The Dolch Book Of Fantastic Tales



This book is written for kids with learning disabilities. Written and illustrators by strangers on the internet. This book is written using a library of 220 words (the Dolch List), a learning tool kids with learning disabilities use.

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The Dolch Book

of fanTasTic


This book is dedicated to a lot of people.

Firstly, children from all over the world. Kids with learning disabilities, kids without.

Secondly, to a certain gentleman, B. ‘Nary’ Narayanaswamy – the person who introduced me to The Dolch List. Then there’s Rayomand Patel, the kind man who started this whole thing by shooting me a mail to

begin with. Rayomand, thank you.

It goes out too, to all the fantastic writers and illustrators, strangers on the internet who came together to create

something special. Thank you to you.


Sometime in December 2012, I received a mail from Rayomand at Contract, India. It was a forward, from a gentleman by the name of

B. Narayanaswamy. Nary (as he liked being called) was a father of two children who had been diagnosed with The Sturge Webber Syndrome.

And he wanted to find out if Rayomand (or anybody else) could do anything to help with the cause and spread awareness.

I didn’t know what The Sturge Webber Syndrome was. And so I started reading. I met with counselors, doctors, to understand

what I was dealing with. While I was researching, I stumbled upon something called The Dolch List.

The Dolch List, simply put is a list of 220 service words that are commonly found in the world around us. A child with learning

disability (someone who’s been diagnosed with The Sturge Webber Syndrome, for example) would rely on this list to familiarize himself

with words.

So obviously, a kid with learning disability couldn’t grasp a lot of words that a kid without learning disability could.

Which got me thinking – what do these kids read? Not the books we grew up on naturally, since most of the words in them wouldn’t be

found on the Dolch List. So what then?

As it turned out, kids with learning disability didn’t have much literature to fall back on. The only author that wrote stories using the

Dolch List primarily, was the talented Dr Seuss.

So I decided to start The Dolch Project. A project where random people on the internet came together to write stories using a library of limited words. With random illustrators illustrating these stories.

What you see here is the finished book – The Dolch Book of Fantastic Tales. It’s a series of stories written using mostly 220 words, written

with love for children with learning disabilities around the world.

Thank you for being a part of it. Happy reading.


Everyone is a Hero


Anya was a little girl. She was new in the village. She could not play like other children. She always sat on the chair. She could only move her right hand. She did not talk much. She did not run. She did not laugh. She did

not walk.The village had a beautiful garden. All children played there. Anya only sat on the chair under the big tree. She came with her sister. Her sister also played with everyone.

Robin was a bad boy. No one played with him. He always beat the squirrels and threw stones at the birds. The garden had no animals or birds. It made the chil-dren sad.

One day a bird sat next to Anya. Anya let it sit. Next day, two birds came. One bird was red and the other was blue. It was hot. Anya, put some water out. The birds drank. The squirrels also came. Anya never hurt them. They played with Anya. They sat on her feet after playing. She let them sit. The dogs also came and sat on Anya’s feet. One dog was black and the other, white. Anya was kind to both.

One day Robin sat with Anya. She did not tell her mother or sister at home. Again the next day Robin came. She gave Robin an apple. Robin smiled. Robin and Anya became friends. They sat and smiled always.

When it was cold only the dogs came. Again it was warm; the garden was full of beautiful birds, squirrels, butterflies and dogs. Anya never hurt anyone. She was kind. She never used the stick. She smiled a little always. She came to the garden everyday with her sister and sat on the same chair with the birds, the squirrels and dogs. Robin always sat with her. He never left her. He even gave her a cake on Christmas. She said, “Thank you Santa Claus,” and smiled a little.

Robin also became kind because Anya was kind. He did not hurt the birds or any-one. He played with the birds too; gave them water. He also gave biscuits to the dogs; sometimes.Now, no one was sad. Everyone in the garden played with the birds and animals. Everyone played with Robin too.It was a happy place again. Anya was loved by all.

Anya was the hero. Heroes don’t hurt.Heroes are kind.Heroes make others happy.Little Anya was the hero.With little love and kindness, everyone is a hero!

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Cat & the Mouse


Cat and mouse In a little green house Lived a little mouse

The mouse was red, its eyes were blue But sometimes they shone too.

