THE EQUIVALENCE AND THE METHOD OF THE INDONESIAN ... fileof the indonesian translation of english...


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Student Number: 104214113















Student Number: 104214113

















Walk on through the wind

Walk on through the rain

Though your dreams be tossed and blown

(Gerry and Pacemakers – You’ll never walk alone)











First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for His blessing on me during

the whole process of this undergraduate thesis writing. Just like what He says

“and know that I am with you to the end of time”. He never stops holding my

arms, walks with me and believe in me even in my darkest time.

I would like to thank my advisor, Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, M.Hum.,for

his patience, guidance, and help during the process of thesis writing. I would also

like to thank to my Adventina Putranti, M.Hum., for giving me essential points in

order to make this undergraduate thesis better. I would like to thank also to my

lecturers in Faculty of Letters who share their knowledge and experience. I also

thank the secretariat staff, Mbak Ninik, who always helps me and other students

during our study in English Letters Department.

My special thanks to my beloved parents, who never stop believing in me. I

also thank my elder sister, who never stops teaching and supporting me in every

single step of my life. I also thank my brother and sisters for their endless love

and support.

A lot ofthanks to Cynthia Ray, who always helps me during my thesis

writing. Many thanks must also be given to my friends; James, Patrick, Tyo,

Ryan, Panji, Ceribo, Willy, Martin, for their support, laughter, and smile. I would

like to thank also to other people that I cannot mention one by one.

Melkianus Pasangka




TITLE PAGE .............................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ..................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE ............................................................................... iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ........................................................... v


MOTTO PAGE ........................................................................................... vii

DEDICATION PAGE ................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES AND DIAGRAMS ...................................................... xii

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. xiii

ABSTRAK ................................................................................................... xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ........................................................................ 4

C. Object of the Study ............................................................................ 4

D. Definition of Terms ........................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II: THEORETICAL REVIEW ............................................. 6

A. Review of Related Study ................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories .............................................................. 8

1. Theory of Idiom ......................................................................... 8

2. Theory of Equivalence ............................................................... 10

3. Theory of Film Translation ......................................................... 11

4. Theory of Translation Method ................................................... 12

C. Theoretical Frameworks .................................................................... 14

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY .......................................................... 16

A. Area of Research ............................................................................... 16

B. Object of the Study............................................................................. 16

C. Method of the Study .......................................................................... 16

D. Research Procedure ........................................................................... 17

1. Types of Data ............................................................................. 17

2. Data Collection ........................................................................... 17

3. Population ................................................................................... 19

4. Data Analysis ............................................................................. 19


A. The Equivalence of Indonesian Translation of English Idioms ......... 21

1. Idiom Translation Strategy .......................................................... 22



2. EquivalentTranslation ................................................................. 28

B. Translation Methods of English Idioms into Indonesian ................... 42

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION .................................................................. 55

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES ............................................................................................. 59

Appendix 1: Data Collection .................................................................. 59

Appendix 2: Idiom and Equivalence Category .................................... 60

Appendix 3: Translation Method Category ......................................... 61




Table 3.1. Table of Example of Equivalent Translation ............................ 18

Table 3.2. Table of Example of Translation Method ................................ 19

Table 3.3. Table of Example of Idiom Translation Strategy ..................... 19

Table 3.4. Table for Equivalent Translation .............................................. 20

Table 3.5. Table for Translation Method .................................................. 20


Diagram 1 Idiom Translation Strategy ....................................................... 22

Diagram 2 Equivalent Translation .............................................................. 29

Diagram 3 Translation Method .................................................................. 42




PASANGKA, MELKIANUS. The Equivalence and The Method of The

Indonesian Translation of English Idiom in The Subtitle of Friday Night

Lights Movie.Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Sanata Dharma

University, 2016.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the equivalence and the translation

method of English idioms found in the Friday Night Lights movie subtitle. The

difficulty that translator faces to translate idioms in the movie subtitle is how to

make idioms in the source language can be accepted and understood by target

readers. The translation must be delivered accurately to the target language so

target readers can understand the context of the movie.

The researcher analyzes two problems in this study. The first problem is the

equivalence of Indonesian translation of English idioms. The second problem is

the translation method that applied in translating English idioms into Indonesian

in Friday Night Lights movie subtitle.

To conduct the analysis, the researcher uses a library research method. The

library research is used to find theories needed by the researcher such as theory of

idiom, theory of subtitle, theory of equivalence, and theory of translation method.

The first problem analyzed in this study is the equivalence of Indonesian

translation of English idioms. To answer this problem, the researcher uses theory

of equivalence from Nida. The researcher found 14 idioms in the Friday Night

Lights movie subtitle. There are 3 idioms and its translation categorized as formal

equivalence and 11 idioms as dynamic equivalence.

The second problem analyzed in this study is the translation method that

applied in translating English idioms into Indonesian in the movie subtitle. The

answer this problem, the researcher uses theory of translation method from

Newmark. The researcher found 14 idioms; 4 idioms translated by using semantic

translation method and 10 idioms translated by using communicative translation





Pasangka, Melkianus. The Equivalence and The Method of The Indonesian

Translation of English Idiom in The Subtitle of Friday Night Lights Movie.

Yogyakarta; Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma,


Skripsi ini membahas tentang ekuivalensi dan metode penerjemahan dari

idiom bahasa inggris yang ditemukan dalam teks terjemahan film Friday Night

Lights.Kesulitan yang dihadapi penerjemah dalam menerjemahkan idiom dalam

teks terjemahan film adalah bagaimana idiom dari bahasa sumber dapat diterima

dan dipahami oleh penonton bahasa sasaran. Hasil terjemahan harus tersampaikan

secara akurat kedalam bahasa sasaran agar penonton dapat mengerti makna dari


Peneliti meneliti 2 masalah dalam studi ini. Masalah pertama adalah

ekuivalensi dari terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dengan idiom bahasa Inggris.

Masalah kedua adalah metode penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam

menerjemahkan idiom bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia pada teks

terjemahan film Friday Night Lights.

Untuk mendukung analisis, peneliti menggunakan metode studi pustaka.Studi

pustaka digunakan untuk menemukan teori – teori yang dibutuhkan oleh peneliti

seperti teori idiom, teori teks terjemahan, teori ekuivalen, dan teori metode


Masalah pertama dalam studi ini adalah ekuivalensi dari terjemahan bahasa

Indonesia dengan idiom bahasa Inggris. Untuk menjawab masalah ini peneliti

menggunakan teori ekuivalen dari Nida. Peneliti menemukan 14 idiom dalam teks

terjemahan film Friday Night Lights. Terdapat 3 idiom dan terjemahannya

dikategorikan sebagai formal equivalence dan 11 idiom dikategorikan sebagai

dynamic equivalence.

Masalah kedua dalam studi ini adalah metode penerjemahan yang digunakan

dalam menerjemahkan idiom bahasa Inggris kedalam bahasa Indonesia pada teks

terjemahan film. Untuk menjawab masalah ini peneliti menggunakan teori metode

penerjemahan dari Newmark.Peneliti menemukan 14 idiom; 4 idiom

diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan semantic translation dan 10 idiom

diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan communicative translation.





A. Background of the Study

Translation has become a part of society all over the world. For example,

traders in the past who travelled to other country used local people as a translator

to communicate with people in their destination. A translator helps them to do

their business activity.

The format of translation in the past is verbal version but today translation is

also in written version. One of the examples is movie. Movie has become a part

that cannot be separated from human life. There are many sources for people to

watch movie. People can watch movie in the cinema, by rent it in the rental movie

or download movie via website. Movie has become an entertainment media and a

tool for people to learn about culture from every country.

As previously stated above, people can learn about culture, habit, and

language of people from other country by watching movie. The way of actors

speaks to each other helps people to understand the behaviour and mind set of

actors. Visualization such as places or things from the movie also helps people to

understand about the condition of society in some countries.

Another aspect from the movie that helps people learn about other society is

translation in form of subtitle. Through text or subtitle, which is shown at the

bottom of the movie, people or audience can learn about the habit, the idea, the

custom or even the culture as whole part from the society of other country.

Subtitle is also functioned as a text that gives direct message from the Source



Language (SL) to the Target Language (TL). Subtitle helps the viewers to

understand the story or the plot of a movie.

However, there are some problems that people can find in the film subtitle.

