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(A Correlational Study at the 6th

Semester of English Education Department Students of UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta)


Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree of Strata I (S1)



NIM: 109014000199








RENI SEPTIANI, 2014, The Correlation Between Grammar Mastery and

Writing Ability (A Correlation Study at the 6th

Semester of

English Education Department Students of UIN Jakarta),

Skripsi, English Education Department, The Faculty of

Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University Jakarta, 2014.

Key Words : Grammar Mastery, Writing Ability,

Grammar and Writing.

The purpose of this study is to know whether there is a significant correlation

between grammar mastery and writing ability at the 6th

of English Education

(EED) students of UIN Jakarta. The sample of this study is 30 students taken from

B class of sixth semester of EED of UIN. The method used in this study was a

quantitative method and the technique used in this study was a correlational

technique. In collecting the data, the documentation of students‟ writing scores

and the test of grammar are used. The scores of writing were collected from the

lecturer of writing subject at EED of UIN Jakarta. Besides, in assessing students‟

mastery of grammar, this study conducted multiple choice and error identification

test to the students. The result of this study shows that there is a very low

correlation between students‟ grammar mastery and writing ability. It is proved by

the rxy (0.165) is lower than rtable in the degree of significance 5% (0.374) and 1%

(0.478). It is considered that the null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. In conclusion, there is a negative

correlation between students‟ grammar mastery and writing ability. Students who

have minimum level of grammar, it does not mean that the students also get poor

achievement in writing.



RENI SEPTIANI, 2014, The Correlation between Grammar Mastery and

Writing Ability (Penelitian korelasi di Universitas Islam

Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Skripsi,

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, 2014.

Key Words : Grammar Mastery, Writing Ability, Grammar and Writing.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada korelasi antara penguasaan

terhadap aturan tata bahasa (Grammar) dan kemampuan menulis (Writing) pada

mahasiswa semeseter 6 Jurusan PBI (Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris) UIN Jakarta

Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah

30 responden diambil dari mahasiswa semester 6 kelas B. Metode yang digunakan

dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif melalui teknik korelasi. Dalam

pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi nilai writing dan tes

grammar. Nilai writing didapat dari dokumentasi dosen mata kuliah yang

bersangkutan. Kemudian, untuk mengukur penguasaan terhadap aturan tata

bahasa (Grammar) siswa, penelitian ini menggunakan tes berupa pilihan ganda

dan identifikasi kesalahan grammar. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa

terdapat korelasi yang sangat rendah antara penguasaan siswa terhadap aturan tata

bahasa (gramma) dan kemampuan menulis (writing). Terbukti dari besarnya rxy

0.165 < rtable pada signifikan 5% (0.374) dan 1% (0.478). Itu dianggap bahwa null

hypothesis (Ho) diterima dan alternative hypothesis (Ha) ditolak. Oleh karena itu,

penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korealsi negatif antara

pengetahuan grammar siswa dengan kemampuan menulisnya. Siswa yang

memiliki kemampuan minimum dalam aturan tata bahasa, mereka masih mungkin

mendapat pencapaian yang baik dalam kemampuan menulisnya.



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praised is due to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer

love and blessing to finish her last assignment in her study, “Skripsi”. Peace and

salutation be upon to the prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companion,

and his adherence.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contributions to all of

lecturers, institution, family and friends who have contributed in the different

ways hence this “Skripsi” is processed until it becomes a complete writing which

will be presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the degree S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English

Language Education.

The first, she would like to give her sincere thanks to her advisors Dr.

Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd, and M. Teguh Khaerudin, MAppLing who have given the

writer precious help, the guidance, and the advices patiently during the completion

and the development of the study.

Secondly, the writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to

her beloved parents, Udin Saadi and Royani and also her brother Yovan Hadi who

have given the greatest love, prayer, moral, and financial support to her. It also

will be expressed to the whole members of her family for their biggest love and

kindness to support her in finishing this „skripsi‟.

Thirdly, the writer also realized that she never finish this paper without the

help of some people around her. Therefore, the writer would like to give her

gratitude and appreciations to:

1. Nurlena Rifa‟i, MA.Ph.D, as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University


2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd, as the Head of English Education Department.

3. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Education



4. All lecturers in English Education Department who always give

motivation and valuable knowledge during her study.

5. Mr. Dr. Atiq Susilo, M.A, as the lecturer of Gammar V of English

Education Department.

6. Mrs. Maya Defianty, M.Pd, as the lecturer of Writing III of English

Education Department.

7. All Classes of the sixth semester of English Education Department

Academic Year 2013/2014.

8. All of her friends in English Education Department 2009 academic

year, especially E class and her best friends (Sari, Bayyini, Hayyin,

Trianti, Erna, Agung Sdayu, Zaki, Arif, Hari, and Zen).

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and

contribution in this paper. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Moreover, the

writer also realized that this paper is far from perfect. It is a pleasure for her to get

critiques and suggestions to make this paper better.

Ciputat, 10th

July, 2014

The writer



TITLE ................................................................................................................i

APPROVAL ......................................................................................................ii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ...............................................................................iii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI .....................................................iv

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................v


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................ix

LIST OF TABLE ..............................................................................................xi

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................xii


INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1

A. Background of the Study ...............................................................1

B. Problem Identification ...................................................................3

C. Limitation of the Problem ..............................................................4

D. Formulation of Problem .................................................................4

E. Purpose of the Study ......................................................................4

F. Significance of the Study ...............................................................4

CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................6

A. Grammar ........................................................................................6

1. Definition of Grammar ...........................................................6

2. Importance of Grammar .........................................................8

3. Types of Grammar ..................................................................9

4. Grammar Test .........................................................................11

B. Writing ...........................................................................................13

1. General Meaning of Writing ...................................................13

2. Importance of Writing ............................................................15

3. Process of Writing ..................................................................16

4. Writing Assessment ................................................................18

C. Grammar and Writing ......................................................................20

D. Previous Studies ..............................................................................22


E. Theoretical Thinking .......................................................................25

F. Hypothesis .......................................................................................26

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOG ............................................27

A. Time and Place of the Research ......................................................27

B. Research Design ..............................................................................27

C. Population and Sample ....................................................................28

D. Instrument of the Research ..............................................................28

E. Try Out ............................................................................................29

F. Technique of Data Collection ..........................................................30

G. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................................31

H. Statistical Hypothesis ......................................................................33

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING .........................................................34

A. Data Description ..............................................................................34

B. Data Analysis ...................................................................................39

C. Data Interpretation ...........................................................................43

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ..............................45

A. Conclusions .....................................................................................45

B. Suggestions ......................................................................................45

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................47

APPENDICES ..................................................................................................50



Table 2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Holistic Scoring ............................. 19

Table 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Analytic Scoring ............................ 20

Table 3.1 Category of Reliability .......................................................................... 30

Table 3.2 The Interpretation of Correlation “r” Product Moment ........................ 32

Table 4.1 Grammar Scores .................................................................................... 34

Table 4.2 Statistical Scores of Grammar............................................................... 36

Table 4.3 Writing Scores....................................................................................... 36

Table 4.4 Statistical Scores of Writing ................................................................. 38

Table 4.5 Data Analysis Table .............................................................................. 39

Table 4.6 SPSS Correlation Table ........................................................................ 41

Table 4.7 Pearson Correlation ............................................................................... 43



APPENDIX 1 Students‟ Grammar Scores ............................................................ 50

APPENDIX 2 Students‟ Writing Scores ............................................................... 52

APPENDIX 3 Research Instrument ...................................................................... 54

APPENDIX 4 Grammar Test ................................................................................ 56

APPENDIX 5 Output Anatest4 of the Result of Try Out ..................................... 61

APPENDIX 6 Output SPSS of Students‟ Grammar Scores ................................. 63

APPENDIX 7 Output SPSS of Students‟ Writing Scores .................................... 64

APPENDIX 8 Output SPSS of Correlation between X variable and Y variable .. 65

APPENDIX 9 Grammar Syllabus ......................................................................... 66

APPENDIX 10 Writing Syllabus .......................................................................... 69




A. Background of the Study

Grammar is the structure and meaning system of language. All languages

have grammar, and each language has its own grammar. People who speak the

same language are able to communicate because they intuitively know the

grammar system of that language - that is, the rules of making meaning. Students

who are the native speakers of English have already knew about English grammar

and how to use it properly. They recognize the sounds of English words, the

meanings of those words, and the different ways of putting words together to

make meaningful sentences. However, no matter how good the students in

English, they still need to learn how to transfer their knowledge of grammatical

concept from spoken to written language.

Written language means the representation of a language by writing

system. Writing itself is a method of representing language in visual form through

the signs and symbols. Writing is also one of language skill that is always taught

in school. Writing skill is more complex and difficult than the other skills which

not only require the mastery of linguistic competence such as grammar,

vocabulary, pronunciation, punctuation, intonation, etc. but also it requires the

conceptual judgment. This is indicated by Heaton's statement that "The writing

skills are complex and sometimes difficult to teach, requiring mastery not only of

grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of conceptual and judgmental


Based on the description above, the writer assumes that grammar is one of

language components which take a role in writing ability. Having strong skills in

writing and grammar, it allows writers to deliver their message to their readers in

a clear and understandable way. On the contrary, writing in grammatical incorrect

manner is only confusing the readers. It is important to use words properly in


J.B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (New York: Longman: 1988), p. 135.


order to get the point directly, and to practice good basic grammar to add

credibility in writing.

Realizing that grammar is inescapable in writing process, people,

especially teachers, could encourage the students to examine grammatical errors

in their own writing. Although the students are good in grammatical concept, they

still get guidance to become effective writers. Effective grammar instruction

begins with what students have already known about grammar, and it helps them

to use this knowledge as they write. By connecting the mastery of grammatical

concept to writing strategy, the students can know that grammatical concept give

effect in their ability to write effectively.

