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TE. 141068












Submitted to fulfill one the requirements to obtain the Undergraduate

Degree (S1) in English Education Program of Faculty of Education and

Teaching Training of State Islamic University Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin



TE. 141068












First of all, the writer would like to say “Alhamdulillah”.

The praise and thankfulness to Allah SWT because without His mercy and blessing

the writer cannot finish this thesis.

My adored father Yospi and my adored mother Indrawati, for my mother and father

this is the little gift I can give, who always love and encourage me and never stop praying for

my success now and in the future with endless love, always being with and guiding me, your

prayers are really powerful and I really love you all, also my beloved brother Alex Maulana

and the best support is also by Khairul Amin, S.Pd who always helps and gives some ideas.

The words are not enough to say appreciation for their help and contribution in this

paper. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all.


My best advisores ever Miss Dr. Faurina Anastasia, M.Hum and Miss Uyun

Nafi’ah, M.Pd who always patiently guides me to finish this thesis with all your kindness of

your knowledge. I don’t know how to thank to you both miss, I will not waste all the

knowledge that you have given to me.

My best friends Nur’aini, Sinta Nuraini, Wiwin Kurniawati, Puja Sri Dewi S.Pd,

Diah Oktriana S.Pd, Indah Rahayu S.Pd, Ericha Yolanda, Qurrota Aini S.Pd, Yusnida

Tanjung S.Pd, Winda Damayanti, Izzatul Ulya S.Pd who have been always giving me

support and All my friends and my classmate English Member Class of D 2014 who can’t

mention one by one thank you for being my friends and giving support to me.

Good luck and success for you all. The words are not enough to say appreciation for

their help and contribution in this paper. May Allah, the Almighty bless them all.




حيم ن ٱلره حم ٱلره بسم ٱلله

إن مع العسر يسرا

Meaning: “indeed, with hardship comes ease” (Al-Insyirah ayat 6 )

(Al-Qur’an Al- Kareem in English Translation, 2018)

Artinya: “sesungguhnya, sesudah kesulitan akan datang kemudahan (Al-

Insyirah ayat 6)”





Name : Zania Fajadri

Department : English Education

Title : The Effect of Using Cooperative Integrated Reading And

Composition (CIRC) Technique Toward Students’ Reading

Achievement At Junior High School 9 Jambi City

This study aims to determine the effect of using the CIRC technique

toward reading achievement of students in the eighth grade at Junior High School

9 Jambi City, this study was quantitative, which used quasi experimental design

and the subject of this study were 62 students. 31 students in the experimental

class and 31 classes in the control class from the The result of paired sample t-test

showed that H0 was rejected because the t-test (t0) was higher than t-table (tt) or

4,64 ≥ 2,00. The result of hypothesis of test using t-test with significant 0,05

showed that tvalue (4,59) ≥ ttable (2,00). Moreover, the result test of effect size

(Cohen’s) is 1,1, so it show that the high effect size because d ≥ 0 and d ≥ 1,1 with

the percentage 86%. so Ha is accepted. That is, there is a significant effect of

reading comprehension of students who use the CIRC technique with students

who do not use the CIRC technique in the eighth grade in Junior High School 9

Jambi City.

Keywords: CIRC Technique, Reading Comprehension.



Nama : Zania Fajadri

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Title : Pengaruh menggunakan teknik bacaan terintegrasi dan

komposisi (CIRC) pada pemahaman membaca siswa SMP

Negeri 9 Kota Jambi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh menggunakan teknik

CIRC terhadap pencapaian membaca siswa pada kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 9

Kota Jambi, penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, yang menggunakan quasi

eksperimental design dan subjek penelitian ini adalah 62 siswa. 31 siswa di kelas

percobaan dan 31 kelas di kelas kontrol dari hasil analisis peneliti mengindikasi

bahwasanya hasil paired sampel t test ( lebih tinggi dari ( atau .

Hasil uji hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dengan signifikan 0,05 menunjukan tvalue

(4,59) ≥ ttable (2,00), Selain itu, hasil uji ukuran efek (Cohen) adalah 1,1, sehingga

menunjukkan bahwa ukuran efek tinggi karna dan dengan

persentase 86%. Jadi Ha diterima. Artinya, ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari

pemahaman membaca siswa yang menggunakan teknik CIRC dengan siswa yang

tidak menggunakan teknik CIRC pada kelas delapan di SMP Negeri 9 Kota


Kata kunci : Teknik CIRC, Pencapaian Membaca.



Page of Tittle ......................................................................................................... i

Official Note......................................................................................................... ii

Originality Statement .......................................................................................... iv

Dedication ............................................................................................................ v

Motto .................................................................................................................... vi

Acknowledgement............................................................................................... vii

Abstract ............................................................................................................... ix

Abstrak .................................................................................................................. x

Table of Content ................................................................................................... xi

List of Table ....................................................................................................... xiii

List of Figure ...................................................................................................... xiv

List of Appendix ................................................................................................. xv


A. Background of The Research ..................................................................1

B. Identification of The Problem .................................................................4

C. Limitation of The Problem ......................................................................4

D. Formulation of The Problem ...................................................................5

E. Purpose of The Research .........................................................................5

F. Significance of The Research ..................................................................5


A. Description Of The Theory .....................................................................6

B. Previous Studies .....................................................................................22

C. Conceptual Framework ...........................................................................23

D. Hypothesis of The Research ....................................................................25



A. Time and Place of The Research .............................................................26

B. Design of The Research ..........................................................................26

C. Population and Sample ............................................................................27

D. Variable of The Research ........................................................................28

E. Instrument of Data Collecting .................................................................28

F. Technique of Data Analyzing .................................................................31

G. Statistical Hypothesis ..............................................................................35


A. The Description of Data .........................................................................37

B. Analysis of Data ......................................................................................41

C. Interpretations..........................................................................................49


A. Conclusion ...............................................................................................51

B. Suggestion ...............................................................................................51






Table 3.1 Design of Research ............................................................... 26

Table 3.2 Population of Research .......................................................... 27

Table 3.3 Total Sample of Population .................................................... 28

Table 4.1 The Comparison of Pre-Test Data of experimental class and

Control Class ............................................................................. 39

Table 4.2 The Comparison of Post-Test Data of experimental class and

Control Class ............................................................................. 41

Table 4.3 The Result of Normality Pre-Test .......................................... 42

Table 4.4 The Result of Normality Post-Test .......................................... 42



Figure 4.1 Pre-Test Experimental Class ....................................................... 37

Figure 4.2 Pre-Test Control Class ................................................................ 38

Figure 4.3 Post-Test Experimental Class ...................................................... 39

Figure 4.4 Post-Test Control Class .............................................................. 40



Appendix 1 : Instruments the Collecting Data ...................................................

Appendix 2 : Normality Test of Pre-Test ...........................................................

Appendix 3 : Homogeneity Test of Pre-Test .....................................................

Appendix 4 : Lesson Plan of Experiment Class .................................................

Appendix 5 : Lesson Plan of Control Class .......................................................

Appendix 6 : Kisi – Kisi Instrument ..................................................................

Appendix 7 : Instrument of Test ........................................................................

Appendix 8 : Students’ Score Experiment Class ...............................................

Appendix 9 : Students’ Score Control Class ......................................................

Appendix 10 : Normality Test of Post-Test .........................................................

Appendix 11 : Homogeneity Test of Post Test ....................................................

Appendix 12 : Documentation .............................................................................

Appendix 13 : Test Table Z .................................................................................

Appendix 14 : Z Distribution Test Table .............................................................

Appendix 15 : Chi Squared Test Table ................................................................

Appendix 16 : T Test............................................................................................




A. Background of Study

English is an international language. Every human being needs language as a

medium of communication between individuals or even nations. This language

used in sciences, knowledge, and technology as well as education, business and

other activities in world. In the past, English is the first foreign language which is

taught formally in junior high schools and senior high schools in Indonesia and

now it is also taught in elementary schools even in some kindergartens. In fact,

although English is not the new thing for junior high school students, but they still

get many difficulties in learning English because English is neither their native

language nor their second language. Such condition makes the students not

acquainted with English, whether in spoken or written form. In teaching English,

there are four language skills which should be teach to the students. The skills are

speaking, listening, reading and writing. The four skills can be divided into two

types there are receptive skills and productive skills. According to Harmer (2007,

p. 265), receptive skills (Listening and Reading) are skills to summarize the

meaning of discourse, while productive (Speaking and Wriitng) are skills where

students must produce their own language.

Based on the statement above, it is a must for Indonesian students to master

their English subject as well as possible, As stated in the Government Regulation

of Ministry of Education and Culture in number of 58, the year of 2014, the aim

of the 2013 Curriculum is to prepare the Indonesian in order to have the ability to

live as individual and citizen that is faithful, productive, innovative, effective, and

able to contribute to the social life, nation, country, and the world civilization.

This curriculum is the next step of developing of curriculum based on

competencies. The competencies, furthermore, is designed integrally with the

attitude, knowledge, and skills (Kemendikbud, 2014. p.4).


People need to communicate in making an interaction to other people around them

and also in doing daily activities. With communication, it can make people easy to

use language to share their idea or something that they want to say. Therefore, the

first thing that the students have for increasing their English is they have to master

the four basics English skill; listening, reading, speaking and writing. Listening

and reading are includ in receptive skill while speaking and writing are includ in

productive skill.

One of the skill that will be discuss in this research is reading. Reading is one

of the skills that is learnt by the students. Reading has very important role in our

life, by reading various print materials such as newspaper, magazine, novel,

academic books and so on; we are able to get a lot of information, knowledge and

enjoyment. Therefore, the ability to read the text in any form will bring great

advantages to the reader. In learning process, students also need to learn how to

master English especially in reading, because reading has an important role in the

classroom where language learning is the central purpose.

In teaching, there are many methods that the teachers use, they are:

explaining, demonstrating, collaborating or cooperative learning and learning by

teaching. Explaining or lecturing, is the process of teaching by giving spoken

explanations of the subject that is to be learn and lecturing is often accompani by

visual aids to help students visualize an object or problem. Demonstrating is the

process of teaching through examples or experiments. For example, a science

teacher may teach an idea by performing an experiment for students.

Collaboration allows students to actively participate in the learning process by

talking with each other and listening to other points of view. In this teaching

method, students assume the role of teacher and teach their peers. Students who

teach others as a group or as individuals must study and understand a topic well

enough to teach it to their peers.

Based on preliminary research that researchers did during the field experience

program in November 2018 researchers got almost all of eight grade student at

Junior High School 9 Jambi City have the crucial difficulties in comprehending

the contents of the text. They cannot pronounce, spell, identify, and understand


all words in any kind of text. They do not know what the text tells about, and then

there are many unfamiliar words, difficulties in finding the main idea, the

meaning of word phrases and sentences in the text, also determining kind of texts.

Reading comprehension is not only a matter of knowing a lexical meaning of

word by word but also what information or idea are explicitly start in both Besides

that, Reading comprehension is not simple process but it is very complex

activities. It needs preparation for learners to read, because they will have to

recognize difference in word length and word shape, they will have to learn, to

organize and interpret what they have read. The condition above naturally

happens because the strategy of teaching reading is not appropriate with students‟

ability, because the teacher usually teaches with a central teaches method, so the

students cannot try to more active in the class and not have motivated to study

hard beside that the minimum completeness criteria is 75, so the students hard to

get the scores of minimum completeness criteria.

From this point of problems faced by the subject under study, a good

technique of teaching reading should be able to stimulate high motivation, interest

and attention of the students. In other word, a good technique can motivate and

promote students to comprehend a text in reading activities in the class.

Cooperative learning offers many benefits: “raise the achievement of all students,

help the teacher build positive relationship among students, give students the

experiences, and replace the competitive organizational structure of most

classrooms and schools.” (Jack C. Richard, Theodore S. Rodgers, 2001. p.192)

In other word, cooperative learning is a method where the students work in a

group to achieve the material. It is more than just small group activity; it can

contribute to create a community of learners willing to work collaboratively on

goals important into groups. It can be concluded that classes members are

organize into small group after receiving the material from the teacher. Then, they

work through the assignment until all groups member successfully understand and

complete it. Teacher can use cooperative learning as a method to improve

students’ reading comprehension because in cooperative learning, students

interact and influence one another.


One of cooperative learning method is Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition. Madden, Slavin, & Stevens “Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition technique as a teaching technique that focuses on reading and

writing to realize comprehensive program (Sundari, 2014. p.4). Cooperative

integrated reading and composition technique, one of the learning techniques base

on cooperation, is design to develop reading, writing and other language skills in

the upper grades of primary education. Cooperative integrated reading and

composition technique presents a structure that increases not only opportunities

for direct teaching in reading and writing but also applicability of composition

writing techniques.

In Cooperative integrated reading and composition technique students work

within cooperative teams which are coordinated with reading group instruction, in

order to meet objectives in such areas as reading comprehension, vocabulary,

decoding, and spelling. And students are motivated to work with one another on

these activities by the use of cooperative reward.