One of them is cultural language expression, such as idiom. Baker said that there

are four things that make the result in translating idiom is not equivalent with the

language of the TL. The first one is that an idiom or fixed expression may have no

equivalent in the TL. The second is that an idiom or fixed expression may have a

similar counterpart in the TL. The third is that an idiom may be used in the SL in

both its literal and idiomatic senses at the same time. The last is the very

convention of using idioms in written discourse, the contexts in which they can be

used, and their frequency of use may be different in the SL and TL (Baker,


As a result, in order to make a good translation of idiom a translator must

learn deeper with the language from SL. A translator also must analyse the text

meaning from SL then use an appropriate method to TL so the message delivered


A translator who takes the time to study carefully the source language text, to

write a semantic analysis of it, and then to look for the equivalent way in

which the same message is expressed naturally in the receptor language, will

be able to provide an adequate, and sometime brilliant translation (Larson,


Here are some examples of translating idiom from Source Text into Target

Text based on the movie subtitle.



ST/1/01:04:02 → Empty handed into tangan hampa

ST/1/01:04:02 And one of them home empty handed

TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar dengan tangan hampa

ST idiomempty handed and TT idiom tangan hampa have similar meaning.

Idiom Empty handedin idiom dictionary authorized by Slamet Riyanto has a

meaning carrying nothing or gained nothing while idiom tangan hampain idiom

dictionary authorized by Abdul Chaer has a meaning ‘tidak memperoleh hasil’ (do

not get anything). The form of these two idioms are also similar because the idiom

tangan hampa is come from same origin, empty handed.

ST/2/00:10:27 → Use your mind into bermain dengan akal

ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use your mind

TT/2/00:10:27 Kau harus bermain dengan akalmu

TLbermain dengan akaland SL use your mind are quite similar in meaning.

Idiom bermain dengan akal in idiom dictionary authorized by Abdul Chaer is

defined as ‘melakukan penipuan’ (cheating) while use your mind in idiom

dictionary authorized by William Freeman defined as use brain or mind to do

something. Based on their form, both of these idioms have dissimilar form.

Bermain dengan akal is a pure idiom while use your mind is a semi idiom.

Friday Night Lights movie is chosen since this movie contains many

unfamiliar idioms for readers in the target language (Indonesia). The analysis of

this study focuses on finding the equivalence of Indonesian translation of English

idioms and the translation methods that applied in translating English idioms into




B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the study, the researcher comes up with two

problems formulation.

1. What is the equivalence level of Indonesian translation of English idioms in

Friday Night Lights movie like?

2. What are the translation methods applied in translating English idioms into

Indonesian in Friday Night Lights movie?

C. Object of the Study

This research aims to find out how a translator translates the English idioms

in Friday Night Lights movie. It analyses whether the translation of the English

idioms from the movie is equivalent with its translation in the TT. Finally, the last

analysis is to find out how the translation method applied in translating English

idioms into Indonesian as the TL.

D. Definition of Terms

Idiom, according to Beckman and Callow, is an expression of at least two

words which cannot be understood literally and which function as a unit

semantically (Beckman and Callow, 1974:121).

Equivalence is the condition where texts in different languages can be

equivalent in different degrees (fully or partially equivalent), in respect of

different level of presentation (equivalent in respect of context, of semantics, of

grammar, of lexis, etc.) and at different ranks (word-for-word, phrase-for-phrase,

sentence-for-sentence) (Bell, 1991:6).



Translation method, which is stated by Loescher,is a potentially conscious

procedure for solving a problem faced in translating a text, or any segment of it

(Loescher, 1991:8).

Subtitle based on Audiovisual Translation is a written text generally on the

lower part of the screen, that endeavours to recount the original dialogue of the

speakers, as well as the discursive elements that appear in the image and the

information that is contained on the soundtrack (Cintas and Remael, 2014:9).





This chapter elaborates the theoretical review used in this research. It contains

of related studies, review of related theories, and theoretical framework of the


A. Review of Related Study

There are four related studies researcher uses as a comparison with this study.

The first is an undergraduate thesis written by Cylas Desidarus Rianantang titled

“Classification of Translation Strategies of Pure Idioms in the Translation of

Pramoedya’s Rumah Kaca into House of Glass by Max Lane”. This study

concerns about the research of pure idiom and the translation strategies of pure

idiom applied in the Pramoedya’s Rumah Kaca into House of Glass. To analyze

pure idiom, he uses three strategies which are using an idiom of similar meaning

and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form and translation

by paraphrase.

The second study is written by Winda Adeputri Djohar in her undergraduate

thesis title “The Equivalence and The Acceptability of the Translation of

Discourse Markers in John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”. She focuses

on two things which are the equivalence and the acceptability of the translation of

Discourse Markers in The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.



The third study is an undergraduate thesis written by Pangastuti Adi Hapsari

“The Translation Equivalence in the Translation of Phrasal Verbs that Experience

Translation Shift in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory into Charlie dan Pabrik

Cokelat Ajaib”. This study concerns on the equivalence translation of phrasal

verbs taken from novel. Phrasal verbs are used as a material to be analyzed

because phrasal verbs cannot be translated into Indonesian instantly.

The fourth study is an undergraduate thesis written by Grasia Atika Susanti

titled “The Accuracy and Readability of the Translation of English Cultural Terms

in the Indonesian Subtitle of “JUMANI” Movie”. This study concerns on the

accuracy and readability of English cultural terms in the movie subtitle. She says

cultural terms should be translated accurately so readers can accept and

understand it clearly.

The differences between studies above with this study are the focus of the

study, the subject, and the source of the data. The study from Rianantang focuses

on the equivalent of the translation of pure idiom from ST to TT and the

translation strategies. The data from Rianantang are taken from novel. This study

also focuses on the equivalent of idiom but it uses translation method for further

analyze and the data are taken from movie subtitle.

The study from Djohar focuses on the equivalence and the acceptability of

Discourse Markers. Djohar uses novel as the data source. She uses qualitative

method and document analysis to get information on Discourse Markers. Djohar

uses the empirical research to find the equivalence and the acceptability of DM.

This study does not use DM but idioms, taken from movie subtitle, as the object



of research. The researcher finds the equivalence of idioms and the translation

method that applied in the subtitle.

The focus of the study of Hapsari with this study is same but the source

material is different. Both of these studies are focus on the translation equivalent.

Hapsari concerns with phrasal verbs from English to Indonesian but this study

concerns with idiom from English to Indonesian. The datacollection that Hapsari

used is taken from novel while the data of this study is taken from movie subtitle.

The focus of study from Susanti is the accuracy and readability of English

cultural terms found in the movie subtitle. The data of this study is also taken

from movie subtitle but the focus is different with Susanti’s thesis. This thesis

focuses on the equivalence and translation method that applied in the movie


B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Idiom Translation

In the book titled In Other Words, Mona Baker classifies theory to analyze

idiom in 5 points; “using an idiom of similar meaning and form, using an idiom of

similar meaning but dissimilar form, borrowing the source language idiom,

translation by paraphrase, and translation by omission” (1992:78 – 86).

a. Using an idiom of similar meaning and form

This strategy involves using an idiom in the target language which

conveys roughly the same meaning as that of the source-language idiom and,

in addition, consists of equivalent lexical items. As an example, English

idiom two- faced is translated into Indonesian idiom “bermuka dua”. Both of



these two idioms have same meaning, which is saying one thing and meaning


b. Using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form

This strategy is used to find an idiom or fixed expression in the target

language which has a meaning similar to that of the source idiom or

expression, but which consists of different lexical items. As an example,

English idiom use your mind is translated into Indonesian idiom ‘bermain

dengan akal”. Both of these two idioms have similar meaning but different

lexical item. These two idioms are pointed to a condition of people who use

their brain to do something. The difference is English idiom uses word use

while Indonesian idiom uses word “bermain”.

c. Borrowing the source language idiom

This is a common strategy in dealing with culture-specific items. It is

unusual for idioms to be borrowed in their original form in some contexts. As

an example English idiom devil’s advocate is borrowing from Latin, which is


d. Translation by paraphrase

This strategy is used when a match cannot be found in the target language

or when it seems inappropriate to use idiomatic language in the target text

because of differences in stylistic preferences of the source and target

languages. The example of idiom translated by paraphrase is English idiom

red alert into Indonesian “bahaya”. This idiom is translated into word

“bahaya” because both of them have similar context.



e. Translation by omission

An idiom may sometimes be omitted altogether in the target text, because

it has no close match in the target language, its meaning cannot be easily

paraphrased or for stylistic reasons. As an example, English idiom hold a

nickel is hardly to be translated into Indonesian because this idiom has no

close match in the Indonesian language as the target language.

2. Theory of Equivalence

The researcher uses theory of equivalence of Nida. In book titled Toward a

Science of Translating, Nida classifies equivalent translation into two; formal

equivalence and dynamic equivalence (Nida, 1964:159).

a. Formal Equivalence

In book titled Toward a Science of Translating, Nida said that formal

equivalence focuses on the message, both in form and content. The message in the

TL should match as closely as possible with the different elements in the SL.

