The Dilemma of Learning Language




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The dilemma of learning language.

“Mom,why do I need to learn Chinese language?”says the girl.It’s for your future,darling.”Little that she know that she is going to Beijing to futher her studies in mastering Chinese Language.

When she look back at her past,she saw all her hardwork paid off.All the hurts and pain finally has gone.Before,she mastered the language,she still remembered how her friends in the school gave her nickname”darlie(a toothpaste brand),”blackie” and more.But,this tiny girl didn’t gave up on her self,she worked very hard.Her mom and dad always encougred her to work hard and never ever give up.They sat with her until she finished all her works.

Now,after five years of mastering the language,she is back to her homeland.Currently,she is serving a school and teaching Chinese language to the non native speakers.However,once in a while,some native speaker here will ask her these question:”Have you really mastered the language ?Do you have the confidence to teach in school?You seem to be enjoying there in Beijing?Can you speak and write well like the native here?Little that they know,sometimes they have hurt this girl heart.She is hurt because she studied very hard to reach this point,but people all the time let her down.

Now a question to ponder:Why people can accept non native speaker to teach English but when a non native speaker is teaching Chinese,people tend to have doubt.In my opinion,language is universal.Anyone can learn it and never ever look down on others cause you might not know how good she is.
