The Eagle Winter 2011



Wick Communications The Eagle Winter 2011

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News from the Wick Communications Company Winter ’11

Thanks to everyone for your hard work on behalf of Wick Com-munications.

We welcome two new publishers to the com-pany: Bill Murray at the Half Moon Bay Re-view and Mark Kelsey at the Frontiersman in Wasilla, Alaska.

Bi l l Mu r r ay h a s been the design direc-tor at the Review since 2005 and is respon-

sible for the great looking products produced in Half Moon Bay. He’s al-so helped with design issues around the company. Bill lives in the com-munity and will do a great job lead-

ing the Half Moon Bay Review team. Best wishes to departing Review

Publisher Deb Hershon and thanks to her for her years of service.

Mark Kelsey returns to the Fron-tiersman after a stint working with state government in Alaska. He’s the former sports editor and later man-aging editor of the Frontiersman, lives in the Mat-Su Valley which is served by the Frontiersman and is well known in the community. He will do well as publisher and as lead-er of the Frontiersman team.

Best wishes to former Frontiers-man Publisher Kari Sleight, who relocated to Washington State in Oc-tober.

The summer was an interesting one as Pierre, S.D., battled the flood

waters of the Missouri River and Si-erra Vista, Ariz., was threatened by wild fires. Both locations survived and, for the most part, employee homes were OK. I’m proud of the job our folks did in both locations cover-ing the stories in print and on line while dealing with the added pres-sures of the unknown from the natu-ral disasters.

Computer-to-plate equipment goes into Wasilla prior to the end of the year. And, in the spring of 2012, a rebuilt Goss Community press will be installed in Williston, N.D., re-placing the original Harris Cottrell press installed in the early 1960s when Walt Wick was publisher in Williston. After this installation, we will have converted all but three

sites to computer-to-plate technol-ogy.

Thanks to Scott Green and Adam Kurtz and staff for their hard work in leading our efforts to centralize advertising design. They are doing a good job and we’re getting better advertising design as a result.

Please keep Safford Publisher Rick Schneider in your thoughts and prayers as he battles cancer. Rick is undergoing treatment but still able to work most days. I appreciate the efforts of Rick’s staff in Safford and Clifton to provide the support he needs when he needs to be out of the office.

Best wishes to all Wick employees for a happy holiday season and a healthy and successful 2012.

Murray, Kelsey join Wick as new publishers



No matter how you say it, we hope it’s grand!

Season’s Greetings • Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas • Joyous Noel






Daily News and News-Monitor publisher Ken Hartymans the grill in the summer as part of an employee

appreciation lunch. There were burgers, hot dogs andtasty salads to tell employees thanks for a good job.

Andrea Richter mans the booth for Business After Hours. The wheel shownin the background was a big draw, making this booth a popular stop.

Business After HoursAndrea Richter and Rose Olson are shown working at the Daily Newsbooth at Wahpeton/Breckenridge Area Chamber of Commerce BusinessAfter Hours.

When the burgers came off the grill, Daily News andNews-Monitor staff gathered. Shown here are: Miles

Trump,Regan Whitney (summer intern) and LandonKafka.




New faces at the Daily News and MonitorThere are plenty of new faces at both sister newspapers, with the hiring of three new reporters and a managing editor

Kathleen Leinen was namedas the managing editor of theDaily News of Wahpeton/Breckenridge in June.

Leinen has been the managingeditor of the News-Monitor inHankinson, sister paper of theDaily News, for the past nineyears.

"The News-Monitor has a solidreputation throughout the stateas being one of the top weekliesin North Dakota," Leinen said."I've been working for WickCommunications for almost 20years in Hankinson and ampleased to bring those years ofexperience to the helm of theDaily News."

She will oversee the news-room of both papers.

She and her husband, DonLeinen Jr., have two daughters,Noel, 13, and Autumn, 11. Thegirls are in seventh and sixthgrades at Hankinson PublicSchool.

Carrie McDermott was hiredin late March as a reporter forthe Daily News. She has 17 yearsexperience in the newspaper in-dustry.

McDermott has worked as acopy editor, page designer, pho-tographer, web manager, socialmedia manager and departmenthead through the years. She washired at The Press-Enterprise inRiverside, Calif., in 1992 afterearning a bachelors degree ingraphic design from CaliforniaState University San Bernardi-

no. She started as a news assis-tant in the TV Week depart-ment, producing four weekly TVlistings books. After five years,she was promoted to manager,and later worked in the compa-ny's marketing, special sections,and online content and pro-gramming departments.

McDermott moved to Wah-peton in Jan. 2010, and was im-mediately shocked by the coldwinter temperatures.

"There is no clothing sold inSouthern California that canprepare you for the wind chillhere," she laughed.

Last year she received a downparka for Christmas from herboyfriend, a Wahpeton native,who is teaching her how todress in layers for winter and

how to hunt and fish.She loves the snow, as it's still a

novelty to her. Plus, she doesn'thave to shovel it often.

"I had to drive to the moun-tains to see snow in California,and of course, everyone else wasup there at the same time," shesaid. "You can't really get awayfrom it all, when everybody elsehas the same idea."

Outside of work she enjoysphotography, social media, read-ing novels and movies. She triesto laugh every day and enjoysthe friendliness of people in theMidwest.

Miles Trump hails fromMankato, Minn.

“Go Twins!”He attended Mankato East

High School, graduated in 2007

and moved to the Twin Cities toattend college at the Universityof St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.While there, Trump majored incommunications and journal-ism – called “COJO” for short –and earned a minor degree inbusiness administration. He in-terned as a reporter this pastsummer at the St. Paul PioneerPress in St. Paul, before landinga job at the Daily News.

Trump is a stubborn Minneso-ta sports fan, despite the mar-ket’s declining outlook. He alsoenjoys hip-hop music, leisurelyreading and his girlfriend, Lisa,who jokes that when she movedto North Carolina for graduateschool, she got the better“North.”

Landon Kafka is the new re-

porter at the News-Monitor.He is originally from a small

town in Minnesota called Stew-artville – population 6,000. Yes,this is small town in Minnesota.

With this said, Landon grewup going to school and playingsports – spending the summersworking on his uncle’s farm andplaying baseball.

Sports is definitely a largepart of his life, playing and at-tending sporting events eversince he can remember. Peopleoften ask him what he follows.

“Well, if it has a score and aball or puck, I follow it. I guessyou could say I am a competi-tion junky. I look forward to cov-ering all the different sports inRichland County for the News-Monitor.”

Leinen McDermott Trump Kafka







Sidney Herald newspaper carriers take part in the community’s centennial parade during June 2011.

Sidney Montana celebrates 100 years of existence

Circulation manager Dawn Steinbeisser walks with a carrier in the parade. Advertising representative Patti Tornabeni waves to the crowd.




Sidney Herald publisher LibbyBerndt closed out her term as presidentof the Montana Newspaper Associationwith a successful convention held inLewistown during June.

At the convention, it was announcedthe Sidney Herald won three first-placeawards in the large weekly/small dailydivision in the 2010 Montana Newspa-per Association’s Better NewspaperContest Awards.

The Herald earned top honors for bestwebsite, best editorials and best specialsection.

Judges’ comments for the Herald’swebsite were, “Over the past eightyears, the Sidney Herald’s website hasbeen redesigned five times, and the ef-fectiveness of this site shows it. Thesite is well designed, with a wide vari-ety of features, including e-edition fornewspaper subscribers and to exclusivee-edition subs as well. The site is easy touse in a complete, easy to navigatepackage.”

The Herald’s entry for best editorialincluded editorials regarding Gov.Schweitzer’s proposal to distribute oilmoney throughout state’s schools and

another urging public officials to followfreedom of information guidelines.Judges wrote, “Strong opinion, wellthought arguments, high emotion. Con-frontational but professional. Makes agreat read. Far and away the best edito-rials.”

The award for best special project wasfor one of the Herald’s Tappin TheBakken sections regarding the oil in-dustry. Judges wrote, “Wow so much in-formation with plenty of advertisingsupport. Very impressive!”

The Herald received third place in thebest front page category. Judges’ com-ments were, “Wonderfully organized.It’s very easy to read, even thoughthere’s a lot of information. Thecolumns down the side draw you all theway to the bottom without losing yourattention.”

The Herald’s managing editor BillVander Weele received honorable men-tion for best feature photo for a photothat featured an upset girl at a pre-school graduation. Judges wrote, “Grademotional.”

The Herald earned honorable men-tion for the small space ad category for

the East-Mont Enterprises business re-garding the sale of bulk ice melt.

Judges wrote, “Cartoon really gets yourattention. Great use of small space.”

!Berndt finishes term as newspaper association’s president

Helping honor Sidney Herald publisher Libby Berndt at her closing reception in Lewis-town, Mont., as president of the Montana Newspaper Association were Spirit team pub-lishers Ken Harty, Wahpeton Daily News, and Mitzi Moe, Williston Herald.

The Sidney Herald’s new sports reporter Steve Hamel interviews the high school’s crosscountry coach during his first day on the job Aug. 23.