In English Education Department (EED), the college students as pre-

service teachers are taught many subjects and two of them are grammar and

writing. Grammar subject is taught from grammar 1 up to grammar 5. In learning

grammar 1 up to grammar 4, students learn more about basic grammar rules. But

in learning grammar 5, the lecturer more focuses on TOEFL (Test of English as

Foreign Language) preparation because TOEFL is one of graduation requirements

of English Education Department. In TOEFL, students get all the aspects of

grammatical rules in structure test. That is why, before taking grammar 5, they

have to pass the grammar 1 up to grammar 4. The other skill that is taught is

writing. In writing subject, it starts from writing 1 up to Academic writing.

Students are taught about the first steps to write; such as learn about sentences,

punctuations, write a paragraph, make an essay outline, until make an essay and

research paper.

In writer's experience as a college student that also as a pre-service teacher

at English Education Department "Syarif Hidayatullah" State Islamic University,

the most problem appear in learning English is about comprehending the grammar

rules and the difficulties to write. This is because in grammatical rules, it is

regarded not as something interesting in its own right, but also as a necessary

function of language, and it is therefore taught by way of rules and structures.

Besides, the difficulties arise from the nature of the system itself and from the


differences between English and students' native language. Nevertheless, students

have to be concerned about grammar rules because they will always find it in

order to be able to communicate effectively in English, either spoken or written.

On the other side, in writing process, students often find it hard even to write in

their native language. The students cannot write well if they do not have a good

grammar competence. It happens because they have lack of confidence that make

them feel hard to write. Besides, the students sometimes get stuck to develop the

topic in their writing. On the contrary, the students who have good competence in

grammar, they could be more confident than those who are not, because they

know how to make good and proper sentences.

Based on the description above, the writer conducted an investigation on

the correlation between grammar mastery and writing ability. Based on the

background above, the writer is intended to research about:

"The Correlation between Grammar Mastery and Writing Ability (A Correlational

Study at 6th

Semester of English Education Department Students of UIN Jakarta".

B. Problem Identification

Based on the background of the study above, the writer found some

problems which are developed into the following statements:

1. When learning English, grammar is one of the English components that

give effect in writing competence because that is the rules of making


2. Students who have good competence in grammatical concept still need a

guidance to become effective writers.

3. Students feel difficult in learning grammar because it is a necessary

function of language and taught by way of rules and structures.

4. The students cannot write well if they do not have a good grammar

competence because they have lack of confidence to make a good text

even a sentence.

5. Students feel hard to write because they do not know how to develop the

topic and they get stuck in the middle of writing.


6. Students' mastery of grammar has more or less influence in improving

their ability in writing.

C. Limitation of the Study

As the topic suggests, this study is conducted to prove whether or not there

is a significant systematic relations between grammar mastery and the ability in

writing. Therefore, this study is limited to analyze the correlation between

grammar mastery and writing ability.

D. Formulation of the Problem

In order to make systematic approach to solve the problem, the writer

conducted the research on the correlation between grammar mastery and writing

ability. The research question can be formulated as "Is there any significant

correlation between students' grammar mastery and their ability in writing?"

E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to know whether there is a significant

correlation between grammar mastery and writing ability. Moreover, the study

conducted to get the empirical data from the both scores. Those are grammar 5

scores and writing 3 scores.

F. Significance of the Study

The study is expected to give some contributions to English language

teaching and learning.

1. For writer, this research can find whether there is a significant correlation

between grammar mastery and writing ability. Some people assume that

without a working knowledge of good grammar, good writing is

impossible. So, the extent to which grammar mastery affects the students'

ability in writing.


2. For the English teachers and learners, the finding of the research can

inform them about the relations between grammar and writing. The

researcher also hopes that the result of this study will become input to

English teachers and also English learners for their teaching and learning.

The students will know whether the grammar mastery will help them

much or not in making a good writing.

3. For Further researchers who are interested in correlation research, they can

get basic information from this research. So, they can do their research

deeper and better than this research.




A. Grammar

1. Definition of Grammar

In the context of education especially in the learning and teaching of a

foreign language, grammar is usually considered one of the language components

beside the vocabulary and sound system which students should acquire. Knowing

grammar means understanding what the text means correctly. The experts Stewart

and Vailette point out that "The word grammar means the sort of thing they

learned in English class or in other language classes, when they were taught about

subjects and predicates and part of speech, …".1 The statement indicates that the

students were taught about the rules of target language in their school. They learn

about it because the teacher aware that as foreign language learners, students

should know about the language rules that native speaker use as a communication

tool. Students commonly do not realize that when they express themselves

through writing or speaking, what they write or speak have its patterns and they

keep subconsciously applying the patterns in their communication.

Grammar gives language users the control of expression and

communication in everyday life. . "Grammar deals with the form of sentences and

smaller units such as clauses, phrases and words".2 Mastery over words helps

speakers to communicate their emotions and purpose more effectively. Otherwise,

communication can sound like a toddler getting frustrated because he or she does

not have many words to express his or her thoughts well. Moreover, grammar also

gives effect in written communication. Written communication skills with

grammatical precision evince professionalism. Employing inappropriate grammar

in a written communication in a letter or email - such as using "LOL" or flawed


Thomas W. Stewart and Jr. Nathan Vailette, Language Files; Materials for an

Introduction to Language and Linguistics, (Department of Linguistics The Ohio State University),

p. 8. 2

Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, A Student's Introduction to English

Grammar, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 1


subject-verb agreement like "we was" - makes the message less effective because

the errors will distract from the intent. Understanding basic principle of word,

sentence and paragraph structures bestows writers with the flexibility to plan how

they communicate a message, from a simple text to a presentation. If people

cannot successfully speak or write to one another, they cannot share their thoughts

to other people.

In "Scientific Writing; Easy When You Know How", Peat states that

"Grammar is about knowing why something reads badly and knowing how to fix

it. It is impossible to write well without using words correctly".3 It means that,

when people want to write something, they should know about grammar because

it shows the meaning and relation with every single word that becomes a sentence.

On the other hand, Harmer on his book says that

"Real language use is often very untidy and cannot be automatically reduced to simple

grammar patterns. Students need to be aware of this, just as they need to be aware of all

language possibilities. Such awareness does not mean that they have to be taught each

variation and linguistic twist, however. It just means they have to be aware of language

and how it is used".4

From Harmer's statement means that the students should aware about these

rules that they learn as a target language, however, these enable them to

communicate each other without creating misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

They should not learn it deeply because when they communicate to other people

especially in spoken, they just need to know how people understand about what

they say.

According to Radford, "grammar is traditionally subdivided into two

different but interrelated areas of study morphology and syntax. Morphology is

the study of how words are formed out of smaller units (called morphemes). And

syntax is the study of the way in which phrases and sentences are structured out of


Jennifer Peat, Scientific Writing; Easy When You Know How, (London: BMJ Books,

2002) p. 214. 4

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman

Group, 1991), p. 23.


words."5 In learning grammar means learning of morphology and syntax because

both of them are the components of language.

In addition Kolln and Funk point out three definitions of grammar. First,

grammar is the system of rules in our heads. Second, Grammar is the formal

description of the rules. And the third, grammar is the social implications of

usage, sometimes called "linguistic etiquette".6

Grammar is the system of rules in our heads. It means that the study of

grammar a lifetime of "knowing" how to produce sentences. This subconscious

system of rules is your "language competence". It is important to recognize that

these internalized rules vary from one language community to another. Grammar

is the formal description of the rules. This definition refers to the branch of

linguistic science concerned with the formal description of language, the subject

matter of books like this one, which identify in an objective way the form and

structure, the syntax of sentences. Grammar is the social implications of usage,

sometimes called "linguistic etiquette". This definition could be called do's and

don't's of usage, rather than grammar.

Considering those definitions and explanation, the writer shows that

grammar is a set of rules derived from a language that enable people to understand

what they read or what they construct in sentences or expressions when they

communicate. Grammar is the way of the spoken and written language to be

organized. It is concerned with the order of word groups, clauses and sentences

and morphemes in words. It is closely related to generic structure and cohesion.

2. Importance of Grammar

When teaching a language, teachers actually have two purposes; insure

fluency and accuracy in all language skills. Fluency is the ability to speak fluently

whereas accuracy is ability to speak with correct grammar structures, such as the

using of verb forms correctly, phrasal verbs, prepositions, etc. To communicate


Andrew Radford, An Introduction to English Sentence Structure, (New York:

Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 1. 6

Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar: Eight Edition,(New

York: Pearson, 2010), p. 3.


intelligibly, to make sense with each sentence, a learner should know the grammar

of the target language. According to Penny Ur "Grammar does not only affect how

units of language are combined in order to ‘look right'; it also affects their

meaning".7 Supporting his opinion, Knapp and Watkins state that "Grammar is a

name for the resources available to users of a language system for producing texts.

A knowledge of grammar by a speaker or writer shifts language use from the

implicit and unconscious to a conscious manipulation of language and choice of

appropriate text".8 From that statement, it is clear that grammar is one of the

important things in English because it is not just to make the sentence good but

also it will refers to its meaning. "A knowledge of grammar in this sense is not

just concerned with rules for what can and can't be done with the organization and

use of words in English sentences, but also with the way written English

function".9 Therefore, to write or speak in a clearer and more effective manner,

people have to study grammar. For the people who have unconscious knowledge

of grammar, it may be sufficient for simple language use. But the people who

wish to communicate in the artistic manner with well-defined structures must go

for the greater depth of understanding and proficiency what the study of grammar


3. Types of Grammar

Some linguists have their own perspective about different varieties of

grammar - that is, different ways of describing and analyzing the structures and

functions of language.

According to George Yule, there are three types of grammar.10

Those are:

1. Mental Grammar


Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching; practice and Theory, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1991), p. 76. 8

Peter Knapp and Megan Watkins, Genre, TEXT, grammar; Technologies for teaching

and assessing writing, p. 32 9

Ibid., 33 10

George Yule, The Study of Language, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985),

p. 69.


