THE DAILY NEWS c'. ·~·~el -...


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~~· r. ·~·~el c'. R.OO'!Oe

~------,-H-ED-A-ILY_N_E_W-S,-~-.J-O-HN-~~.N-F-LD-.,W-ED-NE~SD-A-Y,-JA-N-U-AR-Y-V-,l-%~0-~(h-i~-.~7~~-~~)--(charleSHUtt~&SOOS Vol. 67. No. 22

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Red r,· 11 \llnt.n '-!t ·mnso\· · attat·k.• a;winst the L'.S. ;.'· \Slll':l;T< >\' t{'l'·--Prrsi- Enunl'intinl! a oix·point "l'el·

rlrnt l::;r:~h.>wrr T11~•cby u1·~ \".'l ::lo1·e·· pnli!'~' that would rei t.'ubans to mr<•t anrl drf~nt, st'<•m to safeguard Cuba's rita! llr-d .ntn:ue in l'uhn hut >aict sn~;;1· marlwt In the l.'.S .. t·•c L nlll'cl St<•ll'.' II ill nat Ei~cnhr.wcr· told a pres~ con· ·"'""'" "'·on::m;,. :·ppl'i>ab de· IL•!'t'lll'r hr will CQntinue to <,l'lr hi• d<'rp rniH't'l'll o1·r1' Jll'l'~s for adequate compen· F1rlrl CaMrn·s "unwarranted"· "at ion for L'.S. properly sciz·

------- -----· ·--------

Investigate Death Of Diana Barrymore

'\F.WYOHK<.-\1';- In death 1!11<'-'' at Diana's last party ~· in lifr. Di;;na Ban,vmm·c tlu:t ended a few hour~ a tcw Tue~da.'· rrmainrrt an rni~ma. hours before her drath. Curl· .,n autopsy failrd to deter· o· it.1· rather than any suspi· m;ne thr rau~c ol hrr death l'inn appat·cntly moth·ated the and furthrr test~ ~·ere nr· sran·h for the man, .John cirrrd. l'nol:,

lll'r hraU11' nnd tal<'nl 1'81'· Thf'l'e was no evidence of ned b~· dr!n'k anrl dissiilatinn. suicide. But Diana was on 'lis.< Rarr~·more w.1s found sl<>cpin)! :1il!s and five years rlrarl in bed :\londa~· in hrr n~o she had tried to take her mid·:\lanhattan apartment. She life with an overdose . ... -a~ 38. . The autopsy did not dis·

"She was a bad little girl." : close any evident cause of said her stepmother, one time • death so a chemit•al analvsls •cre~n beauty Dolores Castel·. of her l'ital organs was order­ln. 1 fe>rmer wife of Diana's. ed. This i.~ a routine proce· rather. John Barrymor~. dure to dete1·mlnc, among

Diana herself summed up other things, whether pol5on, hrr life in her autobiography. drugs or narcotics have play· Too :\luch, Too Soon. · ed a pari In death.

'\obodr. howc\'cr. could · "It may be an accidental probe the dark depth~ of her, overdose of sleeping pills,'' ~ouJ to discm·er why she · said police inspector Joseph llrowncd a promising acting ::\TcLaughlln, "we don't know." r:arrt'r in innumcr\ble whisky It might have been Diana's bottle~. heart. too, subjected to yea1·s

And in death ~h!' remained of abuse from sleeping pills, a riddle.

1 ":Jcp'' pills and drink. Her

Tbert was no indiL·ation of · physician, Dr. Colter Rule, anr \'iolcnce. And ret police ~ had trentecl her for chest ~ou~:ht for questionin~: a man


1 pains but she had no history shr hardly knew. a chance of heart trouble,

··• rememDcr when we used te judae a man by his honesty and •mbitlon Instead of an aptitude test."

. .

National Flag

owers *

:Guns Silent I



• • • 1ers r1s1·s -----·. ·- -----· ·------ ----

1 U.K. Dollar Restrictions:

City. Will Remove Most Within 6 Months

OTT.\ IVA (CPI-:\ British· of the restrictions. , •·abinet minist!'r Tuesday had BIG INCREASES I exhilaratin:! news for Canadi· i But he nolrd that Canadian ~ an rx:JOrtcrs. : sales of canned salmon in lhl!

Ill. lion. llcginalrl ~laulclin;:, l;.K. im·rcasrrl by 300 per pre>idcnt of the United King- tent when restrictions were <km board of trade. ~aid at a taken cff. Sales of Canadian JH'e>s conference here that chcrse .had jumped 100 per mo;;t of the remaining British. cent nnd of machinery 70 per rrstrietions on dollar impo1·ts crnt. will he remo\'NI within six ~lr. :'llaudling said Canada is montits. treating British exporters fair-

11 c said British rc;trictions h· thou~h he would disru~< a still apply on apillr.s. tnhan·o. r'rw point< concerning tariff• syntlwtic· ruhhcr. fi>h and wilh Canadian officials. nwat hut rlirl nnt ,.,,. frnm . lie hart co\·cred thr trarl~ 11hidl of til"•<: itrnl.' till'.'' will fielrl in rrl'rnt Paris talk:; with he H'll101'rtl. Financr :-Tinistrt' l'!rmin;: <1nrl

~Jr. \laurllitl~ dl'c·linrrllo ps . tinwlt• h.'' how mul'l1 Canarli· an s;tlrs tn P.ritain will in· erra.sp a• a re.sult flf rrinoval

Tr;cdr :-iini<t"r Churrhill •r tl1at tllrrc w(•t·r few 'Jl;:rifk proh!rm" tn rai..:r durin:z hi!' rt::-;t·tl~~:ml~ \~·i!li t:•.:· twn min· i~trrs herr Tur;rla:; .

Canada's Trade Position Sound

Vaccine Shortage

. I

succeeded four as chief of On· at Toronto.

Weather Cloudy wit!! a few light

snow flurries. High 28,

TEMPERATURES Toronto ....... 22 Montreal • .. .. . 21 :'11oncton ...... 23 Halifax .. .. .. . 2ft Sydney .. ..... 25 St. John's . . . . 23

28 31 30 36 34 32

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Bi~hop's Visit SPA7'1IARD'S BAY - The

Annual W.A. U:..-bn" Bishop of Newfoundland, Rt. l~ g Rev. J, A. !\leaden, spent Sun· s day and :\fonday in the parish

!0 -:li.. of Spaniard's Bay.

CONCEP1-,ION.BAY NEWS --------··-·-·--------· --~- .. -

! Directors And tOHicers Installed

. I ll, .~nters

i Vucaiional ·School

MY ROBERTS-Tilt' annu· At 8.30 on sunday morning al meeting of the West Wom· the Bishop was the Celebrant en's Association of the bnlt· for Holy Communion In the fod Chul't'h was held on Thurs-- parish church and was assisted dat· Jan. 21st, at 8.30 p.m. In b the rector Rev E Willis

.-den Hall. with the Pres!· Y • • • •

BELL ISLA.:'\!) tStalf)-Ed· BELl. ISLA~; I) (Sluff l- w~rd (Ol:Wllr:hy and Gera:d

After openir.-~ thr meeting at a S:JUndcrs o[ th;s to·.m r~cently

ladie:< night banquet of the Ki· entered the Vccat:onal.Training wanis Club, the oJtgoing pre;i- :;chool at St. .John's, to take dent. E. J. Hussl'll. turned the courses in telegraphy. proceeding over to pa,;t Lt. (inv·; Edward is the son of ~lr. and rrnor. Walter Temp:cman. who ~Jr>. Pierre Coxwor<~)', Theatre introduced the ladies and oth~1· Avenue. Grr.•!d is the son of J:Uests. ; lt•. and ~lrb. Eric Saunders, 1\o.

At 11 o'clock the rector was _ )Irs. H. A. Snow in the the Celebrant at All Saints'

ehalr. Church, Tilton, and at this .. \_fter a short de\·otlonal service the Bishop preached:

ptonod Re\', Re)'llolds out)lned and pronounced the AbsoiU· thr rules ~r the constlutlon. tlon and the Bendlctlon. ~ foll~ ln1 officers . for Evensong was conducted at 1~1 we:e the~ plected. the parish church of the Holy

Mrs. Ke1th \\ lnsor, Pres!- ' th R t clrnt: ~~r~. Re\'. Re,·nolds. VIce Redeemer at 7 by e ec or President; Mrs. Philip snow, with the Bishop preaching the

ReeordlnJ Secretary; !\Irs. o. se~~~sn.morhlng (:\londavl the 'B. Ru~ll, Corresponding Bishop will speak to the schocl SPeretaey • Mrs. George Spen· children of the parish at a spe· rer. Press Seeretar)'; :\Irs. H. 1 1 mbly In the school au­.\. Sno-.· •• Liter~ture Serre~ary; 1 ~~~0~~~- This evening there :\tn. Re~. Re~nolds, Steward· ,111 b tl f th men ship Secretan-· :\Irs James Yi e a mee ng o e Dale, Treasur~r. Flo~er Com- of the congregation when the mlttee: :\Irs. A. Kearle\', :\Irs. Bishop will speak and later R. Kearley, ~Irs. 1. ~fercer. sho~ a film. . Representath·es at the Of!lcl· \\ hile In the parish h1s Lord· a' Board· llrs Phlllp Snow ship Is the guest of Rev. E. • -'fter th~ officers to~k th~lr and l\lrs. Wlllls at the rectory.

J)lares the Installation was conducted by Rev. R~ynolds. i Wedding

The meet1n1 elosed at 10.30 ;

p.m. ~~ Anniversaries F• 8 ' d , BAY ROBERTS-:\Ir. and lfe nga e and :\Irs. Thomas Brown, Sr.

are receh·tng the . congratula· Ans\\·ers Call tlons of their man~· friends on

I. the thirty-first anniversary of their wedding, which they will

Rll. GR.i,CE-At 7 p.m. on celebrate on January 24th. h!day the Hr. Grace \'olun- i The~· were married at Coch· tftl' Fire Bri~:adt' was called : rane Street United Church. St. tn the residencP of :\lr. Gerald


: ,John's by the late Rev. George Haire, at the West end of the French. Mrs. Brown was the tG'II'n to deal with a fire caused I former :\Tadge l\loore or St. ~- an overheated oil burner. John's. We join with their They returned to thl'lr station family and friends In wishing shortly after as the fire was them man~· more years of C'OIItrolled quickly. happy mart'ied life together.

~lemoriam Polio Clinics ln Lo\'ing ~lemor~· of

NILLIIS FRANCIS IUTLIR I CARBO:\EAR, Jan. 25th.-~·ho died ' Polio clinics will be held In

J111uary 21, 1956. the Carbonear Red Cross Com· J often sit and think of hl'r, mun!ty Hospital on Saturday,

\'.'hen 1 am all alone. Jan. 30th. and Wednesda~·. For memory b the onh· friend February 3rd. and Saturday,

That grief can call Its own. February 6th., from 10 a.m. to Likl' ivy on the weathered oak 12 p.m. to enable aU persons

"'hen all other things deca~·. In the Carbonear medical dis· ~ty lo,·e for her will still keep trlct to receive third Injection

green- of polio vaccine, It Is to be .\nd ne,·er fade away. hoped that all those qualified

-Lovingly remembered by to receive this Injection will her mother ~rs. Allee Brazil. be on hand.





·"SIMMONS" AUTUMN GOLD 220 COIL SPRING­FILLED MATTRESSES, all sizes, Reg. price $39.95 .................... SALE $30·66 "SIMMONS" CHARM REST FLAT TOP 220 COIL SPRING MATTRESSES. all sizes. ~. price $~9.95 .................... SALE $39·88 10 COIL SPRING·FILLED MA TTRES·SES, wonder·

.... ~ •• - value here. price $29.50 .................... SALE $19· 95

;-:w..,"D"~; DECKER BEDS 30" x 72", complete with .... ,~,.•• wool mattresses,

Reg, $48.60 .................... SALE $36·88 DECKER BEDS 36" x 72" with spring·

mattresses. UI"V''\ft Reg. $~.50 ................ SALE $69·65

Pee. BEDROOM SUITES, Regular· $102.00 PRICE ..................................... , ... $82·00

. . " T.V. CONSOLES, . Reduced.

. .' ...................................... :.DUMONT

WASHING MACHINES. ::~· $189.50 ........................ SALE $129·88 ·w,:;,Dv ITEM IN STOCK GREATLY REDUCED .TO




Lt. Govel'IIOJ· .]. G. Arrh:!Jald 1 E"st. was- in dwrgr of the installation -·------ ----ceremony, with Kiwaninn Row Emery as installing marshal.

1 lnstallerl \'.we: E. J. Hussell. ' lmmelliatr Pa~t l'rcsitic•llt; ln-l'l'ctors. Reid Proudfoot. Ju,epll Ba>ha, .J. (i .. -\rrhihald. :\or·: man f.'ohcn. \\'niter Temp!cman )![), ll. \\'. TuckPr and !to~wrt

Canhrcll 1 in ah.";nlia 1: Don Temp!e:mm. Tr!..\ii!-Jllrcr; Torn Car<.'iC'~S. ~·:·1·1·t•tary: J.ornc Pr·oud:oot. 2;Hi. Viet• Prc;'dent; Gordon ~la1'1i:1. lst. \'ice. 1';-r .. i· rlent and llohc·n l'oh~!l. Prrsi· dent.

The Ill".': Prc'>idt•nt in a ,imr:

I' atlrlre~,; railed for tht• active hdp of th•; ladies in the func· tioning of ••lub acth·itics.

Rov Of Year ,;

This is a new school buildin~ erected in the western md of Spaniard's Bay in recent months. It is desi~ned !o BELL ISL.-\.:-1[) 'Sl:lti)-·Thc accommodate two classrooms, kitchen, dinin~ room, washrooms :mtl, toilets. LucKtcd ut the rear of the (Jrcmises of Boy of lhc Year al lhe \\'nhana

kG S • d 1 f 1 £ 1 II 1 1 1 · 1 ·1 'I 1 1 Boys club i> to iw announced ~lnr osse & ons L1mite , it is on y a cw '.·arc s rom t It' o < unc•l'oom sc 1oo · w m: 1 was lm t a most ci~ 1ty \'cars I _, at lhc Annual )lePtil:·~- early in

ngo. Foreman carpenter was ~lr. Harry Gosse. The interior of the lmildin~ is not \'Cl eomp t•h•d, hut the nwn arc. ooing ~-chruar\', that part of the project free of charge. A furnace is to he instullcd and the lmilcling should be ready for occU[Jall<' He h~,; IJ!•••n ~c!ect~rl· from shortly and the old one·room building will be solei. ( Plwto hy E II. \'okPy) · 12 nwmhl'r> whu 11·ert· .<clc!'lccl

Curling :·n·uru:s ni:xK C\UEFE.\TED In


BELl. ISLA:'.;)) I Slaff)-'fllc ~likt• ;;:,,y·es rink. ~~·ith vice· okip Tllm l.lrown. Eill t.oup,hlan Zud :tllli c,ril ~!oaklcr !Cad. 1wre suc~c>:•tu ely in the British ('on:,nl >··l'ies ·:;hich were com­p'e:c:l at the llc•!l J<:•!Jd Curl­!!'.-) Cmh thls \':ec~k-e·;d.

~.Ji~c ·;!;ipprd his rink thnugil th~ 11inc gJmes >cries without t;,>t!ng ri<·frat. to !e:t\'c the Jim .-'lrchiilald rink in second place. A H-3 1·idorv over the Wallv :\cil ri;1h Sunday aflernoo~ mad!' a bfl'th in tht• t.unsol p lay-ofb. which open here on :·'c•bruary ht .. secure.

Thl• :\c1l fuur>ume, Romw Butler. .-'lrnie Bennett aad Ches Jli~::!ins with an a\·erage :1gc of ~~. b thr youngeft rink in lhc St·ric>.

..... ---.. -· · ·--~---· .. ···------.............. ·· -- -------- ... _ .. ___ . for Boy of the :\lonth awards

Week Of Pray_ er 11 Mid-T.erm. ! Mrs. O'Keefe !l~ons Honor ~~~:~.~}~1 t1~~~.t~:.,::~Cti~::(·r.~.:"i::;;;r; . Sympathy E 1 p A M h .likely pmspcd; will ~" hdure' BELL ISLA:';[) l Stt•fi 1-

CARBONEAR, Jan. 23rd.-l X3IDinatiOJ1S aSSCS way Cffi CfS the lloard of D,n•cwrs. The nne :; is cxtendpd to ~Irs . The third sen·lce In the j , , • . • . meeting the exact in~ r~quirr.· ll3n·ey Fli~ht. the Front. on the

Week of Prayer was held in SPA:'\ lARD .s Bi\\ 1 ht> menls will lik"'" !Jl' thooPa lor. d<'ath of hrr fati1rr. l'a:rick the South Side Church on week llw puptls nf lloly fle- 11.\fl!lOCR Gfl:\CJ-: -- I.rt- BELL ISLA :OW I Staff l--Si~ <hr hi~h honnu;·. l'nrht•tt who Jlo»l'd tnra)· at hi~

dccmer School all "l'Udl'< a•·e lers rrt·eil'ed at Harbour l'har!l•r memher> of the llell Is· · Wt'dnesday evening. tt was a , • . ·. ~ · · '.' , Ba>b lor ,c!t·t·Jiuu l!ll'iude: home iu St. .John's. in hi; 7-ttil most lmpressi\'e sen·ice and w~·1t!ng then· m1d-term exanHn· Gl'n<·c last Wl'ek brought n~ws land Lion> Cluh. Frank B. lntcn'st in tht• cluh. knowlcrl<>c ·year . was well attended. Capt. Rat· allons. . ' o.f lhl' >ndden. pa~smg ~t. '\ew ~'lnire. t'hnrt~r Pre;idrnt. ll'ho of wh:Jt <!"<'.' on there. attenbd· crlffe was the speaker. . Althou~h llwse examma· · \m·knf ~lri<. 1homa.< 0 K!';fe. ht•ld officr for two years; Blair

The Thursdav service was ~Ions are mtemal the~· nrc stm· I he tormer ~ltss Belle Ken- Kennell\', thp Club's first third ant<'. g<•neral intcllig~nl'c. c'm· held In the s. A. Citadel and tlar in st~·le and 11'111 be l'I'HIU· n~:l.1·. . • \'ice-Pr~sidcnl; Charle> Nose- dlll't and all round ,:p.ort,man Anniversarv

• It opened with a welcome by a ted in mnrh th~ sa:nl' wa~·. as

1 ~Irs. 0 !\cdr wa> born at worthl'. Charter Treasurer:' ship.

Capt. Ratcliffe, followingjthe public cxammat10ns whwh · ll;!rlwur C~ral'<' and was a ~teve.'"ahel', who held office as 1 A Bo~· of the Yc;lr al the B!cLI. ISLA:'\D IStafl.l--j[r. which the large congregation ' are held in Junr. dau;thter or the late C. L. and first Lion 'Tamer: Lions Jack Wahana !loy; Cluh wa; fmt and ~Irs. f'red Butler. Bennett

b f I 1 Exammntions are nl'l'l's<a~ :, lrs. Kennedy, tllC foundel' of Farrar and Randolph Bnller. ~l'leeted in ln:iH. Peter Fowlt•r Stl'e<•t. celehrated the 12th. an· hymns, followed by prayer. el'lls, bt~t until some adrqu~te a II\' ·nown ttnsmtt 1 1rm , Charter Directors. were bon- '' · ·' · · . nil'er;ar)· ot their marriage on sang a num er o gaspe


. 11 k . . 1 f' wa. hov , ·lccted

Reasons of testimony and alternative has h<•en dert.,~d Which flcumhed here for a oured at the Club's dinner --------- ·.Jantwry 2~\h. Fred wt:s former· prayer followed the reading I to replace thcr.1 they _a1·~ still ' century ?r more. . meeting last week. Bob C h Jy manager at the Wabana of the scripture and the \the. accepted . Y?rdshl'~S- b_~· I ~OJIO~\'lllg her mamage t_o 0 The Club 1\'~S organized herr 0 en l'ountr)· Club at present he Songsters rendered a very f wh1ch _the '"!Ptls. prop,t ess IS , :\Jr: 0 Keefe, also o~ tlu~ ~~ October 19<>~. wtlh an on-, N p •d t .·presents Elrctrolux at \\'a-lovely number, accompanied I mea~urut.. For J~St as exam- I !0111~, beth took Up residence gmal membership of 20. :- e\\' I'CSI ent l;ana. by Capt. Ratcliffe on the

1 l~atmns gll'e a fmr!y act•m·at_e , 1n. :"'ew York. Older residents Tribute was also paid to the. ----~---

piano. Rev. or. Isaac Davis de· ' picture of how muc~ a pup1l ' Will r~call the deceased lady other 14 original members. who J • A" F lh·ered a fine message with ! knows on a given. SU~Jl'!:t. the~· . a~d her m_uslcal talent, and helped lay the foundation of the BELL ISLA:'\[) I Staff J -Bob OlllS . If orce "Followlst Chrfst" as the . also gl\'( some md1rat10n of I \ltll unite 1n extendmg sym- Club, which has taken such an Cohen, well known Town theme. He pointed out that . what the ~upil d_ocs not know. : pnthy to he_r hu~hand and active part in community af- Square bu>incssmnn w<~s in.-tall- · BELL ISLA~[) 'Staffl-~!is5 following Chrl5t did not Sc~olastlc arluen.•ments arc , othl'l' survtnng members of fairs since its organization. cd as the 1960 president of the Gloria Parson~ of Par,on1·itle mean !eeking security, In fact ! CCI'tamly ~nt. the produ.t•ts of her fanuly. The six honoured member., Bell Island Kiwani> nub dur· ha~ cnli>INI in the Rl'.\F. She security 1~ 8 word that i5 ' wishful tl~u.l~ln~! even Ill o~r ' arc still actil'e in the local ing a ladie>' night banquet on lrfl on .Jam:ary 2~1h. for t~uc-becomlng vt'ry common In our i m?cleru t:ll'lhzatwn there. 1s MR. HAROLD MARTIN dub. January 20th. bee. Slw i; the dau~ht('(l ot .\lr. every day life, evl'n In the • st1!1 no royal road t~ Jl•aru_n:~· . :\ ll'ttcr rl'rril·ed from hi> Bob. a mrmbt•r nf youn~!'r ami 'lr~. E'an Par:·on.'. li\'eS of whites who call ! True there are more raclhhe~ !llC~'(', ~II'S. llar\'CY :\lurcell of ;;ct. a former hockey player BrforP ·Jc~l·in~ ~)1(' \\'a<

I themselves christians. He 1 and accessortcs t~1an tho>e of· rmo.nto last week. told of .the 1\;II.SS KI"lclten hrrc. sen·ed in the Rl'.\F rlur- sperial ~uc;t at a farewell n~rt; urged his hearers to venture I forded to the pupt!s and tc~ch-

1 pas~mg of a1_10ther one-lrme lf. ing the last war. . or.~anized in her honour at tlw

forth Into the world, to ·see I er~ of an . older genE.'t,'atlon; i res1dent ~f th1s town. :llr. Har· He i' the >on of ~Jr. and ~liddleton Inn. what wa! needed to be done,! still_ there 1s no better atd to a I old :\lartm, who passed away Praised ~Lrs. Charles t:ohcn I Colonel). In order to bring the Kingdom I pupil's progress than a good rec;nll~· at :\lontrcal. Town Square. of God Into the world and I teacher, and thet·e ar~ abso- . 'I he det·eascd was born he1·e • BELL lSLAND (StaHl-Pas! then, having seen. to bend lutely no better m~tcrtal that and was a. ~on of the !ate :\lr. Lt. Gol'ernor of Kiwanis Dis- • •

Babies Die body, mind and soul to doing . a good tc?cher desires than a , an~ :\Irs. F.h :\Jartm, lm father: trict 12. Walter Templeman, Adoration it.