The mouse liked to eat cheese

But bit into everything with ease The black cat kept a careful watch

on this green mouse but was no match Because the green mouse with blue eyes

Jumped and got away like all the good mice

One day the mouse drank something brown And could not walk well on its own

The cat saw the mouse and its funny walk He moved towards it slowly in the dark

Lifted his paw to beat its wits out But nothing happened like he thought The mouse did feel something move

Something black, thinking what, thinking who It turned its sleepy eyes to see

The paws of the black kitty It stood still out of fear

As the cat came near and near And then its’ blue eyes, like two little suns, gave out such light

The black cat backed out to hide in the night

The mouse walked its funny walk into its green house The black cat was never ever heard of chasing a mouse.

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The Funny Farm


The sun went away and soon the farmer will walk home. The Robin saw the corn farm look yellow then brown and then black. “Who cut the light?” asked Kitty. The fish drink the light from the sun, said Pig. The kind, old

tree said, “When the hot coat of sun will be upon us again, we can see morning.” The little sheep asks her mother if Morning is the name of the farmer’s new baby girl. The horses laugh and go off to bed. They always sleep at seven. The duck sleeps on her egg so baby bird can be warm. The big birds fly to the nests. The rabbit jumps away to the garden. The small dog still plays with a stick. The kitty sleeps in the green shoe. Mother squirrel sings to the seven baby squirrels a song about boats but the baby squirrels want a party. The small dog said, “Yes, we must have a party! A party on the farm” He must ask every one to come to the party. It would be better than Christmas, he thinks because small dog did not like the cold. He could not play in the garden till the ground was clean of snow. Then they all went about fast and found things to help to start the party. The Robin, the Kitty, the Pig, the Tree, the Horses, the Duck, the Big Bird, the Small Dog, Mother Squirrel and all the seven baby squir-rels came to the party. They all find a cake, some bread, one apple and six balls. The cow brings milk. The party was about to start when Cow said, “We don’t know how to party with-out the light of the sun!” What can be done now? The farm was all together today. They go to the kind, old tree and ask, “How can we bring light to the party?” but he is fast asleep. “The farmer will come when the daylight is here”, said the chicken. The pig wishes he was the sun. Just then the wind from the garden said that the pretty flower has a way out of this. She says, I will tell you how to bring light but you draw the bell over me when it rains. The cold rain hurts the small, pretty flower. The small dog says yes, he will draw the bell over her. She says, “Pull open the farm window”. The dog jumps on top of the table and opens it. The light from the house on top of the far hill came in. It was not right for a farm party. But all of them were very happy with her help and thank the pretty, little flower. The dog runs around her with the bell. Then she laughs. Her pretty little laugh lights up the farm. They all ask her to laugh once more. She warms and lights up the room with her long laugh. They eat cake, sing and play till morning came around. The funny farm now has a party when-ever the pretty, little flower laughs.

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Zara never said a thing

There were so many children in Kyra’s school. Ayush could read so well. Aanya could sing a pretty little song. And Jehaan is alwyays so funny. But away from them, sat Zara. Zara would not say a thing. She would just sit

and watch the children play. No girl or boy would call Zara to play with them. But Zara was always around. “My mother said that we could ask her to play with us.” Said Kyra. “I did ask her. But she just would not say a thing to me.” Said Aanya. “My mother said she does not say a thing, because she cannot. She is not like us.” Said Kyra. “What a baby!” said Jehaan. “She cannot say a thing!” “That is funny!” said all the other children, and they laughed. Kyra saw Zara and Zara saw them. But she just sat in her chair and did not say a thing. Many days after, Kyra had a fall. She hurt her feet and would have to be home in bed. For some days, she could not walk. She could not go to school and she could not go down to play. Kyra would sit by her window and watch the pretty flowers in the garden. She would see the squirrel on the tree, and the cat running after it. She would watch the children jump, laugh and play, and she wished to play with them again. Kyra called the children to her house, but no one came. Every day she sat and watched the garden from her window, and wished that she would get bet-ter soon. One morning, the bell rang. “Look who is here, Kyra!” said her mother. It was Zara. She had some flowers in her hand, and a letter that said “Get Well Soon.” Zara went into Kyra’s house and gave her the pretty yellow flowers. It was the best day for Kyra. “Thank you so much Zara. You never say a thing, but you are so kind. I wish all the children could be as good as you!” Kyra’s mother got them some milk and cake. Today Kyra had found a new friend. But for Zara, well, she was always around. Only, she never said a thing.