Mental grammar is a form of internal linguistic knowledge which operates in

the production and recognition of appropriately structured expressions. And

this is not the result of any teaching (purely skill).

2. Linguistic Ettiquette

Linguistic etiquette is the identification of the proper or best structures to be

used in a language.

3. Traditional grammar

Traditional grammar involves the analysis study of the structures found in a


On the other hand, Kolln and Funk divided the types of grammar into two,

namely; Structural and Transformational Grammar.11

1. Structural Grammar

The structuralists recognize the importance of describing language on its own

terms. Instead of assuming that English words could fit into the traditional

eight word groups of Latin, the structuralists examined sentences objectively,

paying particular attention to how words change in sound and spelling (their

form) and how they are used in sentences (their function). Another important

feature of structuralism, which came to be called "new grammar", is its

emphasis on the systematic nature of English.

2. Transformational Grammar

Unlike the structuralists, whose goal was to examine the sentences we actually

speak and to describe their systematic nature, the transformationalists wanted

to unlock the secrets of language; to build a model of our internal rules, a

model that would produce all of the grammatical - and no ungrammatical -

sentences. It might be useful to think of our built-in language system as a

computer program. The transformationalists are trying to describe that

program. The several important concepts of transformational grammar are:

first, the recognition that a basic sentence can be transformed into variety of

forms, depending on intent or emphasis, while retaining its essential meaning;

for example, questions and exclamations and passive sentences. Another


Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, op. cit., p .6-7.


major adoption from transformational grammar is the description of our

system for expanding the verb.

Grammar is still an important component in English no matter how many

experts classified it into several types. In conclusion, the most important thing in

learning language is the learners have to know the language structure as well as

possible in order to increase their ability in using the target language itself.

4. Grammar Test

The testing of grammar is one of the mainstays of language testing. A

basic knowledge of grammar underlies the ability to use language to express

meaning, and so grammar tests have an important part in language program. This

is in line with Madsen's opinion that "Grammar tests are designed to measure

student proficiency in matters ranging from inflections in syntax. Syntax involves

the relationship of words in a sentence, including matters such a word order, use

of the negative, question forms and connectives".12

Madsen presents two basic ways to measure the grammar skills of the

beginning-level students:

a. Individual Testing

Individual testing is a test that designed for testing students individually by

using oral test. These requests can ask for easy spoken replies or simply for

nonverbal actions. This tests should use the familiar vocabulary in the test

question as well as structures those students have been taught.

b. Group Testing

In group testing, the teacher gives the students test by using directed physical

responses. First, the teacher explains and illustrates any new vocabulary

words. Then, he or she asks the students to make a drawing according to

teacher's spoken instruction.

Moreover, in testing grammar, there are also some types that could be used

by the teacher to measure students' achievement in grammar subject. And


Harold S. Madsen, Techniques in Testing, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983),

p. 34.


according to Heaton, there are some of the most common types that used to test of

the grammatical features of the language. The types of the test such as:13

a. Multiple- choice

Probably the most common way of testing grammatical knowledge is the

multiple choice test. These tests have the advantage of being easy to grade and

being able to cover a lot of grammatical points quickly.

b. Error correction

Error correction items are also useful for testing grammar. An error correction

item is one in which the student is given a sentence with an error. Four words

or phrase in the sentence marked by letters, and the students need to decide

which of the words or phrases has the error.

c. Completion items

Completion items are items in which the testees are asked to fill in blanks in

sentences. The advantage of completion items is that they test production, not

just recognition. The disadvantage is that they need to be marked by hand and

there will be some cases where the marker needs to make judgments about

whether a response is correct.

d. Transformation items

The transformation type of item is extremely useful for testing ability to

produce structures in the target language and helps to provide a balance when

included in tests containing multiple-choice items.

e. Items involving the changing of words

Another type of item is one in which testees are given a sentence and a word

which they need to fit into the sentence by changing the form of the word.

This type of grammar test item tests students' knowledge of different word

forms and how they are used in sentences.

f. ‘Broken sentence item'

This type of item tests the student's ability to write full sentence from series

of words and phrases, and thus does not allow the test writer to concentrate


J. B. Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (New York: Longman Group, 1988), p.



exclusively on testing those particular grammatical features which may have

just been practiced in class. When setting this item, make sure that the

instructions are very clear indeed and provide one or two examples.

g. Pairing and matching items

This type of item usually consists of a short conversation; a stimulus in the

form of a statement or question followed by a response often in the form of

statement. The item is more useful for testing students' sensitivity and their

awareness of the functions of language rather than their knowledge of

grammar. Students are simply required to write the letter of the correct

response in the space provided.

h. Combination items and Addition items

These objective-type items have long been used in past tests. They should

used, sparingly, however, as they involve largely mechanical responses on the

part of students. Note that although the separate sentences are linked to one

another by theme, the items can hardly be described as being contextualized in

any real way.

B. Writing

1. General Meaning of Writing

It can be said that writing is a crucial part in our global society. Through

writing, we can learn a lot of things, from the simplest one such as how to make a

glass of milkshake until how this earth is formed, for example. In short, writing

plays a significance role in our life.

The statement above is from the writer' points of view. To the writer, in

addition, writing also means as one of communication tools. Through writing,

people can express their ideas, experiences, thoughts, and feelings. Moreover,

through writing, people can communicate over long distance and period.

Writing is an expression of ideas, thoughts, and stories on a piece of paper.

For some people, writing might be hard even in their first language. It could be

more difficult for them to write in foreign language. As Oshima and Hogue state

that writing is the action that needs the some process such as thinking, writing,


reading, correcting and revising. Those are not the simple steps in writing because

people have to realize that what they write is what they want to say or express.14

Writing is not only a symbol on a piece of paper but it should be arranged into

good sentences or paragraph by using some grammatical rules.

"Writing as a skill: by far the most important reason for teaching writing,

of course, is that it is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking,

listening, and reading".15 And according to Ramsey, "Writing is a process of

synthesis. As you write, you used words and information to express your

viewpoint in a coherent whole, an essay. But writing draws on intuition as well as

reasoning, on sensation and emotion as well as fast and memory.16

According to Heaton, there are five skills necessary for writing. They are:17

Language use: the ability to write correct and appropriate sentences;

Mechanical skills: the ability to use correctly those conventions peculiar

to the written language;

Treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develop

thoughts, excluding all irrelevant information;

Stylistic skills: the ability to manipulate sentences and paragraphs, and

use language effectively;

Judgment skills: the ability to write in appropriate manner for a

particular purpose with a particular audience in mind, together with an

ability to select, organize and order relevant information.

Based on the description above, the writer assumes that writing is the most

difficult skill of language because there are many rules and aspects that should be

considered by learners in order to the readers comprehend about the text.

14 Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Introduction to Academic Writing, (New York: Pearson

Longman, 2007), p.15. 15

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2000),

p.79. 16

H. Ramsley Fowler, The Little Hand Book. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company,

2001), p. 3. 17

Heaton, op. cit., p. 135.


2. Importance of Writing Skill

Undoubtedly, writing has become a prominent part in people's everyday

life. In almost all aspects of life, writing in whatever form it be, is proved to be an

effective way of communication. For example, people should understand about

written works in their life such as simple notices at shopping centers, printed

media such as newspaper and magazine; educational and scientific sources like

books, journals, and encyclopedia, and literary works such as poem and novel.

They show us that writing serves in any different forms and gives essential

function in day-to-day activities. We can imagine how hard people carry out their

duties without writing. Surely, there will be too much information untold and lots

of knowledge will be left.

Moreover, as the societies grew larger and more industrialized, people

need to be able to write and read well because it is very important for bureaucratic

organizations to be successful. In other words, writing skill can be a ticket to

better college grades and greater academic achievement since good writing skill is

so much needed in the academic context. Besides, most jobs nowadays as well as

future jobs will require writing skill; even to apply for a job, good writing skill is


Meanwhile in the smaller scope of educational setting, i.e. at schools, most

of examinations require students to use their writing skill. Students' success at

school is partly determined by their writing skills. Furthermore, it is commonly

known that good writing will foster good thinking. When students are trying to

write, they should automatically think because they develop their ideas and

sometimes revise what they have written. On the other hand, good thinking, if

being properly applied, gives rise to what so-called good writing.

The fact that writing skill clearly gives many advantages to people, it

suggests that having good writing skill will give many benefits to them. In

addition, being able to take part in today's information culture, writers can express

themselves well through writing; they can communicate their ideas, thoughts,

feelings, and experiences and at the same time, let it known by others.


As a closing remark of this section, the writer quotes Chris Tribble's

statement (in Harmer, 2004:3):

"To be deprived of the opportunity to learn to write is.......... to be excluded from a wide

range social roles including those which the majority of people in industrialized societies

associate with power and prestige".18

This shows that writing is closely related to the society. To be successful in

whatever field we are in, having writing skill is very much helpful. Thus, writing,

especially in a foreign language is one skill which all teachers or educational

practitioners should pay attention to.

3. Process of Writing

Teaching writing focuses not only on a product of writing itself but also on

the process of writing. Writing process is a process which writer begins to write

down their ideas on the paper which is valuable aid to the whole learning process.

Oshima and Hogue state that the process of writing consists of four steps, those

are: prewriting, organizing, writing a draft, and the last step are polishing the draft

by editing and revising.19 The various processes of writing need various skills to

meet the aims in a writing activity. The prewriting stage encourages the writers to

generate ideas, which can happen in various ways, such as, reading a passage,

conducting some research, brainstorming, listing, clustering, discussing a topic

and free writing. Meanwhile, organizing and drafting stages are the core process

of writing in which the actual writing activity happens. And the last step is

polishing. Polishing is most successful if the writer do it in two steps are by

editing and revising. Revision is needed to improve writing work, especially for

improving books.

