The Case of the Battling Burgers



The Case of the Battling Burgers. When you see the feet, click to move on with the mystery. Starring. Detective hu. Detective dunnit. &. Chapter 1: Mrs Fandinkle lays a complaint. An Ordinary day at Hu- Dunnit Detective Agency. There was a knock at the door. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Case of the Battling Burgers

When you see the feet, click to move on with the mystery

Detective hu Detective dunnit




An Ordinary day at Hu-Dunnit Detective Agency

There was a knock at the door.

Who could it be? We have no appointments today, thought Dt. Hu.

Dt. Dunnit looked up from his paperwork, and frowned. “We really need a full time secretary.”

Hu knew they couldn’t afford to hire a secretary for full time work. She ignored her partner’s complaints. Grumpy old man, she thought. “Come in!” she said.

Mrs Fandinkle strode through the door

She was purposeful and determined to make herself heard from the moment she stepped into the room.

• Hu and Dunnit glanced and each other. The rumpled geriatric was not what they would have expected. She was not like their usual clients. They could read each others dismay. The senile old biddy had probably got lost and needed directions. Still, they fixed a smile on their faces and asked…

How can we help you?

Well, my dearies I just hope you can do a better job than those blasted police. They didn’t want to know, did they? Didn’t want to know… Let me tell you something for free – I’ve got a case that’ll knock your socks off!

Last night, while I was sitting down to a nice cup of tea…

There I was just minding my own business, when all of a sudden there was a loud noise at the window. And my kitty cat was at the door, making an enormous racket, poor thing – so scared! Well, I opened the door, and what do you know – I found this on the doorstep.


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Well I never!

So I took my cane and I went looking around the place. And there, underneath my window, you’ll never guess what I saw…


A man’s shoe print – size 12 (I measured it)


Dunnit asks a question

What should Dunnit ask? Click the question you want Dunnit to ask next:

a. Would anyone have a reason to threaten you?

b. Do you know anyone with size 12 shoes?

c. Is there are Mr. Fandinkle?

Would anyone have a reason to threaten you?

Interview Ronan

There was one young so-and-so who got a bit angry. You see, I own

Fandinkle’s Fantastic Fried Chicken. The other day I

had to fire one of my workers. Ronan was his name. Dirty good for

nothin’ thief!

Go back

Do you know anyone who owns a pair of size 12 shoes?

Interview Reggie

That old bugger Reggie from Reginald’s Rooster Royale

might. He’s got mighty big feet. And you know, his diner is

right across the road from Fandinkle’s Fantastic Fried

Chicken. They’re our competition, you know.

Go Back

Is there a Mr Fandinkle?

Interview Ronan

Oh, you flirt! No, Sir, just me – my business keeps me busy. You might have heard of us – Fandinkle’s

Fantastic Fried Chicken. In fact, if you want to look for suspects, you should start there. I had to fire a young man for stealing from me

the other day! A boy named Ronan!

Go Back

RonanWhy were you fired by

Mrs Fandinkle?

She said I was stealing. She’s crazy! I’m happy to be

working at Reggie’s now


So you deny stealing?

Yessir! Why’d I want to do that? Look, I’m happy at Reggies now. Their Triple Threat Combustion Burger

is the greatest.

One more thing – what size shoes do you wear?

Size 9. Why?

Hmmm…It doesn’t seem like Ronan left the threatening letter.

And his shoes don’t match the footprints under Mrs Fandinkle’s window. I wonder if Mrs. F. knows anyone who wears size 12 shoes?


To be honest, I’m not surprised someone is threatening Mrs F.

She might come across all friendly, but she’s been trying to put me out of business for years.

If it weren’t for our new Triple Threat Combustion Burger that

just came out we’d be sunk!

Yes, I have size 12 feet. What of it?


Reggie seems to think Mrs Fandinkle has made lots of enemies over the years. I wonder which one of them could have left the note?

Hu isn’t so sure

“I still don’t trust Reggie. He seems too good to be true… but I have done some research, and he’s right – people don’t like Mrs Fandinkle. She is mean to her staff, estranged from her family – it seems like she doesn’t have a friend in the world!”

Here’s our list of suspects

Click to find out more, or click on the feet to move on.