Formal equivalence focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and

content. In such a translation one is concerned with such correspondences as

poetry to poetry, sentence to sentence, and concept to concept. Viewed from

this formal orientation, one is concerned that the message in the receptor

language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the

source language. This means, for example, that the message in the source

culture to determine standards of accuracy and correctness (Nida, 1964:159).

b. Dynamic Equivalence

A translation of dynamic equivalence focuses on the equivalent effect. The

context in the target language should be relevant or same with the context in the

source language. The aim of dynamic equivalence is to complete the natural

expression in the source message.



A translation of dynamic equivalence aims at complete naturalness of

expression and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant

within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understand the

cultural patterns of the source language context in order to comprehend the

message … in such a translation the focus of attention is directed, not so

much toward the source message as toward the receptor response (Nida,


3. Film Translation

In her journal titled Translation in a Confined Space, Barbara Schwarz says

that subtitle is for an audience who could not understand the film. The main aim

must be clarity and ease of reading. However, there are some guidelines or rules

for subtitle in order to fulfill its main aim. These guidelines are presented below.

1. Subtitle is placed at the bottom of the screen either left aligned or centered. It

must not stay across on the screen because it disturbs the visual or picture of a


2. Subtitle also consist of only one or two line with no more than 35 characters

including spaces.

3. To unsure the good legibility on any type of background, subtitle uses a

simple font in white or yellow with a dark drop shadow and placed in

transparent bar.

4. Subtitle must use font styles, for example Italics, to mark foreign words or to

emphasize particular words in the dialogue.

5. Capitals are used in subtitle to indicate important information which is not

part of the dialogue, such as voices from radio, television, or loudspeakers.

Capitals are also used for written words as for example, on posters, letters, or

newspaper when the content is important to the story line.



6. To unsure synchronization with the spoken word and the image,

conversations in the subtitle have to be condensed in a layout which helps

audience to identify different speakers.

7. Punctuation in subtitle is used to convey interpersonal dynamics that reflect

those of the film dialogue. Hesitation or insecurity can be visualized by

inserting an ellipsis (…) or loudness with an exclamation mark (!).

8. Subtitle duration, which appears on the screen, is limited. It is because

subtitle follows the pace of the film and the delivery of the dialogue. The

duration of subtitle ranges from one to six seconds.

4. Theory of Translation Method

In book titled A Textbook of Translation, Peter Newmark says that there is a

gap of source and target language as the overriding problem in translating theory

and practice. To solve this problem, Newmark offers V diagram which is consists

of 8 translation methods. The differences between these 8 methods are shown

below (1988: 45-47).

SL emphasis TL emphasis

Word for word translation Adaptation

Literal translation Free translation

Faithful translation Idiomatic translation

Semantic translation Communicative translation

1. Word for word translation

Word for word translation translates text word by word with their most

common meanings and keeps the structure or word order of the text. The

translation result of this method is out of context. The main use of this

method is to understand the mechanics of the source language.



2. Literal translation

Literal translation converts the SL grammatical constructions to their

nearest TL equivalents but the lexical words are translated singly, out of


3. Faithful translation

Faithful translation attempts to reproduce the contextual meaning of the

source text within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. This kind

of translation also attempts to be completely faithful to the intention of the SL


4. Semantic translation

Semantic translation attempts to render the exact contextual meaning by

preserving the semantic and syntactic structure of the source text. It

ispreserved because the form and content of the source text are one.

5. Communicative translation

Communicative translation attempts to convey the exact contextual

meaning of the source text, both in content and language. This kind of

method uses a natural expression to express the meaning of the source text,

which makes target readers are easier to understand the context.

6. Idiomatic translation

Idiomatic translation reproduces the message of the source or original text

but change the nuances of the original meaning by preferring colloquialisms

and idioms where do not exist in the original language.



7. Free translation

Free translation tends to reproduce the content of the source text without

following the form of it. The form of this kind of translation usually as a

paraphrase and its much longer than the original.

8. Adaptation

Adaptation is used mainly for plays (comedies and poetry) where the SL

culture converted to the TL culture.

C. Theoretical Framework

The aim of this research is to analyze two major things;the equivalence and

the translation method of the translation of English idiom into Indonesian. The

researcher starts by collecting English idioms and its translations in Indonesian

which taken from the subtitle of Friday Night Lights movie.

The next step is the researcher uses the theory of idiom from Mona Baker;

“using idiom as similar meaning and form, using idiom as similar meaning but

dissimilar form, borrowing the source language idiom, translation by paraphrase,

and translation by omission” (1992: 78 – 86). This theory is used to find whether

the words, phrase, or sentences are idioms or not.

On the next step, the researcher starts to answer the first problem formulation.

The first problem formulation focuses on the equivalent translation of idioms in

source text. In order to answer the first problem, the researcher uses the theory of

equivalent from Nida. The researcher also adds theory of film translation from

Schwarz to analyze the subtitle.



The last step is the researcher starts to analyze the translation method that

applied in the translation of English idioms to Indonesian. The translation method

is taken from Peter Newmark. In book entitled A Textbook of Translation where

Newmark classifies translation method into 8; “word for word, literal translation,

faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptation, free translation, idiomatic

translation, and communicative translation” (1988:45-47). In the analysis, the

researcher focuses on two translation methods. They are semantic translation and

communicative translation.





A. Area of Research

The area of this research is text analysis and translation research where the

source text and target text are analyzed. The analysis focuses on the equivalence

and translation method of the translation of Friday Night Lights Movie. According

to Williams and Chesterman, translation texts do not only stop on the analysis

itself but also continue to the comparison of the result with the source text


B. Object of the Study

The object of the study is English idioms taken from a movie entitled Friday

Night Lights. Idiom is an expression of at least two words which cannot be

understood literally and which function as a unit semantically (Beckman and

Callow in Munday, 1974:121).

C. Method of the Study

The method used in this study is library research. Based on George, through

library research the researcher collects the translation theories as the factual

information and other information that related to the subject of the study and also

the data.

Involves identifying and locating sources that provide factual information

or personal/expert opinion on a research question; necessary component of

every other research method at some point (George, 2008:6)

The data categorized and compared using idiom dictionaries both English and

Indonesian. The researcher compares the data from the source text and its



translations in order to find the equivalent between them and the final analysis is

to find the translation method that applied in the movie subtitle.

D. Research Procedure

1. Types of Data

The data for this research are 14 idioms. There were two objective used in this

research. The first was English subtitle from the movie “Friday Night Lights”.

This movie released on October 8, 2004. It was an American football sports

movie. This movie is based from H.G Bissinger’s book which described the

economically depressed town of Odessa, Texas and their heroic high school

football team, The Permian High Panthers. The duration of this movie was 118

minutes. The English subtitle data were taken from with further

link is The

English subtitle is used as source text comparison.

The second was Indonesian subtitle. The data were taken from subtitle

was translated from English subtitle. Therefore, Indonesian translations are the

target analysis.

2. Data Collection

In order to collect the data from Friday Night Lights movie, the researcher has

to understand the definition of idiom. After understand the definition of idiom, the

researcher starts to collect idioms from the source text (ST). The next step is the

researcher finds idioms translation in the target text (TT). In process of collecting



data, the researcher watches the movie more than one by using subtitle from both

sources. The researcher does not only take idioms and its translations but also

sentences from both sources.

In equivalence categories, the researcher put idioms and its translations in the

table. The researcher also needs to collect the sentences that connected with

idioms and its translations. After collecting data, the research underlines and

makes bold idioms and its translations that would be analyzed. The code would be

given as the last step.

Table 3.1. Table of Example of Equivalent Translation

ST/12/01:26:25 is headed for the promised land

TT/12/01:26:24 Sedang menuju tanah impian

Equivalence dynamic

In which:

ST : Source Text (English Subtitle)

15 : Data Order

01:26:25 : Time of English sentence appear in the subtitle

TT : Target Text (Indonesian Subtitle)

15 : Data Order

01:26:24 : Time of Indonesian sentence appear in the subtitle

Equivalence : Type of Equivalent Translation

In terms of translation method, the researcher put idioms and its translations in

the table. The researcher also needs to collect the sentences that connected with

idioms and its translations. After collecting data, the research underlines and

makes bold idioms and its translations. Some codes are given as the last step.



Table 3.2. Table of Example of Translation Method

ST/1/01:04:02 And one of them home empty handed

TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar dengan tangan hampa

Translation Method Semantic

In which:

ST : Source Text (English subtitle)

1 : Data Order

01:04:02 : Time of English sentence appear in the subtitle

TT : Target Text (Indonesian subtitle)

1 : Data Order

01:04:02 : Time of Indonesian sentence appear in the subtitle

Translation method : Translation method category

3. Population

The population of this study were idioms found in the ST subtitle of Friday

Night Lights movie. The total population of this study was 30 data but only 14

idioms are translated into Indonesian. The population method that this study used

was collected data from sentences that contains idioms. This research did not use


4. Data Analysis

There are several steps of analyzing data for this study. The first step is the

researcher uses Baker’s theory in order to find the translation strategies of the

idioms and its translations. The idioms dictionary of English, other English

published dictionary and Indonesian idioms dictionary would be used.