On the other side, editing is needed to check on the smaller issues of

grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. Frodesen wrote some techniques for


1. Read-Aloud Technique: many students find that slowly reading their drafts

aloud to listen for errors can help them in making corrections. For shorter


Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (London: Longman, 2004), p. 3. 19

Oshima and Hogue. Op.cit. p. 15.


papers, some students who are of their error patterns read through the paper

several times, listening for different kinds of errors each time.

2. Pointing to Words: some writers use a pencil, pen, or finger to point to words

one by one.

3. "Slow-Down" Techniques: This involves reading a draft in some way that is

in contrast to the normal linear process, such as starting with the last sentence

in each paragraph and reading in reverse. Such a technique may help writers

detect certain kinds of morphological errors such as missing plural endings,

but would not work well for others, such as reference words or subject-verb


4. Word Processing Grammar Checkers: Grammar checkers in word

processors can flag certain kind of errors. As long as writers do not blindly

follow the suggestions (since grammar checkers can often create errors rather

than correct them if suggestion are taken indiscriminately), checkers can be

helpful in getting writers to pay attention to potential errors. If students do not

understand the suggested corrections, they should make the change.

In addition, Kane states that writing which is an activity that put

something on a paper has three steps. First is "thinking" that involves choosing a

subject, second is "doing" as known as drafting and the last is "doing again" that

means revising.20

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that writing is a process

that involves at least four distinct steps: prewriting, drafting, revising and editing.

Prewriting is anything the writers do before write a draft of their document.

Drafting occurs when the writers put their ideas into sentences and paragraph.

Revising is the key to effective writing because here the writers think more deeply

about their readers' need and expectation. And the last is editing which means the

process of checking for such things as grammar, mechanics and spelling. The last

thing the writers should do before printing their work.

20 Thomas S. Kane, The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing, (New York: Barekley Books,

1988), p. 17.


4. Writing Assessment

Evaluating students' performance is a crucial aspect of teaching. A

formative process related to the planning, design, and teaching strategies.

Assessment is not simply a matter of setting exams and giving grades. Scores and

evaluative feedback contribute enormously to the learning of individual students

and to the development of an effective and responsive writing course. As a result,

an understanding of assessment procedure is necessary to ensure that teaching is

having the desired impact and that students are being judged fairly.

There are many kinds of writing tests. The reason for this is fairly simple:

A wide variety of writing tests is needed to test the many kinds of writing task that

we engage in. For one thing, there are usually distinct stages of instruction of

writing, such as pre-writing, guided writing, and free writing. Another reason for

the variety of writing tests in use is the great number of factors that can be

evaluated; mechanics (including spelling and punctuation), vocabulary, grammar

appropriate content, diction (or word selection), rhetorical matters of various

kinds (organization, cohesion, unity; appropriateness to the audience, topic and

occasion); as well as sophisticated concerns such as logic and style.21

According to Hyland there are some methods that used in scoring writing

test and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Scoring guides,

called "rubrics", are used to aid raters by providing bands of descriptions

corresponding to particular proficiency or rhetorical criteria. Rubrics are designed

to suit different contexts and seek to reflect the goals of the course and what its

teachers value as "good writing". Rubrics need to be carefully written to avoid

over reliance on ambiguously subjective terms, but tend to fall back on such

description as "fairly", "quite", and "reasonably' to describe writing features in

intermediate bands.22 The most familiar rubrics that used by teacher to assess

students writing are holistic scoring and analytic scoring methods.


Harold S. Madsen, op.cit., p. 101. 22

Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

2003), p. 227-230.


A holistic scale is based o a single, integrated score of writing behavior. This

method aims to rate a writer's overall proficiency through an individual

impression of the quality of a writing sample.

Table 2.1

Advantages and disadvantages of holistic scoring23

Advantages Disadvantages

Global impression not a single


Emphasis on achievement not


Weight can be assigned to certain


Encourages rater discussion and


Provides no diagnostic


Difficult to interpret composite


Smooths out different abilities

in subskills

Raters may overlook subskills

Penalizes attempts to use

challenging forms

Longer essays may get higher


One score reduces reliability

May confuse writing ability

with language proficiency

Analytic scoring procedures require readers to judge a text against a set of

criteria seen as important to good writing. Analytic scoring more clearly

defines the features to be assessed by separating, and sometimes weighting,

individual components and is therefore more effective in discriminating

between weaker texts. Widely, used rubrics have separate scales for content,

organizations, and grammar, with vocabulary and mechanics sometimes added

separately, and these are assigned a numerical value. Appendix … provides an

example of analytic scoring method.


Ibid., p. 227.


Table 2.2

Advantages and disadvantages of analytic scoring24

Advantages Disadvantages

Encourages raters to address the

same features

Allows more diagnostic reporting

Assists reliability as candidate

gets several scores

Detailed criteria allow easier rater


Prevents conflation of categories

into one

Allows teachers to prioritize

specific aspects

May divert attention from overall

essay effect

Rating one scale may influence


Very time consuming compared

with holistic method

Writing is more than simply the

sum of its parts

Favors essays where scalable info

easily extracted

Descriptors may overlap or


C. Grammar and Writing

In the area of English as a foreign language learning, writing has been the

most difficult and complex skill to acquire. It is normal if the process of teaching

and learning in the classroom reflects that written cycle should be given after the

spoken cycle has been done. The assumption that the students are ready to write is

after they have prepared with a certain amount of vocabulary or words so that they

can arrange the words into sentences that represent the purpose of communication.

Besides, it is in line with the reason that they have had it in mind and they have

practiced it when they are doing the spoken cycle. Thus, when they have to write,

they can communicate and develop their ideas through their writing.

Moreover, this also implies that in order to master the four language skills

i.e., listening, speaking, reading, and writing, mastering language components is a

must. That is why the teaching of language components, namely grammar,

vocabulary, and sound system (pronunciation, intonation, etc) should be targeted

as much as possible to enhance the mastery of language skills.

Again, the writer here would like to point out that in order to be able to

write well, meaning that we can convey our ideas and opinions to the readers well

without leaving misunderstanding and misinterpretation. In some way, this


Ibid., p. 230.


indicates the relation between grammar and writing does exist. As Frodesen said

that in the second language writing classroom, grammar is a source to make

effective communication. But, it does not mean all kinds of grammar instruction

are useful in the EFL/ESL class, the students will automatically be able to

transform input received through explicit grammar instruction into productive


Meanwhile, concerning the nature of written communication, Harmer

(2004:6-7) explains:

"When we are engaged in spoken communication, we often decide what to say as the

conversation continuous on the basis of what our co-participant are saying.......instead of

being able to get our points across unhindered, we may be constantly interrupted and so

have to proceed in a less structured way than we had anticipated.........writing, however, is

as we have seen, significantly different".26

The statements indicate that in speaking, sometimes, it is fine to use

ungrammatical expression since clarifications and repetition are possible. Besides,

spoken communication is usually supported by its context such as the speakers'

tone, gestures, and facial expression so that saying everything in an exact

grammatical way is unnecessary. In written communication, however, the case is

different. The readers are totally dependent upon what they read without being

able to ask something weird or confusing they come across in a piece of written


Hence, grammar and writing, however, are dependent each other. The

writing teachers need to be aware in making decision about grammar in the

writing classroom. Nevertheless, it seems that, in some form, the role of grammar

remains as an essential component of effective written communication.


Marianne Celce Murcia (ed), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language,

(Boston: Heinle & Heinle, 2001), p. 234. 26

Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, op. cit., p. 6-7.


D. Previous Studies

Several studies were conducted by some experts about grammar

knowledge and writing skill. Moreover, the researcher made a correlation between

the both of it. And the research findings of them can be elaborated briefly to give

foundation and support for this research.

First, the study entitled "The Relationship between Writing Competence,

Language Proficiency and Grammatical Errors in the Writing of Iranian TEFL

Sophomores". It had written by Mohammad Ali Fatemi from University Sains

Malaysia in 2008. This research investigated the relationship between writing

competence, language proficiency and grammatical errors in the writing of Iranian

TEFL sophomores. This research consisted of two phases. In the first phase, the

objectives were to assess the writing competence of the Iranian TEFL

sophomores, measure their language proficiency, and examine the relationship

between their writing competence and language proficiency and its sub skills

including listening, reading, and grammatical competence. The second phase was

mainly descriptive and error analysis of the subjects' writing was done. The

objectives of second phase found the most frequently occurring categories of

grammatical errors, establish a rank order of these errors, establish if their L1 was

the source of their grammatical errors and establish the probable interference of

grammatical errors with communicative purposes of their writing. A quantitative

approach was used to analyze the data collected from the first phase and

qualitative approach was employed for the second phrase. The findings of the

first phase showed that the significant correlations were found between the

subjects' writing competence and their language proficiency, between their writing

competence and the sub-skills of language proficiency. In sub-skills, the strongest

correlation was found to be between writing and grammatical competence. The

result of second phase indicated that their L1 was a source of grammatical errors

and in general grammatical errors interfered with communicative purposes among

which errors of miss-selection accounted for the major source of communicative


failure in their writing and that the majority of grammatical errors which were

rooted in their L1 led to communicative failure.27

Another study was conducted by Ulul Azmi entitled "A Correlation

between Students' Mastery of Past Tense and Their Ability in Writing Recount" at

Eleventh Grade Students of MA Hassamussholihat in the academic year of

2010/2011. The objectives of the study are to find out the correlation between the

students' mastery of past tense and their ability in writing recount text. The

method of this research is correlational study and applied a purposive sampling

technique, with the total number of the sample is 40 students. The data were

gained through tests, namely grammar test and writing test that were analyzed by

using product moment pearson. The findings of the research showed that there is a

significant correlation between students' mastery of past tense and their ability in

writing recount. From the result of his research, the researcher showed that the

better the students' mastery in past tense, the better they ability in writing recount.

It also means describe that there is a significant correlation between students'

grammar knowledge and their ability in writing.