From the background of the problem above, the writer wants to conduct a

research by the title: The Effect of using Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition (CIRC) Technique Toward Students’ Reading Achievement.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are some problems this


1. The students are not active in reading achievement.

2. The students have problem in reading achievement.

3. The students need new technique in teaching reading achievement.

4. To raise cooperation between students.

C. Limitation of Problem

To avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the study, the making of limitation

of the study should be made. The writer limits the study on teaching English that


concern toward reading achievement of recount text by using CIRC technique at

Junior High School 9 Jambi City.

D. Formulation of Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer can formulate this

problem :

1. Is there any significant different between the score of pre-test and post-

test of students reading achievement after applying CIRC technique?

2. Is there any significant effect toward students reading achievement for

those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those who are


E. Objective of Study

The objective of the study:

1. Significant different between the score of pre-test and post-test of students

reading achievement after applying CIRC technique.

2. To know the significant effect toward students’ reading achievement for

those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those who are not.

F. Significances of Study

1. For the teacher, in order to use various technique in teaching English.

2. For the students, can make students increase their score and their

understanding in reading everything.

3. For the writer, it provides with the feedback especially and gives the

experience for the writers as prospective teacher.

4. For other researchers who are interested in studying related research can

get the information from this study to do the further research.




A. Description Of The Theory

1. Theory of Reading

5. Understanding of Reading

Reading is one of the language skills and concurrently of the basic

subjects of the English department and reading is a private, it is a mental,

or cognitive, process which involve a reader in trying to follow an

respond to a message from a writer who is distant in space and time.

Reading is an activity with a purpose. People may read in order to get

information or enrich their knowledge and sometimes to critique a

writer’s ides or writing style. People also read for pleasure or enhance

knowledge of the language being read. Getting those as the

consideration, the purposes for reading guide the reader’s select better

texts to read (Tarihoran. 2012. p.1-2).

Harmer states that reading is useful for language acquisition,

provided that students more or less understand what they read, the more

they read, the better they get it all. (Marzban. 2014. p. 1). According to

the definition above, the writer concludes that reading is very important

for language acquisition, because it is made the students better after they

read, and also reading is the information process from the author to the

reader to tell about the messages, or ideas or to entertain the reader.

To understand a reading text, the students must have a good

competence in knowing the meaning of words, sentences, content and the

most important is to know about the writer’s idea. “Believe that if we

could understand reading we would understand the mysteries of human

mind.” It’s mean by reading we can know everything that we do not

know before. By reading we can know the lack of knowledge, Allah as

our Lord also commands us to Read.


Therefore, Allah SWT told our prophet Muhammad SAW to read in

his first vision; it means that reading is the first priority for human kind

to live in this world. By reading we can get a lot of information,

knowledge, entertainment, and etc. and reading also makes someone

understand a lot of things because reading is a way of gathering

information and books are windows of the world.

Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that reading is

the process of understanding the meaning of the content and the writer’s

idea about the topic. Furthermore, understand means comprehending the

reading materials.

6. Reading Achievement

Before defining reading achievement, it is better for the writer to

define the meaning of achievement it self. The definition of achievement

comes from John F. Savage and Jean F. Mooney. They define that

“achievement is cognitive activity, the ability to derive meaning and

understanding from printed language.” In other words, it can be stated

that comprehension is an understanding which the reader construct the

new information by describing it in the printed language.

Lewin pointed out that “reading achievement is a very complex

activity, so much occurs inside the mind of a reader as the eyes glide over

the printed words. Accomplished readers (like most of us) have become

so good at it through a lifetime of practice that is easy to forget how

tough it really is, how complicated the achievement process is.” It means

that when the reader read the text, the mind and the eyes work together to

create a achievement.

Pamela clearly highlight that “reading achievement is the process of

understanding the message that the author is trying to convey. Very

simply, it is making meaning from the text at hand.

In addition, according to Alllington’s book point out that “reading

comprehension is redundant phrase, because without comprehension

reading has not truly happened.” Students may be able to produce or read


a lot of appropriate words but they can not necessarily understand what

they read, because reading for comprehension requires knowledge or

special skills and reading for comprehension is also a complex activity.

Reading with comprehension means understanding what has been

read. It is an active thinking process that depends not only on

comprehension skills but also on the students’ experiences and prior

knowledge. Comprehension involves understanding the vocabulary

seeing the relationships among words and concepts, organizing ideas,

recognizing the author’s purpose, making judgments, and evaluating.

One of the language skills that students must master is reading skills.

As a result, whether or not students master reading skills depend on

reading lessons done by students in the class. Reading learning is not

solely done so students are able to read, but a process that involves all

mental activities and the ability to think of students in understanding,

criticizing and producing a written discourse (Abidin, 2012, p. 4).

Students’ are expected not only to read reading at a glance, but also to

understand the contents of the reading as a whole.

Reading Comprehension at Junior High School in the second grade

about recount text. Recount is a text which retells events or experiences

in the past. Its purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.

There is no complication among the participants and that differentiates

from narrative.

Recount characteristics of text:

1. Introducing personal participant; I, my group, etc.

2. Using chronological connection; then, first, etc.

3. Using linking verb; was, were, saw, heard, etc.

4. Using action verb; look, go, change, etc.

5. Using simple past tense.

Generic Structure:

1. Orientation : Introducing the participants, place and time.


2. Events : Describing series of event that happened in

the past.

3. Re-orientation : It is optional. Stating personal comment of

the writer to the story.

For Example :

Our trip to the Blue Mountain

Orientation On Friday we went to the Blue Mountains. We stayed at David

and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of colorful

flowers and a tennis court.

Events On Saturday we saw the Three Sisters and went on the scenic

railway. It was scary. Then, Mummy and I went shopping with

Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old

hats. On Sunday we went on the Scenic Skyway and it rocked.

We saw cockatoos having a shower.

Reorientation In the afternoon we went home.

7. Levels of Reading Skill

According to Savage and Mooney specific reading comprehension

skill divided into three levels of skills, they are: (1) literal meaning-

understanding and interpreting what the author has to say, (2) inferential

comprehension - reading “between the lines” to infer meaning not

specifically stated in a printed passage, (3) critical-creative reading –

extending beyond the lines to evaluate, relate, or apply what is read. All

of these points explained clearly:

a. Literal reading

The literal level of comprehension is fundamental to all the

reading skills at any level because a reader must first understand

what the author said before he can draw an inference or make an

evaluation. The literal level is considered to the easiest level of

reading comprehension because a reader is not required to go

beyond what the author actually said.


b. Inferential comprehension

Inferences are ideas which a reader receives when he goes

beneath the surface to sense relationships, puts facts and ideas

together to draw conclusions and makes generalizations, and

detects the mood of the material. Making inferences requires

author and more on personal insight.

c. Critical reading

Critical reading requires a higher degree of skill development and

perception. Critical reading requires reading with an inquiring

mind and with active, creative looking for false statements. It

means questioning, comparing, and evaluating.

One of the most important comprehension skills is finding the main

ideas. This could be a literal skill if the idea is directly stated or an

inferential skill if it is not directly stated. The main idea is the essence of

the paragraph, or what the author is trying to get across to the reader.

8. Specific Skill in Reading

There are many specific skill in reading, they are:

a) Recognize word groups, associating sounds with their

corresponding graphic symbols.

b) Deduce the meaning of words by

1). Understanding word formation (roots, affixation, derivation

and compounding)

2). Contextual clues (e.g. one of the members of the groups

exposed the plot, and the police were soon able to arrest the


c) Understand explicitly stated information (e.g. I wish Ann had

come = Ann did not come – hence my wish)

d) Understand relations within the sentence, especially

1). Elements of sentence structure

2). Negation

3). Fronting and theme


4). Complex embedding

e) Understand relation between parts of a text through both lexical

devices (e.g. repetition, synonym, antithesis) and grammatical

cohesive devices, especially anaphoric and cataphoric reference

(e.g. he, they, it; the former, the latter) and connectives (e.g.

since, after, because, although, however, in addition)

f) Perceive temporal and spatial relationship and also sequences of


g) Understand conceptual meaning, especially

1). Quantity and amount

2). Definiteness and indefiniteness

3). Comparison and degree

4). Means and instrument

5). Cause, result, purpose, reason, condition, addition, contrast,


h) Anticipate and predict what will come next in the text

i) Identify the main idea and other salient feature in a text

j) Generalize and draw a conclusions

k) Understand information not explicitly stated by

1). Making inferences (e.g. reading between the lines)

2). Understanding figurative language

l) Skim and scan (looking for the general meaning and reading for

specific information)

m) Read critically

n) Adopt a flexible approach and vary reading strategies according

to the type of material being read and the purpose for which it is

being read

Furthermore, Nuttal through her book teaching reading skill in a

foreign language state that there are skills and strategies of reading:

a. Skills involving flexibility of technique: variation in reading rate,

skimming, scanning, study reading, etc.


b. Skills of utilizing information that is not strictly speaking part of

the text itself: reference apparatus, graphic conventions,

illustration and diagrams.

c. Wors-attack skills:how to tackle unfamiliar lexical items by using

morphology, inference from context, etc., or by using a dictionary

d. Text-attack skills: the process of interpreting the text as a whole,

using all the clues available including cohesion and rhetorical


According to Harmer, there are three reading skills that students

have to acquire. Those are:

a) Scanning

The students need to be able to scan the text for particular bits of

information they are searching for. This skill means that they do

not have to read every word and line; on the contrary, such an

approach would stop them scanning successfully.

b) Skimming

The students need to be able to skim a text-as if they were casting

their eyes over its surface-to get general idea of what it is about.

Just as with scanning, if they try to gather all the details at this

stage, they will get bogged down and may not be able to get the

general idea because they are concentrating to hard on specifics.

c) Reading for detailed comprehension

Whether looking for detail information or language, must be seen

by students as something very different from the reading skill

mentioned above. When looking for details, we expect the

students to concentrate on the minutiae of what they are reading.

Based on the statement above, Harmer, nuttal and Heaton have the

opinion that almost same about skill in reading. But Harmer more

specified, he only explain scanning, skimming and reading for detail

comprehension. Heaton explain many skills that used in reading, they are

scanning, skimming, recognize word group, deduce the meaning of word,


understand relation within the sentence, etc. Whereas in Nuttals’ book

skill in reading is divided into four parts, they are skills involving

flexibility of technique, skill of utilizing information, word attack skill

and text attack skill. And based on Nuttal the most important skill are

text attack skill because this skill are central of the reading process, and

are complex and under-described , in spite of a revival of interest in this

field. Skill that harmer pointed (skimming, scanning and reading for

detail information) are include in skill involving flexibility.

9. Purposes of Reading

Every reader has a different purpose when they are reading, because

purpose refers to reader’s aim or intention in reading a certain text.

Harmer states that “in the first place, many of them want to be able to

read texts in English either for their career, for study purposes or simply

for pleasure” it points out that the reason of reading is determined by

reader’s purpose either for career, study or pleasure.

According to William in McDonough and Christopher Shaw’s book

usefully classifies reading into “(a) getting general information from the

text, (b) getting specific information from a text; and (c) for pleasure or

for interest.

In addition, Rivers and Temperley (1978. p.187) in McDonough and

Christopher Shaw’s book suggest that second language learner will want

to read for the following purposes:

a) To obtain information for some purpose or because we are

curious about some topic

b) To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our work

or daily life

c) To keep in touch by correspondence or to understand business


d) To know where or when something will take place or what is



e) To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in

newspapers, magazines, report)

f) For enjoyment or excitement.

Based on the statements above, the writer concludes that the main

purpose of reading is to find the information and to get pleasure or

enjoyment. Reading for information means that we do not stop to analyze

the grammatical structure and we understand the meaning of the passage.

Reading for information includes the materials which are classified as

nonfiction, social studies, science, magazine, newspaper, article and


Reading for pleasure means that the reader may read the text either

quickly or slowly based on what he likes to read. It associates largely

with a novel, short stories, biography, poem and plays. Reading for

pleasure is different from reading to get the information, because in

reading to get the information the reader have to understand the meaning

of passage in order the reader can get the information from the text.

10. Kinds of Reading

According to Heaton, there are two kinds of reading activities, they

are : intensive and extensive reading.

a. Intensive reading

In this activity the reader read a text for detail information and

focused on the construction of reading texts which takes place in

classroom.Intensive reading is characterized by study activities,

such as the particular uses of grammar and vocabulary items.

b. Extensive reading

In this activity the students should understand that in this type of

reading their major concern is on the overall comprehension of

characters and events rather than on the specific details of either

language or story content. Where possible, reading for pleasure

should be involves.


Furthermore, Nuttal through her book teaching reading skills in a

foreign language state that the aim of intensive reading is to guide the

students’ accuracy in reading and to understand the meaning of the text:

not only of what it means, but also how the meaning is produced.

Whereas the aim of extensive reading is guide the student to achieve

fluency and efficiency. On the other hand intensive means reading for

accuracy and extensive means reading for fluency.

2. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

a. Understanding of CIRC

Kessler in Halimah (2014. p. 29) argues that the CIRC technique is a

combination of reading and writing activities that use new learning in reading

comprehension by writing. Success the CIRC technique relies heavily on the

learning process being undertaken. CIRC has been developed in learning

since 1986 at primary school. Now, CIRC has been used in various levels

class. The expert who continues to develop this method is Robert, Slavin,

Robert Stiven, Nancy Maden, and Marie Farnish Furthermore, the CIRC

technique is a reading learning activity related to the direct teaching of

reading comprehension and the art of writing language integrated (Halimah.

2014, p. 30). The CIRC technique is a learning development cooperative TAI

(Slavin, 2005 in Andi halimah, 2014). In his lesson, learners' activities learn

in heterogeneous groups. All activities involve regular cycles beginning with

presentations from teachers, team exercises, independent exercises, peer

review reviews, additional exercises, and tests.

This CIRC technique is an innovative learning method that is

increasingly developed today. Initially learning method this is a cooperative

method developed. The name CIRC itself stands for Cooperative Integrated

Reading Composition. Of course there are similarities with other cooperative

learning methods, then on this CIRC technique, the learning process that

takes place, implemented in groups created. It aims to create social

integration between learners in the group during the learning activities take


place. To run this CIRC technique so it can run well, needed some supporting

components. Between the components are as follows.

a) Team. In a learning activity, it is necessary to form small groups in

advance of the member’s 4 to 5 people.

b) The grouping should be based on the abilities that the learners have. It

can be known by an educator with attention to the value of the

learners in previous learning activities.

c) Creativity. Strive educators are able to provoke creativity possessed

by the learners. This can be done by assigning tasks to the learners.

d) Learning groups. Sometimes in the learning activities there are groups

who need help from their educators. Because of this, then the role of

educators is more sensitive to groups that need attention and

assistance when they have difficulty in carrying out the given task.

e) Next is to reward study groups that have good group work. Thus, it

will provoke reactions from other groups to try to get similar rewards

so that there will be a new motivation in learning activities.

b. Definition of CIRC

(Slavin, 1995) said that cooperative learning helps the students to develop

their ability. Cooperative Integrated Reading Composition (CIRC) method

is a kind of cooperative Learning method.CIRC is a comprehensive

approach to instruction in reading and writing /language arts (Anna Marrie,

1995). In CIRC, students are taught in reading groups and then return to

mixed ability teams to work on a series of cognitively engaging activities,

including partner reading, making predictions, identification of characters,

settings, problem and problem solutions, summarization, vocabulary,

reading comprehension exercises, and story-related writing. Students

follow a sequence of teacher instruction, team practice, peer pre

assessments, assessment, and team recognition.


c. The Purpose of CIRC

The main purpose of the CIRC is using cooperative teams to help learners

learn reading comprehension that can be applied broadly. The learners in

the CIRC also learn to make predictions of the problem – how the problem

will be solved and summarize the elements – the main elements of the story

to each other, the activities that are found can improve reading

comprehension. In addition, the main goal of the developers of the CIRC

program in writing and language arts is to design, implement, and evaluate

the writing process. it will utilize the presence of many friends in the class.

Team members receive points based on individual performance on quizzes

then composition roommates are “added” to produce a team score.

Achievement criteria are specified; teams that fulfill the criteria receive


d. Steps in CIRC Learning Model

Cooperative integrated reading and writing (STEVEN & Slavin, 1995)

The steps:

1. The teacher makes group with balance members heterogeneously

(so there are students who have less ability and more).

2. The teacher gave a discourse / clipping according to the learning


3. Learners work together to solve problems or find information in

discourse based on the teacher’s instruction.

4. Presenting / read the product of the group.

5. Teachers make conclusions together.

6. Closing.


e. Teacher‘s Roles

1. As an instructor: teacher explains to students what will be learned

and what they have to do with his team.

2. As a resource: the teachers should be able to provide resources

clearly when students have problems when learning.

3. As supervisor: teachers supervise the students and observe the

progress of each individual in each group during the learning


f. Student‘s Roles

1. Following any instructions given by the teacher.

2. Responsible and actively contribute to their team.

3. Can cooperate to help each other in group.

g. Program Elements

According to Slavin CIRC consist of three principal elements: basal-

related activities, direct instruction in reading comprehension, and integrated

language arts and writing. In all of these activities, students work in

heterogeneous learning teams. All activities follow a regular cycle that

involves teacher presentation, teams practice, independent practice, peer pre-

assessment, additional practice, and testing. The major components of CIRC

are as follows.

a) Reading groups

Students are assigned to two or three reading groups according to

their reading level. This group divided heterogeneous by virtue of the

students’ ability that can be determined by their teachers.

b) Teams

Students are assigned to pair (or triads) within their reading groups,

and then the pairs are assigned to teams composed of partnerships

from two reading groups or levels. For example, a team might be

composed of two students from high reading group and two from the


low group. Team members receive points based on their individual

performances on all quizzes, compositions, and book report and these

points form a team score.

c) Story related activities

Students use either novels or basal readers. Stories are introduced and

discussed in teacher-led reading groups that meet for approximately

twenty minutes each day. In these groups, teachers set a purpose of

reading, introduce new vocabulary, review old vocabulary, discus the

story after students have read it. And so on. Story discussion is

structured to emphasize such skills as making and supporting

predictions and identifying the problem in a narrative.

d) Partner checking

If the students complete all of the activities, so their partner give As

students complete each of these activities, their partners initial a

student-assignment form indicating that they have completed and/or

achieved criterion on that task.

e) Tests

Students are given a comprehension test on the story, ask to write

meaningful sentence for each vocabulary word. And ask to read the

word list aloud to the teacher. Students are not permitted to help one

another on these tests.

f) Direct instruction in reading comprehension

Students receive direct instruction in specific reading comprehension

skills, such as identifying main ideas, understanding causal relations

and making inferences.

g) Integrated language arts and writing

The emphasize of this curriculum is on the writing process, and

language mechanics skill are introduced as specific aids to writing

rather than as separate topics. In this part, the students asked to make

draft composition after consulting teammates and the teacher about

their ideas and organizational plans, work with teammate to revise the


content of their compositions, and then edit one another’s work using

peer editing forms emphasizing grammatical and mechanical

correctness. Finally, students “publish” their final composition in

team and/or class book (Halimah. 2014. P.30).

h. Advantages and Disadvantages of CIRC

a) Advantages of CIRC

The advantages of learning CIRC according to Slavin are:

1). CIRC technique is very appropriate to improve student

understanding of learning material.

2). Teacher's dominance in learning is reduced.

3). Students are motivated on the results carefully because working in


4). Students can understand the meaning of the question and check

each other's work.

5). Helping students who are weak in understanding the task given.

6). Improve learning outcomes, especially in solving problems given

by the teacher.

7). Students can give their responses freely, trained to be able to

cooperate, and respect the opinions of others.

b) Disadvantages of CIRC

The disadvantage of the CIRC technique is at the time of presentation,

only students which is active, which appears to require a relatively

long time, the activities groups that cannot walk as expected. Will but,

the use of the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

(CIRC) technique raises a problem that is when the teacher is teaching

one reading group, another student in the class should be given

activities that they can complete with a little direction of the teacher.

This can be avoided if the teacher can manage time and class nicely

(Halimah. 2014. p. 33).


3. Common Technique Used by the Teachers

Conventional learning is learning that is used by the teacher in delivering

discussion during the learning process in class. Expository learning technique

is a technique that emphasizes the process of delivering material verbally

from one teacher to the student optimally. Roy Killen named the expository

learning technique using direct learning technique (direct instruction).

Because in this lesson the subject matter is delivered directly by the teacher,

students are not required to accumulate material independently. Expository

learning method is a form of teacher-oriented learning approach (teacher


There are several steps in applying the expository method, namely: Wina

Sanjaya (2016. p. 185).

a. Preparation. This step is very important. The successful

implementation of learning using an expository strategy depends

very much on the preparation step.

b. Presentation. The presentation step is the step of delivering the

Learning material in accordance with the preparations that have been

made. There are several things that the teacher must pay attention to

in the implementation of learning, namely: using language voice

intonation, maintaining eye contact with students, using solid jokes.

c. Correlation. Steps are taken to give meaning to the subject matter,

both meaning to develop the structure of knowledge that has taken

place, as well as meaning to improve the quality of students' thinking

and motor skills.

d. Summing up (Generalization) Summing up is a stage to understand

the core (core) of the lesson material that has been presented. This

step is a very important step because students will be able to use the

essence of the presentation process.

e. Apply (Application). The application step is a step to show students'

abilities after listening to the teacher's explanation. The steps are


very important for the steps of this application the teacher will be

able to gather information about mastery and material.

B. Previous Studies

The writer took one previous study as the guideline to implement the

research, they are:

The first was done by Azizah who analyze the effectiveness of using CIRC

technique on students’ ability to solve mathematical story problem. It was

conducted by SMP 238 Jakarta for academic year 2010/2011. This study consists

of 66 students, 33 students for experimental group and 33 students for control

group. The experimental group taught by CIRC technique and control group was

taught by conventional. The instrument used in this study is test which is consists

of 12 questions in essay. The result showed that CIRC technique is effective on

students’ ability to solve mathematical story problem. The score in experimental

group is higher than control group. The difference is in which place in this study

at Junior High School 238 Jakarta and my research at Junior High School 9 Jambi

City, the sample of this study is 66 people while in my research 64 people, 32

students for the experimental group and 32 students for the control group. The

instrument use in this study is a test consists of 20 questions are essay.

The next was done by Erhan Durukan who analyze the effects of the

cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and the

traditional reading and writing pedagogical methods for primary school students.

The study group was composed of 45 7th grade students enrolled at a primary

school at the centre of Giresun Province in the 2009/2010 academic year. The

subjects were divided into two groups – the experimental group taught by the

CIRC technique and the control group taught by the conventional technique. The

instruments used in this study were Written Expression Achievement Test

(WEAT) and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (RCAT). The result

revealed that there was a statistically significant difference between the reading

and writing skills of the experimental and control groups in terms of academic


achievement and retention. This difference was discovered in favour of the

cooperative integrated reading and composition method.

Those relevant studies above have differences with this study. The first

relevant study was held at Junior High School 238 Jakarta which analyze

students’ ability to solve mathematical story problem by using CIRC technique,

and the second relevant study was held at a primary school at the centre of

Giresun Province in the 2009/2010 academic year which analyze the effects of the

cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique and the

traditional reading and writing pedagogical methods, but this study was held at

Junior High School 9 Jambi City which analyze students’ reading comprehension

on descriptive text by using CIRC technique.

Both those study using experimental study which is consist of two classes.

The first class is experiment class and the second class is control class. But in this

study the researcher use pre-experimental study because the researcher only use

one class without compare one class and another class. Moreover, the instruments

used in the second previous study were Written Expression Achievement Test

(WEAT) and Reading Comprehension Achievement Test (RCAT), but this

research only used pre-test and post test and also only focus on reading.

The equation with my research is that both apply the CIRC technique in the

experimental group and the conventional technique in the control group and also

use the pre-test and post-test. The difference in the place where in this study was

at elementary schools in the center of Giresun Province in the 2009/2010

academic year and my research at Junior High School 9 Jambi City, the sample of

this study consisted of 45 students while in my study 62 students, 31 students for

experimental group and 31 students for the control group. The instrument use in

this study is a test consists of 25 questions are multiple choice.

C. Conceptual Framework

Reading is a process of getting information from the text. It is not easy to

understand the text, we need background knowledge and logical thinking to

understand it. From reading many printed material such as newspaper, novel,


magazine, academic book and so on, we can get a lot of information, knowledge

and enjoyment. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols

(letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into

words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.

In teaching reading, the teacher should use the appropriate method and

technique in order the students interested and understand the text and moreover

enjoy reading. One of the appropriate techniques that can be used in teaching

reading is CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition). In CIRC the

students work together in a team and the students are expected to be responsible

for the task group. Each member in a group has to give the idea to understand the

concept and complete the task. Moreover, this technique gives the students

opportunity to interact with each other and this technique also requires students to

be active in a group and achieve the main goals.

Based on the statement above, the writer assumes that CIRC technique is

effective to teach reading, and it is also influence students’ achievement in reading

because CIRC technique is focused on reading. So, this is the appropriate

technique for teaching reading.


Cooperative Integrated

Reading Composition


Common Technique Used

by the Teachers




Reading Achievement



D. Hypothesis of The Research

In this research the writer would like to find the empirical evidence whether

or not CIRC technique is effective to students’ reading achievement. It also to find

whether there is significant difference achievement before and after implementing

CIRC technique at second grade students of Junior Hight School 9 Jambi City. To

accomplish this objective, the writer proposed two hypotheses to be tested:

Ha1 : There is significant different between the score of pre-test and

post-test of students reading achievement after applying CIRC


Ho1 : There is no significant different between the score of pre-test

and post-test of students reading achievement after applying

CIRC technique.

