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Maria João de Maya Gomes Cunha e Sammer

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in


Supervisor: Prof. Dr. António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. Miguel José Das Neves Pires Amado


Chairperson: (to be determined)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. António Paulo Teles de Menezes Correia Leitão

Member of the Committee: (to be determined)

May 2019

(Provisional Document)


Venho por este meio declarar que este documento é um trabalho original da minha autoria e que cumpre

todos os requerimentos do Código de Conduta e Boas Práticas da Universidade de Lisboa.


I hereby declare that this document is an original work of my own authorship and that it fulfills all the

requirements of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices of the Universidade de Lisboa.



Dedico este trabalho à minha mãe, para quem também vai o primeiro e mais especial agradecimento. Pelo

teu apoio incondicional, pela tua força e motivação constantes, por todos os apertões e abanões que me

impediram de algum dia sequer pensar em desistir. A tudo te devo. Obrigada, mãe.

Agradeço também à minha irmã Constança, ao meu irmão Zé Maria e à minha família por serem a

segunda frente nesta batalha. Não vos sei dizer quantas foram as vezes que me ajudaram sem saberem.

Obrigada, família.

Um especial, ainda que insuficiente, agradecimento ao professor António Menezes Leitão. Primeiro,

pelo convite para integrar a sua equipa quando eu não sabia para que lado me virar. Segundo, por me ter

confiado um desafio que me fez sair da minha zona de conforto e evoluir enquanto aluna, investigadora e

pessoa. E, por fim, pelo seu apoio incondicional, persistência, paciência e dedicação. Esta tese começou

por ser um acaso e, agora que terminou, digo que foi um acaso feliz. E muito lhe devo. Obrigada, professor.

Agradeço também professor Miguel Amado pela sua coorientação e por me ter guiado numa melhor

contextualização deste trabalho.

A todos os meus mais queridos amigos que se importaram, interessaram e implicaram neste processo

com compreensão, carinho e muito apoio e força, obrigada. Bárbara, Constança, Gil, Pedro, obrigada.

E, finalmente, gostava de agradecer ao grupo de investigação ADA por ter tornado esta experiência

académica obrigatória em algo mais leve do que o peso que lhe tinha atribuído inicialmente. Pelos

conselhos, apoio, ajuda, boa disposição e muita (muita) paciência. Por se terem tornado num novo grupo

de amigos, bons amigos, com alguns dos quais pude partilhar aventuras maiores nos entretantos. Aos que

já foram embora, aos que sempre ficaram e aos que chegaram entretanto. Obrigada, ADA.

Esta tese foi suportada parcialmente por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a

Tecnologia (FCT), UID/CEC/50021/2019, e pelo projeto Khepri, PTDC/ART-DAQ/31061/2017.


During the development of this thesis, two scientific papers were published:

• Sammer, M., Leitão, A., & Caetano, I. (2019). From Visual Input to Visual Output in Textual

Programming. Intelligent & Informed: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference of the

Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), Wellington,

New Zealand, pp. 645-654.

Best Paper Award CAADRIA 2019

• Sammer, M., & Leitão, A. (2019). Visual Input Mechanisms in Textual Programming for

Architecture. Architecture in the Age of the 4th Revolution: Proceedings of the 37th International

Conference on Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe

(eCAADe), Porto, Portugal, to appear.



We are living in an era where Architecture is caught between arts and technicalities, creativity and physics,

between hand-drawing and computing.

Algorithmic Design (AD), i.e., the use of algorithms to produce designs, is no longer a novelty in

the architectural practice. This has led to several international debates and even generated divergences

between professionals but, nonetheless, it is something that has already been built in Architecture, showing

clear evidence of rapid development.

Around the world, architectural studios have already adopted algorithmic and parametric approaches

to create three-dimensional virtual models of their projects, either generated in Computer-Aided Design

(CAD) tools, Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools, or both. Many of them even use this

methodology to assess these models through computational analysis, using a wide range of software that

covers different fields: thermal, structural, lighting, acoustics, among others.

AD requires programming, which can be achieved in two different ways, namely, using a Visual

Programming Language (VPL) or a Textual Programming Language (TPL). Despite being recognized as

more difficult to use and maintain for complex programs, VPLs are the clear preference of the majority of

architects that are also AD practitioners.

Nevertheless, an in-depth understanding of this phenomenon is missing. While it is true that VPLs,

such as Grasshopper, are more intuitive, faster to use, and easier to structure and learn, it is also true that

the expressive power of their abstractions is limiting, and the languages do not scale with the complexity

of the projects. On the other hand, TPLs, such as Python, are more demanding in terms of learning and

practice but have more expressive power, flexibility, and efficiency, also enabling a better collaboration

between different parts implicated in the writing of the same script.

It is this deeper and more complete understanding of the expressive power of programming

languages used in architecture that we propose to accomplish with the development of this thesis.

Keywords: Algorithmic Design, Programming Languages, Textual Programming Languages, Visual

Programming Languages, Grasshopper, Python.



Vivemos presentemente numa época em que a Arquitetura se equilibra entre a arte e a técnica, a criatividade

e as leis da física, entre o desenho num papel e o desenho num computador.

O recurso ao Design Algorítmico (DA), i.e., o uso de algoritmos para produzir modelos, já não é

uma novidade na prática da Arquitetura. Esta situação tem vindo a promover inúmeros debates

internacionais e inclusivamente a gerar divergências entre profissionais, mas, ainda assim, é algo que já se

instalou na prática da disciplina e que mostra claros indícios de um rápido desenvolvimento.

Muitos ateliers de arquitetura em todo o mundo já adotaram abordagens algorítmicas e paramétricas

para criar modelos virtuais tridimensionais dos seus projetos, gerados em ferramentas de CAD (Computer-

Aided Design), em ferramentas de BIM (Building Information Modeling) ou em ambas. Ademais, muitos

deles recorrem a esta metodologia para avaliar estes modelos através de análises computacionais, usando

um vasto leque de software disponível que cobre diferentes áreas: térmica, estrutural, iluminação, acústica,

entre outras.

O DA requer programação, que pode ser concretizada de duas formas distintas, nomeadamente,

usando uma Linguagem de Programação Visual (LPV) ou uma Linguagem de Programação Textual (LPT).

Apesar de serem reconhecidas como mais difíceis de utilizar e manter para programas complexos, as LPVs

são claramente a preferência da maioria dos arquitetos que são também profissionais de DA.

Apesar disso, falta correntemente uma compreensão mais aprofundada deste fenómeno. Enquanto é

verdade que as LPVs, como o Grasshopper, são mais intuitivas, mais rápidas de se usar e mais fáceis de

aprender, também é verdade que o poder expressivo das suas abstrações é limitativo, pelo que as linguagens

não escalam com a complexidade dos programas que definem. Por outro lado, as LPTs, como o Python,

são mais exigentes no que toca à aprendizagem e prática, mas têm um maior poder expressivo, flexibilidade

e eficiência, permitindo ainda uma melhor colaboração entre as diferentes partes implicadas na escrita de

um mesmo programa.

É este entendimento mais aprofundado sobre o poder expressivo das linguagens de programação

usadas em Arquitectura que propomos adquirir com o desenvolvimento desta tese.

Palavras-chave: Design Algorítmico, Linguagens de Programação, Linguagens de Programação Textual,

Linguagens de Programação Visual, Grasshopper, Python.



List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page vi

List of Tables and Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page xv

Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page xvi

Glossary of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page xvii

1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1

1.1. Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 1

1.2. Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4

1.3. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 4

1.4. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 5

1.5. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6

2. State-of-the-Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9

2.1. Representation Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 9

2.2. Algorithmic Design in Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 15

2.3. Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 17

2.3.1. Visual Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 18 Grasshopper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19 Dynamo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 19

2.3.2. Textual Programming Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21

2.4. Tools, Libraries, and Programming Environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21

2.4.1. Grasshopper Plug-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 21

2.4.2. Rosetta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22

2.4.3. Khepri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23

2.5. Programming Languages Applied to Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 23

2.5.1. NBBJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27

2.5.2. Zaha Hadid Architects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 28

2.5.3. Gehry and Associates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 29

2.5.4. Foster + Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 30

2.5.5. UNStudio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31

3. Characterization of Programming Languages in Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33

3.1. Computational Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33

3.2. Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 33

3.3. Expressive Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 34

3.4. User Interface Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 35

3.5. Limit of Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 36

4. Comparative Study between a VPL and a TPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37

4.1. Theoretical Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37

4.1.1. Abstraction Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 37

4.1.2. Number Sliders and Boolean Toggles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38

4.1.3. Immediate Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 38


4.1.4. Traceability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 39

4.1.5. Recursion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 39

4.1.6. Visual Input Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 40

4.1.7. Textual Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 40

4.1.8. Portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 41

4.1.9. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 41

4.2. Practical Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 42

4.2.1. Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 43

4.2.2. Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 44

4.2.3. Mapping and Remapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 45

4.2.4. Cull Pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 46

4.2.5. Basic 3D Geometry and Boolean Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 46

4.2.6. Visual Input Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 47

4.2.7. Attractor Mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 48

4.2.8. Spaceframes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 49

4.2.9. Paneling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 51

4.2.10. Brick Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 53

4.2.11. Pixel Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 54

4.2.12. BIM Paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 56

4.2.13. Analysis Tools and Plug-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 57

4.2.14. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 58

5. Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63

5.1. Guidelines for choosing what approach to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 63

5.2. Guidelines for future implementations in VPLs and TPLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 68

6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 71

6.1 Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 71

6.2. Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 79

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 83


List of Figures


Figure 1.1. Hand-drawing (above) and technical drawing (below) of Swimming Pools in Leça da Palmeira by

Álvaro Siza Vieira, Portugal, 1967.



Figure 1.2. Digital environment of a CAD tool, AutoCAD.

Source: Castelo Branco, 2017.


Figure 1.3. Digital environment of a BIM tool, ArchiCAD.

Source: Castelo Branco, 2017.


Figure 1.4. Façade of the MCM Building by The_System Lab, Seoul, Republic of Korea, unknown date.



Figure 1.5. Phoenix International Media Center by BIAD UFo, Beijing, China, 2016.



Figure 1.6. Proposal for the Port Authority Bus Terminal by Archilier Architecture, New York City, USA, 2016.



Figure 1.7. Serpentine Pavilion by BIG Architecture, London, United Kingdom, 2016.



Figure 1.8. Projects modeled in Grasshopper (left), a VPL for Rhino, and in Dynamo (right) a VPL for Revit.

Source (left): Frame from an online tutorial at:

Source (right):


Figure 1.9. Portion of a complex project modeled in Grasshopper.



Figure 1.10. Project modeled in Python, a TPL, and visualized in AutoCAD.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 1.11. Application of AD in a project of architecture by a traditional Portuguese architectural studio.

Source: Caetano & Leitão, 2017.


Figure 1.12. The shell of the Hangzhou Tennis Center by NBBJ, Hangzhou, China, 2013.



Figure 1.13. Complex program in Grasshopper that generates the shell of the Hangzhou Tennis Center.

Source: Miller, 2011.



Figure 2.1. Plan of a temple in the Gudea Diorite Sculpture, Mesopotamian period, 2120 b. C., Louvre Museum,

Paris, France.



Figure 2.2. Plan of an ancient Roman City.




Figure 2.3. The frontispiece of the second edition of the De Architectura Libri Decem edited by Perrault,

published in 1684.



Figure 2.4. Illustration of the Doric Order of the 1684 edition of Vitruvius’ De Architectura.



Figure 2.5. Borromini (17th century, Rome) where the narrowing of the floor, ceiling, and lateral walls give the

perspectival illusion of a longer corridor.



Figure 2.6. Antoni Gaudí’s hanging chain models, 1889.



Figure 2.7. Model and plans of Moretti’s parametric stadium, from the 1960 Parametric Architecture exhibition at

12th Milan Triennial.

Source: Davis, 2013.


Figure 2.8. Ivan Sutherland demonstrating the use of Sketchpad.



Figure 2.9. Before (above) and after (below) applying design constraints to a graphical object in Sketchpad.



Figure 2.10. The first version of AutoCAD released in 1982.



Figure 2.11. Illustration of a Constructive Solid Modeling process.



Figure 2.12. Coordinated views in current Revit, a BIM tool for architecture.



Figure 2.13. ArchiCAD 2 version, released in 1986.



Figure 2.14. Typical model in an early Pro/ENGINEER version.

Source: Weisberg, 2008.


Figure 2.15. Technical rendered section modeled in Revit.



Figure 2.16. Visualization of the structural analysis of a building.



Figure 2.17. Render of the interior of Morpheus Hotel, programmed in Grasshopper (left), and a recent picture of

the built result (right).

Source (left):

Source (right):


Figure 2.18. 3D rendered section of the Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de Meuron, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.




Figure 2.19. Design process – from sketches and physical models to computational analysis, rendering, and

construction – of the Swiss Re by Foster and Partners, London, UK, 2004.

Source (hand-drawing):

Source (physical models, analysis):


Source (render):

Source (photograph):



Figure 2.20. Exercise of surface mapping developed by students using a textual approach to AD.

Source: Leitão, 2013.


Figure 2.21. Design process and materialization of a student’s project on Islamic patterns using a visual approach

to AD.

Source: Agirbas, 2017.


Figure 2.22. Parametric model of Kartal-Pendik Masterplan by Zaha Hadid Architects, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006.

Source: Schumacher, 2009.


Figure 2.23. Images of an IBM 704 mainframe computer created in 1954.



Figure 2.24. Different groups at the NATO Software Engineering Conference, Garmisch, Germany, 7th-11th of

October of 1968.



Figure 2.25. Programming environment using a VPL.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.26. Work environment using Grasshopper associated with Rhino.



Figure 2.27. Work environment using Dynamo associated with Revit.



Figure 2.28. Programming environment using Python, a TPL, associated with AutoCAD.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.29. Plug-ins for Grasshopper that connect it to analysis tools (left) and modeling tools (right).

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.30. Structural analysis using Karamba3D.



Figure 2.31. Wind analysis using SWIFT.



Figure 2.32. Front-ends (on the left) and back-ends (on the right) of Rosetta.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.33. Visualization of a light analysis using Rosetta’s back-end to connect with Radiance, in Rhino (top)

and AutoCAD (bottom).

Source: Leitão, Castelo Branco, & Cardoso, 2017.


Figure 2.34. Light analysis using the Diva-for-Rhino plug-in for Grasshopper (left) and using Rosetta’s back-end

connection with Radiance (right).

Source: Leitão, Castelo Branco, & Cardoso, 2017.



Figure 2.35. Use of the results of the light analysis to inform the design.

Source: Castelo Branco & Leitão, 2017.


Figure 2.36. Design process of the dome of the Reichstag, the New German Parliament, by Foster and Partners,

Berlin, Germany, 1999.



Figure 2.37. Design variations of the elements of a façade.

Source: Cardoso, 2017.


Figure 2.38. Traceability in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.39. Immediate feedback in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 2.40. Color mapping in Grasshopper using visual gradients.



Figure 2.41. Grasshopper program with medium complexity.

Source: Frame from an online tutorial at:


Figure 2.42. Luna Moth editing interface.

Source: Alfaiate & Leitão, 2017.


Figure 2.43. Luna Moth’s click and dragging feature to vary the value of the parameters.

Source: Alfaiate & Leitão, 2017.


Figure 2.44. Bi-directional traceability: select a geometry in the tool and is highlighted the part of code that

generates it (right); select a part of the code and it is highlighted the geometry it generates (left).

Source: Alfaiate & Leitão, 2017.


Figure 2.45. Rainier Square Tower by NBBJ, Seattle, USA, under construction.



Figure 2.46. Reinvention of Rupp Arena by NBBJ, KY, USA, unknown date.



Figure 2.47. Xiamen Eton Center, Xiamen, China, under construction.



Figure 2.48. Hangzhou Tennis Center by NBBJ, Hangzhou, China, 2013.

Source: Miller, 2011.


Figure 2.49. Using Kangaroo physics engine to visualize gravity loading on the truss centerline model of the

Hangzhou Tennis Center.

Source: Miller, 2011.


Figure 2.50. Compilation of the workflow using an AD approach in the Hangzhou Tennis Center.

Source: Miller, 2011.


Figure 2.51. Galaxy SOHO by Zaha Hadid Architects, Beijing, China, 2012.



Figure 2.52. Szervita Square Tower by Zaha Hadid Architects, Budapest, Hungary, to be confirmed.




Figure 2.53. Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid Architects, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012.



Figure 2.54. Morpheus Hotel by Zaha Hadid Architects, City of Dreams, Macau, 2018.



Figure 2.55. Different façade typologies: flat (white), single-curved (red) and free-form (blue and pink).

Source: Van der Heijden, 2017.


Figure 2.56. Slide of the webinar demonstrating the complexity of the Grasshopper program that modeled

Morpheus Hotel, illustrating Ramon’s statement “scale is an issue”.

Source: Van der Heijden, 2017.


Figure 2.57. The Barcelona Fish sculpture (or El Peix) by Gehry and Associates, Barcelona, Spain, 1992.



Figure 2.58. Guggenheim Bilbao by Gehry and Associates, Bilbao, Spain, 1997.



Figure 2.59. Walt Disney Concert Hall by Gehry and Associates, Los Angeles, USA, 2003.



Figure 2.60. Drawing of Guggenheim Bilbao by Frank Gehry, design sketch of the riverfront elevation, 1991.

Exposed at LACMA, LA.



Figure 2.61. The Millennium Tower by Foster and Partners, Tokyo, Japan, unbuilt.



Figure 2.62. Greater London Authority (City Hall) by Foster and Partners, London, UK, 2002.



Figure 2.63. Headquarters of Swiss RE (the Gherkin) by Foster and Partners, London, UK, 2004.



Figure 2.64. Raffles City Hangzhou by UNStudio, Hangzhou, China, 2017.



Figure 2.65. Lane 189 by UNStudio, Shanghai, China, 2016.



Figure 2.66. Westfield White City by UNStudio, London, UK, 2018.



Figure 2.67. Design process of a façade system using PLs. Left: scripted closed polysurface. Middle: Grasshopper

program. Right: documentation generated in Revit.

Source: Miller, 2018.


Figure 2.68. Wasl Tower by UNStudio, Dubai, UAE, under construction.



Figure 2.69. Part of the Wasl Tower project modeled in Dynamo.

Source: Miller, 2018


Figure 2.70. Result of custom scripting components that highlight the variation of elements of the façade.

Source: Miller, 2018




Figure 3.1. Simple program in a VPL, Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 3.2. Complex program in a VPL, Grasshopper.



Figure 3.3. Simple program in a TPL, Python.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 3.4. Part of a complex program in a TPL, Python.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 3.5. Grasshopper’s visual user interface.

Source own authorship.


Figure 3.6. Khepri’s textual user interface.

Source: own authorship.



Figure 4.1. Number slider and Boolean toggle in Dynamo (above) and in Grasshopper (below).

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.2. Control flow in Rosetta.

Source: Leitão, Lopes, & Santos, 2014.


Figure 4.3. Error in Grasshopper when connecting the output of a component as its input.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.4. Möbius flowchart (above) and procedure (below).

Source: Janssen, Pung, & Chen, 2019.


Figure 4.5. Series component in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.6. Cross Reference component in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.7. Square of boxes.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.8. Grasshopper program that generates a grid of cubes equally spaced between them.

Source: Tedeschi, 2014.


Figure 4.9. Cube of boxes.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.10. Grasshopper program that generates a cube of cubes equally spaced between them.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.11. Remap Numbers or ReMap component in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.



Figure 4.12. Illustration of the remap mechanism: (A) min_domain, (B) max_domain, (C), min_codomain, and

(D) min_codomain.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.13. Cull Pattern component in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.14. Solids resultant of the implementation of geometric functions in Khepri.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.15. Three versions of the same Grasshopper program, only varying the geometry being imported into the

Geometry component.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.16. Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects, Nanjing, China, 2018.



Figure 4.17. Messe Basel Exhibition Hall by Herzog & de Meuron, Basel, Switzerland, 2013.



Figure 4.18. MCM M:AZIT Store by THE SYSTEM_LAB, Seoul, South Korea, unknown date.



Figure 4.19. Point attractor influencing the radii of a grid of circles.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.20. Grasshopper program of an attractor point.

Source: Tedeschi, 2014.


Figure 4.21. Façade of the Quality Hotel Friends by Karolina Keyzer and Wingårdhs, Solna, Sweden, 2013.



Figure 4.22. Different natures of visual inputs: one point, multiple points, or a curve.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.23. Space frame of Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid Architects, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012.



Figure 4.24. Joe & Rika Mansueto Library by Murphy/Jahn, Chicago, USA, 2011.



Figure 4.25. Biosphere, Museum of the Environment by Buckminster Fuller, Montreal, Canada, 1967.



Figure 4.26. Grasshopper program of a space frame.



Figure 4.27. Spaceframe generated in Khepri.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.28. The BAD café by Nudes, Mumbai, India, 2015.



Figure 4.29. Soumaya Museum by FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise, Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.




Figure 4.30. South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute by Woods Bagot, Adelaide, Australia, 2013.



Figure 4.31. Proposal for a Sustainable Transit Station by Erik Giudice Architecture, Jönköping, Sweden,

unknown date.




Figure 4.32. Grasshopper program of a paneling and morphing mechanism.

Source: Tedeschi, 2014.


Figure 4.33. Unit (above) and result of paneling and morphing over an imported surface (below).

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.34. Façade of a Retail Store for Regal Shoes by Nudes, Assam, India, unknown date.



Figure 4.35. Geometry generated by the textual program created to resemble the façade of Regal Shoes.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.36. Mesquita Bait Ur Rouf by Marina Tabassum, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2012.



Figure 4.37. Terra Cotta Studio by Tropical Space, Quảng Nam, Vietnam, 2016.



Figure 4.38. Brick Cave by H&P Architects, Đông Anh, Vietnam, 2017.



Figure 4.39. Grasshopper program of a simple brick wall (online tutorial), importing a curve as visual input.



Figure 4.40. Brick wall generated by the Grasshopper program.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.41. Floating bricks appear when the curvature is too tight.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.42. Brick wall with a sharp curvature generated by the textual program.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.43. Winery Gantenbein by Gramazio & Kohler and Bearth & Deplazes Architekten, Fläsch, Switzerland,





Figure 4.44. The MaoHaus by AntiStatics Architecture, Beijing, China, 2017.