And then, the study entitled "Does EFL Students' Grammatical Ability

Account for Writing Ability?" was conducted by Yun Hsuan Huang from

Department of Apllied Foreign Languages, Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and

Science, Tainan, Taiwan. The objective of this study is to examine whether

grammar instruction could promote the students' grammatical ability, thereby

further helping their writing. In this study, the tests are divided into grammar

subset and writing subset. The research was administered to ten senior high school

students in a lower-intermediate English class at a cram school in Southern

Taiwan. The research findings implied that there was no strong relationship

between the knowledge of grammar and usage that means the ability in writing

among lower-intermediate learners.28 From her research, it was found that


Mohammad Ali Fatemi, "The Relationship between Writing Competence, Language

Proficiency and Grammatical Errors in the Writing of Iranian TEFL Sophomores", A Thesis

Presented to the University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, 2008, pp 1-24, not published. 28

Ulul Azmi, "A Correlation between Students' Mastery of Past Tense and Their Ability

in Writing Recount at Eleventh Grade Students of MA Hassamussholihat", a Skripsi Presented to

the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jakarta, 2011,

pp. 24-36, not published.


statistically, grammar mastery has no strong effect for making a good writing.

This is because there are some other factors such as about the quality and quantity

of test takers and test items, the instruction in writing test that should more

informative, and then about the rubric for the writing test itself.29

Those previous studies above used as references for the researcher in

comparing between those relevant studies with the study conducted by the

researcher this time. This study was the correlation between grammar knowledge

and writing ability. Some differences appeared between this study and previous

study were obviously the method of the study. The first previous study used two

phases and it was conducted more complex than this study because it used two

methods that were quantitative for the first phase and qualitative for the second

phase. For this study used just one phase so the writer used quantitative method

namely correlational study. Besides, the first previous study is connecting about

writing competence, language proficiency and also language sub skills such as

listening, reading and grammatical competence. In the second previous study, the

researcher connecting only past tense as a part of grammar and the ability of

students in writing recount. It is clearly different with this research; in this

research the researcher connecting between writing ability and the grammar

knowledge generally. The researcher took some areas of grammar that usually

appeared in TOEFL test and did the test to the participants. Moreover, the

differences also found for the data collection and sample of research. In the

second and third previous researches, the data got from two tests namely grammar

test and writing test. And sample that used in the second previous study was 40

and in the third previous study were 10 students. It is different with this research;

in this research the data got from doing the test but only one test. The researcher

did grammar test and asked for writing score from the subject's lecturer. The

sample was 30 students that took from one class.

Although there are a lot of differences, those previous studies has a similar

in the objectives with this research. The objective from the previous researches

and this research is to know the relationship between grammar and writing ability.


Yun Hsuan Huang, "Does EFL Students' Grammatical Ability Account for Writing

Ability?", CHIA-NAN ANNUAL BULLETIN, 2011, pp. 505-5011.


E. Theoretical Thinking

According to writer, Grammar is one of the Language components, which

plays very important roles for people who want to learn English language.

Students are taught about grammar in their English class because the teacher

knows that grammar still takes an important role in learning English. To learn and

to be able to communicate in English, students have to know how people usually

use this language; put words into sentences and use them in communication. This

related to the Huddleston and Pullum theory that grammar helps speakers to

communicate their emotions and purpose more effectively because grammar deals

with the form of sentences and smaller units such as clauses, phrases and words.

Therefore, the writer assumes that people who can use grammar properly is

considered having good English.

Meanwhile, writing is one of skills in a language. Writing skill deals with

the ability to arrange the graphic system such as letter, words, and sentences of

certain language that is used in written communication in order to understand the

message or the information. This also means that writing is used for

communication in written form. Writing refers to a process in which its activities

are not produced immediately. Oshima and Hogue state that writing is the action

that needs the some process such as thinking, writing, reading, correcting and

revising the words or the sentences that have been written.

In language learning, writing is a productive skill. When students produce

language into written form, they will get feedback from the reader either teachers

or their friends whether their writing is good or not. Without practicing of writing,

students will have no chance to improve their writing skill because the skill will

not be seen by the teacher or their friends to be evaluated. The teacher will assess

it by using rubric scale for assessing writing. There are many interrelated factors

that must be taken into consideration when designing tasks and scoring

procedures for writing assessment. One of the criteria in rubric scale, the teacher

should check students' grammar in their product of writing to minimize

ungrammatical features that can make the readers confused. Therefore, it indicates

that, the relation between grammar and writing does exist.


As the topic of this study, is attempted to reveal whether or not there is a

significance correlation between grammar knowledge and writing ability.

Therefore, it is conducted to find out the possible relations between the two

variables through correlational statistics.

F. Hypothesis

A Hypothesis in the research is a basic assumption of how the result of the

research will be. It is a prediction of a phenomenon. Moreover, in formulating

hypothesis, the researcher has to ensure that the hypothesis is real or based on

fact. There are two kinds of hypothesis:30

a. Alternative Hypothesis (HA): There is a significant correlation between

grammar mastery and writing ability.

b. Null Hypothesis (HO): There is no significant correlation between

grammar mastery and writing ability.


Etta Mamang Sangadji, Metodologi Penelitian, (Yogyakarta: Andi Yogyakarta, 2010),





A. Time and Place of the Research

This research was conducted at English Education Department of "Syarif

Hidayatullah" State Islamic University that is located on Jl. Ir. Haji Juanda no 95,

Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15412. The research was carried out on 24

February 2014 to 14 May 2014.

After getting an agreement of the EED's chairman and then consult to

advisors who guided the writer about her research, the researcher chose this place

for her study because she is one of college students at English Education

Department. Therefore, it easier for her to get the data that she need. Besides, the

writer knew well about the grammar and writing subject which were taught in this

major and it was relevant for her research.


B. Research Design

The writer used the quantitative method in conducting this research. It

means that the writer collected and analyzed the data statistically from the

students' scores of variables to find out the correlation between grammar

knowledge and writing ability of 6th

semester students of English Education

Department of UIN Jakarta. This research categorized into correlative type. As

Gay stated that "Correlational research involves collecting data in order to

determine whether, and to what degree, a relationship exists between two or more

quantifiable variables".1 So that, the writer correlated two variables of this

research; they were grammar knowledge as X variable and writing ability as Y

variable of 6th

semester students of EED.


L. R. Gay, Educational Research; Competencies for Analysis and Aplication Third

Edition, (Ohio: Merril Publishing Company, 1987), p. 230.


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Arikunto states that "Population is all subjects of the research".2 It means

that the population of this research was the whole students of 6th

semester in EED.

Whereas, the total numbers of them are 120 students. They were divided into three

classes 6A, 6B and 6C.

2. Sample

According to Arikunto "Sample is the representative the population to be

research. If the total population is less than 100, it is better to take all of them as

the sample but if the total population is more than 100 students, the sample can be

taken between 10-15% or 20-25% or more".3 Besides, Gay states that "The sample

for a correlational study is selected using an acceptable sampling method, and 30

subjects are generally considered to be a minimally acceptable sample size".4

Based on the quotation above, in this research, the sample of the

population is taken through purposive sampling. The B class of the 6th


was chosen for the sample of this research. The writer took 30 students as sample

from the population.

D. Instrument of the Research

In a study, instrument as a tool for collecting data plays a very significant

role. Thus, constructing research instrument carefully and in an appropriate

manner is greatly fundamental. With regard to the different desired data, research

instrument may be different from one study to another. Research instrument may

be in the forms of test, questionnaire, observation sheet, document analysis,

records of interview and interview sheet, etc.


Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek (Jakarta: Rineka

Cipta, 1996), p. 173. 3 Ibid., p. 174.

4 Gay, op. cit., p. 231.


Because there were two variables that the writer observed namely

grammar mastery and writing ability, the instrument that used in this research was

test and documentation score of sixth semester students in the subject of Writing.

The score of this subject was taken from available document from the subject


E. Try Out

Having finished constructing the instrument, the writer then consulted it to

the advisor. The next step was the tryout the instrument. Try out was intended to

measure validity and reliability of the test items.

The tryout of the test was held on May, 6th

2014. It was administered to

different students that were students of 6C. 20 students were taken as the subjects

of the try out.

The analysis of the validity and reliability were the next step conducted

after the tryout had been administered.

1. Validity

The validity was tested using ANATES 4. The test contained 50 numbers of

multiple choices. After the calculation by using ANATES 4, it was found that

19 number items of tests were very significant, 3 items were significant, 25

items were adequate, and 3 items were insignificant.

2. Reliability

Reliability of test was measured using ANATES 4, the result was:

Mean = 25, 65

Standard deviation = 5, 32

Correlation = 0.72

Reliability of tests = 0.83


The test which has reliability coefficient among 0,81 - 1,00 has been very


Table 3.1

Category of Reliability5

Value Remark

0,00 - 0,20 Unreliable

0,21 - 0,40 Less Reliable

0,41 - 0,60 Sufficient

0,61 - 0,80 Reliable

0, 81 - 1,00 Very Reliable

F. Technique of Data Collection

1. Grammar Test

The researcher conducted the grammar test to 6th

semester students. The

writer chose the material of Grammar 5 for the test because she knew that the

subject of Grammar 5 at EED of UIN Jakarta was more focus on TOEFL

preparation. Therefore, the researcher chose this subject because the 6th


students had already learned about this material at previous semester. The writer

gave the students the multiple choice and error identification test. It consisted of

15 items for multiple choice and 15 items number for error identification. The

total number of the test is 30.

2. Documentation of Score

The researcher collected the data from the lecturer at English Education

Department. The researcher chose Writing 3 because it was taught in line with

Grammar 5.

