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The Distributor January 2017

Director’s Corner January 2017

Happy New Year! The new year is always a good time to look back at what you have done and learned and

look forward to what can be done better because of it. If learning more about the mechanics of your Model A

is what you’re interested in, do we have a year in store for you! We have one very successful tech talk done and

two more on the calendar. If you are at all interested in learning, I hope you consider spending a Saturday

morning with us. The Illinois Region is a first-class club; not only do we have the world’s best volunteers to

help at a moment’s notice, but we are fortunate to have phenomenal and dedicated Model A mechanics in this

club who are willing to share their time and talents for the betterment of the hobby. January 28th will be on the

cooling system and on February 11th, we will have a basic training seminar. Please check your calendars and

email blasts. I hope you will be able to make it to a few of our tech talks!

On a National level, January is Dollars for Scholars month. The Model A scholarship program is asking for one

dollar from members who attend January’s monthly meeting. Last year our generous club raised over $1,200.00

for the scholarship fund with the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and just last month, we were able to send in an

additional $200.00!

Our next event will be a fun one; the annual Awards Banquet, on January 7th. Deborah and Steve Sarasin have

once again pulled together a fabulous event with entertainment, a raffle, and of course, awards! We look forward

to seeing you at Moretti’s.


Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success -Henry Ford

2016 Officers and Staff

Director: Christine Rozny (847) 421-9895 Web Master: Mark Maron (847) 302-7900 Official Photographer: Mike Giamari (773) 631-3903

Assistant Director: Steve Sarasin (847) 826-0992 Property Chairman: Ken Ehrenhofer (815) 337-4656

Treasurer: Don Morman (847) 825-5046 Raffle Coorinator: Jerry Tiesch (773) 405-5613

Secretary: Susan Holmes (847) 977-1381 Technical Coordinator Ron Ehrenhofer (815) 337-4656

Editor: Michael Goode (773) 407-1884 Winter Swap Committee:Mark Maron (847) 302-7900 Val Maron (847) 951-5858

Assistant Editor Carl Hagland (224) 595-6587 Ron Ehrenhofer(847) 255-6758

Regional Correspondent Melinda Pritchett (630) 842-7065 Larry Rust (847) 913-9233

Activities Chairmen: Roger Halvorsen (847) 566-2846 Mike Sargis (773) 507-5144

Vince Scalbrino (847) 934-8167 Refreshments: Amy and John Rozny

Club Sales: Bob Friskics (847) 788-9272 (847) 823-7919

Mark Maron (847) 302-7900

Distributor Staff: Jim Dodaro (847) 398-1957 Youth Coordinator Amy Rozny (847) 823-7919

Membership Chairman: Mike Kochevar ( 847) 827-1555

Announcements: Susan Szymanski (847) 455-8815 Restoration Technical Advisors

Pay Car Show Chairperson:John Drengenberg (847) 272-7192 Judging Standards: Ron Ehrenhofer (815) 337-4656

New Member Coordinator: Dan Pritchett ( 847) 980-5076 Ken Ehrenhofer (847) 255-6758

Official Greeter John Holmes (847) 977-1380 Era Accessories Vince Scalabrino (847) 934-8167

MAFFI Liaison Mark Maron (847) 302-7900 License Plates/Tags Frank Smith (847) 942-0905

Fashion Marilyn Krenger (815) 338-4008

Electrical Marty Brown (847) 673-1157

Illinois Region – Business Meeting December 6, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 7:34pm by Christine Rozny.

Christine welcomed everyone. The Pledge of Allegiance was

stated. Motion made and seconded to approve the November

Business Meeting Minutes as printed in The Distributor.

Old Business

Colin James presented a tech seminar on timing gear replacement on

Saturday, December 3 at Park Ridge Auto Repair. More than 30 people

attended the very informative seminar and were treated to coffee and

donuts in the morning, with a hot dog lunch after the seminar. There was

a swap meet table and Colin donated his sales to the Youth Scholarship

Fund. In all, $102 was collected at the seminar for the Youth Scholarship


Paul Levine from Hagerty Insurance was at the seminar as well to discuss

the benefits of Hagerty Insurance for your Model A, and to answer any

questions. If any members who did not attend the seminar have questions

for him, he will be available for questions tonight after our meeting.