. good pup1l. : bemg one of thr o~d school· i ~!D. while addressing the meet· BJ::LL JSLA:'\D tStaff•-Sym-On Friday the service was But thcl'l' is so ~any outside I masters of the earlier .days, I ing at the Kiwanis installation: .Servi· ne ; p'lthy i< ~xtrnrled to ~lr. and

In the :'l:orth Side United Interests for pupils of today. : The late :\lr. i\1artm left, banquet. gave special mention , \. ~Irs. Pl'trr Byrne. \\'alJJna. on Church and Rev. B. B. Snow Sports have almost b~come a ! here about forty years ag~, to , to :\!iss :\laxinc Kitchen, for the • the <lt•ath of their 12-month·old was the speaker. It opened in obcesslon, not only w1th par-,l:~s.Hie at :\lontreal. He pmd a [expert manner in which she BELL JSI.AXD IStaffJ-40· son P?.ul and ~lr. and :•lr~. Er!-the usual way and the choir tiel pants but with the onlook- nstt to !!arbour Grace about :supervised the Kiwanis swim- hour Adoratinn of tht• Blr~<~d warrl O'Quinn. Lauer Core rendered the anthem "Our ers as well .. We sometimes three years ~go when he re-, min.g pool last summer. . Sacrament began at St. :\lich- Road. on the r!ealh of their II· Great Art" with Mrs. Mary i wonder If JUSt a little too n~~erl aequamtances and_ re· : arl'~ Church. at 11.00 mass Sun· . month·n:rJ >on .lolw. Saunders as soloist. much emphasis is placed on v1s1ted the once fam11iar ' . day morning.

Friday evening 1 · service sports. Perhaps not on the scenes of .earlier ye~rs. Prior : Prize Winners After mass. there was a pre-was held In the North Side games thcmseh·es. but on the to his takmg up res1dcnre at ,.,.,,ion throu~h the bo•ly or the United Chureh and the speak· attitude~ which some of us :\lontrenl. he had ~een highly: 11:\RBOI.JR GRACI-:_ Last l'hun·h and hack to the Altar, er was Rev. B. B. Snow, B.A., ha1·e. The idea seems 1~ot to , regarrlerl as ~n n:·lt\'e m~mber week, a considerable number l\"1' . .J. \\'. ~lcGetligan n!Jiciat· B.D. It opened In the usual develop the body . ph)'Sirally 1 a~d workPr tn St. Pauls An- of prize winners recci\'ed their erl. way and the choir rendered 1 and whether one wms or lo~cs ! gltrnn. Church her!'. . . cheques for priws won in the Other rxcrdses of the Arlnra· that very beautiful anthem. beside the point. but one must : Left _to mour~ arc h1s Widow October Industrial Exhibition tion sen·ice were a Holy Hour "How Great Thou Art", with win a game .a~ a!l costs. th!' r.m mer Aht·e Heath. also whirh was held at t~1l' Stadium un Sunday and ~Iumia~· e1·cr: :Mrs. Harry Saunders, as sol- Jlcalthy competttton ts a go~d . n[ tlus toll n. and 2 daughters. at Harbour Grace 111 October. ing~. ~lass at R.OO :\londa; olst and with ~lr. John Lea- th!ng, a~d Wl' are all for tt: i 1 o them a.nd other me~brrs It is hoped that a li>t of these morn in~. The srn·ire conclude mon at the console. th1s applies. not only m sports, : of the fanuly sympathy Js ex· prizes will be published short- with 8.00 mass Tuesday morn-

Re\', Mr. Snow reviewed the but in other fields of en- tended. I 1~·. in g. messa~e given during the four dea1·our as well. ! - ---·---... previous services and then an- We hope that in our neck of 1

nounced his theme as "Life's the woods the pupil's will put Commitment." He said one the same intense effort into does not commit one's life to getting down on paper what a dead person, the very word they know about their school commitment involves a live studies as they do into pla~·­person, two persons. Jesus lng a hockey game. And after said "I am He that was dead It h all over they mi!:ht be and am alive forever more." able to take stock of' them· God through his Son, had selves as performers, . learn shi!Wn all the right person to past mistakes and take some whom they should commit ad\'lce from their coaches. If their lives and he urged his so, we'll be on hand to cheer.

Persom1ls SPA~IARD'S BAY - !1-lr;.. H.,

W. Sheppard has reurll('d from I Carbonear where she spent two , week~ with her daughlcr, Mrs. : Jim Simms. I

Mr. Nath Barrett is enjo~·ing I his holiday but plans to return to Toronto around the end of t~is month. •

IlL~ friends will be sorry to hear that :\lr. Howard Crane of Gander is pn•scntl)' a patient at the General Hospital. St. ,John's. Mr, Crane was injured at the

hearer• to commit their lives to Him and then to go out and do their best to carry out His command of "Go you Into all the world and preach the Gospel.'' The world means your place of residence, as much as It means the foreign fields, we are preaching every day by our words and· deeds, the one thing to make sure of Is to preach the right message. the message or redemption through Jesu1 Chrht.

The three ministers ex·· pressed the belief that the Week of Pra}'er has been a moat beneficial one to all and their hope Is that the. friendly spirit prevailing wi\J continue throulhout the year and into future yeara.

Newsy Briefs

Personals BAY ROBERTS, Ja_n. 23-- airport durin~ n wind storm,

Mr. Fred Winsor visited St. , when in the course of his worx, Jiihn's on Wednesday. I a piece of equipment toppled

- . . . o1·er and pinned him underneath. Congratulations of thetr Those with birthdays this week

many frlendR are extended to · include: Xoel Sheppard on Sun­Jessie Crane and Lorna :\ler- . day, ,January 24: :\Irs. Arthur cer who we_re SUC'cessful In :\eil and Gerard Gregory on passing th~rr supplementar~· : ;\lonrlay, .January 2:\: .Janice exam~. which were written In . n; · !tup anrl D~l'id s:,~pparrl on December. i Tu?sday, January 211; Edna

. ; Gosse on Thursday, .January 28: 1\lr. Albert, Broomfield vis- i Billy Strickland Frirla)', .January

!ted St. Johr s on Friday, · 29: Billy Barrett on Suo~ a~·. Jan·

Menu. Edsel Russell, Fred Mercer and Herbert Mercer, visited St. John's on Wednes­day.

uar~- 31. Congratulations to Mr. and

Mrs. Arthur Porter to, whom a iOn was born at Carbonear hos­pital' on Thursday, January 21.

Stalwarts Auxil~ary Active an~:~~s~~e~tn~Rfrc~; J~r~ BEI.L IsLAND <StarO--Th~ Topple ~an~crs bour Grace War . Memorial Canadian Legion Ladirs Aux- JH:LI. lSLA:>m cstafll- Th•1 J,!brary Board is to be helrl lllary will catrr at the installa- 1·i~ilirl~ Sl~lw~rls hock<'r lrnm at the :tlbrary on 'fhursday at lion of officer~ in the :\lemoriai from St. ,John's, tkfeatcd the 4.30 p.m. Mill Mlfflen, Iuper· Building on Saturday January Rangers of the Bell Island Sen· vltor ·of' lltJional Llbratlel 30th. Thl! auxiliary's own in· ior League by 9-4 in a Sunday will attend this mtetinJ, stallatlon will be held on Feb- afternoon exhibition meet at


FOR ONlY "" $1.50 , Men's Beh~ 9

' Ladies' Bondoncts reg. 79c. • Child's Wool Cop; reg. 97c. ' Ladies' Foam Slip-eltes 69r..

Child's Panties. reg. 49c. • Child's Nylon Ankle Socks • Scissors ............... reg, 89''

• Bike Balls. Girls' Wool Head Bands.

• Arm Bonds. • Bow iies.

reg. 6 c. • Soy5' Belts reg. $1.00 • Men's iie~ 59 • Men's Polic'l Braces . c.

reg 49c. • Boys' Sroc~~. · ' · • M . Work Gloves.

Men,~ While i -shirh 49c. ens 39 • Boys' Dress Socks reg. c.

, Wool Mitts 97 c: • Penmon s k • M , Wool Work Soc s

ens . 49c. ....... ........ reg ...

• ·BOTTOM OF CASEY STREET. . . ruary 6th. 1 the Bartlett llemorial Arena.

. Birthday greetings are ex- The ladles auxillar)' 1'vlll i Rangers In top position in the . tended. to !\Irs. Cecil .>\l'chl· 'hold a card gnme In the )[e· • lora! Senior league series, ap- ' bald and M!ss Aada Tapp who 'j moria! Building on .January [ pearrd to be disor~anized in : e DIAL 3361', 6449. . . celebrated their birthdays on 27th. Flvr. valuable prizes arc j Sthlday's -~xhihilion g a me l Jaquary 22nd. . to be won. against the vi>itors. ·


..... ~

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.... , ~-

.. _ ... ~ ::~5 ...

' . !

. '

•' ' ... ., ... . · .. ' -:.~

~ .... } . : ... . . .,

. ··.~ 1 . ·~

, .. . • ... ...

.. l


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~, }., -·-.

Little Bay Copper Mine: Govt. Backing $2 Million . Bond Issue 1

Premier Makes Statement In New York

'Hoping To Collect 2,00Qf !Pairs Of Used Eyeglasses; ! Two thousand pairs of mcd • All eye glasses collected will , the project launched in Dcecin.' ' eyeglasses in the next two weeks · be shipped through Lions chan· ber by the 2i Lions Clubs . in.

fte followinJ statement was ncceMsary rqulpment. The ' "This is the second mine net·> :is the objective o! the Lions nels to the needy of India. ·Newfoundland and SL Pier[£: lssuf~ b1· Premier Smullwoorl ces& of putUnf the mine In unlly to be got going in New- I Club of SL ,John's as it takes! 1 which in turn Is part of the ~;: hm :>It\\; York Tuesday through operation Is two mlllloa llol· found\and by Mr. li. J. Bo~·lcn,l part in the Canada-wide Lions' Dqtgstores in St. John's are .tiona! program spo!tsorcd .· ~-his of:ict in St. John's. . lan, and lhls will be raised the other being the large new i B~nk of Li~ht project. . co-operating in this Lions Bank ; the 26.000 Lions in CanJda

"For mort' than two years the; 11y the eompany through the COflper mine and mill 11! Tilt I --- ·· -----· ·"· --- :of Light program by acting as :through the Canadian Associa·. M. J. Boyl!!n inter~sts of Tor-. sale of Its blinds, The GO\'• Cove. :.Jr. Boylen Is now acti\·e·.l u· L" I collection centre,,, Used eye- lion of Lions Clubs. , .,. 1111to and the O'Brlrn Gold in·' ernmtnt ha,·e agreed to


. ly engaged upon his project of I lr8Ct 108 :glasses. lenses and frames may • Anyone in St. John's who .. h:J& lfl'fSis of Ottawa ha,·e joined ruarant·!e thiA bond IM~ne. ~cttlng his third copper mine. i he lrfl at any drugstore: or at w;ed eyeglasses, lenses · Oil lor~ in an txploratlon and' Tht enmpan)' lhw.lf. II' IIi pro· 1 into operation :tt • Great Gulli other business !irms displarinJ: ·frames. is urged to take them driUinc progMmmt ·on tlie cop-: ''Ide the neef!l~ary worklnlf Lake. It was lllr. Boylen aho' · PAFB TO Thule the sperial Lions Bank of· at once to the collection coth ptr deposits of Llltle Bay in: capital, The GoveUtmPnl will · whn Cound the asbestos deposits ! Light poster: or may be gi\'cn tres a;ks Lion Dr. D. L. Sutber. Grttn Bay. The company is. have ample ~tcurlly lor the in the Baie Vcrlc area and who I to an~· member of the Lion; .land. Chairman of the Ban" o' ~!' .. ~.~ hAatll~*ntsi~o1 a3~tb0C11o1pp111e~0,: bond JUarantee. 1~1·1o1 eugcht0mtphaenl'gr1.neat10 J0o1~~~-~.1•1~elatnl1se·. . I A new 2000 circuit-mile com· Clt1tbh. of st. 1John·s. 11 . b IJ.ighht. foGr1thc Lions Club bof" St. - ... """' • ,..... T s s ~ ' . . . . 1.; eycg asses co cct10n ~· o n s. a,s cu;es may ::. ~c· million dollar~ In an eftort to WORK TO S AR 00· asbestos mine in that area. mumcalhons hoo~·UP. 1 110bw t pro· 1 thr St. John's Lions is part of tainrd b" rlonors if the,· wiob. pro\'t sufficient tonnage to war·. "Orders for the mine and mill vidcs wo new c1rcu1 s e wet;n I ____ " __ .. ___ .. ____ · · rant 1 succes.lful operating cop· cqui)Jll1ent will be placed at "There seems to be good Pcpperrcll and Thule, pcrm1t. 1 ------·-

:once, and work wilt commence reason to helleve that there ling direct \'oice communication· ~upert"ntendent Of Govt. :, · per mine. > as soon as weather conditions there will he still other cop· between the new air defense t1 "

"Tllio h8- 110111' betn done, allow. The mine and mill will per mineR openlnl( In Green units. a ... tilt llf'IIIJM'dt for 11 l(oocl 'be In operation by January next IIR)' and nther ports of Sotrr. " ' The hc~rt of the s)·stcm i~ a· B "ld" A • t d fti!M are txcrllent. The 'and will then commence at II namt• llny and \'lclnlly In . ,, . new jUO·milc submarine Cilhle I Ul tngs .ppoln e Ge\'i'nmrnt• ha\'f rarr· · t'iitC of abont 1,040 tons or COil· the not distant rutnrr. The ·. \/. · ·. ', between Cape Dyer on llaffin: fullor rsamti!H all reporh nl

1 per ore each day. It Is expect- · (lo1•ernment arc plrnsed to . ' . · } I Island and Thule. Called DEW' The :lliP~.otrr o( l'nhllc 1\'urks. po,ition wi:h Hw.,·~trr's ~i-":.

tt~r' werk .. nr anll rnui!A ed that this tonnage will rise' have lhe npf"lrlunll,· In as· -"' ... .. . . · ·.'f Drop, the span i.• au~mcnl1•d by lion .. 1. H. l'halkrr. wishrs to foumlland Pulp & Paper .'1!il!.\ •Milllpll~hed. and llan de· rnpl~l~· to mo1'c than double that' slst In the openln~ of yelan· . • • • , , a tropo I radio) in<lallalion. announce the appointment of Limited and until hi~ rcsi["nf· fWft1 te arte4t Ia the com• fi~ure. Approximately 300 men other new mine In :Sewfonnd- 111:\lLHO:\D. BUILDEH HE1 n.mS-St~nwshucs have hccu t•o\'l'ring the same distance wllh .\Jr. Enc Skanes lo the PO>l ot tion a ;hort while a,;o llc :w:r~ Jlll:r's "ll~lt for anl~laact are expected to find employment· land.'' ~lmulurd CI)Ut[)I11Cnl em many a Jllh dunn~-: the JIUSI 42 ycurs additional channels. Superintendent of the Confrd· El(•ctrical Projector Engincrr hi flnant'lar the upltal ntrd· in the construction period. :md · ·fur H. K. DeLunA, Cnnadian ~nlionul Hailways' n•tirin~ Both the cable and the tropo cration Building and the new 1rith the Paprr Company. . ,. -~ te --n lhr mlnr Install when I :1e mile mtd mill begin · • I' · • "' -r· ' · ·' Cl J D'd ('11):\llll'Cr n cnnstrudlllll ut ~l1!11dnn. :\ nali\'C of Shmmon, elements of D~W Drop were: ~lemorial Uni,·cr,ity. He is mariicd to the fotr11rr llw ee•rentratlnJI mill, and to operate the number cmplo)'e~ oc rs 1 I') • (' '1.' l' I k I d ' 'I Sk h s J p··· f s J h d h , be 100 d 1•0 · " ., ~1ccn s .ounty, ,,, >., 1c I no· In ltc woo s early in life. to ha1·e been completed b)· I ·1 ~- ~ncs was ·~•·n at .; i. une 1:>e o I. o n's an I ry ~~~-~~~If pro,·ldt for lhr will be tween an '' · I wtth the land surwvors unci went em to become :m author· December I. The t•able was l.rohn s .. :'\fld .... Tune I.>! h. l9-9. ha\·e two children .

Negotiates W"lth . Nat Agree itv on the lol·alion' of' Ill'''' rail lim·s. and 1111 outstanding linbhed on srhedule e1·en Hc.obt~med h1s clcmentan· crlu· The Government (eel that·m

BR·I·N"·IO . sitn·c,·or :md Cll"inccr. When the nt•t·asion·cnlls he .~h!l enn though the fi:-<t contract?r de· ~atlon m th,e followm~ s~hool': securing the services o! Mr. ., -- , , · •I . ~".! , , " f . . , .· • • faulted when 1ts cable ship was St. Tho"_las Anglican School. Skanes they ha,·e acquired . a

• 1 r . M.l •1 long 1 SllU\\S Ul~ P•"c or lm men em \\IIller JObs 111 d d b r· ll St Johns· Church o[ Ennland person who ,·s capable of look· at t 11' Jlou~r 11 ('umnwns 111 · 1 , 1 ·I • , I amage ~· tre. owe\·er. ae· · · · · ~ Ottawa the two clocks W!!rc ltc ms 1· (C:\R P mto) ceptance of the tropo equip· Academy. Bell Island. Follow- ing alter both the ConfcdN&· not Agrcelnl! on the tlml'. ------- I ment was drlayed, so that extra in~ graduation from Hi~h lion Building and the new ::l!e· For · Bay d'Espoir Power There was about six minut~,; · F k F i I H d :cable channels had to be >ecur· S~h.ool, . he attended )lcmonal moria! Uni\'crsity. The twn

The l'nitrd Towns l:lcctric present SCTI"C some 30,000 CUS·. differencr. This wns noticed ran ow er s onoure 'cd for the Pepperreii-Thule cir·l UDl\'Cr>tty.. from .whe~e he' buildings 1\;hcn completed will Compam· Limited is ncRotiatin~ tomers in NcwfoUJ~dlnnd. :\lost: hy J. R. Tucker. th<' Commons . cuits. This and other communi·' gra~uatcrl m 1949 wtth hts Pre- require a tremendous amount·of v.ith 1hr Britah Newfoundland. or their sen·ice ~~ to rm·all :\!ember for Trinlt~··Concep· : By CUStOmS, EXCHSe St ff cations problems were ironed Engmeerm,g dtplolll:a. He t~en knowledge and effort to see that CC!!'POratlon for ·the purchase areas altllOUgh Untied Towns !ion, who on Friday, ,January I I a ·out through tile close coopera·: a.ttended Nova Scotta Techmcal bo~h are kept in excellent ~on· of 1 JUbstantial amount of pow·, does have some 5,000 custom- 1 22nd, asked the :lflnistl'r of ' lion of the :-lorth Atlantic: Coll.ege, rrom .where he gradual· dlhon and. as. }fr. Skanes ts a tr from 1 propo~ed hydro de· • ers !n the suburbs of St. Public Works which clock was I On :I!Hndav, .Jamtan· 25111 .. The ••ntcrtainment commit·: AACS Region headquarters .. ed 1.n 19~1 wtlh a Bachelor of 1 YOU~g. man w1th the nece5sary \'tlopment at Bay d'E~poir. I Johns. . . I sl~~wing the right time. The~ following the,clos(' of bttsincss. tee and the sick visiting com· f IB76th Radi~ Rela~: Squadron· Engmeermg Degree. : quahftcall.~~s. we have no doubt

llr. ::\o!or~Js satd there.! 1\lmister of Public Works, the 1 the stnff of !he Customs and mit tee ~nd auditors will be ap· 1 and 64th Atr DIVISIOn toe·. . that ~e \11.1 make an exceUent A sta!ement . today from. S.: been p~rhcularly . rapJd m·: Hon. D. J. Walker, somewhat I Exl•ise DetJm·tmcnt gather!'rl at· pointecl at the next regular 1 fense). : A!ter g~aduahon. he wn~ em·. Supermte~dent ~f two. such

H. llorm, Pre~1Mnt of Un1ted,crea~es m demand m the St.i baffled by this query, took 1 their hcadctuartcrs in the new: mr!'ting in February. 1 The DEW Drop cable and plo~ed b~ CanadJ~n. General large_pr~)ects .. Hts appoln~n:cnt Towns. tald the Company Is: John's area. Th~ population h~s i the question as notice so that . Sir Humph rev Gilbert Build· ThC' election of officers was other facilities brought the two· ~lectrtc Company Ltmtted. bo~h, at t~Js lim~ w1ll enable h1m to anxiou~ to ~ecure additional: mushroomed tn the suburbs, 1 he might del'ote more rc· 1 ing, to bid fai·ewell to one of l'fliH!uetcd by the provincial new circuits as far south as: tn Toronto and St. Johns .• acqmre mllmate knowledge. pf supplits .or. power to .tupple·: not~bly In the past ten years. ~earch to this pt·oblem. 1 the it· fellow ofticcrs. in the \"IC(· prcsiclcnt. :\lr. Albert : Goo>e Air Base. To extend; Nfld. After a year at Pepper·, the construcllon dctaJis of tl)ese ment extsllng sources and to This has created a cost!\' expan·

1• • . h k 1 per<on ol :\lr l'nnk ~·owl ow How(' rc)lrcsenling all cus· • thr>e the rest of the wa1· to rell Atr Force B~se he look a· bmldmgs.

