partnership with SACESA and Airbus

España has been a key point of success. Due to the deployment of the

referred ACE concurrent engineering protocols, it has been possible to

securely interchange a high volume of information at different project

phases and in diverse stages of maturity. This warm liaison and timely

synchronization between all sites has allowed the concurrent performance

of key technical functions separated by thousands of kilometres. The

project has meant for SENER a complete immersion in the Airbus

expanded enterprise. From the SACESA toolmakers in the Basque

Country to the ATA 21 fluid dynamics analysts at Bremen, from the Saint

Nazaire manufacturing planners to their Andalusian colleges at Puerto

Real, from the Bristol designers of the wing leading edge to the Customer

Support Team engineers at Toulouse, we have all been permanently

connected “on board”. The SENER premises have witnessed several

design review meetings as well as a number of programme review

meetings at various levels, with the attendance of many German, English,

Spanish and French aeronautical colleges.

The employment of advanced tools such as the Patran tailored module

“Boreas Tools”, the “Covering” and “Nesting” CATIA composite licenses

and the in-house developments “PS Viewer” and “BODEMA”, has

produced exceedingly successful results for an extraordinary workload

in a relatively short period of time.

Meeting schedule has been among the major difficulties, not only due

to the originally tightly set delivery milestones but also due to their volatility,

since complying with the needs of such a high number of actors as

those mentioned in previous paragraphs implies relentless planning

revisions. Besides, Airbus has at all times maintained its predictions and

A380 Program is firmly on schedule. Airbus has successfully managed

to exert an enormous traction on all partners, on industry, on authorities,

and on the general public that follows with interest the development of

the Program. From the very first day the SENER project team has

contributed, stepping on board the A380 with SACESA and Airbus.


Three years have passed since the beginning of the project, and the

most important results that can be highlighted would be: 1) The strict

management of interfaces, which has allowed an excellent fit between

panels and support structure as well as precision assemblies at all levels;

2) The remarkably well perceived (customer satisfaction surveys made

to SACESA and Airbus indicate that) technical quality of the design

solutions and competence of the project team; 3) The reasonably good

response to Program delivery dates, demanding on many instances

important strains on the team.

On the following months A380 will accumulate flight test and ground

test hours. The SENER and SACESA partnership has consolidated in

this phase of the project within a new framework. Design validation and

Certification documentation is being performed in multiple activities,

including vendor testing of components purchased under specification

(such as seals, hinges, latches, telescopic struts…), acceptance and

qualification tests for systems installation components as those described

in paragraph 3, or stress analysis substantiation of all designs with revised

load loops. Accomplishing Type Certification from Airworthiness Authorities

in the first halve of 2006 is, after first flight, the collective course. That

milestone and the cooperation with SACESA to meet its A380 Program

business objectives, is where this project team is heading today.

AGU NACA LH and RH inlets at the SACESA assembly shop

28 N O T I C I A S S E N E R



The 36 th Acoustic-Tecnoacoustic’s National congress 2005 will take placein the Technical engineering Top College in Terrasa, from October 17 th to19 th. SENER, BOEING, LEAM and R&M, have been invited by the College’sDirector and the Congress Organization Committee to perform apresentation, during the technical session for Aeronautical Engineeringstudents on Acoustic aeronautics.


Past February 2 nd, conferences of urban and inter-city transport in the metropolitan belts took place in Granollers. Jose Manel Almogera, representatingSENER, participate on them as well as in the conferences group about ‘the transport funding. Offers of future’, ‘Other models of funding. What canwe learn from them?’

European Space Conference

The European conference on spacecraft structures, materials & mechanicaltesting took place between the 10 th and 12 th of May in Noordwijk(Holland), with the patronage of the space European Agency. During theact, Juan Ruiz de Gopegui, a SENER employee working in the Structuresand Mechanisms section, launched the OBA (Optical Bench Assembly),-a precision structural support equipment of the Herschel satelliteinstruments in cryogenic conditions-. The article was co-written with theproject director, Carlos Pascual.

N O T I C I A S S E N E R 29



On March 2nd, the Defence

Commission President of the

German Parliament and his

Spanish counterpart, the socialist

Jordi Marsal, were received in

SENER’s premises in Tres Cantos

and they made a tour around its

faci l i t ies, visit ing the new

Integration and Testing Centre.


in Tres Cantos

The Defense Head of State Army(JEMAD),

General Félix Sanz Roldán, accompanied

by representatives of his office, has visited

SENER’s facilities in Tres Cantos. He showed

interest in the company’s aerospace and

actuation and control systems capacities.

The group also visited the Integration and

Testing Centre which is at the time full yield.


Defense ForumThe second Specialising Meeting in the Defence Sector took place

in Madrid on 15th and 16th of February. The New Defence European

Framework and the I+D promotion politics or the institutional support

organization for the material exportation, were some of the topics

analyzed in this meeting. Andrés Sendagorta represented SENER and

informed about The Defence Spanish Industry Competitiveness.

New energetic techologies’

annual conferenceThe Pontificia University has been the Annual Conference headquarter

of the Rafael Mariño’s new energetic technologies chair. This year the

conference was focused on Solar power ‘current state and immediate

perspective’. SENER’s engineering Miguel Domingo Osle, participated

in the project presentation SOLAR 3. The objective of this project is

to construct and exploit a commercial scale demonstrating plant of

electric generation in Spain.

30 N O T I C I A S S E N E R


General Electric Plastic inaugurates

the new lexan 2 PLANT

Information Geoespatial’s Technical Conference

Lexan 2, the General Electric Plastic (GEP) new project, practically

duplicates its polycarbonate plant in Aljorra, Cartagena, which represented

an investment of 600 million Euros. The Industry Ministry, Jose Montilla,

and the president and GEP CEO, Jeff Immelt, were in the inaugural act.

SENER has been contracted in UTE with Técnicas Reunidas and Foster

Wheeler for the accomplishment of this new plant, and centres its

participation in aspects of infrastructure, buried systems, substations and

the 132 Kv park, BPA’s unit.

Ana Isabel Sánchez, ways, channels and ports engineer of the Madrid

Civil Section, has been rewarded with the prize “Rodrigo Baeza” to

the best End of Career Project for his work “Arnego’s Prey Project”

in Golada, Pontevedra. The act took place in the Acts Lounge of the

Civil Engineers’ Technical Top School of Ways, Channels and Ports

of Madrid, and the prize was delivered by Florentino Santos.

Prize for the best end ofcareer project

On April 19th the II Conference of Spanish

industry about ‘the geospatial information

normalitation’ took place in Madrid under

the sponsorship of the Spanish MoD. The

last technological advances in production

systems and digital cartography treatment,

geographic information bases, images and

distribution treatment about geospatial

information were presented there. SENER

took part with the presentation of its

capacities in this areas and in SERVIOLA,

national observation Earth’s system for which

SENER has performed a viability study.

Strategic CTA’s Plan 2005-2008

The Aero n a u t i c a

l T e c h n o l o g i e s

C e n t r e – C TA h a s

elaborated a Strategic

Plan for the period

2005-2008 to answer

several aeronautic and

spatial challenges. It is

estimated that the

budget will overcome

six million Euros and will

allow an increase in the

capabi l i t ies in the

invoicing of almost 50

per cent, and in the staff

of 40 per cent.