Sidney Herald staff, front from left, Linda Steinbeisser and Bill Vander Weele; back, LouisaBarber, Dawn Steinbeisser, Pat Lorenzen, Ellen Wznick, Deb Crossland, Steve Hamel andPatti Tornabeni and subscribers donate to the Richland County Food Bank. Subscribers re-ceived $1per item, up to 10 items, off a yearly subscription.








Artist Bob Wick, co-owner of Wick Communications, brought his personal art to Roanoke Rapids

in October.Wick, who began sculpting in college and

has pieces displayed in the Phoenix Botanical Garden, along with venues in Lakeland, Fla., and Akron, Ohio, can now add the gar-

den beside The Daily Herald

to the list of sites d i s -play-

ing his art.

Wick’s lat-est sculpture, “Seated Tor-so,” made of

silicon bronze, is the newest edi-

tion to the Roanoke Avenue streetscape, and Wick said he is pleased to have it there and hopes people will come to see it for what he made it to be.

“Those lines that are in it are a metaphor for strata,” said Wick, whom along with his brother Walter owns Wick Communications, the company which owns The Daily Herald. “Not just Earth strata, human strata. We are formed, layer after layer, until we evolve into the people we are.”

Wick said the sculpture represents the unity between person and planet, with plants placed inside the torso in various locations to represent this unity.

“It’s inspired by Earth and the human fig-ure,” Wick said. “I don’t see us as separate from the Earth, we’re just an extension of it.”

Wick said “Seated Torso” took about a year to create and was one of the few sculptures he’s crafted that skipped the modeling pro-cess. Normally, he said, he will sketch an idea for a sculpture, then build a plaster model be-fore moving onto the final rendering.

“With this one, it just worked after the sketch,” Wick said.

Wick’s sculpting began when his aunt Dodde Wick urged him to do a portrait sculpture of his uncle Jim, or James T. Wick. After putting in some work, Wick was astonished to see the sculpture come out looking just like his uncle. Encouraged by this new-found talent, Wick continued to sculpt classmates and anyone else who wanted to be sculpted, then moved on from portraits to larger sculptures represent-ing more abstract ideas, one of which, “Saint Earth,” took him nine years to complete.

As time has passed, Wick has found his passion for art has increased and is eager to get on to the next seven to 10 years of his art, most of which is already in model form.

But even aside from his personal art, he is hoping getting his own art out there makes people realize, in some small way, the im-portance of art to the strength of any com-munity. “It’s important a community strives to have a sense of art and sees how we’re all tied together,” Wick said. “The poetic mind or spirit is the common denominator of all our hearts and souls.”

Titus Workman, Publisher of , and artist Bob Wick, co-owner of Wick Communications, stand beside ‘Seated Torso.’ The sculpture by Wick is made of silicon bronze.




Wick Communications IT guru Don Judd works with Tia Bedwell, left, Design Editor, during October transition from News Edit Pro and Quark Express editorial department to an InDesign and InCopy world. After many years of Quark use, the newspaper’s last day under the old system was Oct. 16, 2011. Thanks to Judd’s help, the transition has been as smooth as possible.

August: Sheila Paytes, Classified Sales RepresentativeSeptember: Pressmen — Dave Hager, Press Foreman,

Roger Harris and Dennis Carter, PressmenOctober: Tia Bedwell, Design Editor



She’s an avid shopper, she loves to read ads and she’s new to the Roa-noke Valley.

“I dig shopping!” said Carol Critten-don, new advertis-ing director for The Daily Herald.

Crittendon said her love for shop-ping, her enthu-siasm for reading ads and her determination to find a bargain — not to mention her 15 years experience in newspaper ad-vertising and degree in journalism (heavy in advertising) — makes her the person to serve the Roanoke Valley’s advertising needs.

“I love to see ads created and well designed,” she said. “It fuels my

creativity when it speaks to me.”She said she has a passion for

finding things people like to read.“I read all the sales ads and fly-

ers,” she said. “I’m dedicated to finding a bargain.”

Herald publisher Titus Workman said Crittendon brings a strong background in newspaper advertis-ing sales and marketing that will add value to customer relation-ships.

“She is already making an im-pact with our sales team,” Work-man said.

Crittendon said she plans to work hard to keep The Herald’s products fresh and of a high quality. She sees it as an investment in the commu-nity. Crittendon plans to translate her passion for design into The Her-ald’s ads.

“My goal is to make sure every ad

our customers spend their money on is an investment in their busi-ness,” she said. “If it’s not helping them be successful, it’s not helping us be successful.”

She said she’s also looking for-ward to becoming involved in the community. She thinks being active in the Roanoke Valley Chamber and other organizations will be fun.

“It’s our responsibility to keep community groups functioning,” she said. “We can do that by being involved with them.”

Crittendon said she also loves husband Steven, daughter Ame-lia, Stargazer lilies and Lilies of the Valley. She brought Steven and Amelia with her to the Valley, but unfortunately had to leave her flow-ers behind.

“I can start some more, though,” she said.



The Daily Herald welcomed new Circulation Director Tammy Britt.

Britt, originally from Fayette-ville, comes to the Herald with 10 years experience in circulation in North Carolina and California.

“Tammy comes to us with a strong background in circulation at community newspapers,” said Publisher Titus Workman.

She is a hands-on person, who will be actively involved with our customers and carriers.

Britt will handle the day-to-day responsibilities of ensuring qual-

ity paper distribution to both sub-scribers and rack sales.

Britt said she looks forward to working at The Daily Herald and is already enjoying all the great things there are to enjoy in the Roanoke Val-ley.

Britt, her hus-band, David and three children — Chihuahua, Rico — relocated to the area from California.

“We love it here,” Britt said.“We have family close by and

that helps a lot. I enjoy every-body I work with and this is such a nice area.”

Britt said she’s most looking forward to learning and growing with The Daily Herald team, and hope to advance in the company eventually to become a publish-er.

“That’s my dream,” she said.She expressed gratitude to The

Daily Herald subscribers for their loyalty and to her carriers for their hard work.

Britt takes over circulation management following the re-tirement of Carol Moseley.








Biz After Hours at the HeraldROGER BELL


The Daily Herald hosted a successful BusinessAfter Hours with the Roanoke Valley Chamber ofCommerce Aug. 18, bringing in dozens of first-time attendees, who got to watch a press run andmingle with those who report on their activitiesevery day.

During the festivities, the paper also unveiledits Rockfish mascot, part of the Roanoke ValleyRocks program promoting tourism, in front ofthe building on Roanoke Avenue. (Watch the un-veiling in real time by checking out our videogallery at

Chamber President/CEO Allen Purser said itwas important to have the business communitycome to the Herald, which he called “the voice ofthe Valley,” in order for business leaders to seehow the newspaper is put together and informa-tion is disseminated to the public.

“It’s important for people to have a chance tomeet with reporters in a situation that is notstressful,” Purser said.

“And when it comes to newspapers, many peo-ple don’t know how that works.”

During the event, business leaders from allaround the Valley toured the Herald offices andwatched the press crew produce the Sunday in-serts and meet with the leaders of the Heraldwhile enjoying food and beverages from localrestaurant, the 1020 Restaurant and Pub.

Herald Publisher Titus Workman was pleasedby the turnout.

“We had a larger turnout than I’d hoped tohave,” Workman said.

“I don’t know if that will lead to more subscrip-tions or ad sales, but they at least know a little bitmore about us and what we do, and this will hope-fully get them to maintain their relationshipswith us.”

Managing Editor Stephen Hemelt was happyto have gotten the chance to mingle with those heand his staff cover on a daily basis and enjoyeach other’s company in a social atmosphere.

“It was such a great experience to meet with,joke with and spend time with, in a social setting,the people we report on and write about,” Hemeltsaid. “I think it speaks to the respect for the pa-per that so many would give up their evening tobe here with us.”

Roger Bell | The Daily HeraldThe Daily Herald unveiled its Rockfish during Business After Hours in August. ArtistNapoleon Hill, far right, who designed the fish, Halifax County Convention & Visitors BureauChairman Gene Minton, left, and Herald Publisher Titus Workman, center, are pictured.

Della Rose | The Daily HeraldTours were given of The Daily Herald press room. From left, Pressman DennisCarter shows Jay Baker, Jabo Dixon and Roanoke Rapids councilwoman SuettaScarborough how the press runs.

Della Rose | The Daily Herald

The gathering of the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce’s Busi-ness After Hours event held at The Daily Herald in August had a highturnout of business representatives, political leaders and residents.Pictured, from left, Flair Jewelry owner Renate Ingram, Walmart Man-ager Jim Kloosterman and Florine Bell




In line to sign up for S.W.O.T.

Catch of the Day!

The Daily Herald Ad Designer Heather Rhea-Wade brings in thecatch of the day! She shares this photo of her fishing in aNorthampton County pond one May afternoon.She says she started fishing about three years ago, and still travelsto the water often with bait and pole in hand. Heather says it is the thrill of catching the fish that motivates her,but simply states, ‘I’m a catch and release chick.’On the side, she also said she does not worm her own hook, anddoesn’t take the fish off the hook once caught, yet she still man-ages to catch really big fish.Heather has started teaching her kids to fish. She reports herdaughter Franchesca, 9, and son Jesse, 7, are trying to get castingthe line downpat. Sometimes, Heather says, she anticipates ahook to the back of her head, but she will continue to encourageher children to keep trying. Heather hopes to take a fishing trip to the mountains soon to wel-come the fall season.

