The Diary of 8-man



Diary of 8-man

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On 9/5/15

Haircut is the worst experience for a man.

What kind of cut would you get, undercut or uppercut?

What, I dont want to get cut! Neither do I want to get hit. Or so I thought, but really the name they gave to haircut is really confusing. Does the haircut is named after some sort of boxer? Probably not, since most of them are bold.

Anything will do.

The hairstylist cut my hair, from behind he cut my hair producing sound resembling a blacksmith sharpening his sword. Oh my god!!! Is it the Excalibur!!?

Then, my sides got cut by the clipper and it makes this buzz sound. Its as if the clipper is reading my mind or stimulating it. Oh, no please. Not there!

After that, he sprayed my hair to damp it. It made me realize the bliss of being a plant.

According to my research, I discovered that:

Hairstylist = Blacksmith + Hostess + GardenerWe = Sword + Woman + Plant
