The Codex Conspiracy - Matt Reed



The edges of conspiracy a constant in the organic movement Noticed in 2009 surge of activity around vitamin regulation An alternative angle of ‘food security’ Questioning of global governance of food Populist political arguments about food A new space of ‘doing’ politics around food Investigate an under-research area of social movement theory

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The Codex ConspiracyMatt Reed - Senior Research Fellow - CCRI

Presentation at the Institute of British Geographers, Edinburgh, July 2012


The edges of conspiracy a constant in the organic movement

Noticed in 2009 surge of activity around vitamin regulation

An alternative angle of ‘food security’

Questioning of global governance of food

Populist political arguments about food

A new space of ‘doing’ politics around food

Investigate an under-research area of social movement theory

Social Movements of the ‘right’

Little study of ‘right wing’ movements

Conspiracy a frequent feature in ‘right wing’ movements

These movements tend to mobilise in response to a perceived external threat

Populist forms of argument & rural protest

Overlap of discussions about conspiracy theories & populism

The PetitionNo.10 website - 60,000+ signatures of UK citizens Oct 2009

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to oppose the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius (WHO/UN) proposals for restriction of the presently freely available herb/ vitamin/mineral food supplements.

FSA (Food Standards Agency) response

There are no plans to make vitamin and mineral or botanical food supplements available on prescription only. Herbal remedies are subject to separate controls and are overseen by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority.  Herbal remedies do not fall within the scope of Codex guidelines

The politics of conspiracy theories and populism

Fenster - progressive elements in conspiracies, could they be recovered?

Olmsted - reality of government conspiracies

McNicol-Stock - of how progressive rural movements turned into the militia movement

Discussion of populism, Laclau - possibility of recovering a progressive argument

Zizek - it is a temptation that needs to be resisted [it] ‘harbors in the last instance a long-term protofascist tendency’ (Zizek 2006:557).

Methodology and sourcesGathered wide variety of materials from snowball internet search,


Public chatroom logs and discussions

Coded in Nvivo 9 - more material to be analysed

Discussions in English - UK, US, Australia, NZ participants

Time span from approx. 1998 - present

The NWO visits Totnes

New Age, dietary awareness and anti-status quo

Meets the NWO (New World Order) on the web

NWO Agents - Aliens - David Icke - Jewish/Bankers/Govt/Others

Ends - Global government & sustainability

Means - depopulation = requires control of food

The Codex’s (supposed) Aims

“Imagine a world in which no food product could be

penalised because of its origins or the way in which it

had reached the supermarket shelf. A world where it

was impossible to tell if a food item was organic,

genetically modified or impregnated with hormone, and

where herbal remedies were outlawed, undermining the

complementary and alternative health care industry”.

Aims of the Codex to make vitamins & herbal remedies

available on prescription, to dilute organic standards,

total domination of big Pharma/Farma over the supply of


Codex & 2009“National laws such as S.510 and Food Bill 160-2 are merely the domestic ground-level implementations of international policy handed down from Codex Alimentarius, the World Trade Organization, and the United Nations, entities that are themselves nothing more than tools in the Great Work known as the New World Order.”

“Thanks to the Internet, millions of health conscious Americans can unite to protect health freedom from Codex Alimentarius. We have the power to turn Codex into a blessing if all of us in the natural health community use it to get active, get organized, and stand up for health freedom. Together, we will let Big Pharma know that we see through their deception and will protect our access to natural health care”.

Contesting the conspiracy“I, too, am leery of ‘everything is a conspiracy theory zealots....I”m

more prone to believe something (like GMOs taking over the

production of natural foods) may result in a devastating conclusion

due to corporate greed, without conscience, than because there is a

plot to kill the lower class”.

“A few of us were actually having a rather good discussion about the

Codex and is possible threats [which IMHO (in my humble opinion],

are rather exaggerated - living in the EU and under its food safety

directives based on the Codex should give me some perspective on

this ...). agreeing on some issues, disagreeing on some - but you

know our little clique of conspiracy theorists after some insults, ad

hominems, hit-and-run manovures etc we were practically told to

bugger off and start our own thread because we’re ‘disruptive and


ConclusionsFear and anxiety

Rituals of fear as part of cultural protest

Understanding movements as embodied not solely representational

Control of food - a globalised social stake

Unobtainable democracy and conspiracy theories

Populism & the anti-status quo

Tracing a democratic deficit

Matt Reed

Senior Research Fellow, The Countryside and Community Research Institute,