5 Zainal Arifin, Evaluasi Pembelajaran, (Bandung: PT REMAJA ROSDAKARYA, 2009), p. 257


G. Technique of Data Analysis

In analyzing the data, the researcher used correlation product moment

which developed by Carl Pearson. "Correlation product moment is used to show

whether there is a correlation between X variable and Y variable."6 The symbol of

the correlation product moment is "r".7 Data operation technique is done though

the steps below:

a. Finding the number of correlation using formula:

rxy =

N = Number of Participants

X = Students' Grammar Scores

Y = Students' Writing Scores

∑X = The Sum Scores of Grammar

∑Y = The Sum Scores of Writing


= The Sum of the Squared Scores of Grammar


= The Sum of the Squared Scores of Writing

∑XY = The Sum of Multiplied Score between X and Y

This formula is used in finding index correlation "r" product moment

between X variable and Y variable (rxy)

b. To know the significance between two variables, the formula of the

significance test is:8

tcount =


7 Drs. Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali, 2006), p.27.

8 Ridwan and H. Sunarto, Pengantar Statistika Pendidikan, Sosial, Ekonomi, Komunikasi,

dan Bisnis, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011), p.81.


tcount = t value

r = value of correlation coefficient

n = number of participants

c. To interpret the index scores of "r" correlation, product moment (rxy)

usually used the interpretation such as bellow9:

Table 3.2

The Interpretation of Correlation "r" Product Moment

The score of "r"

product moment (rxy) Interpretation

0.00 - 0.199

There is a correlation between X and Y, but

the correlation is very weak or little. So it is

considered no significant correlation in this


0.20 - 0.399 There is a correlation between X and Y, but

it is weak or little.

0.40 - 0.599 There is a correlation between X and Y. The

value is medium.

0.60 - 0.799 There is high correlation between X and Y.

0.80 - 1.000 There is a very high correlation between X

and Y.

9 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,

2011), p.184.


H. Statistical Hypotheses

1. If ro as same as or higher than rt, the Ha is accepted. It means that there is a

significant correlation between grammar mastery and writing ability.

2. If ro is lower than rt, the Ha is rejected. It means that there is no significant

correlation between grammar mastery and writing ability.




A. Data Description

The researcher conducted the research at State Islamic University

Jakarta (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah in which the 6th

semester students of

EED were chosen to be the participants of this research. There was one

test that was given to the participants. It was grammar test. The test of

grammar was conducted by the researcher using multiple choice and error

identification tests. However, the researcher did not conduct the test of

writing itself. She collected the writing scores from the lecturer of the

writing of EED of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. The data that were gotten are:

Table 4.1

Grammar Scores

Participants Grammar Scores (X)

Student 1 63

Student 2 57

Student 3 60

Student 4 73

Student 5 60

Student 6 73

Student 7 57

Student 8 60

Student 9 63

Student 10 53


Student 11 50

Student 12 80

Student 13 47

Student 14 67

Student 15 60

Student 16 70

Student 17 73

Student 18 70

Student 19 50

Student 20 53

Student 21 60

Student 22 63

Student 23 53

Student 24 60

Student 25 63

Student 26 67

Student 27 60

Student 28 70

Student 29 77

Student 30 57

From the scores that were collected above, the researcher needed to

know the statistical score of the data including the mean, median, mode,

maximum score, minimum score, and standards deviation of the scores. To


find out those mean, etc… the researcher used SPSS. The finding can be

described such as bellow:

Table 4.2

Statistical Scores of Grammar


Grammar Score

N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 62.3000

Median 60.0000

Mode 60.00

Std. Deviation 8.33418

Variance 69.459

Minimum 47.00

Maximum 80.00

From the calculation of SPSS, the average score of grammar is

62.3. The median score of grammar is 60. The mode or the score that

appear the most is 60. The highest score of grammar test is 80.00 while the

lowest score is 47.00. The standard deviation is 8.33 with variance 64.459.

Table 4.3

Writing Scores

Participants Writing Scores (Y)

Student 1 77

Student 2 80

Student 3 77


Student 4 81

Student 5 80

Student 6 71

Student 7 74

Student 8 76

Student 9 80

Student 10 79

Student 11 75

Student 12 75

Student 13 64

Student 14 73

Student 15 74

Student 16 78

Student 17 77

Student 18 79

Student 19 79

Student 20 69

Student 21 76

Student 22 78

Student 23 76

Student 24 75

Student 25 73

Student 26 80

Student 27 72


Student 28 70

Student 29 72

Student 30 69

From the scores that were collected above, the researcher counted the

statistical scores using SPSS, such as bellow:

Table 4.4

Statistical Scores of Writing


Writing Scores

N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 75.3000

Median 76.0000

Mode 80.00

Std. Deviation 4.05267

Variance 16.424

Minimum 64.00

Maximum 81.00

From the statistic table, the mean of writing score is 75.3. Median

76, and mode 80. The highest score of writing is 81.00 and the lowest one

is 64.00. The standard deviation is 4.05 with variance 16.424.


B. Data Analysis

Table 4.5

Data Analysis Table

Participants X Y XY X2 Y


Student 1 63 77 4851 3969 5929

Student 2 57 80 4560 3249 6400

Student 3 60 77 4620 3600 5929

Student 4 73 81 5913 5329 6561

Student 5 60 80 4800 3600 6400

Student 6 73 71 5183 5329 5041

Student 7 57 74 4218 3249 5476

Student 8 60 76 4560 3600 5776

Student 9 63 80 5040 3969 6400

Student 10 53 79 4187 2809 6241

Student 11 50 75 3750 2500 5625

Student 12 80 75 6000 6400 5625

Student 13 47 64 3008 2209 4096

Student 14 67 73 4891 4489 5329

Student 15 60 74 4440 3600 5476

Student 16 70 78 5460 4900 6084

Student 17 73 77 5621 5329 5929

Student 18 70 79 5530 4900 6241

Student 19 50 79 3950 2500 6241

Student 20 53 69 3657 2809 4761


Student 21 60 76 4560 3600 5776

Student 22 63 78 4914 3969 6084

Student 23 53 76 4028 2809 5776

Student 24 60 75 4500 3600 5625

Student 25 63 73 4599 3969 5329

Student 26 67 80 5360 4489 6400

Student 27 60 72 4320 3600 5184

Student 28 70 70 4900 4900 4900

Student 29 77 72 5544 5929 5184

Student 30 57 69 3933 3249 4761

N = 30 X=1869 Y=2259 XY=140897 X2=118453 Y


N = 30

X = 1869

Y = 2259

XY = 140897

X2 = 118453

Y2 = 170579

rxy =







= 0.165

To make sure the result of the calculation above, the researcher used

SPSS program. The using of SPSS is to know whether the calculation that

the researcher did manually was correct and to make sure that there is no

mismatching calculation between scores that the researcher counted. The

calculation of SPSS was described such as follow:

Table 4.6

SPSS Correlation Table


Grammar Scores Writing Scores

Nilai grammar

Pearson Correlation 1 .165

Sig. (2-tailed) .385

N 30 30

Nilai writing

Pearson Correlation .165 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .385

N 30 30

The results of those two calculations (manual calculation and SPSS

calculation) are same, in which show the value of rxy 0.165. It means that

there is no mismatch in the process of calculating the data.

From the calculation above, it is found that rxy is 0.165. The next step

is to find the significance of variables by calculating rxy is tested by

significance test formula:

tcount =


In which: tcount = t value

R = 0.165

n = 30

Therefore, it is calculated that:

tcount = =



= = 0.89

Before testing the tcount, the writer made two hypotheses of

significance; they are:

Ha : There is a significant correlation between two variables

Ho : There is no significant correlation between two variables

The formulation of test:

1. If tcount> ttable, it means that the null hypothesis is rejected and there is

a significant correlation.

2. If tcount< ttable, the null hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant


Based on the calculation above, the result is compared by ttable in the

significant of 5% and 1% and n=30, the writer found the Degree of

Freedom (Df) with the formula:

Df = N – nr

= 30 - 2

= 28

From Df = , it is obtained ttableof 5% = 2.05 and 1% = 2.77. It means

that tcount is lower than ttable 0.89 < 2.05 and 0.89 < 2.77. Therefore, the


alternative hypothesis (Ho) is accepted. In other words, there is no

significant correlation between grammar knowledge and writing ability.

C. Data Interpretation

Based on the calculation above, it shows that the correlation value

is rxy 0.165 and the degree of freedom (Df) is 28. In the table of

significance shows if Df value is 28, the table of significance 5% and 1%

are 0.374 and 0.478.

The statistical hypotheses state:

1. If ro as same as or higher than rt, the Ha is accepted.

2. If ro is lower than rt, the Ha is rejected.

Based on the score of rxy 0.165, it indicates the score of ro < rt, in

which 0.165 < 0.374 and 0.165 < 0.478. It means that Ha is rejected; or in

other word there is no significant correlation between Grammar mastery

and Writing ability.

To interpret the gravity of rxy 0.165, the table of “r” product

moment shows that the correlation value is on the very low size, in which

between 0.00-0.20. The table of “r” interpretation is such as follow:

Table 4.7

Pearson Correlation1

The score of “r”

product moment (rxy) Interpretation

0.00 – 0.199 Very low

0.20 – 0.399 Low

0.40 – 0.599 Medium

1Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta,

2011), p.184.


0.60 – 0.799 High

0.80 – 1.000 Very high

The very low correlation indicates that if students only have

minimum level of grammar mastery does not mean they also get poor

achievement in writing. There were some students who got low scores in

grammar but they got high scores in writing. It can be inferred that the

students’ mastery of grammar features did not have a significant role in

writing. Grammar might be a source to make effective communication but

it does not mean all kinds of grammar are useful for students. However,

there were other possible factors resulting in a worse performance in the

grammar test but a better performance in writing. For the worst

performance on the grammar test, this might be because the students have

low comprehension about the grammatical areas and have limited time in

doing the test. They might be confused in putting the right words to make

the correct sentences. As for the writing, there were some other factors that

influence students to make their writing better such as the ability to think

creatively and develop thoughts, the ability to choose excellent

vocabulary, the ability to write with good spelling and punctuation, etc. It

simply illustrated that, students who did not have good grammar in their

writing might be good in other aspects that usually used in rating scale of

writing assessment.




