The Cameron University Collegian: September 27, 2010



The Cameron University Collegian: September 27, 2010

Citation preview

Informing Cameron Since 1926Monday, September 27, 2010 Volume 85 Issue 3


Informing Cameron Since 1926 Volume 85 Issue 3

News A&E Sports Opinion

Cameron snuff s out smokingBy Rachel Engel

News Editor and Ishia SaltibusNewswriting Student

Students at Cameron University have led the way for the campus to become tobacco-free, beginning in August 2011.

� e policy proposal was originally a push for a smoke-free campus initiated by the Student Government Association (SGA) in the fall of 2009, and would have allowed smokeless tobacco to be consumed on school property. Once SGA approved the measure, the Faculty Senate endorsed it, and recommended the campus become tobacco-free.

� e policy, which was approved by the University of Oklahoma, Cameron University and Rogers State University Board of Regents on May 13,

bans the use, sale or distribution of tobacco products on campus. Organizations and publications associated with CU will be prohibited from accepting advertising, endorsements, sponsorships or gifts from anyone related to the manufacturing of tobacco products.

Vice President of Student Services Jennifer Holland said the idea had been discussed before among members of SGA.

“It has actually come up several years in a row in some form or another, such as limiting the amount of smoking locations,” she said.

SGA President Cody Gardner said that the new policy, which bans tobacco use, will take a year to implement.

“We thought it would be best to give students a

year to get used to the idea of being a Tobacco-Free campus,”


said. “With a year of implementation, programs,

classes and information will be available to help students learn how to quit.”

Last year, the campus also initiated another proposal, “A Healthier CU in Century II.” Holland said eliminating the use of tobacco on campus ties

in to that agenda.“It’s important to look at our

overall health,” she said. “When you look at the causes of the many health issues, tobacco, food choices and lack of activity are at the top. Since opening our Wellness Center, we have had a lot of wellness activities for students to choose from. In our cafeteria, we off er a healthy meal option each day for those wanting to make a healthier choice. � e third thing we need to back is limiting tobacco use.”

� ough the policy will not go into eff ect until the 2011-

Our intention is not to exclude people. We want to be proactive and responsible, not radical or revolutionary.

— Jennifer HollandVice President of Student Services


No smoking zone: Legislation approved by Cameron’s Student Government Association, and endorsed by the Faculty Senate, has led the way towards Cameron becoming tobacco-free by August of 2011. Helping students to become more aware of the changes are fl iers (above), smoking-cessation classes and campus announcements.MCTCampus

Ebony Society looks to be more active on campus.


Glover, McArthur elected chairs for state regentsBy Rashmi � apaliya

Variety Editor

Jamie Glover, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management, and Dr. John McArthur, Vice President for Academic Affairs, have been chosen to chair committees at the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for the upcoming school year.

Glover has been elected Chair of the Executive Committee of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Communicators Council for the 2010-2011 academic year.

“The Communicators Council is a unified team of administrators who share the common goal of propelling Oklahoma’s institutions of higher education utmost success,” Glover said. “I am grateful for the opportunity to serve as chair

of the Executive Committee.”The Communicator’s Council, a statewide panel of chief public relations

professionals from Oklahoma colleges, universities, technical branches and higher education programs, serves as a key advisory council to the Chancellor, State Regents’ staff and other state officials.

As chair, Glover will preside at Executive Committee meetings and full council meetings, appoint members to ad hoc committees as necessary and, in concert with the State Regents’ staff, prepare agendas for council meetings. She will also serve as the council ’s representative at various meetings and functions.

See CHAIRS Page 2

Collegian receives long overdue



CU tennis teams go undefeated in openers.


SGA focuses on upcoming school year.


Graphic Courtesy of Public Affairs

Convocation: Celebration of education

Introduction: President Cindy Ross opens the 2010 Convocation by calling for the presentation of the colors.

Platform Party: Vice President for Academic Affairs prepares the audience with the Call to Convocation.

Academia: The majority of the professors that make up the CU faculty attended the event.

Photos by Jim Horinek

News2 September 27,

Solutions on page 3

Enrollment reaches record heights for second year

SMOKING continued from page 1

“My goal is to make sure that members have productive time at each meeting where they have a useful message to take back to their campus,” Glover said.

Dr. McArthur was elected Chair of the Council on Instruction, having sat on the committee for the past four years.

The Council on Instruction considers academic and related issues affecting Oklahoma higher education, purposes academic and related policy and procedures. It also serves as the principal satewide advisory council rendering advice and counsel to the Chancellor, other advisory groups and the entire state system. Membership is comprised of the chief academic officers of each of the 25 institutions in the state system as designated by the president of the institution.

Dr. McArthur said that the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education host the Course Equivalency Project (CEP). He added that the Council on Instruction plays a significant role in maintaining, updating and monitoring this project. Course equivalencies are tables of courses that are transferable among Oklahoma public colleges and institutions as well as some private institutions.

“The CEP allows faculty, staff and students to know which courses at one institution are equivalent to specific courses at another institution,” Dr. McArthur said. “This is particularly useful for students seeking to transfer from a community college to a university.”

As chair, Dr. McAurthur will convene meeting, set the agendas, make assignments of duties to sub-committees, and provide advice to the chancellor on the current academic policies and procedures.

“It has been my privilege to serve on the Council of Instruction for the past four years,” Dr. McArthur said. “Working together, the individuals who sit on the Council on Instruction strive to ensure that Oklahoma’s institutions of higher education maintain the highest quality academic standards. I am honored that my fellow council members have elected me chair for the upcoming academic year.”

CHAIRS continued from page 1

Solutions on page 3

2012 academic year, CU plans to offer seven-week tobacco-use cessation programs throughout the upcoming school year, and to advertise the policy on campus through f liers, posters and meetings.

