The Call Os Guinness 1998 Chapters 10-18. 2 Our Utmost for His Highest Still (Chapter 10) ...


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The Call

Os Guinness


Chapters 10-18


Our Utmost for His Highest Still (Chapter 10)

“…there is no higher or more ultimate passion than a human being ablaze with a desire for God.” (p. 75)


Our Utmost for His Highest Still (Chapter 10)

“…God’s calling is the key to igniting a passion for the deepest growth and highest heroism in life”--Pascal (p. 78)


Our Utmost for His Highest Still (Chapter 10)

The Fall of HeroismDebunking—Nietzsche, Marx, and

FreudFewer Heroes—media creations

“A big name rather than a big person, the celebrity is someone for whom character is nothing, coverage is all” (p. 78).

“Death of God”


Our Utmost for His Highest Still (Chapter 10)

The Secret of Growth & Key to HeroismThe Challenge of God’s Call

Singled out -> sent out -> standing upImitating God

“Be imitators of me as I am of Christ”--Paul (p. 81).

Is NOT self-help spiritualityGod is Original; we are imitationsImitation is real, live action


Where the Buck Stops, There Stand I (Chapter 11)

“The notion of calling is vital to the modern search for a basis for moral responsibility and to an understanding of ethics itself” (85).


Where the Buck Stops, There Stand I (Chapter 11)

R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Yfor or to?our life = response to God= obedience (p. 86-87)


Where the Buck Stops, There Stand I (Chapter 11)

MoralityCommunity standardsAnonymityAudience of One (p. 88-89)


People of the Call (Chapter 12)

“…the call of Jesus is personal but not purely individual; Jesus summons his followers not only to an individual calling but also to a corporate calling” (p. 93).


People of the Call (Chapter 12)

Community in Modernityshift from voluntary to involuntarybias against institutionsvoluntary associations

shift from moral agency from institutions to individuals

(p. 93-95)


People of the Call (Chapter 12)

Called to Community“the people of Israel” (p. 96)denominationalism


People of the Call (Chapter 12)

Challenging Individualismattend worship servicesThe “Christian Way”Reformation(p. 97-99)


Followers of The Way (Chapter 13)

“Calling reminds Christians ceaselessly that, far from having arrived, a Christian is someone who in this life is always on the read as a ‘follower of Christ’ and a follower of ‘the Way’” (102).


Followers of The Way (Chapter 13)

Objections to ChristianityFormalizing and RoutinizingChristians

“Jesus, save me from your followers” (p. 102).


Followers of The Way (Chapter 13)

Life as JourneyFollowers only when we follow

“Why do you call me, “Lord, Lord,” and do not do what I say?” (p. 105).

Life is a JourneyDifferent stages of the Journey (p. 105-108)


There But for the Grace of God Goes God (Chapter 14)

“The reverse side of calling is the temptation of conceit” (p. 112).


There But for the Grace of God Goes God (Chapter 14)

“All truth in a fallen world is vulnerable to distortion” (p. 113).

Chosen, Gifted, Special


There But for the Grace of God Goes God (Chapter 14)

PRIDEvice or virtue?

Synonyms:“egotism, arrogance, hubris,

selfishness, vanity, haughtiness, presumption, boastfulness, big-headedness, self-satisfaction, self-centeredness” (p. 116).

There is no “I” in Grace


What is That to You? (Chapter 15)

“The truth of calling touches closely on the link between giftedness and desire and the almost inescapable temptation of envy” (p. 122-123).


What is That to You? (Chapter 15)

Revenge of Failure“if we are not inclined to submit to

the rigors of the discipline, we destroy the standards and pass ourselves off as acceptable”—Henry Fairlie (p. 123)


What is That to You? (Chapter 15)

EnvyCancer of EnvyEnvy changes the questionEnvy meets at the crossroads of

gift/desire/callCompetitionDistorts the perception of the call of others (p. 124-125)


What is That to You? (Chapter 15)

Follow ME“Comparisons are idle, speculations

about others a waste of time, and envy as silly as it is evil” (p. 126)


What is That to You? (Chapter 15)

Follow MEJohn 21


More, More, Faster, Faster (Chapter 16)

“…calling, which played a key role in the rise of modern capitalism, is one of the few truths capable of guiding and restraining it now” (p. 129).


More, More, Faster, Faster (Chapter 16)

“…unless there was vigilance, a sense of calling would bring forth prosperity, only to result in prosperity’s destroying the sense of calling” (p. 128)—Cotton Mather

“Originally…the menace of unrestrained economic impulse was held in check by the Protestant ethic—people worked in response to their calling. But now, with this ethic dissolved, including its moral attitudes toward hard work and saving, only hedonism remains” (p. 128-129).


More, More, Faster, Faster (Chapter 16)

“No one can master money without mastering the meaning of money” (p. 129). MammonAvariceSingle-mindednessOther “needs”Being consumedCommodity Inability to purchase desires

“Just a little bit more”—J.D. Rockefeller, Sr. (p. 132)


Combating the Noonday Demon (Chapter 17)

“…calling is the best antidote to the deadly sin of sloth” (p. 139).


Combating the Noonday Demon (Chapter 17)

Sloth4th deadly sinMost misunderstoodCharacteristically modern


Combating the Noonday Demon (Chapter 17)

SlothSpiritual dejectionInner despairNoonday demon


Combating the Noonday Demon (Chapter 17)

The Modern SlothLoss of Faith in God

Bartleby’s “dead-end passivity” (p. 141).

Cultural—creature comforts“Better barbarism than boredom!” (p.

142)—Theophile Gautier


Combating the Noonday Demon (Chapter 17)

Discouragement through failureSuccess/significanceNot secular v. religious but

inspired gifts & calling v. career


A World With Windows (Chapter 18)

“…calling directly counters the great modern pressure toward secularization because the call of Jesus includes a summons to the exercise of the spiritual disciplines and the experience of supernatural realities” (p. 148)


A World With Windows (Chapter 18)

Science and Technology (p. 148)Managing without GodCall v. Secularization

Kingdom lifeSpiritual Discipline

Busy LivesSustaining the CallWork, Play, Worship ???


Coming up . . .

November 15: Guinness chapters 19-26

On the horizon:11/22: Critical Essay #3 (PPT format)