Figure 4.45. Swanston Square apartment building (Barak Building) by ARM Architecture, Melbourne, Australia,




Figure 4.46. Interior of Raiffeisen Bank by Studio NAU, Zurich, Germany, 2011.




Figure 4.47. Grasshopper program adapted from Tedeschi’s version of a pixel mapping mechanism.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.48. Pixel mapping result, using an image of Le Corbusier.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.49. Grasshopper program developed from an online tutorial.



Figure 4.50. Pixel mapping result, using an image of Le Corbusier’s Modulor.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 4.51. BIM model generated by Khepri in Revit, using a predefined family of circular windows.

Source: Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano, 2019.


Figure 4.52. Analysis generated directly and by hand in DIVA for Rhino, a lighting analysis tool.

Source: Leitão, Castelo Branco, & Cardoso, 2017.


Figure 4.53. Ladybug for Grasshopper to perform radiation analysis, using the “black box” components

predefined within the plug-in.



Figure 4.54. Analysis generated by connecting a textual program directly with an analysis tool.

Source: Leitão, Castelo Branco, & Cardoso, 2017.



Figure 5.1. 2D drawing created using a CAD tool.



Figure 5.2. 3D model created using a BIM tool.




Figure 5.3. Visual program that generates the envelope of the Hangzhou Tennis Center.

Source: Miller, 2011.


Figure 5.4. Component highlighted in red with error message in Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 5.5. Different types of documentation in Grasshopper: locally, with the mouse over an input/output (left);

or internally, by selecting the option Help (right).

Source: own authorship.


Figure 5.6. Searching mechanisms showing the available functions in Khepri.

Source: own authorship.


Figure 5.7. Typing mechanisms automatically showing the parameters of a function in Khepri.

Source: own authorship.



List of Tables and Charts

Table 1. Analysis plug-ins for Grasshopper.

Source: own authorship.


Table 2. VPLs and TPLs applied to AD and the correspondent modeling tools.

Source: own authorship.


Chart 1. Relation of the complexity of a project to the approach chosen and the tools used.

Source: own authorship.


Chart 2. Integration of the third dimension of Analysis to the approaches and tools indicated in chart 1.

Source: own authorship.


Table 3. Advantages of the AD approach.

Source: own authorship.


Table 4. Advantages of creating programs with a VPL, Grasshopper, and a TPL within Khepri.

Source: own authorship.


Table 5. Disadvantages of creating programs with a VPL, Grasshopper, and a TPL within Khepri.

Source: own authorship.




2D – Two-dimensional

3D – Three-dimensional

AD – Algorithmic Design

BDS – Building Description System

BIM – Building Information Modeling

BRep – Boundary Representation

CAAD – Computer-Aided Architectural Design

CAD – Computer-Aided Design

CD – Computational Design

CSG – Constructive Solid Geometry

GD – Generative Design

IDE – Integrated Development Environment

PD – Parametric Design

PL – Programming Language

TPL – Textual Programming Language

VPL – Visual Programming Language


Glossary of Terms

Algorithm – instructions translated through a set of rules that, in this context, are given to the computer to

process and perform a desired task.

Algorithmic Design – methodology that allows the construction of a design through algorithmic

descriptions, i.e., resorting to a group of instructions, rules, and constraints that the computer can process

to generate geometry.

Building Information Modeling Tools – group of computational tools that are conceived for modeling

3D elements in a digital environment. These elements are geometrical entities to which quantitative and

qualitative information is associated, being classified according to families (e.g., walls, slabs, windows,

doors, etc.). Examples of BIM tools for architecture are Revit and ArchiCAD.

Computer Aided Design Tools – group of computational tools that allows the modeling of 2D and 3D

geometry in a digital environment. They work with geometric objects such as lines, arcs, circles, and

polygons (in 2D), and boxes, cylinders, pyramids, and spheres (in 3D), supporting a set of commands that

manipulates this geometry. Examples of CAD tools for architecture are AutoCAD and Rhinoceros 3D.

Parameter / Variable – quantifiable value that can vary within the algorithm. When this value is changed,

the algorithm generates a different result.

Parametric Design – methodology that allows the manipulation of a design or parts of that design through

the attribution of variable parameters. These parameters can, therefore, be changed, thus generating a new

version of the design, maintaining the same rules and constraints of the implemented algorithm.

Parametric Model – algorithm that generates virtual models in a visualization tool, consisting of geometry,

attributes, and relationships. This parametric model resorts to functions and variable parameters (Heidari et

al., 2018).

Program – formal description of an algorithm. It must be built using a programming language that,

according to its structure, syntax, and semantics, feeds unambiguous information to the computer that then

processes the instructions structured in the program.

Programming Language – formal language that a computer can understand and process unambiguously;

a programming language can support different programming paradigms; however, it must obey to a rigid

structure, syntax, and semantics.



1. Introduction

This research is contextualized within the current methodologies to the architectural practice,

namely the use of computational approaches, such as Algorithmic Design (AD). Thus, this

thesis proposes AD as a representation method for architecture, whose implementation will

be studied considering the present context, in order to study future implications of its

application and implementation in the workflow of architects.

1.1. Framework

From the birth of the discipline itself, architecture has used different tools and methodologies

to be represented, explained, and sold throughout History.

Drawings and sketches are primary examples that have always been the base of the

expression of intentions, as architects use them to illustrate their visions, to sell their

concepts, and even to communicate with other professionals during later stages of the

construction of the project.

Nowadays, the architectural process still leans on these drawings and sketches to

create the initial concept, to structure constraints, to study dynamics, and to build up ideas.

However, these ideas, typically expressed in sketches, start as organic and flexible entities,

which are later consolidated in the technical drawings and models (figure 1.1.).

Due to all the technicalities associated with the process of building an architectural

project, architecture has always been influenced by new technologies and developments in

the fields of engineering. The discipline needs to deal with structure, lighting, acoustics,

drainage, and ventilation, among others, and the architect becomes the maestro of such an

orchestra. More recently, another paradigm started influencing architecture, having the

ability to connect every single one of the mentioned contributions: computation.

Computers are part of the common practice of architecture nowadays, as when

mentioning technical drawings, one is usually referring to documents digitally produced by

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools (figure 1.2.

and figure 1.3.). They are very useful for the construction processes, becoming the base to

other specialties’ technical documents, as well as for the construction of three-dimensional

models. These digital models can later be used either for their geometry – to showcase the

overall look of the project and even to produce virtual images, or to be assessed through

computational analysis tools, being analyzed according to their performance and behavior

towards different factors, such as lighting, acoustics, or structure.

Furthermore, computation opened a wider door for other possibilities that emerge

from the fields of programming, introducing a core concept: Algorithmic Design (AD). This

new methodology offers an alternative approach to the direct manual manipulation of the

envisioned geometry in the modeling tool. Instead of resorting to the factory-set features and

Fig. 1.1. Hand-drawing (above) and

technical drawing (below) of

Swimming Pools in Leça da

Palmeira by Álvaro Siza Vieira,

Portugal, 1967.

Fig. 1.2. Digital environment of a

CAD tool, AutoCAD.

Fig. 1.3. Digital environment of a

BIM tool, ArchiCAD.


commands of CAD and BIM tools to create a digital representation of the project, the

architect builds a program, an algorithm, to instruct the computer to perform the same tasks.

This program is a set of instructions, rules, and constraints that translate geometry

with relationships and attributes, which can also benefit from parametric reasoning and

mechanisms. Therefore, the AD approach is often merged with Parametric Design (PD)

methodologies, that allow the manipulation of a design or parts of that design through the

attribution of variable parameters inside the geometric relationships described in the

algorithm. Thus, the created program becomes a parametric model, since it generates

geometry with intrinsic relationships and variable quantities: by changing the values of the

parameters, a new version of the model is generated, maintaining the same constraints and

relationships defined. So, the question is, why are these algorithmic approaches more

advantageous than manual ones?

The manual manipulation of complex geometries in a modeling tool requires the

architect to undertake meticulous and time-consuming tasks, since each element of the

project has to be modeled individually. This demands careful attention to detail, since the

relationships between the different elements also have to be established manually. Any

alterations required to the final design will also have to be executed by hand. Thus, the

manual approach has a high cost of change: if there are geometric relations between the

manipulated elements, e.g., tangencies, uniform distribution, proportion, etc., and one of the

parts involved has to be altered, all the geometrically dependent parts must also be changed

according to these relations. Moreover, if the project includes geometries that depend on

repetition, patterns, mathematical relationships, or even randomness, modeling by hand

becomes tedious, extremely time-consuming, and error-prone, having severe consequences

in the cost of the project.

Therefore, the AD and PD approaches propose a solution to the conventional design

process, overcoming these limitations. The parametricism they lean upon means that

architects can consolidate the sketched idea into a shape without losing its flexibility: they

decide the parameters, their constraints, and how much they can vary. Hence, the cost of

change reduces drastically, since, in order to perform an alteration to the design, architects

simply need to give alternative values to the parameters they chose and generate a variation

of the previous design that still presents the same geometrical relationships and constraints

established in the program. Therefore, it allows for an easier and more efficient exploration

of design alternatives.

When applying these design methodologies, architects are able to extend the limits of

what is viably reproducible by hand on a computer, materializing more easily the full extent

of their imagination. Algorithmic thinking is a powerful skill that enables the architect to

explore and develop new esthetics, technical solutions, and formal alternatives to a design,

besides offering many advantages when envisioning and conceiving projects with great

Fig. 1.4. Façade of the MCM

Building by The_System Lab,

Seoul, Republic of Korea, unknown


Fig. 1.5. Phoenix International

Media Center by BIAD UFo,

Beijing, China, 2016.

Fig. 1.6. Proposal for the Port

Authority Bus Terminal by

Archilier Architecture, New York

City, USA, 2016.

Fig. 1.7. Serpentine Pavilion by BIG

Architecture, London, United

Kingdom, 2016.


complexity, accuracy, or repetitive patterns (figure 1.4., figure 1.5., figure 1.6., and figure


In AD, the Programming Languages (PLs) that are used to build programs can either

be visual, textual, or both. The tendency in the present day regarding the architectural practice

is to use more intuitive environments to program, particularly using Visual Programming

Languages (VPLs), such as Grasshopper or Dynamo (figure 1.8.).

VPLs are more natural for beginners and, therefore, easier to learn. Furthermore, they

are equipped with user-friendly features, such as (1) immediate feedback, to visualize in real-

time what is being generated while the program is being developed; (2) traceability, to

highlight in the modeling tool the geometry generated by a selected part of the program; (3)

insertion of visual graphs and gradients inside the program; (4) customization of several

features, such as color, style, and name of the icons; and (5) visual input mechanisms, to

import geometry previously created in the modeling tool; among others. Despite these

advantages, there is a serious handicap that appears whenever the program reaches a certain

level of complexity: it becomes hard to understand (figure 1.9.) and, therefore, difficult to

maintain and extend, and some of these features simply stop working.

However, there are practitioners who believe that the expressive power of Textual

Programming Languages (TPLs), such as Python (figure 1.10.), prevails over the struggles

of using VPLs in complex projects. The main obstacle to the use of TPLs is in the more

demanding learning process. However, if these difficulties can be overcome by simpler

implementations and a more user-friendly learning structure, the inherent advantages of the

mastery of a TPL are believed to be rewarding regarding the ease with which complex

projects can be built, changed, and maintained.

Fig. 1.8. Projects modeled in Grasshopper (left), a VPL for Rhino, and in Dynamo (right) a VPL for Revit.

Fig. 1.9. Portion of a complex project

modeled in Grasshopper.

Fig. 1.10. Program modeled in Python, a TPL, and

visualized in AutoCAD.


1.2. Motivation

The role of the architect goes beyond the mere design of spaces for certain contexts. The

social, economic, and environmental importance of architecture also imposes the

responsibility of being updated and aware of the overall tendencies of the era we are living

in; and we are living in a technological era.

Personally, it is motivating to propose an extension of the curriculum of the

architectural course and delve into more recent themes such as AD. Even though the

application of this methodology in the current architectural design process in Portugal is just

starting, this approach aids the materialization of the architect’s imagination in a wide range

of architectural project scales (figure 1.11.). Thus, architects become able to more easily

accomplish new esthetics, exploring further alternatives and adaptations of the design, and

even to more efficiently find sustainable and economic solutions to their proposals.

Scientifically, the main motivation of this thesis is to evaluate AD as a representation

method for architecture. This entails determining the limits of algorithmic approaches using

TPLs and VPLs, in order to define a set of guidelines to help the architect when choosing the

approach that best suits the needs of a particular project. Furthermore, understanding the

limits and the expressive power of the two types of languages will allow the development of

strategies and techniques to improve TPLs for architecture.

Programming languages do not substitute the pencil and the piece of paper where the

architect freely and organically sketches ideas and concepts. However, they might be the

future that will replace the manual usage of CAD, BIM, and analysis tools.

1.3. Objectives

Considering that this thesis evaluates and proposes AD as a representation method for the

architectural practice, the objectives to fulfill relate to the understanding of the applicability

and implementation of this methodology in the current design process.

Fig. 1.11. Application of AD in a project of architecture by a traditional

Portuguese architectural studio.


Therefore, we propose to address the current barriers to the use of TPLs among

architects, considering that the clear majority prefers to use VPLs, such as Grasshopper, to

develop their projects in whole or in part.

Ultimately, we are looking for the limits of complexity that invalidate the usage of a

VPL over a textual one. This moment should occur when programs are so complex that the

main advantages of using a VPL are no longer valid, resulting in an unnecessarily complex

program, that, visually, is difficult to understand. The Hangzhou Tennis Center by NBBJ

(figure 1.12. and figure 1.13.) is an illustrative real case of this situation. By studying and

analyzing these moments, we can reflect on how VPLs can stretch in order to meet this

necessity of simplification.

On the opposite end, this same line of thought will help to comprehend how a TPL

can be simplified in an attempt to compete directly with VPLs from early stages of the

construction of the program, so that its greater advantage is no longer solely valid when

working on complex projects. This analysis will provide us with the necessary tools to

suggest new implementations and simplification of the learning process of languages like

Python, with the goal of bringing them closer to the user, in this case, the architect.

1.4. Methodology

The main questions this thesis proposes to answer are (1) whether VPLs do really meet all

the needs of clarity, performance, legibility, and the possibility of cooperation when

managing complex programs, and (2) how a TPL can compete with the current usage of VPLs

from early stages of a program’s development. Hence, the methodology adopted focuses on

three main stages: (1) contextualization, (2) assessments, and (3) conclusions.

Regarding the first stage of contextualization, we will define three different moments:

(1) a presentation of the state-of-art on these and other related questions and of the current

application of algorithmic approaches in architecture, (2) a definition of the core concepts

that are specific to this investigation, and (3) a theoretical comparison regarding the

implementation and application of both visual and textual programming languages.

In order to assess the theory presented in the first stage, this methodology follows a

practical comparison of the contextualized criteria. From this evaluation of the practical

Fig. 1.12. The shell of the Hangzhou

Tennis Center by NBBJ, Hangzhou,

China, 2013.

Fig. 1.13. Complex program in Grasshopper that generates the shell of the Hangzhou Tennis Center.


application and implementation of VPLs and TPLs, the third and final stage will focus on

structuring guidelines and strategies (1) to establish the relative advantages of visual and

textual approaches for different scales of complexity and (2) to propose further

implementations that can counteract the existing tendency and bring textual languages closer

to their users, competing with visual languages from the early stages of the development of

AD programs.

1.5. Structure

This thesis is structured in three main sections: (1) a contextualization section, where the

information needed to the understanding of the work development is provided, (2) a

development section, where the criteria presented are assessed in both theory and practice,

and (3) a reflection section, where the guidelines, the proposed strategies, and the conclusions

about the work developed are structured.

The contextualization section is divided into three chapters:

1. Introduction: general contextualization of the research through the description of

the Framework (1.1.), Motivation (1.2.), Objectives (1.3.), Methodology (1.4.), and Structure

(1.5.), previously presented.

2. State-of-the-Art: overall contextualization of the work related to the theme of this

investigation, namely regarding the evolution of Representation Methods (2.1.) until the

present day; the definition and application of Algorithmic Design (AD) in today’s

architecture (2.2.); the evolution of PLs until their current application in the architecture

realm (2.3.), including a review on the types of PLs and the description of some representative

examples; a revision on the main and most used tools, libraries, and plug-ins available for

AD (2.4); and a summary of the main PLs used specifically in the practice of architecture

(2.5), identifying some of the architectural studios in the world that are currently using them

to generate their projects through AD.

3. Characterization of Programming Languages for Architecture: introduction

and definition of the core concepts that are specific to the development of this investigation,

such as Computational Power (3.1.), Performance and Efficiency (3.2.), Expressive Power

(3.3.), User Interface Features (3.4.), and Limit of Complexity (3.5).

Those concepts constitute the criteria to classify PLs, relating to their appeal in terms

of performance and ease of use. This contextualization represents the first step in the

understanding of both the tendency of using VPLs over TPLs and of the potentialities and

advantages of the textual approach over the visual one.

The assessment of the developed work is contemplated in the fourth chapter:

4. Comparative Study between VPLs and TPLs: in order to address the main

questions of this investigation regarding the relative use of visual and textual programming


languages, the fourth chapter integrates both a theoretical (4.1.) and a practical comparison

(4.2.) between the two types of languages.

In the theoretical comparison, we enumerate a set of topics that describe and explain

some features and mechanisms provided by VPLs and/or TPLs, some of which are inherent

to VPLs or to textual ones, and others were already implemented in both paradigms.

Regarding the practical comparison, we assess the features and mechanisms

previously presented by programming real case studies. These case studies represent either

the assessment of (1) geometric behaviors and structures commonly used in AD for

architecture or (2) programming mechanisms that aid in the generation of those geometric

behaviors and structures.

Finally, the last stage of this thesis is divided into two main chapters.

5. Guidelines: first reflection on the question related to the relative use of VPLs and

TPLs according to the intended results. We aim to structure a set of situations where the use

of VPLs has more advantages and others where the user has more benefits in adopting a

textual approach.

Other reflection to be made in this chapter regards the guidelines to the

implementation of features, mechanisms, and abstractions that might bring TPLs closer to

their users and able to compete with VPLs from early stages of the design process.

6. Conclusions: in this chapter, the main unanswered questions that motivated the

development of this thesis are discussed according to the conclusions taken from this


Firstly, we structure some Reflections (6.1.) about (1) the proposal of AD as a

representation method for architecture, (2) the impact and benefits of algorithmic thinking

within the architecture curriculum, (3) the relative advantages of VPLs and TPLs when

integrated within the workflow of the architect, and (4) the barriers to surpass regarding the

algorithmic approach to choose.

Lastly, the Future Work (6.2.) proposes new lines of investigation that we consider to

be relevant contributions to the development of AD in architecture and which, therefore, will

extend the findings of the study even further.



2. State-of-the-Art

To better contextualize this research, it is crucial to understand the origin and consequent

evolution of some of the main concepts of the investigation.

Therefore, the description of the current practice of architecture and its more recent

methodologies and approaches should be explained as the result of a continuous development

of the ways architects use to express ideas and concepts from the earliest times of mankind.

2.1. Representation Methods

Since the birth of mankind as a collective species, communication has been the key to its

survival and development. Alongside with the first sounds and gestures, drawings were made

inside caves to express reality, to communicate intentions, or even to tell stories. Millenniums

after the Neanderthal period, at the time of the first civilizations, drawings were still part of

the report of people’s daily lives and past stories, plans and projects for the future. The

Egyptians are an illustrative example, with a complex legacy of hand-painted drawings on

monuments’ walls, also using a language expressed through icons – the hieroglyphs. Some

believe that the first references of architectural drawings were from the period of ancient

civilizations. The Gudea Statue (figure 2.1.) exposed at the Louvre Museum in Paris, from

the Mesopotamian period (4000 years ago), is holding an architectural plan, thus constituting

one of the most iconic examples of that (Pilsitz, 2017).

We came a long way since the Ancient era, and, up to the present day, our knowledge

has been developing exponentially; and so have the methods and techniques we use to express

ourselves. Nevertheless, it becomes clear that, throughout all these centuries of evolution, the

expression of architectural thoughts and ideas has always been made through visual methods:

drawings, plans, sections, schemes, and physical models, among others. Acknowledging this,

Austin and Qattan (2016) refer to architects as “visual thinkers”, since architecture is

predominantly represented through visual communication.

The Greek and Roman antiquity brought different contributions to the evolution of

representation methods in architecture, culminating with some of the first urban drawings,

such as the plans of Roman cities (figure 2.2.). Moreover, regarding the systematization of

architectural projects, a novelty emerged. During the 1st century b.C. lived a man that is now

unmistakably recognized as one of the first theorists of architecture. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio,

or Vitruvius for short, was a man of multiple facets, whose most prominent achievement was

undoubtedly his multi-volume treatise: De Architectura Libri Decem (figure 2.3.), his only

work to survive to the present day. In the set of ten books, he studied the architecture of the

Greco-Roman period and rationalized the used system of proportions and ratios. This

systematization, however, was explained solely using textual descriptions and did not include

drawings to illustrate them. Thus, this was the first example in architecture where language

in the textual form was the only representation method used to illustrate an idea. Nonetheless,

Fig. 2.1. Plan of a temple in the

Gudea Diorite Sculpture,

Mesopotamian period, 2120 b. C.,

Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

Fig. 2.2. Plan of an ancient Roman


Fig. 2.3. The frontispiece of the

second edition of the De

Architectura Libri Decem edited by

Perrault, published in 1684.


later on, this factor represented an obstacle, since the Latin used by Vitruvius proved to be

incoherent and difficult to decipher.

During the Medieval period, one can observe considerable progress in the techniques

of orthographic projections, such as plans and elevations, but it is not until the Renaissance

that the representation methods in architecture witnessed a great development: the discovery

of perspective. Furthermore, after the assimilation of the historical and architectural

importance of the legacy of the Antiquity – not only of the ancient buildings but also of

Vitruvius’ treatise – humanists based new manifestos on the study and translation of De

Architectura. The first printed editions already comprised drawings and schemes to better

illustrate the explained concepts and ideas (figure 2.4.). Authors such as Alberti (1404–1472),

Serlio (1475–1554), Vignola (1507–1573), and Palladio (1508 –1580) interpreted, drew, and

proposed new ways of building the Modern era, using the teachings of Vitruvius to base new

visions built upon the critical sense of their own time. In their treatises and manifestos,

drawings were a critical contribution to the understanding of the described solutions.