“I’m hoping we can offer cessation classes twice during the fall and spring, and once during the summer session,” Holland said. “We feel it’s important to spend some time communicating with the campus community, and making students, faculty and visitors aware of the policy change.”

The university will have the authority to issue citations for policy-violators; however, fine amounts have not been set. Holland hopes it won’t be necessary.

“Legislation has passed that allows us to write fines for this,” she said. “Our hope is to remind students and faculty politely that we are a tobacco-free campus. Our intention is not to exclude people. We want to be proactive and responsible, not radical or revolutionary.”

By Jim HorinekManaging Editor

CU has done it again: breaking its own records seems to be something of a new norm on campus.

According to Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management Jamie Glover, this year’s enrollment has increased by a significant three percent. When coupled with the 13 percent increase from last year, the University is now educating the largest number of students in its history. To put it in perspective of actual students, there are about 850 more students on campus this fall than there were in the fall of 2008.

“This is the highest both headcount and full time equivalency enrollment that the university has ever had,” Glover said. “This is the biggest we have ever been and we are delighted to hit that mark.”

To add to the increases, Cameron also is seeing a record number of freshmen on campus with a number reaching past 2,500.

“We also have lots of freshmen on campus this year with almost 2,800 on campus,” Glover said.

All of the increases raise the question of what changed to make Cameron such a popular

destination for students looking to enter college. Glover thinks that there are several reasons that students are choosing CU.

“Cameron is committed to providing students with a quality education at an affordable price. CU was ranked in ‘U.S. News and World Report’ at third in our region in terms of our students graduating with the lowest amount of debt.

Glover explained that rankings such as that one are significant because when students are choosing between schools they are often looking at cost coupled with the quality of the education. Consequently, Glover believes that Cameron offers extreme quality for a low price.

While value is definite driver to the increase in enrollment, it is not the only factor. The dramatic changes to the campus landscape also gives perspective students a reason to keep Cameron on their radar.

“We have worked really hard to change the image of our campus and have tried to create a traditional feel when you walk onto the campus,” Vice President of Student Services Jennifer Holland said.

Holland explained that with the help of mostly outside funds, the face of the campus has changed drastically in a few short years.

“We have been very fortunate to have donors who have been willing to contribute to the aesthetics of our campus,” Holland said. “With the planting of trees and the new garden and new buildings, when you think about the amount of money that has been put into our campus over the past few years it really hits you. You know, $55 million is a significant facelift.”

Thanks to a rapidly evolving campus, Cameron remains optimistic about its future and the possibility of breaking more for its own records.

Graphic by Jim Horinek

News 3September 27,

By Megan BristowNewswriting student

Assistant Professor of Communications, Dr. Renuka Suryanaryan is the Communication Department’s newest faculty member who recently arrived from California to begin her teaching career at Cameron University.

SGA prepares for semester

Cameron’s Student Government Association (SGA) has been meeting in full force this semester to inform students of how legislation works to provide improvements for the university. SGA President Cody Gardner already has some plans for the advancement of SGA.

“We [offi cers] are fi lling some pretty big shoes this year, so the expectations are high,” Gardner said. “We are hoping to get a lot of legislation passed that will benefi t Cameron University. It is a great campus, but a little fi ne tweaking will never hurt.”

� e new SGA offi ce is located in the McMahon Centennial Complex, and meetings have relocated to the Business building.

“� ere are things that we plan on doing a little diff erently,” Gardner said. “We are going to focus our attentions on the details, such as updating the SGA website. It’s currently outdated, with the information dating back to when I was a freshman and Jessica Daoang was the president.”

Another focus that SGA is modifying would be making sure representatives for organizations come to meetings.

“It’s unfair if an organization expects their representative to attend a meeting and they don’t,” she said. “� is year, we are going to contact the advisers for organizations and notify them when a representative fails to attend a

meeting.”At SGA meetings, members work with

legislation, which involves students' ideas or concerns over changes in how Cameron operates.

Students wanted to change some items on Cameron’s campus this semester. � e SGA already knows some of the issues for legislation that will be open on the fl oor for discussion.

“I know some members want to change the visiting hours for the Shepler Center dorms,” she said. “� ere is another idea wanting to transition the secretary from an appointed position to an elected position.”

However, SGA is not set on one particular issue for legislation. Issues and concerns have been talked about, but Gardner felt most of the major issues have been dealt with.

“� ere has not been any legislation presented that members are adamant about getting to the fl oor,” Gardner said. “� ere are many things that I would like to see happen. For instance, Sergeant-at-Arms Jordan Lindsey

and I have a few legislation ideas that we have considered.”

Although legislation has yet to be presented, issues and concerns have been discussed with SGA members.

“Our expectations [for SGA] are to improve the organization as a whole and to ensure that the student body knows that we are here to help them,” Gardner said.

SGA meets at 5:15 p.m. every Monday in the Business Building in room 111.

By Alyssa KnerrCollegian Student

Originally from south India, Dr. Suryanarayan fi rst came to America in 2003 to earn her doctoral degree in mass communication and journalism at Ohio University. She has been teaching since 1982 and most recently taught at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona in the journalism area of the school’s Communication


Suryanarayan was excited to begin teaching at Cameron as the school has begun to develop its new convergence journalism program.

“� e university wants to invest a lot of time, money,

and energy into a journalism program,” Dr. Suryanarayan said, “while most schools are reducing their programs.”

Dr. Suryanarayan began teaching this semester with a load of four classes: Introduction to Journalism, Mass Media Law, Photojournalism I and Media Graphics.

As she is still settling into the new job, she hopes in the future to achieve a variety of goals to include learning from the professors already in the department, as well as incorporating her students into the newly-launched AggieCentral website.