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The Cold Moon


One night, Tia looked up in the sky and saw the moon. The moon was very sad. Tia said to the moon, “Why are you sad, Mr. Moon?” The moon sneezed. “Atchooo! Tia, I am sad because I have a cold. I am not well.”

The stars around the moon said, “ Let us sing songs and read him stories to make him happy!” But the moon was still sad. “Atchoo!” he sneezed. The birds were in their nests and the animals were in the forest. They wanted to sleep, but they could not, because the moon was sad. The moon said to Tia, “Please help me, little girl! I want this cold to go away!” Tia said to the moon, “ Do not be sad, Mr. Moon! My father is a doctor. I will ask him to help you. Tia went to her father. She said, “ Please give me a big bottle of medicine! Mr. Moon has a cold!” So her father gave her a big bottle of brown medicine to make the moon’s cold go away. Then, Tia went to her mother. She said, “Please give me a big spoon! I must give it to Mr. Moon so that he can drink his medicine.” So Tia’s mother gave her a very big spoon that would help the moon drink his medicine. After that, Tia went to her friends. She said, “I want to fly up in the sky to give Mr. Moon his medicine. Will you help me?” So her friends gave her many bal-loons. Tia got red balloons, blue balloons, green balloons and yellow balloons. Tia put all the balloons together around her back. She had the big bottle of medi-cine in her right hand, and she had the big spoon in her left hand. The balloons helped Tia to fly up into the sky near the moon. The moon saw Tia and was happy. He said, “Tia! You came to help me? Thank you!” Tia opened the bottle of medicine. She put the brown medicine on the spoon and gave it to the moon. She said, “open your mouth, Mr. Moon! I will put the medi-cine in it. When you drink it, your cold will go away!” The moon took the medicine, and he was happy again. His cold was going away. He said to Tia, “Thank you, Tia! You are very kind. Now I can play with the stars! I am well again!” Tia was happy now because she helped the moon.

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A New Friend


Baby Bear lived with Mother Bear and Father Bear in the woods under the apple tree. He played around all day with his friends, Squirrel and Robin. Squirrel and Robin lived together in a nest on the apple tree.

One day Baby Bear told Squirrel and Robin, “Let us have a party together”. The squirrel and the robin liked what he said and laughed.

So next morning they carried some cake, apples, some eggs and corn. Some milk to drink and some toys to play. They walked far where the grass grew green.

Under a tree they kept their things and started playing with the ball and the top. They ran around the trees and jumped on the grass. They laughed and sang funny songs. They ate all the apples and cake and eggs and corn.

When the sun went down; they started going back home. But they could not find their way back. The night came up;

Far away they saw some light in a house on a farm. They ran to the house and saw a little girl playing with her dog.

They went to her and said, “We were having a party but now we cannot find our way back home. It is all black in the woods this night. Can we please stay here this night? In the morning we will go back to where the big apple tree is in the woods. That is where we stay.”

The little girl said, “Yes, please sleep here.” She also gave them some warm milk and bread to eat. Baby Bear, Squirrel and Robin also gave her some cake from their party. They had a good time together. She then gave them a bed to sleep.

In the morning the sun light woke them up. They all thanked the little girl and her dog and told her to come and play with them in the woods under the apple tree.

They all said, “Good Bye.”

Baby Bear, Squirrel and Robin had made a new friend.

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Pinky & the Lion


Pinky was a little girl. She lived with her mother and father on their small farm with ducks and chickens and cows. She was a kind and sweet girl.

Every day, she would go to school. But every day, Pinky would sit alone. She didn’t have any friends. Nobody wanted to sit with her because she had a big, ugly scar on her face. Other boys and girls were scared of her. Some were mean. They would point at her face and laugh and make fun of her. Pinky would always be sad at school. All the other children would jump and play and run in the big green garden but never with Pinky.

