The Bismarck tribune. (Bismarck, N.D.) 1917-09-05 [p ].€¦ · ftI8JtAltCk miBuifi ?•? j >1...


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  • ftI8JtAltCk miBuifi ? • ?

    j >1 WEDNESDAY, S$PT. 5, 191?.








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    T NATIONAL T Indications Arc That Required Forty Per Cent Willi Have Been

    Examined and Passed Before September 16—First Five Per

    Cent From Missouri Valley haves for Des Moines Today—Japs

    to Fight for Adopted Land. The Slope is ready. The call for five per cent of the

    counties' net quota found the men named prepared to leave for Det Moines today.

    The call for 40 per ccnt, who arc to leave Sept. 19, will find the Slope on the mark.

    There has been no lagging in the traces and no holding back so far as the Slope is concerned.

    The number of willing fighters, mer who claimed no exemptions, has beer sufficient in practically every countj to take care of the first call.

    Claims for exemption have beer comparatively few and have been has ed on reasonable grounds.

    The local boards' have done theii work promptly and thoroughly with out prodding front the governor or the district board.

    The Slope has nothing . to worr; about; nothing to regret, nothing tc be ashamed of.

    As usual, it has done its bit, done if well, and done it just a trifle more cheerfully and more willingly and more promptly than other sections ol the state which cannot boast of the same degree of western spirit and "go to-it-iveness."

    Registrants Certified. The names of registrants certified by

    the district board to the adjutant gen eral and back to the local exemptfor boards are those of candidates for se lect service who have been examinee1 and found physically fit, and who have filed no claim for exemptions, ; whose claims have not been found suf ficient to warrant their discharge by the district board.

    Five per cent of the Slope counties net quota moved this afternoon or No. 8. These men are trail-blazer? who go to pave the way for the bif delegation which begins to move Sept 19.. Today only a few men go froir each county, but the Slope is given f foretaste of the partings and farewelb which the call of September 19 will bring.

    As a brief glance over the following names of certified candidates .will prove, the Slope's contribution to the great national army will be of a most cosmopolitan nature. Slope county probably leads all others in diversity of races, and it offers a full half-dozer Japs, men who have been employed on Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul con struction work in Slope county, and who, altho exempt frftm draft if they prefer to make their claims, have glad ly offered their services to their adopt ed land.

    The number of American-born and naturalized Germans is very high These people of Teutonic blood appearing in the first list of men accepted for the national army are men foi the most part who claim no exemp tions, who rank as volunteers in a sense, and who are to be congratulat ed upon upholding the honor of the name, German-American. There are hundreds of such young men in the Slope country, through-going Ameri cans, appreciating the benefits of Am crican citisenship, and willing to fight for them when the Fatherland of their ancestors .proves the aggressor.

    The Fightinq Fprces. The Slope's fighting men of the na

    tional army accepted and «ertified for service to date as indicated by tfoe record ot the adjutant general's office follow:

    Emmpns. John Tillenma, Hans Edison, John

    D. Bossert, Julius Timincbkc, Michael J. Joljnor, Joseph Hagele, Martin F. Schall, George Williamson, Even lies-

    and, Henry Visser, Frank E'eclc, Clar-ance B. White, Richard Pfutzenreuter, Anton Schwan, Robert P. Sisco, Ole .lalsne, Arthur Gilbert Lewis, George t. Tennant, Joseph Frison, Simon J. Mocn, lleiding C. Farnell, Peter Reich, Leo Kuntz, Jacob William Elwood, Robert U. Hamilton, Peter V. Shier, George Rowerdink, Anton Holzer, Ot-0 T. Recker, Adam Vetter, John H. 31ore, Gerritt A. Haan, Peter L.. Larson, John H. Barney, Alvin G. Hunt, August Parent, Ira Bosset, Leonard Walter Seek, Christ Renz, Charles W. •'owler, Dan R. Richardson, Jalmar Ip. Hanson.

    Logan. Joseph Elhard, tiennic Zahn, Staf-

    or4 Nicboleychuch, Jacob Eider, Ro->crt Craig, Andreas Schlenker, Henry •'uhrer, John J. Elhard, Gotthilf Janke, 'larence Voirol, Otto J. Prigge, Louis -ejir, Pete Russjff, §cth Coffin, Os-sar Pohjanen, Frank Lind, Gottfried laas,- Martin H. Nelson, Henry Bel-on, Edward Gums, Mike Dumbroslci.

    Mercer. Clarence Peterson, Ross Ruland,

    Charles E. Stewart, John Stephen, B. J. Dccliter, Joseph Schmidt, Roy J. 'loach, Irving J. Vincent, George I. Stewart, Clarence A. Rude, Jacob Sailer, John H. Pierce, Clifford L. Lantis, fames Hill, John F. Sprecher, John rUcs, Fred Teske, Henry Wolf, Percy 1 Larson, Louis F. Temie.

