The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System



The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System. Mendel Rosenblum and John K. Ousterhout. Contents. Overview Motivation Design and implementation of LFS Cleaning policy Evaluation of real implementation Concluding comments. Overview. Goal 전체 디스크 사용 효율을 높임 Method - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Log-Structured File System

The Design and Implementation ofa Log-Structured File System

Mendel Rosenblumand John K. Ousterhout

Log-Structured File System


OverviewMotivationDesign and implementation of LFSCleaning policyEvaluation of real implementationConcluding comments

Log-Structured File System


Goal전체 디스크 사용 효율을 높임

Method작은 랜덤 쓰기 작업 -> 하나의 큰 순차적인 쓰기 작업디스크의 로그 구조 : 모든 쓰기 작업은 “ appended”

Key issue지움 정책의 효율성

Log-Structured File System


Technology trendsCPU 와 디스크의 발전 속도 차이가 점점 증가

전송율은 적게 증가됨엑세스 타임에 대한 향상은 적음

메인 메모리의 크기는 지수적으로 (exponentially) 증가큰 파일 캐쉬 : 많은 읽기 요청을 수용

File system workloadOffice and engineering applications : 작은 파일 워크로드

작은 랜덤 디스크 I/O 를 유발LFS 는 작은 파일 워크로드에 초점을 둠

Log-Structured File System


Problems of other file systems넓게 펼쳐진 (spreading) 정보

매우 많은 작은 단위의 엑세스를 유발Ex. dir entry, inode, data block

쓰기 동기화 문제메타데이터는 일관성을 위해 동기화되도록 쓰여져야 함많은 작은 파일 워크로드에 대해서 , 디스크 소통은 동기화된 메타데이터 쓰기작업에 제한적

Log-Structured File System


OverviewMotivationDesign and implementation of LFSCleaning policyEvaluation of real implementation

Log-Structured File System

Logical structure of file

Indexed structure : same as Unix FFS



block ptrblock ptr

block ptrblock ptrblock ptr





dir entry

file name inode number

Unix FFS에서 inode

의 위치 고정

Log-Structured File System

Physical layout in disk

Example of creating 2 files in different directories

inodes data blocks cylinder group

LFS 에서 inode 위치는 고정되지


Log-Structured File System


Segment : unit of writing and cleaning

512KB ~ 1024KB

segment 0 segment 1 … segment n

Disk : consists of segments + checkpoint region

checkpoint region

Segment summary block Contains each block’s identity : <inode number, offset> Used to check validness of each block Modified times for each block

Log-Structured File System

Free space management

Threading and CopyingSprite LFS 는 threading 과 copying 을 같이 사용

segment -> in-placelive data -> out-of-placeLeave the

live data in place

Copy live data out of the log

Log-Structured File System

Additional structures

Inode map<Physical location>

Segment usage table

<Bytes of valid data, last modified time>

checkpoint region

inode map block ptrs


checkpoint region

segment usage table ptrs


checkpoint region

의 위치는 고정

Log-Structured File System


Read a blockInode map block ptr -> inode map block -> inode -> data block

Write a blockData block, inode, inode map block, segment usage table block

Update inode map table ptr, segment summary block, segment usage table

메모리에 있는현재 세그먼트

used not used

In memory

Same as FFS

Log-Structured File System

Crash recovery

Checkpoint주기적으로 혹은 사용자의 요구시 , inode map table ptrs, segment usage table ptrs 에 씀Consistent state : 메모리에 남겨진 수정된 데이터가 없음

Roll-forward만약 crash 가 발생하면 ,

가장 최근의 checkpoint 의 쓰여진 로그를 살펴봄checkpoints



Log-Structured File System


OverviewMotivationDesign and implementation of LFSCleaning policyEvaluation of real implementation

Log-Structured File System

Cleaning policy

CleaningRead segments -> collect valid data -> write segments : 소거 (clean) 세그먼트가 발생

4 problemswhen?how many segments?Segment selection policy - most fragmentedBlock redistribution policy

files in the same directoryaging sort : 최종 수정 시간으로 정렬

Major concern

Log-Structured File System

Measurement :write cost

Write cost새로운 데이터 쓰기의 바이트에 대한 디스크 활동 평균 총 시간 [ 다수의 모든 범위 쓰기 작업 ]

UNIX FFS : seek/rotational timeLFS : cleaning overhead

Ex. write cost 10.0 : 90% time is wasted

Ideal case : 1.0 ( 모든 범위의 활용률 의미 )

Log-Structured File System

Write cost of LFS

No seek/rotational time in LFS쓰기 비용은 소거 중 “복사된 총 데이터”에 의해 결정

Goal : 소거된 세그먼트에 valid 데이터를 감소

u : 소거된 세그먼트의 활용률

Log-Structured File System

Tradeoff : cost & utilization

LFS 에서 cost-performance 와 utilization 과 tradeoff 관계

Bimodal segment distribution

Log-Structured File System

Simulation based research

Simulator디스크는 4-KB files 로 채움엑세스 패턴의 발생

Uniform : randomHot-and-cold : 90% writes to 10% “hot” files, 10% writes to 90% “cold” files

Log-Structured File System

Simulated policy

Segment selectionGreedy : 최소 사용된 세그먼트 선택

Block redistributionNo redistribution : used in random workloadAge sorting : used in hot-and-cold workload

Age : last modified time of file, 파일의 모든 블록이 같은 age 를 가짐

Log-Structured File System

First result

locality 혹은 “ better” 재분배(redistribution) 가 “ worse” 성능의 결과를 보임

FFS improved


---- : hot-and-cold (age sorting) ___ : uniform

Logging, delayed write, disk request sorting

Log-Structured File System


Hot segments are more frequently cleaned

hot-and-cold 에서 소거된 세그먼트의 활용이 uniform 보다 높음

Log-Structured File System

Cost-benefit selection policy

Segment selection

Rationalecold segment 는 더 천천히 invalid 블록을 발생cold segment 의 수정된 블록은 더 많은 “값(value)” 을 가짐

1 : a cost to read segment

u : write back the live data

Log-Structured File System


Log-Structured File System


OverviewMotivationDesign and implementation of LFSCleaning policyEvaluation of real implementation

Log-Structured File System

Implementation study

Implementation complexityFFS 와 대부분 같음

But, FFS can reuse codes

Sprite network operating system 의 구현Installed in 5 different disk partitions used by about 30 user



Recovery code

Allocation bitmaps, layout policiesfsck code

Log-Structured File System


Small file workload, no cleaning happened (best case performance)

create/delete case 는 대략 10 배 정도 FFS

보다 빠름


of performance improvement with faster

processor FFS is

disk- bound : 85% utilized

(Cf. LFS : 17%)

Log-Structured File System


Large file workload, no cleaning happened

100MB file, write & read performance (5 phases are run in sequence)

New write creating file

Overwrite to existing file

Log-Structured File System

Long term usage statistics

Collected over a 4-month period About 70% of bandwidth utilized (write cost 1.2~1.6 : bandwidth 63~83%)

Segment utilization of /user6 partition Large number of fully utilized and totally empty segments

Log-Structured File System

Critics on LFS

LFS 의 성능 향상 이득은 최상인가 ?메타데이터 집중 워크로드에서 뛰어남읽기 / 쓰기의 일반적인 I/O 성능은 Sun-FFS 와 비슷하거나 적음

LFS 읽기 성능은 일반적으로 FFS 보다 적음지움 (cleaning) 에 대한 오버헤드는 성능을 저하시킴Sun-FFS 구현 비용은 LFS 보다 훨씬 적음