Table 3.3. Table of Example of Idiom Translation Strategy

ST/7/00:49:07 You can’t do that so it’s out of question

TT/7/00:49:06 Kau tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, itu masalahnya



After the translation strategy of idioms are found, the researcher tries to probe

whether the data from the ST and the TT are equivalent or not by using theory of

equivalence from Nida. The collected data are put into a table and some codes are

given in order to make the analysis easier. The researcher also uses theory of film

translation to analyze the subtitle.

Table 3.4. Table of Equivalent Translation

ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use your mind

TT/2/00:10:27 Kau harus bermain dengan akalmu

Equivalence Formal

As the final analysis, the researcher starts to collect the data and put it in the

table in order to find the translation method that applied in the Target Text. The

theory of translation method from Newmark is used to answer the second problem


Table 3.5. Table of Translation Method

ST/3/00:01:06 It’s Mojo Radio back on the air

TT/3/00:01:07 Mojo Radio kembali mengudara

Translation Method Semantic





This chapter consists of two parts. The first part discusses the translation

strategy of idioms. The theory of Mona Baker is used to find the translation

strategies of each idiom that found in the Source Text. The strategies from Baker

are explained based on the relation between idioms in ST and its translation.

After the translation strategies of English idioms are found, the researcher

tries to probe whether the idioms and its translations are equivalent or not. Theory

of equivalence from Nida is used in this analysis.

The second part discusses the translation method that applied by the translator

in the Target Text. The theory of translation method from Peter Newmark is used

in this analysis. The researcher uses two translation methods from Newmark;

communicative and semantic translation.

A. The Equivalence of Indonesian Translation of English Idioms

The researcher tries to find the translation strategies of idioms and its

translations before goes further with equivalent translation. In book titled In Other

Words, Mona Baker mentions 4 translation strategies of idiom; “using an idiom of

similar meaning and form, using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form,

borrowing the source language idiom, and translation by paraphrase”.

Based on Baker’s theory, there are three idiom translation strategies in the

analysis. The first one is using an idiom of similar meaning and form, the second

is using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form and the last is translation

by paraphrase. There are 14 data of idioms found in the ST. There is 1 idiom



1 1










Using an idiom of similarmeaning and form

Using an idiom of similarmeaning but dissimilar form

Translation by paraphrase

translated with “using an idiom of similar meaning and form” strategy, there is 1

idiom translated with “using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form”

strategy and 12 idioms translated with “translation by paraphrase” strategy. This

data show that translation by paraphrase is the most strategy that occurs in the

analysis. This fact also confirms that Indonesia and English language are quite


1. Idiom Translation Strategy

The researcher finds 14idioms. There is 1 idiom translated with using an

idiom with similar meaning and form strategy, 1 idiom translated with using an

idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form strategy and 12 idioms translated

with translation by paraphrase strategy. The whole analysis is presented below.

Diagram 1. Idiom Translation Strategy



a. Using an idiom of similar meaning and form

This strategy involves using an idiom in the target language that conveys

roughly the same meaning as that of the source-language idiom and, in addition,

consists of equivalent lexical items.

ST/1/01:04:02 → Empty handed into tangan hampa

ST/1/01:04:02 And one of them home empty handed

TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar dengan tangan hampa

ST idiom empty handed and TT idiom tangan hampa have similar meaning.

Idiom Empty handed in idiom dictionary authorized by Slamet Riyanto has a

meaning carrying nothing or gained nothing while idiom tangan hampa in idiom

dictionary authorized by Abdul Chaer has a meaning ‘tidak memperoleh hasil’ (do

not get anything). The form of these two idioms are also similar because the idiom

tangan hampa is come from same origin, empty handed.

b. Using an idiom of similar meaning but dissimilar form

This strategy is used to find an idiom or fixed expression in the target

language which has a meaning similar to that of the source idiom or expression,

but which consists of different lexical items.

ST/2/00:10:27 → Use your mind into bermain dengan akal

ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use your mind

TT/2/00:10:27 Kau harus bermain dengan akalmu

TL bermain dengan akal and SL use your mind are quite similar in meaning.

Idiom bermain dengan akal in idiom dictionary authorized by Abdul Chaer is

defined as ‘melakukan penipuan’ (cheating) while use your mind in idiom



dictionary authorized by William Freeman defined as use brain or mind to do

something. Based on their form, both of these idioms have dissimilar form.

Bermain dengan akal is a pure idiom while use your mind is a semi idiom.

c. Translation by Paraphrase

This strategy is used when a match cannot be found in the Target Language

or when it seems inappropriate to use idiomatic language in the Target Text (TT)

because of differences in stylistic preferences in the source and target languages.

ST/3/00:01:06 → Back on the air into kembali mengudara

ST/3/00:01:06 It’s Mojo Radio back on the air

TT/3/00:01:07 Mojo Radio kembali mengudara

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘kembali

mengudara’ as the translation of SL idiom back on the air. This phrase is used to

express the contextual meaning of SL idiom. The meaning of SL idiom and its

translation are similar. Idiom back on the air in idiom dictionary authorized by

Jane Kirkpatrick has a meaning broadcasting on the radio or television while

phrase ‘kembali mengudara’ in Indonesian dictionary authorized by Ebta

Setiawan has a meaning ‘melakukan siaran di radio atau televisi’ (broadcasting on

the radio or television).

ST/4/01:08:34 → Fact of life into kenyataan hidup



It’s the only fact of life

It’s an ugly fact of life



Inilah kenyataan hidup

Inilah kenyataan hidup yang buruk



The translator uses TL phrase ‘kenyataan hidup’ as the translation of SL

idiom fact of life. The translator uses this phrase to express the message of idiom.

The meaning of idiom fact of life in idiom dictionary authorized by T.H. Long is a

situation that cannot be changed.

ST/5/00:08:01 → Red alert into bahaya

ST/5/00:08:01 Red alert, everybody

TT/5/00:08:00 Bahaya, bahaya nih semuanya

The translator uses TL word ‘bahaya’ as the translation of SL idiom red alert.

This word is used to express the message of idiom. The meaning of idiom red

alert in idiom dictionary authorized Kirkpatrick is a situation in which people are

prepared for something dangerous happen.

ST/6/00:41:26 → The short end into terjelek

ST/6/00:41:26 And sometimes you get the short end

TT/6/00:41:26 Dan kadang kau mendapatkan yang terjelek

The translator TL uses word ‘terjelek’ as the translation of SL idiom the short

end. This word is used to express the message of idiom. The meaning of idiom the

short end in idiom dictionary authorized by Adam Makkai is the worst or most

unpleasant part.

ST/7/00:49:07 → Out of question into masalah

ST/7/00:49:07 You can’t do that so it’s out of question

TT/7/00:49:06 Kau tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, itu masalahnya

The translator uses TL word ‘masalah’ as the translation of SL idiom out of

question. This word is used to express the message of SL idiom. The meaning of



idiom out of question in idiom dictionary authorized by T.H. Long is impossible

or not to be considered.

ST/8/00:49:34 → Same page into pikiran yang sama



You and I are on thesame page

We ain’t on thesame page



Kau dan aku punya pikiran yang sama

Pikiran kita tidak sama

The translator uses TL phrase ‘pikiran yang sama’ as the translation of SL

idiom same page. This phrase is used to express the message of idiom. The

meaning of idiom same page based in idiom dictionary authorized by Joanna

Turnbull is a situation of two or more people or groups who agree about what they

trying to achieve.

ST/9/01:01:12 → Make a man into berharap

ST/9/01:01:12 I was supposed to make a man of you

TT/9/01:01:12 Aku sebenarnya berharap padamu

The translator uses TL word ‘berharap’ as the translation of SL idiom make a

man. This word is used to express the message of SL idiom. The meaning of

idiom make a man in idiom dictionary authorized by T.H. Long is to cause a

young man to develop into an independent and responsible man.

ST/10/01:22:53 → Keep your cool into tenang

ST/10/01:22:53 Be patient in there. Keep your cool

TT/10/01:22:53 Mike, aku ingin kau sabar, tenang

The translator uses TL word ‘tenang’ as the translation of SL idiom keep your

cool. This word is used to express the message of SL idiom. The meaning of



idiom keep your cool based on idiom dictionary authorized by T.H. Long is to

continue to be calm in difficult situation.