“I want to be like many of the professors here. � ey have superb class management, and they are molding good journalists. � ey have good grading and good class discipline. I’d also like to see my students become a big part of AggieCentral,” Dr. Suryanaryaan said.

Dr. Suryanarayan has an extensive background in journalism that she is able to incorporate into her classroom lectures. A majority of her journalism career was with the Indian Express, a large New

Delhi based newspaper with a newsroom of over 600 reporters.

Because of an additional knowledge and experience with music, she wrote many pieces for the arts and entertainment circle as well as writing health, spirituality and education pieces. She has interviewed Ravi Shankar, a musician who occasionally performed with the Beatles; Norah Jones; and the Dalai Lama of India, Tenzin Gyatso.

“Any musician in the world would come to Mumbai (previously Bombay), and I would interview them,” Dr. Suryanarayan said. “I met every famous person that came to Mumbai.”

Although she no longer works in a newsroom, she is able to share her journalism passion by

teaching. Newswriting is her favorite class to teach because of this reason.

She said, “My favorite class is News Writing because I came from a newsroom and that’s what I’m passionate about.”

Dr. Suryanarayan will to be able to user her experiences as she assists in molding future journalists. However, she also has advice for others. She encourages students to make the most out of the professor’s knowledge, which will help them prepare for their own careers.

“You’re paying so much for this education. Every teacher here has some value. Try to use that professor’s knowledge and learn as much as you can,” Dr. Suryanarayan said. “Where else will you fi nd people so ready to give that knowledge?”

Around the world: Dr. Renuka Suryanaryan joined the Communication Department this year as a journalism professor, having previously worked as a journalist at the Indian Express in India.

MCT Campus

By Jim HorinekManaging Editor

Graphic courtesy of SGA

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In early November the culminating event of well over a year of preparation will occur when the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) makes its on site visit to campus. As part the periodic re-accreditation process, Cameron will be visited by a group of individuals whose purpose is to determine if CU qualifies for the title of an accredited school.

With accreditation comes many different benefits first of which is the assurance that the education that Cameron provides is one of the highest quality. Another of the many benefits is that accredited schools can gain access for their students to specific types of financial aid.

Cameron has been an accredited school since 1973. Each time the University goes through the process there are many different projects and tasks that must be completed. In the fall semester of 2009, a portion of this process took place when Cameron asked its students and faculty to take part in a self-study. The study was a part of the accreditation process that helps the University measure its strengths and weaknesses, and prove to the HLC that Cameron has what it takes to retain accreditation.

With the on-site HLC visit approaching the University would like for students and faculty

Communications professor brings real world experience to class

to be aware of why the team will be on campus and what they can expect.

“We want everyone on campus to be aware that the visit is happening,” Self Study Coordinator Dr. Marge Kingsley said. “It is obviously an important event for the University and it is a great opportunity for everyone on campus be able to demonstrate the quality job we do on a daily basis.”

Dr. Kingsley explained that while the HLC team is on campus they might be asking students and faculty questions.

“They may want to talk to students or talk to faculty. They may also want to visit classes. We don’t want people to be unprepared for that and be shocked and nervous that a group of people has shown up,” Dr. Kingsley said.

In an effort to help encourage students and faculty become involved in the accreditation process, and to be better prepared for any questions the HLC team may ask, pertinent information about the university has been made available online at on AggieAccess.

Additionally, students can be entered to win an Apple iPad by using the information on AggieAccess to fill out and submit a quiz at

HLC visit quiz: Learn a little about Accreditation and get the change to win an iPad. Go to

CU accreditation visit elicits cooperative effort

Graphic by Jim Horinek

Opinion4 September 27,

Editorial Sta� Managing Editor - Jim HorinekNews Editor - Rachel EngelA&E Editor - Michael FaggettSports Editor - Amanda CantuVariety Editor - Rashmi � apaliyaCopy Editor - Taylor BrunwaldAggie Central Editors- Rachel Engel, Michael Faggett, Kyle Luetters, Ron Phillips

Newsroom Sta� Financial O� cer - Susan HillSta� Writers - Alyssa Knerr, Dianne Riddles, Elizabeth Nagel, Jessica Goodman, Rebecca Cra� Circulation Manager - Clayton GouldAdvertising Manager - Jim Horinek

Newswriting StudentsMegan Bristow, Shaniqua Brown, Jarred Burk, Maria Cepeda Pilataxi, Ashley Del Ciello, Terry Dixon, Ippi Elliott, Ashleigh Fletcher, Chaney Gibson, Nicole Grzecki, Amanda Harris, Ti� any Martinez, Elijah Morlett, Ronald Phillips, Ishia Saltibus, Amber Spurlin, Brandon � ompson, Ricardo � ompson, Ricky Warren, Je� rey Williams, Brittany Wolfe, Lana Ochilien

Faculty Adviser Dr. Christopher Keller

About Us� e o� cial student newspaper of Cameron University, � e Cameron Collegian is available each Monday during the year. It is printed by the Edmond Sun via the Duncan Banner. Letters Policy

Letters to the editor will be printed in the order in which they are received and on a space available basis.

� e Collegian reserves the right to edit all letters for content and length. Letters should be no more than 250 words. Letters from individual authors will be published only once every four weeks.

All letters from students should include � rst and last names, classi� cation and major. No nicknames will be used. Letters from people outside the Cameron community should include name, address and phone number for veri� cation.

Letters can be sent by regular mail or e-mail to, or they may be dropped o� at our o� ce - Nance Boyer 2060.

