The Carillon - · 3/2 - Women’s Fellowship, 1pm 3/3,10,17,24,31 Coffee Break &...


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The Carillon United Church of Christ, Congregational, Arcade (585) 492-4530

Editor: Shannon King

February 2020

Upcoming Events February

2/2 – “Soup”er Bowl Sunday 2/4,11,18,25 Coffee Break & Open for

Prayer, 9-11am 2/4 - Worship & Music, 6:30pm 2/5, 12, 19, 26 – Choir, 6pm 2/7-2/9 - Winterfest Weekend 2/8 - Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast, Arcade UCC, 8-11am 2/8 - Swiss Steak Dinner, Arcade United Methodist, 4:30pm 2/9 - Communion Sunday with

Pastor Shawn 2/9 - Outreach, after service 2/13 - Free Community Dinner, Arcade Fire Hall, 4:30-6pm 2/19 - Council, 6:30pm 2/20 Cherry’s Workshop, 6-8pm 2/26 - Lenten Service, Hope

Lutheran, 11am 2/29 - Community Dinner, 4-6pm

March 3/2 - Women’s Fellowship, 1pm 3/3,10,17,24,31 Coffee Break & Open For Prayer, 9-11am 3/3 - Worship & Music, 6:30pm

3/4,11,18,25 Lenten Services, Hope, 11am 3/4,11,18,25 Choir, 6pm 3/6 - High School Musical,

“Cinderella,” 7pm 3/7 - High School Musical, “Cinderella,” 2 & 7pm 3/8 - Daylight Savings Begins 3/8 - Outreach, after service 3/8 - High School Musical, “Cinderella,” 2pm 3/11 - Worker’s Union, 1pm 3/24 - Council, 6:30pm 3/28 - Community Dinner, 4-6pm,


February Greeters 2 Bev & Mike Giles 16 Bill & Karen Schafer 9 Lary Schaefer & 23 Darlene Lang &

Dirk Norwich Margaret Homan

February Worship Coordinators 2 Shirley Kriedeman 16 Liz Lowth 9 Margaret Homan 23 Jo Sixt

February Liturgists 2 Lary Schaefer 16 Debi Lutz 9 Dona Roll 23 Jeff Mason

February Acolytes 2 Adam Romance 16 Bryson King 9 Brody King 23 Christian Lang

February Birthdays

5 Megan Roll 13 Jim Loefke 5 Sydney Taylor 19 Helena Vogt 6 Jacob Romance 22 Yolanda Rogers 9 Kathy May 23 Wyn Roll 12 Jeff Mason 23 Christine Scott 24 Penny Rutledge

February Anniversaries 2/4 Bill & Madeline Hall – 48 years

***************************************** Please note: Information in the directory for Jim & Sheila Vrenna is incorrect. Please note the change: 16 East Main Street, Arcade, phone 585-653-5046,

or for texts 716-548-8589

If you or someone you know would like to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at home, please let Shannon in the church office know. You may reach the church office at 585-492-4530 or via email

Anyone from 9th grade up is invited to share with us in our music ministry. Rehearsal is at 8:45am on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm.

******************************************* February Bible Readings

2 Mic 6:1-8 16 Deut 30:15-20 Ps 15 Ps 119:1-8 1 Cor 1:18-31 1 Cor 3:1-9 Matt 5:1-12 Matt 5:21-37 9 Isa 58:1-9a 23 Ex 24:12-18 Ps 112:1-9 Ps 99 1 Cor 2:1-12 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matt 5:13-20 Matt 17:1-9 ************************************

Pray for Peace, Not War

A Reflection from Pastor Shawn

I was 17 when terrorists struck the World Trade

Center in NYC. I was in my senior year in high school

and remember gathering in the library as the morning

played out on a television on a media cart. Some of my

classmates were scared, which was probably more due

to the shock and horror on our teachers’ faces than

because of the events themselves. That is how I

understood the gravity of the event. I knew from

watching my teachers that this particular morning was

going to change the world, and I knew two things for

certain: America was going to war and America was

going to win. And why wouldn’t I think that? I’d been

taught in every history class, every year, that America

had won every conflict of which it had ever been a part.