· d d A · bl f U 't .I T Bon R :\ltehrner t c Spl'a ·. ' · · · ' · • · · · . -------· mett a growmg. eman . s a, s1on pro em or m ec owns: r' th·· · H i C I Frank has been n faithful ser· toms and l'Xcise officers in: Pepperrrll required the reas·. r~sult, :\lr. :\!orris said. disc~s· 1 because !he Co~p~ny ~as had to!~~~~: "I c amo~::t ~ur~~~~~don~~ i \'aut for ~he past 25 yl'nrs and ' Xcwfo!1 ndlnl~d on the national: signment o! various rircuits at 1 Jn addition to its tar.ti~al ad· through the 64~h Air Dh·i:;ion's t~ons hne been htlcl Wtth: enlarge m (act hiles m a wide! 11 H :\I b , · now havmg rearherl the nge C<XI't'Ulll'<' wtth headquarters 1 radar stallon! between Pep·' vantage, the s1·stem permit; ad· switchboard. T,;c qu::l:t\' of rc· BRISCO. He explained that he: number of areas. ~lr. llorris: ~e ut ~:~~ il~~1 ~r s 1 co1~.~c;-~ that his birth eertifirate has in Ottawa. I perrell and Goo>e. I mini>tratil·e .c?.lls to Thule pro~urtion is rcput~dly hi: h . is not in· 1 .po.•itlon to make noted •. howe\·cr •. that the Com· 1 ~ \~as h:Jpin J mi:~.· ~ .. h ~11.: raught up with him. his assot·i· 4" -·- -"" --- "--- - "-·-·--- ·" -------- - -"" ------· -- --- --"·-

•h. mou_rr dctatlt'd .Atatement at pa:~Y I$ rcontin~l~o; •r.1 Po~~~urc ~~ !lcrs or thr Ja\'." On :\lonrlay, :•t~' mrt to s.hnw thrir apprct'i· N t E gh· G T u • • t • . t ~ . tnf. . po IC)' 0 expat Sl 'both clorks Were show in~ tiW :Jtlllll lOt' n JOb :\·ell done anrl 0 nou 0 0 ntverst tes t nned Townq and Its ~ub· keep pace with the needs and· me tin r tro pn·~ent tu tum a token of ·· 1idtary, ·West l'aa~t Pow~r. at demancb of its -customet·s. sa _ 1 · I tll!'ir t•strt•m. ~lr. ~lac ~lcn·cr.

·------· i rollrrtor. wa~ on hand, and

Y. ear Contest u p I on hPhalf of ttw staff, )ll'l'· 0 I 8% G 0 I -- - "• -- '"" ' rge ar ey. ~r.nted to :lit·. Fnwlow a set n y 0 n dent~ to altend unh·ersit~·. nriou~ commercial establi'h· . of t1'a\'elJI'I''s luggage. This is 0 ~lr. Gerin told the pri'>S mrnts. Checker Of

Supermarkets On B Island's · f2~~~~~~~~~·~?~a:!~~.~:~·~·~~d\\~:~ S NFCUS p :~~~~:h!h~~~:\·.~:~oe:~~~~;~~;:~~ th:0P::;~a;~~-~r ~:~tat:i~~~ut~~~: • · joying good health "h~vc lug· ays . res. ~II Canadian uni,·crsity stu- drnt discounts has not m~t

I ga~e. will travrl.'' dents belong to it. with much success in tbe city. All of the checker·cashiers at United Air Lines jets to the Unemployed 111·5 fot·n1n1• co·\\'orknrs 11•1·sh . 0 . . • ,. f · h 1 k A I C • , ne of 1ts proJects 1s pressur· ·er~· ew city mere ants. a mo~t

At A.yre's Ayre's Supermarket Limited to· Super :\lar et nnua onven· . ht'm 1•011tinU"!I g11111t llnoJtt1. . d h b 'II' ·1

I I Cl '" •• in!( the fc era! go\'erument into none, a\·e een WI mg to lJ • da)· wi~l ha\'e a chance for .8 : lion in At ant c ty l\lay 14• ! good lurk and good travelling. "Oulr S% of Canadian high srhool stndcuts with th~ initialing a national scholarship low students of ltemorial Uni· fne trtp to Atlantic City thls; where the Checker of th_e Year :llr. :llen·c·r alsr> referred taknt ;md the finandal hacking urcc~sary for universit:· go scheme, featuring SlO,OOO in ,·ersity a cUI·rate on books. spring. perhaP-s another \'aca· ·will be chosen. Prizes mclu~e j Retiring Deputy :.Iayor Sl~\'e briefly to :\lr. Fow)ow's 2:i 011 to hi••ll!'r edutalion.'' said thr youn!!: man. scholarships and bursaries. This clothing articles, or theatre Uon m Hawan or Florida, and a two·week all·expenaes-panl Neary of D~ll Island, and ·:m of· years of unbroken and dc1·ot<·d ,.. l ..,. to ll'ear a mink stole this fall! :tour of Huwail as a guest or the .ficin! of the :-lewfonmllanu Fell· scrril·e to the department · I 1<- t•labnratt•d on tht• statemeut. sho~1·in!( t wl li'~ wrut plan is the one proposed by the fees.

!>lr. Hartley Ant. General' Dole Hawaiian Pineapple Co. I eratlon o( Labour CLC Tuesday, a nil to 'uw publir. :\Jr. F:~wlow 011 in the t.lnitecl Stale~. and 21'0 in. Great Britai11. late Sidney Smith, one time :O.Ir. Gfl'in said: '·This di~· Manager, announced the super !The second and third·place I called for an emergenc~· public was also presented on behnlf J·tL'I]IIC'S c;,·rin is a 1'01111g ma11 who should know-he Secretary of State, and past count sen·ice wor);s both ways. market lirm had entered all its i winnerg receive vncallons at 1 meeting to discuss Bell Island's · of :llr. D:wicl Sitn. the Deputy H'Prt'~Pnts ~11 • Canadian' nniV!'rsity shtdrnts in his position president of the t:niversity of We are not just looking for a chtckfr-cashicrs in the Checker •the Holly•vood Beach Hotel,,· critical unemployment situ.1tion. 1 :\lt'tt 1· .•. tn1· of c11 stom.•. ottn11·,". 1 'd t ') tl ,. t' l F 1 "l"on of Uni\'ersitv :Toronto. · hand.out from the mercha::._ts. • " o PH'." en °' Je .-a tona el er .. 1 · : Another scholarship prorr~m .. Ke can offer thE>m a polcnhal of the \'ear AwardR, an annual Hollrwood, Florida. 1 ,.1 , 1 d ., R a c<'l'tifirate of merit " suit· " 1 . 1 b. S 'I , · ,, r ..• cary an .• orman ~vn· · · · ~ l11c rnts. in whirh 13 unirersitirs arl' market if thry can offer •L' ~ ettnt spon~orec ~ • uprr ·' ar· · , ld ~'FI ,· . ·'d 1 :-d able t'r.J>h.· h,,. :\Jr. Fowlol\' ('On· 'I ""r1· ,.,·,,·,,·rt st John'< •ttrntion of hifth ~~·!tool •tn· ket ln>titute ~nd The :-lational Al'rc·~ Supcrmnrket~ will· 01 1~· ·

1' ' '1

1cc · .P'~"1 en· ~at ctudl'cl tiiC' rrent "1r.rrl",: 111111 ~ 1011r' ,,·r 'var1: d"rnts-thf,l' Jack ';nnth·ation,'' he prc.;entl)' ~rtirr. invnlre~ a lower rate.''

. • •1 . . . · ctrrn nnr pro1'111Cia gorcrn· : · ws e a " ·' · scholar~hip Pxch~nge. That 1;. (io,·rrnm•nt •id t~ t!Dl''r~i Ca~h Rcgt$\er Company. cone. ucl 11~ com pan~ promot.•on '.In" 11 lf'•c'tal sllottld ,•tte·11 1 th•. ANNUAL MEETING t. · · : · 't'•< tonlinuerl ... h h 1 d J 27 h • h ·~' o < " I " unr untrrrs• "· · • ~ studrnt from onr nart of Can· t1·c.s ,·.< a mt1~h·d:s~m1rrl ·r~o·,, .... c Yl'lr I c lnst tute c·on· urmg nnunry t . to cc · 1. , 1 · t 1. 1 1,·nd •·oti<JII'I'tl.•.' tl 11·,. tltr· a111111 ,•1 \\'I t · 't rltJr•t 1",111 .1.1 · ,. 1· 1 "t ,. mec mg oo o 'Y n ~ • " " 1a a umvrr" ·' P " "'' 1'rar nn ,q Iotta "11· ada obt~in~ a ~rhnlat'bhip tn lcm •mnn~<.t thr 'l.'f(US ""·1rl• ducts a search for the checker ruan· 6th. l:u~tomers will he 1 t' ' ' ml'rt 1'11 g or tit" (.'tt<. t11 n1s· ,·1111t h ld b b •I 1 to •h• · · 1 r 1 " , ··~ · . so uton • mean< ~ ou r rou~ 1 • • rlrnl~ na~·. ~~~ •~nlla r• urr ~tudy in an11thcr p~rt of In Great llrit:1in thP ~"\·rn;, ,. in each company who is mo;t asked to \'Ole for thetr fa\·orite · · Exl'i~r OHic·(•t's ,\s>odntion. ·- " -- f ~·reuS t 1 1 t \' «

· f h b h •· d · th t · 1 I · 'd 0 ·' • • s 111 en~ ~ .ana· L"anada. m".nt ·t·d· rlt'r••tl• 7nr. o_·r •u rtprcsentatn·e o t c c~t c ec~er umrg a per1o1. :llot'e tlwn iiiMI mmcn. l:u orr took plare. Thn Pl't•sillcnt. ~r··· I ' " • " " • h •• hi . h • h t . I b ( I \ I '" Ro·we n dian unil'rr.•itir~ will try tn rn· :'it'tl'l' ·bo boast~ R fjfp In· ltnt'\·er< ••.•.•.. <tud~n·~. In '· ,·jn3d~. c ec,;er-cu en Ill t c super r e even ts no a eau Y · ht.;t smnmPr from t w \'a 1ana l')Til Barnrs was in the l'hnir. ... 1 h 1 1 " ~

k t · d t F' 1 · t th h k · 1 · h 'I • 1 · ·I con rage more "'ll 1 sr 00 ~II· suranre plan for studtnts. feat· Jt , .• 011 1~.· bet\l""".n 10 •nd 2" prr mar e m us n,·. trs • wmners. contcs- c c ec crs are JU! g. ore mmes a1·en wor.\cc smce. 'l'he presidl'nt •a1·c a rl'pnrt · ·1 • '" • '1

h f d l ( A I t I t " I dents tn go on to Uni\'l'rSI )'. uring thr lowest rates any· onnt. arc r osen or c\·ery state, 1 c on customer cour es)', e • 1 '' nd a terna e cmp oymen on of the arti1·ities of th1• as~ori· f 11 Th " t m'to · nd f r I t 1 f" · tncss and cash 1 th t's\and 1"s at a stan·l•tt'll" a Rtudcnls' Day a ~ on urs. uh•re in !'iorth .\merica. Th• "\'crag• amn·unt a·\rnr' d e ey a o e gn coun r)·. 1c1ency, ncn .

1. e '" · ! ation fo1· 1950, followed "y the " ,. ~ • ~ "

h ' u wh· B da\,', Frhruary 11, this year. 1'h . I tud n• d' Ttn finalists will be flown by~ register accuracy, statement by t e two men ~aid.: secretary, :\Jr. Lloyd Clarke. ite ay l're ·~ a so a s (' I '5' by a student on a summ~r job'[§

----------~..:._...:_ _____ ;_ _________ .:______ the tr!!nsurer, lilt'. C. Austin, The loc·al NFCUS exreutil•e at count serl'ice. working at two S~OO. To attend uni\'ersity ro~t.'

u. S G l G l S k , the social committee by :\lr. 'llrmorial, headed by Miss le\'rls .. !he national sccretari~t about Sl.OO a )'ear. The 1\'cragr onsu enera . pea l ng John Garland, the sick Yi~it· , Georgie MacNab as chairman. or Nf cUS attempts to obtam. scholarship is ~ZaO The rtst 11r • • lng committee by 1111•• Alex 0 will attempt to procure radio, dis~ounts . from chain ~tores. ~the cost must be • covtred by

,..,., Jamieson; all these were very To pen Rnrl TV time to advance their avatlable to anyone bearmg a parents or loans," said Mr.

At Burl1lS D-i1t1"er Stresses 1 71e encouraging reports and shows cause. NFCUS card. Gerln "This is '1\'here \l"f feel I It It that the association is in a They will also adlress student > On a local level. Memoria~·s · gove~ment should help."

very hen !thy financial con· • , assemblies at the cih·'s major . NFCUS executive tries to obtam;

G1 10/Jflt "A. T.fld - r;.. s. Friendships dition. The MSOcintion was N ct· I high schools, encouraging stU·~ discount rates for students at' Continued on Page 1% ·

c;;.u 1 YJ j a)so happy to welco~e :llr. H. I ew lniC : ::>I. Duhart. the appratser from 1 '

The ann~al Burn;' night dinner still has many problems and one' "J do not [eel that I am ex- Corner Brook. The election of 1• 1 lll" . 1 r l!' h 5 i

\\as h~ld at the Old Colony Club of the largest wus trying to make 1 seth· a stranger at a gathering: orflrer~ for the t>nsuinq vrnr 11 T te. •,\!m1s, er 0 •g wa.Y.; l • ""· 1 hi h 1 I c d d d f d d •. 1 d h ~- 1 . 1 . . · un r. ,owe arcompantcu · ~lon.ay and tue u~ua g ·C a.s ana a un erstan New oun · nmma e y .xo s- am mm- took plac·e, l't·~ulltng as ful· · · · • . . I

toast list wa.< p."e.<t•ntt'd. 1'~" lan~. Concet'Ding Tenn 29 fll'.' rie:l to om•. :\ly wife's futhl'r lnws: Prl'sldent, :\lr. C\'l'il l~y the Dep~t~· ~luus~er, }l~.l tu~-t ·to I hi' "lmmnrtal Mem· Howe sui.! it wns :10 issur of life was born in Kintnil in )1!\'~t·neS> Bunws. n•l'lt•l·tcd: ri<·t•·p;·r~i· l_t:u·t•nce Km~ht. left St. ·!~hn 5 1 or) .. was gin•n b~· :\lr .• lamo> or ~t·ath to \ewfonmiiJml. lie· -Ont• nf thl' hi~hl:llltl 1'11111 :\Iur· dt•nt, \[r .. t11hn C:nt'lnnd. t•lel'l· ·1m•sd:~y mormng. for a n.ll to ; Raxt .. r. lrmn.rl)' manager of lht• ho)lt'll t'w l'•·ime ~linistet· ol Hat•-the Hetl ~la!•Ha.•s. There 1·d: Sl'rl'l'lary. .\Jr. H. King. Corner. llrook and to Hamp·. lluyal ltmk of Canada h~re, and t'annlla woul:t ap11reciatt• our is a lc!(cntl around om· hous!' l'lected; treasurer, ).Jr. c. den. \1 htte llay. a t>3>t ot thr St. An·. tiid~ of the i.;~ue. Continued on l'al(c 12 .. -l.ustin, reclrt·ted: exl'ruti\'c On Wednesd~~· moming, the' drew's Society. Other spen~icrs were ll:tYDI' I'Ommitlce: Capt. .\!. :\!"Don· :O.Iinister and his Deputy will :

The toast to "~ewloundland", llcws and Councillor .James D.! I • I t 1 alrl, W . .\Tarshall, t,, Clarkr. meet with ~lr. Albert )lartin I b~· ~lr. H. w. Chri~tcn~n. (ln.' Higgins. : nqulry n 0 I w. Gcllately, (;, Newhook. ami ntlicr offirials of Bowater's ' it~d 1\t~lf~ l.'on•ul (~Mrnl 111nrl Tnt: :rohST TO I 11Pll'!!ntrs tn thr ))istril'l . In discuss Highway policy inso· \ reprlnt~.1 hel011! Wlls rrpliPd to SF.Wt'OUNnt,ASD · 0 b o· th f'oundl: \lr. ;\. ~lr·N.11n~r•. f"r ~~ it. applic~ to Row~IPr'S , b~· H~n. llr r. w. ·Row-. Mini•t" Mr. \\'. Jl, Chri~lPt\~en in hi&::. cto er ea ~11'. H. ~Till~. Altrrnatr~: \Jr. nprr~li011S in thi~ rro\'illrP. ln . I!!' ef Hi~hwa)·F. 1:1~ ~Aid it wp~ toa~t to NPw!oundlan<l: · . . C'. Rnl!rl"n, ~Tr. \\'. Cnnnoll~·. lhe afternoon, nr. Row~ will ' tru• ·that tb- flo5in: or P!'Prtr· -·-··--"··-·--··· "--"·-----·-·" .... ___ • mPrt ll'ith th~ rorMr Rrook: t'l!ll AFR would ~ a· ~PVPrP peon- i_ ARCTIc A magi! I erial m•tmrr bP.gRn ' Cit~· Counril. Rnrl in t h P. 1

l'l'~terday into lhP. dC'Alh of EcJ. I Wesley o.~ves . omte h~w. hnt hf thou~ht the! · 1. r1·rninl! he will tah thP. place : !i~tion in ronnectiM with the , . ward AlbPrl Martin, who dil'<l on 1 , of Prrtnier ilmallwoocl as prin· ! dO$inJ. t~·as ~"I Ol'er-pta,I'Pd, I October 17, 19511, a~ thr rrsult' cipal sprakrr at the Citir.en of >

EAGLE IN of a molor 1·ehick> rr~sh. 1 $3000 T 1 D __ ,_ .• Roll_·_e ___ A;oid, __ Newfonndland I. ' • 0 . thr Year Award clinnrr bring MagJstrale .!. P. ~lulcahy. •~ I g· . b th Corn r Brook I

conducting the inrtuir)', whtrh , n r.n ~ e e e

0 · 1 ·Th · will continue to-day and to-mnr· Mt. Pearl .Jmuor Chamber or Commerc: n y ree HALl FAX. ro ' I On Thursday, Dr. Rowe \\'Ill I . · ;lr. Martin who resided at 166 ,. motor to Hamp~e!1• in White ' s hn' Bay, to open offlctally the new

Shl · I Pleasant .Strei!t, t: Jo s. and '1 Representatives from the Clinic completed a few weeki " ps n The Arctic Sealer arrived in three otber compamons were drl· Bo~rd of Stewards of Wesley ago, This $7,000 clinic was built Hamax on Sunday at 10 a.m. vlng west on t!le Goulds Road Umte.d Church att~nded the bv the people of Hampden and

on October 17 when 100 accident ' H b with the Arctic Eagle, formerly occut·red. meeltng ~[ the ~oard of Slew· vicinity under the general sup-Sf ~Ur the Kyle, in tow. The Eagle will Their car went ore lhe road and ards at Ftrst Untied Church MI. ervision or Dr. John weeks go on .dock for repairs at the Pearl, .).tonclay • evening and who took up practice at Hamp: ~~ overturned opposite the Cryst·al d f

Only three ships were In st. Nova Scolla port and will also Palace, in the early hours of the rna e a prcsentalton o $1,00() to den a vear ngo. The Ctli7.en's , Jahn's harbour yesterday and outfit for the seatrishery. She morning. the Building Fund. Committee was succr~srul in



uone arri\•ed last night. The will be sailing from Port aux Bruce Dyke was admitted to This fulfills a promise made by raising a large share of the cost Bedfo.-d 2nd, t!le Not•aport as Basques In charge of Capt. hospllal with back injuries, Weslry 11 little ovet· two years of the clinic from local contri- j well as lhe oil tanker Imperial Cliarlle Kean, veteran sealing Frank Dyke was lreatcd for head ago, t!1:tt they would contribute butions from the people o! ! ll'aJiru arrived from HaUfax, eommander, who bu been maa· Injuries and racial cuts, and $1,000 a year for three years. Hampden and other settlement.-; I Nova Scolli ytsterday. ter of sealln11 •hips at the· lee Mike Taylor was treated for a The Board of stewards and the in that part of white· Bay. The i · 'l'be harbour master said yes-! for lll 1prtng1, Capt. Charlie broken arm. . congt·rgntiun of Fit'st l'niteJ r~m~iuder of the cost was met ~ tenia)' that everything ulong t~e ~was In eo11,1mand o( the old Ml'. :IIartin wa.1 pronouncetl• Church ·at ~lount Pearl ure l'er)' . h~· Guvt·mmt•nt iolranl. . . . ~·aterfront wa~ vrr~· quiet, el'en • Y.agle on her last sprlnl! at the t'ead on at·rll·ut at the General, ;:mtt·lul to Wesler tor its total. Dr. Ruwe and "r. Km~ht wtll · thau1h • J:~le warning was issu·J1 icrflelrl~ and hrou)!hl in 20,000 i Ho~riital. The RCMP inl'estigal·, contribution or $3.01NI rcccired in. rrt11rn to the City over tile ! td ,.esterday. seals on tbat occasion. I ed the accident. \less than ll1rcc years. I week-end.