Our Views � e opinions expressed in � e Collegian pages or personal columns are those of the signed author. � e unsigned editorial under the heading “Our Voice” represents the opinion of the majority of the editorial board. � e opinions expressed in � e Collegian do not necessarily represent those of Cameron University or the state of Oklahoma.

Our student media are designated public forums, and free from censorship and advance approval of content. Because content and funding are unrelated, and because the role of adviser does not include advance review of content, student media are free to develop editorial policies and news coverage with the understanding that students and student organizations speak only for themselves. Administrators, faculty, sta� or other agents shall not consider the student media’s content when making decisions regarding the media’s funding or faculty adviser.

COLLEGIANFounded in 1926

veritas sempiterna


As I reminisce on the collegiate career I have experienced at Cameron University, I have come to some realizations and conclusions about myself and the university.

First, I am cursed with common sense. Second, Cameron has made great strides in changing its look and perception as a college campus. Since the start of the Centennial campaign in 2008, Cameron has shown eff orts to earmark changes and improvements on campus.

We now have the CETES conference center, which continues to garner community events and activities. We also have a new building that houses the school of business.

� e former chaotic North Shepler parking lot has transformed into a tranquil acre of beauty better known as the Bentley Gardens. West Hall is now a berm waiting to blossom.

Campus updates omit very important feature

Better late than never‘Collegian’ receives overdue design changes

I realize that the last time any of you saw an issue of the ‘Collegian’ was in May, but we have

made some pretty signifi cant changes to the overall in the fi rst couple of issues of this semester.

In my opinion, as well as a few other individuals who I have spoken with, our updates were a bit overdue. In fact the last major design changes to the publication were implemented in 2003 when the paper was under the leadership of Managing Editor Jon Horinek… yes that is my older brother.

Perhaps the most outwardly obvious design change would be the updated masthead. Which to anyone but newspaper nerds, such as myself, is probably better known as a logo. � e masthead is the large name graphic that sits at the top of the front page of the paper.

Getting away with a completely new masthead was in my opinion not really possible or necessary. � ere were defi nite things about the previous masthead that I liked and it also had a very recognizable feel to it. Due to those factors, the changes that I made were mostly cosmetic. � e addition of a bevel to the shape, and some color on a few of the letters gives it a more modern look and tie its design into the logo of the new online converged news site AggieCentral.

Another of the main changes that we made also involves the front page. As some of you may remember for many years we ran small sneak peeks of inside page stories in a side bar along the left side of the front page. � is sidebar, which is referred to in newsrooms as a teaser bar, has been moved to the bottom the front page. � e decision to make this change came about for a couple of reasons the biggest of which was that myself, and the other editors, were tired of the teasers being in the same place. One of the other reasons is that by eliminating the sidebar it frees up a lot of design possibilities on the front page by allowing the page editor to have more room to work with.

Although the changes that are most likely to get noticed are on the front page they are not the only

Jim Horinek

We have seen the construction of the “social hub” on campus in the McMahon Centennial Complex. We even have a Student Wellness Center which off ers free services for students, including massages. Next door to the Wellness Center will be the Academic Advisory Center, a place for students to receive counsel on their course selections.

Granted, all of the additions to campus have made and will make its respected impacts on how campus looks and is perceived, but the last additions mentioned – the MCC, the Wellness Center and the Academic Advisory Center – raises a slight question I have, because again, I am cursed with common sense.

Where are we really expected to socialize?

� e Academic Advisory Center will be located in the former Campus Brew, the former 24-hour lounge that featured couches for relaxation, televisions, air hockey and a ping-pong table for recreation and plenty of chairs and tables for socialization. � e Brew was a social sanctuary for many students and campus residents, including myself, who wanted to study or just relax from a taxing day. I and other residents called ourselves the “Brew Crew” because we frequented the lounge religiously.

� at’s gone. Some argue the MCC as being

the social hub on campus. � e MCC, while furnished with pool tables, ping-pong, arcade games and wonderfully designed furniture, closes at 10 p.m. nightly. Same for the McMahon Center, which also has a pool table, a piano, TV and other space for social opportunities.

As much as administrators

and professors would love for us to fervently devote our afternoons and evenings to studying, reading and research, anyone who has experienced college life knows students strongly desire a comprehensive experience, one of which includes social opportunities going beyond 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

We students need a place on campus, particularly in close proximity of the residence halls (ideally the Shepler Center) that will provide legitimate social options and experiences, a place where the fun does not have to end just because the doors have to lock or employees are off the clock. We need a place that will allow us to hook up the Xbox 360 and play a few games of Madden, or have friendly discourse on the latest in college sports or maybe, just maybe, host a study group on campus at 11 p.m. before a stringent fi nal exam the next day.

It doesn’t matter whether it has pool or ping-pong, pianos or TVs, just as long as the facility is unrestricted and available without time constraints.

Maybe it’s just me, because I am cursed with common sense.







ones we have made. On the inside pages we cleaned up the design of our page nameplates. Specifi cally, several repetitive rule lines were removed to give it a more streamlined look. We also have begun to include, under the dateline, the web address to AggieCentral. Because all of our content is also available on AggieCentral we felt it necessary for our readers to be able to quickly fi nd the web address to access it.

� e rest of our changes were made to help clarify some confusion for our readers. One of those changes involves how we credit articles within the paper. Previous to our redesign all articles were bylined with the name of the author and the title of “Collegian Staff .” After some consideration, it was determined that this system could be confusing to readers. It could lead to the misconception that all of our content is written only by staff writers and that the editors do not contribute content. Whereas, the truth is that editors and staff writers are responsible for the content in the ‘Collegian.’ To solve this issue we now list the actual title of the author under their name in the bylines. We also hope that this new system will make it easier for our audience to know which positions students hold so that they will know whom they need to contact for diff erent situations.