Jonas Pope IV | The Daily HeraldThe Daily Herald employees — from left, Roger Bell, reporter; Rhonda Irby, ad executive; Julie Browder,classified ad executive, Tia Bedwell, designer; Jacqueline Hough, reporter, and Kris Smith, editor — getin line to sign up for a S.W.O.T. taskforce.

A new initiative underwayeventually Wick-wide began atThe Daily Herald recently.

The first S.W.O.T. —Strenghs Weaknesses Oppor-tunities Threats — meetingstook place with employeesvoicing what they think arethe strengths, weaknesses, op-portunities and threats of TheDaily Herald.

Then on July 18 and 19, therolling up of the sleeves beganwith another group, com-prised of department heads,managers, supervisors and

others, knocked out the top is-sues of concern at The DailyHerald.

At the end of the second day,the group decided on four ar-eas in need of work at thenewspaper. The areas and thegroup leaders include: nichepublications, Stephen Hemelt;circulation penetration, Tam-my Britt; IT/Technology, Lin-da Foster; and communica-tion, Linda Smith.

Newspaper employees werethen given a time frame inwhich to sign up to be on one of

the four task forces, allowingfor even distribution of em-ployees from various depart-ments. Now, task force leadersare setting up times to meetwith their groups to continuethe process of learning whatour concerns are at work andincreasing hopes to make ourworkplace what we want it tobe.

Business Office ExecutiveAssistant Sherry Agee was thechampion for planning theS.W.O.T. movement. Thankyou Sherry for your efforts.






HMBReview Updates from the Half Moon Bay Review

in Half Moon Bay, California

The Eagle

Half Moon Bay Review Publisher Debra Hershon, who has led

the newspaper for 15 years, told staff recently she will retire at the end of the year. She said she intends to spend the next several weeks help-ing the newspaper transition into new leadership.

Hershon began her career at the Review when she was hired as an advertising representative in 1991. She was quickly promoted to advertising manager and became publisher — responsible for all aspects of newspaper operations — in 1996. She is a recognized leader in the industry and sits on the board of directors of the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

Hershon has lived on the Coast-side for many years. In a column in the Review, Hershon noted that her children grew to adulthood on the Coastside. She is the proud grandmother of one.

“While I consider them to be the greatest accomplishment in my life, it has also been a privilege and an honor to be the publisher of this newspaper for the last two decades,” she writes in the column. “The time has come, however, for me to move on as well.”

Hershon says she plans to travel in the new year — including a long visit to family in India. She will live in Marin County, closer to her husband’s work. Husband

Marc Hershon is a renowned branding expert and says he plans to continue to produce the Re-view’s editorial cartoons.

The newspaper has thrived throughout Debra Hershon’s tenure. The Review has published for 113 years, at no time evolving any more quickly than during her years at the helm. She oversaw the change from fi lm to digital photo reproduction and the advent of Web publishing, which changed the newspaper from a single weekly deadline to a 24-hour newsgath-ering operation. In 2009, she spearheaded the overhaul of Review

offi ces on Kelly Avenue, bringing business and editorial functions under a single roof.

The Review has won dozens of awards from the CNPA dur-ing Hershon’s years as publisher, some years winning more than any other newspaper in the state. In 2006, it was named the best small weekly newspaper in the country by the Inland Press Foundation. The newspaper is owned by Wick Communications, publisher of 31 community news-papers across the country.

“Deb Hershon has been instru-mental in the development of

the Half Moon Bay Review, and served her community well over the years,” said Wick Communica-tions Chief Executive Offi cer John Mathew in an email.

Hershon’s fi ngerprints can be seen in all aspects of the news-paper’s management. She writes occasional columns, both print and online, and often proof-reads pages before they go to the printer. She is a hands-on advertising leader, making sales calls, managing the budget and planning revenue initiatives. Hershon sometimes delivers the newspaper, fi lls in for the produc-tion team, represents the paper at community functions and partici-pates on the newspaper’s editorial board.

She has also been active in civic causes, including stints on a city of Half Moon Bay economic develop-ment committee and the board of Senior Coastisders, which she served for eight years.

“I learned so much from her about relationships and the importance of sharing the story of Senior Coastsiders and our seniors,” said Cara Schmal-john, executive director of Senior Coastsiders. “She truly loved the work she was doing and this town and that was evident in everything she did.

“It is hard for me to think about Half Moon Bay without Deb at the helm of the newspaper,” Schmaljohn said.

— Clay Lambert

Half Moon Bay publisher announces coming retirement

Debra Hershon says she plans to travel and spend more time with family when she retires from the newspaper at the end of the year.




HMBReview Updates from the Half Moon Bay Review

in Half Moon Bay, California

The Eagle

A s he commutes by bicycle from his Montara home to the Half

Moon Bay Review offi ces, Bill Murray has time to think — about his job at the Review, about his kids’ day ahead, about weekend plans. And some-times he is simply overcome by what he sees around him.

“Being able to live and work on the Coastside is a blessing I’ve never taken for granted,” he said. “The days I commute to the Review by bike can take longer than they should, simply because sometimes I need to stop a few times to take in the beauty of this place — and talk to friends doing the same.”

On Nov. 14, the Review’s design director was named publisher of the 113-year-old, award-winning newspaper. Murray will transition into the job when current Publisher Debra Hershon retires in the coming weeks.

Murray, 41, has worked at the Review since 2005. He has deep roots in the community and is a well-respected newspaperman with a host of design awards to his credit.

Murray was born and raised in Los Gatos, and earned both a bach-elor’s and graduate degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz. While in college, he worked as an

illustrator for the City on a Hill news-paper, his fi rst professional exposure to the industry.

In 1997, he was hired as a designer and illustrator for the Palo Alto Week-ly and quickly promoted to design director for the Weekly’s sister news-papers, the Mountain View Voice and the Menlo Park Almanac.

“Working for a weekly community paper is very satisfying,” Murray said, shortly after his announcement was made to staff. “There is an intense amount of work, but the payoff is being able to see evidence of your labor around town and in the hands of readers.

There is a great sense of pride when I look up at a café and see the paper being passed around and talked about,” he said.

Since coming to the Review, Murray has distinguished himself by improv-ing the look of the newspaper. The newspaper has won numerous awards based on his skillful page designs over the last six years. He has been called upon frequently to provide expertise in design and production matters relating to other newspapers.

In addition, Murray has proven to be an innovative leader. He often takes the helm of Review technologi-cal initiatives, such as the construc-tion of a new Review website earlier this year. He has long been the news-paper’s house computer expert.

While he has distinguished him-self for his online and innovative de-sign work, Murray says newspapers remain close to his heart.

“Newspaper as a medium is hard to replace,” he said. “I love getting breaking news online and nothing can beat that immediacy. But seeing a photo in print of my son rounding the bases at his Little League game feels somehow more important. The evidence is tacked up on my kids’ bedroom walls.”

Murray’s appointment brought spontaneous applause in the newspa-per’s Kelly Avenue offi ce.

“I was hoping (we) would see the benefi t in hiring someone local with roots in this town, so Bill Mur-ray is a perfect choice,” said Her-shon’s whose own 15-year stretch as publisher will end in January. “On top of that, he is creative, thinks outside the box and fully embraces change.

“The icing on the cake is that he is beloved by the staff,” she noted.

Murray has lived in Montara with his wife, Gay, and children Owen and June, since 1999. His children attend Cabrillo Unifi ed schools; Gay is a school teacher in Woodside. He is an avid outdoorsman. He often bicycles to work and has been known to sneak off at lunch to do a little surfi ng. He says the ability to work and live in such a picturesque place continues to inspire him.

— Clay Lambert

Longtime Coastsider Murray named new Review publisher


Bill Murray poses with the bicycle he rides to work most days. Murray, a Montara resident, has been named the next publisher of the Half Moon Bay Review.






HMBReview Updates from the Half Moon Bay Review

in Half Moon Bay, California

The Eagle

Sonia Myers is one tough mother. The folks in Half Moon Bay have known it ever since

her high school days, when she starred on the high school softball fi eld. Her daughter, 2-year-old Coral, certainly knows it.

This fall, Sonia proved it to the world.Sonia was set to compete in the renowned

Tough Mudder obstacle race at Squaw Valley, Calif., Sept. 17. It is not for the faint of heart nor the fat of stomach.

The 10-mile course in the Sierra Nevada range gains 2,300 feet in altitude as racers navi-gate a series of challenges that event organizers say were developed by British Special Forces. Participants scale a wall, drag a log uphill, run through fi re and sprint through live wires that carry 10,000 volts. (I’m not making this up.)

Sonia got the adventure-racing bug earlier this year when she competed in the Big Blue Adventure Race in Half Moon Bay. Fairly tame by comparison, participants in the Big Blue run, kayak and bike on a course that is a mystery to them until they are handed a map at the start line.

You might think that fi nishing the Tough Mudder would be enough for any otherwise mild-mannered newspaper customer service rep, but Sonia decided to use the occasion to take fundraising to the extreme as well.