Fired from Fandinkle’s for stealing from the till.

Works for Reggie now.

Go back to suspect list


Owns Reginald’s Rooster Royale’s across the road from Fandinkles.

The new menu, complete with the secret recipe for the Triple Threat burger is proving popular, but lately the customers are gravitating to Fandinkle’s with their new – oddly familiar - menu.

Click to return to the suspect list

Fifi Fandinkle

Mrs. Fandinkle’s granddaughter. A bit rebellious.

Lives with her father.

Doesn’t talk to her grandmother.

Click to return to the suspect list.


Mrs. Fandinkle’s no good dirty rotten lazy good for nothing son, and father of Fifi.

Manager at Reggie’s.

Click to return to the suspect list.



What next?

Hu & Dunnit continued to discuss the case. But just as they were deciding what to do next, Hu received a text message from an anonymous source:

What does it mean?

Isn’t it obvious?

Reader: What do you think

the text message

means? Click to find out

Visit ReggieClearly, Mrs. Fandinkle

is stealing Reggie’s new menu ideas.

Someone must have found out and is threatening her.

Maybe even Reggie himself.

Who should we pay a visit to first, boss?

Interview Mrs. Fandinkle

Interview Bob

What would you like to ask?

Did you know Mrs. Fandinkle was stealing your recipe?

Have you ever noticed how similar your menu is to Mrs. Fandinkle’s across the road? Why is that?

What would you like to ask?

How would you describe your relationship with your son Bob?

Have you been stealing Reggie’s secret recipe?

What would you like to ask?

Why do you work at Reggie’s?

Describe your relationship with Mrs Fandinkle and your daughter.

Have you been stealing Reggie’s recipe?

What size shoes do you wear?

Did you know Mrs Fandinkle was stealing your recipe?

Go Back

What recipe? Oh, you mean the triple threat? Nah, man. It’s all good. All’s fair in love an war, right?

Why is your recipe for the triple threat burger so similar to Mrs Fandinkle’s?

What you tryin’ to say? You tryin’ to say that I stole it? You got it all wrong! She stole it from me! She is gonna pay!

Go back

Describe your relationship with Bob.

Oh, that child will be the death of me! Am I happy that he went to work for my competitor? No! But he’ll get his when I cut him out of the will. What do you mean? What about his daughter? Oh, she’s a bit of trouble that one. Always after attention.

Go back

Have you been stealing from Reggie?

Oh, lord now why would I do a thing like that? If anything, he’s been stealing from me. So what if our recipes taste the same? My business does better than his, and that’s all that matters.

Go back

Why do you work at Reggie’s?

Have you met my mother? She’s not a very nice person. She hates that I work for her competition. Isn’t that reason enough? Also, there are good perks – free food!

Go back

Describe your relationship with your mother and daughter

Interview Fifi or

I’m not on good terms with Maleficent Fandinkle. But Fifi and I get along OK. She is going through her rebellious teen stage, but she’s a sweet little girl. Boy, but she’s hard to keep track of! It’s tough being a single Dad these days.

Go back

Have you been stealing Reggie’s recipe?

To give to mother? Oh my goodness me, no. Reggie has been good to me – we have become friends, even. Why would I want to damage his brand by taking the recipe of the perfect combination of herbs and spices and giving it to his competition? What would I have to gain?

Go back

What size shoes do you wear?

Size 12, good and snug. But since I broke my ankle a few weeks ago I’ve been hopping around in this here moon-boot.

Go back

What would you like to ask?

Describe your relationship with your father and grandma.

Did you write a threatening note addressed to your mother?

Describe your relationship with your family.

Dad’s OK. He tries. He’s a bit lame.

Gran’s not as bad as people say, you know. She’s built up a huge restaurant business. She didn’t get where she is today without playing dirty every now and then. I like her, even if she – well, I’m not her favourite person, am I?

Go back

Did you write your mum a threatening note?

Go back

What kind of note? What did it say? Oh, that’s not very nice. No, sir, I would never do something like that. Why, that would just be hurtful and mean.

I think I know who wrote the note

We know that this mystery has a resolution. But what is it?

Complete this story by writing your own big reveal.

When you have finished, submit it to the teacher, and you will be rewarded with the final few slides.