Considering most large-scale newspapers do a minor redesign every three or four years it could defi nitely be argued that ours was well overdue. With that said, I will say that we are still in transition and new ideas and ways of doing things come down the line daily. � erefore, keep a look out for changes and updates to our design throughout the next couple of issues. We continually strive to make our publication appealing to our audience and we hope that our changes have helped make that more likely.

On behalf of myself and the rest of the ‘Collegian’ staff , thank you for your patience in our time of transition and for your continued readership and support.

‘Collegian’ receives overdue design changes

Managing Editor

Michael FaggettA&E Editor

Farewell old friend: Students socialize in the Campus Brew. Despite many campus improvements and additions students lack locations such as the Brew which once was a 24 hour hang out for students. Now the Brew is being converted into the Academic Advisory Center.

Photo by Jim Horinek

A&E 5September 27,

� eatre Department uses inside resourcesBy Rebecca Craft Newswriting Student

At the Cameron University � eatre, the backstage is fi lled with creatures.“Playhouse Creatures,” that is. � e play, written by April De Angelis, serves as the department’s entry into the

American College � eatre Festival (ACTF) and as an opportunity for a few theatre majors to exercise their skills in design.

Set in the 1670’s, “Playhouse Creatures” follows the lives of six women as they begin stage acting in England. With only two male roles, the play focuses on the women’s struggles to adapt to the attitudes toward female actors of the time.

Student designers spent numerous hours researching the details of the time period and characters well before the fall semester began. Researching the histories of each of the characters brought new challenges to senior costume designer Neila Ettienne.

“I wanted to make every character diff erent from the others,” Ettienne said. “Finding the right colors was a bit tedious. I had to choose carefully while keeping in mind that lights that could have a strong eff ect on costumes, along with the psychological eff ects of color. We had to adapt a lot of costume patterns to fi t the period.”

Along with Ettienne, sophomore properties designer Truly Pettijohn, sophomore sound designer Josh Fortney, junior scene designer Leah Mazur and senior lighting designer Christan Gillis spent part of their summer doing research for their fi elds. To Fortney, the research for his own designs did not end even after rehearsals began.

“� e type of music I wanted specifi cally for this show had been my biggest problem,” said Fortney. “Research and more research is the biggest deal when I’m looking for the right music in the time from which the play is set.”

Each area of design brought its own unique challenges. � e designers’ processes for bringing their research to life diff ered based upon their individual problems.

“I read the script and then read it twenty more times,” said Pettijohn. “After I picked out the places where the props were, I thought of how they had to be used. � en, I had to fi gure out how to make them look period style.”

Pettijohn, Ettienne and Mazur are also performing in the show. Ettienne feels that her familiarity with the characters benefi ts the quality of her designs.

“I feel more pressured in this because it is competition show and the very fi rst for the semester,” Ettienne said. “However, it’s not diffi cult. I have a better understanding of the other characters and, many times, I can grab them for a fi tting before or after rehearsal.”

Judges for ACTF critique all aspects of the play, including both tech and performance. Only the best colleges in the state have their plays advance onto the regional level of competition. With that knowledge, the student designers strive to put out only their best work.

“It puts the level of design that we are doing higher,” Fortney said. “We want to impress the right people and show them that we are passionate about this show and everything relating to theatre. We hope they will see that when they come to watch the show. It’s a team eff ort, and we all want to make this play as good as possible.”

As opening night approaches, the designers are beginning to see the results of all their work come to life.

“It is a very challenging experience, but a very educational and meaningful one,” Ettienne said.

“Playhouse Creatures” opens at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. 30 in the CU � eatre, with following evening performances on Oct. 1 and 2. � e matinee is scheduled for 1 p.m. on Oct. 3. Tickets can be purchased at the CU � eatre box offi ce. Admission is free to those with a Cameron ID.

Playhouse Creatures: (from left to right) Leah Mazur, Jay Diaz, Tyler Breeze and Hannah Brock star in the Department of Theatre Arts’ fi rst production of the year. Mazur designed the scenes, and student Neila Ettienne (not pictured) designed the costumes.

A Year of Playhouse Triumphs: Truly Pettijohn (left) and Brandi Goldsmith act out a scene in the play “Playhouse Creatures.” The play takes a look at the historical origins of women in theatre.

Photos courtesy of Theatre Department

Ebony Society looks to increase involvement

Cameron University’s Ebony Society does not simply use the motto “we are more than just the keepers of our brothers and sisters: we are our brothers and sisters” as a mission statement; they use it as a order of operations.

With such a motto driving the student group, the Ebony Society, according to President Brandi Goldsmith, plans to focus on improving in three areas: changing its image on campus, increasing involvement and support of other campus activities and reaching out to the community with service projects.

Goldsmith said the executive council looks to change how they believe the student body perceives the Ebony Society.

“We would like to have more culturally diverse membership,” Goldsmith said. “We are not an African-American group, but a group that focuses on African-American awareness.”

One way the Ebony Society wants to change that perception is through the initiation of the Mr. Aggie Pageant.

According to Goldsmith, the Mr. Aggie Pageant is a new counterpart to the well-established Miss Black CU Pageant that the organization hosts annually. Goldsmith said the motive behind Mr. Aggie is to garner more participation from both males and diff erent cultures on campus.

“We didn’t want to necessarily leave the guys out of the water,” Goldmsith said. “We wanted to change the perceived notion of Ebony

Society only having a strong female membership. So, we broadened the idea of our usual date auctions and made it a more distinguished event.”

� e idea of the Mr. Aggie Pageant is already taking form. � e Ebony Society plans to host an informational meeting about the pageant at 4 p.m. on Sept. 29 in the McMahon Centennial Complex.