ST/11/01:25:44 → Out of control into diluar aturan

ST/11/01:25:44 Clay, this game is quickly spiraling out of control

TT/11/01:25:44 Clay, permainan ini tampaknya sudah diluar aturan

The translator uses phrase ‘diluar aturan’ [sic] as the translation of SL idiom

out of control. This phrase is used to express the message of idiom. The meaning

of idiom is out of control based on idiom dictionary authorized by Richard A.

Spears is to be or become impossible to manage or to control.

ST/12/01:26:25 → The promised land into tanah impian

ST/12/01:26:25 Is headed for the promised land

TT/12/01:26:24 Sedang menuju tanah impian

The translator uses TL phrase ‘tanah impian’ as the translation of SL idiom

the promised land. This phrase is used to express the message of idiom. The

meaning of idiom the promised land in idiom dictionary authorized by T.H. Long

is a place or situation where people expect to be happy and safe.

ST/13/01:26:30 → Spark of life into harapan

ST/13/01:26:30 Finally a spark of life in the form of Ivory Christian

TT/13/01:26:31 Akhirnya ada satu harapan dari Ivory Christian

The translator uses word ‘harapan’ as the translation of SL idiom spark of

life. This word is used to express the message of idiom. The meaning of idiom

spark of life based on idiom dictionary authorized by B.L.K. Henderson is there is

hope life.



ST/14/00:04:47 → Knock out into mengalahkan




Boobie gonna knock them out with black Nikes

I could knock you out in a pair of flip-flops

Yeah, well, I’m gonna knock them out with Nikes on my feet




Kalau Boobie mengalahkan mereka, itu artinya Boobie

pakai Nike dikakinya, benar?

Aku bisa mengalahkanmu dengan flip-flops

Yeah, aku akan mengalahkan mereka dengan Nike di kakiku

The translator uses TL word ‘mengalahkan’ as the translation of SL idiom

knock out. This word is to express the message of SL idiom. The meaning of

idiom knock out in idiom dictionary authorized by Adam Makkai is to make

helpless, unworkable, or unusable.

2. Equivalent Translation

Theory of equivalence from Nida is used in this analysis section. Nida in a

book titled Introducing Translation Studies classifies equivalence into formal and

dynamic equivalence. Formal equivalence focuses on delivering the message, in

both form and content. The message in the TL should match as closely as possible

with different elements in the SL. Dynamic equivalence focuses on the equivalent

effect. The context in the target language be relevant or same with the context in

the source language.

In this analysis, the researcher finds 14 idioms. There are 3data classified as

formal equivalence and 11 classified as dynamic equivalence. The data are as

shown in the diagram below.



Diagram 2. EquivalentTranslation

ST/1/01:04:02 → Empty handed into tangan hampa

ST/1/01:04:02 And one of them home empty handed

TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar dengan tangan hampa

Equivalence Formal

This sentence is spoken by a reporter who gives report about a coin toss game

for 3teams who fail in their last game. This coin toss game is held to decide whose

teams continue to play in the next stage. There are only two slots available and the

team that lost in the coin toss cannot go to the next stage in the football match.

SL Idiom empty handed in the sentence above is translated to the target text

with TL idiom tangan hampa. Both of these idioms are equivalent because TL

idiom has same meaning with SL idiom. The meaning of TL idiom tangan hampa

is ‘tidak mendapat apa-apa’ (do not get anything) while SL idiom empty handed is

without getting what people want. Both of these idioms also have same message;










Formal Equivalence Dynamic Equivalence



a team does not get a chance to play in the football competition because this team

is defeated in the coin toss. Based on Nida’s theory, this idiom translation is called

formal equivalence. In formal equivalence, the message in the TL should match

closely with the different element in the SL. Translator also delivers the message

based on its form and content. The message of these idioms is similar because

they have similar in meaning. The translator also translates the SL idiom into the

TL idiom based on its form.

In translating subtitle, a translator should translate it as efficient as possible. It

is because translator has limitation of space and time. To make subtitle as efficient

as possible, translator focuses on deliver the message of source text. This sentence

above is one of the examples. It is not necessary to translate sentence “and one of

them home empty handed” into “dan satu dari mereka terlempar dengan tangan

hampa”. Word ‘them’ is not necessary to translate by translator because the target

sentence is helped by the visual from the movie.

ST/2/00:10:27 → Use your mind into bermain dengan akal

ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use your mind

TT:2:00:10:27 Kau harus bermain dengan akalmu

Equivalence Formal

This sentence is spoken by Permian coach in the training session together

with his players. He said to his player to use not only their physical strength but

also their mind power. These two things can help players win in the game.

In the table above, the translator uses TL idiom bermain dengan akal as the

translation of SL idiom use your mind. These two idioms are equivalent because

both of them have same context. Based on Nida, this translation is called formal



equivalence. The translator uses a context close to the meaning of the SL idiom.

The meaning of SL idiom use your mind is use brain or mind while TL idiom

bermain dengan akal is ‘melakukan penipuan’ (cheating). The context for this

case is the Permian players not only use their strength but also their ability of

thinking if they want to win in the football competition.

Based on film translation, the target text is an efficient translation. The

translator uses a context close to the SL idiom. Readers can also understand the

target text easily because there is no missing information in the target text.

ST/3/00:01:06 → Back on the air into kembali mengudara

ST/3/00:01:06 It’s Mojo Radio back on the air

TT/3/00:01:07 Mojo Radio kembali mengudara

Equivalence Formal

This sentence is spoken by a broadcaster who gives an opening statement as a

sign to broadcast. The broadcaster starts his opening by mentioned the name of

the radio station.

In the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘kembali mengudara’ as the

translation SL idiom back on the air. The SL idiom and its translation are

equivalent because both of them have same context. Based on Nida’s theory, this

translation is called formal equivalence. The translator uses a similar context of

meaningwith the SL idiom. The SL idiom back on the air has meaning

broadcasting on the radio or television while the TL phrase ‘kembali mengudara’

is ‘melakukan siaran di radio atau televisi’ (broadcasting on the radio or




Based on subtitle techniques, this translation is ease to read. There is no

missing information in the translation above. Readers can understand the context

of the translation because the translator does not forget to put the name of the

radio station.

ST/4/01:08:34 → Fact of life into kenyataan hidup



It’s the ugly fact of life

It’s an only fact of life



Inilah kenyataan hidup yang buruk

Inilah kenyataan hidup

Equivalence Dynamic

These sentences are spoken by Donny’s father when he has a conversation

with his son in the house. His father tries to remind about something that Donny

might be regret tomorrow. He only has one chance to be a winner with his team in

the football competition.

In the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘kenyataan hidup’ as the

translation of SL idiom fact of life. This idiom and its translation are equivalent

because both of them have similar message. Based on Nida, this translation is

called dynamic equivalence. Based on its meaning, idiom fact of life has meaning

a situation that cannot be changed. The translator uses natural expression to

express the meaning or message of SL idiom. The message for this case is a

situation that Boobie cannot change if he and his team fail in the football


Based on film translation, this is an efficient translation. The translator uses a

relevant context to express the message of SL idiom. There is no missing



information in this translation makes readers can easily understand the context of

the sentence.

ST/5/00:08:01 → Red alert into bahaya

ST/5/00:08:01 Red alert, everybody

TT/5/00:08:00 Bahaya, bahaya nih semuanya

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by an old man who watches Permian players train in

the field. He says this as his reaction to Donny’s father who walks toward to his

son with peevish face. He warns people for bad thing that might come.

In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘bahaya’ as the translation of

SL idiom red alert. The translation of SL idiom is equivalent because the message

of SL idiom is equally transferred to the target text. The message is a situation of

people who are prepared for something dangerous happen. Based on Nida, this

translation is called dynamic equivalence. The translator uses natural expression

to express the message of SL idiom. Word ‘bahaya’ has quite similar meaning

with SL idiom. The meaning of idiom red alert is a situation which people are

prepared for something dangerous happen while word ‘bahaya’ is ‘(mungkin)

mendatangkan kecelakaan, bencana, atau kesengsaraan’ ((possible) to cause

accident, disaster, or suffer)

Based on film translation, this translation is quite hard to understand. The

translation of source text is not following the grammatical rule of target language.

In translating idiom, it is not necessary to translate idiom red alert twice. The

translator can use exclamation mark to emphasize the condition.



ST/6/00:41:26 → The short end into terjelek

ST/6/00:41:26 And sometimes you get the short end

TT/6/00:41:26 Dan kadang kau mendapatkan yang terjelek

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by Permian coach when he talks to Mike about life.

His coach says that life is full of bad and good things and Mike must know about

that. Sometimes people get good things but tomorrow they get different thing.

In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘terjelek’ to express the

meaning of SL idiom the short end. This word is equivalent with SL idiom

because both of them have quite similar meaning. The meaning of idiom the short

end is the worst or most unpleasant part while word ‘jelek’ is unpleasant thing.

Prefix ‘ter’ in the target language is used to emphasize the meaning of TL word.