Tough Mudder asks participants if they would like to donate to The Wounded Warrior Project, an organization that provides aid to severely wounded U.S. servicemen and women as they transition back to civilian life.

Not content to simply raid her own piggy bank, Sonia and a group of friends decided to

throw a fundraising bash at a local bar. They secured donated beer and a host of prizes and expect hundreds of friends to show up.

Sonia’s husband, Curt, is a professional outdoors videographer. They are planning to outfi t Sonia with a camera and to document the entire adventure. Look for links to the video @wicknews on Twitter.

— Clay Lambert

Myers proves toughness on obstacle course

Review helps nonprofi t plan for worstIn early August, a consultant representing the massive

Silicon Valley Community Foundation paid a visit to the Review to discuss ways the philanthropy can help prepare the underserved area for the next natural disaster.

Regina Neu met with Review Publisher Debra Hershon and Managing Editor Clay Lambert for about 45 minutes, discuss-ing lessons learned from a March tsunami warning in the area and the best way to disseminate information in the event of an earthquake or other potentially deadly event.

Half Moon Bay is only 30 minutes from San Francisco, but its location, over two-lane roads through the Santa Cruz Mountains and away from the much more populated areas to the east, can leave area residents isolated.

During the March tsunami threat, the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Offi ce notifi ed residents living in the potential inundation zone of a voluntary evacuation order. For the most part, offi cial notifi cation came via phone or text message. In addition, the Review staff worked through the night, providing dozens of web updates, tweets and Facebook posts notifying readers of the diminishing nature of the danger.

The meeting with Neu largely focused on the need to better bridge the language gap, as the Half Moon Bay area is home to many who predominately speak Spanish. Hershon and Lambert pledged to do anything within their power to help reach that community, as well as continue to bring the most up-to-date information to readers via the Web and print.

The Silicon Valley Community Foundation is listed as No. 68 in the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s top 400 philanthropic nonprofi ts and has $2 billion in assets under management. There is no immediate word on how much the organization will give to enhance disaster preparedness on the San Mateo County coast or when any contribution might be made.

— Clay Lambert

Myers on a recent training run.




HMBReview Updates from the Half Moon Bay Review

in Half Moon Bay, California

The Eagle

Mark Foyer is a man of many talents – Half Moon Bay Review sportswriter, 1950s television trivia

master, and, for several years now, “parade spotter.”The Half Moon Bay ‘Ol Fashioned Fourth of July

parade is one of the most important annual events in the Review’s coverage area. The San Mateo County Coastside can be shrouded in fog throughout the sum-mer, and that often means the semi-regular fireworks show is a dud. Instead, patriotic Coastsiders put on their red, white and blue and gather along Main Street for a

parade that could only be seen in rural America.Riders on horseback, folks with their dogs, Boy

Scout troops – dozens of entirely local people and organizations parade through downtown in an event that is sandwiched between a benefi t breakfast and a fun barbecue lunch.

Foyer is in the middle of it all.“Basically, I walk up and down Main Street. Every

parade entrant has a number and when I get close enough to (event MC) Cameron Palmer, I signal him

the number,” Mark says.Palmer then fi nds the corresponding name on his

sheet so that he can announce each parade entrant from the reviewing platform.

“I do it with hand signals, sort of like a referee,” Mark says.

That should make it easy for Mark. He’s been a sportswriter at the Review since basketball was played with peach baskets.

— Clay Lambert

T he Half Moon Bay Review has partnered with a local

fi rm that has created an interac-tive online mapping system that is interesting now and could be amazing in the future.

The map comes courtesy of GatheringPoint, a Half Moon Bay company located doors away from the Review on the city’s Main Street. The partnership began when GatheringPoint principal Spencer Nassar walked into the Review offi ce and shared a demonstration with Manag-ing Editor Clay Lambert. He

offered to share the service for free in exchange for the chance to work with his fi rst newspaper client.

The map is essentially a Google map with a series of overlays scraped from exist-ing databases. Users can see YouTube videos that have been tagged in the community, read their neighbors’ latest tweets, fi nd out where the art galleries are, and track real-time traffi c reports, among many other things.

In the near future, the news-room plans to begin geotagging

stories so that readers can fi nd the location of news events as points on the map. The Review is also planning on pinpointing in-teresting places noted in stories. For example, the newspaper has already included information on the map that ties to a recent story on safety concerns at various area beaches.

The map could even be used to pinpoint advertisers who might be offered a spot on the map for a fee or as a special value added to their print advertising.

The Review is calling the project “Walkabout,” a name that hints at the fact that readers can walk to areas on the map. It also dovetails with the brand-ing for the newspaper’s popular Talkabout Web forum.

Walkabout went live on July 21 and is already generating some buzz around town.

— Clay Lambert

Sportswriter in middle of annual parade

New interactive map brings life to Review website







welcomes new editor

T he Anchorage Press welcomes managing editor

Victoria Barber to the Press World Headquar-

ters in downtown Anchorage Alaska. Barber

joins the team in mid-December, and is returning

to the city in which she was raised. She is a fourth

generation Alaskan who is currently the editor of

the Seward Journal. She used to work at Alaska

Newspapers, Inc. where she edited a trio of rural

weeklies, The Dutch Harbor Fisherman, The Arctic

Sounder and The Tundra Drums. She has lived in

Kotzebue and Bethel.

Anchorage had remarkable weather this winter,

with lots of early snow and a few days of near-

record setting cold in November. The arrival of

winter also brought about six weeks at the Press

during which the newspaper was without an editor

in chief. Many Wick employees—more people than

we ever expected—offered to pitch in and help. That

warmed our hearts, if not our bones, as graphic de-

sign Dean Potter, calendar editor Rachel Drinkard

and staff writer Scott Christiansen were playing

musical chairs in the newsroom.

We took a few of you up on the offer, and for your

assistance, we are sincerely grateful.

An Eagle shout-out and thank you to: Ryan

Sleight and staff at the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman

printing plant for patience and accommodation;

Wick’s digital media director Pete Bakke and web

developer Christian Ramirez for help with our web

presence (Christian, you rock!); Frontiersman edi-

tor Heather Resz and Tuscon Weekly editor Jimmy

Boegle for being grammar and style cops. A special

thank-you goes to Press publisher emeritus Nick

Coltman for his editorial guidance and advice.

Longtime freelancers and former Press edito-

rial staffers Susan Buchanan and David Holthouse

pitched in with solid stories. The Press also relied

on our stable of freelancers, Lisa Maloney, Kris

Farmen, Jeri Kopet and Ben Histand. We were

able to attract new freelancers in November.

Paula Dobbyn submitted a wonderful essay on the

advice, life and death of a dear friend. Newcomers

Rachael Schwartz and Louise Freeman submitted

film reviews for our round-up the eleventh annual

Anchorage International Film Festival.

—Scott Christiansen

Victoria Barber

Press office becomes topless bar

Press World Headquarters in Anchorage became, for three or four days in late October, a topless bar—

but only on the outside. The feature film The Frozen Ground, starring Nicolas Cage and John Cusack, was being shot on the 500 block of East Fifth Avenue. The film tells the true story of an Alaska cop tracking a serial killer, and our beloved but somewhat gritty location was judged by scouts to best approximate Anchorage in the oil-boom days of the late 1970s. We’re flattered!

Press employees were fascinated to watch an army of film production professionals paint signs, remove lighting, add lighting, lay cables, erect tents, lay more cables, position extras, and mumble endlessly into mobile phones and walkie-talkies. As business closed on the Friday before Halloween, the first serious snow-fall began to drift over East Fifth, adding another au-thentic Anchorage touch that no Hollywood bigshot could order.

The big, red, plastic Press distribution box out front was removed—too modern, evidently—but the metal Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman box remained. Look for it in theaters sometime in late 2012.




Payette, IDPayette, ID www.ind-ent.comwww.ind-ent.comPayette County’s Nationally Acclaimed NewspaperPayette County’s Nationally Acclaimed Newspaper

Cherise Kaechele has joined the staff atthe Independent-Enterprise as a news re-porter.

Kaechele graduated from theUniversity of Oregon in Eugene, OR,with a Bachelor of Arts in journalism.

She was born in Tucson, Ariz., andmoved with her family to the Northwestwhen she was 4.

She moved to Ontario, OR, with herfamily in 2002 and graduated fromOntario High School in 2006.

At the University of Oregon, Kaechelestudied journalism, photography andArabic.

She enjoys photography, reading, writ-ing and watching movies.

Kaechele will be covering mostly cityand county government, but will also beassigned to some school functions andother events going on in and aroundPayette and Washington counties.

Kaechelejoins staffat Payettenewspaper

Cherise Kaechele

The Independent-Enterprise in Payette, Idaho, took part in the annual Payette County Fair Parade in New Plymouth, Idaho Aug.11. Above, the Argus Observer and Independent-Enterprise van rolled down the main street of New Plymouth while (below, fromleft) Lori Schaffeld, Bill McCarver and Kari Massoth made sure those lining the parade route received plenty of candy.