But Pinky loved to read and write and draw. That would make her happy. She loved to write stories- funny, happy, scary- different stories. So she would spend her time writing and drawing for her stories.

One day, the class teacher asked Pinky to read one of her stories to everyone. The other children were looking at her and laughing. Pinky went to the front of the class with her book in hand. Without looking at anyone, she read her story.

“One morning, I heard a lot of shouting. I came out of my house and saw the village people running. I couldn’t see what they were running after. But soon it became clear. A little away from me was a big, yellow lion. It was running towards me. I was so scared. I ran to save my farm animals. But the lion was fast. He jumped at me and hurt my face”, she said. “Next morning, when I woke up, I saw that I had this big scar on my face. But I didn’t care about it. I was happy to know that the animals were safe,” she finished.

Pinky looked up from her book and saw that everyone was staring at her. Then one of the mean boys said, “A lion gave you that scar? That is so cool.” After that, Pinky was not sad at school any more. Everyone wanted to be friends with the girl who fought a lion. Together, Pinky and her new friends played and ran and jumped in the big green garden.

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Beyond the Clouds


It was a hot afternoon. Pari put out water for the thirsty birds. A black bird came down to drink the water. Pari heard an unusually loud sound, as if a lion was drinking water. But when she looked again, it was a small black bird. She

caught the bird’s eye, and they looked at each other for a moment before the bird went back to drinking water. When the bird flew into the sky, the shadow of the bird covered two parked cars. Pari was amazed. The bird came to drink water many times that day. Pari filled the pail seven times that day.

The next day, the bird brought a friend along. The other bird looked the same in size, but when they both flew off into the sky; the shadows were huge revealing something unusual about the birds. The next day the two friends were late. Pari was just getting impatient when the two friends came down to drink water from the pale that Pari had put out. The tongues slurped like two dragons drinking out of a fresh water lake.

Pari had to find out. She went close to the birds and let out her hand. The small black bird held on to Pari’s hand and pulled her up. Together they flew high up in the sky. At first, Pari was scared. But as soon as they had crossed the clouds, the birds grew big, as big as dragons. The friend helped Pari up on to the back of the big black bird. Beyond the clouds everything was different. They stopped on a cloud to take a break. The birds had changed color, they were now blue. Ahead of them, they saw birds of different colors. They were big and small. There were violet birds, indigo birds, blue birds, green birds, yellow birds, orange birds and red birds.

Pari looked at what was in front of her again.

‘That’s correct’, the big blue bird said. ‘You’re thinking the right thing…..we live in the rainbow. And this is my sister’, he said pointing to the other bird that had flown with them.

‘Usually we get our year’s water supply from the rains. But it hasn’t rained and all the birds here are thirsty. So we fill up on the water and try to give them as much as possible’.

‘But you cannot tell anyone about this’.

‘I promise”, Pari said, and they shook hands again. The birds took Pari to the rain-bow. She wanted to try all the colors. The birds agreed to show her around.They took her to violet where she felt herself blush like a flower does when a bee flies by. Indigo made her feel like a royal princess. In blue she felt cold like the sky outside the rainbow only to go to green, she felt the same warmth and free-dom that she felt running barefoot on fresh grass. She chose to go to yellow next. She loved the golden glow of yellow. She couldn’t see her face but her hands and her legs were glowing like drops of the sun. Cheerful orange was a tangy splash. Pari finally reached red, which made her feel glamorously rich but hot at the same time. It was time for her to go.

Pari’s new friends flew her back to her home.

It so happened, that it rained the next day. Pari didn’t see her friends for some time but they dropped in once in a while to say hi to their new friend. And they always brought along a little bit of the rainbow.

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Can Pigs Fly?


