“The depth of field picture was correctly depicted of the type of picture. In the depth of field...


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“The depth of field picture was correctly depicted of the type of picture. In the depth of field photo, the entire photo is in focus and the subject is far away in depth. The depth of field photo was not developed correctly. The photo has some spots in the top left corner and has some scratches on the subject. The photo is mostly grey and its light exposure wasn’t good and is before six seconds it was too light and after six seconds it was too light.”

“My panning image has even borders and the print fills up the entire frame without any present negative lines. Although the development process was completed properly and the exposure is correct, while I was gluing the image onto the paper some of the glue got onto the print and when I tried to wipe it off it didn’t work. It also made a scratch on the bottom right corner. Other than that, I believe that the photograph was well done with the exception of the blemishes caused by the glue. The car in the image is entirely in focus and the background is blurry. There are no spots caused by inadvertent light exposure and the exposure is correct, good tones of black, white and grey. Something I would do differently would be to be more careful to make sure that the glue did not get on the paper, leading to scratch marks that lessened to quality of the image.”

“My lack of depth picture is alright but contains many faults. Although I can clearly tell that it is lack of depth, the background is not as blurry as it should be, however the subject (Olivia) is in focus. The borders of the picture are even but there are fingerprints on it, and it is a little dark. This could mean the development process was done too quickly. There are also scratches on the photo. The exposure looks like it was done well. If I were to redo it I would make sure that there were no scratches or fingerprints on the photo. I would also make sure the development process was done correctly.”

“The depth of field photo that was used depicts that I focused it on the subjects, leaving the background out of focus. The picture’s overall quality was decent, but the picture was slightly out of focus. The amount of light in the picture and the amount of distance needed in order to get the background in the picture was correct. This picture is good quality, with straight borders and no spotting on the picture. If I had the chance to redo the photo I would focus the picture more properly to improve the picture.”

“My stop action photo correctly depicts the photo assigned. The photo takes up the entire frame, the borders are even. And there are no negative lines present. The developing process was completed properly. There is no grayish purple haze. There is a little spot on her pants caused by inadvertent light exposure. The photo is well focused, but could have been a little better. There are a few blemishes from dust and scratches. This picture is a little light and grayish. This photo is done well; it clearly depicts that it is supposed to be a stop action photo because you can see she is in motion. There are some things I would change about this photo. It is a little grayish caused by the light exposure. Also I should have fixed the spot that was caused by inadvertent light exposure and it could have been better focused. I could have taken the picture better so it was clearer that she was jumping off the ground. Lastly there was a lot of dust I should have gotten rid of.”

“In my lack of depth picture I have noticed several things I could have done differently to make the photograph better. I think that the picture correctly depicts the assigned type of picture but could have been more clear as of what was in focus and not. In talking about focus, lack of depth is supposed to be only the subject in focus and everything else blurred. In the case of my picture, my subject is too blurry making the picture look like one big blur. In order to fix this, I should have made sure before taking the picture that my subject was the only thing in focus. I took notice to several dust spots on my photograph; I could have avoided this by taking more attention to how and where I dried my picture after developing it. I wish I could have improved on exposure, due to it being too gray. This could have possibly been fixed by adjusting the focus and making sure I had the correct F-Stop for the type of picture I was taking. I consider my lack of depth picture to be moderately well done. In order to make it better I would have fixed focus so my subject was in focus more than the background.”

“My stop action picture shows the assignment properly by having the object stop to have it in focus. The image does fill up the entire frame and the borders are straight and there are no negative lines. From the development process there is no purple or grayish and there are no spots that show inadvertent light exposure. The image has no blemishes on it such as dust, scratches, ect. The lighting could have been better because the picture is more gray than black and white. I think the photo could’ve been done better by focusing and making the lighting better.”

“The next type of picture that I am going to use is the panning picture. Panning is when you hold the button down while a moving object is going by. Panning also makes the back round look really blurry. Those are the stuff you need for panning.”