In addition to the Mr. Aggie Pageant, Ebony Society is also looking to enlarge its presence on campus as an organization and in the Lawton/Ft. Sill community. � e group has already scheduled numerous events for the fall semester, including movie night. participation in Diversity

Day and the Halloween Carnival.

“We want this year to be an activity-fi lled year with lots of membership involvement,” Goldsmith said. “We are mainly focusing on community

service and campus activities.”

According to Goldsmith, the group also has some pending community service projects they will announce at a later date.

While working on other campus activities, the Ebony Society’s main staple is the annual Miss Black CU Pageant. According to Vice President Nicole Diggs, also the reigning Miss Black CU, the pageant looks to have more contestants than in the last three years.

Goldsmith said the Ebony Society looks to improve in those areas in order to live out its mission statement.

“We want to be a top organization on campus as well as be supportive of what Cameron does as a university,” Goldsmith said.

By Michael Faggett A&E Editor

Goldsmith said the executive council looks to change how they believe

body perceives

membership,” Goldsmith said. “We are not

Day and the Halloween Carnival.

“We want this year to be an activity-fi lled year with lots of membership involvement,” Goldsmith said. “We are mainly focusing on community

service and campus activities.”

Nigerian Student Association celebrates Nigeria’s 50th year as

an independent nationBy Lana Ochilien Newswriting Student

On Oct. 1, Nigerian students at Cameron University will be hosting a pageant in celebration of the 50th anniversary of independence for their nation. Nigeria gained their independence from England on Oct. 1, 1960. Junior Finance major Oluwatoyese Oyewole, a contestant in the pageant, said that even if she is away from home on her country’s independence day and cannot celebrate with her family, she is grateful to get the opportunity to celebrate how far they have come as a nation. She also said that she wants to share that joy not only among themselves but with anyone willing to celebrate with them. “� ere have been so many trials which could have divided us yet we still stand tall as one nation,” Oyewole said. Oyewole’s excitement stems from being regaled with stories of warfare by her father; one story in particular told of a potential civil war in the country three years after independence was gained. To her, being able to participate in the pageant demonstrates her national pride positively. She is also excited about freshmen students from her country seeing that it is possible to continue to practice and embrace their culture while they are away from home. Miracle Akinwale, the president of the Nigerian Student Association (NSA), said there are three major cultures in Nigeria – the Yoruba, the Igbo and the Hausa – and the pageant will feature all three. However, since Yoruba is the more prevalent culture, it will have a greater focus.

Let Freedom Ring: Members of the Nigerian Student Association smiles while celebrating another year of Nigeria’s independence. The NSA hosts an on-campus celebration annually.

Photo courtesy of the Nigerian Student Association

“� is is a wonderful way for the young ladies of these three tribes to show that although they are from diff erent cultures, they share a common nation and can be happy to be celebrating together,” Akinwale said. According to Akinwale, the program is packed with excitement and entertainment, and will include comedy and Nigerian music. At least fi ve students will be participating and there will be four sections : Formal Wear, Native/National Wear, Talent and Question and Answer. � e celebration is expected to last for three hours. “� ere will be lots of local Nigerian talent on display,” Akinwale said. “Everyone is encouraged to come celebrate with us and have a wonderful time.” Oyewole said that NSA students are praying for good weather on

the day of the pageant for large attendance. However, they are planning to have as much fun as possible regardless of weather conditions. “It’s Nigeria’s day and we will enjoy it no matter what,” Oyewole said. Akinwale said that he was pleased that they were able to use campus facilities to host the pageant yet again. “� is is the second year that a pageant is hosted to celebrate our independence,” Akinwale said. “I hope we can make an annual event out of it, with each year being bigger and better than the year before.” � e pageant is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Oct. 1 in the McCasland Ballroom. � ere is an entrance fee of $10 for faculty and staff and $5 for students. Dress code is semi-formal.

Sports6 September 27,

Cross country seniors lead pack

Women’s golf team bolsters squad

By Amanda CantuSports Editor

By Alyssa KneerCollegian Staff

Photos courtesy of Tony BlackAlmost at the finish line: Mohamed Khelalfa (left) and Juan Ruiz (right) are the cross country team’s only remaining seniors this season. Both runners said they are looking to make this season their best.

Photos by Tony BlackHome on the range: Freshman Candice Swartz prepares to drive the ball. Swartz, a Canadian import, said she has been playing golf since a young age and has always wanted to play her sport at an American university. So far, she is pleased with the experiences she has had at CU.

Golden golfers: Aleesha Holden (left) and Lindsey Alexander (right) are both newcomers the Aggie women’s golf team this season. Both players said they were influenced to play golf by their fathers and are looking to make their dads proud this season while playing for the Black and Gold.

Cameron’s golf team has added three new freshman faces to ace in tournaments this year: Criminal Justice major Lindsey Alexander from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, Biology major Aleesha Holden from Oklahoma

and undeclared major Candice Swartz from Canada.

Playing in 10 tournaments this year, four in the fall and six in the spring, women’s head golf coach Rick Goodwin feels the hardest struggle for each girl is based on what every new student copes with.

“The hardest thing is adapting,” Goodwin said. “The college life involves a million things going on all at once. The freshmen have to get up to speed quickly, which I don’t feel like we did [for this last tournament].”

Alexander, Holden and Swartz agreed that they had to get accustomed to college life; however, this differed for each girl for reasons ranging from cultural differences to managing and maintaining a full schedule. Swartz is facing differences in weather, but the most difficult thing for her is transportation.

“Not having a car is tough,” Swartz said. “I live far away from the practice facilities, so making time for practice can be an issue.”

Facing the dilemma of enough time to practice, Holden is faced with work and school in addition to golfing.