Furthermore, the perspectival drawing allowed for a better comprehension of some

abstractions often represented in orthographic projections, such as plans and sections. For the

first time, drawings incorporated the third dimension in the paper, a concept that came to

have implications in the materialization of the architectural principles of the following period,

the Baroque. The Baroque period was also characterized by the materialization and

manipulation of perspective in the built space, reflected in a sophisticated complexity and

optical illusion effects, such as the Borromini’s Spada Palace (figure 2.5.).

Even though they have certain limitations, “drawings have been the stable medium of

architecture over centuries and this was possible as the architect relied on typology”

(Tedeschi, 2014, p. 18), i.e., the use of typological solutions that were already preconceived

and well proven to work. Up until this time in the History of Architecture, drawings were not

only a medium of communication but also a system in which architects relied on in order to

explore their designs within a set of formal structural constraints, an approach described as

form-making. However, in the late 19th century, this idea started being questioned and

replaced by a new way of thinking: a form-finding approach – a forward process to find an

optimal geometric solution that is statically in equilibrium within a design loading

(Adriaenssens, Veenendaal, & Williams, 2014). Some of the pioneers of this time, such as

Antoni Gaudi (1852–1926) and Frei Otto (1925–2015), have rejected typology and looked to

self-information processes in nature as a way to organize buildings. For instances, Gaudi

shaped the design of his buildings according to the application of the force of gravity, one of

nature’s parametric inputs (Heidari, et al., 2018) (figure 2.6.). Therefore, since “the form

could not descend from proven solutions, the traditional drawing could not be used as a tool

to predict design outcomes” (Tedeschi, 2014, p. 18). In return, physical models became

crucial to the design investigation of architects and engineers that believed in this approach.

Fig. 2.6. Antoni Gaudí’s hanging

chain models, 1889.

Fig. 2.5. Section and plan of the

corridor of Spada Palace by

Francesco Borromini (17th century,

Rome) where the narrowing of the

floor, ceiling and lateral walls give

the perspectival illusion of a longer


Fig. 2.4. Illustration of the Doric

Order of the 1684 edition of

Vitruvius’ De Architectura.


Nowadays, architects continue to explore different approaches and techniques that

improve their communication in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, clarity, appeal, and

realism, and computers commonly play an important role in this process. Visual

representations have been used for centuries, “executable visual representations, however,

have only arisen with the advent of the computer” (Menzies, 2002, p. 94). Some decades ago,

after the time when hand-drawings and physical models were the only methods of visual

communication available for architects, visual representations conquered a new dimension:

they became digital. Therefore, the following evolution of representation and computational

methods aided to build Algorithmic Design (AD) as we know today, an approach to design

where geometry is represented by rules and constraints set within an algorithm.

Parametric Architecture was firstly defined by the Italian architect Luigi Moretti

(1907 - 1973), in 1939, by the original expression Architettura Parametrica (Bucci &

Mulazzani, 2000). He studied the relationships between dimensions dependent upon the

various parameters (Moretti, 1971), that would become the basis to a new architectural

language, nowadays known as algorithmic design. Moretti truly challenged the standards of

conventional architectural practices of his time by suggesting that computers were the

engines of a new architecture, without which it would be impossible to process the parameters

and their relationships. Some of his work was exposed during the 12th Milan Triennial in

1960, such as his proposal for a parametric stadium (figure 2.7.).

Even though the theory behind this new idea was the product of an intersection

between architecture and mathematics, its implementation would have to rely on

technological developments in the field of computation. Therefore, Moretti’s proposal can

be considered ahead of its time, not only because of the innovation of the concept, but also

because of the lack of technological developments at the time to put it into practice.

Parametric architecture would only have its true application fifty years later.

The seed of computation for architecture was planted in 1939, but it was only in the

60s that its implementation first started to blossom through the development of computational

tools for the architectural practice. As reported in Brad Myers’ paper A Brief History of

Human-Computer Interaction Technology (1998), in 1963, the predecessor of modern

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools was publicly demonstrated: Sketchpad, by Ivan

Sutherland (figure 2.8.). The now ubiquitous direct manipulation interface, where visible

objects on the screen are directly manipulated with a pointing device, was demonstrated in

his doctoral thesis using a light pen to support the manipulation of objects, including grabbing

and moving them, changing size, and establishing constraints (Myers, 1998) (figure 2.9.).

Therefore, Sketchpad was the first direct transition of the traditional drawing board of

a conventional architectural studio to a digital environment, using a light pen and commands

to match the pencil, rubber, and ruler. Nevertheless, the application of such tools was not

received immediately in the architectural common practice, even though its promising

Fig. 2.8. Ivan Sutherland

demonstrating the use of Sketchpad.

Fig. 2.7. Model and plans of

Moretti’s parametric stadium, from

the 1960 Parametric Architecture

exhibition at 12th Milan Triennial.

Fig. 2.9. Before (above) and after

(below) applying design constraints

to a graphical object in Sketchpad.


potentialities were sufficient to trigger the development of more sophisticated tools within

the same paradigm.

The principles of digitalization of the drawing board proposed by Sutherland were

later incorporated into commercially successful software available for architecture, such as

AutoCAD (1982) (figure 2.10.). During this process, the wall separating the practice of

architecture from that exclusive to the computer scientists began to narrow with the

introduction of the possibility of working with programming languages in the construction

of programs within a modeling tool. Autodesk, the company that developed AutoCAD, made

available in 1986 one of the first programming languages for architecture, AutoLisp. On the

one hand, AutoCAD, through the digitalization of the drawing board, met the needs of the

architect to both accelerate repetitive tasks and manage multiple design layers (Tedeschi,

2014) and, by making geometric models seemingly easy to change, it even aided to reduce

the working hours that the architect spent on manually changing or creating new

representations (Davis, 2013). On the other hand, AutoLisp allowed the extension of the

tool, enabling automation and mechanization in order to reduce the time and effort architects

spent when reproducing their ideas in a digital environment. However, even though the

language was created to be applied to the architectural process of conceiving technical

documentation in AutoCAD, it was still not suitable for architects, since it was difficult to

learn and apply for those unfamiliar with programming and untrained to think


A parallel event with critical impact in the evolution of representation methods in

architecture was the beginning of the development of today’s Building Information Modeling

(BIM) tools, whose conceptual underpinnings go back to the earliest days of computing

(Quirk, 2012). Douglas C. Engelbart was a pioneer in the understanding of BIM principles

and the first author to predict this new approach to computational processes in architecture

in his book Augment of Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework (1962). He described the

work method of a future architect designing a building in a computer as focused on an object-

based design, with the ability to store objects and their associated information in a relational

database and the possibility of parametrically modifying them (Engelbart, 1962). After the

invention of Sutherland’s Sketchpad, “many other researchers started conceptualizing a

‘futuristic’ design paradigm that revolved around the three-dimensional design approach and

object-orientation” (Sawhney, Singh, & Ahuja, 2017, p. 5), with the appearance and

improvement of solid modeling programs in the computational representation of geometry.

The following decades of the 1970s and 1980s were also marked by the development

of two fundamental methods to display and record shape information: (1) Constructive Solid

Geometry (CSG), a system used in solid modeling that allows to build solid objects from

other solids by combining, intersecting, or subtracting them (figure 2.11.), and (2) Boundary

Representation (BRep), a method where solids are represented as a collection of connected

surfaces, defined by their limits.

Fig. 2.11. Illustration of a

Constructive Solid Modeling


Fig. 2.10. The first version of

AutoCAD released in 1982.

Fig. 2.12. Coordinated views in

current Revit, a BIM tool for



Along with these methods, the implementation of libraries of objects was a crucial

contribution to the development of BIM tools. The first software to describe these individual

library elements that could be retrieved and added to a model was Building Description

System (BDS), designed in 1974, the first project to succeed in creating a building database

(Sawhney, Singh, & Ahuja, 2017). BDS already resorted to a user graphical interface,

different orthographic and in perspective viewports (figure 2.12), and a sortable database

from where the user could retrieve information stored by categories, i.e., attributes such as

materials and suppliers. The following researches and developments on the subject led to the

first version of a BIM tool for architecture, ArchiCAD, in 1984 (figure 2.13.).

The next progression in the History of Computer Science that had direct implications

in the development of AD as we know today was the introduction of Pro/ENGINEER

software, also in 1987, developed by Samuel Geisberg (figure 2.14.). It was the first

mainstream system that fully implemented the concepts of Sketchpad that, besides the digital

manipulation of geometry using a light pen to “draw” in a computer, also allowed the

implementation of geometric relationships between the drawn elements. These geometric

relationships were communicated to the computer through a specific type of computer

program, nowadays known as parametric model (Davis, 2013). Therefore, Pro/ENGINEER

represented the first implementation of concepts such as parametric architecture and

parametricism, previously presented by Moretti and intended in Sutherland’s studies.

Sutherland originally aimed to make computers accessible to new classes of users,

namely artists and draughtsmen, without losing the power of abstraction that is critical to

programmers (Sutherland, 2003). Therefore, Pro/ENGINEER allowed users to associate and

control tridimensional parametric components by user input constraints (Tedeschi, 2014) and

answered to the need of many designers to build more sophisticated programs in order to

manage increasingly complex projects.

Even though this technological development did not admit a fluid and organic work

method as intuitive and natural as a hand-drawing, it allowed greater efficiency and flexibility

in the architect’s workflow dynamics in phases following the conceptual sketches. It not only

formalized the architect’s ideas with greater accuracy and efficiency but also gave him an

extension of the design spectrum to explore with the new tools available. Actually,

Sutherland stated that “it is only worthwhile to make drawings on the computer if you get

something more out of the drawing than just a drawing” (Sutherland, 2003, p. 110).

Nowadays, computation and programming became the paradigm that enabled

architecture to evolve and develop more sophisticated and efficient approaches to visual

communication. On the one hand, hand-drawn documentation has already been extended to

the digital realm: (1) three-dimensional models can be used to capture videos and rendered

images with the use of textures and light; (2) BIM tools create realistic building relationships

with the use of families associated with technical information that also permit to easily obtain

technical sections (figure. 2.15.), maps of quantities, interactive schedules, and budgets; and

Fig. 2.14. Typical model in an early

Pro/ENGINEER version.

Fig. 2.15. Technical rendered

section modeled in Revit.

Fig. 2.13. ArchiCAD 2 version,

released in 1986.


(3) all the analysis software that assess the models through various analysis: thermal, lighting,

structure, and acoustics, among others. (figure 2.16.). On the other hand, programming

enabled the exploration of this new means of communication with greater efficiency, reduced

cost of change, shortened time of production, and with the implementation of automatic

mechanisms that replace repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks previously done

by hand.

The representations methods evolved to become so accurate and sophisticated that

they are now able to express sensitive data, such as the one obtained through analysis. This

extends the spectrum of what can be presented in an architectural project: not only plans and

sections – that sometimes are too abstract for a full understanding by those unfamiliar to that

type of representation – but also realistic images of interior spaces (figure 2.17.) or 3D

sections of the project (figure 2.18), rendered videos and animations of the ambience, and

even interpretive diagrams of the project’s performance. This aids architects to better explain

the idea and demonstrate the final impact of their proposal, working as an appealing

marketing tool to present and sell architectural projects.

As much as technology evolves and brings new techniques and tools of graphic

representation for architecture, the architect, as a visual thinker (Austin & Qattan, 2016), will

always express himself primarily and instinctively through a pencil or pen and a piece of

paper. Moreover, and although computation for architecture already brought many

possibilities and advantages to the discipline – not only regarding the representation methods

but also changing the work dynamics during the architectural project – it is relevant to

emphasize the perspective brought by Pilsitz (2017). Besides the critical look at the

fundamental skills of architects and at the future influential factors in the fields of drafting,

the author highlights the value of the individuality and creativity, that is increasingly

conquering a preponderant role in the 21st century. Independently from the feedback and

results obtained through computational methods, the final design decisions lay on the

architect’s critical sense and individual identity as a designer.

Fig. 2.17. Render of the interior of Morpheus Hotel, programmed in Grasshopper (left), and a recent picture

of the built result (right).

Fig. 2.18. 3D rendered section of the

Elbphilharmonie by Herzog & de

Meuron, Hamburg, Germany, 2016.

Fig. 2.16. Visualization of the

structural analysis of a building.


2.2. Algorithmic Design in Architecture

We are presently witnessing a paradigm shift in the realm of architecture with the integration

of approaches, such as AD, in the architect's workflow. This section aims to contextualize

the integration of the algorithmic approach in the current architectural practice.

As the art and science of idealizing and conceiving spaces, architecture is inseparable

from the social, technological, environmental, and scientific context of the era in which it is

inserted. During the last decades, technological developments in the fields of computer

science have come to assist and facilitate the practice of architecture. The rapid and

increasing extension of computational approaches to architecture has been empowered by the

reciprocal fecundation between architectural theories and all the possibilities and

potentialities provided by digital technologies (Fusero et al., 2013). In addition to the new

digital tools commonly available, computation also allowed the extension of the creative

spectrum of the architect, with the introduction of algorithmic and parametric thinking.

This new architectural reasoning constitutes a shift from the more traditional

architectural practices, a phenomenon that is the subject of Terzidis paper Algorithmic

Design: A Paradigm Shift? (2004). As with any other radical paradigmatic change in science

or arts, controversy always emerges.

The main controversy that has been arising is related to more than only formal

materialization of ideas or styles. Regarding computational thinking in architecture, the main

question is related to the ethics of the design process: the value of the fluidity of a hand-

drawn idea entirely conceived in the architect’s mind against the uncreative and insensitive

automatism of designs generated by computers. Irrespective of all the opportunities

guaranteed by the algorithmic process and thinking – concretized through the new tools and

parametric methodologies developed – the creative solutions generated through

computational methods are still the object of great criticism (Castellano, 2011). In the same

paper mentioned above, Terzidis makes a strong statement that might clarify the misguided

interpretation that computers can substitute the architect, saying that “computational formal

explorations do not intend to eradicate human imagination but rather extend its potential

limitations” (Terzidis, 2004, p. 206). He goes even further by believing that computation is

not a substitute for human creativity but offers the means to explore, experiment, and invest

in an alternative realm (figure 2.19.). Furthermore, the ultimate design decision is always up

to the architect. Regardless of all the possible design variations, alternatives, and new

possibilities presented by a computed generation of form, architects ultimately still lean on

their critical sense, sensibility, and creativity to build their idea.

The power of applying computer science methodologies to architecture is in

conquering not only new tools, that allow a more efficient and rigorous workflow, but also

extending the creative reasoning with algorithmic thinking. In other words, architects become

Fig. 2.19. Design process – from

sketches and physical models to

computational analysis, rendering,

and construction – of the Swiss Re

by Foster and Partners, London,

UK, 2004.


able to allow their imagination to go even further, based on their capabilities in mastering

new approaches like algorithmic design.

As previously defined, Algorithmic Design (AD) is an alternative approach to the

manual manipulation of geometry in a modeling tool, as the architect uses algorithms,

implemented through programming languages, to create that geometry in a digital

environment (Leitão, Lopes & Santos, 2014). This allows the user to transcend factory-set

limitations of the currently used 3D software (Terzidis, 2004) such as CAD and BIM tools,

as well as to overcome the challenges of normal mouse-based approaches when modeling

complex geometries (Castelo Branco & Leitão, 2017). In sum, the architect builds the

program that generates the geometry in the used tool, instead of generating the geometry by


Mastering AD requires an extension of the conventional architectural reasoning, as

architects should learn to think parametrically, focusing on new concerns such as the logical

sequence of formulas, parameters, and geometric relationships that explain and translate the

idea of their design. The rethinking of the structure of the architectural curriculum to include

the development of programming skills and parametric reasoning, in order to meet the

demands of the discipline nowadays, have been proposed by some authors (Leitão, 2013 –

figure 2.20.; Agirbas, 2017 – figure 2.21.). Moreover, assuming that programming should be

taught, other authors already discussed the best approaches and strategies (Eid & Milham,

2012; Ivanović et al., 2015). Nevertheless, some of the proposed questions remain


The methodology that is being suggested is that architects should learn how to use

programming languages to program and explore variations of their own projects, instead of

delegating this task to programmers. The rationale behind this proposal lies in the fact that

when external programmers - who are completely dissociated either from the principles of

the project or from the architectural reasoning - translate a project through an algorithmic

description, they are not predicting which possible parameters or variations go according to

the architect's idea, which can result in a program of a parametric model that is not changeable

within the appropriate variables. On the other hand, if architects, the holders of all the ideas

and concepts associated with a project, are in charge of programming its materialization

through AD, they can test and explore the limits of their own imagination and can even find

solutions that fit the context and concept even better than their initial idea.

“To be original and to be in control, the designer has to understand, if not originate,

his own algorithm, and know how to drive it” (Aish, 2005, p. 12). Authors such as Robert

Aish believe that architects should acquire programming skills inside the architectural

paradigm, i.e., without becoming necessarily software engineers. In his paper From Intuition

to Precision (2005), he explains that the algorithmic thought allows architects and designers

to embed their design logic within “an interactive design system which is driven by the

designer’s hand and evaluated by the designer’s eye” (Aish, 2005, p. 12). Once again it is

Fig. 2.21. Design process and

materialization of a student’s

project on Islamic patterns using a

visual approach to AD.

Fig. 2.20. Exercise of surface

mapping developed by students

using a textual approach to AD.


emphasized the importance of the architect’s critical sense and ability to make decisions

according to his professional and personal beliefs, contributing to humanize a process that

has been increasingly relying on machines to be executed.

The impact of technological evolution on the discipline of architecture has been so

preponderant that it has generated great controversy regarding the paradigm of the

contemporary era. Patrik Schumacher has strongly contributed to the proliferation of these

beliefs through manifestos that announced the emergence of a new architectural style: the

Parametricism (Schumacher, 2008). The partner at Zaha Hadid Architects is also the author

of Parametricism as a Style – Parametricist Manifesto (2008) and Parametricism - A New

Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design (2009) (figure 2.22.), where he claims that

“architecture finds itself at a midpoint of an ongoing cycle of innovative adaptation” (2008,

p. 1). For the author, Parametricism defines this moment in the History of Architecture, that

he describes as the architectural style that achieved an extensive supremacy within the

contemporary architectural avant-garde (Schumacher, 2008) and that can be understood as a

research program based upon the parametric paradigm. These statements are controversial,

paradigmatic, and have created strong divergencies between other professionals.

Even though manifestos such as Schumacher’s do address the powerful attributes and

benefits of computational design (Castellano, 2011), many authors still go against the

presented principles and ideas. However, the main tendency among AD practitioners is to

assume that “Parametricism or not, clearly we are on the cusp of an extraordinary shift in

creative potential and priorities and with-it architectural practice” (Burry, 2011).

In addition to the controversy surrounding these logistical issues about the role of

programming in architecture and the extension of the architect's curriculum to include

algorithmic and programming skills, other AD-related questions focus more on the

implementation of this methodology for architecture: if architects should learn to program,

what programming language should they use? The following sections contemplate an

introduction to the concept of programming languages as well as a review on the two most

relevant types of PLs for the understanding of this study.

2.3. Programming Languages

Programming Languages (PLs) are used to translate the intentions of the user into instructions

that the computer can understand and process, being a formal medium to express ideas and

not solely a means to get a computer to perform operations (Leitão & Santos, 2011). There

are many types of programming languages, as some are developed for specific applications

and others have the flexibility to serve various purposes.

The History of PLs is very recent when compared to other fields and, when referring

to PLs applied to architecture, one can say that their history is still blossoming. Arguably,

this history starts with the invention of Fortran.

Fig. 2.22. Parametric model of

Kartal-Pendik Masterplan by Zaha

Hadid Architects, Istanbul, Turkey,



Fortran was developed by IBM and had its first appearance in 1957 (figure 2.23.),

being the first widely known and used programming language (Wirth, 2008; Sammet, 1972).

The 1950s were very important for the dissemination of computers, that became available to

institutions and universities, as well as to the recognition of a new profession: programmers.

It was in this context that several companies started hiring the so-called programmers, who

had the skills to communicate with the machines through programming, a complex, creative

task that required human inventiveness to produce efficient programs (Backus, 1981).

Programming languages were, thus, created to facilitate this programming process.

The first computers required a level of programming that made it clear to be a very

demanding task. Part of the solution was to create more tools, implement automation, and

develop better programming languages. The 1960s was also the period when the discipline

of computer science was born.

One major milestone in the History of PLs, that also enabled the distinction of this

new discipline, were the 1968 and 1969 conferences sponsored by NATO1 (figure 2.24.).

These conferences provided a strong baseline to understand the current state of the practice

of software engineering (Boehm, 2006), besides representing the first time practical issues

regarding the struggles of the new discipline were discussed (Wirth, 2008). The well-known

term “software crisis” was born inside these discussions to refer to all the issues exposed

(O’Regan, 2012).

Even though PLs have been created to be used in countless different applications and

fields, in the architectural practice, the use of programming languages is limited, as they need

to interact with digital modeling tools such as CAD and BIM tools. Usually, these tools offer

specific programming environments and languages, e.g., AutoLISP for AutoCAD,

RhinoScrip for Rhino, Grasshopper for Rhino, and Dynamo for Revit.

As already mentioned, in AD, the implementation of the algorithms can be done

through two main types of languages: Visual Programming Languages (VPLs) and Textual

Programming Languages (TPLs).

The following sections will describe these concepts in more detail.

2.3.1. Visual Programming Languages

Visual programming languages (figure 2.25.) use icons and connections to feed

information and instructions to the computer, structuring diagrams of blocks connected by

wires (Schaefer, 2011). According to Noone and Mooney (2018), a VPL is any programming

language that allows users to manipulate the underlying code graphically, thus specifying the

execution of a program without textual scripting (Menzies, 2002). In a VPL, programs consist

of icons that can be manipulated interactively and according to some spatial grammar (Myers,

1 NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Fig. 2.24. Different groups at the

NATO Software Engineering

Conference, Garmisch, Germany,

7th-11th of October of 1968.

Fig. 2.25. Programming

environment using a VPL.