Based Nida, this translation is called dynamic equivalence. It is because the

translator uses a natural expression which relevant with the context of SL idiom.

Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read and to understand.

The message of the source text is well transferred into the target text. The

message is unpleasant thing that happen in people life.

ST/7/00:49:07 → Out of question into masalah

ST/7/00:49:07 You can’t do that so it’s out of question

TT/7/00:49:06 Kau tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, itu masalahnya

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by a doctor who gives treatment to Boobie because

his leg is injured. The doctor says to Boobie that he cannot play football anymore



because he gets bad damage. Boobie will has more serious problem if he insists to

play football.

In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘masalah’ as the translation of

SL idiom out of question. The meaning between this word and SL idiom is

different. TL Word ‘masalah’ talks about something that should be resolved but

idiom out of question talks about an impossible thing or not to be considered.

However, this translation is equivalent because the context of idiom and its

translation is same. Based on Nida, this kind of translation is called dynamic

equivalence. The translator uses a natural expression to express the meaning of SL

idiom. The SL idiom and its translation are pointed to the same thing, which is a

problem that people have in their life.

Based on subtitle technique, this translation is an effective translation. The

translator translates sentence “you can’t do that so it’s out of question” into “kau

tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, itu masalahnya”. There is no missing information

in this translation. The word ‘itu’ in the target text is pointed to the situation of

Boobie who cannot play football anymore.

ST/8/00:49:34 → same page into pikiran yang sama



You and I are on thesame page

We ain’t on thesame page



Kau dan aku punya pikiran yang sama

Pikiran kita tidak sama

Equivalence Dynamic



These sentences are spoken by Boobie and a doctor in the hospital. In the first

sentence, the doctor tells Boobie to understand his condition because he cannot

play football anymore. Boobie reacts to the doctor by saying that the doctor does

not understand what Boobie wants.

In the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘pikiran yang sama’ as the

translation of SL idiom same page. This phrase and SL idiom are equivalent

because this phrase is equally transferred the message of idiom. The message is a

situation of people who agree to something. Based on Nida, this translation is

called dynamic equivalence. The translator uses natural expression to express the

message of SL idiom. In terms of meaning, idiom same page has meaning two or

more people or groups agree about what they are trying to achieve. The message

for this case is the doctor tries to make Boobie accept his condition because he

cannot play football anymore.

Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read and to understand.

The translator translates all the information in the source text efficiently. There is

no extra addition in the subtitle makes readers easier to understand the sentence.

ST/9/01:01:12 → Make a man into berharap

ST/9/01:01:12 I was supposed to make a man of you

TT/9/01:01:12 Aku sebenarnya berharap padamu

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by Donny’s father who is sad because he can make

his son become a responsible man. He wants Donny to be a man who can be

responsible to himself by bringing his team win in the football competition.



In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘berharap’ as the translation of

idiom make a man. This TL word and the SL idiom are equivalent. The reason is

becauseboth of them have similar context. The meaning of idiom and its

translation is different but both of them have similar context. Idiom make a man

has meaning to cause a young man to develop into an independent and responsible

man while the meaning of word ‘berharap’ is ‘berkeinginan supaya terjadi’ (have

a wish for something happen).Based on Nida, this translation is called dynamic

equivalence. The translator uses natural expression to express the message of SL

idiom. The message is Donny’s father wants his son be an independent person.

Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read. The translator

translates source text with no missing information or message. Both of these

sentences are pointed to a same thing, which is a situation of people who expect or

wish something happen.

ST/10/01:22:53 → Keep your cool into tenang

ST/10/01:22:53 Be patient in there. Keep your cool

TT/10/01:22:53 Mike, aku ingin kau sabar, tenang

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by Permian coach who speaks to his team captain,

Mike. He says that Mike must be calm if he and his friends want to win the game.

In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘tenang’ as the translation of

SL idiom keep your cool. The TL word is equivalent with SL idiom. The reason is

because the message of SL is equally transferred to TL word. The message is

about a situation where person who must be calm. Based on Nida, this translation

is called dynamic equivalence. It is because the translator uses a natural



expression to express the message of SL idiom. In terms of meaning, SL idiom

and its translation have quite similar meaning. The meaning of idiom keep your

cool is to continue to be calm in difficult situation while word ‘tenang’ is calm or

not nervous.

Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read and to understand. It

is because the message of source text is transferred equally in the target text. The

translator adds “Mike” and “aku” which do not exist in the source text in order to

make readers understand the sentence. “Mike” is added as the representation of

the team captain and “aku” as the representation of Permian coach.

ST/11/01:25:44 → Out of control into diluar aturan

ST/11/01:25:44 Clay, this game is quickly spiraling out of control

TT/11/01:25:44 Clay, permainan ini tampaknya sudah diluar aturan

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by a game commentator in the game between

Permian against Carter. He sees Permian Panthers players easily been knocked

down by Carter players. There is also a cruel moment of one of Permian Player

been knocked down some Carter players. The game commentator feels that this

game is out of control.

In the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘diluar aturan’[sic] as the

translation of SL idiom out of control. This TL phrase and SL idiom are

equivalent. The reason is because the translator uses natural expression to express

the message of SL idiom. Based on Nida, this translation is called dynamic

equivalence. The translator uses a relevant context to express the message of SL

idiom. In terms of meaning, idiom out of control has a meaning to be or become



impossible to manage or to control. The context for this case is a situation that

cannot be controlled.

Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read and to understand.

There is no missing information in the translation of source text. Readers can

understand the context of target text easily because the message is transferred


ST/12/01:26:25 → Promised land into tanah impian

ST/12/01:26:25 Is headed for thepromised land

TT/12/01:26:24 Sedang menuju tanah impian

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by a game commentator in the match of Permian

versus Carter. He says this sentence as his reaction to a Permian player who

catches a ball and runs through his enemy to make a score.

In the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘tanah impian’ as the

translation of SL idiom promised land. This SL idiom and TL phrase are

equivalent because the translator uses a natural expression to express the message

of SL idiom. Based on Nida, this translation is called dynamic equivalence. The

translator uses a natural expression to express the message of SL idiom. In terms

of meaning, Idiom promised land has a meaning a place or situation where people

expect to be happy or safe. The message for this case is a Permian player tries to

make a score to make he and his friends have a chance to win in the football




Based on film translation, this translation is ease to read. There is no missing

information from the source text. The translator gives direct translation in order to

make readers can read and understand it easier.

ST/13/01:26:30 → Spark of life into harapan

ST/13/01:26:30 Finally a spark of life in the form of Ivory Christian

TT/13/01:26:31 Akhirnya ada satu harapan dari Ivory Christian

Equivalence Dynamic

This sentence is spoken by a game commentator in the game between

Permian against Carter. The game commentator says this sentence as his reaction

to one of Permian player who makes score and gives hope to his team to win in

the football game.

In the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘harapan’ as the translation of

SL idiom spark of life. This word and SL idiom are equivalent because the context

of TL word is similar with SL idiom. Both of them are pointed to something that

people wish to happen. Based on Nida, this translation is called dynamic

equivalence. The translator uses natural expression to express the message of SL

idiom. The meaning between TL word is different with SL idiom but both of them

have same context. Idiom spark of life has a meaning there is a life hope while

word ‘harapan’ is ‘sesuatu yang (dapat) diharapkan’ (something that (may) be

expected). For this case, the context is the action of Ivory Christian who makes

score to give his team has a hope to win in the football match.

Based on film translation, this translation is easy to understand. The translator

expresses the message of source text by using a relevant context in the target text

and also there is no missing information in this translation. The readers can



understand easily the message of the source text, which is something that people

wish to happen.

ST/14/00:04:47 → Knock out into mengalahkan




Boobie gonna knock them out with black Nikes

I could knock you out in a pair of flip-flops

Yeah, well, I’m gonna knock them out with Nikes on my feet




Kalau Boobie mengalahkan mereka, itu artinya Boobie

pakai Nike dikakinya, benar?

Aku bisa mengalahkanmu dengan flip-flops

Yeah, aku akan mengalahkan mereka dengan Nike di kakiku

Equivalence Dynamic

These sentences are spoken by Boobie and his friend while they have

conversation in their team changing room. Bobbie arrogantly says that he can

defeat any team in the football competition with his black Nike shoes. His friend

who does not like Boobie says that he can defeat Boobie only with flip-flops.

Boobie ignores his friend and says that he will defeat any team with his Nike


The translator uses TL word ‘mengalahkan’ as the translation of idiom knock

out. The TL word is equivalent with the SL idiom. It is because the context of TL

word is relevant with the meaning of idiom knock out. While word ‘mengalahkan’

has meaning “menaklukkan” (to conquer), the meaning of idiom knock out is to

make helpless, unworkable, or unusable. Based on Nida’s theory, this kind of

translation is called dynamic equivalence. The translator uses a natural expression

in the target text which is also has same effect for readers in the source language.












