The continuous formation of the earth’s surface. Eg. landforms


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Basic Geography Terms

Physical Geography• The continuous formation of the earth’s

surface. Eg. landforms

Human Geography• The effects of people on nature• How people adapt to the geography that

surrounds them. • E.G. Farming, Fishing, Settlement Patterns

Map Projection• The Projection of the earth’s surface (sphere)

onto a flat surface

Line Symbol• On a map, these are shown by lines. • Ex. Highways, Railway, Boarder

• Symbols which are NOT lines

• E.X. Airport, Gas Station, Restaurant, Washroom, School, Church

Mark Symbol

Distribution• Distribution refers to how objects are spread

across the landscape. Distribution can be either planned or not-planned (random)

Planned Distribution• Objects are put in place by people for a reason• Ex. Gas Station, School, City

Not-Planned Distribution• Created by ‘Mother Nature’• Objects are scattered

throughout the landscape by the forces of nature (wind, rain, glaciers)

• Ex. Trees, Mountains, Rivers, Lakes, Bog

Now thinking of Delta, think of as many Planned and Not Planned examples as you can.

Planned Not-Planned

- School- Mall- Gas Station---

- Trees- ----