Years before as a kid I used to walk down to the Wilson

Farms convenient store on the corner of Buffalo and

2nd Streets and buy trading cards of the Desert Storm

soldiers. We traded cards of real American soldiers who,

in my lifetime, showed me what war looked like: In and

out. Power and might. The good guys live. The good

guys win. I was certain that for the evildoers that

orchestrated that attack, retribution was coming. I

cheered it on. If I grieved, it was short-lived. By the

afternoon of 9/11, I couldn’t understand why people

were so upset. If the Toby Keith song (which he would

write months later) already existed, I’m sure I would

have been singing it through the halls, “We’ll stick a

boot up your a$$, it’s the American way.” (When that

album came out, I bought it, and I went and saw him

perform it live in concert in Erie that summer.)

The following fall, several of my friends enlisted. I was

proud of them. I still am. It felt like we had something

worth fighting for and against. And to each of their

credits, they did. But the conflict that followed did not

look like the Gulf War of my childhood. There were no

playing cards of my friends near the cash registers of

grocery stores. No moments of surrender and the only

victory speech proved to be hopeful thinking. Our

enemies were ideologies rather than a nation or people.

Rhetoric and propaganda fueled hate and grew our

enemies’ ranks. If you told that boy in that library that

he would be sitting here nearly 2 decades later with the

war on terror still raging, he would not believe you. But

here I am. Here we are. And as I write this it appears

that more conflict is coming. And I wonder what the

kids in the library today, (or more than likely on their

smart phones,) who cannot comprehend the gravity of

the situation at hand, think of it, and, more, what they

may be learning from looking at me and you.

Many years later, I no longer root for war the way my

younger self did. I no longer anticipate easy victories. I

no longer believe the ends justify the means. Truthfully,

since it seems like every conflict of my adulthood has

perpetuated conflict and my latest history classes teach

slightly different versions of “America has never lost a

war,” I wonder about the effectiveness of war

altogether. I do not root for it. I pray about it. I pray for

everyone effected by it. I pray for our soldiers. I pray for

our enemies. I pray for our families and for theirs. I pray

that we may recognize the human cost. And I pray that

the conflict may be about justice and lead to peace. But

while I wonder about war’s effectiveness and while I

hope to experience a world without it, I recognize that I

may not see such a day. Until then, I pray that the wars

that are fought are last resort responses to tyranny and

injustice. In those cases, the men and women who are

called upon to fight such wars should be held in esteem

and cared for. If today’s veteran mental illness rates and

suicide rates teach us anything, it should be a sobering

reminder about the reality of war, and we must be

ready to admit that the destruction of our enemies, we

also inflict upon ourselves. Supporting the troops needs

to mean more than giving them your seat on an

airplane and universally standing behind the conflicts

they are called to fight. It means recognizing the job

they are asked to do and the toll of it: listening,

learning, and supporting them with authentic

relationship rather than bumper stickers and hashtags.

Here’s what I ask of us, as the conflict with Iran reaches

its boiling point, do not be calloused or political with

your response, but realistic, reflective and faithful. Do

the hard work of turning that human desire for

vengeance into forgiveness and hope for justice. Pray

that the “peace on earth” that we longed for with the

dim lights and silence of our Christmas Eve worship may

be realized not just in our cathedrals but where the

angels said it would show up: on the whole earth. But if

conflict proves inevitable, instead of pointing fingers

and placing blame, pray and care for those most

effected. Our children are watching. My fear is that we

are still teaching them the lesson of war that I learned.

That war is like a sporting event and America is the

home team. For goodness sake, we traded the cards.

But war is not a game, and I wish someone had told me



Our congregation participated in a “reverse advent” collection for the local food pantry, which was very successful. 91 food items were collected and taken to the Arcade United Methodist Church where the food pantry is held. The pantry is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 12:30-2pm.

Our church has been heavily involved with the NY/HELP program since 1989 as it seeks to improve the health and educational and economic opportunities for people living in several remote villages in Honduras. The most recent meeting of the steering committee was held at our church on January 5, hosted by Ginger Comstock. Nine people gathered to review the long-term goals of the program and to make plans for the next group visiting Honduras later this winter. They also saw a photo of the sign that will soon be placed in the medical clinic in La Laguna in honor of the late Dr. Gordon Comstock. Monetary donations to help this program are always welcome and may be sent to NY/HELP, c/o Arcade UCC, PO Box 95, Arcade, NY 14009.