Semantic Translation Communicative Translation

The meaning between TL phrase and SL idiom is different but both of them have

similar context, which is someone defeats other person or people.

Based on subtitle translation technique, the first SL sentence is not an

efficient translation. It is because translator puts some unnecessary information in

target text. It will be easy to read if sentence “Boobie gonna knock them out with

black Nikes” into “Boobie akan mengalahkan mereka dengan sepatu Nike hitam”.

The second and third TL sentences are example of an efficient translation. There

is no missing information in these two translations.

B. Translation Methods of English Idioms into Indonesian

In this section the researcher uses theory of translation method from Peter

Newmark. In book titled A Textbook of Translation, Peter Newmark classified

translation method into 8 but the researcher only focuses on 2 methods; “semantic

translation and communicative translation” (1988: 45 – 47).

There researcher finds 14 data. There are 4 translations translated as semantic

translation and 10 translations as communicative translation. The whole analysis

is presented as shown in the diagram below.



Diagram 3. Translation Method

ST/1/01:04:02 → Empty handed into tangan hampa

ST/1/01:04:02 And one of them home empty handed

TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar dengan tangan hampa

Translation Method Semantic

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL idiom ‘tangan hampa’ as

the translation of SL idiom empty handed. Based on translation method theory,

this translation is categorized as semantic translation. Based on Newmark, this

method attempts to render the exact contextual meaning by preserving the

semantic and syntactic structure of the source text. The form and content of the

source text in this method is one part. The aesthetic value of the source text is

preserved, which makes translator has less creativity to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator translates SL idiom to the target text by

preserving the semantic and structure of the SL idiom. The translator uses TL

idiom tangan hampa that has similar meaning with idiom empty handed which is

a condition of people who do not get what they want. The translator also preserves

the beautiful and natural sound of SL idiom by using an idiom.

ST/2/00:10:27→ Use your mind into bermain dengan akal

ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use your mind

TT/2/00:10:27 Kau harus bermain dengan akalmu

Translation Method Semantic

As shown in the table, the translator uses TL idiom ‘bermain dengan akal’ as

the translation of SL idiom use your mind. Based on Newmark, this method



attempts to render the exact contextual meaning by preserving the semantic and

syntactic structure of the source text. The form and content of the source text in

this method is one part. The aesthetic value of the source text is preserved and

makes translator has less creativity to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator translates SL idiom by preserving the

semantic and structure of the SL idiom. The translator uses TL idiom bermain

dengan akal that has similar meaning with SL idiom use your mind, which explain

a situation of people who use their brain or mind to do something. The translator

also preserves the natural sound of SL idiom by using an idiom.

ST/3/00:01:06 → Back on the air into kembali mengudara

ST/3/00:01:06 It’s Mojo Radio back on the air

TT/3/00:01:07 Mojo Radio kembali mengudara

Translation Method Semantic

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘kembali

mengudara’ as the translation of SL idiom back on the air. Based on Newmark,

this method attempts to render the exact contextual meaning by preserving the

semantic and syntactic structure of the source text. The form and content of the

source text in this method is one part. The aesthetic value of the source text is

preserved, which makes translator has less creativity to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator translates SL idiom by preserving the

semantic and structure of SL idiom. The translator uses TL phrase ‘kembali

mengudara’ that has similar meaning with idiom back on the air, which explains a

situation of broadcaster who broadcasting on the radio or television. This phrase

cannot be separated or changed with other elements because the meaning of it is



one part. By using this phrase, the translator also preserves the natural sound of

SL idiom.

ST/4/01:08:34 → Fact of life into kenyataan hidup



It’s the only fact of life

It’s an ugly fact of life



Inilah kenyataan hidup

Inilah kenyataan hidup yang buruk

Translation Method Semantic

As shown in the table above, the translator uses phrase ‘kenyataan hidup’ as

the translation of SL idiom fact of life. Based on translation method theory, this

translation is categorized as semantic translation. Newmark says that this method

attempts to render the exact contextual meaning by preserving the semantic and

syntactic structure of the source text. The form and content of the source text in

this method is one part. The aesthetic value of the source text is preserved which

makes translator has less creativity to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator translates SL idiom to the target text by

preserving the semantic and structure of SL idiom. The translator uses phrase

‘kenyataan hidup’ that has similar meaning with idiom fact of life, which is a

situation of broadcaster who broadcasting on the radio or television. The translator

also preserves the natural sound of SL idiom by using this phrase.

ST/5/00:08:01 → Red alert into bahaya

ST/5/00:08:01 Red alert, everybody

TT/5/00:08:00 Bahaya, bahaya nih semuanya

Translation Method Communicative



As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘bahaya’ as the

translation of SL idiom red alert. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible to the

target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on

the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator conveys the contextual meaning of SL idiom

red alert by using word ‘bahaya’. The original meaning of this idiom is a situation

where people prepared for something dangerous happen. The translator transfers

the meaning of SL idiom to the target text by using word that fit with the context

in the target language culture. For this case, the translator uses word ‘bahaya’ to

express the meaning of SL idiom. Word ‘bahaya’ in the target language culture is

used to explain a situation that might bring disaster or suffer.

ST/6/00:41:26 →The short end into terjelek

ST/6/00:41:26 And sometimes you get the short end

TT/6/00:41:26 Dan kadang kau mendapatkan yang terjelek

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘terjelek’ as the

translation of SL idiom the short end. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible to the



target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on

the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator tends to convey the contextual meaning of

idiom the short end by using word ‘terjelek’. The original meaning of this idiom

is the worst or most unpleasant part. The translator transfers the meaning of SL

idiom into the target text by using word ‘terjelek’ that fit with the context in the

target language culture. Word ‘terjelek’ in the target language culture is used to

describe unpleasant thing.

ST/7/00:49:07 → Out of question into masalah

ST/7/00:49:07 You can’t do that so it’s out of question

TT/7/00:49:06 Kau tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa, itu masalahnya

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘masalah’ as the

translation of SL idiom out of question. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language which is acceptable and comprehensible to the target

readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on the

target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator does not express directly the meaning but

convey the contextual meaning SL idiom. The original meaning of idiom out of

question is impossible or not to be considered. The translator transfers the



meaning of SL idiom into word ‘mengalahkan’ that fit with the context in the

target language culture. This word in the target language culture is used to

describe problem that should be resolved.

ST/8/00:49:34 → Same page into pikiran yang sama



You and I are on thesame page

We ain’t on thesame page



Kau dan aku punya pikiran yang sama

Pikiran kita tidak sama

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘pikiran yang

sama’ as the translation of SL idiom the same page. Based on Newmark, this

idiom and its translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark

explains that this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the

source text, both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible

to the target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should

focus on the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for

translator to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator tends to convey the contextual meaning of

SL idiom by using phrase ‘pikiran yang sama’. The original meaning of idiom

same page is two or more people or groups agree about what they are trying to

achieve. The translator takes the meaning of this SL idiom and transfers it to the

target text by using phrase that fit with the context in target language culture. For

this case, the translator uses phrase ‘pikiran yang sama’ to express the meaning of



SL idiom. Phrase ‘pikiran yang sama’ in the target language is used to explain

condition where two or more people have same opinion of something.

ST/9/01:01:12 → Make a man into berharap

ST/9/01:01:12 I was supposed to make a man of you

TT/9/01:01:12 Aku sebenarnya berharap padamu

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘berharap’ as the

translation of SL idiom make a man. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation are categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language which is acceptable and comprehensible to the target

readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on the

target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator uses word ‘berharap’ as the translation of

idiom make a man. This word is not express directly the meaning of idiom but it

conveys the contextual meaning of idiom. The original meaning of this idiom is to

cause a young man to develop into an independent and responsible man. The

translator transfers the meaning of SL idiom by using word ‘berharap’ that fit with

the context in target language culture. This word in the target language culture is

used to describe a situation where people wish for something happen.



ST/10/01:22:53 → Keep your cool into tenang

ST/10/01:22:53 Be patient in there. Keep your cool

TT/10/01:22:53 Mike, aku ingin kau sabar, tenang

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘tenang’ as the

translation of SL idiom keep your cool. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language which is acceptable and comprehensible to the target

readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on the

target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator conveys the contextual meaning of SL idiom

keep your cool or keep one’s cool by using word ‘tenang’. The original meaning

of this idiom is to continue to be calm in difficult situation. The translator

transfers the original meaning of SL idiom by using word ‘tenang’ that fit with the

context in the target language culture. This word in the target language culture is

used to describe a calm and peaceful situation.