New Business

Treasurer’s Report-Don Mormon reported that we have a balance of

$9,890.96. The financials are printed in the magazine.

Editor-Mike Goode thanked everyone for sending in all the pictures and

contributions for the Distributor. He will be placing ads for our swap meet

in Hemmings and Ledfoot News, January and February issues. He also

discussed the article in December’s Distributor about Model A theft.

Activities Report-Roger reported on the following upcoming activities:

*The Brookfield Zoo Holiday Magic, which is scheduled for December

10, does not currently have enough members planning to attend to receive

the discount senior price of $10. The regular price would be $17. Any

interested members can still attend.

*Deb Sarasin talked about the Awards Banquet on January 7 at Moretti’s

in Edison Park, Chicago. Everything is going well and there will be many

great raffle gifts. They are collecting money now and payment for the

dinner must be received by December 24. There is still time to sign up if

you would like to attend.

*Roger reminded everyone that our Swap Meet will be March 19 at

Friendly Ford in Roselle.

*Ken will present a Tech Talk concentrating on basic training on February

11 (rain date is February 18) at his barn at 9:00am. Lunch will be served

at the seminar.

*Our events were very successful this year and the club is planning to offer

many more next year. Jerry Lyons will be taking over as Activities

Director next year so contact him if you have any ideas for events.

*Steve and Colin will also offer a Tech Talk on cooling systems on January

28 at Park Ridge Auto Repair. In order to make sure that all members are

advised of upcoming Tech Talks, a sign-up sheet was passed around for

members who do not currently receive email blasts, to list their email

address and give the club permission to send them email blasts in the


National News-Ron Ehrenhofer reported that the National Meet will be

taking place in Gettysburg and the host hotel is completely booked. There

are still rooms available in nearby hotels, but he recommends that you

make your reservations ASAP.

Ron also spoke about the Membership Meet in Shipshewana on March 23-

26. There will be something for everyone to enjoy.

Club Sales/Mini Swap-Mark reported that they have many great items for

sale. If you need to place a special order, the orders will arrive in February

or March.

Announcements-Sue Symanski mentioned that Dan had visited Dick

Peterson and that he was very appreciative of the card that the club sent

him last month. Sue passed around another card for Dick and asked

everyone to sign the card and include a personal note if possible. Don

Englemann recently fell and Sue asked members to send him a card as

well. Sadly, longtime member Larry Weaver passed away on December 5

due to a heart attack. A memorial service will take place after the holidays.

Guests/New Members-Roger announced that 40 members signed in

although it appeared that there were closer to twice that amount due to the

Cookie Exchange. We had one guest in attendance.

Awards-Steve distributed dash plaques to several participants of the

Cemetery Tour.

Membership- Kelly Rozny collected membership dues in Mike’s absence.

Director’s Comments: Chris began her comments by reading the letter the

club received from the Youth Scholarship Fund Committee concerning

“Dollars for Scholars”. During our January meeting, there will be a box in

front and all members are asked to donate $1.00 each for the fund.

She also discussed a letter she received from MARC offering an incentive

for new members to join MARC for only $22.50. Chris had application

forms for both MARC and MAFCA for any interested members.

Rent is now due for the VFW Hall where are meetings have been held for

over 40 years. Because of an increase in the rent, the club needs to do

fundraising for the extra funds needed. Last year, Mike Keeting was kind

enough to pay for the increase. Chris announced that Jerri Tiesch will be

generously paying for the increase this year. Thank you, Jerry!

Chris ended her comments by thanking everyone for such a successful

year. We have a very special club which is very active and has a lot of fun


Comments from membership-Members commented that Chris is doing a

great job as the Director.