At their November 3, 2019 meeting, NY/HELP proposed renaming the clinic in Honduras after Dr. Gordon Comstock. The people of Honduras approved this and CEVER (the vocational school in nearby Yoro), made this plaque for the clinic. A very special honor for an incredible man. Arcade UCC’s Endowment Committee recently sent $400 to this clinic in Dr. Comstock’s memory as well.

Cherry Carl, language arts specialist, retired university instructor, and educational website creator, presented two FREE workshops in January for parents, grandparents and teachers of preK, kindergarten and first graders. Participants created and assembled a letter literacy kit to take home, participated in hands-on activities that showed how to facilitate learning of letters while exploring appropriate materials, and learned how to help young children expand their knowledge of letters using research-based activities. There were door prizes as well! All at no cost to the participants!!! It was held right here in the basement of Arcade UCC. If you missed either of these two workshops, there will be more coming up each month. Upcoming workshops will address the progressive needs of readers throughout the elementary and early middle grades. For more information or to reserve your spot, email Cherry at

Our Women’s Fellowship (and friends!) were at it again in December and baked and decorated over 1300 cookies for the Arcade Elementary’s “Walk Around Town,” and also for area shut-ins and those in local nursing homes.

Arcade UCC was yet again a part of the Arcade

Elementary’s “Walk Around Town.” This year,

as students came to our church, they received a

tour of the Godly Play room and nursery, a

delicious cookie from Women’s Fellowship and

a visit from St. Nicholas! They had many

thoughtful questions for St. Nick and enjoyed

their time with him while partaking of their

cookie treat! Several thank you cards were

received from the students following that

special day. Thank you to Arcade UCC’s

Outreach Committee, Women’s Fellowship,

Terry (St. Nick) and Jeri Hobin, Len Mason, Bill

and Jamey Craft and others who helped to

make this day so memorable for the students! Congratulations to Nick Tillinghast for receiving the Physical Education Student of the Month award for the months of November and December 2019! Watch for Nick in the upcoming High School Musical, “Cinderella,” March 6-8. Nick’s role is Jean Michele, a poor revolutionist vying for economic change within the kingdom. His love interest is one of Cinderella’s step-sisters. Be sure to see this non-traditional version of Cinderella, coming soon!

Santa (Terry Hobin) with Penny Rutledge

UCC Carolers and Friends at The Pines Nursing Home

On December 22, Arcade UCC and friends visited The Pines nursing home in Machias, Jennie B. Richmond nursing home in Springville and the homes of several of our local friends and members to bring the sounds of the season. They also delivered delicious cookies from Women’s Fellowship, poinsettias from Outreach and Christmas cards from the youth! They were able to visit with Phyllis Pierce, Harvey Roll, Penny Rutledge, Grace Gilbert and many others! A wonderful day was had by all! If anyone has good news they would like in the upcoming issues of the Carillon, please contact Shannon King in the Church office via email or 585-492-4530.


Congratulations to Kim Common on her 30th

anniversary of church membership on February 18!

Super/Souper Bowl Sunday:

On Sunday, Feb. 2nd, we will be celebrating a special Sunday at Arcade UCC!! It’s the

12th Annual Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday. While we won’t be tailgating prior to rooting on the 49ers or Chiefs in Super Bowl LIV, we WILL have a wonderful worship. All our youth will be leading the worship, focusing on hunger and giving us the opportunity to bring our non-perishable food items and/or monetary offerings for our Arcade Food Pantry. Following worship, there will be a time of Fellowship with soup, during which you will have the opportunity to greet all our youth, first-hand. Please plan on joining with us on Feb. 2nd, as we help fight hunger! **Please bring your non-perishable food items and/or monetary donations for the Arcade Food Pantry on February 2nd, “Souper” Bowl Sunday!**

Thank You to Pastor Shawn

Hannon Thank you to Pastor Shawn Hannon for

spending part of his Sunday mornings with us to provide us with thought-provoking and

inspiring messages and always an enjoyable and wonderful Children’s moment! We

appreciate your time and your willingness to help us during our time of transition. We are

extremely lucky to have such amazing neighbors as Hope Lutheran.