Fig. 2.23. Images of an IBM 704

mainframe computer, in 1957.


1990), i.e. iconic elements of data – that can contain either values, functions, or geometry,

for example – related between each other through output-input relations.

In the following sections, we describe two relevant VPLs. Grasshopper

Grasshopper is described as a VPL because it meets the specifications of a language

that allows the construction of programs through icons (called components) and connections

(called wires). These components represent programming abstractions, such as functions,

parameters, or even geometry (Ferreira & Leitão, 2015), being organized in a series of menus

from where they can be dragged into the work environment (figure 2.26.). Hence, the created

program represents a data flow graph that consists of the connection between these

components where the information flows into and out (Payne & Issa, 2009).

Unlike RhinoScript, a TPL for Rhino, Grasshopper requires no deep knowledge of

programming or scripting, but still allows designers to build from simple geometry to the

awe-inspiring (Davidson, 2018). Nonetheless, it is possible to extend the functionalities of

Grasshopper with the introduction of written code, using TPLs such as Python, C#, and

VB.NET. Dynamo

Dynamo, just like Grasshopper, is a VPL. The main difference is in the application it

is associated with, since Grasshopper is a VPL for a CAD tool (incorporated in Rhino), and

Dynamo enables the user to write visual programs generated in Revit, a BIM tool (figure

2.27.). Therefore, besides all the modeling features, it also includes icons (called nodes) that

import to the work environment the families of objects available in Revit.

Dynamo also supports the use of code blocks, i.e., nodes in which it is possible to

write small scripts using TPLs such as Python. These code blocks enable the creation of small

algorithms that introduce more complex functionalities, extending the features of the

available factory-set nodes (Ferreira & Leitão, 2015).

Fig. 2.26. Work environment using Grasshopper associated with Rhino.


Autodesk released an online manual about Dynamo (2018), where its application is

described as a visual programming tool that aims to be accessible to both non-programmers

and programmers alike. It gives users the ability to visually script behavior, to define custom

pieces of logic, and to script using various TPLs (Autodesk, 2018).

2.3.2. Textual Programming Languages

Contrarily to VPLs, textual programming languages, as the name suggests, belong to

the category of programming languages that use written text to build programs, using a one-

dimensional stream of characters (Brown & Kimura, 1994). These programs structure a script

of written instructions and descriptions that the computer understands and processes

unequivocally (figure 2.28.). Just like any other language in the world, textual programming

languages also obey specific syntax and semantics.

In the following sections, we describe two relevant TPLs. Python

Python is a textual programming language easy to understand due to its resemblance

to mathematics, extendibility, and user-friendliness (Payne, 2010). It was created in 1991 and

has been used successfully in thousands of real-world business applications around the world,

including many large and mission-critical systems and companies, such as Google, NASA,

Wikipedia, Facebook, and Yahoo (Python Software Foundation, 2001).

Fig. 2.28. Programming environment using Python, a TPL, associated with AutoCAD.

Fig. 2.27. Work environment using Dynamo associated with Revit.


Being considered suitable for beginners or even non-programmers, the language is

currently benefiting from a considerable momentum in the AD community, particularly

because it is one of the scripting languages of Rhino (Leitão & Proença, 2014), providing

predefined functions with the possibility of programming user-defined ones. Julia

Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic language used for numerical

computing (Julia, 2018). It is also a TPL, with a very intuitive syntax for non-programmers

due to its resemblance to mathematics. In addition, it allows the effortless creation of built-

in and user-defined functions.

Even though the number of users of this language is lower than Python’s, Julia’s

community of developers is contributing with several external packages at a rapid pace (Julia,

2018), developing the language’s functionalities and applications.

2.4. Tools, Libraries, and Programming Environments

Some of the best known visual and textual programming languages can be extended to

connect to other computational tools and libraries in order to enlarge the spectrum of

application of AD, for instances, with computational analysis. The following sections present

some of these tools and libraries applied to the PLs they work within.

2.4.1. Grasshopper Plug-ins

Grasshopper allows the improvement and extension of its abstractions and application

through external contributions. Some of these contributions, the plug-ins, provide new

abstractions to extend the available set, while others extend the applicability of the language

by allowing the connection with other modeling and analysis tools (figure 2.29.).

Grasshopper’s plug-ins are organized in an online library, and they can cover different

fields such as manipulation of geometry, automation processes, or even different kinds of

building analysis. Some of the most well-known are Diva-for-Rhino, Ladybug, Geco,

Karamba3D (figure 2.30.), and SWIFT (figure 2.31.). The following table presents some of

the plug-ins available in Grasshopper, associated with the type of analysis they perform.

Fig. 2.29. Plug-ins for Grasshopper that connect it to analysis tools (left) and modeling tools (right).

Fig. 2.30. Structural analysis using


Fig. 2.31. Wind analysis using



Plug-in Type of Analysis

Butterfly Airflow and Ventilation

Dragonfly Climate

Esquissons Acoustic

GECO Environmental (connects to Ecotect)

Honeybee Thermal, Daylight (connects to Radiance), Glare, and Energy (connects to Energy Plus/OpenStudio), etc.

Kangaroo Physics Structural

Karamba3D Structural

Ladybug Geometry, Solar Radiation and Weather Data (connects to EnergyPlus)

ParaStaad Structural (connects to StaadPro)

PIGEON Ventilation

Sunflower Solar Analysis Sunlight


TRNLizard Thermal and Daylight

2.4.2. Rosetta

Rosetta is an AD tool that allows the use of different programming languages (front-

ends) in order to create programs that interoperate with different CAD tools (Lopes & Leitão,

2011) (figure 2.32.). More recently, BIM tools were added to this list of back-ends, such as

Revit (Feist et al., 2016). This means that, by using one of the TPLs supported by Rosetta,

such as Python, one can create a program of a 3D model that can be generated and visualized

in one or more of the possible modeling tools. Therefore, the geometry generated through

Rosetta is portable, since the same program can be read by different applications. This

portability is assured by an abstraction layer that contains the common functionalities

amongst the modeling tools, such as transformations and shape constructors (Castelo Branco,


The aim of Rosetta is to aid architects in using a computational design process to

generate and manipulate complex geometry (Rosetta, 2017). At the moment, the tool admits

several TPLs, such as Python, Racket, JavaScript, and Processing, and is already

implemented in modeling tools such as AutoCAD, Rhinoceros 3D, SketchUp, ArchiCAD,

Table 1 – Analysis plug-ins for Grasshopper.

Fig. 2.33. Visualization of a light

analysis using Rosetta’s back-end to

connect with Radiance, in Rhino

(top) and AutoCAD (bottom).

Fig. 2.32. Front-ends (on the left) and back-ends (on the right) of Rosetta.


and Revit (figure 2.33.). Besides modeling tools, Rosetta was extended to interact directly

with some analysis tools, namely Radiance – for thermal and light analyses (Leitão, Castelo

Branco, & Cardoso, 2017), and Robot – for structural analysis (Aguiar, Cardoso, & Leitão,


This integration brings many advantages, such as the ability to extract from a single

program the information needed for more than one analysis tool – avoiding the time-

consuming task of creating a specific analysis model for each analysis needed. Furthermore,

the direct articulation between tool and program guarantees that there is no loss of

information (figure 2.34.), which reduces errors of misinterpretation of the analyzed model,

also avoiding the generation of unreliable information.

After receiving these results, the architect becomes able to make more informed

decisions when adjusting the design to have better performances (figure 2.35.), a process that

can also be automatized using optimization algorithms. Optimization within this

methodology includes the automated generation of the same model, only varying a specific

parameter or group of parameters – within a range of values given by the architect – and the

immediate assessment of each one.

2.4.3. Khepri

Khepri is an algorithmic design tool whose development was based on Rosetta,

revising the way users interact with it (Algorithmic Design for Architecture, 2018). It also

allows the creation and manipulation of geometric data in CAD and BIM tools through a

program written in a TPL, Julia.

Khepri is still in early development, constituting the base of an ongoing project with

the ultimate goal of surpassing Rosetta’s features and implementing new methodologies to

bring the tool closer to the user, in this case, the architect. Moreover, the tool is also

expanding for the analysis realm, as it is being developed with new implementations for

different analysis tools.

Currently, Khepri allows a model to be generated in AutoCAD, Rhino, and Revit and

assessed through Robot, a structural analysis tool, and Radiance, a lighting analysis tool.

2.5. Programming Languages Applied to Architecture

A programming language is more than just a means for instructing a computer to perform

tasks: it is a formal medium for expressing ideas (Abelson & Sussman, 1996), just like a

drawing. In architecture, PLs allow the implementation of algorithms in order to take

advantage of computers and generate the intended design in a modeling tool (Leitão &

Proença, 2014). Nevertheless, it is difficult to create an architectural project using AD

methodologies without resorting to drawings as the first approach to the design (figure 2.36.).

Fig. 2.34. Light analysis using the

Diva-for-Rhino plug-in for

Grasshopper (left) and using

Rosetta’s back-end connection with

Radiance (right).

Fig. 2.35. Use of the results of the

light analysis to inform the design.

Fig. 2.36. Design process of the

dome of the Reichstag, the New

German Parliament, by Foster and

Partners, Berlin, Germany, 1999.


Both drawing and programming are tools to materialize an idea, and architects choose

the one that best fits their needs according to the stage of development of a project. After the

first conceptual phase of drawings and sketches, instead of manually modeling the project in

CAD and BIM tools, the algorithmic approach is an answer for a more efficient way of

working, since it enables architects to structure parametrically their idea, to explore design

variations (figure 2.37.), and to avoid time-consuming and error-prone tasks. What remains

to be answered is which programming languages best suit the field of architecture.

Even though some publications mention that, as demonstrated in several comparative

studies on VPLs and TPLs, there is no compelling evidence regarding their relative

advantages (Menzies, 2002), nowadays, there is an overwhelming tendency for the use of

VPLs over the use of TPLs among architects. One possible explanation is the visual nature

of the discipline that leads architecture to gravitate towards more visual ways of

programming, in which designers are given visual feedback to help understand what a

program does (Austin & Qattan, 2016). Grasshopper is the most deserving representative of

its group, featuring several mechanisms that are undeniably user-friendly. Clarisse and Chang

also concluded that visual programming environments use information in a format closer to

the user’s mental representations of problems, besides allowing data to be processed in a

similar manner that objects are manipulated in the real world (1986). Furthermore, Menzies

mentions the work of Hirakawa and Ichikawa (2002) to transmit the advantage of using visual

expressions as a means of communication, since it circumvents the need of learning

computer-specific concepts, managing a user-friendly computer environment that non-

specialists can easily use.

Another reason for VPLs’ success is in the notorious time and care invested in the

development of the current VPLs for architecture, as well as in the intention and target to

whom they were created, e.g., Grasshopper, for example, was specifically developed inside

a CAD tool to offer architects a more approachable alternative to RhinoScript. Other authors

such as Boeykens and Neuckermans defended that programming should take part of the

architect’s curriculum, albeit not necessarily by writing code (2009), proposing VPLs as a


This overall propensity can also be associated with the fact that the first TPLs that

were made available for AD, such as AutoLISP, were not adapted to less experienced users.

However, modern TPLs already provide a variety of linguistic features that are designed to

surpass the limitations of traditional TPLs, becoming hypothetical competitors to VPLs

(Leitão, Santos & Lopes, 2012).

As mentioned previously, Grasshopper provides a series of features that make it very

appealing for beginner programmers: interactive sliders; immediate feedback (figure 2.38.);

traceability - that enables the user to select a component from the program and see what it

generates in the CAD tool (figure 2.39.); an interactive environment; color paneling;

Fig. 2.37. Design variations of the

elements of a façade.


organizational features; and components with visual graphs and gradients (figure 2.40.),

among others.

Nonetheless, most of these characteristics fail when the project becomes complex.

Besides, if outsider practitioners try to read a Grasshopper program with some degree of

complexity, they most certainly will struggle to understand it (figure 2.41.). Moreover, its

simplicity does not include sophisticated abstractions, which usually leads to the overuse of

copy and paste mechanisms, introducing redundancy. In turn, “redundancy leads to

maintenance problems because modifications in duplicated components must be manually

propagated to all instances” (Leitão, Santos & Lopes, 2012, p. 143), resulting in small-sized

programs that usually are not developed in detail for later phases of the projects.

Albeit programs created in Grasshopper do achieve interesting aesthetic results, their

explanatory power is limited, as the program that is being illustrated rapidly becomes too

large and confusing (Leitão, Lopes & Santos, 2014). This happens not only due to the features

of the programming language – and the visual illegibility of countless boxes connected with

wires – but also because of the structuring and organizational mechanisms, that are not

intuitive or easy to use.

One answer to this problem might be in using a TPL for AD. In Schaefer (2011)

testimony, he described the use of a VPL to create a program as a trial-error process. He

confessed that he only believed he had found a solid response to his intentions when he used

an icon that allowed the insertion of textual code, a process that, ultimately, he described as

“cheating” (Schaefer, 2011). This comes to support other lines of thoughts such as Austin

and Qattan (2016) that determine that if architects want to deal with complex algorithms,

they need to move past visual programming and immerse in core programming fundamentals.

AD is reaching a point where the programs are increasingly more complex, being

important to start developing good tools for both program documentation and comprehension

(Leitão, Lopes & Santos, 2014). Luckily, some TPLs already have a considerable application

in AD, being available in several generative design tools, such as Python for RhinoPython

and Rosetta, and Julia for Khepri.

In order to combine the advantages of VPLs and TPLs, a lot of effort has been made

towards the implementation of visual features in environments that use textual programming.

Rosetta, for instance, has already implemented features like sliders to easily vary the

parameters. Furthermore, it already surpassed the capabilities of the current VPLs for

Fig. 2.39. Traceability in


Fig. 2.38. Immediate feedback in Grasshopper.

Fig. 2.42. Luna Moth editing


Fig. 2.41. Grasshopper program

with medium complexity.

Fig. 2.40. Color mapping in

Grasshopper using visual gradients.


architecture, by extending the spectrum of front-ends and back-ends in a single tool, making

it easier for the architect that solely needs to master one TPL to produce geometries in more

than one CAD or BIM tool. Another example is Luna Moth (figure 2.42.), an Integrated

Development Environment (IDE) for AD that is available on the web, demonstrating the

relationship between a program and its results (Alfaiate & Leitão, 2017). The visualization

of this relationship is accomplished through user-interaction mechanisms similar to number

sliders (figure 2.43), immediate feedback, and traceability (figure 2.44.).

Even though TPLs are less used by architects, there are more languages within the

textual paradigm that have application in AD that VPLs developed to support the algorithmic

approach to architecture. The following table enumerates and associates the most used

programming languages for AD with the modeling tools they are used in.

Textual Programming Language Modeling Tool

Racket AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, ArchiCAD, SketchUp (*)

Python AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, ArchiCAD, SketchUp (*)

JavaScript AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, ArchiCAD, SketchUp (*)

Processing AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, ArchiCAD, SketchUp (*)

AutoLisp AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit, ArchiCAD, SketchUp (*)

Julia AutoCAD, Rhino, Revit (**)

RhinoPython Rhinoceros 3D

RevitPython Revit

VisualBasic.NET AutoCAD (plug-in), Revit, Rhinoceros

Ruby SketchUp

C# Revit (plug-in), AutoCAD

C++ ArchiCAD


Mel Maya

MAXscript 3ds Max

(*) using Rosetta or (**) Khepri

In addition to the more restricted number of visual languages with application in AD,

each VPL available has a limited range of application, since they were created to operate in

one modeling tool alone. Nevertheless, some languages like Grasshopper already made

available plug-ins that allow the connection of the created program to visualization and

generation in BIM tools, e.g. the Rhino-Grasshopper-ArchiCAD toolset enables the direct

communication to generate BIM models through Grasshopper’s visual scripting interface.

Nonetheless, this answer to these limitations might not be sufficient to increase the

advantages of the use of VPLs for complex programs.

Visual Programming Language Modeling Tool

Grasshopper Rhino

Dynamo Revit

GenerativeComponents Microstation

Table 2 – VPLs and TPLs applied to AD and the correspondent modeling tools.

Fig. 2.43. Luna Moth’s click and

dragging feature to vary the value of

the parameters.

Fig. 2.44. Bi-directional

traceability: select a geometry in the

tool and is highlighted the part of

code that generates it (right); select

a part of the code and it is

highlighted the geometry it

generates (left).


On the other hand, AD tools such as Khepri do offer true opportunities in facilitating

the programming process for architects. Regardless of the initial time taken to learn and

master a textual language, this effort is quickly offset by the features of these tools. In

addition, Khepri is in current development in an effort to connect to more visualization and

analysis tools, enabling a safer and more lossless information transfer and ensuring reliable

information to improve the project’s performance.

Nowadays, sounding references in contemporaneous architecture have been

challenging themselves to build and think increasingly complex projects. Worldwide famous

architectural studios such as NBBJ, Zaha Hadid Architects, Gehry and Associates, Herzog &

the Meuron, and Foster + Partners are just some of the names that have created great buildings

with complex geometry and optimized performances. These studios have already

incorporated algorithmic methodologies in their design processes, since they recognize that

the answer for the increasing demands for formal innovation and performance-driven systems

could not be in conventional work methods and tools such as BIM packages (Miller, 2011).

The use of AD undoubtedly brings advantages to the design process. Within the

context of an architectural studio, one of the biggest advantages of AD is in facilitating

collaboration between different parties involved in the construction of the same program.

This possibility becomes crucial in a world emerged in an era of internationalization, in which

is valued not only the contributions of professionals from various fields, but also the ability

to efficiently communicate between different parts of the world.

The following sections present some architectural studios that incorporate AD in their

practices, as well as some of the projects that benefited from this approach.

2.5.1. NBBJ

NBBJ is an innovative architecture firm with an international team that also includes

professionals of different areas besides architecture, contributing to a varied, complete, and

more informed work dynamic.

NBBJ signed many known projects of large scale and impact, such as Rainier Square

Tower (figure 2.45.), the reinvention of Rupp Arena (figure 2.46.), and the Xiamen Eton

Center (figure 2.47.). The Hangzhou Tennis Center (figure 2.48.) is one of the most

significant parametric buildings in the world and has already been documented, discussed,

and the subject of studies, such as The Hangzhou Tennis Center - A Case Study in Integrated

Parametric Design (2011), by Nathan Miller. As the name suggests, the author approaches

the design methodology applied to the design process of the shell of one of the stadiums

inside the sports complex, explaining that an integrated parametric system was created to

conceptualize, document, and simulate the complex geometric systems (Miller, 2011).

The project not only benefited from algorithmic approaches in the conception of the

formal behavior of its shell, but also in the assessment of the structural performance through

Fig. 2.46. Reinvention of Rupp

Arena by NBBJ, KY, USA,

unknown date.

Fig. 2.47. Xiamen Eton Center by

NBBJ, Xiamen, China, under


Fig. 2.45. Rainier Square Tower by

NBBJ, Seattle, USA, under

Fig. 2.48. Hangzhou Tennis Center

by NBBJ, Hangzhou, China, 2013.


structural simulation tools (figure 2.49.). The studio chose to work with Grasshopper and

Rhino within the AD methodology (figure 2.50), recognizing the necessity of designers to

search for novel processes that are able to extend and overcome the limitations of the standard

tools available for architects.

Therefore, a parametric algorithm was created and expanded to include some

integrated capabilities, such as the definition and control of the variables of the design, the

efficient test of alternatives, and the production of analysis-ready structural models (Miller,

2011). NBBJ also mention the importance of cost control and minimization of waste,

something that could only be accomplished with such efficiency through AD (NBBJ, 2018).

Moreover, one of the biggest challenges of coordinating projects with international teams is

in the collaboration process, a difficulty that was also answered through the algorithmic

methodology, since working with PLs allowed the creation of algorithms to coordinate

information within the team of collaborators and external documentation tools.

2.5.2. Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) is one of the most recognizable architectural studios

worldwide due to the impact, innovation, and audacity of their creations. The type of projects

they design, in most of the cases, truly benefits from algorithmic approaches, since they are

characterized by their organicity, patterns, receptiveness, scale, and complexity. Examples of

that are the projects of Galaxy SOHO (figure 2.51.), the proposal for the Szervita Square

Tower (figure 2.52.), and the Heydar Aliyev Center (figure 2.53.).

The Morpheus Hotel (figure 2.54.) was the subject of multiple discussions,

publications, and seminars due to the innovation within the used AD approach. The greater

interest in this project is in the modeling of the façade that has three different behaviors: flat,

single-curve, and free-form (Heijden, 2017, Feb. 8, figure 2.55.). Therefore, it was imperative

to have a close collaboration with structural engineers and other specialists in order to

accomplish a design that would not be disassociated from the architect's idea, but rather meet

all feasibility and safety requirements.

The team presented the design process in the webinar The Morpheus Hotel: from

Design to Production (2017), involving speakers from both the architecture studio and the

Fig. 2.51. Galaxy SOHO by Zaha

Hadid Architects, Beijing, China,


Fig. 2.53. Heydar Aliyev Center by

Zaha Hadid Architects, Baku,

Azerbaijan, 2012.

Fig. 2.52. Szervita Square Tower by

Zaha Hadid Architects, Budapest,

Hungary, to be confirmed.

Fig. 2.49. Using Kangaroo physics

engine to visualize gravity loading

on the truss centerline model of the

Hangzhou Tennis Center.

Fig. 2.50. Compilation of the workflow using an AD approach in the Hangzhou Tennis Center.


façade consultants. One of the most interesting testimonials on the subject was Ramon Van

der Heijden’s, a computational design specialist at the façade consultants Front Inc. that also

worked in this project. During his participation in the webinar, Ramon puts into perspective

the limitations of Grasshopper, saying that, even though the tool is pretty good in processing

complex geometry, “scale becomes an issue” (Heijden, 2017, Feb. 8; figure 2.56.) when there

is the need to work with models with the complexity of the Morpheus Hotel. The alternative

he introduces to the problem of large Grasshopper programs is dissection: the program

becomes simpler with the use of modulation tools, such as clusters, that group large portions

of the program into components. Thus, the program becomes a set of components, so that the

whole model is a giant network linking smaller models. This facilitates collaborative work,

as was imperative for the development of this particular project.