Jerry Tiesch held the 50/50 Raffle. Blanche told a joke.

Paul Levine from Hagerty Insurance asked a trivia question which was

answered quickly by Mike Goode.

Motion was made and seconded for adjournment at 8:22pm.

Everyone enjoyed the cookie exchange.

The Tech Talk was a video on the World Land Speed Record, shown by

Ken Ehrenhofer.

Respectfully Submitted,

-Susan Holmes


(RIGHT-Actress Clary Bow helps say good-bye to 1927)

Tech Talk-Headlight Adjustment

Thank you to Willie Krash from

Willie Krash, Senior member of the popular early Ford Website,, credits an article by Walt Langill on headlight

alignment. First, use a straight 2 x 4 and put it across the lights and

make them parallel. Make sure the car is level using a carpenter’s

spirit level on each headlight face and cock them down until they

are ½ bubble off plumb or ½ bubble on the level.

Other contributors to the fordbarn seem to agree that this an easy,

fairly accurate way to adjust the headlights on a Model A, but some

did offer some suggestions, including the use of a 48-inch level

instead of a 2 x 4, ensuring that the surface your car is on when

setting up this adjustment is level, and that you will still want to

adjust the focus of the beam of light.

(Right)- a family travels to the west

Coast via Model A in hopes of find-

ing work during the depression.

Fashion: Men and Women’s Hair early 1930s

Submission by Dan and Melinda Pritchett

photos and story about their visits to some fellow Model

A’ers. Thank you to Dan and Melinda Pritchett for sharing


Story 1: This past July, Dan and Melinda visited Nancy and

Dave Fritz in Oconto Falls, Wisconsin. Nancy’s late husband

Dave Sr. was Director of the Illinois Region in 1977. Most

of the Fritz family has relocated to Wisconsin and live near

Nancy. The family has approximately 10 Model A’s in their

barn, including a very original 1930 Fordor (pictured), which

is for sale.

Story 2: Longtime members Alan and Lois Wall have retired

to Kingsford, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula area. They

purchased a large storage garage many years ago, and began

moving their collection of 1932 Ford and 1962 Pontiac cars

and parts there. Kingsford and the Iron Mountain area is

where Henry Ford built his station wagon factory. Kingsford

Charcoal was an offshoot of that industry, a product that we

still use today. Pictured here (below) is a rare 1932 Model B

Cabriolet, part of Alan and Lois’ collection.

HAPPY NEW YEARS! Celebrating in the Era of

Henry’s Lady

Chicago’s original

Blackhawk Restaurant

opened in 1920 to

much celebration at

139 N. Wabash,

featuring a dance

orchestra with music

that was nationally

broadcast over WGN

Radio and the Mutual

Network. Chico Marx

played at the

Blackhawk, as did Mel

Torme-who played his

first playing gig here in

1929. To the right is

the Blackhawk’s

special menu from

New Year’s Eve 1931. The fun slowed down in

1952 when the orchestras were removed, but the Blackhawk kept

going until 1984. (A second location, in the suburbs, would remain

open until a final New Year’s party in 2009). YES, prohibition WAS still

effect in the U.S. during the

entire time the Model A was

in production (and then

some), but that didn’t stop

folks from trying, certainly

around New Years, and

certainly considering the

Great Depression began

during this era- Manhattans,

Shebas, Old Fashioneds,

and many home-made

cocktails, wines-and surely

some very questionable

alcoholic beverages were

poured on New Year’s Eve

during the days of the A.

The two films the immensely popular

Marx Brothers released during the

Model A era came out in the May 1929

and August 1930, but they have long

been a tradition on New Year’s Eve for

millions of families, and therefore

deserve mention for this January issue.

If you haven’t seen a Marx Brothers

film, they are very much worthwhile.

Both The Cocoanuts and Animal

Crackers were very successful when

released at the theatre, with box office

results tripling or quadrupling their

original budgets.