I want to fly,” said Baby Pig to his mother one morning. Mother Pig laughed. “Pigs don’t fly,” she said. “Pigs like to sleep. Pigs like to

play in the sun. Pigs like to eat lots of food. Pigs like to run in the farm. They don’t fly.” “But Mother, I am a pig and I want to fly,” said Baby Pig. “There is much to do on the farm,” said Mother. “Go play with Duck. Chicken wants corn. Dog would like some water because it is very hot. Cat wants to eat fish. There are many things for you to do, Baby Pig.” “But Mother, I don’t want to play with Duck. I don’t want to give corn to Chicken. I don’t want to give any water to Dog. I know Cat wants fish, but I want to fly!” Mother went off to see to Duck, Chicken, Dog and Cat. Baby Pig started to think. How could he fly? He saw Bird watch him from a tree. He saw Robin fly down and eat some seeds. Then, he saw many papers flying in the wind. Pig jumped on the papers and picked them up. Baby Pig said, “If Bird, Robin and papers can fly, then so can I!” He put the papers on his back and ran up a tree. Bird came and pulled one hand. Robin came and pulled one hand. Together, they made Baby Pig fly in the wind. Baby Pig could see Mother Pig playing with duck. He could see Chicken eating corn. Dog was drinking water. Cat was eating fish. He could see the whole farm, because Baby Pig was flying.

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A Christmas Wish


Christmas was a few days away. Robin sat by the window while his brother and sister helped their mother put the tree up. The house was happy but Robin wasn’t. His father had been away for so many days. His mother told

him that his father was a brave man, helping people. Robin missed his father and couldn’t wait for him to come back.

Later that night, when mother was putting her children to bed, she said, ‘Santa Claus will be coming soon. What are you going to ask him for?’

The little brother said, “I want a horse, like Black Beauty. I’ll ride it in the village and be brave like daddy.”

The little sister said, “I want a pretty doll. I’ll give her a bath, I’ll feed her food, I’ll play with her, I’ll take care of her- just like you take care of me, mommy.”

“What about you, Robin?”, asked the mother. Robin looked outside the window. He could see the snow falling. “Nothing, I don’t want anything for Christmas”. Robin couldn’t sleep. He was sad and he wished for only one thing- “Santa Claus, please make my daddy come home for Christmas. I miss him. I’ll be a good boy, I promise. I won’t trouble my sister, or the chicken. I’ll be a big boy.” Wishing for that, he slowly fell asleep.

Next morning, when the children woke up, they saw that the farm was white with snow. It was cold, very cold. Robin was playing with his sister and her dolls when his mother called him, “Robin, there is someone here to see you.” Robin went to the door and saw that it was his father. He ran up to him. “Daddy, you’re home for Christmas!”

That Christmas morning, everyone sat together in front of the fire and the tree, warm and happy. The children opened their gifts and screamed and jumped. Robin sat on his father’s lap and quietly said, “Thank you Santa for making my Christ-mas wish come true. You’re the best!”

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Peacock Dance

A little girl loved to sing. She sang to the trees,birds and bees. In her lit-tle village, she lived with her parents. The girl did not like to talk. And it was tough for her to walk. Her parents loved her very much. And told her

stories of angels who love little children. She waited for the angel to teach her to walk. Mr Peacock lived on a tree. One day he heard the little girl sing. He loved her song. He wanted to hear more songs. So every morning he came to her garden and listened. The little girl and Mr Peacock became friends. She sang and Mr Peacock danced. “Little girl, dance with me” Said Mr Peacock. “I can’t walk. I can’t dance”,She said “ Hold my feathers. They are strong. And dance” The little girl held Mr Peacock’s feathers. First step. Second step. And slowly she danced. Little girl was very happy. “Little girl, we will dance everyday”,said Mr Peacock. Every morning they danced. And soon the little girl could dance like Mr Peacock. Her parents were very happy to see her dance. The girl said ,”Thank you Mr Peacock. I can sing and I can dance. You are my angel”. “And you are my little doll” smiled Mr Peacock.

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Sun and rain


One morning, little April woke up from her sleep and found her home to be dark and cold. She ran to the window to look for her yellow sun. She tried her best to find him but there was no sun. All she saw was a dark, black

coat over her sun. She was angry with God. How could he do this with her? Take away her best friend? She ran to her mother and asked, “Mother, how can God take away my sun?” Her mother found it funny but smiled and said, “But baby, the sun has to go away some times.” But April didn’t think it was right. She was just angry and sad. She put her hand on her head and told her mother, “Well, you can tell God that I’m sad because of him. There is no light in my house and it is not warm too. He can’t take away my best friend, my sun!” . April’s mother smiled put her hand around her, saying, “Give some time baby. You will see why God did this.” April sat next to the window all day, looking up and searching for her sun. Every now and then she would turn and look at her mother. But her mother would smile and repeat her words, “Give some time baby”. Soon April was tired. Her mother came to her and picked her up in her hands and took her outside in the window. The dark coats sung loudly and small drops of water fell to the ground and on April’s face. April was happy and laughed when she saw the rain. As her mother put her down she said, “Always remember, when God takes away one thing it is only so that he can shower as with another.”