Financial News

Our non-pass-through expenditures in

December and January included $3,567.05 salaries;

$3,300 Our Church’s Wider Mission to the state

and national UCC; $900 cleaning; $693.93 elevator

maintenance; $685 pulpit supply; $616 village

utilities; $495 snow removal; $342 website

removal; $270.78 copier leases; $261.48 annex

window decorations; $252.24 gas bill; $208.78

phones; $182 travel; $139.98 online service;

$135.63 postage and sympathy cards; $112 post

office box rental; $69.03 Christmas cantata; $67.63

custodial supplies; $60 wreaths; $50.48 Sunday

School activities and supplies; $50.12 pizzas for

carolers and Sunday School students; $48.33 office

supplies; $42.70 Christmas decorations; and $40


We raised $380 for the UCC’s Christmas

Fund, which provides aid to retired and ill pastors.

We sent $625 to Crabb Oil as a result of our

Christmas Memorial Blessings. This money will be

used to assist people who have trouble paying their

heating bills.

INCOME Dec & Jan $17,622.44

EXPENSES Dec & Jan $12,590.16

INCOME Oct 1-Jan 31 $43,819.49

EXPENSES Oct 1-Jan 31 $24,659.99


**Crews to be determined**


February 29,……………Spaghetti

March 28, ……………… Spaghetti

April 18, ………………….Spaghetti

May 30,……………………Sloppy Joes

June 27, ………………...Picnic Dinner

July 25, …………………Picnic Dinner

August 29,……………Picnic Dinner

September 26,……..Sloppy Joes

October 31, …………Spaghetti

November 28,………Spaghetti

December 19, ……….Spaghetti


We extend our sympathy to the family of Joan

Kensinger on the death of their mother,

grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great-

grandmother. Joan passed away at her home in

Strykersville at the age of 93 on December 26, five

days after the death of her son, Robert. Don, who

died in 2017, attended our church for many years

with Joan, who remained a loyal supporter of our

church right to the end of her life. Services for Joan

and her son were private.




Taken from the NY Conference UCC, January 8, 2020 “Happenings Around Our Conference” page:

Preventing War in Iran

As a Just Peace Church, the United Church of Christ has long advocated for diplomatic and peaceful engagement with Iran. We have spoken out on multiple occasions in opposition to inflammatory rhetoric and direct provocation that could ultimately lead to war. In response to recent events, our UCC leadership has issued a call to prayer and fasting for peace during this season of Epiphany, to bring us back from the brink of war with Iran. What has brought us to this point? In a drastic escalation of violence this week, the U.S. on Thursday initiated a targeted drone strike against several Iranian leaders at the airport in Iraq. This strike killed Iran’s highest ranking military official, Maj. General Qasem Soleimani, the leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds force. The drone strike has come after months of the administration ratcheting up its “maximum pressure” policy of sanctions against Iran, and Iran responding in kind with acts of defiance and violence. Several recent attacks have been attributed to Iran, including a recent attack at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. News broke on Friday that thousands of U.S. troops are now being deployed to the region. All of this followed the US’ unilateral abrogation in 2017 of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, also known as the Iran Nuclear Agreement) that the US and its allies negotiated in 2015, despite certification by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Iran was in compliance with the agreement. While we denounce all acts of violence and provocation on all sides, we urgently call on our own government to end the cycle of violence and escalation and avoid inciting a regional war. As people of faith, we believe another way is possible. In our 2009 General Synod resolution, “Solidarity and Friendship with Iran”, we professed: “Our sacred scriptures all point to our calling as disciples and peacemakers, to do what we can to bring healing into the world, not hurt, to end bloodshed, not to initiate it, to stop the killing

and terrorizing of children and adults, and to make all of God’s Creation a safe place in which to live.” A return to diplomacy is the only way forward. We must remind our officials of the shared humanity between our nations and find creative ways to build peace. This Epiphany let us pray and fast for peace with Iran and use our collective voice as people of faith to stop the drumbeat to war.

Call on Congress today to assert its constitutional war powers and prevent any funds from being used for war with Iran.