    Grant. Hal Hendricks, Robel F. Wanke,

    I esse J. Roth, Fred E. Becksted, El-ner J. Otterstrom, Johrt M. Nelson, Cdward C. Townsend, Frederick W. uossaw, Andrew A. Otterstrom, Wil-ian) J. Taubert, Cameron B. Jackson, fleinhold Spagenberger, 'Arthur E'. Wallace, John Spoyt, Porter E. Um->er, Adam Vilhauer, Archie C. Kizer, Jharles J. Koepper, Sherman A. Croy, \rtjiur E. Anderson, George Streit, Jr ianiel Baesler, Clyde B. Axtell, Ber-lard A. Lane, Mathew A. Tindall, Al-ixapder Kuebler, Danial Sept, Albert Vuest, Henry A. Morton, John Frain-•es, Christian Quast, Jonsis A- Kingen-erg, Frank L. Kohlert, Leonard C.

    Whipple, Andrew C. Rauscb, Ernest ^lubb; Cliford C. Campbell.

    Adams. Isaac E. Foy, Donald McPherson,

    Alfred Tweet, tteijry Haugen> Brun-ilf I. Gustafson, Alfred Gotchy, Bchulz E. Maniiqrberg, Gerald V. Johnson, Martin J. Mahon, Peter Duffy, Ot-o A. Samuelson, Homer E. Wright.

    Billings. Leo Lorge, Arthur A. Joubert, Oscar

    decker, William Nominuk, Alex Bod-nur, Clifford W. Deitr, Frank K. Mc-Cullough, John Baranski, Mike Holak, teve Prociw, Henry C. Burg, Mike Po-luch, Kasper Solberg, Johathan R. Scrivner, Walter E. Tester, Everett A. Smith, Otto Meschke, Karl .Senchuk, \rved Kusma, Gost Repetowske, Axel H. Hagman, Stefan ' Kaczman, Joe Krehlik, Philip F. Kessell.

    Bowman. Erwin W, Coates, George Larson,

    John J. eParson, Eddie H. Peterson, Daniel Kaladick, John J. McLaughlin, Henry H. I-Ienkelman, Archibald C. Miller, Elmer W. Frick, John W. Krei-?er, Chester A. JoJinson.L. H. Peder-son, Victor C. Wallman, 'Byron T. •Monroe, Alex E. Gustafson, Ciro Vog-vodic, William Neuhouse, J. B. Loder, Walter W. Leitzow, Harry W. Con-over, Oliver K."Ellingson, Charlls Snyder, Luther A. McXew, Charles S. Wiship, Ted Bolton, George Jorgen-son, Walter B. Olson, Anthony Vol-bach, Robert Warner, Clarence A. llykc, Thomas J. Fleming, John O. I'orqijiejjf, G. E. Churchward, Emil Torpan, Arthur J. Dahlbom, Anton Lambert, George C. Olson, Nofrman

    Hcstikin, Floyd A. Dickerson, Ivet Reigstad, Elmer H. Reed, Harrx J. Blank, J. S. . Julas, Wencl Mrnak, George F. Kimball, Stephen W. Tifft, It. A. Gardei, Andrew Hirt, Edwin J. Werner, Johq Kohn, Frederick F. Per If ins, Henry Taylor, Paul A. Hyke, Ed ward Adams, George Kalettes, Philip F. Reiger, George O. Engen.

    Dunn. Albert C. Perlius, Henry J. Tate,

    William J. Carroll, William H. N'em-itz, J .F. L. Kutcher, Michel B. Kary, Emil Olson, Lee W. Fuller, Julius Blumenl'ield, James L. Giflickson, Raphel B. Hoerner, E^mar Dafliey Paulson, Chrlstop Stphler, John Lynch, Fred ,ljt. Harris, Chris. L. Fig enskau, H. pray, Cl»Hd M Force, CharJ^Afykaf, Fred A}]man dinger, Ben ^[r, ^nyder, Antpji J. Kar sky, Herman Q. Wolf, Chiles Bohrer, Esador Fisber, Howard E. Rogers. George W. ^gor.t, Carl *\V. Heuske Jr., John $tuinP> Aftton J. Sadowsky Henry H. |}oy^r, Viggo S. Johnson. Rudolph" Rofrljfy Jacob Mittlestadt Frederick Q. ^ssler, John Megspior.. Emil O. Offgtiy. Massod Medlon.

    Oo|(leri Valley. Charles Fr, pojiart^ Monroe GasjlP

    Harry M. Rftrtlett, August Erdinwn. Gerhard F. Wiobe, F|ank E. Weld, Henry E. Schendcl, JoseiJi B. Raven. William Z$pp.