ST/11/01:25:44 → Out of control into diluar aturan

ST/11/01:25:44 Clay, this game is quickly spiraling out of control

TT/11/01:25:44 Clay, permainan ini tampaknya sudah diluar aturan

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘diluar aturan’

[sic] as the translation of SL idiom out of control. Based on Newmark, this idiom



and its translation are categorized as communicative translation. Newmark

explains that this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the

source text, both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible

to the target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should

focus on the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for

translator to translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator conveys the contextual meaning of SL idiom

out of control by using phrase ‘diluar aturan’ [sic]. The original meaning of this

idiom is to be or become impossible to manage or to control. The translator takes

the meaning of SL idiom and transfers it to the target text by using phrase that fit

with the context in the target language culture. For this case, the translator uses

phrase ‘diluar aturan’ [sic] to express the meaning of SL idiom. This phrase in the

target language culture is used to describe situation of people who break the law

or rule in the society.

ST/12/01:26:25 → The promised land into tanah impian

ST/12/01:26:25 Is headed for the promised land

TT/12/01:26:24 Sedang menuju tanah impian

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL phrase ‘tanah impian’ as

the translation of SL idiom the promised land. Based on Newmark, this idiom and

its translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible to the

target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on



the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator conveys the contextual meaning of SL idiom

the promised land by using phrase ‘tanah impian’. The original meaning of this

idiom is a place or situation where people expect to be happy and safe. The

translator transfers the meaning of SL idiom by using phrase that fit with the

context in target language culture. For this case, the translator uses phrase ‘tanah

impian’ to express the meaning of SL idiom. The meaning phrase ‘tanah impian’

in the target language culture is an expectation of people of something.

ST/13/01:26:30 → Spark of life into harapan

ST/13/01:26:30 Finally a spark of life in the form of Ivory Christian

TT/13/01:26:31 Akhirnya ada satu harapan dari Ivory Christian

Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘harapan’ as the

translation of SL idiom spark of life. Based on Newmark, this idiom and its

translation is categorized as communicative translation. Newmark explains that

this method attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text,

both in content and language, which is acceptable and comprehensible to the

target readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on

the target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator conveys the contextual meaning of SL idiom

by using word ‘harapan’. The original meaning of this idiom is a hope in life. The

translator transfers the meaning of idiom to the target text by using word that fit



with the context in target language culture. The meaning of word ‘harapan’ in the

target language culture is to describe something which is expected by people to

become real.

ST/14/00:04:47 → Knock out into mengalahkan




Boobie gonna knock them out with black Nikes

I could knock you out in a pair of flip-flops

Yeah, well, I’m gonna knock them out with Nikes on

my feet




Kalau Boobie mengalahkan mereka, itu artinya

Boobie pakai Nike dikakinya, benar?

Aku bisa mengalahkanmu dengan flip-flops

Yeah, aku akan mengalahkan mereka dengan Nike di


Translation Method Communicative

As shown in the table above, the translator uses TL word ‘mengalahkan’ as

the transaltion of SL idiom knock out. Based on translation method theory, this

translation is categorized as communicative translation. This kind of method

attempts to convey the exact contextual meaning of the source text, both in

content and language which is acceptable and comprehensible to the target

readers. The form and cultural context used in this method should focus on the

target readers’ culture. This method also allows more freedom for translator to

translate the source text.

In the table above, the translator tends to convey the contextual meaning of

idiom knock out by using word ‘mengalahkan’. The original meaning of this

idiom is to make helpless, unworkable, or unusable. The translator takes the

meaning of idiom and transfers it to the target text by using word ‘mengalahkan’



that fit with the context in the target language culture. Word ‘mengalahkan’ in the

target culture is used in a match, contest, or competition.





The focus of this study is to find out the type of equivalent translation and the

translation method of the film subtitle Friday Night Lights. The researcher finds

14 idioms from the film subtitle.

For the first problem, the researcher tries to find the equivalent translation of

idioms. In order to find the answer, the researcher uses theory of idiom translation

from Mona Baker and theory of equivalence from Eugene A. Nida. For the first

analysis as shown in the Idiom Translation Strategy Diagram, the researcher finds

1 idiom translated with “using an idiom with similar meaning and form” strategy,

1 idiom translated with “using an idiom with similar meaning but dissimilar form”

strategy and 12 idioms translated with “translation by paraphrase” strategy. This

fact shows that Indonesian Language have the limitations of idiom with English

Language. The majorities of idiom in ST (English Language) have no match in

TT (Indonesian Language).

For the second analysis as shown in the Equivalence Diagram, the researcher

finds 3 data classified as formal equivalence, and 12 data as dynamic equivalence.

This result confirms that the most equivalence for idiom translation is dynamic

equivalence. This fact also shows that the translator focuses on delivering the

message by using natural expression that relevant with the context of English.

In the second problem, the researcher tries to find the translation method that

applied in the Friday Night Lights movie subtitle. To solve this problem, the

researcher uses theory of translation method from Peter Newmark. In the analysis,



the researcher finds 3 idioms translated using semantic translation method and 12

idioms translated using communicative translation method. This fact confirms that

communicative translation is the most translation method used by translator. This

fact also shows that communicative translation is the suitable method to translate

idioms in the film subtitle. Readers can easily understand subtitle is translated

using communicative translation method because translator focuses on the target

readers’ culture.

For the whole conclusion, the translation uses natural expression to express

the message of source idioms. The translator uses word or phrase as the

equivalence for original idioms in order to avoid confusion and misunderstanding

of target readers who are not familiar with idiom. The translator also uses

communicative translation method because this method focuses on the target

readers’ culture.




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Appendix 1: Data Collection

Code Source Text Code Target Text

ST/1/01:04:02 and one of them

home empty


TT/1/01:04:02 Dan satu terlempar

dengan tangan


ST/2/00:10:27 You’re gonna use

your mind.

TT/2/00:10:27 Kau harus bermain

dengan akalmu.

ST/3/00:01:06 It’s Mojo Radio

back on the air.

TT/3/00:01:07 Mojo Radio kembali




It’s the only fact

of life.

It’s an ugly fact of




Inilah kenyataan


Inilah kenyataan

hidup yang buruk.

ST/5/00:08:01 Red


TT/5/00:08:00 Bahaya, bahaya nih


ST/6/00:41:26 and sometimes

you get the short


TT/6/00:41:26 Dan kadang kau

mendapatkan yang


ST/7/00:49:07 You can’t do that

so it’s out of


TT/7/00:49:06 Kau tidak bisa

melakukan apa-apa,

itu masalahnya.



You and I are on

the same page.

We ain’t on the

same page.



Kau dan aku punya

pikiran yang sama.

Pikiran kita tidak


ST/9/01:01:12 I was supposed to

make a man of


TT/9/01:01:12 Aku sebenarnya

berharap padamu.

ST/10/01:22:53 Be patient in there.

Keep your cool.

TT/10/01:22:53 Mike, aku ingin kau

sabar, tenang.

ST/11/01:25:44 Clay, this game is

quickly out of



Clay, permainan ini

tampaknya sudah

diluar aturan.

ST/12/01:26:25 is headed for the

promised land.

TT/12/01:26:24 Sedang menuju

tanah impian.

ST/13/01:26:30 Finally a spark of

life in the form of

Ivory Christian.

TT/13/01:26:31 Akhirnya ada satu

harapan dari Ivory








gonnaknock them

out with black


I could knock you

out in a pair of


Yeah, well, I’m

gonna knock

them out with

Nikes on my feet.




Kalau Boobie


mereka, itu artinya

Boobie pakai Nike

dikakinya, benar?

Aku bisa

mengalahkanmu dengan flip-flops.

Yeah, aku akan


mereka dengan

Nike di kakiku

Appendix 2: Idiom and Equivalent TranslationStrategy

No Idiom Idiom Translation




1. Empty handed Using an idiom of similar

meaning and form Formal equivalence

2. Use your mind

Using an idiom of similar

meaning but dissimilar


Formal equivalence

3. Back on the air Translation by paraphrase Formal equivalence

4. Fact of life Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

5. Red alert Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

6. The short end Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

7. Out of question Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

8. Same page Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

9. Make a man Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

10. Keep your cool Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

11. Out of control Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

12. The promised

land Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence



13. Spark of life Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

14. Knock out Translation by paraphrase Dynamic equivalence

Appendix 3: Translation Method

No Idiom Translation Method

1. Empty handed Semantic translation

2. Use your mind Semantic translation

3. Back on the air Semantic translation

4. Fact of life Semantic translation

5. Red alert Communicative translation

6. The short end Communicative translation

7. Out of question Communicative translation

8. Same page Communicative translation

9. Make a man Communicative translation

10. Keep your cool Communicative translation

11. Out of control Communicative translation

12. The promised land Communicative translation

13. Spark of life Communicative translation

14. Knock out Communicative translation