Hope Lutheran Offers Respite

Program for Individuals Living with

Dementia The second Thursday of every month from 10:30am-2:30pm, Hope Lutheran of Arcade is offering a free respite program for individuals living with dementia. This program provides one-on-one social companionship, meaningful activities and active engagement provided by volunteers. Crafts, bingo, sing-a-longs, games, gentle exercise, pet therapy, lunch, snacks and more! The program does require registration and an evaluation to assure the program is a good fit for all involved. Please contact Hope Lutheran for further information at 585-492-2530 or

Sunday School Corner

A Very Special Children’s Christmas Program Honoring Margaret Homan

Margaret reads the scripture lesson based on the

book of Luke and the Godly Play story

Many of the youth who have grown up knowing

and loving Margaret at Arcade UCC

On Sunday, December 22, 2019, the Arcade UCC youth blessed us with a wonderful and heart-warming service for their Children’s Christmas service. The service honored Margaret Homan, as she has been with Arcade UCC for so many years and is such a vital part of our church family. The youth shared highlights of her life and memories and traditions of her Christmases through the years! Sheila Vrenna made a fruitcake which was presented to Margaret, along with some special chocolates with pecans (Margaret’s favorite,) which the youth had made. Several of the youth (many now grown and some with young people of their own,) came back to join Margaret on this special day. Jim and Sheila Vrenna provided a special southern-style coffee hour, filled with delicious foods from Margaret’s own Louisiana recipes!!

Adult Sunday School The adult Sunday School class now meets at 8:30am on Sundays before service. They are reading “Finding Chika,” by Mitch Albom. All are welcome to join them for thought-provoking readings, great discussion and hot coffee!

Christmas Cantata

A beautiful Christmas Cantata was held on Sunday, December 15, featuring several members of Arcade

UCC, along with members from PAC and the Arcade Area Community! Dona Roll (conductor)

and Laurie Sledge (accompanist) were recognized for all of their work and time to create such a

wonderful performance!

Be sure to check out all the Arcade Winterfest has

to offer, Friday, February 7-Sunday, February 9!

Women’s Fellowship Christmas Luncheon

The Women’s Fellowship of Arcade UCC had their annual Christmas luncheon at Chanderson’s on December 16, followed by desserts and fellowship at Karen Schaper’s home. A fun time was had by all and it was wonderful to have everyone together! A BIG thank you goes out from everyone to Cherry Carl and Jamey Craft for lunch!!! (Several missing from picture, as a pic from Chanderson’s was overlooked!!)

PAC Lenten Services & Luncheons

Hope Lutheran Church will be hosting the

upcoming Lenten services at 11am on the

following Wednesdays (luncheons to follow


February 26, March 4, March 11, March 18,

March 25, and April 1. Arcade UCC will be

providing the luncheons on March 18 and

April 1. Please join us for this season of

reflection, preparation and renewal.

Women of the Bible Submitted by Jamey Craft

Who are the Women of the Bible? Why are they important? Continue reading along with

me as we discover their stories.

Anna: The Prophetess "And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the Daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity. And she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayer night and day. And she, coming in that instant, gave thanks likewise unto the Lord, and spoke of him to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem." Luke 2: 36-38 Anna, was an elderly woman, widowed, with no children of her own, worshiped God night and day. Anna was the first woman to publicly acknowledge the baby Jesus as her Savior. Can you imagine seeing baby Jesus for the very first time and instantly knowing that he is our Savior?

UCC Reaches Out With Disaster Relief Following Earthquakes in Puerto Rico,

Launches Emergency Appeal

January 08, 2020 Written by Connie Larkman

The United Church of Christ is reaching out to

partners in Puerto Rico after a series of

earthquakes, the largest of which struck the island

on early Tuesday morning, Jan. 7. The magnitude-

6.4 earthquake, nine miles from the southwestern

town of Guayanilla, has killed one person, taken

down homes and other structures and caused an

island-wide blackout.

The January 7 quake, one of the strongest yet to hit

Puerto Rico, is the latest in a series of temblors

shaking the island. Another one, which hit just

before dawn the following Monday in the waters

just south of the island, registered 5.8 on the

Richter scale.

“Those earthquakes unleashed small landslides,

causing a general blackout across the island and

severely cracking some homes,” said the Rev. Angel

Luis Rivera-Agosto, the UCC/Global Ministries area

executive who has been in touch with church

partners on the island. He said a string of smaller

temblors, including another quake measured at

magnitude 5.0 that struck later, frightened

residents of southern Puerto Rico who had been

waiting outside their homes due to fears the

buildings were damaged and unstable. “The media

described significant damage in the towns of

Ponce, Guayanilla and Guánica, towns on the

south, and the southwest,” Rivera-Agosto said.