Ha2 : There is significant effect on students’ reading achievement for

those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those

who are not.

Ho2 : There is no significant effect on students’ reading achievement

for those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those

who are not.




A. Time and Place of the Research

The study was conducted at Jambi State Junior High School 9th Street is

located on Jl. MW Maramis Sulanjana Kec. Jambi Timur, Kota Jambi. The time

of this research were conducted on November 13 until December 13 2018, and the

time of this research conducted in accordance with the schedule of English

subjects in the school, so as not to disrupt the schedule of other subjects.

B. Design of the Research

The design of this research is a Quasi Experimental research. Sugiyono

(2013. p. 77) stated that a Quasi Experimental research is a design that has a

control group, but it has no full functional to control external variables that effect

of experimental implementation. In the quasi experimental research, the writer

used nonequivalent control group design. This design was done in two groups, the

experimental group and the control group which is not randomly selected.

(Sugiyono. 2013. p. 79) described the design as follow:

Table 3.1

Design of Research

Class Pre-Test Treatment Post test

Experimental O1 X1 O2

Control O3 - O4

(Source : Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan)

Note :

O1 : Pre-test for experimental class

O2 : Post-test for experimental class

O3 : Pre-test for control class

O4 : Post-test for control class

X : Treatment


C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that

have the same qualities and characteristics (Sugiyono. 2011. p. 80).

As for the population in this study are all students of class VIII in Junior

High School 9 Jambi City 2nd semester year lesson 2017/2018 that meet to

be the subject of research that is homogeneous distributed.

Table 3.2

Population Research

No Class Male Female Amount




































Amount 220

2. Sampling Technique

Samples are subsets or parts of a population whose characteristics are

actually investigated. This sample is taken from an affordable population with

cluster random sampling technique, to determine the sample if the object to

be studied or the data source is very wide (Sugiyono. 2013. p. 83). Based on

the draws conducted by the researcher, the sample selected as the research

class is VIII D and VIII E. The determination of the grade VIII D becomes

the experimental class and class VIII E becomes the control class.


Table 3.3

Total Sample of Population

No Class Number of Students

1 VIII D 31

2 VIII E 31

Amount 62 Students

D. Variable of the Research

Variable is the object of research that became the focus of the writer in a

research. Sugiyono (2013. p. 38) said that variable is an attributes or the nature or

value of a person, object or activity that has a certain variation set by the writer to

be studied and then drawn conclusion. There are two variables in this research,

namely independent and dependent variables.

Independent variable is variable that influences the change of the dependent

variable. According Sugiyono (2013. p. 39) independent variable is a variable that

affects or that causes the change or the emergence of the dependent variable.

Independent variable in this research is the effect of using Cooperative Integrated

Reading and Composition technique.

Dependent variable is variable that changes because the cause of the variables

that influences. Sugiyono (2013. p. 39) stated that dependent variable is variable

that is influenced or which becomes the effect because of the independent

variable. Dependent variable in this research is students’ reading achievement.

E. Instrument of Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the writer gave reading achievement tests to the

students. The test was given for getting the objectives data of students’

achievement in reading skill by using CIRC (Cooperative integrated and reading

composition) technique in that class. The writer applied two tests: those are pretest

and post-test. Pre-test is given before the material was taught and post-test was

given in the last meeting in that class. The test consists of Twenty five questions

are multiple choice (Recount Text). Every test item consisted of four answer


options (a, b, c, and d). The proportion of every item was 4. The writer gave score

“a hundred” for total correct answer.

The procedure of collecting the data for experimental group can be seen as


1. Pre test

The pre-test carried out to determine the students’ achievement with their

score. The items used for pre-test consist of 25 items (recount text). The test

was about reading achievement.

2. Treatment

The treatment conducted for experimental group by using cooperative

integrated reading and composition (CIRC) was applied for six meetings.

3. Post test

After conducting the treatment, the post-test administered and analyzed

as final data of this research. The post-test given was the same test as the pre-


While, the procedure of collecting data for control group:

1. Pre test

The control group was given pre-test to know their reading achievement.

The test was the same as experimental group.

2. Common technique

In this case, the teaching of reading achievement for control group by

using common technique or classical method. It means, in control group, the

writer did not use cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) in

learning process.

3. Post test

Post-test also given to control group and the result analyzed and used as

final data for this research.

The test gives to experimental and control class, it purposes for knowing

the validity and reliability of pre-test and post-test.


1. Validity of the test instrument

According to Sugiyono (2013. p. 455), validity is the accuracy between

the data that actually occurs in the object of research with data that can be

reported with the researcher. Thus valid data is "no different" data between

the data reported by the researcher and the data that actually happened to the

object of the study. There are two kinds of research validity, namely internal

validity and external validity. Internal validity with regard to the degree of

accuracy of the research design with the results achieved. While external

validity is concerned with the degree of accuracy whether the results of the

study can be generalize or applied to the population where the sample was

taken. In quantitative research, to obtain valid, reliable and objective data, the

research is carried out using valid and reliable instruments, carried out with

samples approaching the population and collecting and analyzing data in the

right way. In quantitative research, to obtain valid and reliable data that is

tested for validity and reliability is the research instrument.

In this research, the instrument used the instrument test that the form of

an objective test 25 items to measure the results of students in reading

comprehension. In this research, the writer adapted an instrument test of

Junariyah’s thesis entitled The Effectiveness of Using CIRC Technique to

Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension on Recount Text. In her research,

she implemented a content validity to the test.

2. Reliability of the test instrument

Reliability is instrument that can reliable for using collection tool.

According to Brown (2004, p. 20), reliability has to do with accuracy of

measurement. This kind of accuracy reflected in the obtaining of similar

results when measurement repeated on different occasions or with different

instruments or by different persons. The characteristic of reliability

sometimes termed consistently. There are some factors affecting the

reliability of a test, they are:

a. They are extent of the sample of material selected for testing.


b. The administration of the test is clear; this is an important factor in

deciding reliability.

F. Technique of Data Analyzing

In analyzing the data, before the writer calculated the value of ttest to look at

the hypothesis, the writer have to analyze the normality and homogeneity of the

data. The examination of normality needed to know whether the data has been

normally distributed or not. Then, after getting the normality, the next step was

calculating the homogeneity of data. It aims to look at whether the data is

homogeneous or heterogeneous.

1. Normality test

The purpose of the test is to see a sample having a normal distribution or

not. The test used is to us the Chi Square test because the sample in this study

is a large sample , the formula as follows:



: The price of Chi squared sought

: Expected frequency

: Frequency obtained / observed

Calculation steps:

a) Determine the big score and small score

b) Determine the range (R)

c) Determine the number of the classes (BK)

K = 1 + 3,3 log n

d) Determine the length of the class (i)

e) Determine the average or mean ( )

f) Determine the deviation raw (S)


√ ∑ (∑


g) Make a list of expected frequencies in the following way:

(1) Determine the typical limit, namely the score kii the first interval

class minus 0,5 and then the right score class interval plus 0,5.

(2) Determine Z-score value for the interval class by the formula:

(3) Finding for the area of 0-Z from the 0-Z normal curve table by

using members for class boundaries.

(4) Finding the area of each interval class by reducing the numbers

0-Z that is the number of the first line is reduced by the second

limit, the number of the second row is reduced by the third line

and so on.

(5) Finding the expected frequency fe by multiplying the area of

each interval class by the number of respondents.

(6) Finding Chi squared (χ²count) with formula :


(7) Comparing (χ²count) with (χ²table), db = k – 3, if χ²count ≥ χ²table,

then distributive data is not normal, if χ²count ≤ χ²table, then normal

data distribution. (Ridwan, 2013, p. 188)

2. Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is conducted to see whether the two samples have

homogeneous variances or not. The homogeneity test that the writer uses is the

F test or the biggest variance by using table F because the class consists of two


The steps are as follows:

a) Finding for the biggest variance value and the smallest variant.


b) Compare the value Fcount with the value Ftable. By formula:

– (For the biggest variance)

– (For the smallest variance)

c) Both variables are declared homogeneous if at a significant level

( with testing criteria as follows:

If: Fcount ≥ Ftable ,inhomogeneous.

If: Fcount ≤ Ftable ,homogeneous. (Riduwan, 2012, hal. 120)

3. Hypothesis testing

After the required data is collected, the data will be analyzed

quantitatively. Hypothesis testing in this study uses the “t” test.

“Test “t” or “t” test, is one of the statistical tests that is used to test the

truth or falsehood of the null hypothesis which states that two sample mean

from the same population, there is no significant difference. (Anas Sudijono,

2012, p. 347)

The sample in this study is a large sample which does not have a

relationship with each other, and then the formula used is:


= Mean for control class.

= Means for the experimental class.

= Standard Error of the control class.

= Standard Error of the experimental class.

With the calculation steps as follow:

a) Finding for Mean Variable I with the formula:



b) Finding for Mean Variable II with the formula:



c) Finding h for Standard Deviation Variable I with the formula:


√ ∑ (∑


d) Finding for Variable II Deviation Standard with the formula:

√ ∑ (∑


e) Finding for Standard Error Mean Variable I with SD formula:

f) Finding for Standard Variable Error II with the formula:

g) Finding for a Standard Error Difference in Mean Variable I and Mean

Variable II with the formula:

h) Finding using the formula:

Furthermore, it gives an interpretation of with the work procedure

as follows:

(1) Finding or with formula : (

(2) Based on themagnitud of or , we look for the critical price

“t” at th 5% significance level and the 1% significance level with a


(a) If then the null hypothesis is rejected, meaning that

between the two variables that we investigate there is a

significant difference in mean.

(b) If then zero hypothesis is accepted or agreed, meaning

that between the two variables we investigated there is no

significant difference in mean.

i) Conclusion.


4. Effect Size

To see how much influence the learning the effect of using cooperative

integrated and reading composition the ability to connect students learning can

be seen by using the effect size. Effect size is a measure of the magnitude of the

effect of another variable, the magnitude of the difference and the relationship

that is free from the influence of the sample size on the t test uses the Cohen’s

d as follows: (Lee A. Becker, 2000, p. 2)

To count ( ) with the formula as follows:




= Big influence in percent.

= Average experimental class.

= Average control class.

= The number of students in the experimental group.

= Number of control group students.

Experimental class variant.

Experimental class control.

G. Statistical Hypothesis

Hypothesis is the statements in quantitative research in whitch the

investigator make a research. Hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes

of the research. According to Sugiyono (2013, p.96), statistical hypothesis exist

when a research works with samples, if the research does not work by using a

sample, so there is not statictical hypothesis. The statistical hypothesis of this

research can be seen as:


Ha1 : There is significant different between the score of pre-test and

post-test of students reading achievement after applying CIRC


Ho1 : There is no significant different between the score of pre-test

and post-test of students reading achievement after applying

CIRC technique.

Ha2 : There is significant effect on students’ reading achievement for

those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those

who are not.

Ho2 : There is no significant effect on students’ reading achievement

for those who are taught by CIRC technique compared with those

who are not.











24-33 34-43 44-53 54-63 64-73 74-83

Pre-Test Experiment Class

Pre-Test Experiment Class



A. Description of Data

1. The Result of Pre-test of Experimental Class

The writer obtained data pre-test from experimental class by column

chart which consist of 31 students of the eight grades before conducting


Figure 4.1. Pre-Test Experimental Class

From the data above, the number of interval class was 6 and the length

interval was 10 classes. The lowest score of the experimental pre-test class

was in interval 24-33 with 2 students, and the highest score was in interval

74-83 only 5 student. The KKM score in junior high school 9 Jambi City was

75. The result of pre-test score students showed that 5 students reach kkm

score in experimental class. For the calculating of statistical description.

2. The Result of Pre-test of Control Class

The writer obtained data pre-test from control class by column chart

which consist of 31 students of the eight grades before conducting study.











32-40 41-49 50-58 59-67 68-76 77-85

Pre-Test Control Class

Pre-Test Control Class

Figure 4.2. Pre-test Control Class

From the data above, the number of interval class was 6 and the length

interval was 9 classes. The lowest score of the experimental pre-test class was

in interval 32-40 with 3 students, and the highest score was in interval 77-85

only 4 student. The KKM score in junior high school 9 Jambi City was 75.

The result of pre-test score students showed that 10 students reach kkm score

in control class. For the calculating of statistical description.

3. The Comparison of Pre-test data of Experimental and Control Class

The test were presented in comparison of experimental and control class

(pre-test) table which consist of maximum score, minimum score, mean,

variance, standard deviation and standard error from the table below.