Besides being applied to the virtual generation of the model, the AD approach also

aided the fabrication phase, since the programs created in Grasshopper were used in the

conception of the pieces that structured the façade. The final 3D model represents a set of

inputs that not only generates the final design but also, and simultaneously, generates the

fabrication data, producing automatically hundreds of thousands of fabrication drawings.

This is one example of an architectural project where, in the words of one of the

webinar’s speakers, Miron Mutyaba, senior designer at ZHA, “the use of parametric tools

became an absolute necessity”, since the “manual modeling was not an option” (Heijden,

2017, Feb. 8). This same line of thought is shared by Heijden, who stated that “traditional

BIM is not a viable option”.

Even though the Morpheus Hotel was programmed using Grasshopper, a VPL, the

fabrication phase required the use of textual programs, in order to ensure that the documents

fabricated would result in the correct parts.

2.5.3. Gehry and Associates

Frank Gehry (1929 - ) is mostly known for “using bewildering postmodern shapes to

challenge the modern architectural design paradigm by snubbing the doctrine of ‘form

Fig. 2.54. Morpheus Hotel by Zaha

Hadid Architects, City of Dreams,

Macau, 2018.

Fig. 2.55. Different façade

typologies: flat (white), single-

curved (red) and free-form (blue and


Fig. 2.56. Grasshopper program that modeled Morpheus Hotel, illustrating Ramon’s

statement “scale is an issue”.

Fig. 2.57. The Barcelona Fish

sculpture (or El Peix) by Gehry and

Associates, Barcelona, Spain, 1992.


follows function’” (Wu et al., 2016). He is considered one of the most influential architects

of the 21st century for inventing a new language, as he could not prescind the computer to

design his buildings (Bennis, 2003).

It is mainly on this matter that the studio Gehry and Associates stands out, also

introducing a name that was crucial for the introduction of parametric modeling to the

architecture industry: Rick Smith. Smith was a CAD technician that worked with CATIA2 in

the aerospace industry. According to Daniel Davis (2013), he was hired in 1991 by Frank

Gehry to help in the design of the sculpture El Peix for the 1992 Barcelona Olympics (figure

2.57.) using CATIA, which represented one of the first applications of software of this caliber

in the architectural practice.

This partnership between Gehry and Smith ended up lasting over a decade, with the

employment of parametric modeling in the design process of the studio, including other

prominent works, such as the Guggenheim Bilbao (figure 2.58.) and the and the Walt Disney

Concert Hall (figure 2.59.) (Davis, 2013). The collaboration was so successful that led to the

foundation of Gehry Technology in 2001, where the developed work included not only the

generation of parametric models of the architectural projects of Gehry and Associates, but

also in the development of CATIA in order to be more easily used by architects.

Frank Gehry is undoubtedly recognized by his close interest in computational

processes that aid to develop an architectural project. However, and above all else, he is

passionate for his drawings (figure 2.60.) and physical models. In fact, every building

imagined by the architect is firstly sketched in the paper, with “a sense of off-hand

improvisation, of intuitive spontaneity” (Knight, 2012, Sep. 7).

2.5.4. Foster + Partners

Norman Foster (1935 - ) is a prominent architect known for his innovative structural

designs that also saw in computation for architecture a way to extend the expression of his

intentions and the materialization of his ideas. In some of his research, he states that

“computer screens have already replaced the traditional drawing board and some of the most

fundamental aspects of our profession are changing as a result of this technology” (Foster,

2003, p. 1). Foster is also known for his environmental awareness, defending the fast

development of these digital tools to allow the execution of many concepts and ideas

previously explored that were not possible to accomplish before.

Furthermore, Foster (2003) refers to the proposed project of the Millennium Tower

(figure 2.61.) to explain the integration of computational methodologies in architecture to

develop more sustainable projects. The creation of a virtually self-sufficient and self-

sustaining building could be a utopia a few years ago, although the architect believes that, in

the present day, all technological means are available to build projects alike.

2 CATIA – Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application.

Fig. 2.58. Guggenheim Bilbao by

Gehry and Associates, Bilbao,

Spain, 1997.

Fig. 2.59. Walt Disney Concert Hall

by Gehry and Associates, Los

Angeles, USA, 2003.

Fig. 2.61. The Millennium Tower

by Foster and Partners, Tokyo,

Japan, unbuilt.

Fig. 2.60. Drawing of Guggenheim

Bilbao by Frank Gehry, design

sketch of the riverfront elevation,

1991. Exposed at LACMA, LA.


Another example mentioned by the author is the headquarters building for the Greater

London Authority, also known as City Hall (figure 2.62.). The shape of the building was also

generated as a result of digital analysis with the aim to reduce the energy needs of the building

(Foster, 2003), and manipulated to obtain an optimum performance by reducing the façade

area exposed to direct sunlight.

Foster emphasizes that the technological and computational developments applied to

architecture allowed greater efficiency in obtaining optimum results regarding the

performance and sustainability of large buildings. Another exemplary building is the

headquarters of Swiss Re (figure 2.63.). Foster + Partners counted with the collaboration of

ARUP to develop the structure, that explained that 3D computer modeling was used

extensively in the dimensioning of the steel frame structure, allowing the architect to

coordinate this design process (ARUP, 2018). Moreover, the use of computation facilitated

the transition from the drawing board to the fabrication phase, simplifying the process of

obtaining crucial technical information to build the project. Furthermore, Foster refers to

parametric modeling as the technique that enables that efficiency, since any element of the

design can be amended and automatically regenerate the model according to those changes.

2.5.5. UNStudio

UNStudio is an international architectural firm that is currently based both in Europe

and Asia. They are known for their organic and large-scale projects, whose development also

relies on programming approaches. Examples of that are the Raffles City Hangzhou (figure

2.64), Lane 189 (figure 2.65), and the Westfield White City (figure 2.66.).

There are already several studies and publications authored by some members of

UNStudio regarding their project methodologies, being one of the most recent the

international presentation of Harlem Miller (2018) about knowledge sharing and the

education of future generations of architects concerning the world of computation and

programming for architecture. The paper describes the formats used to share and acquire

knowledge within the firm, mentioning several courses in software workflow, parametric

design and scripting, and geometry rationalization (Miller, 2018). Additionally, UNStudio

provides custom tooling to their team of architects and other specialists, where PLs such as

Grasshopper (figure 2.67.), Dynamo (figure 2.68.), and Python are used to generate

customized tools that are distributed within the office to perform specific tasks.

Therefore, the choice of the software and other modeling and programming tools is

key to establish the workflow of a project, being one of the priorities at the beginning of its

development. This is well illustrated with the case study of the Wasl Tower (figure 2.69.),

which primary objective was to simplify both digital and manufacturing workflows and,

therefore, achieve a greater design quality, work efficiency, and coordination between project

phases and teams (Miller, 2018).

Fig. 2.65. Lane 189 by UNStudio,

Shanghai, China, 2016.

Fig. 2.63. Headquarters of Swiss Re

(the Gherkin) by Foster and

Partners, London, UK, 2004.

Fig. 2.64. Raffles City Hangzhou by

UNStudio, Hangzhou, China, 2017.

Fig. 2.66. Westfield White City by

UNStudio, London, UK, 2018.

Fig. 2.62. Greater London Authority

(City Hall) by Foster and Partners,

London, UK, 2002.


The project of the Wasl Tower was developed using different modeling and

programming tools: (1) the base geometry was modeled using the native design software of

the studio, Rhino, that would then be used to (2) feed secondary geometry rationalization

plug-ins in Grasshopper to finally (3) be pipelined into documentation tools such as Revit.

For projects such as the Wasl Tower, whose façade is composed by a repetitive

element that suffers a transformation, it is crucial that not only repetitive tasks are automated,

but also that it becomes possible to assess the generated geometry in order to get information

on its performance and feasibility (figure 2.70.).

UNStudio has shown in their built projects, proposals, and international publications

that they not only rely on computational and programming methodologies to develop their

workflow dynamics within the architectural studio, but they also emphasize the importance

of developing and transmitting this new technological knowledge to the new generations of

architects to come. This reinforces the preponderant role of programming approaches and

tools to develop more reliable and ambitious projects, with better performances and built


Fig. 2.69. Wasl Tower by

UNStudio, Dubai, UAE, under


Fig. 2.68. Part of the Wasl Tower

project modeled in Dynamo.

Fig. 2.70. Result of custom scripting components that highlight the variation of elements of the


Fig. 2.67. Design process of a façade system using PLs. Left: scripted closed polysurface. Middle:

Grasshopper program. Right: documentation generated in Revit.


3. Characterization of Programming Languages in


In order to better comprehend the specific criteria that we will assess to compare the current

use and application of VPLs and TPLs for architecture, we will first contextualize the

classification of programming languages in general.

To do so, we will introduce and define four main concepts that characterize PLs and

that are related to their appeal in terms of performance and ease of use in architecture: (1)

computational power, (2) performance and efficiency, (3) expressive power, and (4) user

interface features. Moreover, there is a fifth aspect in the process of programming geometry,

whose analysis depends on all the criteria mentioned before: the (5) limit of complexity that

is supported by the program, while maintaining all the features and mechanisms provided by

the language.

3.1. Computational Power

The computational power of a programming language is the measurement of the complexity

of the problems that can be described using that language (Leitão & Proença, 2014).

Logically, if the programming language handles the generation of an extremely

complex program, it is characterized by high computational power. However, it has already

been proven that most PLs are Turing-complete, being built and maintained to deliver full

computational power, which means that all of them should be able to solve all the problems

that they are instructed to solve.

Therefore, computational power, even though is an aspect that is included in the

characterization of a programming language, it is not a differentiator, as opposed to other

characteristics, such as performance and expressive power.

3.2. Performance

Even though PLs are expected to have the same computational power, since they all must be

able to process instructions of all levels of complexity, what may differ between them is the

time they take to perform that same instructions, i.e., its efficiency.

Performance defines the efficiency with which PLs compute an instruction. The faster

the language can process the information given in order to solve a problem, the better its

performance is. Thus, if two programming languages compute the same program at different

speeds, they have different performance levels.

Therefore, we can also relate the performance level of a PL to its appeal, since it is

preferable to choose a faster language to compute a given instruction.


3.3. Expressive Power

The expressive power of a programming language, as the name suggests, reflects the ability

and ease of expressing ideas using that PL. In other words, it can be understood as a

measurement of the breadth of ideas that can be described in that language (Leitão & Proença,

2014). Hence, it is dependent on the features of the language in terms of the abstraction

mechanisms it provides to define those ideas through algorithmic descriptions, being also

related to the human effort that is needed to describe them (Leitão & Proença, 2014).

These abstraction mechanisms provided by some PLs help to reduce the complexity

of the defined ideas, supporting the creation of concepts by solely focusing on a single type

of property of the things that are perceived (Nederveen, Bakkeren, & Luiten, 1993). For

instances, potentiation is an abstraction of a succession of multiplications, representing a set

of operations in one single and simple expression.

An important example of an abstraction mechanism, usually associated to TPLs, are

higher-order functions, which allow to only implement the part of a certain computation that

is common, leaving the variable parts of that computation to be implemented as functions

that are inputted as parameters of the abstraction. In other words, higher-order functions are

functions that receive other functions as arguments or return functions as a result.

In VPLs such as Grasshopper, the abstractions provided by the language are visually

represented and manipulated through boxes and connections between them (figure 3.1. and

figure 3.2.). The lack of flexibility in building algorithms through these abstractions is a

disadvantage of VPLs, since the user can only use the predefined abstractions, that are not

editable. This limitation can be surpassed by more experienced users through the use of

textual programming inside the visual program.

In sum, the more mechanisms a language provides, the easier it is for the user to

implement complex ideas in a program and, thus, the greater is its expressive power.

Fig. 3.2. Complex program in a VPL,


Fig. 3.1. Simple program in a VPL, Grasshopper.


The following sections of this thesis will reflect and demonstrate the practical

meaning of the expressive power of a language by comparing the intuitive abstractions

available in VPLs for architecture with the flexibility of programming mechanisms of TPLs

that allow the architect to create those abstractions from scratch (figure 3.3. and figure 3.4.).

3.4. User Interface Features

As architects, we value an intuitive and appealing work environment. The user interface is

the digital environment in which we work with certain software or computational tools, i.e.,

the communication area between the user and the computer. This feature is completely

different in VPLs and TPLs, since VPLs benefit from a graphical user interface, while TPLs

offer a textual user interface.

In VPLs such as Grasshopper, the visual user interface works with a drag-and-drop

system of visual elements and connections (figure 3.5.). The programming environment

represents a canvas where the architect freely distributes the icons, taking advantage of

several features to organize the program, such as alignment and grouping mechanisms;

customizable features, such as names and colors; and the visualization features for the

representation of the icons and their connections.

Regarding TPLs, the user interface offers fewer appealing features, being also more

constraint to the strict syntax of the used language (figure 3.6.). Nevertheless, it aids the

architect by recognizing the structure of what is being typed and anticipating and identifying

specific parts of the program, such as the beginning of the definition of a function, the use of

comments in the program, and conditional terms such as if and else (that become highlighted

in a different color).

Fig. 3.5. Grasshopper’s visual user interface. Fig. 3.6. Khepri’s textual user interface.

Fig. 3.4. Part of a complex

program in a TPL, Python.

Fig. 3.3. Simple program in a TPL, Python.


The user interaction with the programming language will also be an essential criterion

for the understanding and comparison between VPLs and TPLs that we propose to fulfill in

the next sections.

3.5. Limit of Complexity

The limit of complexity is not a linear criterium, as it cannot be quantifiable nor qualifiable.

The complexity of a program in a VPL can be proportional to the number of components and

connections – and usually, a visually complex program is a heavy program to compute.

However, there are cases where the computational power needed to process a certain

component, and generate the outputs associated, is bigger than the one needed in a modest

group of components.

We define that the limit of complexity is a characteristic of a program, as it is

noticeable whenever a program starts to crash or not giving an immediate response to the

requests or to the alteration of parameters within the correspondent paradigm.

With the development of this investigation, we also aim to test this limit of complexity

of current programming languages for architectures, for both VPLs and a TPLs. This

assessment will be demonstrated along with the increasing complexity of the exercises being

solved using both types of languages in order to better identify the moment where the

performance and efficiency of the language start to become compromised.


4. Comparative Study between a VPL and a TPL

In order to compare both VPLs and TPLs in their current application for architecture, we will

develop a study both in theory and in practice.

Regarding theory, we will compare both types of languages according to what is

expected of them to offer in terms of features, mechanisms, and performance. To accomplish

that, we will cover each of the most appealing or useful features and mechanisms and describe

the extent of their implementation in current VPLs and TPLs for architecture.

Then, we will assess those characteristics by testing their implementation and

application while programming hypothetical case studies. These case studies will be

organized according to (1) programming mechanisms that aid the generation of geometries,

e.g., mapping and cross references, or (2) common geometric behaviors and structures in

architecture, e.g., attractors and spaceframes.

For this evaluation, we will use Grasshopper as a VPL and, as a TPL, Khepri, a

programming environment that uses the textual programming language Julia, in order to

better explore both paradigms in the context of the architectural practice.

4.1. Theoretical comparison

Both visual and textual programming languages are characterized by features that ease the

programming process for the architect. There are already some publications (Boshernitsan &

Downes, 2004; Burnett & Baker, 1994; Burnett et al., 1995) about the characteristics that

qualify visual programming languages and that bring them closer to the user, as well as

studies (Noone & Mooney, 2018; Eid & Millham, 2012; Green & Petre, 1992, Navarro-Prieto

& Cañas, 2001) that already introduce a comparison between these advantageous

characteristics and others that define TPLs in general.

To analyze the power, qualities, and limitations of both VPLs and TPLs, we will

explain some of the features and mechanisms that they offer. Some of these features are

exclusive to VPLs, while others are better implemented in TPLs. Other cases will be

introduced where some visual features were already implemented for TPLs or, the other way

around, some programming mechanisms inherent to TPLs that were already extended to the

visual realm.

4.1.1. Abstraction Mechanisms

Any programming language should not only provide and allow to combine primitive

data and procedures in order to create more complex ones, but also be able to build abstract

calculation patterns so that they can be treated as simple operations. This mechanism is called

abstraction and is a core concept of programming. For example, potentiation is a


mathematical abstraction of a succession of multiplications. Therefore, abstractions simplify

complex ideas.

In TPLs, abstractions are expressions that compute a series of more complex

operations, without the need to expose that complexity. For example, instead of thinking

about the implementation of a function that creates a continuous curve along positions that

are at the same distance r from a central point p, we can use the predefined abstraction

circle(p,r) to create that particular curve.

In VPLs, abstractions are represented by icons, or boxes, in the programming

environment. This is also one of the strongest advantages of VPLs: these icons are predefined

to represent geometry, functions, and other mathematical entities, allowing architects to focus

solely on devising the logic of the geometry of a project, instead of concerning about the

intricacies of their implementation. Using the same previous example, in Grasshopper the

icon, or component, Circle CNR receives as input a center point, a normal, and a radius,

returning a circle as output.

4.1.2. Number Sliders and Boolean Toggles

Number sliders and Boolean toggles are visual mechanisms that allow to easily

change the value of an input. Both mechanisms are represented in VPLs by boxes, where the

user can, click and drag along to increase or decrease a numeric value, or double click to

alternate between Boolean values (figure 4.1.).

There is already some research that accomplished the implementation of similar

mechanisms inside the textual programming environment. As mentioned, Luna Moth

(Alfaiate et al., 2017) provides user-interaction mechanisms similar to Grasshopper’s sliders

where, instead of clicking and dragging, the user scrolls with the mouse over the value of the

parameter in the program in order to change it.

4.1.3. Immediate Feedback

Immediate feedback allows the user to visualize in the modeling tool and in real time

what is being created and changed in the programming environment. Regarding VPLs,

languages like Grasshopper enable the programming and modeling windows to co-exist in

the monitor, facilitating the visualization of this feature. Other VPLs such as Dynamo, create

a visualization environment inside the programming window that also allows the user to

benefit from immediate feedback.

In what concerns TPLs, there is some research, such as Processing (Reas & Fry, 2007)

and Luna Moth (Alfaiate et al., 2017), that already succeeded in implementing this feature in

a textual programming environment. Another relevant research worth mentioning is Rosetta

(Lopes & Leitão, 2011), that aims to improve program comprehension through the

Fig. 4.1. Number slider and Boolean

toggle in Dynamo (above) and in

Grasshopper (below).


establishment of a correlation between the design and the program, also implementing

mechanisms similar to immediate feedback.

4.1.4. Traceability

Traceability is another feature inherent to VPLs that highlights in the modeling tool

the geometry that is being generated by a selected part or parts of the program. For example,

when the user selects a Sphere component in Grasshopper’s environment, the sphere that it

generates changes color in the modeling tool.

Once again, the textual programming environment Luna Moth (Alfaiate et al., 2017)

not only was able to implement this visual feature in the textual paradigm but also surpassed

its current implementation in VPLs by being bi-directional. This means that it allows the

selection of a part of the program to highlight, in the modeling tool, the geometry it generates,

but it also enables the selection of geometry in the modeling tool to highlight the part of the

program that generates it. Rosetta (Lopes & Leitão, 2011) goes even further, extending the

concept of bi-directional traceability by allowing the visualization of the control flow of the

program, highlighting in the program not only the parts that generate a selected geometry but

also identifying the order followed by the computer and the decisions it made while

computing the program’s instructions (figure 4.2.).

4.1.5. Recursion

Recursion is a programming abstraction mechanism that allows a function to invoke

itself during its own evaluation, a feature that is inherent to many TPLs. Recursion is

considered one of the most important programming mechanisms, since complex problems

might have a very simple recursive solution. Usually, in TPLs recursion requires a

conditional form: if A, then B, else C, where A is the conditional, B is the base case that has

an immediate result, and C is the recursive case that turns the original problem into a simpler

subproblem. Exponentiation is a typical mathematical problem that can be solved through


Supposedly, while using a VPL, recursion would correspond to a component whose

output would feed the input of the same component until the invocations of the function

Fig. 4.3. Error in Grasshopper when

connecting the output of a

component as its input.

Fig. 4.2. Control flow in Rosetta.


ended. In its original implementation, Grasshopper does not allow recursion (figure 4.3.),

only supporting this functionality through plug-ins.

4.1.6. Visual Input Mechanisms

Visual Input Mechanisms (VIMs) are inherent to VPLs and they allow the user to

import geometry that was previously produced in a modeling tool as an input to the program.

This feature is particularly helpful when (1) the intended geometry is easier to produce by

hand or (2) when it is necessary to use already existing geometry, e.g., a city plan. It is also

possible to (3) use, as an input to an AD program, geometry that was itself produced as an

output of another AD program, as it happened with the development of the Morpheus Hotel

(Heijden, 2017).

This feature was recently implemented in a TPL as a result of the investigation

developed during this thesis (Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano, 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019).

These researches demonstrate the implementation not only of VIMs in a textual context, but

also extends its flexibility in order to: (1) allow or prevent dependency from the modeling

tool and (2) introduce other textual programming mechanisms such as metaprogramming.

Metaprogramming is the use of programs to generate other programs, being utilized in this

research to generate, in the AD program, fragments that represent existing visual inputs.

These fragments, when executed, generate exactly the same visual input that was selected in

the first place. With the implementation of VIMs for TPLs, we were able to conclude that

one of the biggest advantages of TPLs over VPLs is the flexibility of data treatment and

manipulation according to the intentions of the architect.

However, the use of VIMs in the context of textual programming may require

compromising the performance of this interactive visualization. VPLs like Grasshopper

solely generate a temporary visualization of the geometry in the modeling too and, in order

to the program to be generated in the form of geometric data, the user must use the bake

option. Contrastingly, in textual environments such as Khepri, the implementation of these

visual mechanisms is allied to the direct and real-time generation of geometry, which is a

more time-consuming process (Sammer & Leitão, 2019).

4.1.7. Textual programming

Even though VPLs for architecture were developed to cover all the functionalities of

a TPL, they do not have the flexibility to change the abstractions available, i.e., the set of

icons that come with the VPL cannot be altered within their own definition and

implementation. This might lead to situations where the available abstractions are not suitable

for the idea to be generated, which usually leads to very complex programs that combine

several of the available abstractions to program the intended idea. Therefore, VPLs also

provide the possibility of inserting textual code in the program to overcome this problem. For

example, Grasshopper supports languages such as Python, C#, and VisualBasic.