16 G R E E N V A L L E Y

A N D S U N Serving Green Valley, Sahuarita, Amado, Arivaca, Tumacácori, Tubac

MAGAZINESahuarita Magazine

shows off the best from one of the

state’s fastest-growing areas

NEW PUBLICATION!Puzzle Perfect, a tab dedicated to fun and games,launched in August

IT SURE WAS a tough way to end an internship.

David Rookhuyzen, an Ari-zona State University journal-ism senior, was injured when his car took on a semi on the interstate July 31. David was returning to the Tucson area after a weekend visit to Phoe-nix to see family.

David suffered a few broken bones and bruises but things could have been a lot worse. ASU and the Green Valley News & Sun staff rallied around

David and his family during his stay at a Tucson hospital, in-cluding a couple of days in ICU.

David was scheduled to graduate in December but put off his final semester until Janu-ary to focus on healing. During his 10 weeks in Green Valley and Sahuarita, he turned some terrific stories and embraced community journalism. He’ll be missed, but we’re glad he’s on the mend.

And we’re pretty sure he’ll never forget Green Valley.

DAVID ROOKHUYZEN recuperates after his July 31 accident.


Intern on road to recovery after traffi c accident



1. Thanksgiving dish

5. Campus military org.

9. Speed

13. “Don’t bet ___!” (2 wd)

14. Calyx part

15. “God’s Little ___”

16. Indisposed (3 wd)

19. Idiot

20. The real ___

21. Denials

22. Homebuilder’s strip

23. Sneeze response

27. “Desire Under the ___”

31. Cartoon art

32. Schuss, e.g.

33. Dirty

34. Calif. airport (acronym)

35. Beasts of burden

37. ___ cross

38. “Hamlet” has fi ve

40. ___ constrictor

41. Football’s ___ Bowl

43. Eye affl iction

44. Wall alcoves where light enters (2 wd)

47. At no time, poetically

49. Bit

50. Solicits money while performing music

52. On fi re

55. Mugshots (2 wd)

58. Pepsi, e.g.

59. Representative

60. Bad marks

61. Any group derived from a simple aromatic ring

62. Erupt

63. “___ we forget”DOWN

1. “___ rang?”

2. “___ and the King of Siam”

3. Calf-length skirt

4. Chest protector

5. Discuss again

6. Kind of column

7. Spotted, to Tweety

8. Ornamental climbing plants

9. Tennis ___ (pl.)

10. Bounce back, in a way

11. Deuce topper

12. “___ Town Too” (1981 hit)

14. Charger

17. French wine region

18. Appear

22. Go for

23. Balls

24. Legislate

25. A mile a minute

26. English exam fi nale, often

28. Kind of ticket

29. Cat’s cry

30. Disparaging remarks

35. Convent superiors

36. Fly high

39. Voluptuous

41. Fairy tale fi gure

42. Fleet’s commander

45. Roll about in mud

46. “Enchanted April” setting

48. Barely get, with “out”

50. Crude dude

51. Hideous

52. Preferred above others

53. “Good going!”

54. Patrilineal clan

55. ___ Victor (acronym)

56. Former measure of U.S.

economy (acronym)

57. Undertake, with “out”











The Green Valley

News & Sun presents


Puzzle Perfect,

a new publication from

The Green Valley News & Sun!

August 28, 2011 | Volume One | Issue One


Employees at the Green Valley News and Sahuarita Sun identi-fied small and large projects they want to tackle in coming months during a two-day SWOT retreat (strengths, weakness-es, opportunities, threats) with group manager David Lewis. The ideas ranged from splitting classified rates/ads between Sahuarita and Green Valley to enhancing branding of the paper throughout the community. SWOT Committee members are, from left, Irene Redondo, Eric Tobias, Kitty Bottemiller, Michelle Forehand, Lynda Byrne, Susan Dean (group leader, holding team mascot), Sarah Keith, Bonnie Olsen and Julie McLain.

The Green Valley News & Sun hon-ored one of their own in Novemberwith a community outreach called “Heroes for Hunger,” the culmina-tion of a month-long food drive.

The event, which the paper plans to hold an-nually, was a tribute to Mario Aguilar, who diedin February of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Mario worked as a photographer for the papers for 16 years and was known throughout the commu-nity for his quality work and compassion.

To honor his legacy of giving back to the community, the newspapers held a daylong celebration involving local businesses and or-ganizations, all volunteer-run. Ultimately, twolocal food banks received more than four tons of food and more than $14,000.

Mario, who was the 2007 Arizona Newspa-pers Association Photographer of the Year, was well-represented by family and friends at the event. The day ended with the launching of balloons that included messages to Mario tucked inside.

After a four-month search, Green Valley and Sahuarita brought on a new sports edi-tor in November.

Kevin Duke arrived from Angel Fire, N.M., where he spent the summer working at golf courses and writing for a golf magazine.

Kevin brought with him 20 years’ experience as a sports-writer, photographer and edi-tor.

He also has an extensive background in the golf indus-try along with time in radio and in front of the camera.

Kevin worked for the Sangre De Christo Chronicle in Angel Fire, as well as papers in Texas and Oklahoma.

Kevin got a taste of being “flexible” when he was asked to step in front of the camera early on for the Green Valley News’ twice-weekly “Top Head-lines” report. He drew on years

in front of the microphone on radio and TV, and he was a pro!

Kevin also managed to mix his love for Dallas Cowboys football with community news by tracking down a local fam-ily headed for Phoenix for the Arizona Cardinals-Cowboys game.

He got a good “family rival-ry” story out of it, but unfortu-nately had to watch Dallas lose the game on the final play.

We promised Kevin lots of sunshine and opportu-nities to hit the golf course, but we never said the job would be easy.

Welcome to Green Valley, Kevin!








‘Tucson Weekly’ launches Project White House 2012

ave you ever dreamed of running for president of the United States?C’mon, you know you’ve been watching the GOP presidential debates and think-

ing to yourself: I can do better than that.If you’re an outsider with

new ideas … if you’ve got the fire in your belly … if you’ve got lots of stuff twirling ’round in your head … then Project White House 2012 is for you!

Project White House is a Reality Journalism competi-tion revolving around the Arizona presidential pri-mary on Feb. 28. You see, in Arizona, candidates don’t need to gather signatures to get on the presidential-primary bal-lot. They don’t need to pay a filing fee. They don’t need to show a birth certificate. They don’t even need to be a mem-ber of the party whose nomi-nation they’re seeking!

All they have to do is fill out a two-page form, have it nota-rized, and send it off to the Arizona secretary of state.

After they file, participants will be asked to send their campaign propaganda to the Tucson Weekly: a biography, a photo (preferably in front of an American flag) and plans for fixing the country. It can be as simple as a series of numerals, or as complicated as a 500-page manifesto. (We make no promises that we’ll actually read 500-page manifestos.)

When the presidential field is set in early January, we’ll introduce our favorite candidates to the readers of the Tucson Weekly, and launch a website where participants can publish position papers, campaign posters or YouTube campaign ads.

During January and February, we’ll present various challenges to our candidates, and on Thursday, Feb. 23, in our print edition, we’ll announce our endorsements in both the Republican and Democratic primaries.

Then, on Election Day, Tuesday, Feb. 28, the contest will be in the hands of the voters.Really: Can we do much worse than we have now?

‘Inside Tucson Business’ honors Women of Influence for 2011

nside Tucson Business inducted 10 women as the Class of 2011 in the eighth annual Women of Influence.

The honorees are selected from nominations from readers of the business publication in recognition of their achievements, both professionally and for the community.

They are then featured in a special section and given their honors at a breakfast that was held on Nov. 15.

Two women were given special honors this year in recognition of the work they’ve done in the office of U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot through the head Jan. 8 at a “Congress on Your Corner” event. Twelve others were also wounded and six people were killed in that shooting. One who was killed was Gabe Zimmerman who helped lead constituent services. Awardees Patty Valera and Amanda Sapir say they recall Zimmerman and still see him as a mentor in their work.

The keynote speaker got attendees motivated. It was Niya Butts, womens basketball head coach at the University of Arizona, whose team at the time of the breakfast, was off to an undefeated start to the season.








‘The Daily Territorial’ sees waves of change!he Daily Territorial staff has seen many changes over the past couple of years, but nothing like the most recent excitement. We have begun the process of taking over the composing and editorial duties, in addition to the current ad processing and

public records reporting. This brings most tasks of getting The Daily Territorial out to our readers into one department. The staff is learning how to layout the paper and next will learn editorial operations. Teamwork has proven to be the key to our success! Thanks, to everyone, for a smooth transition!

Women of Infl uence


W i






Local news you need, information you want.Local news you need, information you want.Your community-involved newspaper.Your community-involved newspaper. www.argusobserver.comwww.argusobserver.comOntario, OROntario, OR

Jone Hansen has been named the em-ployee of the quarter for the second quar-ter in 2011, for her outstanding work atthe Argus Observer.

One of The Argus Observer’s largestpublications of the year, Horizons, waspublished at the end of July. The tab wasa huge success and is soemthing the en-tire staff can be proud of. The theme forthe 2011 tab was “Behind the Scenes.”

The staff at the Argus Observer andthe Independent Enterprise haveworked to produce a Payette County

Fair Tab, which was published the firstpart of August.

