The Church - Clover Sites


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The Church:

Early Middle Ages Reformation Modern

The Church:

Early (33 - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)

The Church:

Early (33 - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)

Early (33 - 400s)

33ad – Pentecost

Acts 2:41 –

“there were added that day about

3,000 souls.”

Acts 2:8-11 –

“we hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty

works of God.”

Early (33 - 400s)

35ad – Stephen is stoned

Acts 8:1 -

“that day.. they were

all scattered..”

Later –

Jude -- Armenia Thomas -- India

Matthew -- Ethiopia Andrew -- Asia Min

John -- Ephesus Peter --Syria

Early (33 - 400s)

35ad – Conversion of Paul

46ad.. –

Three Missionary Journeys

50ad.. –

13 (+) Epistles in

New Testament

Early (33 - 400s)

64ad – Nero and Fire in Rome

67ad –

DEATH of Paul


67ad –

DEATH of Peter

(upside down crucifixion)

Early (33 - 400s)

70s-90s ad – Early Heresies

Ebionism –

“JESUS is human, not


Docetism –

“JESUS is divine, not human.”

Early (33 - 400s)

-100+ ad – Apostolic Fathers

Clemente Ignatius Polycarp

‘Didache’ ‘Shepherd

of Hermas’

Phil. 4:3 - “..together with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers.”

Early (33 - 400s)

81-117ad –Persecution

Domitian (81-96)

– Demanded

worship of self, persecuted

Apostle John (boiling oil,


Trajan (98-117)

– Sanctioned

persecutions, Martyred

Ignatius in Colosseum

with 2 lions.

Early (33 - 400s)

125ad – Gnosticism Spreads


Knowledge; Hidden, Secret



Those with secret

knowledge are saved.

Early (33 - 400s)

100-202ad –Justin and Ireneaus

Justin –

1st Christian Apologist, used

Greek philosophy attacked

Gnosticism, Called ‘the


Ireneaus –

Wrote ‘Against Heresies’

(eg, Gnosticism), Spiritual

grandson of Apostle John

Early (33 - 400s)

213,225ad – Tertullian & Origen


Wrote the first Systematic Theology,

Used Hebrew to Interpret Old



Wrote in Latin, the common

language. Defended and likely coined


Early (33 - 400s)

270,286ad – Monk, Monastery

270 Anthony

Sold everything, became hermit, father of Monks

286 Pachomius

Is born, pioneer in communal monks,

ie, Monasteries

Early (33 - 400s)

303ad – The Great Persecution

Edict Issued

All Christian buildings destroyed, Scriptures burned, worship meetings illegal, worship to empire required

Torture (303-311)

Burned, Drowned, Beheaded, Crucified,

Limbs torn apart, Eyes gouged, Limbs


Early (33 - 400s)

312ad – Emperor Constantine


Constantine sees vision, defeats

challenger, takes over rule of


313 - Edict of Milan

Christianity officially tolerated in Roman

Empire: “..grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred.”

Paganizing Christianity: Isis, Mithraism, Henotheism, Pope, etc

Early (33 - 400s)

325ad – Eusebius’ History

First 300 years

His goal: “to write an account of.. the times which have

elapsed from the days of our Savior to our own.”

Content of History

Leaders Teachers Heresies

Jews Heathen Martyrs

Early (33 - 400s)

325ad – Council of Nicaea

300 Bishops

First Worldwide Council of

Bishops to seek unity of the

church’s beliefs.


Condemned ‘Arianism’, belief

that Jesus was the first created being

of God adopted first version of the Nicene Creed

Nicene Creed: “We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven

and earth, and of all things visible and invisible...”

Early (33 - 400s)

350ad – Christmas (Dec. 25th )

Pope Julius I officially

declared the birth of

Jesus to be celebrated

on Dec. 25th.

This is very possibly the day (Dec. 25th) that the Magi

visited the baby Jesus in the year 2bc.

*There were many pagan festivals celebrating the sun god at this time, so this served as an alternative celebration of the True God.”

Early (33 - 400s)

363ad – Canon of BIBLE

170ad Muratorian Canon

(24 N.T.)

363ad Council of Laodicea

(39 O.T., 27 N.T.)

393ad Council of Hippo

(27 N.T.)

397ad Council of Carthage

(27 N.T.)

*These are lists of the books accepted in the Church worldwide as from authority of apostles and in agreement with accurate doctrine.”

Early (33 - 400s)

386ad – Augustine Converted

Considered by many the most influential mind

of Christian History.

Wrote extensively on the Doctrines of Grace, Original Sin, the Church, Sacraments and

the Trinity

Early (33 - 400s)

405ad – Jerome’s Vulgate


Jerome translated the Bible into the

‘vulgar’ common language of the time. It became

known as the ‘Latin Vulgate’


The Latin Vulgate became

the standard Biblical text until the Reformation

in the 1500s

Early (33 - 400s)

418, 431, 451ad – Councils 418


Condemned Pelagianism: Belief that we

can earn salvation by good works


431 Ephesus

Condemned Nestorianism:

Belief that Jesus Christ is

2 persons, divine and


451 - Chalcedon: Condemned Eutychianism: Belief that Jesus had a

mixed nature, not always human nor divine

Early (33 - 400s)

432ad – Patrick’s Mission


From Britain, captured by

Irish pirates at age 16, was a

slave for 6 years, converted

to Christ in captivity, then



Returned to Ireland as a

missionary, led many in Ireland

to Christ, producing many

future missionaries.

Early (33 - 400s)

410,476ad – Fall of Rome 476

The last Roman Emperor was

forced from his throne by a Germanic

barbarian leader, ending the

Roman empire.


Barbarians stormed into the historical

city and sacked the great Rome,

plundering it for 3 days.

The Church:

Early (33 - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)

The Church:

Early (33 - 400s)

Middle Ages (500s – 1400s)

Reformation (1500s - 1600s)

Modern (1700s - Today)