A. Conclusions

According to the statistical calculation which was analyzed in the previous

chapter, a conclusion can be sum up that there is no significant correlation

between grammar mastery and writing ability. The data showed that most of

students got the minimum score of grammar but they got good score in writing.

Therefore, the writer summarizes that grammar mastery gives less contribution

and has very low correlation to the ability of writing. Students who have

minimum level of grammar mastery, does not mean that they also get poor

achievement in writing. It was affected by some relevant factors such as students’

motivation in learning grammar and writing, their frequency of practice, and the

writing assessment that was not only focus on grammatical area but also some

other factors such as content, organization, vocabulary and mechanics.

B. Suggestions

1. For Teachers or lecturers

Knowing the result, the English teacher as a motivator and stimulator can

explain that some students are still weak in their mastery of grammar. The

teacher should explain about grammar rules and increase the students’

comprehension by using a good method. Besides, the teacher should explain

to the students that there is some criteria to assess writing subject in order to

the students are not only focus on grammatical aspects in writing but also

learn more about how to organize the text well by considering the content,

vocabulary, spelling and also punctuation.

2. For Students

For language learners, even though students’ mastery of grammar has

less contribution to their writing, the students should pay attention to the


language structures. Grammar is one of language components which interacts

with other components. Knowing about grammar rules is very helpful for

them to communicate effectively either spoken or written.

3. For the Further Researcher

This research can be a contribution to the research in education which is

intended to find out the correlation of two variables, in this case grammar and

writing. This research may also be a relevant previous study that can be used

by other researchers to conduct a further research relating to the correlation

between language skills and language components.



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Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1991.



Grammar Scores

Date: 14 May 2014

No. Participants MC Error



1 Rani Desita 120 70 63

2 Afni Amalia 90 80 57

3 Fuji Herawati 110 70 60

4 Syifa Fauziah 120 100 73

5 Nunik Kurniawati 100 80 60

6 Elin Ermasari 120 100 73

7 Ayatika Adawiah 90 80 57

8 Rafiqa Irza Amirat 100 80 60

9 Kumala Dewi 90 100 63

10 Nadia Karimah 90 70 53

11 Ervi Nur Azizah 90 60 50

12 Siti Khafidoh 130 110 80

13 Rachmanita Oktaviani 70 70 47

14 Nurita Wulandari 130 70 67


15 Ari Armadi 100 80 60

16 Firda Amelia 110 100 70

17 Salsabil Firdaus 120 100 73

18 Siti Raudotul Fushiah 130 90 70

19 Farhan 70 80 50

20 Tri Hanifah Agustina 90 70 53

21 Safitri Oktaviani 100 80 60

22 Fauziah Putri Rosalina 90 100 63

23 Yulianti Sari 80 80 53

24 Audrey Ningtyas 100 80 60

25 Utami Fauziyah 140 50 63

26 Putik Delima 110 90 67

27 Selinda Febriani 110 70 60

28 Kurnia Firdausi Nuzula 90 120 70

29 Mahmudova Ayna 140 90 77

30 Farzona Jurakhon 90 80 57

Score = MC + EI/3



Writing Scores




KODE MK : BHS 5110


DOSEN 1 : Maya Devianti, M.Pd











1 1111014000045 Rani Desita 70,00 75,00 80,00 76,50 B

2 1111014000046 Afni Amalia 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 A

3 1111014000047 Fuji Herawati 70,00 75,00 80,00 76,50 B

4 1111014000048 Syifa Fauziah 75,00 85,00 80,00 80,50 A

5 1111014000051 Nunik Kurniawati 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 A

6 1111014000052 Elin Ermasari 75,00 70,00 70,00 71,00 B

7 1111014000055 Ayatika Adawiah 70,00 75,00 75,00 74,00 B

8 1111014000056 Rafiqa Irza Amirot 70,00 80,00 75,00 75,50 B

9 1111014000057 Kumala Dewi 80,00 80,00 80,00 80,00 A

10 1111014000059 Nadia Karimah 80,00 75,00 80,00 78,50 B


11 1111014000062 Ervi Nur Azizah 75,00 75,00 75,00 75,00 B

12 1111014000063 Siti Khafidoh 75,00 75,00 75,00 75,00 B

13 1111014000064 Rachmanita Oktaviani 70,00 50,00 70,00 64,00 C

14 1111014000065 Nurita Wulandari 70,00 70,00 75,00 72,50 B

15 1111014000066 Ari Armadi 80,00 75,00 80,00 73,50 B

16 1111014000067 Firda Amelia 70,00 70,00 85,00 77,50 B

17 1111014000071 Salsabil Firdaus 80,00 75,00 75,00 76,50 B

18 1111014000074 Siti Raudotul Fushiah 70,00 75,00 85,00 79,00 B

19 1111014000075 Farhan 80,00 75,00 80,00 78,50 B

20 1111014000076 Tri Hanifah Agustina 70,00 50,00 80,00 69,00 C

21 1111014000078 Safitri Oktaviani 70,00 80,00 75,00 75,50 B

22 1111014000080 FauziahPutri Rosalina 70,00 80,00 80,00 78,00 B

23 1111014000082 Yulianti Sari 75,00 70,00 80,00 76,00 B

24 1111014000083 Audrey Ningtyas 70,00 70,00 80,00 75,00 B

25 1111014000084 Utami Fauziyah 75,00 75,00 70,00 72,50 B

26 1111014000085 Putik Delima 75,00 75,00 85,00 80,00 A

27 1111014000086 Selinda Febriani 70,00 50,00 85,00 71,50 B

28 1111014000088 Kurnia Firdausi Nuzula 70,00 70,00 70,00 70,00 B

29 1111014000132 Mahmudova Ayna 60,00 65,00 80,00 71,50 B

30 1111014000135 Farzona Jurakhon 60,00 70,00 70,00 68,00 C




Nama Universitas : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Mata Kuliah : Grammar

Jurusan/Prodi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Alokasi Waktu : … menit

Semester : Genap















gramatika bhs.

Inggris pada

tingkatan lanjut

yang diukur

dengan skor

500 setara




bahasa Inggris

dengan aturan

gramatika yang

efektif untuk


maksud atau




ungkapan atau

kalimat yang

dibuat dengan


grammar pada

tingkat tinggi


Subject-Verb MC, Error


1, 2, 16 3


Tense, and Form

MC 3, 5, 8, 26 4

Full Subordination PG 4, 27, 30 3

The Verbals PG 17, 18, 20 3



fikiran dengan

susunan kalimat



Agreement, and


PG 6, 19, 21,

22, 25


Word-Form PG 7, 9, 10 3

Word-Order PG 13, 11, 23 3




secara efisien

Parallel Structure PG 12, 14, 29 3





grammar yang

tinggi ditandai

dengan skor 500

setara TOEFL



PG 28, 15, 24 3

Jumlah 30




Name :

Nim :

A. Direction: Question 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence

you will see for words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), or (D). You are to

choose one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.

1. You should postpone ______ the manager until we hear the outcome of

tomorrow’s meeting.

(A) to see

(B) seeing

(C) see

(D) will see

2. ___________ started as a modern sport in India at the same time that it did in


(A) To ski

(B) That skiing

(C) Ski

(D) Skiing

3. Hollywood film producers have been regularly _________ millions of dollars

for a film.

(E) budgeted

(F) budgeting

(G) budgets

(H) budget


4. __________whose fauna and flora create an enchanted world.

(A) A biological park

(B) Where a biological park

(C) It is a biological park

(D) Being a biological park

5. Potatoes and onions _________ from sprouting by a new technology using


(A) are preventing

(B) prevention is

(C) are prevented

(D) prevented

6. New chemicals are not always tested to determine if ________ will cause

cancer of genetic mutations.

(A) it

(B) he

(C) she

(D) they

7. _____________is surpassed only by that of monkeys and apes.

(A) The intelligent dog

(B) The dogs have intelligence

(C) The dogs whose intelligence

(D) The intelligence of dogs

8. The healthful properties of fiber have _________ for years.

(A) known

(B) knew

(C) be knowing

(D) been known

9. After she drank the lemonade, the cake tasted too _________ to her.

(A) sweetly


(B) sweet

(C) sweetness

(D) more sweet

10. Courses in ___________ linguistics are frequently offered at the university.

(A) comparison

(B) compare

(C) comparative

(D) comparable

11. Noise pollution generally receives less attention than ________air pollution.

(A) does

(B) it does

(C) over

(D) it does over

12. ________ oats and rye can endure severe winter weather

(A) Either

(B) They are

(C) Both

(D) Both of

13. Proponents of solar energy wonder ________ funded so few research projects.

(A) why the government has

(B) has the government

(C) why has the government

(D) the government has why

14. Painters of the expressionist school concentrated on themes of horror, fear,

and ______.

(A) violent

(B) violently

(C) more violence

(D) violence


15. Yeasts are tiny _____ plants

(A) and small

(B) single-celled

(C) small single-celled

(D) small one-celled

B. Direction: Question 26-50 are complete sentences. Identify the one word or

phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be grammatically


16. The jury took long times to reach an agreement among themselves.


17. The excited movie drew large crowds of excited children every Saturday.


18. I’ve finally assembled enough information for beginning writing my thesis.


19. The Italian dramatist and poet Ugo Betti was a judge who gained literary


recognition late in their life.


20. Stop tell me what to do! Let me to make up my own mind.


21. The various types of bacteria are classified according to its shapes.


22. The secretary put the letter back in her envelope and filled it.


23. Not until a baby kangaroo is four months old it begins to live outside its


mother’s pouch.

24. Money is required for research to advance forward.


25. Neither the students nor their teacher was happy with his test grades.



26. The team really looks good tonight because that coach had them practiced


every night this week.