More recently, on-going projects such as Möbius (Janssen, Jung, & Chen, 2019)

already considered a hybrid approach to programming, in order to surpass some of the

described limitations of VPLs: they propose, in the context of the mentioned investigation,

to provide customized visual programming environments that enable their users to create

custom-made high-level and domain-specific functions inside a visual programming context.

This approach takes the structure of a VPL and allows the extent of its limitations by

customizing the different components with textual code (figure 4.4.).

4.1.8. Portability

In computation for architecture, a program is considered portable when it is able to

generate the geometry it defines in different modeling and analysis tools.

Even though the most common VPLs for architecture were created inside a specific

modeling tool, e.g. Grasshopper is integrated into Rhino and Dynamo generates geometry in

Revit, this portability can be indirectly achieved through the use of plug-ins. Even though

these plug-ins allow the program to communicate with other modeling and analysis tools,

they can be fallible for projects of greater complexity and not as intuitive to work with as the

most used abstractions within the visual language.

Contrastingly, textual programming environments such as Khepri, already aimed at

this target, allowing a program to be intrinsically generated in a wide range of CAD, BIM,

and analysis tools. Therefore, users simply need to inform the program about the back-end

that they intend to use.

This ability represents a clear advantage for the design process, since the architect can

decide which tools to use according to the main objectives of each phase of the design

process, without the need of dissecting or duplicating the program to fulfill the data needs of

each tool to be used.

4.1.9. Conclusions

From this theoretical comparison, we were able to establish some relative advantages

between VPLs and TPLs.

Visual features and mechanisms in VPLs

We confirm that, in theory, the abstractions, features, and mechanisms provided by

visual approaches are significantly more appealing and intuitive for less experienced

programmers such as architects. Nevertheless, some of these advantages might become

compromised in practice for more complex programs, as we will assess in the following


Fig. 4.4. Möbius flowchart (above)

and procedure (below).


Scalability and flexibility of TPLs

Regarding TPLs in particular, the scalability of programs becomes one of the strongest

advantages of the textual paradigm. This scalability is associated to a high-performance level

that is a consequence of the intrinsic flexibility of the textual approach. Therefore, the user

can build programs that integrate different levels of complexity of the same project, decide

which parts are to be generated through the use of interaction phases, and even generate the

same information in different modeling and analysis tools.

Visual features in TPLs and performance

Furthermore, we were also able to verify that there is already some research that

fulfilled the effort to implement visual features in a textual programming context. However,

and even though projects such as Processing (Reas & Fry, 2007), Luna Moth (Alfaiate et al.,

2017), and Rosetta (Lopes & Leitão, 2011) were able to bring TPLs closer to visual users,

their application ended up being restricted to a scientific and academic context. Therefore,

they ended up not to avenge in a wider industry nor to have effective application in the

processes of developing architectural projects.

Still, the awareness of this gap between theory and practice has been debunking more

focused research on the progress of more sophisticated and robust tools such as Khepri. This

programming environment is also being developed to incorporate the possibility of using

visual mechanisms as a way to bring textual programming closer to architects (Sammer,

Leitão, & Caetano 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019).

However, the use of visual features and mechanisms in a textual programming context

may compromise the performance of a program, as we already proved with the investigation

regarding the implementation of visual input mechanisms in Khepri. Therefore, it is up to the

architect whether this direct interaction and use of visual features are relevant to the

programming process or not.

Nevertheless, from this theoretical comparison, we can already conclude that there is

no impediment to the implementation of the most appealing features and mechanisms

inherent to VPLs in a textual programming context. This integration might be an answer to

surpass the barrier between architects and TPLs and facilitate the early stages of the learning

process, allowing a more dynamic and direct visualization and interaction with the modeling

tool in use.

4.2. Practical comparison

In order to validate the analysis of the previous section and draw more informed

conclusions about the effectiveness of the characteristics approached in theory, we will test

what they mean in practice and report the extent of their functionality when creating programs

for architectural designs. The practical comparison will, thus, clarify the extent of the

theoretical advantages by testing the limit of such features and mechanisms.


Since we are also looking for the limit of complexity that compromises the use of

VPLs, we adopted a methodology where the problems solved are successively becoming

more complex. The nature and organization of the introduced architectural problems were

inspired by the work of Tedeschi, that spent several years developing exercises in

Grasshopper for his book AD_ Algorithms-Aided Design: Parametric Strategies using

Grasshopper (2014).

Therefore, the challenges are developed both in Grasshopper and in Khepri, in their

current versions. The proposed challenges will also be organized according to the main

objective of the exercise: either to implement a specific programming mechanism or to create

a typically used geometry.

4.2.1. Series

Series is an abstraction that returns a list of values within a given domain. In

Grasshopper, the component that represents this abstraction receives as inputs the first value

of the series (S), the step size for each successive number (N), and the number of values in

the series (C) (figure 4.5.).

Alike Grasshopper, where the Series component is predefined, this abstraction is also

easily implemented in a TPL as follows:

series(start, step, count) =

count == 0 ?

[] :

[start, series(start + step, step, count - 1)...]

This implementation applies a recursion mechanism, explained in the previous

section, that successively computes the start + step expression for each decreasing value

of count, ending and closing the list created when this count value equals zero. Therefore,

the implemented function series() also receives as parameters the starting value of the

series (start), the increment of values (step), and the number of values intended (count).

julia> series(0, 3, 4) 0




This representation in Julia is what we obtained when using the Read-Eval-Print-Loop

(REPL) window of the programming environment. This functionality allows Khepri to

interact with the user while executing this cycle: it waits for an expression or instruction

(represented by the prompt julia>) that then it reads, evaluates, and determines the value

to after return the correspondent result.

Similarly to what happens in Grasshopper, the most frequently used abstractions are

predefined in Julia or within Khepri. That is precisely what happens with the series()

operation that is already available in the programming environment, implemented on top of

Fig. 4.5. Series component in



Julia's predefined range() function, that receives the length of the list, the stop value, and

the number of values to compute.

4.2.2. Cross Reference

Grasshopper’s Cross Reference component allows the automatic generation of two

lists containing the combinations between the lists given as input (figure 4.6.).

In order to better visualize the results of this programming mechanism, we will

reproduce a simple exercise created by Tedeschi (2014) that generates a square of boxes

(figure 4.7.). The Cross Reference component is, then, used to generate a list of boxes along

the x-axis that is reiterated along a list of positions along the y-axis.

The Grasshopper program goes as follows:

Using Khepri, there is a simpler way to obtain the same results: instead of generating

two independent lists, one with boxes along the x-axis and other with positions along the y-

axis along which those boxes will be iterated, we create a list of lists of positions, i.e., a

matrix. This type of iterations has its most direct implementation in the For Cycle:

for x in series(0,2,5), y in series(0,2,5)

box(xy(x, y))


The For Cycle iterates a variable along a list of values. For each value, it evaluates

the body of the For Cycle which presumably depends on the current value of the variable.

However, as we intend to have a more direct comparison between TPLs and VPLs,

we are also able to implement a new abstraction closer to the behavior of Cross Reference,

the crossref() function. This implementation still represents a simpler and more direct

way to achieve the same results as Grasshopper’s, while benefiting from other mechanisms

of textual programming. Therefore, the mentioned function is implemented as follows:

crossref(as, bs) = [(a, b) for a in as, b in bs]

julia> crossref([1,2,3], [4,5,6])

(1, 4) (1, 5) (1, 6)

(2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6)

(3, 4) (3, 5) (3, 6)

The crossref() function receives two lists and returns a list of tuples (pairs of

values) that cross every element of the first list with every element of the second. Using this

new function, we can rewrite the program that generates the square of boxes as follows:

Fig. 4.6. Cross Reference

component in Grasshopper.

Fig. 4.8. Grasshopper program that generates a grid of cubes equally spaced between them.

Fig. 4.7. Square of boxes.


map(crossref([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])) do (x,y)



This exercise is also useful to understand, on a smaller scale, the implications of

making changes to a program, in this case, to accommodate other dimensions. For example,

if, instead of a square of boxes, users want a cube of boxes (figure 4.9.), extending to a third

spatial dimension, in Khepri they solely need to add a third iteration along the z-axis within

the For Cycle we have shown previously:

for x in series(0,2,5), y in series(0,2,5), z in series(0,2,5)

box(xyz(x, y, z))


If the user wants to make the same modifications in Grasshopper, for this scale of

alterations, the program complexity also does not increase considerably (figure 4.10.).

In this case, the alterations made were not sufficient to conclude which paradigm

better deals with the cost of change. However, we still need to assess the necessity of

changing a program for more complex projects, where these modifications start to impose

obstacles in the maintenance of visual programs.

4.2.3. Remapping

In Grasshopper, the remapping mechanism is accomplished with the Remap Numbers

component (figure 4.11). This component receives a list of values and returns a list of the

correspondent values remapped into a new domain given as input.

To translate directly this mechanism in the textual form, we implemented the

remap() function that, like the Grasshopper’s component, receives a value inside a source

domain (from the minimum of the domain A to its maximum B) and makes it correspond to

another value inside a target domain (from the minimum of the codomain C to its maximum

D) (figure 4.12.).

remap(value,(A, B),(C, D)) =

C + (D - C)/(B - A)*(value - A)

Considering that this function solely computes one single value, and in order to obtain

a similar result to the one generated in Grasshopper, the textual approach relies on the use of

higher-order functions as follows:

Fig. 4.9. Cube of boxes.

Fig. 4.10. Grasshopper program that generates a cube of cubes equally spaced between them.

Fig. 4.11. Remap Numbers or

ReMap component in Grasshopper.

Fig. 4.12. Illustration of the remap

mechanism: (A) min_domain, (B)

max_domain, (C), min_codomain,

and (D) min_codomain.


julia> map(v -> remap(v, (1,6), (0, 12)), 1:6)







The map() function was predefined in Khepri to receive a set of values (in arrays,

tuples, and iterators, among others) and apply to them a given function inside a given domain.

In this particular case, the map()function operates to a list of v values the remap() function

defined to obtain a list of mapped values inside that new target domain.

4.2.4. Cull Pattern

Another useful abstraction is Grasshopper’s Cull Pattern component, that receives a

list of values and a pattern in Boolean values as inputs and returns a list of values filtered by

that pattern. For example, if we associate to the component the pattern [False, False, True],

the output will be the values of the input list with the indexes 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. (figure 4.13.).

The created implementation within Khepri, the cull() function, follows the same

reasoning: we want to define a function that receives a “template” or Boolean pattern and a

list of values, in order to return a list filtered by that input pattern.

cull(template, as) =

[a for (a, t) in zip(as, cycle(template)) if t]

To use such function, the user simply needs to associate a list of Boolean values and

a list of numeric values as follows:

julia> cull([false, false, true], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])




4.2.5. Basic 3D Geometry and Boolean Operations

Grasshopper also provides geometric abstraction, i.e., that reproduce geometries

parametrically, such as boxes, cones, cylinders, and spheres. However, the implementation

of these abstractions was made within the modeling tool Rhino and, therefore, the geometric

operations of the program mimic the behavior of the tool’s operations. This has consequences

such as the fact that volumes are treated as surfaces and not solids, which might have

implications when performing Boolean operations. The Cylinder component is an example

of this limitation, as the geometry created by the component is merely a surface representing

the curved surface of the cylinder, without the top and bottom bases. In order to close the

cylinder, the user must add another component, the Cap Holes component.

In a TPL implementation, Khepri already provides all these operations and more. The

implemented set of geometric functions include box(), cone(), cylinder(),

regular_pyramid(), sphere(), regular_pyramid_frustum(), cone_frustum(),

Fig. 4.13. Cull Pattern component

in Grasshopper.


and torus()(figure 4.14.). Alike Grasshopper’s abstractions, these functions also take

arguments that allow the parametrization of the geometry generated, such as:

cone(centerpoint_base, base_radius, apex_point)

cylinder(centerpoint_base, radius, centerpoint_top)

sphere(centerpoint, radius)

4.2.6. Visual Input Mechanisms

As previously presented, VIMs are a particularly helpful feature provided by VPLs

that allows the user to import geometry that was previously modeled in a modeling tool as

input to the program. With the development of the recent investigations (Sammer, Leitão, &

Caetano, 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019), to which this thesis was a contribution, we were

able to extend the implementation of VIMs to the textual paradigm.

These researches also worked as a practical confirmation of some premises

established in theory regarding the relative performance of VIMs within a VPL and a TPL.

Given that languages like Grasshopper are closely linked with the modeling tool they work

with, which allows the visualization of geometry that has not yet been generated, the

portability of textual programs created in Khepri requires that this relationship is necessarily

more restrictive. This means that VIMs within the textual programming context may

compromise the performance of the programs, since the geometry is automatically generated

and regenerated in every iteration, which is a time-consuming computation.

In this case, the implementation of VIMs within Khepri includes a set of predefined

functions, e.g. select_point() and select_surface(), that, when executed, ask the

user to select from the modeling tool the geometry to import. However, this approach does

not establish a dependency between the program and the geometry selected as input, which

means that any alteration in this geometry is not taken into account unless it is reselected. To

achieve dependency, alike Grasshopper, the user must inform Khepri by using other

predefined functions such as with_shape_dependency(), that allows to re-execute

automatically the program whenever the input is changed in the modeling tool.

To evaluate this mechanism, we can go back to the example given in the Cross

Reference section, that already takes advantage of VIMs in Grasshopper. We used two

programs to create a square of boxes and a cube of boxes, where the unit box to be iterated

was imported from Rhino into a Box component. The Box component, however, is quite

limiting because it solely allows storing boxes. If we change that component for the Geometry

component, we can import different types of geometry to be iterated according to the rules

defined in the rest of the program (figure 4.15.).

To achieve similar results in Khepri, we can also reuse the same example where,

instead of defining parametrically the geometry to iterate, the user selects from the modeling

tool the visual input intended after the program is executed.

Fig. 4.14. Solids resultant of the

implementation of geometric

functions in Khepri.


template = select_shape()

for x in series(0,2,5), y in series(0,2,5)

move(template, vxy(x,y))


4.2.7. Attractor Mechanisms

Attractor mechanisms create a geometrical visual effect where a geometrical entity is

assumed as an attractor, towards which other geometries react according to given parameters.

Some of the built projects that resort to this geometric behavior are the Nanjing International

Youth Cultural Centre by Zaha Hadid Architects (figure 4.16.), the Messe Basel Exhibition

Hall by Herzog & de Meuron (figure 4.17.), and MCM M:AZIT Store by THE

SYSTEM_LAB (figure 4.18.).

A simple example demonstrated in Tedeschi’s book (2014) is a surface of circles,

which radii vary according to the distance between the center of each circle and a

given/imported geometrical entity, e.g. a point (figure 4.19. and figure 4.20.). A built example

of this is the façade of the Quality Hotel Friends by Karolina Keyzer and Wingårdhs (Solna,

Sweden, 2013), where the radii of the grid of circular windows vary according to both the

distance to the attractor and the sine function (figure 4.21.).

This example also illustrates the use of the remapping mechanism explained

previously, as the ReMap component is the one responsible for performing distance-based

transformations using attractors. Therefore, the component is used to remap, in this case, the

distances between each circle and the attractor proportionally to a new domain of given

values (maximum and minimum radii), so that the circles do not cross each other. This new

remapped list of values, that are proportional to the list of distances but inside a new given

Fig. 4.17. Messe Basel Exhibition

Hall by Herzog & de Meuron,

Basel, Switzerland, 2013.

Fig. 4.18. MCM M:AZIT Store by

THE SYSTEM_LAB, Seoul, South

Korea, unknown date. Fig. 4.20. Grasshopper program of an attractor point, that makes the radii of a grid of circles vary

according to the distance.

Fig. 4.15. Three versions of the same Grasshopper program, only varying the geometry

being imported into the Geometry component.

Fig. 4.19. Point attractor influencing

the radii of a grid of circles.

Fig. 4.16. Nanjing International

Youth Cultural Centre by Zaha

Hadid Architects, Nanjing, China,



domain, will then be used as input to the component that will scale each circle according to

their distance to the attractor point.

Using Khepri, we can use some of the programming abstractions previously

presented, such as the For Cycle, to create the grid of circles, and the remap()function, to

remap the radius of each iterated circle according to its distance to the attractor point.

attractor_circles(p, r, count, q, r_min, r_max) =

let ps = [p+vxy(x, y)

for x in series(0, 2*r, count),

y in series(0, 2*r, count)],

dists = [distance(p, q) for p in ps],

domain = extrema(dists)

[circle(p, remap(d, domain, (r_min, r_max)))

for (p, d) in zip(ps, dists)]


attractor_circles(xy(1,2), 1, 10, xy(8, 14), 0.01, 0.8)

Even though this exercise illustrates an attractor point, the attractor mechanism can

also use a list of points, a line, or a curve as attractor geometries. In order to accommodate

those changes in the Grasshopper program, the user must alter all the group of components

that are influenced by the nature of the new attractor.

Contrastingly, while using a TPL, the user can take advantage of other mechanisms

that are facilitated with the textual approach. One example is the ability to create a single

program that is able to identify different types of visual inputs according to the type of

selection being made by the user. Therefore, the architect can select (1) one single attractor

point, (2) multiple and separated positions to work as individual attractor points, (3) or

multiple sequential positions that then create an attractor curve (Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano,

2019) (figure 4.22.). After the interaction between the user and the modeling tool, the

program identifies which type of attractor was requested and generates the results


4.2.8. Spaceframes

Spaceframes are a type of structure built from single trusses connected to create a

surface. Even though this structure is commonly hidden inside the envelope of a building,

such as in the Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid Architects (figure 4.23.), they can also

be used for their aesthetics, lightness, and transparency, such as in Joe & Rika Mansueto

Library by Murphy/Jahn (figure 4.24.) and the Biosphere, the Museum of the Environment

by Buckminster Fuller (figure 4.25.).

The programming of spaceframes is particularly helpful for more advanced stages of

the design process, mainly when the architect has to deal with structure feasibility. The

generation of a digital model is, therefore, crucial for further computational analysis.

The Grasshopper program used to create a spaceframe includes the analysis of an

imported surface along which the trusses will adapt to. From that analysis, it is able to extract

Fig. 4.23. Space frame of Heydar

Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid

Architects, Baku, Azerbaijan, 2012.

Fig. 4.22. Different natures of visual

inputs: one point, multiple points, or

a curve.

Fig. 4.21. Façade of the Quality

Hotel Friends by Karolina Keyzer

and Wingårdhs, Solna, Sweden,



the matrix of points along the surface and another matrix of the correspondent apexes, that,

when connected, create a pyramidal mesh (figure 4.27.). Even though the Grasshopper

program that is shown (figure 4.26.) seems visually simple, there are some components used

to accomplish that simplicity that require more advanced knowledge in the programming

language, namely when working with lists.

In Khepri, the definition of a spaceframe can be visually more complex due to all the

abstractions that are created specifically for the creation of the geometry. In this case,

functions such as spaceframe_nodes() and spaceframe_struts() were defined

within the body of the program to then structure the spaceframe() function as follows:

spaceframe(ptss) =

let ais = ptss[1]

bis = ptss[2]

cis = ptss[3]



spaceframe_struts(ais, cis)

spaceframe_struts(bis, ais)

spaceframe_struts(bis, cis)

spaceframe_struts(bis, ais[2:end])

spaceframe_struts(bis, cis[2:end])

spaceframe_struts(ais, ais[2:end])

spaceframe_struts(bis, bis[2:end])

if length(ptss) == 3 # no nodes left?


spaceframe_struts(cis[2:end], cis)



spaceframe_struts(bis, ptss[4])




select_surface(), 10, 10)))

This function receives as input a matrix of points, that can also result from the analysis

of an imported surface, as it happens in the Grasshopper example. This matrix is then

analyzed to extract the nodes’ positions, that are combined to create each strut between them.

Even though the textual approach starts requiring an increased amount of code, it still brings

other advantages regarding the construction of spaceframes, namely by allowing the

flexibility of combining and connecting different positions to generate different types of

spaceframes, e.g., simple linear trusses, crossed bars, etc.

Fig. 4.27. Spaceframe generated in


Fig. 4.26. Grasshopper program of a space frame.

Fig. 4.25. Biosphere, Museum of the

Environment by Buckminster

Fuller, Montreal, Canada, 1967.

Fig. 4.24. Joe & Rika Mansueto

Library by Murphy/Jahn, Chicago,

USA, 2011.


4.2.9. Paneling

Paneling is a geometrical mechanism that allows a certain geometrical entity to be

iterated along a surface. This geometrical entity can change according to the functions

imposed to it. Built examples of this mechanism are the façade of the BAD café by Nudes

(figure 4.28.), the Soumaya Museum by FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise (figure 4.29.),

and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute by Woods Bagot (figure 4.30.).

To illustrate the programming of the paneling mechanism, we will reproduce the

proposal for a Sustainable Transit Station Inspired by Matchsticks by Erik Giudice

Architecture (figure 2.31.). A similar exercise was solved by Tedeschi in his book, where the

Grasshopper program (figure 4.32.) first (1) evaluates the geometrical unit to be iterated in

order to (2) create a boundary box that is tangent to that geometry. Then, (3) a grid is

generated over the surface – that, in this case, is a VIM imported from Rhino (see section

4.2.4.), and (4) extruded to create unit “boxes” over the same surface. The boundary box of

the geometrical unit is (5) arrayed over each individual volume of the three-dimensional grid

and (6) distorted accordingly along with the geometry unit.

To replicate the image of the Sustainable Transit Station, we imported from Rhino a

surface and the geometrical unit to be iterated along it (figure 4.33.), both generated manually

in the modeling tool.

Once again, even though the program seems simple in its structure, the components

used are more sophisticated and already require a deeper knowledge of the programming

language. Furthermore, its simplicity is only apparent, considering that it is needed a greater

amount of computation to generate this mechanism, which compromises other appealing

features such as immediate feedback.

When translating this solution to an equivalent in Khepri, there are some limitations

to consider regarding the intrinsic characteristics and specifications of the modeling tool in

use. One limitation is that the modeling tool used for this evaluation, AutoCAD, does not

support non-uniform scaling. Thus, it makes it impossible to distort the element so that it fits

the subdivided surface, as it happens with the Grasshopper program. Furthermore, in this

particular case, we consider that the Grasshopper approach becomes limiting when creating

geometry that is not distorted according to the position inside the surface.