Our December Meeting, Cookie Exchange,

and Clothing Sales

ON THE COVER: John and Susan Holmes

We are John and Susan Holmes of Williams bay, Wisconsin, a small town on Geneva Lake which is approximately 75

miles from our club meeting. A long way to travel, but worth it! We were members of the club some 30 years ago, and

rejoined two years-ago at the urging of our good friends, John and Christine Rozny.

You know us primarily by Susan’s active role as Secretary of the club for the last year and again for the upcoming year.

We try to balance our time between Wisconsin and Florida, and running our business in Chicago. We arrange our

travels around club meetings so that Susan can take the minutes.

We also belong to a great club in Bradenton, Florida, the Sara-Mana region of MARC. Another long distance to travel,

approximately 1,400 miles! They have the good fortune of being able to drive their cars year-round and plan a lot of

fun activities. We plan on transporting out 1929 Station Wagon (150A) back and forth to Florida next year so that we

can enjoy it in that club as well.

We own two Model A’s-the Station Wagon and a 1930 Tudor. They are not show cars, but are great drivers. We are

the forth documented owners of the Station Wagon, which was restored in 1962. As John Rozny puts it, the restoration

is now older than the car was when it was restored. An interesting thought.

I am not a very good mechanic, so next year’s tech talks based on keeping the Model A running will be very helpful to

people like us. We look forward to seeing you all in 2017!

Coming Events

The Membership Application may be smaller in this issue, but if you haven’t renewed, that just means it is even more important

to fill it out and get it back to us! We love having you as part of our Model A Family, so please remember to send it in with your



For sale: 1930 Coupe. All steel, rebuilt engine, new interior and tires. Everything has been rebuilt or replaced. Asking $15,000

obo. Mike Logan (224) 578-1532

For Sale: Model A Fordor, ready to go condition, runs and drives well. $15,000 obo (630) 816-1932

For Sale: 1930 Model A Station Wagon. New wood, tires. Lots of extra parts, fun parade car that needs to be finished.

Asking $5,000. Chuck (708) 307-9725

For Sale: 1929 Model A Sport Coupe. Blue Ribbon winner in 2009, Rose Beige/Black exterior with Tan interior and

top, comes with extra tools, spares. Also included is the correct Henry Ford tool kit that came with car when new. Asking

$15,000.00. Steve (630) 860-1280

For Sale: 1949 Packard Stretch Limousine, 25-year old restoration. Andrew Wingage (219) 775-2577

For Sale: 1930 Model A Briggs 170B sedan, restoration started. Larry (847) 913-9233

For Sale: 10-gallon visible gas pump, original glass cylinder, with hose and extra brass nozzle. Partially restored. Larry

(847) 913-9233

For Sale: 1929 Model A front fenders. Chuck (708) 307-9725

For Sale: 1946 Wizzer motor-bike, 1948 Wizzer motor-bike, 1960 Cushman Super Eagle w /electric starter. All are in

running condition. Vince (847) 934-8167

For Sale: 1930 Model A Frame. Carter Hendricks (847) 639-9030 or (312) 925-7144

Wanted: Tech/hobby book donations for club raffle use. Jim Patterson (910) 619-3293

Wanted: Free, used transmission gears for craft project. Can be rusty, etc. Christine (847) 421-9895

Wanted: 1931 drivers side front fender. Chuck (708) 307-9725


Cylinder head removal tool, steering wheel removal tool, rear spring spreader, distributor removal tool (to be used when

distributor is rusted to the head). Please contact Ken at or (815) 33-4656 home or (630) 697-

3907 mobile.