48-56 57-65 66-74 75-83 84-92 93-101

Post-Test Experiment Class

Post-Test Experiment Class

Table 4.1

The Comparison of Pre-test data of Experimental and Control Class

Data Experimental Class Control Class

Maximum score 80 80

Minimum score 24 32

Mean 56,56 59,80

Variance 229,46 191,96

Standard Deviation 15,14 13,85

Standard Error 2,76 2,53

4. The Result of Post-Test of Experimental Class

The writer obtained data post-test from experimental class by column

chart which consist of 31 students of the eight grades before conducting


Figure 4.3. Post-Test Experimental Class

From the data above, the number of interval class was 6 and the length

interval was 9 classes. The lowest score of the experimental post-test class











36-43 44-51 52-59 60-67 68-75 76-83

Post-Test Control Class

Post-Test Control Class

was in interval 48-56 with 4 students, and the highest score was in interval

93-101 only 3 student. The KKM score in junior high school 9 Jambi City

was 75. The result of pre-test score students showed that 16 students reached

kkm score in experimental class. For the calculating of statistical description.

5. The Result of Post-Test of Control Class

The writer obtained data post-test from control class by column chart

which consist of 31 students of the eight grades before conducting study.

Figure 4.4. Post-test Control Class

From the data above, the number of interval class was 6 and the length

interval was 8 classes. The lowest score of the experimental pre-test class was

in interval 36-43 with 4 students, and the highest score was in interval 76-83

only 3 student. The KKM score in junior high school 9 Jambi City was 75.

The result of post-test score students showed that 3 students reached kkm

score in control class. For the calculating of statistical description.


6. The Comparison of Post-test Data of Experimental and Control Class

The test were presented in comparison of experimental and control class

(post-test) table which consist of maximum score, minimum score, mean,

variance, standard deviation and standard error from the table below.

Table 4.2

The Comparison of Post-test Data of Experimental and Control Class

Data Experimental Class Control Class

Maximum score 100 80

Minimum score 48 36

Mean 74,35 58,85

Variance 193,70 148,37

Standard Deviation 13,91 12,18

Standard Error 2,54 2,22

B. The Analysis of Data

After the writer got and described the data, then he analyzed the data. The

analysis of data will be presented in three points namely normality test,

homogeneity test, and hypothesis test.

1. Normality Test

The normality test is proposed to know whether the data is normally

distributed or not. The writer uses Liliefors to do the normality test. After

finishing the normality test, the writer got two kinds of value;

and . The both values can be used to see the normality of the data.

We use the criteria below to see the normality of data:

Ha :

H0 :

Note: H0 = Data is not normally distributed


Ha = Data is normally distributed

a) The Result of Normality Test Pre-test

The writer tested normality test after she got score of pre-test

students reading comprehension in experimental and control class. The

result of normality test pretest in experimental and control class, it can be

seen in the table below :

Table 4.3.

The Result of Normality Test Pre-test

Data N

Information Conclusion

Eksperimen 31 7,743 7,815


Control 31 3,321 7,815


Based on the result of the calculation it can be conclude that the

experimental class data control class are normally distributed. it can be

seen in appendix.

b) The Result of Normality Test Post-test

The writer tested normality test after she got score of post-test

students reading comprehension in experimental and control class. The

result of normality test pretest in experimental and control class, it can be

seen in the table below :

Table 4.4.

The Result of Normality Test Post-test

Data N

Information Conclusion

Experiment 31 2,086 7,815


Control 31 2,122 7,815


Based on the result of the calculation it can be conclude that the

experimental class data control class are normally distributed. it can be

seen in appendix.


2. Homogeneity Test

In order to know the homogeneity of the data, the writer did the

homogeneity test. To do the homogeneity test, he tested the score of pretest

and post-test in both experiment and control class using Fisher test.


Ha : The experiment class is homogenous to the controlled class

H0 : The experiment class is not homogenous to the controlled class

The criteria of the test:

α = 0.05

H0 : ≤

Ha : ≥

The formula used in homogeneity test can be seen as follows :

a) Homoogeneity Test of Pre-test

This test was conducted to find out whether the experimental class

and the control group had the same variance (homogeneous). The

homogeneous test performed is the largest variance difference and the

smallest variance. Based on the result of the homogeneity test calculation

obtained value.

Compare with :

= 31 – 1 = 30 (for the biggest variance)

= 32 – 1 = 31 (for the smallest variance)

The provisions of the homogeneity test are as follows

If , meaning the variance of the two populations is



If , meaning the variance of the two populations is not


So, obtained by the value of with numerator 30 and denominator

31 is , because ( it can be

concluded that both data have homogeneous variances.

b) Homoogeneity Test of Post-test

This test was conducted to find out whether the experimental class

and the control group had the same variance (homogeneous). The

homogeneous test carried out is the largest variance difference and the

smallest variance. Based on the results of the homogeneity test

calculation obtained value.

Compare the value Fcount with the value Ftable:

= 31 – 1 = 30 (For the biggest variance)

= 32 – 1 = 31 (For the smallest variance)

The provisions of the homogeneity test are as follows:

If , meaning the variance of the two populations is


If , meaning the variance of the two populations is not


So, obtained by the value of with numerator 30 and denominator

31 is , because ( it can be

concluded that both data have homogeneous variances.


3. Hypothesis Test

In this part, the writer calculated the data to test the hypothesis that

whether there was significant effect of using cooperative integrated reading

and composition technique toward students reading comprehension. By using


Based on previous calculations obtained:

a) Paired Sample T-Test

M1 = 56,56 SD1 = 15,14 2,76

M2 = 74,35 SD2 = 13,91

Calculation steps of hypothesis testing using the “t” test as


1). Finding for standard error difference in mean experimental class

and control class:


) (


√( (

2). finding t0 with formula:

3). determine the interpretation of t0 :

db = (N1 + N2 - 2) = 31 + 31 - 2 = 60 (consultation with the value

table “t”). With db equal to 60 diperoleh obtained by as


at the level of significance 5% = 2,00


at the level of significance 1% = 2,65

test criteria for testing the hypothesis as follows:

then Ho1 accepted and Ha1 be rejected

then Ho1 rejected and Ha1 be accepted

Based on the test results of of 4,64, db = 31+31-2 = 60.

Db is 60, at the 5% = 2,00 and 1% = 2,65. The result of the

calculation show both at the significance level of

5% and 1%. then H01 is rejected meaning that There is no

significant different between the score of pre-test and post-test of

students reading comprehension after applying CIRC technique. It

can also be stated that Ha1 is accepted, meaning that There is

significant different between the score of pre-test and post-test of

students reading comprehension after applying CIRC technique.

b) Independen Sample T-Test

M1 = 74,35 SD1 = 13,91

M2 = 58,85 SD2 = 12,18

Calculation steps of hypothesis testing using the “t” test as


1). Finding for standard error difference in mean experimental class

and control class:


) (


√( (

2). finding t0 with formula:


3). determine the interpretation of t0 :

db = (N1 + N2 - 2) = 31 + 31 - 2 = 60 (consultation with the value

table “t”). With db equal to 60 diperoleh obtained by as


at the level of significance 5% = 2,00

at the level of significance 1% = 2,65

test criteria for testing the hypothesis as follows:

then Ho2 accepted and Ha2 be rejected

then Ho2 rejected and Ha2 be accepted

Based on the test results of of 4,59, db = 31+31-2 = 60.

Db is 60, at the 5% = 2,00 and 1% = 2,65. The result of the

calculation show both at the significance level of

5% and 1%. then H02 is rejected meaning that there is no significant

influence between the application of cooperative integrated and

reading composition learning to students’ reading skill. It can also

be stated that Ha2 is accepted, meaning that there is and significant

influence between the application of cooperative integrated and

reading composition learning to students’ reading skills in junior

high school 9 Jambi City.

4. The Effect Size

To calculate the effect size on the t using the Cohen’s as follows:

To calculate ( ) with the formula:




Based on data processing, it can be known:







√( (

√( (

After the value is obtained, then the value of the influence in

percent is sought ( :


Based on calculations obtained because in table 1,00 the

percentage is 86%, this proves that cooperative integrated and reading

composition learning give a high influence on students’ reading skills

compared to conventional learning.

C. Interpretation

The aims of this research were to find out whether or not there was a

significant effect of using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC)

technique toward students reading achievement at the eight grade of Junior High

School before and after being taught by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition (CIRC).

Based on the analysis, there was significant effect of class who are taught by

using CIRC and those who are not. This can be seen from the pre-test and post-

test result in both of class. The mean score of pre-test in experimental class was

56,56 and the mean score of post-test was 74,35. Meanwhile, the mean score of

pre-test in control class was 59,80 and the mean score of post-test was 58,85. both

of class from pre-test and post-test score got a normality and homogeneity data

which the value (p) ≥ significant (ơ = 0,05). The result of paired sample t-test

showed that H0 was rejected because the t-test (t0) was higher than t-table (tt) or

4,64 ≥ 2,00. The result of hypothesis of test using t-test with significant 0,05

showed that tvalue (4,59) ≥ ttable (2,00). Moreover, the result test of effect size

(Cohen’s) is 1,1, so it show that the high effect size because d ≥ 0 and d ≥ 1,1 with

the percentage 86% . It means that cooperative integrated reading (CIRC)

technique give the high effect to used in the class on students’ reading


Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) as technique as the

treatment in experimental class. Before the treatment was conducted in this class,

the atmosphere of classroom is passive during the lesson. The students feel

monotonous and uninteresting when they are in process of learning because the

teacher just asked the students to read the text every meeting, identifying the

difficult words, translating the words and look up the dictionary if they don’t


know the meaning. So, the students have difficulties in reading comprehension,

such as lack of vocabulary, the concept of the words, unfamiliar syntaticcal

grammar, etc. But, the atmosphere of classroom was changed during treatment,

the students felt that they had new innovation when they learnt English by using

Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). According to Slavin

(1995, p. 105), there are four advantages of CIRC as follow: (a) Increase students’

opportunities to read aloud and receive feedback on their reading; (b) Train the

students to respond to one another’s reading; (c) The students learn broadly

appincreaselicable reading achievement skill; (d) Increase reading comprehension

of low-achieving students. Furthermore, Lehr & osborn theory (2005: p. 20) as

cited in Sholihah, (2016; p.34) said that Reading strategy as follows : (a)

strategies help to improve reading achievement as well as efficiency in reading;

(b) By using strategies, students will be reading in the way that expert readers do.

(c) Strategies help readers to process the text actively, to monitor their

copmrehension, and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and

to other parts of the text.

The result of the test showed that students’ score who were not taught by

using Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) as a technique in

control class improved, but the result of post-test in control class are lower than

the result of post-test in experiment class. The students in both of class, most of

them get better score than their own test in pre-test. Some students scored better,

although they still had some incorrect in making prediction, getting explicit

message, and getting main idea in the test.

It can be concluded, from the description above mean score of post-test in

experimental class which given treatment by using CIRC technique had higher

score compared with control class was using conventional strategy or tradition

method while reading achievement process. So, there was significant effect of

using cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) technique toward

students reading comprehension.




A. Conclusion

Based on the results of hypothesis test, which had been done, the conclusion

could be concluded as follow:

1. The result of paired sample t-test showed that H0 was rejected because

the t-test (t0) was higher than t-table (tt) or 4,64 ≥ 2,00. Score of post-test

in experimental class which given treatment by using CIRC technique

had higher score compared with control class was using conventional

strategy or tradition method while reading achievement process.

2. The result of independent sample t-test with significant 0,05 showed

that tvalue(4,59) ≥ ttable (2,00). It can be concluded that there was a

significant effect of using Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition ( CIRC ) as a treatment in the experimental class on

students’ reading achievement in recount text.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above and based on the study that has been

done, the writer would like to offer some suggestions. The teachers, especially

those teach at Junior High School 9 Jambi City could use Cooperative Integrated

Reading and Composition (CIRC) as an alternative technique to improvement

students reading achievement score. It can be useful to improve their English

teaching and learning especially for teaching reading achievement. The teacher

should be well prepared before entering the classroom. The learning material

should be related to the context of the students lives in order to make the students

easier to relate new information and their background knowledge.

The teacher must be a creative teacher to make the teaching learning

activity more interesting by using this technique. The reason is to make the

students enjoy in teaching and learning activity and make them interested in learn

English, most of them do not like English because they feel boring and think that

English is difficult for them to understand. The teacher asks the students to bring


the dictionary, it will help them when they found the difficult words. For other

researchers who want to conduct the research in teaching reading could use the

result of this research as a source for conducting the research and as an additional

references for further relevant research certainly with different material and

sample. The other researchers also can consider the weaknesses of the result from

this research to conduct a better research.



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This assessment uses a multiple-choice type test, with the number of question

items as many as 25 items with multiple-choice items.