He said three Global Ministries partner

organizations are working to assist and assess the

need in Puerto Rico.

“The Rev. Edward Rivera, general pastor of the

United Evangelical Church of Puerto Rico (IEUPR),

has been traveling to the southwestern part of the

island, to accompany pastors and congregations

from the denomination, as they are already

accompanying the people there,” Rivera-Agosto

reported. They’ve recorded damages to several

homes, to a parsonage in Yauco, and to a church in

Ponce. Roads are also blocked in the south.

Rivera-Agosto said that Bishop Felipe Lozada,

president of the Puerto Rico Council of Churches,

has been in conversations with Presbyterian and

IEUPR leaders to identify pressing needs.

The Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, UCC associate

general minister and co-executive for Global

Ministries, is sending funds to IEUPR so the church

can assist with needs of first response, such as

hygiene kits. Disaster Ministries is also issuing a

$250,000 emergency appeal to continue to assist

the people of the island long term.

“Our siblings in Puerto Rico are dear to our hearts.

The earthquakes today have caused damages in

addition to the lingering damages from Hurricane

Maria,” Thompson said. “UCC Disaster Ministries

will continue to accompany our partners as they

respond to the immediate needs for shelter, food

and necessities. We will assist as we can in this

early stage and be prepared to be present for the

work of long-term recovery.”

Thompson also issued a call for prayer. “Holy God,

source of light and life, our hearts are once again

grieving as we witness the many tragedies around

us. We pray today for our siblings in Puerto Rico

who have awakened to the challenges of these

earthquakes. We pray for their strength and

resilience. We pray for those who experienced loss

and ask their peace and comfort. Help us to be a

source of your presence and love with all in this

moment. We pray these things in the name of

Jesus Christ. Amen.”

UCC Disaster Ministries and Global Ministries have

already been working with IEUPR to address the

damages from Hurricane Maria. Since the storm in

September 2017, the churches have collaborated

on a multifaceted recovery program in which the

UCC has invested $770,000 to date. It includes

equipment and seed money for Ryder Memorial

Hospital, support for trauma recovery and

preparedness training, and repair of a church

mission center serving disaster survivors in San

Juan and beyond. Roof repairs have been done on

more than 200 structures, with 111 homes

currently on the waiting list. Disaster Ministries has

also recruited over 400 volunteers who have

helped with the recovery work.

That type of commitment will continue following

the earthquakes.

“As the island continues trembling, it is important

to continue praying in solidarity with the people of

Puerto Rico at this moment,” said Rivera-Augusto.

“Matters can change over the upcoming days.”

Send a gift to the UCC Emergency USA Fund to

assist the effort in Puerto Rico.

Do You Know Your Hymns? Submitted by Kim Common

Dentist’s Hymn Crown Him with Many Crowns Weatherman’s There Shall Be Showers Hymn Blessings Contractor’s The Church’s One Hymn Foundation Tailor’s Hymn Holy, Holy, Holy Golfer’s Hymn There’s a Green Hill Far Away Politician’s Hymn Standing on the Promises Optometrist’s Open My Eyes That I Might Hymn See IRS Agent’s Hymn I Surrender All Gossip’s Hymn Pass It On Electrician’s Hymn Send the Light… Shopper’s Hymn Sweet Bye and Bye Realtor’s Hymn I’ve Got a Mansion, Just Over the Hilltop Massage He Touched Me Therapist’s Hymn AND for those who speed on the highway… 55 MPH God Will Take Care of You 75 MPH Nearer My God to Thee 85 MPH This World is Not My Home 95 MPH Lord, I’m Coming Home 100 MPH Precious Memories Give me a sense of humor, Lord, give me the grace to see a joke, to get some humor out of life, and pass it on to other folks.

Join us for hot coffee and good

conversation! Each and every

Tuesday from 9-11am. We will be set

up just inside the office Main Street

door in the church library. All are

welcome! Spread the word!

