The CTG in practice


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Family-Centered Maternity Newborn Care - A Basic


by Celeste R. Philips Mosby Year Book, 1992,3rd edn ISBN: O-8016-3935- 2, 476 pp. Price f20.50

Although mainly written for the North American nurse-midwife this book will give any interested reader a positive insight into maternity care in that care setting. There is a balanced view of the debates surrounding interventions in labour, such as episio- tomy and artificial rupture of membranes, with a somewhat non-committal review of continuous elec- tronic fetal monitoring. The increase in the caesarean section rate is discussed along with the issue of vaginal birth after caesarean delivery. Each chapter is sup- ported by adequate referencing. Topics which are covered only minimally include alternative methods of pain relief in labour and the technique of breast feeding. The book does advocate certain practices, such as the advice not to immerse the baby in the bath until the cord has separated, without adequate expla- nation or supporting evidence.

Black and white photographs support the text throughout; these tend to be of white, well dressed, two parent families which possibly gives a distorted view of the reality of family life. Although obviously aimed at a particular market students of midwifery elsewhere may find the book of interest.


The CTG in Practice by A. H. Balen Churchill Livingstone, 1992, 1st edn, ISBN 0-443- 04675.1, 203 pp. Price f9.95

This descriptive manual of electronic fetal heart rate monitoring highlights some important aspects of the use of this procedure in present day practice. The book takes a very practical approach with the use of case histories to illustrate different situations where electronic monitoring has been used with varying degrees of success. The use of this case history and cardiotocographic trace format would be useful for the guidance of midwives and doctors, although the layout necessitates the reader flicking back and forth over several pages which may be disruptive and irritating. Some abbreviations were unfamiliar requir- ing frequent consultation of the references lists.

The book is well presented in a ring binder format with a laminated cover which is colourful and eye catching and is good value for money. I would imagine it could be a useful addition to a labour ward bookcase but with a variety of other manuals and materials

covering this area also available this one may have difficulty gaining recognition.


Maternity Nursing: An Introductory Text

by A. Burroughs W B Saunders, 1992,6th edn, 519 pp.

This excellent text written in an easy-to-read concise format provides a thorough overview of basic mater- nal/child nursing. Each chapter begins with an outline and learning objectives and concludes with a series of multiple choice review questions.

The content is divided into seven units. The first two focus on the social and biological components of childbearing and fetal development with a chapter on human sexuality. Units three, four and five focus on labour, delivery and the postnatal period. There are excellent pictures of the mechanism of labour which will be extremely useful to the visual learner. Included in the labour and delivery chapter is a terminology section on feto-pelvic relationships. The mechanism of labour is explained very well as are fetal positions (accompanying schematic diagrams). The normal neonate is the subject of unit six and the description of the assessment of the new baby is extremely well done with accompnaying pictures and tables. Unit seven deals with complications of the mother and baby with an excellent section on common and not so common birth and congenital defects. There are also wonderful photos showing the term and preterm baby’s different responses to tests todetermine gestational age. A small section is devoted to babies of drug dependent women.

The last chapter is given to women’s health care in


Numerous care plans facilitate the student’s use of

the nursing process in theory and in practice. The two

appendices, one a glossary of terms the other an

extensive list of drugs and their implications will be

very useful. As a text this book will be of most use to the

student nurse during her maternity care/obstetric



Death at Birth by Jenni Thomas Oxford Regional Health Authority, 1992, 1st edn, Price f75.

This video has been produced for use in the training of

health professionals in the care of parents whose baby