The sports staff has also worked toproduce the annual Football Tab, with atheme of “Chasing the Ring,” in refer-ence to local schools chasing after thestate championship ring, which oneschool in the coverage are has accom-plished during the last football season.

Many members of the Argus Observer’sstaff, and families, met for a barbequeheld to honor those volunteering for lcoalevents, hosted by Jo Ogburn. Editor LarryHurrle (left) and wife Debbie and JoeRodriguez and wife Kay go through theline. Publisher John Dillon (below) pre-pares some of the food for the gathering,which was a success.




Local news you need, information you want.Local news you need, information you want.Your community-involved newspaper.Your community-involved newspaper. www.argusobserver.comwww.argusobserver.comOntario, OROntario, OR

Payette, IDPayette, ID www.ind-ent.comwww.ind-ent.comPayette County’s Nationally Acclaimed NewspaperPayette County’s Nationally Acclaimed Newspaper

Argus Observer Publisher John Dillon proved recently he never asks more of his em-ployees than what he would do himself. During a busy schedule around the holidaysand a slight worker shortage, Dillon took it upon himself to do a little janitorial workand make sure all the garbage cans in the building were emptied.



Former Argus Observer publisher FranMcLean celebrated his 80th birthday inNovember. His family invited all hisfriends to join in the celebration, hostedby his daughter and son-in-law HeatherMcLean Crosby and Scott Crosby, in anopen house held at the St. Matthew’sEpiscopal Church in Ontario, OR. Whilepublisher at the Argus Observer, McLeanbegan a tradition of having a pizza partyfor employees in late November. The par-ty was to commemorate the ArgusObserver becoming a daily newspaper,rather than a twice a week newspaper.The event was quickly changed to be-come a celebration of going daily and cel-ebrating McLean’s birthday. The year, theArgus Observer again commemoratedthe anniversary of going daily on theWednesday before Thanksgiving. Sincethe Argus publishes both a p.m. newspa-per on Wednesday and an a.m. edition forThanksgiving morning, the staff wastreated to pizza which was coined a cele-bration for going daily and McLean’s 80thbirthday. McLean is still very active in thecommunity and continues to lead the an-nual Help Them To Hope philanthropiccampaign during a holiday season.

Lindsey Parker and Josh Davis were married Oct. 26. Parker is a lifestyle reporter atthe Argus Observer newspaper in Ontario, OR. She is a graduate of Boise StateUniversity and came to work in Ontario in May 2011. Davis is an employee for PayetteCounty in Payette, Idaho. The couple celebrated a honeymoon in Pendleton, OR.






Best Along the River Since 1913

Employees of the month





L’Observateur goes to the festFor the second year in a row,

L’Observateur employeesmanned a booth at the annualAndouille Festival, which cele-

brates the area’s best-knowndelicacy. The booth helps the

paper to both increase circula-tion numbers and to strength-en its ties to the local commu-

nity. At left, L’Observateurstaff members (left to right)

Christine Browning, RobinShannon and Rhett Triche are

ready to sell some subscrip-tions. Below left, Athena

Lacombe, niece of staff mem-ber Tasha Atwood, shows her

L’Observateur pride whilebeing held by Dean Atwood.Below right, Asia Scioneaux

catches up on current eventswhile at the festival.





The Gold Program has been the most ambitiousadvertising initiative in the history of Lake Havasu City!

For several months, advertising account executivesidentified some 2,300 prospects to become activeadvertisers with Today’s News-Herald, Parker Pioneer, and Each accountexecutive researched competitive publications, onlinesites and traveled their territory to select a minimum of300 prospects for a special invitation to attend a mar-keting & advertising seminars in Lake Havasu City theweek of Aug. 8.

Each prospect was then mailed a personalized invi-tation to attend one of 18 seminars.

Prospects were shown the value and return oninvestment that a frequency-based advertising cam-

paign in our print and online publications would deliv-er to their business. The goal of the advertising depart-ment was to mail invitations to over 2,300 local busi-nesses with the intent of securing 400-500 prospects toattend one of the 18 seminars and to close a minimumof 80 new contracts.

The results of the Gold Program were incredible!Additional meetings had to be scheduled as more than400 appointments were made with local businessesthat heard a presentation on the importance of fre-quency in marketing and advertising and how variousmedia reach buyers and shoppers. More than 85 newbusinesses signed up for this exciting program that per-mits an advertiser to advertise twice a week with abonus “double ad” and bonus “color ad” once a month!


This year’s Halloween costume contest at River CityNewspapers was a hit. First place costume went toTracy Blackwell, right, as the half burned Barbie dollfrom the movie “Toy Story.” Second place went toAlexis Christensen dressed as a police officer.

Halloween strikesRCN office

RCN strikes Gold

Awards season was very good to the Today’s News-Herald editorial staff has been recognized for theirefforts over the past year.

At the Western News&Info Inc. seminar in Prescottat the end of September, Jackie Leatherman wasawarded a first place in Enterprise Writing, a secondplace in Excellence in Writing; Nathan Bruttell wasawarded a first place in Feature/Specialty Writing; andPam Ashley received a third place in Feature/Specialty

Writing.On Oct. 15, the Arizona Newspaper

Association/Associated Press Managing Editor’sawarded Jackie Leatherman with three awards.Leatherman received a first-place award for Best NewsStory, first-place for Investigative Reporting and sec-ond place for Enterprise Writing. The newspaper tookthree general awards for Best Use of Photography,Editorial Page Excellence and Page Design Excellence.

Fall awards season good to RCN news staff

RCN chili cook-off holiday hit

Left: Membbers ofthe River CityNewspapers staffgather around avariety of chili offer-ings at the Nov. 18chili cook-off.

Right: Agnes Bunch’schicken chili was thetop vote-getter.Publisher MikeQuinn congratulatesthe cook-off winner.

Kudos to theCirculation Departmentfor being top seller in thefinal Circulation Blitz of2011. Even with theabsence of their manager,Alexis, Samantha andSerena were able to sell 73new subscriptions.

WNI Third Quarter BestAd Contest Winners

Best Paid Ad Series-Color: First Place went to:Steve Mock/Ginny Frank

Best Public NoticeSection: First Place wentto: Laura Kirsch

Best Online Ad —Static: Second Place wentto: Steve Mock

Best Classified Section:First Place went to: LauraKirsch/Dina Goss

Circulation, advertisingand production awarded








For the third consecutive year, Ari-zona Range News Photographer DaveBrown has been named the 2011 ANAPhotographer of the Year.

Brown took home the coveted awardduring the Arizona Newspaper Associa-tion (ANA)’s 2011 Better NewspapersContest.

This year, 46 newspapers and 19 highschools entered in the Better Newspa-pers Contest for a total of 1,186 entries,said ANA Communications ManagerPerri Collins.

The Better Newspapers Contest con-sists of nine categories that measure theoverall quality of the newspapers and 18categories that honor individuals whocontribute to journalism excellence, shesaid.

The Arizona Range News received3rd place for overall “General Excel-lence” in its Division 1 category – Non-Daily circulation under 3,500. The win-ner was Capital Times in Phoenix andsecond went to Camp Verde Journal inCamp Verde.

“The General Excellence awardsjudge the newspapers as a whole,”Collins said.

General Excellence is calculated byadding the points won in the “Excel-lence in Advertising” contest togetherwith the points won in the “Better News-papers Contest,” she explained.

The Range News also won 2nd placeawards for “Community Service andJournalistic Achievement,” for a serieswritten by Reporter Carol Broeder andManaging Editor Ainslee S. Wittig onNorthern Cochise Community Hospital’stermination of the former CEO.

The newspaper also garnered 2ndplace awards for “Reporting and NewsWriting Excellence,” and “EditorialPage Excellence,” as well as 3rd placefor “Departmental News and Copy Edit-ing Excellence.”

Among individual staff members,Wittig took 1st place for “Best SportsStory” for “Kicking up sand in the boys’faces;” and Steve Reno took 1st place inthe “Best Team, Sport, or Sports BeatCoverage” for baseball coverage as wellas 2nd place for football coverage.

Wittig and Brown nearly swept thecategory “Best News Photograph,” withWittig receiving 1st place for “Fire atWillcox High School,” and Brown tak-ing 3rd place for “A firefighter watch-es.”

Brown also took 2nd place in “BestFeature Photograph” for “Fire dancers,”and 3rd place in “Best Sports Photo-graph” for “Spring Training Ends,” aswell as 3rd place in “Best Feature PhotoLayout” for “Willcox firefightersreceive praise.”

Wittig also won 3rd place for “BestSustained Coverage or Series’ for hercoverage of the fire at Willcox HighSchool.

Publisher Jane Amari said, “RangeNews employees do well in contestsbecause of their obvious commitment toWillcox. Awards are nice, but servingthe readers is what they do best.”

Wittig said, “Our entire staff caresabout the product we put out eachweek. The teamwork is why we, as anewspaper and as individuals, have con-sistently won awards each year. Theymay change every year, as our competi-tion is tough, and always has been. Butwe strive to do the best we can for ourcommunity.”

“A special thank you to the New YorkPress Association, for judging theentries this year,” Collins said in herOct. 15 statement.

The awards were presented on Satur-day, Oct. 15 at the conclusion of theANA Fall Convention and Annual Meet-ing, at Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale,Ariz.