Editor’s Notes-

Business card ads continue to be available for $25.00 per year. Your comments and suggestions for anything pertaining

to The Distributor are always welcome. If you have sold an item, or no longer need for your ad to appear in the

magazine, please let me know. I can be reached at or (773) 407-1884. Be sure to

check out the New Members section as well. These folks and anyone else just joining the club will receive a New

Members Package, which will include information on the club’s history, a club decal, and more, not to mention many

new friends! SUBMISSONS ARE WELCOME and ENCOURAGED – We are looking for cover features, photos,

tech, suggestions, etc. If you sell your item or no longer need ad space, please let me know as well. -Michael Goode





Don’t let your Model A end up like the one below left-let it enjoy the road like the one on the right-join your fellow

Illinois Region members on the many fun events listed above! More events are coming, or let’s help make one of your

ideas for an event a reality!

2017 Official Illinois Region Events Calendar January

General Meeting 3

Awards and 60th Anniversary

Banquet 7

BOD Meeting 10

Saturday Seminar- 28

Cooling System Overhaul

With Colin/Steve @ PR Auto


General Meeting 7

Saturday Seminar- 11

Basic Training with Ken

@ 40 Horse Farm

Greater Milwaukee Swap 26

Vince Spaghetti Dinner TBD


General Meeting 7

33rd Annual Swap 19

(Friendly Ford)

MARC Membership 23-26

Meet (Shipshewana, IN)


General Meeting 4

Spring Jefferson Swap 28-30

(Jefferson, WI)

Garage Tour TBD

Mansion Tour TBD


General Meeting 2

Spring Tour on Route 66 6-7

“Red Carpet” to Pontiac, IL

Saturday Seminar TBD


Annual Sharon Model 4

A Day (Sharon, WI)

General Meeting 6

VooDoo Tour 18


Parades 4

General Meeting 11

Annual Picnic TBD

(Bull Valley, IL)

MARC National Meet 7/30-

(Gettysburg, PA) 8/4


General Meeting 1

And Dinner/Swap

Transport Extravaganza 7

(Union, IL)

Model T & A Swap TBD


General Meeting 5

Ford Model A Day 17

(Gilmore, MI)

Fall Jefferson Swap 22-24

(Jefferson, WI)

Newport Hill Climb 9/29-

(Newport, IN) 10/1

Saturday Seminar TBD


General Meeting 3

AACA Eastern Regional 4-7

Fall Meet (Hershey, PA)

Fall Tours TBD

(Various, WI)


General Meeting 7

Turkey Dinner TBD

(Hosted by Illinois Region)

Bristol Run TBD

(Bristol, WI)


General Meeting 5

The Illinois Region MARC holds its monthly business meetings at 7:30 PM the 1st Tuesday of every month (exceptions made for holidays) at the American Legion Hall, 9757 Pacific Avenue, Franklin Park Illinois.

(Corner of Ruby and Pacific) The meeting is open to all members and visitors.


Financial Report (11/21/2016- 12/20/2016)

Intake $2,836.00 Exhaust $3,135.33

Awards Banquet (38) 1,330.00 Meeting Hall 2,100.00

Donation for Meeting Hall 600.00 Awards Banquet-Awards 491.30

Local Dues (9 @ $25, 10 @ $30) 525.00 Youth Scholarship Fund 122.00

Clothing 205.00 Distributor Printing 112.00

Youth Scholarship Fund 122.00 Refreshments for Seminar 79.95

50/50 Raffle 50.00 Officers Insurance (MAFCA) 75.00

Stickers 4.00 Distributor Postage 57.92

Dec. Meeting Refreshments 28.10

Prizes for 50/50 Raffle 22.05

Postage and Stamps 20.16

Renewal for MARC Region 10.00

Sec. of State (N.F.P. filing fee) 10.00

Greeting Cards 6.85

Total in Account 11/21/2016 $9,890.96

Total in Account 12/20/2016 $9,591.63


Model A Restorers Club Membership:

Model A Ford Club of America:

If and when your name is used in articles and pictures on our club website, your full name (first and last name)

will appear unless you explicitly tell Mark Maron that you do not wish to have your full name on the website.

You can call Mark at (847) 302-7900 or email him at The Illinois Region bylaws require

that Illinois region members also have membership in one of the national clubs, MARC or MAFCA.

Remember to Like the

Illinois Region on