27. Therefore pandas eat bamboo almost exclusively, they are also carnivorous.


28. Famous for his new innovation in punctuation, typography, and language,


Edward Estlin Cummings published his collected poems in 1954.


29. My home offers me a feeling of security, warm, and love.


30. The thief knew precisely what the collection of priceless jewels was hidden. A B C D



1. B

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. D

7. D

8. D

9. B

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. D

15. B

16. B (Time)

17. B (Exciting)

18. C (To begin)

19. D (His)

20. A (Telling)

21. D (Their)

22. C (Its)

23. C (Does it begin)

24. D (Forward)

25. D (Their)

26. D (Practice)

27. A (Although)

28. B (Innovation in)

29. C (Secure)

30. C (Where)






Rata2= 25.65

Simpang Baku= 5.32

KorelasiXY= 0.72

Reliabilitas Tes= 0.83

Butir Soal= 50

Jumlah Subyek= 20


Btr Baru Btr Asli D.Pembeda(%) T. Kesukaran Korelasi Sign. Korelasi

1 1 0.00 Sangat Mudah NAN NAN

2 2 -20.00 Sangat Sukar -0.338 -

3 3 80.00 Sedang 0.526 Sangat Signifikan

4 4 80.00 Sukar 0.617 Sangat Signifikan

5 5 -20.00 Sedang 0.022 -

6 6 80.00 Sedang 0.607 Sangat Signifikan

7 7 20.00 Sedang 0.191 -

8 8 40.00 Sukar 0.465 Sangat Signifikan

9 9 20.00 Mudah 0.206 -

10 10 60.00 Sedang 0.598 Sangat Signifikan

11 11 40.00 Sedang 0.414 Sangat Signifikan

12 12 40.00 Sukar 0.261 -

13 13 60.00 Sedang 0.555 Sangat Signifikan

14 14 40.00 Sedang 0.330 Signifikan

15 15 0.00 Sangat Mudah NAN NAN

16 16 40.00 Mudah 0.317 Signifikan

17 17 0.00 Sedang -0.112 -

18 18 -20.00 Sangat Mudah -0.369 -

19 19 40.00 Sedang 0.213 -

20 20 20.00 Sangat Sukar 0.271 -

21 21 60.00 Sedang 0.629 Sangat Signifikan

22 22 60.00 Mudah 0.496 Sangat Signifikan

23 23 40.00 Sukar 0.296 Signifikan

24 24 0.00 Sedang 0.090 -

25 25 0.00 Mudah -0.010 -

26 26 20.00 Mudah 0.188 -


27 27 0.00 Sangat Sukar NAN NAN

28 28 -20.00 Sukar -0.313 -

29 29 0.00 Sedang 0.070 -

30 30 40.00 Sedang 0.132 -

31 31 80.00 Sedang 0.574 Sangat Signifikan

32 32 60.00 Sedang 0.409 Sangat Signifikan

33 33 -20.00 Sukar -0.159 -

34 34 60.00 Sedang 0.404 Sangat Signifikan

35 35 0.00 Sedang 0.152 -

36 36 60.00 Sukar 0.467 Sangat Signifikan

37 37 -40.00 Mudah -0.261 -

38 38 40.00 Sukar 0.439 Sangat Signifikan

39 39 80.00 Sukar 0.617 Sangat Signifikan

40 40 80.00 Sedang 0.557 Sangat Signifikan

41 41 100.00 Sedang 0.704 Sangat Signifikan

42 42 0.00 Mudah -0.150 -

43 43 20.00 Mudah 0.228 -

44 44 -40.00 Sedang -0.212 -

45 45 -60.00 Sedang -0.423 -

46 46 0.00 Sukar -0.061 -

47 47 20.00 Sedang 0.240 -

48 48 40.00 Sukar 0.395 Sangat Signifikan

49 49 20.00 Mudah 0.250 -

50 50 40.00 Mudah 0.362 Sangat Signifikan



Statistical Calculation of Grammar Scores


Grammar Scores

N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 62.3000

Median 60.0000

Mode 60.00

Std. Deviation 8.33418

Variance 69.459

Minimum 47.00

Maximum 80.00

Grammar Scores

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



47.00 1 3.3 3.3 3.3

50.00 2 6.7 6.7 10.0

53.00 3 10.0 10.0 20.0

57.00 3 10.0 10.0 30.0

60.00 7 23.3 23.3 53.3

63.00 4 13.3 13.3 66.7

67.00 2 6.7 6.7 73.3

70.00 3 10.0 10.0 83.3

73.00 3 10.0 10.0 93.3

77.00 1 3.3 3.3 96.7

80.00 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0



Statistical Calculation of Writing Scores

Writing Scores



Percent Valid





64.00 1 3.3 3.3 3.3

69.00 2 6.7 6.7 10.0

70.00 1 3.3 3.3 13.3

71.00 1 3.3 3.3 16.7

72.00 2 6.7 6.7 23.3

73.00 2 6.7 6.7 30.0

74.00 2 6.7 6.7 36.7

75.00 3 10.0 10.0 46.7

76.00 3 10.0 10.0 56.7

77.00 3 10.0 10.0 66.7

78.00 2 6.7 6.7 73.3

79.00 3 10.0 10.0 83.3

80.00 4 13.3 13.3 96.7

81.00 1 3.3 3.3 100.0

Total 30 100.0 100.0


Writing Scores

N Valid 30

Missing 0

Mean 75.3000

Median 76.0000

Mode 80.00

Std. Deviation 4.05267

Variance 16.424

Minimum 64.00

Maximum 81.00



SPSS Correlations “r” Product Moment

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std.




Scores 62.3000 8.33418 30

Writing Scores 75.3000 4.05267 30








Pearson Correlation 1 .165

Sig. (2-tailed) .385

Sum of Squares and

Cross-products 2014.300 161.300

Covariance 69.459 5.562

N 30 30



Pearson Correlation .165 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .385

Sum of Squares and

Cross-products 161.300 476.300

Covariance 5.562 16.424

N 30 30




Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris V

Kode : BHS 7024

Bobot SKS : 2 sks

Jurusan : PBI

Program Studi : PBI

Semester : V (Lima)

Mata Kuliah Prasyarat : Grammar I, II, III, IV.

Pengajar : Atiq Susilo, MA, Dr.

Standar Kompetensi : Mahasiswa menguasai aturan gramatika bhs. Inggeris pada

tingkatan lanjut yang diukur dengan skor 500 setara TOEFL.

Kompetensi Dasar : Dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggeris dengan aturan gramatika yang

efektif untuk mengutarakan maksud atau ekspresi

Indikator : Setelah menyelesaikan seluruh materi perkuliahan diharapkan

mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan:

1. Memahami makna ungkapan atau kalimat yang dibuat dengan

susunan grammar pada tingkat tinggi (Advanced)

2. Mampu mengungkapkan fikiran dengan susunan kalimat

berstruktur rumit (complicated) secara efisien

3. Mampu menunjukkan tingkat penguasaan grammar yang tinggi

ditandai dengan skor 500 setara TOEFL.

Deskripsi Mata Kuliah : Grammar V mengupas tentang aturan gramatika bahasa Inggeris

yang dipakai oleh mereka yang tingkat penggunaan bahasa

Inggerisnya tinggi sehingga dapat menggunakan bahasa secara

efisien. Mata Kuliah ini bukan saja pengetahuan tetapi juga

keterampilan sehingga penguasaan melalui drilling dan latihan


sangat diperlukan.

Materi Pokok


: 1. Pengenalan terhadap subject yang beraneka bentuk: Noun,

Pronoun, Gerund, To infinitive, dan Noun Clauses.

2. Penggunaan subject dalam berbagai kalimat

3. Kesesuaian antara subject dengan predicate

4. Perubahan kata kerja (verb); tenses

5. The 12 tenses in English.

6. Kalimat majemuk bertingkat (complex sentences)

7. Clauses: Noun clauses, Adjective clauses, Adverbial clauses.

8. Ujian Tengah Semester.

9. Verbal and Gerund; reduced clauses.

10. Pronouns; agreement and references

11. Parts of Speeches; Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs

12. Word Order: Statement, Question, WO + adjective, WO+freq


13. Parallel Structure

14. Redundancies

15. Usage

16. Ujian Akhir Semester





: Penilaian diperoleh dari aspek-aspek: 100%

1. class participation: 10%

2. UTS................: 30%

3. UAS................: 60%

Buku Sumber : 1. Michael Swan,

2. Palmer,


3. Frank Marcella,

Mengetahui, Jakarta, 03 Maret 2010

Ketua Jurusan/Prodi Dosen Pengampu Mata


………………………… Dr. Atiq Susilo, MA





Course Description

There are two main important elementsof writing, communication and message. To

get the message accross writers need to have the skill on how to communicate in

written form. Consequently, writers should have the knowledge on how to express

their ideas on paper. This course is designed to enable students to write effectively by

exposing the students through the writing process commonly taken by writers.

Specifically,topics to be discussed are as follow


1 Introductory Remarks

2 Writing process: Generating Ideas

3 Writing Process: Drafting

4 Writing Process: Editing and Proofreading

5 Overview

6-9 Writing Project 1

10-13 Writing Project 2

14 Final Examination


Students are required to be present in the classroom at least 80%. Those who

cannot meet the requirement will not be able to join the final exam.


Sharing Session


Students are assessed based on the following criteria

Formative score 20%


Midterm exam 40%

Final exam 40%


Belcher, Wendy Laura.(2009). Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks: A Guide to

Academic Publishing Success. Sage Publications Inc,. USA

Hopper, Vincent F, (2000). Essentials of Writing. Barron’s Educational Series.

Troyka, Lynn Quitman.(1987). Simon&Schuster: Handbook for Writers. Self


Wishon, George E.and Burks, Julia M. (1980). Let’s Write English. American Book



Maya Defianty, M.Pd


Mobile 081321657868 (sms only)