Ross Estavillo, right, was honored asWillcox’s Favorite Son for 2011. Hereceives his plaque from SteveReno, advertising representativeand sportswriter at the ArizonaRange News, which sponsors theaward annually during the WillcoxCowboy Hall of Fame dinner. Alsohonored was Rob Krentz, who wasposthumously inducted into theCowboy Hall of Fame. Krentz waskilled at his ranch near the borderin March 2010, likely by a drug-smuggling illegal immigrant. Thelong-time rancher’s death was acatalyst for border security in Ari-zona and nationwide. Arizona leg-islators also began taking borderpolicy into their own hands withthe passage of strong (and contro-versial) laws. His wife Sue accept-ed his plaque.

Arizona Range News editorial staff, from left: Reporter Carol Broeder, ManagingEditor Ainslee Wittig, Photographer Dave Brown, and not pictured, Sports-writer Steve Reno.

Brown is 3-time top photographer

CAROL BROEDER / Arizona Range News

Carol Broeder


Range Newssponsors Willcox’sFavorite Son

ARN takes 3rd in general excellence





Season of change at the Capital JournalA flood year that brought the South

Dakota cities of Pierre and Fort Pierre record volumes of water on the Missouri River is also bringing changes to the Capital Journal.

The newspaper roster now includes some new faces:

* Justin Joiner came on board as assis-tant managing editor in early September, leaving behind the managing editor’s position at the Glendive Ranger Review in Montana. The Wyoming native will be overseeing the Capital Journal’s cov-erage of the South Dakota Legislature starting with the 2012 session. Justin also manages the paper’s social network-ing and website and is the point person in the redesign project. He worked pre-viously as a copy editor, writer, graphic designer and photographer for several papers in Montana and Wyoming.

* South Dakota news veteran Lance Nixon became the Capital Journal’s man-aging editor in late September, returning to a city where he’d spent four years covering state government for one of the other dailies in the state, the Aberdeen American News. Nixon also worked as a business/agriculture reporter for South Dakota’s largest daily, the Argus Leader, and as an agriculture and research news editor at South Dakota State University.

* Sheri Wiechmann joined the Capital Journal as district sales manager in the Circulation Department in November. Wiechmann worked previously as com-munications specialist for the South Dakota Education Association/NEA, as assistant to the editor for the Meade County Times Tribune, and as pro-duction and assistant manager for the Farmer/Rancher Exchange. Along with expertise in circulation and communica-tions, Wiechmann brings to the work-

place an interest in children, education, Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and hot cars.

* Scott “Woody” Woodruff has joined the Capital Journal as pressman, com-ing from Iowa Falls, Iowa. Woodruff worked previously for Wick publica-tions in Arizona and Nevada and is quickly getting to know the press at the Cap Journal, although veteran pressman Derald Gross will continue to do press maintenance and oversee printing of “The Reminder.”

* Advertising director April Pullman once again led the Capital Journal’s Christmas tree decorating at the state Capitol – a show in which selected busi-nesses are invited to decorate and display trees in the halls of the state Capitol for visitors during December. This was the second year that the Capital Journal was able to participate in decorating a Christmas tree at the Capitol, and the newspaper is proud to be a part of a longstanding tradition that many busi-nesses have enjoyed for many years. Several Newspaper employees turned out Nov. 20 to decorate the tree with the ornaments for this year’s theme of “Starlit Wonderland,” as well as a few extras that featured the Cap Journal’s publications.

Advertising’s 2nd Annual “Pit Day” was a success, with over $10,000 in holi-day greetings sold within an eight-hour period. Just as in 2010, all advertising consultants were in house for the entire day at their desks calling on advertisers to run these ads between Thanksgiving and Christmas. No specials, price points or sale items… strictly holiday greetings!

On the cyberfront, the Capital Journal is monitoring traffic to the newspaper website via Twitter and Facebook, and

what editors are seeing points to some interesting trends. It appears that the Cap Journal’s “important” stories (about flood levies and airlines leaving town, for example) don’t generate nearly the hits that light and bright stories generate -- about a woman who has lived in the same house since 1934, for example, or

a woman who is supposed to have been dead for five years when she shows up to renew her driver’s license. This will sug-gest a future direction that includes more of these stories. Meantime, editors and the publisher will continue to monitor these new sources of information that the Internet makes available.

Capital Journal employees and family help decorate the Capital Journal’s Christmas tree which is on display at the Capitol building through Dec. 26. From left, Justin Joiner, Lance Nixon, Aspen Joiner, Julie Furchner, James Shanor and Lori Owens are pictured.





24 Mat-Su Valley


By Frontiersman staff

Wick Communications, parent company of the Frontiersman, has named Mat-Su Borough resident Mark Kelsey publisher. Kelsey, who will begin work on Dec. 12, cur-rently serves as communications coordinator for the state Depart-ment of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.

Previously, he spent 12 years in Alaska journalism, including two stints at the Frontiersman, where he served as managing editor from

2005-07, and as sports editor from 1995-97.

Kelsey succeeds Kari Sleight, who retired in October after 14 years as publisher. He lives near Wasilla with his wife, Lisa, who teaches at Shaw Elementary School. They

have a 5-year-old son. “It is a privilege to return to the

Frontiersman as publisher, and humbling to follow Kari Sleight with her impressive record of accomplishment,” he said. “This is a great community newspaper with

a proud history. I look forward to continuing that fine tradition.”

The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman began publishing as a weekly news-paper in 1947 and has grown to be a three-day-a-week newspaper with one of the most visited web-sites in the Mat-Su Borough.

“We are pleased to welcome Mark back to the Frontiersman,” Wick CEO John Mathew said. “His background, experience and com-mitment to the community are assets that will complement our already excellent team.”

Mark Kelsey named Frontiersman publisher‘It is a privilege to return to the Frontiersman as publisher.

... This is a great community newspaper with a proud

history. I look forward to continuing that fine tradition.’

—Mark Kelsey

Mark Kelsey


GREENFrontiersman Photo Editor Robert DeBerry poses with the Cabbage Fairies, a group of enthusiastic people who promote the Alaska State Fair’s biggest attraction — the Giant Cabbage Weigh-Off. During the off-season, the Cabbage Fairies promote the fair and the world-famous weigh-off, which set a world record in 2009 when a local dentist rolled in with a 127-pound head.





The Daily NewsBalmy Christmas


Although the temperature said otherwise, the calendar insisted the holiday season had begun.So with temperatures hovering near 80, and humidity far exceeding that mark, Daily Newsemployees, from left, Vicki Schilling, Marcelle Hanemann and Kelley Sandifer decorated aChristmas tree in a green space in front of the office building. During the weekend, Schillinghad creatively crafted ornaments out of press plates, and purchased solar lights, red ribbonbows and poinsettias. The result is a beautiful tree that is helping bring Christmas cheer along amajor thoroughfare in Bogalusa.







2011 Blast band sponsor

Herald circulation manager out of hospital, recovering



Jenna Godt, the Williston Herald circulation manager who was struck by a drunken driver while she was delivering newspapers, is back home and back on her feet after a tumultuous battle in critical condition.

Godt, 27, arrived in Williston on Wednesday night after spending 10 days in the hospital, including several days in intensive care.

In the weeks since the accident, Godt said she has been amazed at the support she’s received from the community.

“It’s almost surreal to me,” Godt said.Godt was walking back to her vehicle

parked on 11th Street East in the early part of her route about 1:15 a.m. on Aug. 7 when she was struck by a 1989 Nissan pickup truck.

The blow sent Godt flying, and she landed in the street bleeding from about 20 different cuts from head to toe. Her skull and pelvis were fractured in multiple

places. She suffered three broken vertebrae and bruises everywhere. Police said the driver of the pickup, 24-year-old Allen Linghor, from Williston, had been drinking and driving. He was charged with DUI with serious bodily injury and careless driving.

Before hitting Jenna, his truck sideswiped Jenna’s vehicle, where her two sons, Kristian, 6, and Ayvie, 4, were inside. The boys were not injured.

Godt said she spoke with Linghor by phone while she was in the hospital. She said he profoundly apologized.

“He seems like a pretty decent guy, and seems pretty broke up,” Godt said, adding Linghor said the accident has led him to rethink his lifestyle and change it for the better. Some of Godt’s family did know Linghor before the accident, but Godt did not.

She said he sounded sincere, but she doesn’t know for sure.

“I’d hate to see this destroy his entire life,” Godt said.

For now, Godt is focused on getting her body healed, but she doesn’t like just laying around.

“I can’t stand sitting around. I’m so used to working at the Herald,” she said.

Godt is able to walk with the help of a walker or leaning against something.

Still looking rough and walking slowly, she stopped by the Herald’s downtown office Thursday, and that night went to Walmart to try and find a lawn chair that she could use in the bathtub. Her ex-husband, who is on leave from the Navy, is in town and helping her get around.

She thanked her friends, family, the Herald and the entire community for the support she has received since the accident.

“It’s part of the reason I came home to Williston,” she said.

Godt grew up in Williston, and joined the Navy in 2002. She moved back to town last year and began working at the Herald in January.