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~ewfouJJdland's Only Morning Papsr TI1e DAU..Y NEWS is a momln~

paper established in 1894, aud pub· lished at the News Building 355-359 Duckworth Sttcet, St. John's, New· :'oundland, by Robb1100 & Company. Limited.


GOING IT ALONE That idea of Leslie Roberts that the

Atlantic proo;lnccs should secede is a tantalizing one to play with for a great l'ariety of reasons. The main one is to make central Canada L'eailzc how much' Its prosperity and security de· pend on the eastern provinces. If U could be blown up into a real threat, the politicians in Ottawa might be forced to an agonizing reappraisal or their attitude towards the lllari· times and Newfoundland.

was going on. At first, they would probably refuse to take it seriously. ln time, it would reach the stage where the cabinet would be in contin· uous session while relays of attendants arrived L'eguiarly with towels, • icc· buckets, sandwiches and benzedrine. 1'he western provinces would probably side with the east. The government might be forced to hold its majorlt~· by forming a coalition of Conser­vatil·es and Liberals from Ontario and Quebec. Businessmen, seeing a billion dollars worth of business disappearing, would pile on the pressure. 'fhe cab!· net would add tranquilizers to the ice·packs and benzedrine. The Atlantic 11rovinces would continue merrily to sell their products to their customary foreign markets since the rest or Canada buys virtually nothing from the eastern region and thus foreign exchange credits woutd be set up to pi'O''idc the rebellious provinces with their basic needs.



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WED:'\ESD.\ \', j.\~U.\llY :!i, 1960

That Election Funds Case :'\nw that ~ir Brian Dunfil·IJ. till'

Jln·~idin; ju~ticc, has !ik-ll his judglllent. it i~ pos,ihle at la~t to l'lllllllWHt on the .unique action at ci1·il law whkh was

:·· -~)cd on a demand fur rrturn uf a l'illll· - ~ai;u donation and ha~ hl·rn tile sub·

jrct of cwl'ssil·e srn~;tlionalism liming :be past few munth,,

The action was lomHkd on the daim that a ~11111 nf money domttcd to thc Cainfl<ti~ll lunl\s of lht> )'rogl'l'SSi\'C· Comcr,·ati,·c party in :'\cwfonmlland for the l!l.3.S fc>dl'ra I l'lectiou was uot nsrd for the ~pcdfil: purpusl' for whieh it wa~ alll·~edly )!h·en. The plaintiff. who did not own the mom•y, nc,·crthe· lc5s tonk al·tion for its rrtmn on thl; ~round~ that it was a conditional ;:if\ madr for the liqnidatinn of tlw 195j rlcction dehts o( the p;uty organitatiou in :'\ewfoundland.

There was no question that the de· frndant in the action, the chairman of the P.C. finance connnittre, had not paid the amount received into the party funds. Tlw only basis of the action was the plaintiffs contention that tht" mnnl'Y was given to pay old debts and had been used to mel'! other oblig;~tions of the party.

ln his jmlgnlt'nt. Sir Brian Dnnlil'ld. dismissing thC' action with l'OSts against the plaintiff. h;ts dcdaml that "the "hole> story nf the plaintiff is unkn­ahlc." He has ~aid that hr was S<ltisfied· that mnncy handil-ll hy the trustees for the funds ·were hamlkd correctly and

hononrnbl~· for the purpo~e~ for which the\' wen~ intended" and l1e m<~.dc a coJ;lllU'utan· on the reporting of the case which. must be fairly accepted as a salub1r~· comment on the general report­ing of the case. He said: "Having to dlOOSe the word of solid citizens against that of persons who seem to me to be in the class of dubious ad1·enturers upon th<' fringes of politics, I have no doubt wlmte\·er that it is (the defendant) who is telling the truth. I think It right to ~ay this because newspapers ha\'e been bandying gossip about the matter nnd we hal'e heard as regards money, the word 'misused.' I think the papers meant 'used for purposes other than that for which it was given'; as the plaintiff claims. but 'misused' carries in the pop­ular mind the fla,•our of wrongful be­haviour. Hence I think it right to say that 1 think the monC)'S were handled hi' the defendant and his colJeagues in a;1 entirely honourable manner."

But the saddest reflection o£ all that mav be based upon this case is that a pe;~un who may be described as "in the class of dubious ad\·enturers upon the fringes of politics" may im·oke the processes of law in a wholly irrespon­sible way to bring a reputable citizen into ]mblic contumely and expose him to unjust and undesirable publicity. It might be imagined that a means might he found to avoid a situation or this kind without depriving any citizfn ol hi~ inherent rights under the law~ o( Newfoundland and Canada.

The Burns' Soiree Thl' comm"n notion of a., soiree in

~ewfoundland i~ probably dl'rivrd from Jolmny Burke's celebrated Ycrsion of ~•1eh an e\'ent at Kelli~trews but it means litrrally no more than "an c\·ening

· party~ and to apply this description to the Bums' :\ ight dinner is not to suggl'st that it was a rambunctious oc<:asion.

It did, of course, reck with sentiment. The heart of the Scot may be as cold as the stone of Scone when he is dealing "ith his Sassenach neighbours but it is fillrd with emotion when he ponders the glories of Scotland and considers the poetry of Bums.

Having always held tl1e celebration in high regard, we were flattered that ~lr. Jim Baxtrr came back for a brief while to !\ewfoundland to make the principal toast at the m·ival of an event which he inaugurated many years ago, should ha,·e quotrd from two editorial com­mentaries on Bums Nigl1t which were printed in these columns. But if we heard ari(:!ht, we were a little astonish· rd that the chairman of the e\'enin!! should have ascribed to Abandcr Pope a quotation in one or these articles which we attributed In R~thhie Burns. To t·atch a Scot with his Burns down is an uuusual e1·cnt. But it was in his poem, ~lan Was ~ ladr to .\I ourn, that

Burns asserted that "man's inhumanity to man makes countle~s thousands

• mourn.

Burns Night served a unique purpose in bygone times. It is difficult today to recall the time when onlv once in a while, letting their hair down under the special influe11ces always present on that e\'ening, members of the Commis­sion of Goven1ment revealed some of the policy secrets which they had hug· ged overlong to their breasts. This ten· dency served to give a special character to the Bums' Soiree, But government today keeps few secrets. The evening dedicated to honouring the Immortal ~!emory has, therefore, in its revival, become a social rather than a political occasion.

There is nothing at all wrong with that. I.;ife can be very dull in these complex and difficult times and it is pleasant to discover once more that we have In our midst a number of excellent after-dinner speakers who can apply the nath·e wit of the Newfoundlander to the successful relation of Scottish jokes. We congratulate St. Andrew's Societv on reviving the Bums' 'dinner and we trust that it will once more brcome an annual occasion.

The Meeting At · Apalachin Some time ago a meeting o( known

criminals and racketeers was. be lei at a house in .-\palachin in the state of New York. When rounded up and asked for an explanation of their gathering, they p\'e ev:uive answers.

Twenty of them were trird for cnn· spiring to obstruct justice by lying about their reasons for attending the convention at Apalachin. Convicted by a jury in December, they were Jast week given tenns of imprisonment up ~ five years and fines up to $10,000. In pudng sentence, the fudge referred to their past records as a "tale· of horrors."


But while these men clearly got less tltan their deserts, there is· uneasiness about the constitutionality of the charge·

We hnt, thereforr, the extraordinary

situation of the American Ci\'il Libe1·ties Union considering intervention in be· half of known thugs. It is tbe old prob· lem of the ends and the means but it will be ultimately tested in the U.S, appeal court.

The saddest commentary is that the men who are known criminals can only be brought within reach of the courts by the indirect method that was em· ployed. It might he thought that the l&w en£orceinent machinery of the Unit• ed States would be able to deal more directly with the nation's leading crim·

inals and there is something radically

wrong when this cannot be accomplish·

f'd and roundabout means must . he

achieved to bring wme of them to justice.

~. ··-· •. _...a,\.,.,., ......... .

• • • Secession in terms of the ability of

the Atlantic provinces to get along on their own with a temporary decline in their standard or living is probably practicable. Constitutional!~· consider­ed. it is a fascinating thought. On the assumption that the great .prepondcr· anee or people In the Atlanllc region wanted to secede. what would happen? Would the ccntL'al go,·ernmc-nt call up the troops? It could cut orr certain scTI·icc~. of course, but in fact. shm·t of an attempt to pre\'ent secession by force. what could it do to stop two million people from deciding t11at they wanted to go it alone? The more it is considered on a thcm·etical basis, the more Intriguing tloes the idea be· come.

• • • or course, before a rina 1 decision

was taken to secede, other means of bringing the wrongs of the Atlantic pro\'lnces to the attention of Canada and the world could be tried. Per· haps. a policy of civil disobedience might be Introduced. People might refuse to pay federal taxes. They might decide upon a tcmporaa·y boycott or goods .from Ontario and Quebec and Import what they l'OU!d not procure fa·om the rest of Canada. That. at least. would make central Canadian industry wonder whcllJCL· it was doing the right thing b~· the neglected cast· ern Pl'OI'lnccs. They could send all federal oHiclals to Coventry for a month. They could decide to buy only English motor cars. They could abandon national parties and send a solid block of Atlantic members to en· llo;en the House of Commons or they could follow the practice of Irish republicans in :'\orthern Ireland and elect members who would not take their seats In the House of Commons. We are staggered by the latent possi· bllilics of protest within the Atlantic region.

• • • Think of the slate of the harried

politicians in Ollawa while all this


St. Thomas Timcs·JouL;ilal 1 n order that the yeat· can I be di·

1·idcd into equ~l months of four weeks-52 weeks-an extra day is added to the month of February once e\'ery four years. Thus the year of the extra day is known a~ "Leap Year·•. meaning the year that leaps forward an extra day.

For some L'cason that has nc\'cr been eXplained an unmarried woman •~ said to ha,·e the right of asking man to marry her. Certain it is that around the year 1266 a law was passed in Scotland declaring that a maid had the right to ask a bachelor to mal'l'y her, and If, not being engaged to any other girl. he refused, he had to pay her the sum of one pound, or less, according to his financial circum­stances, by way of compensation.

KNOW-HOW FROM ITALY Toronto Financial Post

Here Is something new or at least unusual In International business.

Olivetti of Italy, makers of type· writers, have bought 35 percent of the American firm of Underwood. Urgo Glass! of ~l!lan has become the Under· wood president and senior executive officer.

He says that the Underwood plant at Hartfi>rd, Conn .. is "very, very 'obsolete." Italian know-how will be applied to modernizing the antique U. s. factor~·· It wlll take two or three years, Glass! says, to recapture the In· 1·estment and start to make a profit.

This Is a re1·ersa! of the recent order of things but It should not startle am·one. International Investment, like trade, can be a two-war street.


Today we hardly look upon Europe as a colonial area. There is. in fact, just one colony left on the continent, and rven amid the current West Euro· pean radc boom, its prosperity Is con· spicuous. It is Gibraltar.

• • • If all this failed to achicrc the de·

sil·cd result of impressing 011 Ottawa the need of immediate action to right the wrongs of the east, the Atlantic pro\'inces could send out a patriotic call. They could appeal to every one of their natl\'e sons holding impprta.nt positions in central Canada to resign and come home. That would be the final blow. Industry would lose its ablest executives. Universities would lose their best professors. High schools 1~ould lose their finest teachers. Banks and other financial Institutions would be slripped of their most brilliant men. The cil'il service would be rcbbed or its most efficient administrators. The ditllomatic service would collapse. .\nd with the west viewing the struggle In the east with sympathy, Ontario and Quebec would find themseh·u isolated and dependent on their own resources. Collaps~ would quickly fol· low and a deputation of Atlantic statesmen would be quickly sent for to state their terms !or a settlement of the dispute. Why talk of secession when the alms and ends of the eastern provinces can be gained by means for which the constitution provides no prohibition. Of course, Leslie Rob· erts will be gathered to his fore· fathers long before this happens but a monument could still be erected to his memory by a grateful Atlantic region in the minds of whose people he had successfully planted a sense or their real power and the com·iction that the rest of Canada could not func­tion without them.


Saint John Telegraph·Joumal It's all been rather embarrassing for

the Communist leaders in the Kremlin but the ghost of Stalin has been walk­ing again,

Pra1·da, the Kremlin mouthpiece, on the Stalin anniversary last December printed one of the most comprehen· sivc Indictments of the dictator e1·er published in the Sorlet press. It was virtuall)· an outline and summary of :\lr. Khrusllchcl''s three·year-old accus­ations.

But here·s the rub. At the same lime Jenmin Ji11pao, official organ of the Chinese Communist! in Pelping, was sharply emphasizing the greatness and continuing importance of Stalin's example and his teachings. His "mis· takes" were dismissed by the Chinese Reds as only a secondary feature of Stalin', life.

On the other hand Pravda, the So­viet newspaper, pointedly recalled Stalin's differences with Lenin before the Bolshevik Revolution and quoted at length Lenin's codemnation o! Stalin In his "last testament," a doeu­mcnt that called for Stalin's remo\•al as general secretary o! the Communist party, Jenmln Jlhpao gave no hint of such differences.

Nor did the Chinese editorial onee mention Mr. Khrushchev, an implied criticism In itself of the present leader of the Soviet Communists. Pravda, however, mentioned no other living person than the Soviet premier.

Strength For Today By EARL L. DOUGLASS

MANY CAUSES ~!any of those who study the problem

O{ juvenile delinquency COII!ider it a very simple one-that is, so far as dial:· nosing the trouble and accounting for its cause. Fathers and mothers are sup­posed to be the cause of practically all juvenile delinquency. There are no juvenile delinquents-only adult delin· quents. And of thClle •reinquents Dad and Mother are the mDBt blameworthy.

The tiny British 110ssession, cap· tured from Spain In 1704. has never "had It so good.'' A combination of circumstances has turned it into a trading emporium humming with activity and bustle.

Prominent among these Is the use of Gibraltar as a calling point for NATO warships on Mediterranean patrbl-notably those of the United States Sixth Fleet. When a couple of aircraft earrlers, with their escort ships, put in, discharging thousands of sailors with money in their pockets and 36 hours In which to spend It, the result Is not simply to jam the narrow streets, but to send sales sky­rocketing, as eager American~ shop for the "folks at home."

. Now please let up on Pop and Mom Cor a while. Certainly a Jlood hllme Is the sreatest blessing anyone can ever have and a bad one the wont cune. Bad parents can do more harm te a ehlld. than fifty of the mDBt evil spirits crawl­ing out of hell. It Is also true that many juvenile delinquents come from divided homes, Intemperate homes, quamll!ng homes. But it is abo true there are many juvenile delinquents who are the children of honest parents who would like to do the best they can for the!r children.

A second outstanding factor in the Rock's current boom Is Britain's recent relaxation of NLI'bS on dollar Imports.

In other words, the problem of juver. ile delinquency is not as simple as ;I appears. And certainly ~~-~ are not cor­rect in saying thal all we have to do i• u.


U.S. Economy Knock-:-Down Kit

::::-%.:: ... ....

A :..;::-:; ••

Edson In Washington


By PETER EDS0:--1 XEA Washingl!ln Correspondent

WASHll'\GTON-(.SEA) - In a fur. ther effort to interrupt the effects of prosperity and recession cycles on voting trends in national elections, \\' ashingto'l economist Louis H. Bean has made some interesting studies of unemployment rates in the postwar ~·ears,

Figures on unemployment arc of course directly related to the Feder:;\ Resen•e Board's index of industrial pro­duction. As the index rises, unemplor· ment rates fall.

But the index of industrial production i~ followed principally by banker~. in· dustrialists, businessmen and econom­ists. They are fewer in number and the~· hal'e far less political impact th~n the millions of voters who ma)· he affected by unemployment.

For every one-per.cent change in the rate of unemployment affects o\'er 50U,· 00() potential voters. A two.per-cent chaMe affects Ol'er a million. And in any national election, that is a signifi­cant number.

Low unemployment and high indus. trial production tend to ra,·or the party in power, but not always so.

They helped Truman in 1948, just as the recession of 1952 hurt him. The recession of 19M did not hurt President Eisenhower personal\)', though it prob· ably had much influence in returning Democratic majorities to Congress.

For the 1960 election, a continuation of the boom maniff:lt at the new year, through November, would tend to give the Republicans an adl'antage if un­employment rates go down correspond· ingly.

One difficulty here is that no one has yet come up with a sound determination of how much unemployment Is minimal or normal for periods of high industrial production.

A surprising element or this situation is that the unemployment rates seem to be rising gradually. The ~owth of the population, faster than the growth o£ Industrial production, may be a factor in this.

In the 11151 Korean war boom - with industrial production at 120-unemploy­ment was down to 2.8 per cent. In the 1958 boom, though the index of indus. trial production rose to 143, unemploy­ment abo rose to 4.2 per cent.

In June of 1959, before the steel strike, with the industrial production indeJC at 155 unemployment was 4.9 per , cent.

The nme trend of higher unemploy-ment rates is noticeable even in periods or recession. The recession of 1949 cut industrial production b~ seven points and unemployment a1•eraged 11.2 per cent for the year.

In the 19~ recession. industrial pro­duction dropped nine points and un­employment rose to 7 per cent.

What these trends seem to indicate, according to Louis Bean's projections of industrial production and unemployment curves is that in a recession of 1962-63. if it c~mes, the production index would drop 10 points or more and unemploy­ment would rise perhaps II per cent.

The pc~litical· effects of such a reces· sion on whichever party happens to be in power would probably be very damag-

point the finger of scorn and aceunt!on at Dad and Mother and there the ma!tcr end~ave that the boy must go behind prison bars,

Such sliJHhod reasoni"' will never lead us to a solution of this terrifying problem. There are many factors-many of them 1ocial and thus involving you and me-which lie at the basis of this terrifyina: modern phenomenon. .

Let's let up on Pop and Mom for a •hUe.

t I I ··------...,


t:ditor Dail;· ~l'~~~-

IJear Si•·.--1 would likr I•• ~~·ail of llle ~cn·ier~ ,,1 lhr Letter~ to the Editor Column of your 11aprr to ex· lll'rss an opinion on ~ ,·cry vcxatioul ~ituation tmublin!( tile motol'i'L~ oC the city of St. John's at the present time.

The year 1959 was a lrvublc!l one . in lhe labor mo1·emcnt of \'ewfound­land, culminatin~ in thl' lc~islation uf certain controversial laws by the l'ro­l'inciat Gm·ernment. \'ow it seems as if the motorists or St. John's arc to be troubled b~· a new tn1e of decrre re­cently issued by the .:llunil-ipal Coun­cil under the authority of the newly appointed city Clli:incer. This law gov­erns ~now clearing and removal and parking regulations; generally. in the opinion of the majorit~· or motorist~ of St. .John·~. thosr r~gulations are unfai1·. unjust and diot'l'iminatory. The reason I say !li~criminatory is as follows; For instance the pco;lle that live in Elizabeth ,\,·enue and the n~w housing area where they ha1·e their own garage and dri1·cways, or both . are not affected. theycan park their vchicl!'s on their own property and sit back and watch television and lauglt at the new parking regulations. :'\ow this is fine but what arc the motorists of the older sections of the city to do, apparently they arc to be hounded, tormented, intimidated and discl'im· inated against by a few dictatorial potentates at cit~· halt for no other reason than to satisfy their inflated egos.

Erery reasonab\£' pel·son will agrcr, we hne to have laws. rules and regu­lations during the difficult winter months for snow clearing. as without them we ha1·e chaos and anarchy. Right is right and since it is ine1·it· able that regulations are necessary it is also common sense that those regu­lations be fah·. Parking is a l'exing problem in down town t. John's at all times, so why are the officials at City Hall making it more so?

Daily now we hear o1·er the radio statements quoting officials at Coun­cil, saying motorists haYe better get their \'Chicles off city streets tonight, OL' else. Then they use threats of 525 towing charges or fines etc. U this is not dictatorial what is? :-low those egoists may say park your cars at Bannerman Park. or olher p)aces designated for this purpose. I say this is unacceptable. unsatisfactory and impossible. Why are we to place ma· chines that ha\'e cost hundreds, and in some cases thousands of dollars, in places where they can be wrecked, stripped or stolen b~· the prowling hoodlums, who are just waiting for such an eventuality.

Xow there is a sensible and fair •o· Julian to this problem and it would he a negative thing for me to complain and criticize if I didn't offer one. The answer i~ as follows; Hao;e alternate parking. This is not a new proposal as I understand the 8ame was put forward to the :\lunicipal Council bY a very sensible member of that body, :\Jr. George Xightingale. and on re­flection ma.1· the Council as a whole be inbred witlt the wisdom of this sen· sible man and gh·c us all a just, fair and reasonable solution . to this prnb· !em in the good old British tradition of fair play to all.

Thanking You, I remain,


lng In the midtrrm congressional elec· lions.

B the same standard, the coming 1960 business boom has to be visualized with· out a Korean War equivalent to drive unemployment rates down.

So there is the possibility that even at a high point of the boom, along about election time, there may still be un· employment of 4 to 5 per cent, or nearly four million jobless.

In a close election, this number might be decisive.

\. ...,. .

