The editing process and how to use track-changes in...


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The editing process and how to use track-changes in Microsoft Word

First, make sure the “Reviewing” toolbar is open:

You should find that LucidPapers returned your paper to you in the “Final Showing

Markup” view:

Alterations and comments made by the LucidPapers editor will be highlighted in the text

and by a mark in the margin:

By right-clicking on the edited text, you can either accept or reject the change:

Again by right-clicking, comments can be deleted once you have dealt with them:

If you prefer not to go through each alteration and comment individually, you can

switch from the “Final Showing Markup” view to the “Final” view here:

You can then read through the entire manuscript in its edited form, and, if you are

happy, accept all the changes made by the LucidPapers editor by clicking here:

When you are happy with the manuscript in its final form, make sure it is in the “Final”

view, and then save the file to your computer or network.