“I have class until 5 p.m. and I have to work four days a week,” Holden said. “I don’t have much time to practice. You have to practice a lot to keep your groove [with the game].”

For Alexander, keeping up with grades is the hardest attribute for college life.

“I already have a problem with putting things off,” Alexander said. “I will really have to work on not procrastinating as much as I do.”

The three freshman golfers also have a similar bond in golf, besides sharing the love of the game; their fathers played a major role in their start as golfers. Holden says her dad influenced her and her sister, who goes to Cameron as well, to try golf at a young age.

“My dad was really into golf,” Holden said. “He knew if he started us early that he

could coach us all the way to the collegiate level.”

Swartz followed her dad’s interest for golf and developed a desire to play.

“My dad is a great golfer,” Swartz said. “He got me into it when I was little and I then started playing in tournaments. I ended up loving it. Soon enough, I wanted to go to a university and play college golf.”

Alexander was always around golf; it was in her blood to play the sport.

“When I was little, I hated golf,” Alexander said. “I think it was because my dad is a professional golfer who has been playing all of his life. He is the golf coach at the high school I attended. I realized after I moved to South Lake during my freshman year that I wanted to pick up golf again. I only thought that I would play in high school. I really started to enjoy it, so I decided that I wanted to play in college.”

The golf girls are also unanimous on choosing CU

because of the facilities and opportunities offered to the students.

“I wanted to play golf in the States,” Swartz said. “I did not want to be somewhere up north where I could not play golf all year round. I wanted to go somewhere hot and I really liked the facilities here.”

Alexander expressed similar reasons for chossing CU.

“[I wanted to come here] mainly because of golf,” Alexander said. “I really like the golf program. The girls, the coach and the area are great.”

Holden said that the proximity to her family that attending CU allows her played a big role in her decision to become an Aggie.

“I like that my sister is attending the same school as I am, and that campus is close to home,” Holden said. “I also like the golf team and the coach.”

Whether the individual golfer shines through or the team as a whole, Cameron is home to three unique and unified golfers.

As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

Cross country runners Juan Ruiz and Mohamed Khelalfa are finding this to be true now more than ever. As both men are seniors, they are seeing their final days of collegiate running slowly coming to a close.

Though their college running days are numbered, Ruiz and Khelalfa have nothing but positive memories of their Cameron running careers and are enjoying every moment of their last season.

“My time at Cameron has been very, very good,” Ruiz said. The team has been great every year, and our coach is one of the best coaches I have ever met.”

Ruiz said that there is a lot of chemistry among the team members this season and that they all get along well.

“Everyone on the team is cool with each other,” he said. “We all have similar personalities,

and we help each other out inside and outside of practice. It’s awesome.”

Both Ruiz and Khelalfa have a lot of faith in their team’s talent this season and think they have the ability to go far.

“The team is better this year than it was last year,” Khelalfa said. “I really think we have the ability to go to Nationals.”

Ruiz also believes his team can make it to Nationals, and he is putting in the hard work it will take to get there. Right now, Ruiz is running 80 miles a week, while Khelalfa is running 90. Both men plan to increase their weekly mileage as the season progresses.

Though there are many physical rigors involved in cross country running, Ruiz and Khelalfa said the sport is incredibly mental.

“It’s mostly mental, actually,” Ruiz said. “You have to not think about the pain; you have to fight

through it.”Khelalfa echoed Ruiz’s

sentiments and added that keeping a positive attitude is critical in order to be successful.

“It’s all about your attitude,” he said. You have to stay positive if you want to get anywhere, because if you dwell on the bad days, you will perform badly. You have to have faith.”

While both men share a passion for their sport, their enthusiasm stems from different causes.

“Running relaxes me," Ruiz said. “It’s a stress reliever that gives me time to think.”

Ruiz may see running as a source of relaxation, but Khelalfa has a different motivation.

“I like the competition,” Khelalfa said. “I also like that it’s an individual sport. That way, whatever work you put into it comes out of it. The harder you work, the better you place.”

The two men want to see all their hard work pay off and have set personal goals for themselves to achieve this season. Ruiz hopes to be named an All-Conference runner and would like to finish in the top 20 in the region, while Khelalfa wants nothing less than to be an All-American.

Because this is their last season, both runners want to make it their greatest.

“I want to make it my best year,” Khelalfa said. “I have high hopes and want to achieve my personal best in all events.”

Not only are the two men putting forth every effort to accomplish more than they ever have during their final season, they now also find themselves in new positions of leadership. As the team’s only seniors, they feel they have a duty to guide their teammates down the right path.

“I feel like I should pass my experience down to the younger

guys,” Ruiz said. “I think I should try to lead them in the right direction.”

Khelalfa also feels an obligation to help his less-experienced teammates.

“Coach has high expectations of us as seniors, so I try to set a good example for the younger guys,” Khelalfa said. “The freshmen look at us. If they see us slacking off, then they’ll think it is OK for them to slack off too, so it’s important for us to always work hard so the freshmen have a positive example.”

Even though their days as Aggie runners will soon come to an end, both men said they will continue to run after their collegiate running careers are over.

“I’m always going to run,” Khelalfa said. “Running is a part of you. I don’t know what I would do without running,”

Ruiz and Khelalfa will next be competing on Oct. 16 at the University of Arkansas Chile Pepper Festival in Fayetteville.

Sports 7September 27,

By Michael FaggettA&E Editor

By Amanda CantuSports Editor

CU softball team already working hard

Tennis teams start season with wins

Photo by Bennett Dewan

Bringing the heat: CU’s Carrie Harvey pitches in a game last season. Softball coach Beth Watson said the Aggie women are working hard to build on last season’s results by improving mental toughness and bringing more intensity on the field.