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Town Council I CONCEPTION· BAY NEWS Monthly Meeting: J. P. Lushcombe Retires ~.~:!~G~::ff:J · . #,;~:~]~·.~;::·~;§, 1 From The Civil Servic~ ft'll new tralfic signs were s. A. Offi"cers s· rn Remo ed N ' B . f I s .. I s 0 ~:~:~~~mw~~e J~~~:rrc;:~~~CBO! At the close or busincos on Being rcquc:;tcd by th(; chair-placed b)' the Harbour Grace ~~ v ews riC s pecia erviCCS A l ll . •t [ M . '30th. Dercmbrr last lhc staff man, ~!iss Gladys Noel tfftn pre-Town Council last week. one v . ~ repor. on . re vrsr 0 rs.l o[ the Prol'incial Drpartmcntl scnted ~Irs. Luscombe 1·ith a or these changes the one-way And CadetS v1•81•l . --- . . CARB?".~AR: Ja,n., ~?U1 ·-;-1 HR. GRACF:. _.Ian. ~5-St. 'Vera Perhn, who. r~cently ad· I o! the Auditor General gather· l>ouquct o! flowers. ?

h I) I b BELL ISLAND (Starn- 1.hc 1\~.\i. fcrra ~o~a at·, Paul's Dn)' brlll~ the patronatj dressed t~e Assoc1al!on on re·1 ed in the YWCA headquarters.: . ;;

::~nnce~~~~ e ~~add ·::rve~ S~me person or persons, one. rrved m po.rt on . Satur·day I f<:>sti\·a] or St. Paul's Church tarded chrld_ren was gtven. 1 Harvey Road, to honour Mr. J. 1 Mr:. Lu~combc, rn ~xl!t.essm~

Streets. now designated by the rught last ~·eek rcmo~~d the' aft<:>rnoon fwm Hah!ax, w1th i at Hr. Gran•. special scn·ices 1 Th~ mcctmg voted a cash, P. Luscombe. ~!BE. on the oc·! t~anks .. .,a1e some ~~!~lesll~., Council as Queen's Road. This BELL ISLAND (Staff)- Jehova_h ~~~lgdom general c~rg.~. . • ., . marked the occasion. I donation t? be forwarded to the: casion of his retirement from . general 1mpre~srons. Jookr~g back

hi h Brigadier Walter Oakley, prin- Hall srgn, from 1ls posrllon on The :\1.1. Catnlma 1rader 1 0 Sunda\' at ~latins and Vera Perlin School for retard· I the post or Deputy Audilo G . '01cr ball a cenl~IY of:vff!cral one way entrance w c was cipal ol the Salvation Army the building which is situated snilcd fur Catali~la ~11 Sattrr· ! 1-:rc~s~n!l, '· j1 ·m~s. ·raver·s ed <·hildren. . . era!. ' r en ' scn·1cc: coupled wr_th sorri! hum-f:'~~~~!~. ~~r':ct:\~~~- 5\:~~~~ ~~We~~: ~~p~~~~n~:. ~:f!~~~~~~-~ on Mail! Street, the .~·ronl a_nd. day art.emuon, Wl~h {Is~ ~:~sks 1 nnd ~<'l'lllGn w~r·e dcl'~ted to \\'~en the busrness ol the: The Chairman for the oc<·as-' orous rc~1ar~s whrch wc;e .1lso

h t rr. 1 t 1 placed 11 on the commu.mty llrom Saunders Coopcta,.,c. I the rcmcmbrant'" or the "real meel~lg concluded a short. play iorl .. \lr. E\l'art B·,dco"k, op· · much enJO)ed. ·.:. catr~ t at ra rc mus en cr· i and 15 cadets visited the' Sal· ~ "' t d b th 1 r " ' from Harny Street. 1 vat ion Army Corps here last Store Suprr·marke.t, Lance Cove 1 , • • -;---:. . • . missionary sph·it of St. Paul. was re~cn e , Y e p~rpl 5 0 'cned the proceedings by in,·it·. Some members of the· ,enior

R~ad. al~nost a mrl~ away. , lhc <.lran~e n~~reatwn Ccn ·Large tongrcr:ations were grades srx, se\en and er~ht: . ing the Auditor General. ~!r .. sta[[, includin;: the ~hairman,

No ) ! week. fhe srgn was dls~ov~rcd on: Ire ~ 11 ~1 ked 115 fnsl month or present at both scrvil-cs. I _The play was well receJ\'cd: G. \\', D. Allen, to speak. )lr., then ~nYe their impressions. all Speech }0' ll I llpon arri\•al here. thr~· were the su_permark~t burhhng the [ ~pcr.atlon for 3 number. ol On :llonday, the day com-' b~ all present. Both the cast Allen referred to Lus·, a~rcein~ as to ~lr. Luscombe's · t , t•onl·eycd from the ferry to the followJng.mornmg, when a next [ ~~ars on ~t.ondny last. "]1_cn !llenrcd with Jloly Commun- and me"!bers or the 1.rachlll~ combc's excellent c,ualifications, effectiveness as an auditor and

, . . . , , • S.A. headquarters. Scotia .Ridg~, door neighbour phoned the ~arol :llm.shall . an~ Fred Jon at 9 a.m. and was fol!owctl: starr. whrch arranged It were his faithful performance o[ administrator, and to his genial· St .\~1.-\RD S B.\\ - fhc b1· members ol the K1wan1s proprietor. ~!r. T. ll. Lahey, 8.~unders. Jr .. wclc pJcsented by special service at 11 a.m. I· heartily applauded. . . , ! duty, and his im ressive record: ity as a JM'rson.

Sj)crch !\i!:hl Pro~tramme of ciub. who was unaware ol the fact, \lith a lo\.ely cup each, for bay· which wns attended by pupils The date for the Assocrallon s, of serl'ice extem~n" unhroke , Hoh· Redeemer School. nor- until ire received the phone call. lng the. hrghest scores ~n their and teacher.~ from the ~;!<•men· next meeting is set for feb· fro n 1908 1 1 h o • . d th11 i The affair concluded with a mal~- held In December in con- Their activities bcre lnclud· It is the second time that this respecllvv gl'Oups, ladres and tarv c of ~· School and at ruary 15th. I t> 1 · ' Y len e. )orne e delicious huHet luncheon. follow-junction with the Christmas ed an open alr meeting on siiln has been removed bv van· men. We congratulate them ; 30 p ,;, bv 'those of 'the Cen- epar·tm~nt ;.s a 1

1YPI1sl and III('S· f ina which ~fr. Luscombe took proiJ'amme. was postponed I Town Square, a public meeting dais and placed somewber~ else on achieving this outstanding (;·at Jll•J; s'l'houl. Rei' -:\Ir Bat· 1 seng<·rf, 0

11" s "111 or: r~hn·-~ hi~ teal<• ol each member;, or the

until January. Howel'er. now in the C'ltadel, another open air The matter is being lnvcsti: perfm·mance. ten H JJ · uf ll~art·s· cu;tl(·nt. Going WJrdrobe shOJlping~ · 11 11 ~ntl. ~'1"1111 t 1 ~ )>ost uf IJe.~uty, starr in<li,·iduallv. dl I I I f II d b H I. ' · · · : '1'· k 1 . 1 . u wIll' 1 w was appumku on ·

that the school au tor um s 1 serv ~e o owe )' a o mess gated br the RC~tP. . ~nd He~·. w. H. B. Gill uf Car·, .a ". a '.na~t a ong, ~o~ ano1.1er: !st. April 195 1. 111 the ;.iew: .,. to rrcei\·1' some rtnlshlng. service with Major Duffett as .John's was among those who ~on~ar were present I at ~~th: \~~~~J·nkanr,as'llldl·olnlsecsonasullet·~ndtmg },~lnl'l Year's Honours List of .1958. h~; t.:'ciAi. ·"'j·~~.;. . .-::••·.··.'J;W'"'·' ·.<~• .. • .. •(;"?, touches bf'fore being painted. I speaker. p I ' . S('rl'll't'S and gave nspmng ' . ·. ~ . . ·'' . . • . . 1,. rw..,., . . . tht programme Is postponl'd a . . ersona s attended the hockey match at dd t II I hai'C belt('J' ln<te Ill clul'un• gel r~called. )lr. LU•<lllllll! \Ia, '· .· .•.....

The'' \'lslterl the Sundal' Ill arbour· Grace on Saturdal' ab resses to le arge num· a "lea1·,r 11' 1: .. turp o[ · ho~,·,. n · awHrdecl the \I. B. F.. for nwritor· !1 · ·l· i.l".l'". ·. · .•. · SC('Ond time until lh~ job I~ ' · · . . · er presen . • < • ' • • . • h D · . . ft-t:o • • · ~omp]l'led. This, it Is hn:Jed,l Srhool and conducted a young II ARBOUR GRACE- ~t!ss · lllJ:lll. Seamus was w~lromed . ___ -····- ___ . --· .. __ woman will look to other.<, dnd 1ous sernce 111 t e eparlment. I .... ··· · .··. '-·-'-'---

,...11! takr ~bout two weeks. People's Rally. 1. Gcr·trude :\lar·tin, formcl'ly of i b~: 5C\'cral of hoyhond. the passing. of :\Jr. \\'illiam are Irs.; influenced by what peo· On behalf of himself and his / (f) ..

\ltn or the con11rcgation who . . . . l~a!'bour GraN•, hut now re-, fnends made dunng the rrsr· i Hnl!an, wlurh. took pl~•·r at plc say," she said. "On thr staff. :1-lr. Allcn.Jhrn prr,~nled f ·, · ha'r Jpare timr on their· Acll\'lllrs conrhulrrl ll'llh an sulm:: at Litt1r Bay lslatHls. 1 dcnre ol hts father, Hon. Dr.: the home of h1s son .John. on olh~r hand. women !r·irnds ofren ~lr. Lu.•romhr w1th a .<rrrrt~rial \ . · h~nd~ ~rr askrd to rome al~n: E\'angeli.;tic mrctinJ:, at which wa.~ thr ~:uest la<l werk o[: :\lrGrath 'ome rear·.~ al!n at 1 Saturrla.v rrrninll Ja<t. Fur· eritici1.e a rhoice or <lr·rst un- dr.<k. suitably in.'!Tihrd. as a ;. and hefp---{'arpentPr< [irst. llri~arlirr Oaklr~· deliverrrl the :\h·s. Flora Rut•kle~·. 1 Harbour Gt'a<·r. i lhrr· J'r(rrrncr In samr wi\1 1 f<tir!_,. hrcause of snhcondou< parliu~ l!ift with Jhr hr.<l ,1·ish· t'll'n Ntnii'T~. ·address. 1 :\1r. ~ramm ~Jr(;1·ath, l't. \\'r re2rN to havr tn I'PJH>I'l hr madr in a Jatrr rnlumn. jralou'·'·,'' r~ nr >II. l · •• ,GIVE BLOOD!




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see your dealer 11ow I -------------------------For the bealln drama, see "General Molors Presents"' weekly-check local listings for lime and channel------------------------•

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Personal Chit'-Chat





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P oily's Quiz 'THERE'S NO LAW THAT SA\'S




"ASTRO-:GUIDE" By Ceean For Wednesd~·/· January 27

Present-For You and Yours ... llcnefic influences bring a welcome chilngc from 'ld\'crse con~itions. A . tontines!'. for pleasure, adventure and the, or•pOiite sex is slrc"od. l'eop;o are Apt to be more tlemonMr~­tive and affectionate than usual. Aspects arc goo·d for monc:·. ahhouih not lor 5aving it.

Put .. , Just tweh·e years ago Fubre ... A g:;r.ntic radio ~oday the Mundt Act was tc::.:ope, the world's laraest,

sed Th' · the bill th•t au· will be compl.etcd in 1962. ~t pas . · 15 15 • "til reach out Jnto space an tstl· !homed an overseas mforma· mated 38 hitlion light-years! tion rrogram. The Voice of (One light-year i1 5.~7 million ,t, '> part o( the p1ogram. million mites.)

The Day Under Your Sign AR:" (:,.rn tAmh lifo April19) J).;r.'t ;:.lh~ll'll~t in ;.n,· :;.,liol~)· y,);"il migi1t tltc-tt".1•e )'Ollf f'Ol•111anly,

TAURUS (AprillO to Moy 20)

liBRA {~opt. 23 to Oct. lli flon't lff't• IH'I\1,\:S llltHf t>;"<l!t 4'JV(r thinn 'ol hid1 )"<>ll can't htir nr ron trot.

SCORPIO {0<1. 2lto ~lov. 21) l!t:·r:li:t from CIJ!Ii\'foffli~~nc t~n rnatteu that inYoh·t yo11r 1•:-t~:i.:-e.

SAGllTAR.IUS {Nov. 22 to Doe. 2JI Gi:MINI (Mty 21 io June 21) llatmt ar.d f'nh·rpm.r 1 &)' f'if in tht .\;'1:-av rr:.•t:rc .. :ull;lf'--~ tu inwrc.•c \nulf rtm, •Ltilf>ll!h ruull1 mar 1tfm qu::luy .an~! qu:anhtt· (.o( yom· ""·c:j., -~~')W tn yc.tJ.

\1t:l~"~U$:h )'OI& l~f'l •h;ul.l(d by rr~ponsi­h•!itit"-, t!un't tr~· to brr•k \nMr-,

CA~CER (June 22 to July 2_1) It,.:, t ¥or:,- abrmt l'·'~t nuq;:M·.;-CI)R· ti•lt: "'-h<~t ,.'0'1' lurn('•l fr,,m the-m.

LEO !July 2! lo Aug. 21) lJ••!!.'t t.~."~. ur.rrliaLic: l'tnr•lr-. Httd ,.,:•If lnllf'l '"~cr.

VIRGO (Au9. l2 to Sept. 22) J), '1't lrt aml11t~r-1\ lliQ•uirit da~htl< w1:.b !OUt tuptnr.a.

CAPRICORN (Dte. 22 to Jon. 20) l.:tt~'o:;:t!ltll m:~tltal. ar.d hArt tit .. by h•>nJ; e-xtra altcn~u·c •n•l dertlonma· ~hl",

AQUARIUS !Jon. 21 to Feb. 19) ~~ ... ,1"! l<le;,~ t;:~·.'L' li!1:'" , .. 1.1c ii Dot l•ad-.e•l llj> b;. o!thnttc: act~r·n. •

PISCES {Ftb. 20 to Mmh 201 Tl(,n_'t J.-~ t)'.tl,.ldt.'! mttrar.e ld fOUt far.11ir a!!air ...

Oriental Pork Chops Make A Budget-Easy Delicacy

When economy and luxurious eating are combined in one dish, it's welcome news. An exciting example is Oriental pork chops.

By GAYSOR MADDOX, ' til light!~· browned on both .~!de.~. SEA Food and :\larkets EdltGr Add undrain2d kraut snrl salt

Per!< is now a bargain. So nnd pepper. Cover and cook : let's enjoy it in interesting !lour. ways:


<Yield: 6 to 8 servings) ;-~-~ Between D By PO;L Y. CRA!\IER_ : Six to ~ loin pork chops, 1 can

I • ear Poll.·. \\e are. gomg to. <13 1~ ounces1 pineapple chunks, Us 1 · pa_mt the oute1 wood trtm o~ o~r 1 can 111 ounces 1 mandarin brtck house. Could we pamt 1t · any color but white and stilt be" oranges, ( cup.· unsul~hured. in goOd t.lstc?-Bolhered molasses. .> cup 1 me gar, : tea-;

Dear Bothere:l: C~rtainly.l spoon salt, \• ~easpoon gmger,' Bo'h and · hbo .11 If.. teaspoon ~o' sauce, 2 tea-

~ you your neJg rs W.1 . spoons cornstarch, t tablespoon re~tsh a c?ange from while ! cold water or pineapple syrup : pa~~~t. ~o,~stder g r a_y,_ pale;,, green pepper diced, 6 halved' be ,e, gt a. ·blue or g, a)-gree_n .. mamschino cherries.


Take the color card and trv dtf· · ferent shades again~t the "brick l Trim fat from chops. Place· THERE ARE LIMITATIO~S TO

1 of the house.. :Sot long ago, I: pork chops on rack in baking 'RIGHT' TO ONE'S HAPPI:\'ESS ·saw a rosy bnck house take on a· IHln. Bake in slow oven (300 de-new charm after the wOOd trim f grees F. 1 approximately 1 hour . ~ow that their youngest child was painted blue-gray and the' or until fork-tender. Drain pine- Is tn college she feels the time front door a shiny black. big I apple chunks and oranges; re· · has come when she can divorce brass knoc!ser and black tubs of, sen·e '-2 cup of the pineapple the husband she hasn't been pink geraniums completed al syrup (reserve remaining fruit happy with for years and begin really pretty picture. 1


syrup for, future use in fruit. to lead her own life. • • • drinks punches etc.>, Combine In her letter summing up the

Dear Polly: I am turning my! unsulphured ~olasses vinegar situation she asks: "Hm·en't I attic into a bedroom-den. Thus; and \-2 cup reserved 'pineapple the right now to a little !uppi­far, I have a black dresser,!' syrup in' saucepan. Stir in salt, ness of my own-since I hare black tables and TV set, some ginger and soy sauce. Blend held the family together this

, rl!d and aqua accessories, a J cornstarch and cold water until long for the sake of the chil· 'white leather chair and a beige smooth; add to molasses mix- dren?" rug, What colors shall I choose I ture. Add green pepper. Place Happiness isn't a "right" in for couch, walls. curtains and\ over medium heat. Bring to the sense of the word that we lamp shades?-Mrs. B. D. B. boil; simmer 5 minutes. Add • can ever say, "From now on I

Dear Mrs. B. D. B.: You've pineapple, oranges and cherry! am going to have things my way already chosen your colors: h a 1 v e s. Simmer 2 minutes. and live to please myself." aqua, red, beige with black and Serve over chops. Nor is there anything • in tht

Nothing looks more like spring white. So have white walls, • • • marriage ceremony that . says than a pretty print dress for Homemaki black-and-white pin-striped cur· CRANBERRY-STUFFED , marriage is for better or worse those· late-day parties that a!- . n~ tains, a lipstick red corduroy I PORK CHOPS AND KRAUT I until t!te children -are a certain ways come up In January. One _ couch cover and all-white lamps. i !Makes 11 servings! · age and then. if it isn't for the


or the smarte3t ~abrics Is warp· All cured and smoked items • • • One-half cup water, 1z cup 1

better. there is no need bother-

! print taffeta in a light color wit!! should be kept in the refrigera· L. /1 -~A ,. Dear Polly: I have e new! sugar, 1 cup certified fresh cran·: ing with it any longer. de•igns in soft. slightly misted tor until ready to use


.,.,.,.:14-:;JJ.£,._. home. My living-room walls are' berries, 1 cup soft bread crumbs i Another thing I think this wife i tones. The taffeta is itself sol· • • • · beige wit!! a .pinkish cast. Dra- \-2 cup finely chopped celery, 11 should consider before she divor-

ller than formerly so that it may Shell color does not affect the RESOLVE t 1 k It peries are rose. But when the teaspoon salt, 6 double pork Ices her husband to find a little be draped or sounded into a puf- food value or cooking quality of· this coverall a~d 00 rot::te Y oui~ draperies are closed, the room chops, cut for . stuffing; 2 table- : ~appiness for ~erself is. that s.he

I fed tunic, or shaped over a lin· eggs. I self fr 1 ? Y r ID?ks too _rosy. What do you I spoons salad mi. 2 1-pound cans 11s hkely to fmd Jonehness m-lng to form one of tbe new o • • 1 Ea om 't sp as m.g sauces. thmk of tonmg down the rose by sauet ::raul, sall and pepper to stead. modified dome skirts Bodices The size and shape of anv ha~f.s~~k1 t h~\t wtdl ~traps, haYing brown furniture~ Could t.aste, I t-pound can applesauce,; Even a husband and wife who are fitted with low ~pen neck· centerpiece arrangement should I Prfoted ;a:ier~ z~3~ 0~~~-g, • I use ~ny other color? All ~~ f!lY ~· least:; •. ! allspice, ~· teaspoon i aren't conspicuously compatible lines and the new elbow-lenlfh fit that of the table and not : Sizes s all 110 121 . · it 1J~es drapertes are short. ~s thts ID· nutmeg. ! ~f!er . each ot~er some com pan-fitted sleeves crowd place settings and fopd · < 14 16~ L ' ( 18• '1 e '~11m. correct? They come JUst below C b' . I tonshtp. Furthermore, a couple


· · • · arge • ~o · ·• e·l the window sill.-1\lrs. G. T. ·· om me ~ater _and su~ar. who have shared a home for ~fum takes 2 yards 35-mch fa)). I H~at to bOt!m~ po10t. _Botl 5 years, who have stayed together


NIGHTS Ma117pttp(e --••1eta rtod a!Pt'• mi. ., tua and turn In r.l-aad thea ara dullanclllatltu

llnucllout the .. ,. All of wlllch IIIIJ be .... h a lelnjlelraiJ 1111c uMitlaa wYtn calb lor tho ... of Dodd'a Kidne, Pllla,


HuldsJ lidllt)'a lifter poi10111 and 11em aeida Ira tho blood. II they alow dml and impurilieaalaJ in the IJIIem, disturbed re~t, tired ledin1 allll baehclie oltea follow. II JDU da.'t rut weB ot ri1ht-il JDU honn't lhot opri1htiJ olep of he~lth in the da)'llme-- Dodd'• Kidnq Pilla, You tan depead an Dadd'al

• 6~

c. . . . Dear Mr~. G. T.: You c~ fade mmutes, ~tlrr~g occas10nall~. to give their children security Prmted dtrectlons on each pat· out that pmk look you obJect to Add cranbernes. Cook until must have something worth pre-

tern part. Easier, accurate. by ~ing a sofa and pos~ibly o_ne skins pop. Add crumbs: celery serving for their own sake. Se[\d FIFTY CENTS Un coins) cha1r covered in a p:mt wtth a~d 1 teaspo?n salt; miX well. For one thing, both are at an

(stamps cannot be accepted 1 for br~wn. backgroun_d, w1th floral F11l chops wtth ~ran berry ~ix· age when they need 8 little t~ls patt rn PI . t 1 . pnnt m white, p10k and green. lure. Faste, w1th toothptcks. security t!lemselves And a " c · ease prm P am- H ther h ' I I' H t 'I dd h d k · · ly SIZE, NAME, ADDR S ave ano . c mr n o tve ea ot ; a c ops an coo un- divorce is bound to be more of a

STYLE NUMBER. E S, green. Add wh1te lamps and a ' shock than they think it will be. brown rug. As for Ill~ drepe_s, As for the children, they never

Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of ST. JOHN'S DAILY NEWS, Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT ST., WEST, TORONTO, ONT,

they should touch ~~e wmdow sill Manners Make reach an age when the divorce or hang eyen w1th the lower of their parents Is not a personal edge of the apron. tragedy for them. Friends So why not stop thinlting of

your "right to be happy" and In winter, keeping windows Medicine spflled on the bath· . -- start thinking of your duty to try

open a crack at top and bottom 1 room was!tbowl or toilet shoulil, It i~n·t good manners to lr)' to I to n\ake your marriage happy~

I! will prevent moisture from con·! bo wa;hed off right away with find out a womln's age if she 1 It nerer is too late to try, you densing on the panes. 1 soap or detergent. . doesn 'I want it known. ' know.