112 years young









In August the Herald/Review hosted a successful Women in Business program in conjuction with Cochise College. Top photo, women line up to ready themselves for the fashion show. Adver-tising Representative Julie Ramirez and Circulation Manager Ray Taylor talk to one of the show’s more than 200 attendees.



Herald wins top Arizona Newspaper Association honorPHOENIX — It was announced

in mid-October that the Sierra Vista Herald won the Arizona Newspaper of the Year award. The announcement came during the Arizona Newspapers Asso-ciation’s 2011 Better Newspapers Contest in Phoenix.

This year, 46 newspapers and 19 high schools entered the contest for a total of 1,186 entries.

ANA combines the entries won

in the spring in its annual adver-tising awards contest with the fall editorial entries to award the title of newspaper of the year.

In addition to the top honor, The Herald also received a number of individual awards.

Sports Editor Matt Hickman earned a first place for his criti-cal commentary on President Obama’s Middle East policy. He also received a third place award

for best team or sports beat cover-age for Buena High School Boys basketball.

Former Herald sports and edu-cation reporter Liz Manring won a first place award for her criti-cal feature on “Banning Books in the 21st Century.” Manring also earned a second place award for her sports article, “Coaches Off Campus.”

Other awards received by The

Herald included:

site/web page.

copy editing excellence.



Newspaper supplement/maga-zine for 2010 Year in Review.

Women in Business




A gang of Herald/Review employees and friends gather around the Iron Man statue in Bisbee as they prepare to participate in the annual Bisbee 1000 Stair Climb. The annual event attracts nearly 2,000 runners, walkers and “crawlers” who climb the stairs around Bisbee to raise funds for a vari-ety of good causes. Chief Photographer Mark Levy shows off his running style at the event.

By Herald/Review StaffSIERRA VISTA — Ray

Taylor started duties as the circulation manager at the Sierra Vista Herald/Bisbee Daily Review in July.

Taylor moved from Saraso-ta, Fla., after 17 years work-ing as the single copy distri-bution manager for the New York Times-owned Sarasota (Fla.) Herald-Tribune.

A native of Virginia Beach, Va., Taylor has celebrated 31 years of marriage to Elaine and the couple have two grown children, Heather and Joe. The Taylors also are the legal guardians of their 4-year-old granddaughter, Madison.

“Right now, I’m still learn-ing the town,” Ray said. “I’m very happy to start this op-portunity and glad to be part of Wick Communications.”

Taylor said he researched companies before deciding to seek the Herald/Review posi-tion.

“Wick (the Herald’s corpo-rate owners) has a good repu-tation in the industry as a sol-id company. They own more than just one newspaper and that kind of stability is what I was looking for,” Taylor said.

Herald/Review Publisher Phil Vega said, “With Ray’s experience, expertise and hard work he should help our readership grow. I’m happy

to see him become part of our management team and a part of this community.”

After interviewing at sev-eral newspapers, Taylor said he decided to pursue the po-sition in Sierra Vista after talking with Vega and Wick Communications Circula-tion Director Jeff Scott.

“It’s a team feeling here and that’s something unique in this business. It’s not like you’re alone, everyone here sees the operation as some-thing we work together on as a team,” Taylor said.

Ray already started work-ing directly with his carri-ers and delivery managers. He’s pulled the midnight

shift at the Hager Building, where the Herald/Review is printed, to get acquainted with delivery personnel and employees.

“I think it’s important to have hands-on experience with the people I’m working with,” Taylor said.

Ray is living on his own for the immediate future and is looking forward to Elaine moving to Sierra Vista. His son, Joe, just finished ser-vice as a member of the elite Green Beret military corps and has enrolled at Colorado State University in Colorado Springs, Colo. Heather will be moving to the Chandler, Ariz., area in the near future.

Taylor starts as Herald/Review circulation manager

Ray Taylor is the new circulation manager of the Herald/Review


Bisbee 1000 Stair Climb

Halloween at the Herald

It was a jailbreak in the Herald/Review’s classified advertising department as staffers dressed up as convicts to celebrate Halloween. The dastardly “crimi-nals”, left to right, are: Salinda Merritt, Classified Manager Nancy Bernard, and Coco Kerley.






The Sierra Vista Herald was hon-ored Oct. 17 with the Inland Press As-sociation’s 2011 Community Leader-ship Award for its excellence in cover-age of this summer’s Monument Fire disaster.

The fire, which took place in June, consumed more than 30,000 acres, resulted in the displacement of thou-sands of residents and resulted in the loss of around 55 homes and busi-nesses.

The leadership award recognizes the initiative and achievements of newspapers working through the combined resources of news cover-age, editorial support and staff in-volvement to improve the communi-ty. Entries were to show how the local newspaper is effectively involved in the life of its community.

The entries were judged by mem-bers of the University of Missouri School of Journalism.

In their comments, the judges stat-ed: “The once-in-a-century calamity was covered in print and electroni-cally with SMS updates to readers. There’s no better public service than keeping a community safe in a di-saster – telling readers about bridge

and road closings and warning them away from dangerous areas.

“The Sierra Vista Herald was a gathering place for information, com-fort and advice. The Herald provided extraordinary coverage and the lead-ership that’s needed when tragedy overtakes a community.”

During the fire, the Herald news-room and other staff members pulled together to produce up to the minute updates online as well as writing thousands of inches of copy and pub-lishing hundreds of photos of the di-saster. It also became the most trusted source of information as other social media outlets were less than diligent in making sure the information be-ing disseminated was factual.

Among the many emailed comments the newspaper received, readers said the effort by the staff gave “the most complete coverage”, “the information and links are exactly what I need”, “the paper did a stupendous job in covering the fire,” and “the maps that you have put out showing the burn area and evacuation zones have been extremely helpful.”

Publisher Phil Vega said he was happy to see that all the hard work

by the Herald team was being recog-nized on the national level. “We’re pleased to receive this award. And even more pleased that our staff rose to the occasion to produce and pack-age news reports every day of the fire that our readers looked for and needed. My gratitude and thanks to all of them.”

The Monument Fire started south of Sierra Vista near the Coronado Me-morial close to the Mexican border and quickly turned into a disaster for the rural area south of town as high winds whipped the blaze from canyon to canyon in the Huachuca Mountains.

The fire, fanned for three days by up to 50 mph wind gusts, doubled in size in just one day.

As the fire raged in the sparsely populated mountains, it eventually rolled down the slopes and jumped a major highway that connects Sierra Vista to the Hereford and Bisbee com-munities.

Employees of the Herald scrambled to ramp up coverage that included nearly 24/7 website updates, extra pages of color photography in the newspaper and a plentiful helping of

local stories as crews from around the nation arrived to help fight the blaze.

At its height there were 1,176 people assigned to fight the fire, including 26 crews, 86 engines, 7 helicopters, 1 single-engine air tanker, 2 heavy air tankers, and 2 dozers.

Employees and their friends were impacted by the fire as housing ar-eas were put under mandatory evac-uation. Seven days after the blaze, at least one employee had not gone home. Earlier in the disaster another employee went home, but to a house with no electricity.

Luckily, no loss of life occurred and the fire was contained at the end of June.

The newspaper’s single copy sales increased by about 25 percent at the height of the fire and its web site traf-fic went up nearly ten fold above nor-mal.

The site saw four consecutive days of 100,000-plus page views including a record day of 168,000-plus page views and 51,000 visits as the fire hit the more populated areas just south of town. People from around the world were logging time on the site to follow the coverage at the height of the fire.

Herald/Review wins Inland Leadership Award

Herald/Review Pressman Den-nis Marple explains the newly installed Peretta auto-inking/ registration system at the Herald/Review to Wick Communications staff Ron Lee, Dianna Wachtel and Nancy Toepfer. To celebrate the new system, and a recently printed special section, Publisher Phil Vega helped grill steaks outside the Hagar Building for all those who attended. As their steaks cooked, Wick Production Manager Scott Green took the time to chat with Herald/Review Ad Representative Charles Wegrich.

New Press & a Bar-B-Que

What do you do when the monsoon rain comes down in buckets and the sump pump plugs up? If you’re Herald/Review ad designer Tracy Shields you don a rain pancho, slip off your sandals and wade into the water so another pump can be put into action. Here Tracy is wrestling with the hose while water gushes out of the area.

Moonsoon Madness





Clockwise, from top left, Taste of Home Culinary Expert Kristi Larson bakes up some BBQ Chicken Pizza as part of the show which took place Nov. 8. Part of the sell-out crowd of more than 1,000 people scramble for a souvenir T-shirt as it was thrown from the stage. Sierra Vista Herald Publisher Phil Vega and senior reporter Bill Hess, co-emcees, sample a plate full of delightful Pumpkin Whoopee Pies. Hess and Sierra Vista Herald/Bisbee Daily Review Assistant General Manager Pat Wick try on some aprons and go over details of the show prior to the crowd taking their seats.

2011 Cooking Show








2012 EAGLE



Tuesday, March 20

Tuesday, July 17

Tuesday, Nov. 27

9.89” wide x 10” tallSend your high resolution color pdf to Phil Vega atphilip.vega@svherald.comFile needs to be 5MB or less.


Buena High School band members perform holiday songs for the Herald staff