Experiment Class

a. Make a frequency distribution table

Data distribution:

24 80 40 80 80

32 60 40 60 52

76 64 60 40 52

60 60 40 52 52

64 40 72 52 52

64 72 72 60 76


b. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 80

Smallest score (L) = 24

c. Finding Search for range (R)

d. Finding for many classes (K)


e. Finding for the value of class length (i)


f. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 24 – 33 2 28,5 57 812,25 1624,5

2 34 – 43 5 38,5 192,5 1482,25 7411,25

3 44 – 53 6 48,5 291 2352,25 14113,5

4 54 – 63 7 58,5 409,5 3422,25 23955,75

5 64 – 73 6 68,5 411 4692,25 28153,5

6 74 – 83 5 78,5 392,5 6162,25 30811,25

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 1753,5 ∑fX2 = 106069,8

g. Finding for mean or average value


h. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


i. Finding for standard error variable deviations II

j. Make a list of expected frequencies in the following way:

1) Make class limits

23,5 ; 33,5 ; 43,5 ; 53,5 ; 63,5 ; 73,5 ; 83,5

2) Finding for the Z score for the interval class boundary with the formula:

3) Finding for the area of 0-Z from the normal curve table from 0-Z using

numbers for class boundaries, so that they are obtained:

0,4854 ; 0,4357 ; 0,2051 ; 0,0793 ; 0,1736 ; 0,3665 ; 0,4516

4) Finding for the area of each class interval

0,4854 - 0,4357 = 0,0497

0,4357 - 0,2051 = 0,2306

0,2051 + 0,0793 = 0,2844

0,0793 - 0,1736 = 0,0943

0,1736 - 0,3665 = 0,1923

0,3665 - 0,4516 = 0,0951

5) Finding for the expected frequency (fe)

0,0497 x 31 = 1,5704

0,2306 x 31 = 7,1486

0,2844 x 31 = 8,8164

0,0943 x 31 = 2,9233

0,1923 x 31 = 5,9749

0,0951 x 31 = 2,9481

The expected frequency table (fe) from the results of use (fo) for the

experimental class.


Limit Z

Large 0


Large of

Each Interval


23,5 -2,184 0,4854

0,0497 1,5407 2

33,5 -1,523 0,4357

0,2306 7,1486 5

43,5 -0,863 0,2051

0,2844 8,8164 6

53,5 -0,202 0,0793

0,0943 2,9233 7

63,5 0,458 0,1736

0,1929 5,9799 6

73,5 1,119 0,3665

0,0951 2,9481 4

83,5 1,779 0,4616

6) Finding chi-squared ( ) with the formula :








7) Compare ( ) with (


Db = k - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3 and α = 0,05

Obtained = 7,815 and

= 7,743


or 7,743 < 7,815

Then the data is declared to be normally distributed.


a. Make a frequency distribution table

Data distribution:

76 52 60 52 32

80 76 76 52 52

64 64 48 48 32

48 60 76 80 32

64 76 60 48 56

64 48 76 80 56


b. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 80

Smallest score (L) = 32

c. Finding Search for range (R)

d. Finding for many classes (K)


e. Finding for the value of class length (i)


f. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 32 – 40 3 36 108 1296 3888

2 41 – 49 5 45 225 2025 10125

3 50 – 58 6 54 324 2916 17496

4 59 – 67 7 63 441 3969 27783

5 68 – 76 6 72 432 5184 31104

6 77 – 85 4 81 324 6561 26244

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 1854 ∑fX2 = 116640

g. Finding for mean or average value

h. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


i. Finding for standard error variable deviations II

j. Make a list of expected frequencies in the following way:

1) Make class limits

31,5 ; 40,5 ; 49,5 ; 58,5 ; 67,5 ; 76,5 ; 85,5

2) Finding for the Z score for the interval class boundary with the formula:

3) Finding for the area of 0-Z from the normal curve table from 0-Z using

numbers for class boundaries, so that they are obtained:

0,4798 ; 0,4177 ; 0,2704 ; 0,0359 ; 0,2088 ; 0,3869 ; 0,4686

4) Finding for the area of each class interval

0,4798 - 0,4177 = 0,0621

0,4177 - 0,2704 = 0,1473

0,2704 + 0,0359 = 0,3063

0,0359 - 0,2088 = 0,1729

0,2088 - 0,3869 = 0,1781

0,3869 - 0,4686 = 0,0817

5) Finding for the expected frequency (fe)

0,0621 x 31 = 1,9251

0,1473 x 31 = 4,5663

0,3063 x 31 = 9,4953

0,1729 x 31 = 5,3599

0,1781 x 31 = 5,5211

0,0817 x 31 = 2,5327

The expected frequency table (fe) from the results of use (fo) for the

experimental class.


Limit Z

Large 0


Large of

Each Interval

31,5 -2,051 0,4798

0,0621 1,9251 3

40,5 -1,399 0,4177

0,1473 4,5663 5

49,5 -0,747 0,2704

0,3063 9,4953 6

58,5 -0,095 0,0359

0,1729 5,3599 7

67,5 0,558 0,2088

0,1781 5,5211 6

76,5 1,210 0,3869

0,0817 2,5327 4

85,5 1,862 0,4686

6) Finding chi-squared ( ) with the formula :








7) Compare ( ) with (


Db = k - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3 and α = 0,05

Obtained = 7,815 and

= 3,321`


or 3,321 < 7,815

Then the data is declared to be normally distributed.



A. Data

Experiment Class

a. Make a Frequency Distribution Table

Data distribution:

24 80 40 80 80

32 60 40 60 52

76 64 60 40 52

60 60 40 52 52

64 40 72 52 52

64 72 72 60 76


b. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 80

Smallest score (L) = 24

c. Finding Search for range (R)

d. Finding for many classes (K)


e. Finding for the value of class length (i)


f. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 24 – 33 2 28,5 57 812,25 1624,5

2 34 – 43 5 38,5 192,5 1482,25 7411,25

3 44 – 53 6 48,5 291 2352,25 14113,5

4 54 – 63 7 58,5 409,5 3422,25 23955,75

5 64 – 73 6 68,5 411 4692,25 28153,5

6 74 – 83 5 78,5 392,5 6162,25 30811,25

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 1753,5 ∑fX2 = 106069,8

g. Finding for mean or average value


h. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


i. Finding value of variance (S2)

∑ (∑




Control Class

a. Make a frequency distribution table

Data Distribution:

76 52 60 52 32

80 76 76 52 52

64 64 48 48 32

48 60 76 80 32

64 76 60 48 56

64 48 76 80 56


b. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 80

Smallest score (L) = 32

c. Finding for ranges (R)

d. Finding for many classes (K)


e. Finding for the value of class length (i)


b. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 32 – 40 3 36 108 1296 3888

2 41 – 49 5 45 225 2025 10125

3 50 – 58 6 54 324 2916 17496

4 59 – 67 7 63 441 3969 27783

5 68 – 76 6 72 432 5184 31104

6 77 – 85 4 81 324 6561 26244

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 1854 ∑fX2 = 116640

g. Finding for the mean or average value

h. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


i. Finding value variance (S2)

∑ (∑




B. Determine with testing criteria

= 31 – 1 = 30 (for the largest variance)

= 31 – 1 = 30 (for the smallest variance)

The provisions of the homogeneity test are as follows:

If , meaning the variance of the two populations is


If , meaning the variance of the two population is not


C. Determin

D. Compare and

From the result obtained, ( concluded that both

data have homogeneous variance.


(Experiment Class)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 9 Kota Jambi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1

Materi Pokok : Recount Text

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 40 menit (3 Pertemuan )

A. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong

royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3 Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,

budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.

KI 4 Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis,

membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang

dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

social teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


3.12.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount sesuai dengan konteks


3.12.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai dengan konteks


4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.14.1 Memahami makna kata dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam teks



Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, peristiwa dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.15.1 Menyusun teks recount dengan memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur unsur, dan unsur kebahasan yang benar dan sesuai


4.15.2 Menganalisis teks recount berdasarkan wacana.

4.15.3 Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam


Focus penguatan karakter : Santun , percaya diri, dan kerja sama

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

a. Menjelaskan pengertian recount teks.

b. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan recount.

c. Penggunaan simple past tense dengan tepat

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang unsure

kebahasaan dan struktur teks pada teks recount.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : CIRC Technique

2. Model : Discovery Learning

3. Metode : Cooperative Learning

F. Media Pembelajaran

Worksheet, Buku Panduan, Papan Tulis.

G. Sumber Belajar

Buku Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris, When

English Rings the Bell

H. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan I (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 1. Membahas salam

2. Berdoa

3. Menunjukkan


4. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

1. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

2. Memberikan

motivasi dan


3. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

4. Menginformasikan

tujuan pembelajaran

10 menit



1. Observing

Duduk dengan

kelompok masing-


Menulis apa yang

ditulis guru dipapan


Mendengar dan

mengamati apa yang

dijelasi guru tentang

recount teks.

2. Questioning


berbagai hal yang



Menulis pengertian,

struktur dan


tentang recount

teks di papan tulis.


pengertian, struktur

dan karakteristik

tentang recount


Memancing siswa

untuk bertanya.

60 Menit

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

3. Collecting Data


berbagai informasi

yang ada didalam

recount teks dengan


Mencari informasi

struktur teks yang

berkaitan dengan teks

dan unsur kebahasaan

dalam teks dengan


Mencari informasi

fungsi sosial teks

4. Associating

Menuliskan kalimat-

kalimat yang

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

5. Communicating

Secara kelompok satu

persatu membacakan

kalimat-kalimat yang

ditulisnya dalam

bentuk kalimat past

tense .

Membimbing siswa

untuk mencari dan


informasi dengan

kelompok yang

diberikan untuk



Guru meminta

siswa menuliskan


dalam bentuk past

tense dengan


Guru meminta

siswa membuat

kelompok dan

menulis past tense

yang ada di teks

recount didepan




siswa membaca

kalimat yang ditulis

dipapan tulis.

Penutup 1. Guru dan siswa




2. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah


3. Guru memberi

umpan balik

terhadap proses dan

hasil pembelajaran

4. Melakukan

penilaian dan

refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang

sudah dilaksanakan

secara konsisten

secara terprogam.

5. Memberikan tugas

kelompok sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik.

6. Menyampaikan


pembelajaran pada



10 Menit

Pertemuan II (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 1. Membahas salam

2. Berdoa

3. Menunjukkan


4. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

1. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

2. Memberikan

motivasi dan


3. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

4. Menginformasikan



10 menit



1. Observing

Duduk dikelompok


Membahas tentang

jumble letter.

2. Questioning

Menyusun jumble

letter menjadi sebuah

kata dalam bentuk

past tense.

3. Collecting Data


berbagai informasi


agar duduk




tentang jumble

letter kepada siswa





setiap kelompok

menyusun jumble



setiap kelompok

60 Menit

yang ada didalam

jumble letter yang

telah mereka


4. Associating

Menuliskan kalimat-

kalimat yang

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

5. Communicating

Secara kelompok


kalimat-kalimat yang

ditulisnya dalam

bentuk kalimat past

tense .

untuk mencari dan


informasi dengan

bertanya jawab

dengan temanya

untuk melengkapi


Guru meminta

setiap kelompok



dalam bentuk past


Guru meminta

setiap kelompok

menulis teks dalam

bentuk past tense

didepan kelas

secara bergiliran.

Penutup 1. Guru dan siswa



2. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah


3. Guru memberi

umpan balik

terhadap proses dan

hasil Pembelajaran.

4. Melakukan penilaian

10 Menit

dan refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara

konsisten secara


5. Memberikan tugas

kelompok sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik

6. Menyampaikan


pembelajaran pada



Pertemuan III (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 1. Membahas salam

2. Berdoa

3. Menunjukkan


4. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

1. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

2. Memberikan

motivasi dan


3. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

4. Menginformasikan



10 menit



1. Observing

Duduk dengan

kelompok masing-


Menerima materi

biographical recount


2. Questioning

Menjawab informasi


biographical recount





Memberi materi


recount teks.


kelompok untuk

mencari dan


informasi tentang


recount teks.

60 Menit

3. Collecting Data


berbagai informasi

yang ada didalam

biographical recount

teks yang telah

mereka dapatkan.

4. Associating

Menuliskan sebuah

biographical dengan

kelompok masing-


5. Communicating

Kelompok secara



biographi di depan


Guru meminta



informasi yang ada



recount teks.

Meminta kelompok

membuat sebuah


Meminta kelompok


biographi didepan


Penutup 1. Guru dan siswa



2. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah


10 Menit

3. Guru memberi

umpan balik

terhadap proses dan

hasil Pembelajaran

4. Melakukan penilaian

dan refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara

konsisten secara


5. Memberikan tugas

kelompok sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik.

I. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

Penilaian Sikap

Penilaian sikap berupa penilaian oleh guru menggunakan jurnal catatan guru dengan

mencatat perilaku peserta didik yang menonjol, baik positif maupun negatif selama

pembelajaran, atau di luar pembelajaran. Berikut format jurnal catatan guru:

1. Sikap

Penilaian Sikap

Nama Siswa : …………………

NIS : ………………….

Kelas : ………………….