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The Miracle Dog


Sunil is nine years old. I see him everyday in the park. He is always sitting in a wheelchair. He does not play with me. I am also nine years old. I want to play with Sunil. He cannot move his neck like I do. He cannot move his arms

freely like I can. He cannot run in the park like I can. He cannot sit on the swings and on the seesaw. He only sits on a wheel chair. He looks very sad. He sits all alone staring up at the sky. Sometimes he looks at the plants and flowers too. He never smiles. He looks very lonely. One day, Sunil’s daddy got him a gift. Sunil’s daddy got for him a lovely furry dog. The dog has black and white fur. The dog’s name is Smally. Smally is a very spe-cial dog. Smally is trained to be a good friend to lonely children. Smally is trained to put off the lights. Smally can help throw the paper in the basket. Smally is also trained to play with children. Smally can play a game of ball. Smally brings the ball and drops it in Sunil’s lap. Then Smally waits and waits and waits. Sunil slowly moves his stiff neck and sees the ball in his lap. Sunil slowly grabs the ball with his weak fingers. Sunil flings the ball away. Smally goes and brings the ball back to him. Smally drops the ball in Sunil’s lap again. Sunil and Smally play this game over and over again. Smally and Sunil have become good friends. Sunil wants Smally to be next to him all day and all night. Even when Sunil is sick, he wants Smally to sit next to him. Sunil feels happy when Smally sleeps close to him. Sunil likes when Smally cud-dles up close to him. Sunil loves Smally very much. Sunil came with Smally to the park. Smally is a very pretty dog. She has black and white fur. I walk to where Sunil is sitting in a wheelchair. I look at Smally. I run my fingers through Smally’s black and white fur. They are so soft to touch. They are as soft as cotton puffs. Many other children in the park also come to where Sunil is sitting in a wheelchair. They all pet Smally. She likes all children, Smally wags her tail. All children clap their hands. I take Sunil’s hand in my hand. I see Sunil smile a bit. Everyday Sunil and Smally come to the park. We all play together. We sing songs together. Sometimes we pray together. Sunil has started smiling a lot. Sunil looks at Smally and smiles. Sunil looks at me and smiles. Sunil’s daddy says he has improved a lot. Sunil’s daddy says that he can now give attention to what we are playing. Sunil has starting enjoying my company too. Sunil is become my friend. Smally is also become my friend. All my friends in the park like to play with Smally and Sunil. Sunil is not lonely any more. when I sleep They make me happy Smile smile smile! THE END.

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Pretty Please


Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was Anne. Anne was a kind seven-year-old girl. She loved to laugh. She lived with her mother and father in a pretty blue house. The house had a big green garden where Anne

would jump and play. Anne would take her doll to the garden and sing to her. One day, Anne asked her mother if she could call the other children from school to come and play with her. Anne looked at her mother with her big blue eyes and said “Pretty please mother”. Her mother looked at Anne and said, “Yes, my baby girl, we must” Anne was so happy and jumped up and down the street all the way to school. She said, “Please come to my blue house with the big green garden for a party. There will be cake. Pretty please, do come”. Anne jumped all the way down the street back home. The garden had many chairs and lots of milk and cake. Anne sat on the yellow chair and ate her cake. Then they played lots of games. Anne’s mother started to sing to the children. It was a funny song about a big red bird that wanted to eat the big yellow sun. All the children laughed and laughed. The children then said thank you and good-bye to Anne and her mother and went home. Anne ‘s father came home that night and before Anne went to sleep, she asked them, “Can we have another party again together? Pretty please”