. I

'- -. ):· . ! - ; ... ? . - . ..... '"',;

" ~-E~D~A~IL~Y~N-EW~S~,~ST~·~JO~H~N~~~.N~F~LD~.,~W-E~D~N~ES•D~AY~,~JA•N•U~A~RY~2~7~,1~9~~----------------------------------------------------------------------------7

A. Foster Mrs. J. E. Butl~r

D. o. Bartrum Jt Nicholson Mrs. A. Bartlett Miss J. King Miss G. Sutton

8.30-10.00 Simon Levitz Trophy ll. Templeton J, G. Beams The results of the S Levitz w. W. !llacdonald 1 Trophy competition played et

Mra G. R. Horwood' 7.00 last nilht are as follows: ltn G. Tessier . F. D. Butt Bishop 6, Brett 4 Mra C. J. Doyle Weir 6, Laws 7

Mrs M. Whelan Coupland 14, Warren 4

L. M. A)Tf! Dr. Josephlon Jln A. J. Dunne

J. D. Anderson Geor&e Tellier

Mrs. w. w. Macdonald )Ira R. Templeton

Mn. c. Elton

W. WiDJOI' F. Blsbop A. J. Dunne Mra J05epbson )Ira J. D. Anderson

R. Galla11her )In E. Boone Mn V. Hudson

J. A. Stoneman R. W Kelly llrs G. Tapper J. Bell

A. 'Co& lin. SlOIIIIIIn


C. Rockwell won by default J. K. Clouston won by default

Ladlea'· Carlini Games acheduled for Thurs­

day night will appear in to­morrow's Issue.

Nieman Signs


iBowrings And Flyers '

Register Victories Royal Bank Expecting To T-ake

Two Points Bowring's defeated .-\yrc's 9-:J and \fat·~cnc Flyers slop­

ped Royal Bunk 7-4 in ~fcrc:mtilc Hockey at the Prince i of Wales Arena· last night. Royal Bank howe1·er are ex­: peeled to pick up two points us the Flyers played with only

Still In


Irish And Feild


1 .. .... _

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• . . :· . . ' - . . '


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~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------ ·-Market


a1 T~ C"ac~"•• rnu T~:o Sloclt. I:;.~C".l.2n,~J .. n :•

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II :t~u :s



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11 -•. s; :J -1

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In to Rf~ & to to lit, J11hn'5 Boston Halifax St. John's L'pool

'X<wa Scotia" ":'\I'Y'foundland" Feb. 3 •·Xo1·a Scot1a'' Feb 17 ':-:e11ioundland'' ~lar. 9 ··xo\'a Scotia" . ~lar. 23

Feb. 10 Feb. 24 :'t!ar. 16 ~!ar. 30

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Jan. 30 Feb. 1 Feb. 20 Feb. 22 :'liar. 5 Mar. 7 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Apr. 9 Apr. 11

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Consult us reur~ln.R your tral'el problems


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CLARKE Hftnt In the

Gull ol St. Lawrence"




!-leY, YOU GUYS, OF SNOW ALl. ~t:T! HO!.LF:Ft Vl~F:N UNCLE': EILJI.(;'/ COM'ES OLlT ANO ~c'I.LGI'Ie I-IlM A 1 NICe ~NOW !if\oWEFt, 1-l'E'LL G&T A !riG CHARGe OLJT OF IT .... ~e 'TOL'tl US 11& 5\'.'AM



STORY: A medicine 1 emphatic to stay away frorr .bow has urivtd in l>) ra:use, there like the' wa5 smallpox.' CUIIIIlOUIIding the sensational 1 "Th~t's n:;i1t, L:SSIC Ann,' developments recent y, Among sa1d Zach's woman. "Him !hal the latter was the discovei'y of : Zach rcicrs to has g_ot ~attle the Card•ff Giant, the auival of • snal;e pizen 1n h1s vems msllc beautilul, mysterious and rich : o! b~ood. ~ly man don't back of! ~iadam Cissie Jane~ a), and the I from nobody along the canawl murdered body of an unkno11 n (rom Troy to Buffalo, but he man found in the ,\pplcgatc 1 gh•cs ~round to that hnn' bun skc~clon. and don't take no

1 sham~ fur it." XII "1\'u!c ~·,uuldcr• and skmny

\fa; h<• umNz~l l!oorl fortune <trms and legs and a hr.d lohe I 11a< our< on our fi:.,t adi'Clhurc a !Ieath's head'" a,kcrl Loss1c amon~ thc~e folks ;.toorcd to "That's lhc splllln' 1ma;c of the ·'lllkrs lias an BO·fool canal hun." Zach sazd. "And the boat embelhshed b) a \\,de red !unn)' llung: H1s woman that he

l stnpe around 1ls bell) Its name tbro11ed kmvcs. at wzs s11eet was LllZie Ann, and loun~mg 'n' perty as a pnncess Ill one of near 1ts stern 11erc t\\o people 1them lair) stories." -an enormous, broad..,houldcr· 1 • •

ed man w1th a sprt•admg, gold· Late in the afternoon, Lossie en heard, and a Uny. neat f1gure and I shook hands all around of a woman in cahco, wllh and went home to supper, be· cameo·hke features and the red· cause there would have had to des I hmd I c1 cr ha1·e seen. be explanations 1f we absented

I I had no dc•1re to go onto our.elvcs. the1r boat. but the decz-10n 11a5 "Do ~ou st!ppo;~.'' ~ a<kcd, taken !rom mr. The httle 110 "lh~t 'lr. '' hccln~ht s kmfe

I man rcmo~cd I he ptpe I rom her Jlhrnwcr and ~I adam Jancwa) ·~ m<•Uih anrl f<Jtlllllcd at u.< and 0-rar ore onr and the ~arne?" <a:ci. Jn a~ •o.t an<l mu<lral a · 1\'rll. """· Orrm.'' ~hr ~~trl,

1 'na·e :1"' r\rr Cctmr to m' rar;. and hc(';m<or. palromzin;::. a5 •hf" "!jootl da~ to you mopp~t" rl~rl whrn <hr >~anted to 1rr1tate

I ·Good da~. ma'am.'' Lo<m mr. "I ~houlrl ju<t har.ard I ~aid polite I). and I ~natchrd o(( , ~uc<.< that. as Mariam's attornt.Y·

·at-law and counselnr in than· to eery. 'ou would ~tar a war from

1 wantin~ tile answer to that the wo. quc<llon." )lznger • I ~omctimcs havP an uncom·

fortahle fcr!mg that IH.-~iP b Lo<sie 1 far •hrrw:lcr than I. thou~h

<he I< ) oun~cr and a Rlrl In hoot

(Til RP ('nntinnf!d)

Oil Pollution Before NFL




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For Stove Oil and Fuel Oil Phone 7 469 or 3007 This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

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12.00-\\'cstern Jamhol'ee. · o B • d WEDSESDAY. Jallllar~ 27th. l:~:~t~:~~ling with Records MOVEMENTS n . fl ge ----------· • 12.45-•'isherman's Forenst A.~l. ' 12.50-Rambling with Records I c.;ARKE ~T~AMSHII~ l~fo. ' BAD COSTRAC'f i.30-CB<.: News 1.15-Spol'tscast I ~ s Ol~]>or 23 edai'C I a I asx. SA \'ED BY PLAy i.:l5-Top of The ~lorniu;: 1.20-Rambling with Recorda ' • · ., an. L' , arr ve t. 8.00-CBC :"icws and Weather l.:lO-I'>c\1~ John's .Inn 26th, lcai'C same \COB • r..t5-:"llusiral Clock 1.45-l'assinl( Parade (John da~·. . By 0,8\\' A,LDI .J. . If~

~esbiltl llighliner leal'in;: st. John, · . \\ hc_n ~ou lnu ~ oursc. 111 au 1. ~-flt'-~lorning Del·otions 2.00-.Jim Ameche Show. i :-/.B .. Jan. 26. Halifax Jan. 29, uni?Omble contract It IS good : !1.15-Progr~m Pr~l'icw 2 "" , ... 1, 1 due St Joh.n's t'eb. 1, saUin" pohcy to put the bcot face pos· 11.!!0-l'iano Playtime. , 1·~~0c;1 5 p 11 'Feb 2 " 1 sible on the matter and sal'e 9.30-Xew~ anti Direct Reports. • · 0 ars. on ara e ''.~ov;tport lcavlnil Saint John, ~~our expressions. of disgust un· 11.36-Reconls at Rando~o1 3.5:J-News t 1 th 1 t d pia ed

4'onBob's Bandll'a"on N.B. Feb. 9, due St. John's Feb. 1 I e as car IS Y • 11.45-Records at Random .,_... ~ J D · I f B II V o tii5-News 12, due St. St. John's Feb, 15, 1 oe ame o c e ern n, ~~:~~~~~e~:ncs. 5.00-Bob's Bandwagon I salllng Feb. 16. 1 Penn., felt that hi~ hand w~s

S S d Highllner leal'ing saint John. · worth one more b1d after h1s 10.:!5-For Consumers 5.30- upper ercna e. ' h 1 1 1 5.50-FI'•h~rma11 ·5 Forecast N.B., Feb. 16, Halifax Feh. 19, ' partners t ree c u > response o 10.30-Xfld. School Broadcast · ~ h' 1 d bl d hi 1t1.4!!-CIIrb Kitchen. 6.00-Bul!etin Board due St. John's i'eb. 22, sailing : IS . seconc ou e an s

0.15-Sportscast and Travel· Fei.J. 23. ; cilmce was the unfortunate one 10.50-~lusic in the llorning. 'd ·~ovaport icavino Saint John. 1 of three hearts. 11.00-To l'atch ~ Falllng Star gul e " 1 N th 1 t1 t 1 b 6.30-Supp~r Strenade N.B .. Feb. 23, Halifax r'eb. 26. or was 50 g a no o ~ 11.15-~fhl. Scho I Broadcast · 6_45-:>-'elvs due St. John's Feb. 29, sai!inl!: doubled t_hat. he passed. West 11.45-Cath~· Hanington Sings · " ~ d h 1 t 1 b d

1 7.00-Shillelah Showtime :\lar. 1st. : opene 1s &Lng e on c u an r.~l. -11 1 h Sl · lligh!inel' !eave Man•h 1st. , .Joe saw _that he was in the J:Um-BBt.: ~ews 7.15-Sln e ag IOIVUme . !cal·e Halifax, :\.S .. :\larch 4th, :worst poss1hle c_ontract hut even 1



l~JO-,\nnounccrs Choice 8.00-l'ream of the Crop j arrive St. ,John's :\larch. ilh, '.the slran~est b1rds come home 1 1~.15-Farm Broadc;~st 1145-Xews t t d 1 k h t h lo .. on \'!JCll All Timt Jilt llra1'e :\larch 8th. o roo~ an oo II' a appen· 1

l~.t:i-md Dar Serenade u- I NFLD. CANADA HEAM· crl. ! 1.0J-Doyle Bull~tin l'ar:•dc SHIPS LIMITI::D ~:ast tool; his ace or rlubs aud : 1.15-,\ l.u1·c to remember 10.30-i':I'Cntidc ~leditalions 1 ~I.S. ~·nuvcttl• in port. On ,., .., . J

1.30-l'BL' ~ew, and Weather 10.45-Sport>ca~t will 1 U~>-BB'' \'arl'nt.'. ltt.r->5-:'ti.·~w•.· ; wmpletion uf dlseharge ~. ORTH I " ' ' : sail for lla!il'ax. ·~ ~·1 :!.15-National School Uroad· 11.011-Big Tnp Trn. · 1 • a 75 2

ca>t ll.OS-l'luh 500 j ~ _.s. BedfOJ'd. en ruut.r frum ; .. 2 lla!lfax, due St. .Johns Jan· " !!.U-Tom1n~· lluntrr Shuw 1.00-Cio!c Down ua1·~· 25th. · + ~ 3.15-Kindergartcn Of The :\ir ~I.S. Belle lsi~ lcal'ing llali· .;, J 8 7 ~ 4 3 ~ 3.30-:'\cw;, and Trans l'anatla CJON fax Janum·~· 2Uth. due St. 1\'F.~T E.-\ST Ill)

~latin~e John's Januat'\' ::!8th. • ~! 6 3 • In 4 1 4 3n\' '1 1 J{ ' '¥ Q 9 i 3 .• S 6 5 ~

·• v-- ar ~ Y our WJ.:DSf;SD,\ \', January 27th. ~I.S. Faucette leaving Bali· • K 1o a 7 4 • 5.00-\'ounll l'eolc's Concert • • · fax January 30th. due St. "'6 • :'. Q J ~ 6 1 i 5.30-Fi~heries Broadcast 6.30-The Bob Lewis Show.


John's February !st. : +A Q I 5.45-~lusic From The A! hums. 6.35-Weather. :\I.S. BedfOI'd lea1·Jng Hali· · SOl'TH ' i 6.00-CBC Xews. 6.45-lleadllne Sews and fax Febi'Uary lst, due St. ' ~ :~ ~~ ~0 I i 6.05-lnlermezzo Weatner.

1 ,.John's February 3rd. ': + 3 ~

6.30-Supptr Gue.;t 6.50-Bob Lewis Slow. Jo'\JRNESS WITHY A!'iD '' • K 10 9 6.45-Cu•tain Time. 7.05-Local Weather.


, :o;,, one ,.l,tneraille i.OO-CBC News and Weather· 7.30-News and Mlnitorial. : Nova Scotia due Boston Jan.j: f••l south Wts' .Sorth 7.15-Random Chapters '1.35-We~ther Forecast, 25. Leaving Boston Jan. 26 and i; 1 + Double 2 + Pass 7.311-Tops Toda~· '1.45-News and Minltor!al. 1 Halifax Jan. 30, due st. John's . , P:.>s Double Pan ~ • 7.45-Doylc Bulletin 8.15-Shlpping RcporL Feb. 1. Sailing again same day' 1 ""," 3' Pa~s l'~•s

· 7.15-~lusical Pro~;ram 8.!!0-Bob Lewis Show. for Lil'erpolll. ·I Pm 7.30-Tops Toda~· 8.30-Xews ami ~llnitorial. Newfoundland leal'ing u1-e1·.,: OpPnin~ J .. ~d-• 8

· '1'.45-Doyle Bulletin 8.15-Kiddie~ Corner. 1 pool Feb. 3, due St. Jolin'~ Feb.·:!.......,_====·====' ::~t~~~~~::c 8.40-Bob Lewis Sho"· i 11. Le~1·ing for Halifa~ and Bos·, gal'c his J>at·tncr a ruff. A dia· i 8.40-Publie Librarlrs. 8.55--Just a Minute. t~n F eh. 10, du~ Hahfax F_eb. 'mont! l'cturn was won bv East's I 8.55-Weather for ~larincrs ~:~t~~~~~ for Million•. lw and Boston feb, 15· Lea~mg I ace and now East pl~~·ed a Boston Feb. 16 and Hahfax , spade 11.00-lntro to Wed ~itt 9.30-Gerry Wiggins Show. Feb. 20. due. St. John's Feb. I Joe· went up with th d 11.15-Conttmporary ~~lL~ic (Continued from page 13) 2~ .• Sailing again ~arne day for 1 made the inspired pi:,. a~~ ~~e 1 10.30-Sailor Song 9.55-Cl!ffs Kitchen. Ln erpool. 1 heart ten We 1 th h' . ,

11.00-Husiness Barometer. 10.00-News Highlights and Nova Scol!a leavi~ Li\'erpool/' · s oug t a wh1!e 1

11.30-CBC National News, Minitorial. F b 17 d s , and p!aved small whereupon / Roundup and Talk. : 10.01-:"llartln's Corner. e ·.. ' ue t. ·John 5 Feb. 23·: Joe madc the rest of the tricks

12.00-Sign off-0 Canada-The j10.15-Right to Happlnes5. Leal 111~ for Hahfa~ and Boston : b~· the simple expedient of j Feb. 24, due Halifax Fe h ... 261 drawing trumps and running,

Queen. '10.30-News Higbligbts and and Boston Feb. 29. Lea1mg. dumn!l''s clubs 1

YOCM 10.35-{l!~~~~!~~~es Choice. i Boston ~Jar. 1 a!!d Halifax Alar./ Norih. and South could hal'e 1

11.00-News Hil~hlights and 15' due St. John 5 ~lar. 7· ~~II· I made game in either spades or

.'II'IJitorlal. lnognl again same day for Lner·l clubs hut ali was fornotlen WEDSESDAY, January 2ith. ·' p ., 11.01-Rev. Matthew. -------···------- lwhile East and \\'est argued

6.311-Xew~ and Wcath~r L 1 about ho1v t · k h 11.30-News and ~linitorla :llin!torial. many r1c s t er 6.::5-Brcakfast With Bill. 1 could ha t th t 1 h 6.:i5-Xcws 11.35-Nfld. Quiz. 5.01-Bob Lewis Dance PartJ. , ve se e ac ua I ree

11.45-Swlft :\lonr~·n•un. ~.I5-\\'rJ'gle,·s Show. 11• heart contract. 1

7.00-Breakfast with Bil "" ' i.311-Ncws and Waterfl·ont 12.00-:00:ews Highlights and 8.00-News Highlights and ---·-·---

Directory ~lin!torlal. :tlinitorial. 'i.35-Breakfast with Bill 12.01-Town and Country. 6.ot-Weather. '-~5-Xews · 12.30-Ncws and Minitorial. 6.05-Hulletln Board. 8.00-Torbay Weather 12.33-Town and CounltJ, 6.10-Natlonal NeWI. 8.05-Breakfast with Bill 12.35--Town and Count!')'. 11.15-Sporta. 8.25--Sews 1 1.00-New• Highlights and 6.30-Ciub 93. 8.30-H!t Tune of the Day ~llnltor!al. 7.00-News and ~Iinltorial. 8.33-Sportseast 1.35-Ed!torlaJ CommenL '1.01-Club 93.

Card Sense: Q-1'he hid!lin~ has hecn:

South West North East i I • Pas~ I + Pass 11 • Pass 2 " Pass .,

8.40-Breakfast with Bill 1.40-Sporla. 7.45-N ews 8.55-News '..44-Art Baker's Notebook 8.00-News in a Minute. You. South, hold: 9.00-:"llorning Date 2.00-News Hi!lhi!ghtl 1nd B.ol-Best from the West. •Q ,J B 2 ¥54 •A 8 7 •A K 4 3 9.15-Llnda's rirst Lo1·e ~llnltorial. 8.30-Bcst from the West. t What do you do? 9.30-~!ornlng Date 2.03-Gerry Wigllns Show. 9.00-News and Minltorlal. A-Uld two no·trump or lhrct

10.00-Nrws 3.00-News ltlghlights and 9.03-Nfld, Soiree. :no-trump If you feel amhltlou~. 10.03-Stork Club ~llnitorial. 9.30-Chapel by lhe side of the · Your partner has made a strong 10.1!1-Jim Amechc Show. 3.01-Westcrn Jamboree. Road. . bid and your hand appears 8Uit· l0.55-Xews. 4.00-Gcn. Prov. !liews I 9.40-l'ersona!l~· Speaking. , able for 110-l~mp pla:v. 11.00-Jim Amerhe Show. 4.05-Ranch Party. 9.45-Dosco News. : TODAY S QUESTION 11.1!1-Western Jamboree. 4.30-Ne\\·s · 10.00-Ncws Hlghllghli and ' You do bid two no-trump and 11.55-News. I :1.110-News Highlights and 1 l'llinltorlal. 1 your partner goes to three ---------------·--------- '10.01-John Steele 'clubs. What do you do now?

Wa~hington, D.C.

ACIOSS 55 Pitcher I Virllnla'a 58 Rind :reprmutattve 57 Recent Ill Natlollll DOWN StatuaQ' Hall I BOYII

4 P1rltwq 2 City In between Capitol and Permsylanla WahiDIIon 3 Neemaey MODUmnt 4 Married

1 Former White 5 Wlnx-shaped 2~ Requirements 38 Jndu1Je HOUH resldtnt 8 Renter 24 Hairless 40 Restrain

12 Melrtc 7 P~rmlt l:5 Fencing sword 41 Bleyele part · meuures 8 Sounds 26 F:aret 42 Churth recc~~ ll Nautical term I i\lalt drinks .~7 Nntlnnal 43 Bird 14 Melile)' 10 Clenched hann Cemetery 4J Present

, 11 Underworld 11 Throw ~8 Tumult 48 Counsel 8041 17 EurGpean , 29 !.and measure •7Ireland

11 Flavor peninsula 31 Color 48 Killed ti PlaDiilll 19 Medicated 33 Weary IOPIIe

machines II""'II"'T.:'"'I'''., 20DefeltS Jl Bow :12 S'oltP (pL) :MW~~t~~ .LIItln ., Caultllltlaa

'==allcld 'IICsatlller ~-Bait 11111111' ·N~ lllltt(lll.) .n~ .... ==" ~·==--;=:r illl'tllfted ..... lftl

• BIIrUated .. ,..... opera ... .. Mblll'l1 rock . . ......... ·~

10.30-NaUonal News. .~nswer Tomorrow 10.45-Sporll. 11.00-News H!gbllghts and

Minltorial. 11.01-Muslc in the Night. 12.00-News Highlights and


BARBS 12.01-Musle In the Night. By HAL COCHRAN 1.01-Queen and Sign Off. . A young man can usually ---------- 1 find out all ·about the other

Vous \ swell lads his girl bas been out

I with by marrying her. WEDNESDAY, January 27th. 0

• • •

:\lost husbands still have the 1 same old things to look for· i ward to come spring-spading

A.M. 6.00-Sundial

6.30-News 7.00-News 7.30-News. 8.00-Breakfast Club. 8.30-Gaylen Drake 9.011-It Happened last night

10.00-Cof!ee Time 11.00-Turn Back the Clock lUo-Program Twelve P.:lt 12.30-March of Events 12.45-Sports l'age 1.00-Arthur Godfrey 1.25-News 1.311-Bob and Ray. 1.45-American Adventure 2.15-Cpuple Next Door 2.10-News 2.35-Panorama 3.30-News 3.411-.Junlor Miss 4.00-Spotl!ght on a Star 4.30-.'lve Stnr Maline. 5.00-Word P!uy 5.30-New~ 5.45-Checkln' In 6.00-President's N eivs Confer·

ence · 6.30-Chcck!n' In (Cont'd)

I the garden. l

* • • . A butcher in Michigan was

I' arrested for using a scale !hat I cheated customers. That should

I teach him to mend his weights .. • • ljr; I

I I · W h e n they say "smart ' 'money" it makes us smile. To· day the dollar doesn't have enough cents to buy anywhere near what It used to. I

A tense face is not a beanti£ul face. Clamp your teet!t together keepin:: your lips closed. Let your !ower jaw drop. Repeat three times and feel the tension In your jaw, cheeks and neck slip away.