No Aspek penilaian 1 2 3 4 5

1 Tanggung jawab

2 Peduli

3 Kerja sama

4 Cinta damai

Keterangan :

1=Sangat kurang 2=Kurang 3.Cukup 4=Baik 5.=Amat baik

2. Pengetahuan :

Penilaian pengetahuan

Nama Kosa




Memahami tujuan




Pedoman Penskoran

Aspek Penilaian Deskripsi Nilai

Kosa kata · Ketepatan pemilihan kata 60-100

Makna · Ketepatan makna 60-100

Tujuan komulatif · Memahami tujuan komunikatif 60-100

3. keterampilan

Rubrik penilaian keterampilan

Kegiatan : Menulis dan berbicara

Aspek Penilaian

Nama Tata bahasa pronounciation intonation Rata-rata nilai


(Control Class)

Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Negeri 9 Kota Jambi

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1

Materi Pokok : Recount Text

Alokasi Waktu : 6 x 40 menit (3 Pertemuan )

J. Kompetensi Inti

KI 1 Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

KI 2 Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi, gotong

royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan

lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya

KI 3 Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural)

berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,

budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian yang tampak mata.

KI 4 Mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan,

mengurai, merangkai, memodifikasi dan membuat), dan ranah abstrak (menulis,

membaca, menghitung, menggambar, dan mengarang)sesuai dengan yang

dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam sudut pandang/teori.

K. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi

social teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, dan peristiwa pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks


3.12.1 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount sesuai dengan konteks


3.12.2 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks recount sesuai dengan konteks


4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana tentang

kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa.

4.14.1 Memahami makna kata dan kalimat yang terdapat dalam teks



Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang kegiatan,

kejadian, peristiwa dengan memperhatikan fungsi social, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

4.15.1 Menyusun teks recount dengan memperhatikan fungsi social,

struktur unsur, dan unsur kebahasan yang benar dan sesuai


4.15.2 Menganalisis teks recount berdasarkan wacana.

4.15.3 Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam


Focus penguatan karakter : Santun , percaya diri, dan kerja sama

L. Tujuan Pembelajaran

d. Menjelaskan pengertian recount teks.

e. Menyebutkan ciri kebahasaan recount.

f. Penggunaan simple past tense dengan tepat

M. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang unsure

kebahasaan dan struktur teks pada teks recount.

N. Metode Pembelajaran

1. Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

2. Model : Discovery Learning

3. Metode : Cooperative Learning

O. Media Pembelajaran

Worksheet, Buku Panduan, Papan Tulis.

P. Sumber Belajar

Buku Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2016. Bahasa Inggris, When

English Rings the Bell

Q. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan I (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 5. Membahas salam

6. Berdoa

7. Menunjukkan


8. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

5. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

6. Memberikan

motivasi dan


7. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

8. Menginformasikan

tujuan pembelajaran

10 menit



2. Observing

Menulis apa yang

ditulis guru dipapan


Mendengar dan

mengamati apa yang

dijelasi guru tentang

recount teks.

2. Questioning


berbagai hal yang

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

3. Collecting Data

Menulis pengertian,

struktur dan


tentang recount

teks di papan tulis.


pengertian, struktur

dan karakteristik

tentang recount


Memancing siswa

untuk bertanya.

Membimbing siswa

60 Menit


berbagai informasi

yang ada didalam

recount teks.

Mencari informasi

struktur teks yang

berkaitan dengan teks

dan unsur kebahasaan

dalam teks.

Mencari informasi

fungsi sosial teks

4. Associating

Menuliskan kalimat-

kalimat yang

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

5. Communicating

Secara bergantian


kalimat-kalimat yang

ditulisnya dalam

bentuk kalimat past

tense .

untuk mencari dan


informasi dengan

bertanya jawab

untuk melengkapi


Guru meminta

siswa menuliskan


dalam bentuk past


Guru meminta

siswa menulis past

tense yang ada di

teks recount

didepan kelas

secara bergiliran.



siswa membaca

kalimat yang ditulis

dipapan tulis.

Penutup 7. Guru dan siswa




8. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah

10 Menit


9. Guru memberi

umpan balik

terhadap proses dan

hasil pembelajaran

10. Melakukan

penilaian dan

refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang

sudah dilaksanakan

secara konsisten

secara terprogam.

11. Memberikan tugas

individual sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik.

12. Menyampaikan


pembelajaran pada



Pertemuan II (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 5. Membahas salam

6. Berdoa

7. Menunjukkan


8. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

5. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

6. Memberikan

motivasi dan


7. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

8. Menginformasikan



10 menit



1. Observing

Membahas tentang

jumble letter.

6. Questioning

Menyusun jumble

letter menjadi sebuah

kata dalam bentuk

past tense.

7. Collecting Data


berbagai informasi

yang ada didalam

jumble letter yang

telah mereka



tentang jumble

letter kepada siswa.



siswa menyusun

jumble letter.

Membimbing siswa

untuk mencari dan


informasi dengan

bertanya jawab

dengan temanya

untuk melengkapi

60 Menit

8. Associating

Menuliskan kalimat-

kalimat yang

berkaitan dengan

recount teks.

9. Communicating

Secara bergantian


kalimat-kalimat yang

ditulisnya dalam

bentuk kalimat past

tense .


Guru meminta

siswa menuliskan


dalam bentuk past


Guru meminta

siswa menulis teks

dalam bentuk past

tense didepan kelas

secara bergiliran

Penutup 7. Guru dan siswa



8. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah


9. Guru member umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil


10. Melakukan penilaian

dan refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara

konsisten secara


10 Menit

11. Memberikan tugas

individual sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik

12. Menyampaikan


pembelajaran pada



Pertemuan III (2 JP)

Kegiatan Deskripsi


Siswa Guru

Pendahuluan 5. Membahas salam

6. Berdoa

7. Menunjukkan


8. Memperhatikan

tujuan pembelajaran

5. Mengucapkan

salam dan meminta

salah satu siswa

memimpin doa.

6. Memberikan

motivasi dan


7. Memeriksa

kehadiran siswa

8. Menginformasikan



10 menit



2. Observing

Membahas materi


Menerima materi

biographical recount


2. Questioning

Menjawab informasi


biographical recount


3. Collecting Data


Membahas materi


Memberi materi


recount teks.

Membimbing siswa

untuk mencari dan


informasi dengan

bertanya jawab

untuk melengkapi


Guru meminta


60 Menit

berbagai informasi

yang ada didalam

biographical recount

teks yang telah

mereka dapatkan.

4. Associating


biographical diri.

5. Communicating

Secara bergantian


biographi diri di

depan kelas.


informasi yang ada



recount teks.

Meminta siswa

membuat biographi


Meminta siswa


biographi diri

didepan kelas.

Penutup 6. Guru dan siswa



7. Guru dan siswa

melakukan refleksi

terhadap kegiatan

yang sudah


8. Guru member umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil


10 Menit

9. Melakukan penilaian

dan refleksi terhadap

kegiatan yang sudah

dilaksanakan secara

konsisten secara


10. Memberikan tugas

individual sesuai

dengan hasil belajar

peserta didik.

R. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

Penilaian Sikap

Penilaian sikap berupa penilaian oleh guru menggunakan jurnal catatan guru dengan

mencatat perilaku peserta didik yang menonjol, baik positif maupun negatif selama

pembelajaran, atau di luar pembelajaran. Berikut format jurnal catatan guru:

2. Sikap

Penilaian Sikap

Nama Siswa : …………………

NIS : ………………….

Kelas : ………………….


No Aspek penilaian 1 2 3 4 5

1 Tanggung jawab

2 Peduli

3 Kerja sama

4 Cinta damai

Keterangan :

1=Sangat kurang 2=Kurang 3.Cukup 4=Baik 5.=Amat baik

2. Pengetahuan :

Penilaian pengetahuan

Nama Kosa




Memahami tujuan




Pedoman Penskoran

Aspek Penilaian Deskripsi Nilai

Kosa kata · Ketepatan pemilihan kata 60-100

Makna · Ketepatan makna 60-100

Tujuan komulatif · Memahami tujuan komunikatif 60-100

3. keterampilan

Rubrik penilaian keterampilan

Kegiatan : Menulis dan berbicara

Aspek Penilaian

Nama Tata bahasa pronounciation intonation Rata-rata nilai



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII/Ganjil

Specification of the test

No Indicator of Reading

Comprehension Number of Item Total of Item

1. Shows the main idea of a text

4, 7, 14, 25 4

2. Determine the purpose of the text

6, 19, 22 3

3. Mention detail information in the

text both imply and explicit 2, 3, 10, 11, 17,

21, 23, 7

4. Explain the meaning of certain

expressions in the text 5, 8, 15, 16, 20 5

5. Explain the references in the text 1, 9, 12, 13, 18,

24 6

Total 25 25


Multiple Choices 25 questions

Choose the best answer to each question from the alternative given !

Text for number 1 - 5

Yesterday my mother was ill. My father and I took her to the doctor. First,

my father talked to the lady who was in charge of registration. She typed the data

about my mother on the computer. Then we waited for my mother’s turn.

When her turn comes, i accompanied her to enter the doctor’s room. The

doctor listened to my mother’s complained patiently. Then, he examined my

mother by putting the stethoscope on her chest. After that, a nurse, to take my

mother’s temperature so she put a thermometer in my mother’s armpit. He told me

that my mother had a bad influenza. He wrote a prescription and gave it to me. He

advised my mother to stay in bed for three days and come back after a week.

Then, my father took my mother home directly and I went to the nearest


1. Who was sick yesterday ?

a. The reader’s mother c. My father

b. The writer’s mother d. The writer’s father

2. What did the doctor do first after the patience enter his room ?

a. Examined the patient first after the patients enter his room

b. Took the patient’s blood pleasure by using spignomonometer

c. Listened to the patient’s complain patiently

d. Wrote a precription and gave it to the writer

3. What is used to take the patient’s temperature ?

a. Thermometer c. Spignomonometer

b. Stethoscope d. Electrocardiograph

4. On what paragraph are telling about reorientation of the text ?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

5. What is the antonym of ill according to the text in paragraph 1 ?

a. Sick b. Fit c. Diseased d. Sore

Text for number 6 – 8

I want to tell you about my memorable time in Singapore. It was one of the

best holidays I ever had.

I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city I saw from Moount

Fable that night. The roller-coaster ride, the stunts performed by the dolphins and

the killer whale at the Sea World were also exciting. I shall remember the thrill of

having been on one of longest rides in the monorail in Sentosa Island for many

years to come.

I also enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the makeshift roadside stalls at

the Chinatown night market. I also enjoyed the shopping trips. My family and

friends agreed that the souvenirs were value for money, especially the silk scarves

with pretty prints and the attractive key chains.

6. The communicative purpose of this text is ...

a. To describe about animal story

b. To describe about the writer’s story

c. To tell the rader about animal story

d. To tell the reader about the one story

7. What does the first sentence tell you ?

a. The past event c. The shopping trips

b. The opening of the story d. The varieties of seafood

8. “I shall never forget the spectacular sight of the city ..... “ (Paragraph 2)

What does the underlined word mean ?

a. Nice b. Usual c. Amazing d.


Text for number 9 - 11

My family and I went on trip to Solo. We went on Monday by car and

stayed at my grandparents’ house.

On Tuesday, we went tp Tawangangu. We enjoyed scenic view of its

waterfall and had lunch there. They served traditional custine like wedangronde,

tempebacm, fried fish and fried chicken. After that we continued our journey to

Taman Jurug.

The next day, we went to Kasunan palace. We saw a lot of historical

heritages in the palace. After that we went shopping to Klewer market and solo

grandmall. We bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went

sightseing town.

On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and came back

to our home. I really enjoyed my holiday. It was fun.

9. What sentence explains event in the text above ?

a. My family and I went on trip to Solo

b. On Tuesday, we went tp Tawangangu

c. The next day, we went to Kasunan palace

d. On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents

10. When did the writer go on Wednesday ?

a. Taman Jurug c. Grandparents’ house

b. Tawangmangu d. Kasunan Palace

11. When did the writer go home ?

a. On Sunday c. On Wednesday

b. On Tuesday d. On Monday

Text for number 12 – 16

On Saturday night, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the

year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It

would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at

five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited

and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted, “It’s two minutes

past twelve! The clock has stopped!”

I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the

New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.

12. Which of the following is not true according to the text ?

a. The writer was waiting to celebrate the New Year

b. The writer brought a watch

c. The writer was very happy

d. The writer celebrated the New Year with his family

13. What probably happened when someone shouted that the clock stopped ?

a. Everybody directly celebrated the New Year

b. Everybody sings and laugh

c. Everybody looked for a watch

d. Everybody shouted too

14. What does the first sentence tell you ?

a. The problem that the writer met c. The funny thing in the story

b. The opening of the story d. The past event

15. “It would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ time.”

The underlined word refers to ...

a. The clock c. The town

b. Author’s watch d. The place

16. “The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.”

What is the antonym of the underline word ...

a. Reject c. Prevent

b. Accept d. Repel

Text for number 17 – 20

Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, Dutch Eas

Indies (now Indonesia). He was Indonesia’s first vice presidents, later also served

as the country’s prime minister known as the “proclamator”. He and a number of

Indonesian people from Dutch. Despite his efforts to gain Indonesia

independence, he studied in the Netherlands from 1921 until 1932.