    Hettinger. • Ivan 0. Miljer, Frank H. Klinner John p. Harris, Martin Wright, Henry L. Gehner,^ ' jfred Wali^chy,, Anguf ChristiansQn, 'fphn F. Bochnecht, IJd ward Metzg^r, Paul Otto Sell, Andrew Ricsiifgpr, Okko Waalkqns, Arthur Roseines Ulbprg, Henry Forsph.' Frank E. Samson, Edward W- Nelson Clarence A. Vasey, Qharles Van List> out, OJJver jC^ampiop, Jacob Zimmer man, Jr., Jflhn Van Lisbout, Willi^ni Albright. Anfpn Picciri, Anton T. Ti pa, fterry Gardner, James P. Wait Charles R. Gilbert, P^l Penoff, John M. FergusQfi, Ulriph Schmidt, jver Sander,' Fred J. Ortman, Albert R Loken, Haftw§H C. fJttje, Charles P Morris, Fjflnk H. Yates.

    Kiddfsr. Albert Olson, Joseph J. Grcenbeck

    Elmer R. Woessnor, Vincent Krenner. Frank W. En.nis, Joe Gaub, Arthur B. Johnson, Iiussell R. Williams, Emanuel Mecklpr, John Pleinjs, \Vells R Smith, Arthur. G. Smith, Adolph Arnold, jq|in Ingyaltj Johnson, Arthur E Fenn, Fred fiir^hoiis, Allen I. Taylor John L. Jennie, Jfiincs Lester Quigg Lewis Oijse, Theodore Wagner, Pau Bratter, Fprest W. Palmer, Ray H Hopkins, Harold Johnson, Alfre( Johnsop, Guy E. Floro.

    Mcintosh. Richard Schaeffer, Fred Hummel

    Joseph Weiner, George Rub, .Jaco' Rempfer, Jacob Reglau, Isadore Wein stein, Gottlien Heinrich, Gail It. E'ro kaw, Henry E'rown, Henry Kramei Edward Kurle, Christian Babitzke Theodore Degg, Joseph Wolf, Jaco! M'oench, Milo J. Coffin, Willian Franz, Russell I. Stevens, Jacob J Kramer, L-erfty D. Brown, Anton Mes? er, Charley Eisinger, John Mayer, Ar thur Daniels, Jacob Bendawald, Helgc Erickson, Anton Labolocwich, Georgf Schutz, \VInfield W. Coe, Jacob Beck or, ^ohn Stan's, John C. Walz, Henry Krenzler, William J. * Weisser, Mike Anton, Dave Kuska, Vincent J. Wolt.

    " McLean. Theodore Carlson, Joseph Schreiner,

    Fred A. C. Spaudie, John Sethen, Lud-wig O: Helling, Theodore Soderstrom, Halton Schftlaas, Roy A. Walker, .fohn Lendifors, John Peter, Carl S. Howen, Harry W. Skarie, EHas M. Moe, Stephen Calisenko, Fred Walcker, Fred McDorman, Otto F. Papenfuss, Ira D. Solenberger, De?l A. Baestsch, Adolph W. Leseman, Harvey'E. Rice, Richard L. Wagner, Wilhelm S. Amnudsen, Mathias oung, Victor J. Cumbei, Henry Utecht, Paul Tbeophilus Erocz, Benjamin A. Souther, Arnold M. Gun-nufson, John Quammen, Wasyl Tuk-apeka, Joseph Sciortino, James W. Holkup, Christopherson, Ary J. Park, Cleve L. Sather, James P. Courtney, Swain J. Sveinson, Joseph J. Fitzgerald, Julius F-. Mattson, James VV. Brown, Lawrence A. Void, Otto Scjie#-gel, Frank E. Youngs, George M. Wil lis, Michael Tellef§oh, Fred Haglow, Harold Johnson, Frank HeJJenbrant, Ernest E. Renfrew, Wilbert I). Courtney, Arthur T. Heinze, Roger J. M*tz, Clarence A. O. Berg, Gust Spart, George H Benedict, Cuancey L. Shucy Carl F. Juhl, Robert L. Tilton, Emau uel Lorentzen, E^rl T. Merritt, Lewis Jacobson, John Daniel Mehlhoff,

    Frank P. Giibser, Anten Joel Benson, Carl Joseph Fieff, Fred Welch, Gott leib Schell, Mike Breyer, Floyd L Fuller, Harry C. Showalter, Ernest U. Webster, Grany Ulseth, Ole Skeftum Edgar L. Olson, Gustav Sayler, Paul ,1. Anderson, Louis Gilcher, Eveu Stapleton, Emil B. Elingson, Henrj C. Smalley, Harry J. L'oyer, Jamet O'Brien.

    Oliver. Fred Freer, Ole Anne, Eugene li

    Kirby, William T. Rieppel, Matl Schuster, Otto Thom, Harry Johnson Lloyd O. V. Anderson, Ira Berglofl, WillaTd B. Ellis, William Goclte, Charles Greenshield, Alfred O. Fos-j ter.

    Sheridan. William Roder, William J. Sperry,

    Arvic) Eliason, I^erb^rt Carl Ma.skP, \Tqls Peterson, John C. Axt, Raymqnd !5. Doering, Fre