Photos by Bennett DewanSmokin’ aces: Junior Thomas Peixoto serves what is surely an ace during a match last season. Peixoto and his serve have helped the tennis team get off to a great start this year.

The Cameron men’s and women’s tennis teams have made easy work of the season’s opening matches. The teams have competed against two opponents and both teams remain undefeated.

Though the women had a scrimmage against the University of Central Oklahoma

on Sept. 11, both squads played their first official match of the season on Sept. 15 against Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU). The Black and Gold had the benefit of playing at home and used it to their advantage. The teams competed in morning and afternoon matches against OBU and the Aggies won them both handily.

The Cameron women won their morning matches

in decisive fashion with an impressive 9-0 victory. Sophomores Amanda Moberg and Julia Puckhaber picked up where they left off last season and took out their counterparts 8-3 at the number one doubles position. The two continued to dominate in singles play, winning 6-0, 6-2 and 6-2, 6-1 respectively.

The women continued to dictate play in the afternoon, losing only one match. CU tennis coach James Helvey changed the lineup in the day’s second matches, playing the pair of Antonia Moberg and Sara Londono at the number one doubles spot. The two dropped their match, but Londono came back to defeat her opponent 6-1, 6-2 in singles.

The men also took care of business against OBU. Cameron won the morning matches 8-1, dropping only the number three doubles match.

CU handled singles play easily, with all the men earning victories. Thomas Peixoto won his match at the number one position 7-6, 3-0 in dramatic fashion after his opponent Marko Stanic defaulted. After being broken in the second set, Stanic threw his racquet, which resulted in his coach giving him a point penalty for racquet abuse. The abuse continued after the point penalty and Stanic said he no longer wished to compete.

In afternoon play, the Aggies proved victorious once again winning 7-2.

As with the women, the men’s lineup was changed in the afternoon. Particularly impressive was the doubles pair of Manuel Barreotavena and Jeff Sasser who cruised to an 8-1

victory against their number one doubles opponents. Both men overpowered their counterparts in singles play as well winning 6-1, 6-4 and 6-1, 6-3 respectively.

Helvey said he was pleased with the way his teams performed against OBU.

“Good tennis was played,” Helvey said. “They have good players, but I think we were more prepared than they were. It was hot that day and we have been running and working on fitness, which helped us.”

On Sept. 20, the teams traveled to Oklahoma City to take on the Cowley College Tigers. Both the women’s and men’s team dominated Cowley, winning 9-0.

The women dropped a total of just three games, all of which came in doubles play. The number one pair of Amanda Moberg and Puckhaber won 8-1, while Antonia Moberg and Londono dispatched their

opponents at the number two spot with an 8-2 victory. The Aggies won the number three position on a default.

In singles, the CU women were truly something to behold winning every match they played in a double bagel.

The men also wasted little time in defeating the Tigers. CU had easy wins at the number two and three doubles spots winning 8-2 and 8-1. For the most part, the men had easy wins in singles play as well. However, Sasser had a tough match against his opponent at the number five position but picked up the victory after two close sets and won 7-6, 7-6.

Helvey said he was happy with the results of the match-up against Cowley.

“Cowley has a good team, so to beat them 9-0 means we were really playing at a higher level,” Helvey said. “We played really well. I was happy.”

Unique would be the best description for Cameron’s softball team season last year. The team played most of the season with intriguing scenarios.

They played most of last season with multiple new players including five freshmen on the field: infielders Jessica Orr and Drew Wright, catcher Shelby Meadows and outfielders Amanda Karth and Lesli Martini.

The team also endured injuries to key players. Outfielder Kelly Lentz and utility player Kelsey Hebert sat out with ACL injuries. Drew Wright had surgery on her labrum this summer after dealing with it during last season.

In addition to that, the team was literally mere outs from earning a bid into the Lone Star Conference playoffs.

According to head coach Beth Watson, the Aggies softball team looks to build from last year’s season and make strides this season.

“We are taking a positive approach heading into this year,” Watson said. “Last year’s results weren’t great, but we look forward to this season.”

They have started their push towards the conference playoffs through their off-season conditioning and training, something Watson said has been a pleasant sight to see thus far.

“I really have been pleased with the way workouts are going. The team is really working hard,” Watson said. “They want to win and they understand it starts in the fall.”

Watson said the workouts are balanced and more intense than in previous years. She said the team lifts weights three days a week and condition with sprints and long-endurance running.

“We’ve changed it up a bit,” Watson said. “Last year’s results weren’t what we anticipated, so we wanted to become tougher mentally and intensify what we do.”

The Aggies will have a chance to be their offseason work to the test this fall. They play three scrimmages starting in October, an opportunity Watson said gives the team a chance to get real game experience.

“We don’t expect the games in October to be indicative of the spring season,” she said. “The scrimmages gives the girls

opportunity to play, and we get to see how they perform.”

Some players will be limited in the scrimmage action. Lentz and Hebert are still recovering from their injuries, and Wright is recovering from her surgery. Watson said she expects all three players to return strong and contribute on the field.

Watson also said despite last year’s turnout, the experience the team gained will be an aiding factor this season.

“The experience we gained from play was invaluable,” she

said. “For the new players to get a taste of the Lone Star Conference was an invaluable experience that will help us.”

With most of last year’s team returning, led by seniors Lentz and outfielder Sheryl Raesz, Watson said she looks for the team to improve and carry a sense of urgency to win now.

“With us being so close last season, we know one play can change the outcome of the season,” she said. “We want to take advantage of every opportunity to win.”

Net worth: Julia Puckhaber comes to net in one of her matches. Puckhaber’s talent and experience have been key in helping the Aggie women’s tennis team secure all of their victories this season.

Variety8 September 27,

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