Fig. 4.30. South Australian Health

and Medical Research Institute by

Woods Bagot, Adelaide, Australia,


Fig. 4.32. Grasshopper program of a paneling and morphing mechanism.

Fig. 4.29. Soumaya Museum by FR-

EE Fernando Romero Enterprise,

Mexico City, Mexico, 2011.

Fig. 4.28. The BAD café by Nudes,

Mumbai, India, 2015.

Fig. 4.31. Proposal for a Sustainable

Transit Station by Erik Giudice

Architecture, Jönköping, Sweden,

unknown date.


Khepri already provides mechanisms to iterate a geometry along a surface. This

approach is used, for instance, to model surfaces like the façade of the Retail Store for Regal

Shoes by NUDES (figure 4.34.). Therefore, the pragmatic way of tackling this exercise using

a textual approach would require the definition of the unit element using a function such as


unit_hollow_triangles(p0, p1, p2, p3) =

let f = 0.3,

h = 0.2

extrusion(hollow_triangle(p0, p1, p2, f), h)

extrusion(hollow_triangle(p0, p2, p3, f), h)


s = select_surface()

iterate_quads(unit_hollow_triangles, map_division(in_world, s, 10, 10))

The unit_hollow_triangles() is, therefore, responsible for the generation of

one geometrical unit similar to the one modeled by hand in the Grasshopper example (figure

4.33.), with the advantage of being completely parametric in its implementation.

Furthermore, we also defined mathematically the surface and used that definition to

create a grid of points that are organized in groups of four (p0, p1, p2, and p3), defining

quadrangles along the surface (quads).

iterate_quads(f, ptss) =

[[f(p0, p1, p2, p3)

for (p0, p1, p2, p3)

in zip(pts0[1:end-1], pts1[1:end-1], pts1[2:end], pts0[2:end])]

for (pts0, pts1)

in zip(ptss[1:end-1], ptss[2:end])]

Thus, it is now legible that the unit element itself must also be defined within 4 points

to be iterated along all the quads created over the surface.

The function interate_quads() receives as arguments the function that defines the

geometric unit (f) and the matrix of points that define the surface (pts). In the particular

case of the façade for Regal Shoes, the unit geometry is a simple box and the surface can be

described by a sine behavior in both directions u and v, as given in the following example

(figure 4.35.):

pts = map_division((u,v)->xyz(u,0.5*(sin(u)+sin(v)),v),

0, 30, 50, 0, 30, 50)

iterate_quads((p0, p1, p2, p3) -> box(p0, distance(p0,p1)), pts)

Nevertheless, it is important to reinforce the idea that it is up to the user to decide

which approach is more advantageous. Thus, it is also possible to choose the alternative

approach of using VIMs to import the unit element, the surface from the modeling tool, or

both, instead of defining them textually. However, as explained, there must be some

compromise regarding the performance of these mechanisms in the textual context.

Fig. 4.34. Façade of the Regal Shoes

Retail Store by NUDES, Assam,

India, unknown date.

Fig. 4.35. Geometry generated by

the textual program created to

resemble the façade of Regal Shoes.

Fig. 4.33. Unit (above) and result of

paneling and morphing over an

imported surface (below).


4.2.10. Brick Wall

Brick walls are mainly known for their construction and structural application, even

though they can also contribute as part of the design aesthetics of the architectural space.

Some of the projects that integrated brick walls are the Mesquita Bait Ur Rouf by Marina

Tabassum (figure 4.36.), the Terra Cotta Studio by Tropical Space (figure 4.37.), and Brick

Cave by H&P Architects (figure 4.38.).

The challenge is to create a program that generates a parametric brick wall along a

line or curve. We can use other implemented mechanisms such as VIMs to aid the solving of

this challenge, importing the line or curve as an input to the program.

In Grasshopper, the program used imports a curve as an input to iterate the brick wall.

The result is a group of bricks that intercalate with hollow spaces and move in relation to

each other to accommodate the shape of the curve. The program was developed as an online

tutorial (figure 4.39.) and it has some issues, such as the fact that the bricks do not rotate in

their position according to the influence of the curve, which can originate unfeasible

situations, such as floating bricks (figure 4.40. and figure 4.41.).

To overcome this particularity of the followed tutorial in the textual program, the new

wall created has now the ability to recognize the influence of the curvature of the curve

imported to rotate the bricks accordingly.

Therefore, the program created in Khepri creates a spline s from a group of given

points that then is used as a parameter of the wall_of_bricks() function.

s = spline([xy(190,-50), xy(160,-80), xy(80,-70), xy(10,-50), xy(-20,-80)])

wall_of_bricks(curve, n, m, bl, bc, bh) =

let brick(p) = right_cuboid(add_y(p, bh/2), bl, bh, add_xy(p, bc, bh/2))

ps = division(curve, 2*n)

for j in 0:2:m

map(p -> brick(add_y(p,j*bh)), ps[1:2:end])

map(p -> brick(add_y(p,(j+1)*bh)), ps[2:2:end])



wall_of_bricks(s, 40, 10, 4, 1, 2)

The function implemented resorts once again to functions such as map() to iterate a

brick for each point calculated over the curve given as input. Furthermore, it calculates two

Fig. 4.40. Brick wall generated by

the Grasshopper program.

Fig. 4.39. Grasshopper program of a simple brick wall (online tutorial), importing a curve as visual


Fig. 4.41. Floating bricks I

Grasshopper appear when the

curvature is too tight.

Fig. 4.38. Brick Cave by H&P

Architects, Đông Anh, Vietnam,


Fig. 4.36. Mesquita Bait Ur Rouf by

Marina Tabassum, Dhaka,

Bangladesh, 2012.

Fig. 4.37. Terra Cotta Studio by

Tropical Space, Quảng Nam,

Vietnam, 2016.


vectors in each point, a tangent and a normal, that then give the orientation of each brick

according to its position, as it is defined that the brick must be parallel to both vectors.

The result is a brick wall composed of bricks that adapt to the curvature of the wall

by rotating (figure 4.42.). This corrects the errors detected in the exercise solved in

Grasshopper, so that even for sharp curves, the bricks rotate and fit so that there are no gaps

between them, generating a buildable brick wall.

Even though it is possible to build a program in Grasshopper that solves this problem,

it would require to work with normal vectors and lists, which is something that potentiates

its complexity regarding the components to use, that, therefore, might not be as intuitive for

less experienced users.

4.2.11. Pixel Mapping

Another interesting geometric behavior on surfaces is the creation of the illusion of

an image by modifying that surface’s elements. These elements can be openings, bricks,

slabs, etc. that are amplified, rotated, or deformed to create the illusion of an image. Built

examples are the Winery Gantenbein by Gramazio & Kohler and Bearth & Deplazes

Architekten – which façade is composed by bricks that rotate to create an image of grapes

(figure 4.43.), the MaoHaus by AntiStatics Architecture – where an image is obtained through

the thickness of the elements that constitute a surface grid and through the curvature of that

surface grid (figure 4.44.), and the Swanston Square apartment building by ARM

Architecture – where the thickness of the horizontal elements of the façade create the image

of a face (figure 4.45.)

The mechanism behind this effect is called pixel mapping, where an image source is

evaluated in order to obtain values from its pixels. These values are, then, used to manipulate

the units or the behavior of the surface.

To exemplify this effect, we will use as reference an exercise developed by Tedeschi

(2014), where an image is created by varying the radius of circles over a surface. This

mechanism is similar to the one used in the interior design of the Raiffeisen Bank by Studio

NAU (figure 4.46.), where, instead of circles, they used a triangular mesh, varying the area

of the openings to represent faces. This exercise is, therefore, an adaptation of Tedeschi’s to

incorporate the triangles instead of circles (figure 4.47. and figure 4.48.).

This program uses a surface as an input, above which it creates a triangular grid to

extract triangles. The size of each triangle is, then, scaled according to the factor that is given

by the max between the value of each pixel and 0.1 (to avoid null results). The value of the

pixel is obtained through the scale of light or darkness of the image (as we are using a black

and white image).

Fig. 4.43. Winery Gantenbein by

Gramazio & Kohler and Bearth &

Deplazes Architekten, Fläsch,

Switzerland, 2006.

Fig. 4.44. The MaoHaus by

AntiStatics Architecture, Beijing,

China, 2017.

Fig. 4.45. Swanston Square

apartment building (Barak

Building) by ARM Architecture,

Melbourne, Australia, 2015.

Fig. 4.42. Brick wall with a sharp

curvature generated by the textual



This type of mechanisms can easily scale in complexity, according to the type of

alterations to be made to the elements of a surface. The example given by Tedeschi already

shows a mastery of the language, that is not always accomplished by less experienced users.

The following example (figure 4.49.) shows another application of the pixel mapping

mechanism with a greater scale of complexity. In this case, the bricks of a wall similar to the

one used in the previous section rotate according to the relative values of the pixels of an

input image (figure 4.50.).

Even though the principle is the same, this second program is very different from the

first. This also translates the idea that different users have the freedom to program the same

thing in very different ways, which sometimes is a disadvantage concerning the legibility and

understanding of one another’s programs.

This flexibility is also extended to the textual realm, even though with limitations.

Textual languages such as Julia within Khepri offer alternatives for the implementations of

abstractions but the syntax and structural rules of the language make it readable for others

that did not create the program.

In Khepri, there are two ways of implementing pixel mapping: either (1) using the

pixels of the image to define the number of iterations – corresponding to each pixel a

geometrical element that will be distributed and modified according to the given parameters,

or (2) mapping each geometrical element within the correspondent closer pixel of the image.

Fig. 4.49. Grasshopper program developed from an online tutorial.

Fig. 4.50. Pixel mapping result,

using an image of Le Corbusier’s


Fig. 4.48. Pixel mapping result,

using an image of Le Corbusier.

Fig. 4.46. Interior of Raiffeisen

Bank by Studio NAU, Zurich,

Germany, 2011.

Fig. 4.47. Grasshopper program adapted from Tedeschi’s version of a pixel mapping mechanism.


The second is more advantageous that the first approach, since the user may not have full

control over the number of pixels of an imported image.

bricks_of_image(image, p, w_rows, w_cols, l, w, h, s) =

let (i_rows, i_cols) = size(image)

for (row, offset) in zip(1:w_rows, cycle([0, s/2])), col in 1:w_cols

rotated_brick(p+vxz(col*s+offset, (w_rows-row)*h), l, w, h,


image[round(Int, row*(i_rows/w_rows)),

round(Int, col*(i_cols/w_cols))]))



bricks_of_image(img, u0(), 70, 50, 10, 4, 5, 12)

The bricks_of_image() function receives an image (img), a point (p) where the

wall begins, the number of bricks in both directions (w_rows, w_cols), and the length (l),

width (w), and height (h) of each brick, and the gap between bricks (s) of the wall.

By comparison, we start understanding that both programs in a VPL and a TPL tend

to become more intricate with the complexity of the geometry or of the mechanisms used.

However, while the textual program adds lines of code and maintains the legibility and

structure, the visual program, besides losing some helpful features such as immediate

feedback, also become difficult to understand.

4.2.12. BIM Paradigm

Nowadays, the architectural process of conceiving a built space usually includes the

construction of digital models in Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools, such as Revit

or ArchiCAD. These tools are particularly helpful in later stages of the design process,

allowing architects to easily obtain technical sections, maps of quantities, and budget

calculations. The documents generated by these tools can, then, be used to inform other areas

of expertise, such as structure, HVAC, plumbing and draining, and lighting, among others.

Nevertheless, as the construction of BIM models is usually associated with later stages

of the design process, these models are expected to be final, losing their flexibility and, thus,

the possibility of changing the design. Any alteration on these models is, therefore, expensive

and may prone to errors. The algorithmic approach circumvents this limitation, by creating a

program that can easily be used to also generate the geometry in other tools, including BIM


There are VPLs already design within the BIM paradigm, such as Dynamo, that works

with Revit. For other commonly used VPLs, such as Grasshopper, BIM is not intrinsic to the

implementation of the language, even though there are plug-ins developed to extend this

feature. Nevertheless, the use of plug-ins in Grasshopper may be more challenging for less

experienced users, as they require specific knowledge about the way their components work,

and the information required to feed those components.


The portability that has been achieved in textual programming environments such as

Rosetta and Khepri, allows this connection with BIM tools to be smoother and simpler (Feist

et al., 2016). However, considering that BIM tools require more information than CAD tools,

the user must foresee the necessity of this connection in the program by structuring it to

accommodate that type of specific information, e.g. whether a box is a wall or a slab.

Khepri is being developed to integrate more BIM tools as back-ends and currently

already performs the connection with Revit (figure 4.51.). This implementation was tested

recently in the same investigations that approached visual input mechanisms within a textual

approach (Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano, 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019).

Thence, the user simply needs to inform Khepri which is the back-end in use and the

model is generated in the mentioned modeling tool.

4.2.13. Analysis Tools and Plug-ins

Another clear advantage of computational processes applied to the architectural

practice is the ability to assess digital models through analysis tools, in order to better predict

and adapt the performance of projects according to the intended criteria. Nowadays, projects

can be digitally analyzed according to their structure, thermal behavior, lighting, acoustics,

and aerodynamics, among others.

The use of analysis tools is of great utility for architects, since it provides useful

information to aid in the design process. Thence, the architect is able to make more informed

design decisions based on the simulations obtained through digital analysis of the geometry

of a project, enhancing the safety, sustainability, and performance of buildings to be built.

However, the manual use of analysis tools can become challenging, since some of

them require specific information that may differ from the 3D models created in modeling

tools. Therefore, to import directly 3D models into some of these tools can lead to errors and

incoherent information (figure 4.52.) whenever the geometry fed to the tool is not in the

Fig. 4.51. BIM model generated by Khepri in Revit, using a predefined family of circular windows.

Fig. 4.52. Analysis generated

directly and by hand in DIVA for

Rhino, a lighting analysis tool.


specific format required. AD aids greatly in this matter, since it allows the flow of

information from the program directly to the tool – and not from a 3D model to the tool.

In commonly used VPLs such as Grasshopper, there was a fast urge to fulfill these

analysis request by, once again, extending the base features with plug-ins. The set of available

analysis plug-ins for Grasshopper is extensive, and some of the most commonly used have

already been addressed in Table 1.

These plug-ins are, therefore, a set of components that indicate both the inputs to

provide and the outputs they generate (figure 4.53.). However, these components are

predefined abstractions to which implementation users do not have access too. Therefore,

they cannot truly understand how it works within the so-called “black box”, nor can they

make modifications or corrections to meet other outcomes within that pre-definition.

Therefore, and even though it is possible to connect VPLs such as Grasshopper to

other analysis tools, this connection is not as intuitive as the overall use of the language,

which can become a barrier for less experienced users.

On the other hand, and as presented in previous sections, Khepri is a textual

programming tool that allows the user to build programs that can be generated in different

digital tools, including analysis ones. This intrinsic portability represents a great advantage,

since it allows the user to integrate within one single script the information needed to feed

multiple modeling and analysis tools. Therefore, and once again, the user simply needs to

inform Khepri about the back-end to connect to, without concerning about filtering,

modifying, or adapting the model to provide the requested information of a specific tool.

This direct connection between a single program and analysis tools overcame some

limitations regarding specific data requirement, circumventing the misinterpretation or loss

of information (figure 4.54.).

4.2.14. Conclusions

With the previous evaluations, we are now able to draw conclusions regarding the

behavior and performance levels of VPLs and TPLs for the different scales of complexity

assessed throughout this section.

Fig. 4.53. Ladybug for Grasshopper to perform radiation analysis, using the “black box”

components predefined within the plug-in.

Fig. 4.54. Analysis generated by

connecting a textual program

directly with an analysis tool.


Complexity and performance

The first issue to address regards the performance of the features and mechanisms

provided by programming languages for different levels of complexity of the programs

created. It becomes evident that, for simpler programs, the interactivity and visual

intuitiveness of VPLs like Grasshopper truly facilitates the understanding of what is being

programmed. Features like number sliders associated with mechanisms like immediate

feedback are crucial characteristics of VPLs that bring them closer to more visual users, such

as architects. However, as it was predicted, these main appealing features and mechanisms

become compromised for a greater complexity level and, in some cases, they might even stop


This complexity can be understood in two different dimensions: the visual and the

computational. Usually, they are related, considering that the more visually complex a

program is, the more computation it requires. Nevertheless, we have also shown programs

that are visually simple and computationally demanding, due to the sophisticated abstractions

they apply. In either case, features and mechanisms such as the mentioned above may become

unfeasible for the work dynamic on a visual program, requiring a long time to be computed

and losing their relevance.

A complex program in a TPL can also be associated with a program with sophisticated

abstractions or a program with a considerable amount of instructions and functions to be

computed. However, the main difference is that, regardless the length of the program or the

computational demands of its abstractions, the absence of heavy visual mechanisms hardly

compromises the performance in TPLs, that can even be optimized by the ability to stage

operations for greater computational demands.

This means that the program can integrate interaction phases that allow users to define

which functions should be computed and when, managing the time of the generation of

geometry according to their intentions. This allows postponing more demanding operations

to only after simpler precedent decisions are made within the design process.

Complexity and readability

Another dimension of complexity regards the visual appearance of a program. In

VPLs, a program that is visually complex generally compromises its readability and

understanding. In an attempt to circumvent this problem, languages like Grasshopper already

offer, within its user interface, mechanisms of alignment, grouping, and other tools to

organize the program. Still, for a greater scale of complexity, it is not the arrangement or

documentation of the components of a program that will make it more readable.

Programs with a higher degree of complexity become difficult to read and decipher,

not only by third parties but also by those responsible for their construction. Furthermore,

this issue has direct implications in the maintenance of the program, aggravated by the loss

of visualization mechanisms, such as immediate feedback and traceability.


In sum, a visually complex program in Grasshopper is difficult to understand, modify,

and maintain.

Contrastingly, complex textual programs do not mean illegible programs. In fact, the

scalability of textual languages is also associated with this characteristic: it is not a larger

number of lines of code that make the program more complicated to understand. This happens

because of the uniformity of the formal structure of the language, as well as all the available

searching mechanisms and features to organize and comment abstractions within the


Maintenance and cost of change

Algorithmic approaches have already proven that they greatly enhance the efficiency

and flexibility of the workflow of an architectural project, by not only allowing a freer

experimentation of the design space, but also by reducing the cost of change. However,

within algorithmic approaches, this flexibility differs between paradigms.

A complex program created in a VPL not only becomes difficult to understand and

decipher, but it also becomes more challenging and less intuitive to alter, manage, and

maintain. This difficulty is illustrated by the way a program is created: if the drag-and-drop

and connection of boxes representing abstractions can be a puzzling task, the process of

altering and managing that visual information can only be even more confusing.

Although there are mechanisms within visual programming environments that allow

organizing a program, mechanisms that were applied in the development of projects like the

Morpheus Hotel (Heijden, 2018), for a great complexity this task continues to represent a

challenge and can take longer than would be feasible within the design process.

On the other hand, programs created within the textual paradigm do not suffer from

this limitation, since the cohesive structure of a textual code allows to clearly search and

identify which parts of the program generate which geometry. Considering that this structure

is represented by a set of functions that call other functions, increasing its degree of

complexity, any change made in a primary function is automatically propagated to those who

invoke it.

Therefore, the cost of changing a program in a TPL is lower than when programming

in a VPL, since the readiness with which those changes are made in the textual approach is

more intuitive and easily performed.

Abstractions and flexibility

The visual complexity of programs can also be overcome by the use of more

sophisticated abstractions, that are able to synthesize complex operations and instructions.

Grasshopper already provides components that compute demanding operations or manage

large data sets. However, these abstractions are not modifiable within their own

implementation, meaning that it is not possible to make alterations to better answer to other


similar requests. To overcome this limitation, the solution usually comprises the combination

of several abstractions, which can increase the visual and computational complexity of the


To keep up with the current demands of its users, Grasshopper relies on individual

developers to provide new plug-ins with new abstractions. However, this process can become

untrustworthy, as we cannot fully assess the quality of the plug-ins created, besides being

difficult to use, since these new abstractions are implemented within a foreign reasoning and

might not be the most intuitive for other users.

Using the textual approach, these limitations are surpassed by the intrinsic flexibility

of the paradigm. Even though it is possible to predefine some abstractions within a

programming tool, such as in Khepri, there is an endless combination of instructions and

operations that, combined with programming mechanisms such as recursion or higher-order

functions, structure a much simpler approach to programming new abstractions. Therefore,

the principle is to create new abstractions based on predefined ones, benefiting from the

freedom of structuring them according to specific requests.

We can then conclude that, even though TPLs require a greater abstraction power

from their users, since they cannot immediately see what is being programmed and changed,

the continuous use will translate in a gradual mastery of the approach, as some of the most

used abstractions and mechanisms become intuitive to use in the long term.

Visual mechanisms and performance

Other conclusion taken from this assessment regards the implementation of visual

features within the textual context and its correspondent performance. For that, this thesis

contributed for researches responsible for the implementation of VIMs within Khepri

(Sammer, Leitão, and Caetano, 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019), from which we were also

able to understand the impact of integrating visual mechanism in the textual approach.

VPLs are developed and strongly integrated within specific modeling tools and, in

this case, we used Grasshopper that is developed within Rhino. This allows a deeper

connection between modeling tool and programming language and can be illustrated by the

ability to solely visualize in Rhino a visual representation of the geometry created in

Grasshopper, i.e., without computing the geometry within the modeling tool. This has a big

impact on performance, since the more demanding operations of generating the geometric

data are solely performed when the user bakes the visualization generated by the program.

Visual mechanisms implemented within the textual approach may require a greater

time of computation when compared with VPLs. This happens because, unlike Grasshopper,

the geometry programmed in Khepri is being generated in the modeling tool every time the

program is executed, which represents a time-consuming task. Therefore, even though visual

mechanisms in TPLs offer clear advantages regarding the interactivity with the modeling


tool, the relevance of their use and the compromise of performance required should always

be considered by the user, that has the freedom to choose to use them or not.

Portability and plug-ins

Another important point assessed with this study is related to the ability to generate

the same program in different modeling and analysis tools, i.e. portability. VPLs can either

be developed and integrated within CAD or BIM tools, even though they also provide plug-

ins to extend their portability and allowing the program to connect with others.