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Here was a little dog called Red . He lived in a big house and had every thing ,a big garden,green grass to roll in,toys to play with,and all types of balls! A big blue one ,a small green ball and he even had a yellow ball with a bell

inside ! But he was not a happy dog! He was all alone. His best friend Tim went to school every day and he wanted Tim to play with him all day! One day Tim was late for school,and he forgot to close the gate . ‘Wow ,’said Red,’I can go out to play. What fun!’ And he walked out. He saw a little bee and ran after it,into a garden. There he saw a squirrel go up a tree,and ran after it,then he saw a little bird and ran after it! Soon he was very very tired and went to sleep under a big tree. ‘Woof woof ,help me help me’ ,the crying of a little puppy woke Red up.’ That’s funny,did I hear some one cry? ‘I am lost, I am hungry,I have no friend,said the little pup,to Red. ‘ Don’t say you have no friend ,I’m your new friend ,Red is my name.’ Come with me I will take you home and you can have my lunch.’ ‘Really you will not bite me if I eat your food?’,asked the little puppy. ‘No no ,I’m your friend ,come home with me,said Red. The two dogs walked home fast, as Red was hungry too. They found the gate still open,in they walked ,and then Red closed the gate . They went to the back garden ,where there was water and food kept for Red. ‘Come on friend ,eat.’ said Red. And only after the little one had eaten did Red eat his lunch. Red showed his new friend all his toys and balls . The little one had never seen a ball,and slowly smelled it with his nose,and doing so the ball got a push,and it rolled down the garden! ‘Woof woof ,this is a funny thing ,lets catch it,’said the little puppy,and so the two dogs rolled around catching ,laughing, playing with all the balls . Tim came home,and went out to play with Red ,there he saw a little puppy with Red, ‘Mother ,mother ,have you got a new friend for me and Red ?’ No,no ,said mother,’he seems to be a lost puppy.! ‘Oh,mother can we keep him? Please,Red will have a friend to play with ,when I am not at home ,please.’ ‘We shall see,we have to try to find his home ,if he has one!’ said mother. Mother and Father tried to find the little puppy’s home,but no seemed to lost a puppy nearby! So puppy stayed with his best new friends . Kindness gets us friends.

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The Helpful Cow


Lakshmi, the cow, was very happy. She had just had a baby cow two weeks back. She was a pretty black and white calf. Lakshmi named her Sudha. Sudha, the calf, loved to run around the farm and play with all the animals.

She loved jumping in the grass with the chicken. She loved to run around the trees with the cats. She loved to sleep on the ground with the dogs. She loved to drink and play in the water with the ducks. All the animals loved her. The farmer Rajesh, who took care of them, also liked Sudha very much. He made her a nice shed and put a small bell around her neck. When she ran, the bell would ring. All the animals liked the farmer a lot. He was a kind man.

All the playing made Sudha hungry. Then she would come to her mother for milk. Lakshmi gave her milk in the morning and at night. After drinking the milk Sudha went back to play. After Sudha had drunk her milk, Lakshmi would give the rest to Rajesh.

Lakshmi always told Sudha to help others. Sudha always listened to her mother. She helped the other animals. One day, when she was playing near the tree with the kitty, she saw a squirrel which had fallen down. He was hurt and crying. His name was Bunty. Sudha took Bunty to her mother. Lakshmi cleaned him and gave him some water. When the farmer Rajesh saw him, he put him in a box. Lak-shmi also asked him to give the squirrel a little of her milk.

Soon Bunty became well again. He thanked all the animals and the farmer and went back to his tree. One night, when all the animals were sleeping, there was fire in the farm house. All the animals were in it. They were very scared. Bunty the squirrel saw this from his tree. He ran to the farmer’s house. Rajesh, the farmer, was sleeping. Bunty jumped on him and pulled his ears. Rajesh got up. He saw the fire from his window and ran outside. He put water all over the farm house and stopped it.

All the animals thanked Bunty after that. He was their hero. Lakshmi told Sudha then, that if you help someone, you make a friend. And friends always come to help friends. After that they all started singing a song together in joy.

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Fish Swim Happily


Fishes swim happily In the sea

Flapping its beautiful Colorful wings

Jumping over waters Swimming in style

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle Travels thousand miles

Deep in the waters

Lays its eggs Hunts tiny fishes Under sea beds

Yellow blue green Orange and red

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle It is never ever sad

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