Committee Reports

Building & Grounds 12/11/19 Darwin Anneler, Wally Fridman, Mike Giles, Debi Lutz, Randy Lutz, Peter Roll, Bill Schaper, Lary Schaefer Old Business: 1] The front stained glass window in the sanctuary was painted. 2] The sanctuary stained glass windows were caulked. 3] The curb stops were moved to facilitate plowing. 4] The back walk lawn snow blower damage was repaired. 5] The push plate on the annex women’s bathroom door was sanded to remove a sharp edge. 6] The kitchen overhead light was repaired. 7] A faucet in the annex men’s room was repaired. 8] A metal rug plate was tacked down. 9] The closet behind the sanctuary was partially cleaned out. 10] The basement water detector was replaced. 11] The walks and parking lot were plowed. 12] The emergency light batteries were checked and are OK. New business: 1] The boiler overflow was leaking. The pressure was adjusted and a tune up was completed. Pete Roll is working on a boiler replacement estimate. 2] Bill is working on a price for a new electric sign for the church. 3] New handicap signs need to be made for Church St. Bill will do them. 4] We talked about shoveling the church steps and we will all work to clear them. 5] Lary will open and Mike will close in January Buildings and Grounds Committee Meeting–1/5/20 Darwin Anneler, Wally Fridman, Mike Giles, Debi Lutz, Randy Lutz, Peter Roll, Bill Schaper, Lary Schaefer Old Business: 1] Two leaves were installed on the Tree of Life. 2] The boiler was leaking. Pete Roll adjusted the release valve. 3] The walks and steps were shoveled.

New Business: 1] Blinds will be installed in the front office, the Godly Play room, and the Great Room. 2] Someone has been turning up the thermostat in the sanctuary by the door to the back hallway. A do not touch sign needs to be posted there. 3] Lary will open and Wally F. will close in February. Respectfully submitted, Mike Giles

Council Corner

January 12, 2020 – following service

Present: Rich Vogt, Wally Lowth, Jeff Mason, Debi Lutz, Vanessa Adams, Kim Common, Deb Wood, Bill Schaper, Shannon King A brief meeting was called to order following service by Rich Vogt Discussion regarding:

• Shingles coming off sanctuary roof in high winds – Rich talked to Randy and Debi will take this to Building and Grounds

• Nick Tillinghast brought a form for placing an ad in the high school musical bulletin and gave it to Vanessa. Wally recommended doing a ½ page ad for $40. All approved.

• Bill & Jamey Craft would like to join the church. We do not need a pastor for them to join. The Bi-Laws state that it is up to Council to pick the service for them to join. Dona Roll has a book that contains a service for this.

• Dona will be doing a class entitled, UCC 101 – So far, Wally, Jamey and Bill have expressed interest in attending

• Bill & Jamey wish to start a Bible Study course – lay-led. Worship & Music are behind this idea. Bill & Jamey hope to have it up and running before lent using “Book on Psalms” as the focus. They may start polling people to see when the best night would be to have it. Hope to have something proposed by the end of January.

• As of right now, we have two open Sundays in the pulpit, but we have people we are pursuing for supply.

• Wally thanked Rich for all of his work on everything leading up to this meeting.

• Bill said we can take the sign board off the agenda for Council – Building and Grounds has taken this over.

Next meeting: Tuesday, January 28, 2020, 6:30pm.

Worship and Music Minutes

January 7, 2019 6:30 p.m. Present: Ginger Comstock, Margaret Homan, Dona Roll (ex-officio), Helena Vogt, Rich Vogt Absent: Vanessa Adams, Ryan Bechdel ● Opening Devotions and Prayer: Margaret - a reading from Chapel Visit by Barbara Jacoby. Quiet hour of trying to listen. First 10 minutes thoughts were personal & not about God. Later thoughts turned to God.