8.00-Groucho Marx 8.30-FBI in Peace and War 9.00-CBC Radio Workshop 9.30-Entcrtainmcnt U.S.A . 10.011-~'lnal Edition 10.15-Sporls •·ina! 10.30-Jack Paar 11.00-llusic 'Ill Midnight

fHf: STOk'r Of MARTHA 'vVAYNE Rw '".' ~~fd.T'·




,. AH AIN EA'5'(




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.. • Justice Dunfield


..... ~-~-----




.from iht moat grlppln;- •and dramatic best-aill•rl






MATINEE: 1.30 P.M.



. . , . -· -. ~. ~ _... ~ '.. . .. - -. - -

• aiDS












., ,, t



Judgement •



• • 1sm1sse

I'O~;:"'J:CTII)'\ SOt'TJI ('U.\Sl sJ·:nnn:

nccular 8:111 a.m. train l<•al'· ing St. .John':; Fr!<i:w, .January :!9th. will m;::;c connection at

; Argcntia with lht• S.:'. B1ccnlieu , lor regu!ar ports South Coast Sen·ice.

Notice of Application For nivorce

llatrd a' the !'it~· tJ! Turonto in ; '·r P•·o1 iure of Ontario. this !·.r;·n:i~;h day of .la:,unry .. \.D. 1%11.

.\. ~- Wfi.SOS .. ~o:id\Pr for .'\ppliC2!11.


CO .. lTD. • Rarllo. ·rele\·ision. Wa~~fTS. I Refrigerators. Ueep Freezers

Electric Hanges, Flour Puli>her; . Gramophone~

Publw Adrircss Sy;rrms. Tall• f:ccorrkrs

Kt:l' A Jr...; :\.\D ~F:R \'ll't. s u:-ms

ClAL 3001 to aou.; W .'\ TER STREET

ian~H I v

+Mi 8 WW& a




Surveys ltd. Gerry Halley TELEPHONE 90876





FEBRUARY 1s·:·. - 6th, 1960 '





_ .. ; : .... . , . ...

,. . ' 1~.: ;~


• -: ·.~. t ·~:. . "!-· .• . --

'· .-...

. . t


. --- . - .~--; . . ~ ... -. -"


Newspaper BINGO SERIES No. 23


B I N G 0 8 21 45 60 67

10 23 36 55 65 2 16 38 58 66 1 30 31 51 75

13 24 37 49 61 7 19 35 48 70

11 27 43 53 73 4 29

40 64

12 28 72

14 18 26

Help Kin Help Kiddies

Bitt It Expertly Repaired Here


All Gh·en lmmedi1te Attention



NOTICE The Annual Meeting of

The Church of England Institute will be held on

THURSDAY, January 28th., at 8 p.m. CECIL G. DAWE,

Hon. Secretary.

(Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Grace The Archbishop, P. J. Skinner, C,J.M., D.O.)

St. Pat~ick's Hall School

Annual Awards

Distribution Of and Diplomas

(High School Department) ST. PATRICK'S HALL AUDITORIUM

WEDNESDAY, January 27, 1960 at 8 p.m. Admission 50 cents.


(Unfurni~hed) Three to four b~drooms.

Early occ•Jpancy. Apply:


Not Inserted by B.L.C.

Advertise In The· News

.......... ___ ...,

NOTICE There will be a Free Showing of a Movie in the


THURSDAY,· January 28th at 8:30 p.m., folbwed by a Dance.

(tel) HOU~E COMMilTEE.




15 P)l. TO 1 A ~1.--(',\LL ~ '\ll2~ I


. -

Where To Stay Balsam Hotel

BARSES nOAD Situated In 'he llcnrt of

the Cit;. Qniet, Comfortable Atmos-

phere. · For Reservation, anci in·


N!lrl fiiil'j ,\rmature ,. ....- \Vorks

liiJ,.fJtiif.! 38 '{Ia l-Qdf Bambrick , - -~ Street.


Henry Street

mcnry St. enll·ance) 1 lmJ£ )ial 7191·2

To - ntorrotv : . BUILDING MATERIALS

Thursday cHEsTeR DAwE. LTD. SH,\W ST. and TOPSAIL RIJ ,

J.\~WAUY 28TH, ~~ 11 A.~l. For all your Building Requirements cal!

Tht·ee mahogany buffets. rna-; 80161-91171 hogany bookcase. mahogany; ---------hall table. chesterfield suite, 1 DRUG STORES magazine holder, round oak;--------­dining-room table. small oak' table, chesterfield and chair : CONNORS DRUG STORE

1 two bcdstca~s _and spr!ngs, five: 1..\iiiBERT'S COUGII SYRUP · mahogany dmmg chairs, two ' can be obtained at



• BarbequtJd Chicken "Rib:;"

• Also complete plate Dinners.

• Sandwiches a n d Salads for Parties etc. • All Delicalessen

Specials. <Order' Sj.QO ur Ol'er de li1·ered Free ot charge l

Bell's Delicatessen 566 WATER STREET

, hat trees, floor \a~ps, c1rp~l : CONNORS DRUG STORE card table. two _c!Jalrs. Polaroid i 33t \VATER ST. ---- - ·-- ··- ------·---lend camera, lilghlander model

1 DIAL 2206 ! , · --- · - · - --

D• I 6336 BOA with flash ~un, and sundry. --------- • Usual Valuable Prizes plus Door Prize Ia 1 other articles. t fORWARD'S

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Company Showrooms, Water Street:


Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd.


WANTED Owner of house in good residential

locality, wishes Young Couple to live

with her. Address enquiries to

BOX 501, clo Daily News




The office of the City Clerk ~ill be open on FRIDAY, January 29 until 9.30 p.m. This will enable citizens to avail of discounts granted for payment of current taxes before January 31.

E. B. FORAN, City Clerk.

------·······--··--------· -------




We ore interested in finding retail grocery outlets for our salt fish on the mainland. Perhaps you have Newfoundland relatives or friends liv· ing in ma.inland Canada or the U.S.A. who would like a meal of good NEWFOUNDLAND SALT FISH but cannot buy it at thr::ir local grocers­if ~o would you please cut out this ad and m"il to them with your next leller.

I ;r--... ---------------------, I• Are you a mainland Newfoundlander who I ~~ would like some good Newfoundland "Salt Fish 1

II and Brewis." . ·If your grocer does not stock "BID-II GOOD'S" Nfld. Salt Codfish or "PURiTY" Hard i I Bread we suggest you complete the form below ;I and mail to us today. Upon receipt we will mail II you a FREE sample package of "BIDGOOD'S" II Salt Fish and "PURITY" Hard Braad. 'I ---- • 1 TO: Bidgood's Wholesale Ltd., fisheries Division, 1 Goulds, St. John's West, NewPoundland.

I MY GROCER IS:-1 NAME .............................................................. .. it ADDRESS ............................................ , .............. . !t MY NAME IS ...................................................... .. 1 ADDRE~S ............................................................ .


: L----------------_. ______ .. _J "BIDGOOD'S11 SALT FISH and 11PURITY" HARD BREAD - The perf&ct combinat~on for a perf-act meal of 11Fish and Brewis."

Try some.lll · I

P.S; If your grocer is not interested, we .can sup-ply you direct in 10 lb. lots.


1 I Agency Department ~ I ' 243 Water St. Dial 2102 t 54 STAMP'S LANE

i TO RENT FITZGIBBON I YounD;:~~~AIRE t~ I Dial 20116 Audionc•r.!HEAP & PARTNERS : Philip Wall &·'

Self contained. furnace (NFLD.) LTD . h!ated. three • room ---1 Wiring Materials. Wire and Sons Ltd.

Cables, ~lotor.• Starters, APARTMENT Anyone requiring the Lamps. Switches. Lighting 10 Georoe St. Dial 2321 Unh nished L'1'xture t

• £ • s, c c. ORNAMENTAL Services of a w t\REHOUSE: PRINCE'S ST. Phone 91636-F 1 mAL5oss IRON

jan2i.2B : -·--·· ------ .. ··-····





Phone 3712-F FOR SAJ,E-One 35-ft Hou~e


I CROSBIE & CO., L TO. ! Agents for



DIAL 5031



! nol'll,lm 1·-·-----. ·---··- -···--·



: Trailer. 'Phone s11, Ex- HARDWARE STORES : trnslon 64137. I....;....;....;~;.;;;...;.;~~-

Sharpening Services


Reserve ............. : ...... 75c. General .................. 50c.

Tickets on general sale to·day.

; SEW ~IETIIODRUG ,;LEAN.-; HARRIS & HISCOCK, LTD. ERS--Rugs and Carpet . G_eneral Hardware made to look lilte new. D1str1bu_tors for Sunbeam Von Sci. der process adds Electmal Appha~ces, years to life of rug;. Clean- Sports goods and ~ports ed in home or at our plant. wear for all occasions. 'Phone 91033, N cw ~lethod Dlt\1 5016 Rug Cleaners. Fr.:shwater Road. ____ i ERNEST CLOUSTON, LTD. ,____ I


AU. TYPES Hand saws. band saws, circll· Jar saws, lawn mowers, gar den equipment, knives. >•is sors. barbers' clippers. Rt tonthing of worn saws. ·

We also Specialize m SKATE SHARPENING

Tickets for Friday night's exhibition game, Andcos vs. Ceebees, on sale on holding seat certificates, tomorrow, January 28th, 9 a.m. - 6 p m. General sale on Fridc:y.

a as tng 1


cleaned by new machllle. DIAL 4183 . I WAI.L WASHING - Walla 210 WATER ST.

Conca\'e sharpening 0o1 !lit most modern equipment available. "lf it can be sharpened we will sharpen it.H Results perfect: saves paint.

, -:llew Method Rug and W3ll HEATING i Cleaners. Freshwater Ro:~d : 'Phone !!1033. 1 oct8,( tf) I C. A. HUBLEY, LTD. ---1 PLUMBING and HEATING

________ . ·- _____ : ~EAL ESTATE- Valuator of 1


JARDINE BROS., LTD. 165 Water St. 'Phone 5561 Gunsmithing - Locksmithln~

Keys ~lade to Order dec14.Jm

I eity, farms and outpor pro- ' Rep. General Electric perhes. Over 40 years' ex- 36 King•, Road Dial 2910, -·------

1 pcr1ence. John 1). O'Dris· rolL Auctioneer and Real 1

Estate ,•.gent. Dial 90312. ' RADIO· TV REPAIRS - ----·-- -·------Tm: n:sTRAI, BARBER ~ GREAT EASTERN OIL

li l'tHI_ OP-Whet areh now oypcr· :COMPANY, LTD.

a n~ elg c am. 011 . REPAIRS TO RADIOS. TV can bP assured of the best 1 9 5 8 possible sen·ice plus the AND ALL ELECTRICAL

1 ·bl · APPLIA:-ICES A U S T I N east pom e waiting. 24 i DIAL 3001 to3005 New Gower Str~et, opp. , __ .;,;,;;;;;:..;;;;.;;.:;..;.;;~;...-(6 Cylinder) __ A_d_ela_id_e_M_ot_or_s. ___ _

$17.00 00 USED CARS · FURNITURE REPAIRS- Re· I---------

pairs to spring.filled mat- AEDLAIDE MOTORS LTD.

Bal'rd Motors Ltd. tresses. Ch' terfield suites FOR A CAR YOU (AN also rebuilt. Fifty years' DEPEND ON CALL cxper!e,,ce. Keats :Wattress ADELAIDE MOTO":S LTD.


Factory, 16 Mount Royal A1·e. ".\Complete Store At Your DIAL 80378_9 Dial 92753 or 2656. J11 1\L 3015

dec30,( 1m). -- ------ GROCERS (Retail)


53 Wllliam Street Dial 7450 and 606Z

L. HEALEY Cross Roads and Water Street

Dial 3026



sss-00 1953 VANGUARD








ST. JOHN'S MUNICIPAL COUNCIL ·-·-------·--·------:

NOTICE The following license Fees are due, and person$

liable are reminded that payment must be made at once. Failure to comply with this request will necessitate sterner action.

Auctioneers ............................................ $25,00 Juke Box bwners ........................................ 25.00 Junk Dealers . . ............................................ 25.00 Billiard Tables .......................................... 10.00 Bowling Alley (per bed) ......... : .................. 10.00 Taxi Cabs (Operators) ................................ 20.00 Taxicabs (Drivers) .................................... 5.00

E. B. FORAN. City Clerk.

. . · Srrtlth·· Corona .· · .· TYPEWRITERS & _ CASHIERS

'·• '




MAIN OFFICE , •. · ., - -~052'r- 4053


.-----------------; JOB RROTHERS 1 & CO. LTD.

Water Street Dial 2651-4123


I T. A. Bldg., Duckworth St. I----·~D~i~ai~1~M~6·~7M~'-----I REG. T. MORGAN I INSURANCE LIMITED j Temple Bldg., P.O. BoJ 158, 1 3U Duckworth St.

Dial so:no or 1756


Store At Your Door

--~~--llEDDY KllOWAn e



in : Family Budget :

Ll:w:;:;.-; ,.,. ..... , ,,,,,,, DRUG STORES II Cheap f<eliable Eiectncit~ I

---------1 In an-i Around St. John'~


_P ... R._K __ D_A._L_E_. -- ·,· 334 \\' ATF.R ST. 1 ,

-__ ..;;;,;lli,;;;al~2;,;;2~116---1 Pll1\R;'ItACY

Eli!abelh .\ Te . . AYLWARD'S

PHARMACY \ Cor. Monchy & Empire Ave. ; Dial 98070

~---------.DUNN'S PHARMACY

Cor. ~layor and Merrymeeting Rd. I . . Dial 1388

Dial 91120


119 ~lllltary Road Dial 6U8


l 265 Pt>nll)'Wtll Road Dial 9Z931

·:'\-:-! :\,,;.._

·-:: . ...

• .: .!'.

:-:. ·.- .. ·. •

... '( ... • .I:· .... ~

., . ... ,. ~ ..... J


.. .. .

. ... :• . . . . . . ·. . . ... -.;

' ' .. -: . ··-· \

~-.- ..... :_f;; .• : .. ~-..

"',.-· -~ .. -. ~

.. ' :'.":-j-••• _;, f



i Nixon's I Campaign '!

1 Unfolds

Newfoundland Products


THB Choice Newfoundland Salmon 'Northern Pack' ......... .2411's


OOK Lotal Blue Potatoes ................................................ 75 lb. Sacks

I Canadian Press Stall \\'!•Iter . WASHI;>;GTON (CPI-Richard · M. Sixon's presidential campaign · j strategy is beginning to unlold. I

Small Green Heads Local Cabbage ........................ 50 lb. Sacks

Bread. As anticipated, he has ca:;t him- i WILDER STONE Local Carrots .................. , ......................................... 50 lb. Sacks

s~l! in t!1e role of a soft-spoken. :. h $ . ! battle • tried political l'elcran, I Jo n legget .... , ... 3.95 ' Local Parsnips .......................................................... SO lb. Sacks i lo)·a~ to his commander and kind , DEAR AND GLORIOUS 1to h1s enemies. · PHYSICIAN Local Beets ............................ , ................................. 50 lb. Sacks

This new image of the vice- I ld I president jars with the old one a Toy or Co we I .... 4.50

:lew years ago of !he mappy i CAT AMONG THE Local Turnips ....................... .-.................................. 50 lb. Socks

' young west coa~t lawyer who PIGEOi-IS 1 clawed his way to the top amid • . 'Democratic charges that he un· Agatha Chnsfte ...... 2.50 BUY NEWFOUNDLAND PRODUCTS , fairly linked his political oppo- ALL THE DAY LONG nents with communism. 1 Howard Spring 3 50

: In fact, Democrats will not be 1

.. " •

1 quick to let the country forget STATION WAGON IN the old ima~e. One cartoon by ' SPAIN the \\'ashinglon Post's 1\orblock. frances Parkinson

· :ws already lamrooned :'\ixon «> ' a l'ain witt'h who sers nothin~ Keyes .. ............. ... . 5.50 but hersc\1 in the Republican POOR NO MORE mii·I'OI', R b R k :SOT ~'IGIITI:SG RAC'K 0 erl uar ........ · 6.50

Bnt the 4i·ycar-otd :\'ixon seems THE BREAKING POINT to make no cllort to light IH1ck. 1 Daphne Du Maurier 4.50 El'en when Senalo~ .John ~- K~n- 1 MORLEY CALLAGHAN'S n~d:", a Dcmocrallc prcsld~:JIIal S T

PHONES 5143- 5144

asparant. charged Prcs1~ent ORIES ....... .. ...... 6.95 . l~iscnhowcr with being a weak. TRIUMPH IN THE WEST -~------· , leader who merely acts as broker : Arthur B t 6 OO ,;.---;---;---;'.;.;.;."'-;---;-....:..-:-....;-:-..;..."r-;;_,.--,,..._._, : for pril'ate interest:<. :'\ixon re- ryan .. .. .. . . : plied simply that that wasn't "o .. SCRAPBOOK FOR THE . At the "arne time he com~]li·, TWENTIES mcnlcd Kennedy hy sa)·in;: pub· : Leslie Bail licly he had a lot of rcopcct fm· , Y .............. 5.50 ..

Best Toast Anywhe1'"e

furs Get Priority th· pn;m· ~1.\!'SI\'

,..,,l:!:' 1~rat.;-;·:0 · - Ytl.11hru1

·U.S. Consul Continurrl [roan Page 3

Kennedy's analysis or current ~ '.AY THIS HOUSE BE I problems. lie acted in similar. ,;)AFE FROM TIGERS

. Cashion in the case o[ anothe1·' Alex d K' · :Democratic presidential po~si!Jil- an er mg ..... 4.50 I ity-Scnator Stuart Symington of , ·

i M~~~~~:~i~ton, ~aid ~ixon. was a D•cf(S & Co., ltd. i s!udcnt of military affairs an-i 1 Jh

____________ , "it is h~tprut to ha\'e a good. e Booksellers that were stationed here are go\'- hard-hitting criticism of our pol· 1 S , erned hv :\ewtoundlander.l. icir,," pin 442.:i or 2008 or 3191 That's the· proper thin::! 1 · :\'ixon's calm manner was en·

al'led in his formal (1rclnration - . . "In ~t>caking of Newfound- that lw would campai·m Iori !'i.~'s. ~;n,'!'T OFFEHEn

lam\ .. I would like to mention thft 111.nc_· 1'd•ntl'a\ 1101111·natl·on. 11.1 Ql·J· .. Ili:.C •.< PI - .\idcr111,·n •-: ::~~x;,,.,.,.r fur, ill"<' :r:tin: that 111.1· 11ifr ~1 l'l'idrrllo lll31'1'1' a 1 · fl h 19"9 B 1 · 1 ' " ' ' 'I " . me y I e J lH l(rt SJICl'C l m"l'"l\' ack•<l a pr•.··. ,'IJ'<Io to •·• ::I~I'IC nnlHrhau:l <:lirl Sllltrl•)· r. o· ... ,·at :1: !II thr Pa"i> fn>h· JIC'1111'illll> \,'Ollll~ \'icc Consul ' ' 0 ' <'·' n ~ o! the Honor11hle, the .\linislcr · nr In· bern r>fl<'l'"<l .. ,. ft 1 1

· 11<11:ll'i)' nw • hccau;c wilh Scot· ·make the announcement. :'\ixon .' ·' • . . ' " a _ P0 S· for Finance. This should he rr· 111-111_ .• cll dl'<lli'! ."i101t1. 11 n ,•t tile' rlr __ ·l'lll • to11111in.:~ $i,:Joo sine n .•1c

~--"~·" :"''' ::'ir h;>i1· •rat. ti•h lo~il'. ,lw conclurl~d tlliil, in · 1 1· 1 ' ,. " ' T·. :>~ ·,,;""· mo1r. ,.,,.,lo't. .,i-::111k. l'icw of 111)' nL'tupation, (llicl in ttlllrN reac mg for H 1 Xcw· p1·css conference. T:1is conll'a:;t~fi. '~·:·' 1'\el'l:·fl ! mo~llb_, !l;:o. lie ,., ··~t'. r.•~·,·•·ol1 .>ncl fo-.. hat·r t'1r fw c 01 wlwlc1c1· Ill\' ,hort- \oundlan;tcrs.l It's t' ~ thril:in7-. with the bi~ publicitv parJdc put ·:·t1 11 <; P' ~·"llllrs his collr:.gucs r.• .,, ·.·:'o ,,,,, ·• ::1tcr • .. ·w:'::ht in <o:ning,_ sh. 1\0ulcl 'II l~·a ·, "Cl 1 ocnmcn' a 1 rama IC recol't 0 on b1· Kenned1• {lnd 'another sci[- '1 '" re 11 ' 1' gl·aJt.