Moreover after his early education, he studied in Dutch schools in

Indonesia. He is more remembered as bung Hatta (bung is an affectionate title

used to address colleagues, popular in the early 1900 and is still used by


17. When was Mohammad Hatta born ?

a. West Sumatra c. North Sumatra

b. East Sumatra d. South Sumatra

18. Based on the text above, we know that ...

a. Ir. Soekarno is usually called by bung Karno

b. Bung Hatta studied in Indonesia before 1932

c. Bung Karno and bung Hatta was closed friend

d. Bung Hatta was first president of Indonesia

19. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To announced a person’s life

b. To tell past events and achievement in a person’s life

c. To amuse students about person’s life

d. To describe a person’s activity

20. Known as the “Proclamator”. He .... (Paragraph 1)

The underline word means a person who ...

a. Announced officially and publicly

b. Is popular in Indonesia

c. Helps president duty

d. Leads a country and nation

Text for number 21 - 25

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 at Stratford-on-Avon in England.

At the time Elizabeth I had been queen for six years.

His father was a shopkeeper and his mother was a daughter of a farmer.

William went to Stratford grammar school, where he learnt Latin, scripture, and


When he left school, William was employed by his father. He married a

local girl, Anne Hathaway, when he was eighteen. Three years later he left

Straford and went to London. Shakespeare’s life was between the year 1585 and

1590. By the end of 1590 he had joined a group of actors and had started writing

plays. During the next twenty years he wrote thirty two plays. He wrote possible

more plays, which he did not have published or performed.

Shakespeare went back to Stratford-on-Avon a few years before he died

in 1616 at the age of 52.

21. Where Shakespeare was born ?

a. England b. France c. America d. Corsica

22. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To tell about Shakespeare’s life c. To tell Albert Einstein’s life

b. To repport the accident d. To ask the information

23. When was Shakespeare born ?

a. 1585 b. 1564 c. 1583 d. 1590

24. What subject that Shakespeare did not learn ?

a. Latin b. Scripture c. Mathematics d.


25. On what paragraph are telling about orientation of the text ?

a. 1 b. 4 c. 2 d. 3


No Students Pre-test Post-test

1 Adam Hizran Syah 24 48

2 Ahmad Zakwan Zaki 80 100

3 Alvin Rizki A 40 56

4 Anissa Fadilla M 80 100

5 Bayu 80 100

6 Della Winanda 32 56

7 Devinta Anitama 60 80

8 Dian Annisa Fitri 40 56

9 Diky Adrian 60 60

10 Dinda Putri Kirana 52 92

11 Endang Pitria N 76 92

12 Ilham Zani 64 60

13 Immanuel Giovandly 60 80

14 Jessica Wandanuru 40 84

15 M. Jefri 52 72

16 M. Nandanan Zahra 60 72

17 M. Rafly Zahwan 60 72

18 Mega Febriyanti 40 60

19 M. Fadly 52 60

20 Nindi Nabila Z 52 68

21 Oka Rahma M 64 80

22 Pandawa 40 60

23 Putri Salsabila 72 84

24 Radith Setiawan Y 52 72

25 Rian Aldi Saputra S 52 72

26 Riska Auliah 64 80

27 Rizqi Alfahrezi 72 92

28 Sartika Dewi 72 84

29 Satria Nugraha 60 80

30 Sevtinia Maharani 76 80

31 Talitha Zara Dini 60 80


No Students Pre-test Post-test

1 Aditya Pratama 76 72

2 Ahmad Fajarudin 52 52

3 Anggita Mey Dwi C. 60 64

4 Anisyah Safitri 52 52

5 Arief Darmawan 32 36

6 Aulia Suryani 80 72

7 Brahma Prasetya 76 72

8 Dian Novita Sari 76 64

9 Dito Arta Pratama 52 48

10 Hennita Wulandari 52 52

11 Kemas Rivan P 64 64

12 Luthfi Salsabila 64 64

13 M. Dimas Prayoga 48 48

14 M. Ilham Perdana P 48 48

15 M. Ridho Reyriyaldi 32 48

16 Miliandriyani 48 48

17 Miliandreasti A 60 56

18 Nadirra Al-Kaff 76 72

19 Nan Gombang 80 80

20 Nayla Olivia 32 36

21 Oktavia Yosefine M. 64 64

22 R. Chaisar Ancinio 76 72

23 Rafly Afriliansyah 60 56

24 Rts Fadillah Azzahra 48 48

25 Reka Garditika N 56 56

26 Reza Tri Maydina 64 64

27 Rio Ananta Villareal 48 48

28 Risky Akbar 76 64

29 Rizky Dwi Maydini 80 80

30 Septi Setiani 56 56

31 Rakha Zwiyano R 80 80



k. Make a frequency distribution table

Data distribution:

48 100 56 100 100

56 80 56 60 92

92 60 80 84 72

72 72 60 60 68

80 60 84 72 72

80 92 84 80 80


l. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 100

Smallest score (L) = 48

m. Finding Search for range (R)

n. Finding for many classes (K)


o. Finding for the value of class length (i)


p. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 48 – 56 4 52 208 2704 10816

2 57 – 65 5 61 305 3721 18605

3 66 – 74 6 70 420 4900 29400

4 75 – 83 7 79 553 6241 43687

5 84 – 92 6 88 528 7744 46464

6 93 – 101 3 97 291 9409 28227

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 2305 ∑fX2 = 177199

q. Finding for mean or average value


r. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑



s. Finding for standard error variable deviations II

t. Make a list of expected frequencies in the following way:

8) Make class limits

47,5 ; 56,5 ; 65,5 ; 74,5 ; 83,5 ; 92,5 ; 101,5

9) Finding for the Z score for the interval class boundary with the formula:

10) Finding for the area of 0-Z from the normal curve table from 0-Z using

numbers for class boundaries, so that they are obtained:

0,4732 ; 0,3997 ; 0,2357 ; 0,004 ; 0,2422 ; 0,4032 ; 0,4744

11) Finding for the area of each class interval

0,4732 - 0,3997 = 0,0735

0,3997 - 0,2357 = 0,164

0,2357 + 0,004 = 0,2397

0,004 - 0,2422 = 0,2382

0,2422 - 0,4032 = 0,161

0,4032 - 0,4744 = 0,0712

12) Finding for the expected frequency (fe)

0,0735 x 31 = 2,2785

0,164 x 31 = 5,084

0,2397 x 31 = 7,4307

0,2382 x 31 = 7,3842

0,161 x 31 = 4,991

0,0712 x 31 = 2,2072

The expected frequency table (fe) from the results of use (fo) for the

experimental class.


Limit Z


of 0 –Z

Large of

Each Interval


47,5 -1,931 0,4732

0,0735 2,2785 4

56,5 -1,284 0,3997

0,164 5,084 5

65,5 -0,637 0,2357

0,2397 7,4307 6

74,5 0,010 0,004

0,2382 7,3842 7

83,5 0,657 0,2422

0,161 4,991 6

92,5 1,304 0,4032

0,0712 2,2072 3

101,5 1,951 0,4744

13) Finding chi-squared ( ) with the formula:








14) Compare ( ) with (


Db = k - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3 and α = 0,05

Obtained = 7,815 and

= 2,086


or 2,086 < 7,815

Then the data is declared to be normally distributed.


a. Make a frequency distribution table

Data distribution:

72 52 64 52 36

72 72 64 48 52

64 64 48 48 48

48 56 72 80 36

64 72 56 48 56

64 48 64 80 56


b. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 80

Smallest score (L) = 36

c. Finding Search for range (R)

d. Finding for many classes (K)


e. Finding for the value of class length (i)


f. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 36 – 43 4 39,5 158 1560,25 6241

2 44 – 51 5 47,5 237,5 2256,25 11281,25

3 52 – 59 7 55,5 388,5 3080,25 21561,75

4 60 – 67 7 63,5 444,5 4032,25 28225,75

5 68 – 75 5 71,5 357,5 5112,25 25561,25

6 76 – 83 3 79,5 238,5 6320,25 18960,75

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 1824,5 ∑fX2 = 111831,8

g. Finding for mean or average value

h. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


i. Finding for standard error variable deviations II

j. Make a list of expected frequencies in the following way:

8) Make class limits

39,5 ; 47,5 ; 55,5 ; 63,5 ; 71,5 ; 79,5 ; 83,5

9) Finding for the Z score for the interval class boundary with the formula:

10) Finding for the area of 0-Z from the normal curve table from 0-Z using

numbers for class boundaries, so that they are obtained:

0,4664 ; 0,3962 ; 0,2257 ; 0,0119; 0,2611 ; 0,4131 ; 0,4783

11) Finding for the area of each class interval

0,4664 - 0,3962 = 0,0702

0,3962 - 0,2257 = 0,1705

0,2257 + 0,0119 = 0,2376

0,0119 - 0,2611 = 0,2492

0,2611 - 0,4131 = 0,152

0,4131 - 0,4783 = 0,0652

12) Finding for the expected frequency (fe)

0,0702 x 31 = 2,1762

0,1705 x 31 = 5,2855

0,2376 x 31 = 7,3656

0,2492 x 31 = 7,7252

0,152 x 31 = 4,712

0,0652 x 31 = 2,0212

The expected frequency table (fe) from the results of use (fo) for the

experimental class.


Limit Z

Large 0


Large of

Each Interval

36,5 -1,835 0,4664

0,0702 2,1762 4

43,5 -1,261 0,3962

0,1705 5,2855 5

51,5 -0,604 0,2257

0,2376 7,3656 7

59,5 0,053 0,0119

0,2492 7,7252 7

67,5 0,710 0,2611

0,152 4,712 5

75,5 1,367 0,4131

0,0652 2,0212 3

83,5 2,023 0,4783

13) Finding chi-squared ( ) with the formula:








14) Compare ( ) with (


Db = k - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3 and α = 0,05

Obtained = 7,815 and

= 2,122


or 2,122 < 7,815

Then the data is declared to be normally distributed.



B. Data

Experiment Class

j. Make a Frequency Distribution Table

Data distribution:

48 100 56 100 100

56 80 56 60 92

92 60 80 84 72

72 72 60 60 68

80 60 84 72 72

80 92 84 80 80


k. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 100

Smallest score (L) = 48

l. Finding Search for range (R)

m. Finding for many classes (K)


n. Finding for the value of class length (i)


o. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 48 – 56 4 52 208 2704 10816

2 57 – 57 5 61 305 3721 18605

3 66 – 66 6 70 420 4900 29400

4 75 – 83 7 79 553 6241 43687

5 84 – 92 6 88 528 7744 46464

6 93 – 101 3 97 291 9409 28227

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 2305 ∑fX2 = 177199

p. Finding for mean or average value


q. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑



r. Finding value of variance (S2)

∑ (∑



Control Class

c. Make a frequency distribution table

Data Distribution:

88 56 64 52 40

88 80 80 56 60

72 64 72 64 52

56 64 80 88 40

72 80 64 48 72

72 48 80 88 72


d. Finding for the biggest and smallest score

Biggest score (H) = 88

Smallest score (L) = 40

e. Finding for ranges (R)

f. Finding for many classes (K)


g. Finding for the value of class length (i)


h. Make a frequency distribution table

No Interval F X fX X2


1 40 – 48 4 44 176 1936 7744

2 49 – 57 5 53 265 2809 14045

3 58 – 66 6 62 372 3844 23064

4 67 – 75 6 71 426 5041 30246

5 76 – 84 5 80 400 6400 32000

6 85 – 93 5 89 445 7921 39605

∑N = 31 ∑fX = 2084 ∑fX2 = 146704

j. Finding for the mean or average value

k. Finding for standard deviation

√ ∑ (∑


√ (


l. Finding value variance (S2)

∑ (∑




E. Determine with testing criteria

= 31 – 1 = 30 (for the largest variance)

= 31 – 1 = 30 (for the smallest variance)

The provisions of the homogeneity test are as follows:

If , meaning the variance of the two populations is


If , meaning the variance of the two population is not


F. Determin

G. Compare and

From the result obtained, ( concluded that both

data have homogeneous variance.



NAME : Zania Fajadri

Date of Birth : Padang Lawas, Juny 07th, 1996

Gender : Female

Addres : Perumahan Bougenvil Blok IC No. 01, Simpang Rimbo,


Motto : indeed, with hardship comes ease (Al-Inshirah ayat 6)”

Identity : College Student

Email :

Contact Person : 0853-6691-7407

Educational Background

No Level of Education Adress Year

1. UIN STS JAMBI Sei. Duren, Kec.Jaluko, Kab. Muaro Jambi 2014-2018

2. SMAN 5 Tanjab Timur Blok D, Kec. Geragai, Kab. Tanjung Jabung



3. SMPN 5 Tanjab Timur Blok D Pasar, Kec. Geragai, Kab. Tanjung

Jabung Timur


4. SDN 61/X Tanjab Timur Talang Babat, Kec. Ma Sabak Barat, Tanjung

Jabung Timur


5. TK Harapan Bundo Padang Laweh, Kab. Agam, Bukittinggi 2001-2002


No Work Year

1 Bintang Private 2016-2017