● Devotions –February: Dona

● Minutes – December 2019 – Discussion - Consensus approval

● Budget Review – Discussion - Consensus approval

● Worship:

- Youth Service - 12/22

o Honored Margaret – used timeline

o Very well-received

Recapped Advent, Christmas Eve service, and discussed suggestions for improving Sunday worship. Pulpit Supply: - Feb. 2 - Souperbowl of Caring - Feb. 9 and 16 - Pastor Shawn - Feb. 23 - A.W.E. with Far Cry - Mar. 1 - Pastor Shawn - Mar. 8 - asking Angie Staniszewski - Mar. 15 - Pastor Shawn - Mar. 22 - A.W.E. with Far Cry - Mar. 29 - Celebrating Art Sunday - April 5 and 12 - Pastor Shawn - April 19 - asking Sheryl Stewart - April 26 - A.W.E. with Far Cry ● Music - Dona has agreed to organize and conduct the PAC Palm Sunday Cantata. ● Other

- Un-hanging of the greens, Saturday January 11, 9 am. - Discussion - re process of receiving new members in absence of called pastor - Congregational “Prayer for a New Pastor” was shared. It will be used as a Unison Benediction each week. - Ash Wednesday – Feb. 26, Palm Sunday – April 5, Easter – April 12 ● Communion Calendar (rotation: Vanessa, Helena, Ginger, Rich, and Ryan) January 5 - Ryan April 5 - Vanessa February 2 - Vanessa May 3 - Ginger March 1 - Helena June 7 - Rich ● Next meeting: February 4, 2020; 6:30pm

● Closing Prayer Dona

● Adjourned: 7:34pm

Outreach Report January 12, 2020 Present: Wally Lowth, Liz Lowth, Sheila Vrenna, Dirk Norwich, Jo Sixt, Kim Common Review of Minutes: Minutes from the last meeting in December were read and approved as written Old Business: • Community Supper - We served 64 dinners in December and collected $54 in donations. We spent $51.14. • Shepard’s Program and Letter Writers Wanted - Jo sent out many cards with a “thinking of you” theme. • Visitations - A caroling group from the church made a visit to the nursing homes and a few individual homes singing and delivering poinsettias to our congregants. • “Open for Prayer” and Coffee Break - We have been continuing faithfully Tuesday mornings with varying numbers of participants. We have also received our requested funding for the program from The WACM and will continue to keep accurate records for follow up reporting. • Gardner’s Surplus money contributions were used to purchase bees through the Heifer Foundation New Business: • New Officers - Chair: Sheila Vrenna was reelected. Secretary: will be Kim Common

• A concern with the plight of our local farmers and growing difficulties economically was brought to the table for discussion. A motion was made by Wally that we delve into this situation to see if we would be able to offer help in some way. It was second by Jo. It was then decided that Sheila would contact Cornell Cooperative Extension for information. They currently offer some programming but it is generally presented in Warsaw and not very easily accessed to our area. She would also try to speak with Carol Abel’s daughter, Karen, for any suggestions she might offer. The meeting was adjourned at 11:23am with our next meeting date Feb. 9, 2020.

Respectfully submitted, Kim Common

Workers Union Report

Workers Union Christmas party in December was short on business and long on celebration. Most business matters were conducted in November. However, one hundred dollars was voted on to give to the Wings mission today. All officers agreed to continue into 2020----consensus was agreed. After a very festive dessert and coffee, served by Ginger and Margaret, the program Christmas Memories began. Everyone told a memorable story of special Christmas episodes. Two very special women joined the group--Jamey Craft and her sister, Cherry Carl. We listened to a story, read by Cherry from a book she had written. A Boy, A Barn and A Boxcar were memories from a boy’s childhood in North Dakota. A most pleasant afternoon ended with Jamey's husband, Bill, stopping in and telling his Christmas memory, too. March 11, 2020 will be the next meeting at 1:00 pm in the church. Submitted by: Gwen St. John

The Carillon The Carillon is being compiled, printed and mailed by a

committee of three – Audrey Erick, Margaret Homan, Shannon King. Please continue to watch for the deadline date for your articles and reports and give them to any of the above members. We hope to produce a quality newsletter. Any suggestions are welcomed. The deadline for the March issue is February 20, 2020.

We welcome articles and written pieces from our congregation! For this reason, we need to add the disclaimer that the views written in the Carillon are not necessarily the views of the Arcade United Church of Christ, Congregational, but are those of the individuals who write the submissions.

The Carillon Published 10 times per year by the United Church of

Christ, Congregational, 297 Main St., PO Box 95, Arcade, NY 14009. Office Phone: (585)492-4530 Office E-mail: Website: Office Hours: 9am-3pm (T), 12pm-3pm (W),

9am-12pm (Th) Worship Schedule: 8:45am Choir Rehearsal 9:30am Worship