· 1 ' ' e the pro~rcss of the p·1~t ten ' ' ' · · • : • · •ty:t-d ,::ar'liCnl< with low to ser I he 11'01'\d-lrcc! lt II'R< ,. . 1 · . ' ,1•1 procl<limc:! Dcmocr~tac a~p1rant, r · . t t;.:<. I Sa mud .Johnson who said that •1 cars, 1a

111 ha rcashsurmg1. c 1 '~ · ·Senator llubert H. Humphrey of · · · 1· 1 engc o t ose w o be ICI'r m :-.t·

t o:n .::·:rr; an;! !<"adm~ fur >H· mnt·l ma)' be .made of a Sotch· th f 1 Th . B '- mnesota. 10~· ·~d·!L•n!y :1a1c awakcn~d to 1 man if he is c;~ught young. ~I)'' b ~ ~-~.Ire. .c econonn~t.. ar-: WORKISG 1!,\R~ .




l ""- c,• l'.!. h\. Cl'f, • 11t60 ~, p.[.t, ~,-,.(t, loot.

"Co in and ask! How do you expect to support me if you don't have a job?"

, .... 1.1r1 that mo•l women car.not wife is ,,tt~mpting to re1·ca·se the 1 [at h,mJ, hsa~d r_ecenth • 1 ~ cf: 1 Perhap< ~1xon s serenitY !lows :o:lord mink. l'r.til recently, it .1 Jlrocess with an American! ) 1~c' 1 al t e next len ~cars i !rom confidence that he has th~ ;· .. tnrhwom:m t•<•u1d not .<pend at · "Gentlemen. you hm·c gather·. 1 ~ll compel a cholee f~r the . party's presidential . nomination "t; •• ~ thr rquiral~nt of ~~.000 on co fl•om my name that 1 am not "est between construcllve use ; sewed up an~ po~rhaps from a ~ !ur coat. ·he u-uni:y c!id nul one of the choJcn race. How· of wealth and a complaccnc~· ·studied imitation or Eisenhower's o·• n on~. To1·.b~·. a whole new ewr. I content myself with the! that would prove fatal. If the 'personalil)' ·and manner. Rarel)' c;·~oo: o! thou:li: hn, l'ome 10 the knowlc.lge that m)' :":or.'e fore- 1959 budget sp~crh were not , has Eisenhower taken an)' sharp l!t:'('. ir1 hy thr li>t or inl•xpcn- bears were around this area sev·. ~nough to .convmce the dou~t· i digs at the Democrats. Eisen-'''~ !u:·,, or prcdous pelt~ n.<c~ era\ !Jundrey year~ before Col· _mg ~~ the 1mmen~e progress_ Ill: bower is at _the !leak of hi.' na- F · T h } made al'ailable. -~ .. ri::~ly Ill "lillie furbelow" umbns and Cabot and the othel'l housmg. education, medacai' tiona\ popu\Jrity, j ree ext 00 iS Teachers sny titer are bll>)'

ha~'c' and n~c:;ni('('Cs. .Johnnie came Iat?lie: 11nd In the care, and roads, then they 1 Whiir Nixon :1as put on a calm marking examination pap c r s. Frrnth rabbit. ton~ known as ninth ct•ntun· when Kenneth ~lac· shonld have listened to the front. he has hccn 1\'orkin~ hard · con.iiderin~ promotions. writin~

~ fl!llH:l~r export item. emer~cs Alpine united in his own s~1·er· Premier recently when he look- ! behind the scenes. II~ has be· By J.<'. GR.-\H.-\:\1 testimonials and dozens of other !--":n 11.: humh!~ role a< a linin~. t·i~llil)· the Picts an~ Scot~. lhesc ed into the next ten years.': come so strongly ~uppo11ed by ------ :'\EA Staff rorrespondrnt • year-end tasks !: h;,, h:·rn dleO fi'Cl'\' .<h~d~ of Wild :\orsem~n ancestoa·~ hat!: There was no complacency in thp party's !«) - called "p;·ofes- llE:\THS I Al'CKUXD I(PI-:\'_ew Zea- On top of thi; they now hntr :1·-- :;·.r.ho·· ,-n•m red.' white. or ;•ircn:l~· es!Jbli~hcd a looting in his ~pccch, and the choice he siona\'' politicians that snch a ~ .. - ·-- land state ~_chools ha,·e JUst com· to collect and check a greal num·



Not Enuugh Contimtccl from P<~ge J

Thr .iu•tilir<~tinn for ~rc!dng ;(m'!'l'llmcn1 hrlp, <air! )lr. c:erin. is thai thr ~orernmnnt 1\'flllld emir he loo!:in;t alter lhe wellarc of the country .

.\\lholl'~h t!ir nnilrJ'SIIJes lt';lltt the ~·1\·ernmrnl to r~sc the cost~ ol cchlt'ation, \Jr. Gerin c·mpha<;trcl 1h~t ll1ry rhd nnl \\'ant ~o·.cmment inter. lrrc:tte in the unit·crsitics.

"GoHnmrnt 1\nrs hal'e a ri~ht In srr 11hat use i~ made or am· monr." the_,. t•ln!l"ilmtc to nni· 1·r:·si~i~'-Ch;1l it is nQt sprnl on J!u\rl platrtl Jni!Wa\'s-hut ~orrnun~nt dnrs not hal'r a ri~ht to intrrfrrr in the ap· (10iiii111PIIfs nr llllil·ersit\· nffi . dais or the 'rlrction or 'unirrr· sil)' courses:· ~aid "r. r.rrin. r~llrr,,in~ the frrliuJ: nr ~II :"\FCt:S members.

Bt•,;ides scrkin~ more mo11r•· from the 2o1·crnment to help student.•. :'\Fl'US at<o feels pri . ntr cnlrrpri.•r >hnulcl help morr.

''1\"c fret 1h;~t pri,·alr rntrr· pri~e has more moue,· a1 all· ahlc for hrlpin;( uni.•·rroitit•s th;~n it has hccn ~idn~." he sairl.

"Whilr gowrnmrnt shuul<l hf' the first and lar~cst crntril!nt••r to unil'crsity aid, pl'il'ate ent~r­

Jlri~c has ib reSIIOIISibilil)' to education. too, he felt.

h::~r :n 11r;!:·nnt j:oltqui! yellow. the i~lands on the :":orth and made was foJ' a constrnctil•c ·determined opponent a< Go\'er- SCt:RRY - Passed peaceful-. plct.ed the _first Yc_a~ o[ a new ex- her of textbooks. l'isit homes to anct "~'1 ·"·!ret in i•!ousrd jack· \\"est coasts or Scotland, and a. development or the wealth of nor Xdson A. Roc';c!cl\er or Xcw ly away on Tuc~day morning,. pe~·,mcnt 1~ prO\'Idmg all school_ collect books in some cases, re- '·Pril'ate rnlrrp1·ise reaps :ltP ~t· n:· tnm!tH'taulz. IITilp·around :\m·se rarldom of Orkney was !'iewfoundland. The surface has : York threw in tbc tow:-\ rather alter a long illness, John children With free lcxthoo~s. The· turn deposits where applicable. benefit of better trained grad trcnth N•<tl•. e>tahli,;hcd. , just been scratched. The iron ; than try to fight :\ixon lor the Scurry (tinsmith 1. aged 73 s~~e~c has met both praise an;!. send account~ to parents in uatc~. just as the go1-crnmcnt

Ral,:,1t, ar~ fn''owrd in the "I wa<, and hlde~d am. nen•-: ore reserves in Labrador alone : party nomination. ·_years. Lcal'ing to mourn their Clltlcls~. bo. 0

. . . • :other; lor loss or damage beyond r~aps the hrnrfit of wciJ-trainrd fa•:1ion ,,~·t:c h~· lht• t•nti\·1• cat ous about ht'ing able to lli'opose aa·c of such immense import- As l'ice • presiri~nl. :'\ixon has sad los.• four sons three daugh. The[[' a .1 ~~ ~;r~mf"J 11 ~ 1 ch lair wcJI' and tear. ed doctors and iall'l'ers." he f2mi!•· Fr11m th~ hll'll' "alb·" lllcquatcl)' th; toa;t to ~CII'· a nee to the economy nf North been c I o sCI Y associat~:l with tcrs. one brother Dal'id; one ;"0.~~ {e f 1~ ·;l• me ll ed r~c I Benefits of t:1e scheme ar<' sub· >aid. . ~!'f'ci:, In t't~clail. ti:rl', ia~u-ar [nundlan~. Sint·e that day In Amcriea thHl )'OUng Newfound- Ei~nhower frr fl~ \a<l SCI'CII sister. ~Iary Olrs.' c. Stafford). ('~· . 0 r :1 a as one or liS stantial in sPite of all objection~ .. ar.". .no·•· !r01wrt. l'ir·rrr Hnl- t!Ht ll'h~n th~ [ir•t linitcd SHiles lander• should heed the acll'ice )'car.'. In a recent Flnrida cam- Funeral will lakL• place from 11° :c~ Pan 5·_ • " . . . All pupils obtain I he ncce>sary ~lr. C~crin arldrrm•d the

· tP:n :1-r· l'hint•,r panlbr:· m:cl tronp.•iip c:unc into St. ,John's lo go !'>orth and be a r>art oP paign ,;prech. :'\ixon marlr. clear 1· \· t ·1, 39 Ad 1 -1 Lnder the ,chcme. the ~01 C 111 • book• an·• tho•c from poo1-cr tam- sluMnt eouneil or ~lcmnrial )AOI''"· ~ '· "•" r·.·r•!l.· fu1· trt'nnnt·n~. harbour. man.•· thom;md.• of m~ this .. ~at <lc•·•.lop1nenl. Alltl that il e I e c t c ~ p.'?sident. "I 115

'1 r reSIC cnce. '· • e an c nwnl bul's the boo'« lhrou~h re"· · ·1· · · t · k' cd · th l'est~nla,·. ;md w;~s honored ~t • n " , ' r ' ... ' .. Street 011 Thur•<lal' Januar\' I h .k. 11 ·1;h ~ " I I IC~ arc no .i 'llllp as Ill L' • . · ' f 11 t I )' d I k' ( d ld t I h 'Jd ' . . .. · . ~ l1 ar 00 ·:;~ CI'S. cv are sup- . I 11 f I . I II c;;1rnl'l· ~1\r< t .. , .. ,. >kill.< a : ow conn :·.•·men 1a1·e 11·c n spca 'Jn-;z o roa s ma1' 1 ,a\' to wou cany ou anc 111 upon 28th With Rcqmem ~lass at the 1. d t 11 ,• .11 ., -1 1 pa't. a pnrty 1r c or um lY 1e

bl~~-k rin,1• ,o th::: the natun1l :Xewloundlanrl. The~· hal'r been the Distingui~hed ~Iinistcr' for the policies of lhe Eisenhower B· .. 1·. "O P JC 0 a c 11 <len a 1 1C slart Boo'{s which are often thrown council at the Laurier Cluh . I II b d . . . " .lSI Ira at 9 ,, a.m. I ntcrment or I he <choo] vcar which hcoin. . . . ~~~~~~~~~~' •Pt'rJr onh· in ;l:a-lolr)' ~l:ltwned at 'cpJlCrre I now C· Roads, that when the Go1·crn-. a m1mstratmn. at ~lount Carmr\.-(tcl). . . ,' · . · ... ~ ' mto a co1·ner at lhc end oJ the o;1•:inr. llr u•r< I his (•[fN'IIIC in~ phn>ed·Ottl after 19 )'car' of mcnt's road buildiu« program Some obserl'ers sug~c't_ lhi< . 111 ;'\c'.' Zealand 111, Fcbrudl~ and yrar and nc•·er opened a2ain now lie lca,·rs thi~ afa,.rnoon


I. 1 1 I' " h td th k t ,.. · en·· m Decemhc1 "lllltinur hi' tour of ~I;~J·iUmes .,.". l"~a in Jinin:•. nr r~·a1ur~.; cxtraor: IIIDI')' warm rc nt ons ups opens up the fabulous hinter· sentence o ~ e C)' o .• 1xon s TAY-LOR - Passed peace· ·' · continue lo enjov a useful lire a; ' :ian: cir,·ular ~tole< of hbck wilh !he people of St. John's land and exposes it to the tour- strateg)': he will tr)' _to fully away on ~londar. January TE.ACIIERS_ CRITICAL ion~ as they ar~ usahle. The grn-. unil-crsllirs. dip;xd ti~cr. with a mat:hing :md :'\ewloundlandl and at the: ist, you will seen an American· drap~ the Eisenhower popularaty 25th. at his rrsidence. 37 craig· F.ach pupil ~JUst make _a r;· erat outlayis redoccd and par· toq~r hal. · ~rrat dcfe_ nee bases in Stephen-~! invasion that will make that of mantle around his own shoulder~. millar A1·e .. George Boyd Tay- !unda!Jle_ deposit of £1 wh1ch IS cnts in particular benefit suh-

l.eadin~ fur <pcci:lli>t> like l'illc. Argentia and Goose Bn)'. 1941 luok puny. 1 convinced this popularity 1rill tor. aged 69 years. Leaving to held unll\ the books are returned stantiallv J\el·illon and ~lax are featuring The)' live and work in the in-. "Gentlrmel), the immortal '1· complete his victory. mourn his wife, six daughters, Jt !he end Of the y~ar. Some · The go.rernment estimates the Ill' d rt nt I · t terest of the common defense of· h E 1 1 'II h · ' pupils, howe,:er. recel\·e boo~s initial cosl-z600.000 in the first S w t>pa me s cJ el·m~ o a · . 1 poet we onor tonight belongs ; ·. t 1:·r. ,, )'. Cat cnne (.Irs. worth 10 lime that nt 11 REPAIR roun~ and bud~et-con>cio:ls rlien· :-lorth America. in La Scie and :to the world· and although 1 HEADS I:SEF STAFF .. John !'cell. all of st. .John'•: . s amou 1 war-should decline to .£300,000

TV t~lr .. ~ typical model [;·om Rcl'il- St.. Anthon,\' in the ~orth. in! Sc~Hand invad~d Engl;md more OTTAWA !C~ 1 - Appointment Gl:ai)'S Olrs. Geor·~c J•ootP), l'a\uc. ~ftcr the third year. REASONABlE ~A 1 E5 ]on·~ "tw~nty-ye:~r·old" rollrl'lion Elhston. only seven m1lcs from th;m once. someone has said ~ of. Col. I LA. :Ill \len or Ottawa a< Turonto; Al!rcc\a Olrs. V1ctor A major complaint is that an-i• a short, boxy jncket made of Bonal'ista. ami in Labrador at that the Blue Bonnets never I ch1ef of staff to the new com Dowden). Vancouver. B.C., an:\ . notating and underlining are not XO RETIRE:\IEXT BESEFITS GUARANTEED WOP.K blue-black hair s~al. b~nutilully Saglek, Hopedale, Cut Throat went over the border more i mnnde~ o[ the _u:-.r r:mel·geney Ann n11·s. James \l'herlt•ri. permitld Some parents have of- 'l'~RONTO I~P,' - The Cil:il PHONE 94123 worked to play up the white · Island, and in Cartwright and triumphantly than they did with ! Force m the Middle East W{IS Oregon. USA, and one 11111. fercd to huy lhe books thrm- Se_mce Assoe1a11on of Ontano i nank• on ~>ach _sid!'. ·F?X Harbour- and other places their songs and ballads! The ann~unced Monday by army .John; also one brother, •hre-~ scll'es so their children can make ! said ~londay the Ontano govern· •

.-\ndre Sauza1e features bolh ·With romantic names, songs of Burns were the great· hea.qu.arters_. The UNEF eon:'m- · sisters and eleven gramkhil· notes in t1cm as they go along. ment is dismissing all "casual" 1

~!on:;:o\ian and Indian lamb~kins: "During World War II, :-.lew· est conqueror of all, and not ander ·~ MaJ.·G:n. P.S. G)'alll of, dren. The funeral will takr workers more than 70 vears old lD a ?f wmt~r sp_orts JaCk·· foundland was a bastion !or the only England fell, but the j the India~ arm~. who succeeded place from Carnell's Funeral The bi~~est complaint among. without any retirement' henelits. et< wilh ~nmc~ tnmmmgs. , defense of the New World: il. whole English . speaking world , Lt.-Gen. E.L.:\1. Burns of Canada Home ~s Cochrane Street to- teachers is the work im·oll'ed in 'The association, bargaining agent

"L''.stand'ln~ th1' 11''1nt 1' 1~ ·a 1 t gl11g ar r • · · wl1en Gen. Burns. wa.s named · • . ·. a<lmini,tcl·l·n" ll1e scheme Til" · 'o t\1 pro1·1'nce' o· 000 p '·t· '' · . • s . er s "e. 11 ~ a so a sa e-a _rom 1 "In proposmg the toast to . .· da.1•, Wednesday. With scrncr.s ' · ~ · ' · •· r c ·' -·'· uu ac

Electronic Centre Ltd. 90 CAMPBELL AVE.

por.ulant)' of ~now-wh1te rurs. To-: wh1ch the New World, assaste1 . the land we live in, and bear· d1sarmamcnt admcr. beginning at 2_30 jl.m. Inter. end of the school year brought a : serl'ant•. said it will ~ce:{ a meet. cllt~. aJmoM any pelt can be s~IC·; the Old. l'/ewloundland s part in ling in mind the challenging de· ment at m. Pleasant Cr. me- deluge or complaints and de·. ing with the cabinN to protcs' After hours 'PHONE 7313 Ct'~•fully bleac_hed, and the cho~ce, ~orld War 11 thus ga1•e mean· cade that lies ahead for the l'/~~~~~R~~:~ ~-~~CP 1 . tery. · · mands that extra clerical aid be th~ firin~s. ef wh1tc fur~ mrlu_des e1·crythmg , mg, more than. a century after, West, 1 use the lines of a post· . -----------fk>m b!'a1er, rabbit and lamb lo to the famous dictum o! the New script' to a verse by Burn Edward Doyle. a former coal kln~·haired ~kins like fox and . World being called into existence which •he dedicated to th 5 miner, died at his home bcre Sat- 1

J,n\. 1 to redr~ss the balance of the O!d. "Right Honorable and H ~ irdey. He was 56. A nati1•e of I There 1s a deep historical sag- bi S t h , on~r Newfoundland, Mr. Doyle was

WI:\DSOR. Ont. •CPt- Gol'er- nilicance to the fact that the At· ~hee Ho~~ cor ~~resen~!Jve 111 forced to retire from the pits be­nor • Genera\ Vanier will olfic. ·\antic Charter, t!ie pledge of the he callede th "Am~on~, Ewhic~ cause of poor health. iall~·. open the 18th biennial con- British and American people to Cry and Pr: .. ~ or s rnes vrnlion of th~ Canadian Legion co-operate to restore. freedom in "Freed yer · litre ~lay 26, it was announced · ~;m·ope, was drawn up in a New- togo~h a~.d Whiskey gang Monday. i !oun·.'land llay. Newfoundland- Tak rr e er. d 1,

: ers ha1·e something to be proud " 0 your ra!ll. ' . · or in this great historical fact Gentlem~n dnnk With me to f "llow can I, as an American: Newfoundland!" 1 adequately say how indebteq we --,-----: are to l'i'cwfound\andci'S for their EX-CHIEF JAILED wann reception when we landed HULL, Que. !CPI - Napoleon



NOW $1.00

in 1941 and for the ex!J·aordinary Bergeron, 4R, former police chief a·clationship we ha1•e enjoyed of nearby Ste. Rose de Lima. Mon­sincc then. We owe you a debt i day was sentenced to a year in of Jon•--and while we can lake ! jail for illegal possession or $4 ooo ' ~ome sati.;faction that OIW the: in a pulp • and • paper ~m- . )'cars we !1a1·c ma<le a not In- : pany's products. E1•idence was , _ ~--•· " .. ""'t'••

I si~nilicanl t-ontrlbution to the J Be1·gcron, a.. former company '. ===================:=:==?i ! rconomy of l'/cwfoun~la~d. how foreman, received the projier!y · docs one repay a debt of lo~c? OI'CI' oa year's lime. · •. -1· GLASS Well, I think ·we hllve made a significant sla~t. Some 25.~ VISITS COMPANY HOJ.DI~I<lS I Newfoundland g1rls have mamed SYDNEY !CPl - Dominion United States servicemen, That Steel end Coal Corporation Pres­represen~ a lot· of love\ And ldent A.L. Fairly Jr. arrived here the end IS not yell Monday for a three • day· visit

"Newfoundland girls - these to the corporation's Cape Breton Will Knock at Your. Dool wives of United States service· holdings, Mr. Fairly, w!lo des· witt. Gifts and 'Greett"n,.•. men are living in every State of crlbed hi• visit as "routine" was

• the Union and In the capital city underground Monday on ~ mine from Friendly Business of Washington, and many or them Inspection tour


Neighbours and Your abroad in fm·eign lan:!s. Their _. __ • __ _ childi'en are graduating from SHIPPING SEASON ENDS

Civic and Social our hluh schools and some will S'l'.· JOliN'S, Nfld. CCPl-The ,.New Comer to the City. s?'!n be!,!in to enter· om· univer· CNR compleled consl.1t shipping 0a tt,1 occasion of, ~1t1~s and colleges I As you know for the senson to IIQI1h~ 1-11 New­

Phillip Guedallu de~cribed Eng- foundland and Labrador wilh th · The B_irlh af a Baby, land as an Island In the North arrival here Monday or the Mo-




A. G. BARNES Ltd. PHONE j Sea governed by Scotsmen. It

1• tor vessel Sprh1gdale. All other

. ~' 3582 or 909-43 !<!ems to me t~at a good pul of boats have stopped northern ser- . BLACKMARSH ROAD DIAL 936,10 . lht United Slate. Armed Forces vlrs· . - _______ ......, _ _... _______ _



pur Building Supplies Department can supply you with

everything you require for Home, School or Public Building.

A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ST. JOHN'S