Grasshopper provides a large set of plug-ins to not only generate the program in BIM

tools such as Revit and ArchiCAD, but also to feed information to analysis tools that assess

the geometry created, such as Ladybug and Kangaroo. However, some of these plug-ins can

be difficult to use for less experienced user, regardless the all the documentation usually


On the other hand, textual programming environments like Khepri were already

created and developed to integrate portability of the programs defined. Even though users

must create a program that predicts the use of tools with more specific data requests, such as

BIM tools, the alterations to the program are minimal, as they solely need to inform Khepri

which back-end to connect with.


5. Guidelines

After studying the theoretical features of both types of languages and assessing their practical

application when used to program from simple to complex geometries, we are now able to

draw some guidelines regarding two aspects of their use and implementation: (1) to establish

a methodology that reflects on the use of either VPLs or TPLs according to the intentions of

the architect in applying AD and (2) to propose guidance in the implementation of further

features and mechanisms in TPLs that might bring them closer to their users from early stages

of the design process, competing directly with VPLs.

5.1. Guidelines for choosing which approach to use

There are different types of architects, with different beliefs and work methods, as there are

different types of projects, varying in context, function, program, scale, complexity, and

aesthetics. Each stage of the design process requires different approaches to design. As

previously discussed, the first creative steps usually include a brainstorm that is materialized

through sketches and drawings, the more intuitive, practical, and organic method of

expression used by architects. The question that now arises considers the following stages

after the conception of an idea: how to materialize and formalize a sketched concept?

The current conventional approach used in the majority of the design studios around

the world usually encompasses the manual use of CAD and BIM tools. However, what is the

extent of this manual approach with regard to the complexity of a project? When is it

advantageous to use an AD approach? And, considering that the architect chooses to benefit

from AD, to what extent does one take advantage of a VPL or when is it justified to adopt a

textual approach? The following description reflects on a methodology that associates the

increasing complexity of the project and of its formal outputs to be generated and the work

method that best meets the correspondent needs of its materialization.

The conventional manual approach is worth using when the project solely includes

simple geometry and requires a low level of experimentation and exploration of the design

space. The documentation produced using a conventional manual approach is only effective

when the design is final and when there is no need for flexibility regarding the final outcomes.

Otherwise, the cost of change in this approach is considerably high. When choosing the

manual approach, there are two possible ways of materializing a design intention: either using

CAD tools or BIM tools.

Architects use CAD tools to formalize 2D drawings of a final project (figure 5.1.),

being an easier and more intuitive methodology that better resembles the traditional drawing

board used to draw and sketch, besides also being the more familiar among architects and

other engineers. They are useful for creating rigorous technical drawings with a low level of

repetition, dependency between geometry, and other tiresome tasks. However, this type of

orthographic projections requires a greater capacity for abstraction from those who interpret


the drawings, an ability that is not often intrinsic to clients or other entities less familiar with

these methods of representation.

For this reason, CAD tools started by also integrating 3D modeling capabilities, even

though they continue to work exclusively with geometries and volumes. Nevertheless, and

even though 3D models already allow a more familiar visualization of the final product,

creating a 3D model in a CAD tool is still a task with a certain degree of difficulty. Therefore,

within modeling tools, this difficulty was compensated by the development of similarly

intuitive tools that, although more demanding to work with, provide more complete

information about the modeled geometry: BIM tools (figure 5.2.).

In the current architectural practice, there is already a tendency towards the

replacement of CAD tools with BIM tools. This may be associated with the greater variety

of documentation that can be extracted from BIM documents, besides the 3D model itself:

not only 2D technical drawings, but also all technical information regarding materials,

properties, and prices, among others. Furthermore, these tools can also be associated with

powerful render engines that produce virtual images of the projects even closer to what they

would actually look like in reality. In addition, BIM tools, by dealing with objects with

physical and technical properties, still allow the extraction of quantitative information, such

as maps of quantities and budgets, which have proved to be essential for the management of

architectural projects.

In sum, CAD and BIM tools within the manual approach are very intuitive to use and

they have been quickly incorporated both in the architecture curriculum and the design

practice inside architectural studios, as that they became common knowledge between

Fig. 5.1. 2D drawing created using a CAD tool.

Fig. 5.2. 3D model created using a BIM tool.


architects and engineers from other specialties. However, they may not be the most adequate

approach when dealing with less common types of shapes, namely organic geometry. This

limitation is intrinsic to the principles of the implementation of some of these tools, e.g., in

BIM tools objects are described with properties and attributes, such as slabs being horizontal

boxes and walls vertical ones. This means that BIM is unlikely to represent a slab that turns

into a wall, for example. Furthermore, as the cost of change is considerably high for the

manual approach, BIM tools, in particular, are efficient to use in final stages of the design

process, i.e., when the concept for the project is already set.

Whenever the project reaches a certain level of geometrical complexity, requires a

higher level of flexibility and experimentation, or even compels to benefit from optimization

and analysis, algorithmic approaches should be considered.

Assuming that AD potentiates both the development and the final materialization of

an architectural project, there are still two different levels of complexity to consider: (1) an

experimentation phase, where it is beneficial to have a dynamic direct interaction between

the modeling tool and the AD program, prevailing a simplified generation and visualization

of the results; and (2) a full integration phase. This full integration approach includes (1) the

complete development of the project, merging the geometrical generation of the model

(visualized in CAD and BIM tools), the assessment through analysis tools, and the possibility

of performing optimization according to the intended objectives, and (2) the production of

powerful documentation, such as renders, animations, and real-time visualization and

navigation, including virtual reality (Leitão, Castelo-Branco, & Santos, 2019).

When the requirements to meet solely include more experimental manipulation of

simplified geometry, in order to benefit from visual interaction mechanisms, such as

immediate feedback, VPLs offer true benefits. Therefore, languages like Grasshopper may

be more advantageous than current TPLs for architecture to easily and intuitively create

simpler algorithms that only need to fulfill an experimental purpose – without the need of

being developed to generate a full definition of a complex project.

This limit of complexity supported by VPLs is here addressed as a reflection about

the conclusions taken from the comparative assessment between VPLs and TPLs. As we were

able to verify, whenever the program requires a more demanding computation, some of the

appealing visual features and mechanisms become compromised, either by becoming slower

to respond or by simply stop working. Furthermore, the legibility of a complex visual

program can be challenging, being a particular disadvantage when working collaboratively,

since the program becomes too hard to understand for those who did not create it. Therefore,

it can be said that it is nearly impossible – or, at least, not feasible timewise – to understand

a program such as the one created for the shell of the Hangzhou Tennis Center (figure 5.3.).

Moreover, a maintenance problem arises. The lack of abstraction mechanisms leads to a

tendency for the overuse of copy and paste mechanisms, introducing redundancy. In turn,

redundancy leads to programs that are hard to change and maintain because, if there is a


change to be done to one of the elements, all the ones that were copied to be equal will also

have to be changed. In these cases, the user finds more advantages in building a single

program using a TPL.

VPLs are, therefore, adequate for a lower level of complexity and a more limited time

to invest in an AD approach, since they allow to quickly and intuitively created programs

that simulate in real time the changes being made during the exploration of the design, but

take longer to create extended programs of complex projects.

On the other hand, textual programming is more demanding to master, besides also

being less interactive and less intuitive to use by architects. However, the programs created

have fewer problems in scaling to very large and complex programs, without compromising

neither their legibility nor their performance.

Within the algorithmic approach, the increased complexity associated with the tools

to which the PLs are associated extends this methodology to an orthogonal relation,

considering that CAD tools provide simpler documentation than BIM tools, to which more

complex information can be associated.

In VPLs, there are different languages that fit different paradigms, e.g. Grasshopper

for a CAD tool and Dynamo for a BIM tool, even though it is also possible to extend this

predefined implementation with the use of plug-ins. This methodology adds considerable

complexity to the way the user interacts with a language, besides being less intuitive to use.

On the other hand, the textual approach presented in the context of programming

environments for architecture, such as Khepri, provides intrinsic portability of the programs

created. Therefore, Khepri allows to trivially change the back-end in which the program is to

be generated, and it includes simpler modeling tools such as CADs and more informative

ones such as BIMs.

The following scheme summarizes and systematizes the described orthogonal

methodology, relating the complexity of a project to both the paradigm and the tools chosen

to generate the documentation of that project.

Fig. 5.3. Visual program that generates the envelope of the Hangzhou Tennis Center.


There is a third dimension to consider that relates to analysis tools. They can be

associated with either the manual or the algorithmic approach and integrated within CAD or

BIM tools associated with them. Therefore, the representation we are looking for that

integrates all the approaches and relates the complexity of the information and documentation

obtained through them can be represented in a 3D graph as shown in chart 2.

In sum, architects should choose their design approach according to (1) the type of

documentation to produce at the different stages of the design process, (2) the level of detail

intended from that documentation, (3) the application of that documentation – that can be

merely illustrative or used for more technical applications, (4) the time available for the

production of that documentation, (5) the flexibility required from that documentation, (6)

whether it is necessary to generate the same documentation in different modeling tools, (7)

whether it is necessary to assess the geometry generated with analysis tools, or even (8)

whether the project benefits from optimization.

Nevertheless, all the research and conclusions drawn on the theme are strong

arguments for us to consider TPLs the most advantageous approach for architecture in the

long term. Nevertheless, there is still a strong barrier regarding the learning process of TPLs,

that usually take more time and effort to be mastered. Therefore, we will also suggest some

guidelines concerning implementations within Khepri that have the potential to facilitate the

initiation in the textual approach for architects.

Chart 1 – Relation of the complexity of a project to the approach chosen and the tools used.

Chart 2 – Integration of the third dimension of Analysis to the approaches and tools indicated in chart 1.


5.2. Guidelines for future implementations in TPLs

Given the long-term advantages of TPLs in the development of complex projects, as

well as in all variants of analysis, optimization, and visualization of the obtained results, the

textual approach to AD offers a solution to the barriers encountered when using VPLs for

programs with greater complexity. However, the demanding learning process and the lack of

mechanisms of visualization and interaction with the modeling tools, make TPLs still

unappealing for architects.

For this reason, this research also aims to propose guidelines for future

implementations in the development of textual programming environments for architecture,

such as Khepri. These guidelines are based on the study of the current use and utility of visual

features and mechanisms in VPLs that can also be implemented in a textual context.

Recent research derived from this thesis (Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano, 2019; Sammer

& Leitão, 2019) has proved that there is no impediment to implement visual features within

the textual programming context. However, this merge between both visual and textual

paradigms may raise other questions regarding the relevance of a hybrid approach.

Considering the framework previously presented, that gives the architect the freedom

to choose the methodology that best suits the needs of a certain stage of the project – always

considering the textual programming will better suit projects with great complexity and with

the need to integrate optimization and analysis, the use of the implemented visual features

within a TPL should also be up to the architect’s will. This choice should consider the

adjustments to be made when some visual features are used, e.g., the performance of the

program can become compromised when using dependency on shapes that were imported,

providing a similar behavior to Grasshopper’s immediate feedback that becomes very time-


Therefore, considering that the possibility of using visual mechanisms should be

integrated at least to facilitate early stages of the learning process of TPLs, we now present

some guidelines regarding not only further possible visual implementations but also the

integration of other programming mechanisms within the textual approach. These guidelines

are drawn to be integrated within textual programming environments, in this particular case,

in Khepri.

Error detection and Debugging

Whenever an error occurs in Grasshopper, the responsible component is highlighted

in red and a message is generated informing what are the reasons for that error. This

mechanism is crucial to the understanding of the program and aids in the comprehension and

solution of the errors found, even though those messages might not always be clear to

interpret (figure 5.4.)


In Khepri, error messages are also generated whenever something is not working

accordingly. However, they are also hard to understand, being difficult to identify where the

error actually occurred and why. This can be a serious limitation, considering that, by typing,

one is more likely to make mistakes than by drag-and-dropping static abstractions, as happens

with VPLs. Thus, users of textual languages are more likely to receive these error messages,

which reinforces the strong limitation represented by their incomprehensibility.

To surpass this limitation, we suggest the implementation of clearer error messages

that better point out in what function the error occurred and what needs to be altered to correct

that error. This mechanism can be complemented by more visual implementations of error

tracking such as control flow visualization mechanisms.

Control flow

Rosetta already implemented a control flow visualization mechanism that enables the

visualization of the sequence of operations followed by the computer to perform the given

instructions in the program. As mentioned, this mechanism can be very useful when

combined with error detection mechanisms, as it would allow the user to not only be informed

about what are the lines of code with error, but also the implications they had in the rest of

the program, showing the sequence of instructions followed by the computer through where

the error was propagated.

Therefore, the implementation of a similar mechanism should also be considered in

the development of Khepri, as it represents an alternative feature that really aids the user in

understanding what is being programmed and executed.

Documentation mechanisms

Components in Grasshopper are built to inform the user about the inputs they receive

and outputs they generate, as each component is described in the correspondent

documentation within the language (figure 5.5.). This is a helpful feature for less experienced

users, since it allows them to intuitively learn about each component and progress alone in

the mastery of the language.

This feature is already being developed within Khepri, as all the predefined

abstractions are also documented and described within their own implementations.

Furthermore, the user can also benefit from a typing mechanism where, by typing the function

Fig. 5.4. Component highlighted in red with error message in Grasshopper.


intended, Khepri opens a slider window will all the alternative functions available that are

related to the text being written (figure 5.6.). This also happens when the function is chosen

and Khepri inserts automatically the parameters they receive, so that the user can simply fill

the gaps with the values of those parameters (figure 5.7.).

However, since this programming environment is in its early stages of development,

the documentation provided is incomplete and still not easily consulted. Therefore, this work

should continue to be done to new abstractions and implementations within an independent

user interface that allows architects to freely search for the information needed to understand

and use the predefined functions and mechanisms in Khepri.


Another mechanism that should improve greatly program comprehension is the ability

to see which geometry is being created by which part of the program, and the other way

around. Therefore, we propose further research on projects like Luna Moth (Alfaiate et al.,

2017) to understand how its traceability mechanism can be applied to a conventional textual

programming environment that can be connected with different modeling tools. This

implementation would circumvent the lack of immediate consultation of what is being


Nevertheless, the use of this implementation should be optional, since we already

concluded that visual features and mechanisms within the textual approach may compromise

the performance of a program.

Predefined abstractions

As Khepri is a work-in-progress, it is crucial to continue this investigation in order to

identify which abstractions should be predefined within the body of the tool, so that they may

be used without the need to know their implementation. During the development of this

thesis, we already implemented general functions such as series(), crossref(), and

cull(), but it is convenient that this work continues in order to create a wider library of

abstractions that make easier the programming process for architects.

Fig. 5.6. Searching mechanisms

showing the available functions in


Fig. 5.7. Typing mechanisms automatically showing the parameters of a function in Khepri.

Fig. 5.5. Different types of documentation in Grasshopper: locally, with the mouse

over an input/output (left); or internally, by selecting the option Help (right).


6. Conclusion

The perspectives about what architecture really means, what it does, and what it should do

vary from region to region of the world, from culture to culture within a region, from person

to person from a certain culture. However, there is a common reality to all architects that

relates to the representation methods used to illustrate, explain, and sell their intentions for a


The evolution of the tools and methods used by architects to express their concepts

and ideas has always followed the progression of humanity’s needs in different fields. More

recently, the discipline has acknowledged the benefits of computer science and programming

to accomplish new esthetics, associated with better performances and a more sustainable

impact. Furthermore, the automation of certain tasks previously executed manually allowed

a more accurate and efficient work process, besides reducing the propensity for errors. This

also came to extend the conventional orthographic projections with 3D models, offering a

more appealing and elucidating representation method. Programming, in particular,

introduced Algorithmic Design (AD), which allows the creation of programs as an alternative

approach to the manual manipulation of geometry in modeling tools.

6.1. Reflections

Algorithmic Design as a Representation Method for Architecture

Programs created within the AD approach represent an algorithmic description of

geometry that, then, is generated in computational tools for architecture. This approach

enables architects to create parametric models of projects through the establishment of rules

and constraints, which, in turn, allow the exploration of design variations more effortlessly

and efficiently.

This represents one of the greatest advantages of adopting an algorithmic approach:

the architect is able to easily explore the design space within the rules and constraints defined

by him. That is the main reason why it is crucial to be the architect in charge of the creation

of the algorithm, i.e., to be in control of the behavior of the geometry and decide within which

criteria and range of values the model is parametric.

This exploration of geometrical variations within a parametric model also influences

the cost of change of digital projects. AD reduces this cost drastically, by automating the

generation and regeneration of geometry, as the architect simply needs to change parts of the

program, and not the geometry itself. This fact comes to surpass the limitations of the manual

approach, where any manual alteration in complex sets of geometry is a time-consuming,

error-prone, and, therefore, expensive task. Thence, any alteration in an AD program is, then,

propagated according to the rules within the algorithm, which means that geometry with

dependency upon other geometries is also automatically changed correspondingly. The


results of those modifications are also automatically regenerated in the chosen tool, where it

is computed a new version of the design.

Moreover, the algorithmic approach also allows further control and minimization of

errors in the project generated. Thus, AD not only allows the propagation of alterations

through the set of rules and constraints defined within the algorithm, but also informs the

user about possible errors in the definition of the geometry. Additionally, some PLs also

provide mechanisms that facilitate the tracking of changes in the geometry and the detection

of errors created while creating or modifying a program. The organization of an AD program

also aids in the structuring of a project, in the isolation of parts of that project, and in the

consequent management and manipulation of the geometry, partially or in whole.

Besides the effortless exploration of the design space, the low cost of change, and the

minimization of errors in digital models, there are various other advantages in adopting AD

as a representation method to support architectural projects.

The translation of geometry into algorithms allows portability, which means that a

single program can generate models in multiple modeling and analysis tools. The great

advantage of the AD approach when compared with the manual use of these tools is that it

dismisses the construction of different digital models for different tools. This also has an

impact on the use of analysis tools, that generally require simplified geometries of the original

model, which duplicates the architect's work. Moreover, the adaptation to the simplification

requirements of these tools may drive to a misrepresentation of the original geometry, which,

in itself, leads to results that are not completely accurate.

The direct provision of algorithmic information to analysis tools circumvents these

problems, since the information is filtered directly from the program to meet their

requirements. In addition to the reduced amount of work by dismissing the duplication of

models, this approach greatly reduces the loss of information, which translates into more

reliable results.

Programming for architecture can even provide powerful mechanisms that facilitate

the manipulation and management of geometric data. Metaprogramming is one of those

mechanisms that allow generating programs within an AD program by inverting the flow of

information: instead of creating a fragment of program that generates geometry within a

modeling tool, the architect is able to incorporate an existent geometry from the modeling

tool within a fragment of program obtained through metaprogramming. For an architect, this

possibility of integrating this type of sophisticated programming mechanisms can be very

useful to the understanding of the programs created, to the management information, and to

the integration and manipulation of existent geometry.

Furthermore, and even though the learning curve of TPLs is more demanding, the

mastery of the textual approach allows the simplification of frequently used abstractions with

the mechanization of the available operations. Mechanization results in predefined


abstractions that regard more complex geometries or geometric mechanisms. One practical

example is the generation of spaceframes, that can be translated as a mechanic process of

creating struts and nodes connect in a 3D mesh along a surface. Therefore, the

implementation of spaceframes can be mechanized within Khepri, by internalizing their

definition within the body of mechanisms of the tool. The result is a function that architects

do not have to define or to know how it is implemented, that they solely call in the program

and give the parameters of their choice. Through this process, this type of mechanized

operations conquers meaning to the user, which allows a more fluid and simplified workflow.

Furthermore, some PLs for architecture further enable optimization mechanisms

associated with the results obtained through different analysis. This is a strong advantage in

the light of nowadays demands, where buildings must fulfill a set of requirements regarding

performance and sustainability. Therefore, the parametrization of the models allows

obtaining multiple design alternatives – varying in the parameters and range of values chosen

by the architect, associated with performance values regarding different criteria. The

automation of this process relieves architects from adjusting the program for each iteration,

as they solely need to look at the final data to choose the design variation that best suits their

intentions. The following table resumes all the advantages offered by the AD approach, in

contrast with a manual approach, that justifies and encourages the mastery of algorithmic

methods and thinking among architects.


Easy exploration of the design space

Efficient and effortless manipulation of geometry

Automation of repetitive, time-consuming, and error-prone tasks

Mechanization of the available operations

Low cost of change

Reduction and control of errors

Portability and integration with multiple modeling and analysis tools

Flexibility in managing complex geometric data

Efficient creation, experimentation, and production of documentation from digital models

Effective and efficient collaborative work

Implementation of visual mechanisms through metaprogramming

Generation of optimal solutions using optimization algorithms

In sum, AD incorporates all the advantages of the digitalization of the drawing board

and extends them to a new realm of optimization, accuracy, and efficiency. Besides allowing

the production of powerful representations of design, such as 3D models, renders,

animations, and videos, the architect is free to explore this advantages within a parametric

approach, that allows to effortlessly explore the design space of the project, to assess more

accurately the generated models, and to obtain more reliable information to aid in the design

decisions, also extending this information with mechanisms such as optimization.

Table 3 – Advantages of the AD approach.


Algorithmic Design as an Architectural Reasoning

Nevertheless, AD has the potential to be more than just a support to the digital

representation of a project, as it can further influence other aspects of the design process,

namely the architectural reasoning, with the introduction of algorithmic thinking. Therefore,

by acknowledging the potentialities associated with the algorithmic generation and

assessment of geometry in modeling and analysis tools, architects are able to challenge their

design intentions to accomplish new and bolder aesthetics.

The basis to this conclusion comes from the premise that, with so many tools available

to generate, assess, and optimize projects developed through AD, there are little limitations

to what is feasible to reproduce digitally or not. The fact that the data obtained through

analysis and optimization are increasingly more accurate and trustworthy, architects are able

to rely on that information to defy the limits of what was buildable before the appearing of

algorithmic approaches. AD not only allows a digital generation and visualization of

geometry, aiding in the production of appealing and realistic virtual documentation, but also

provides a stronger bridge to later stages of the design process, namely construction.

Moreover, algorithmic thinking further potentiates other domains of the architectural

process of conceiving ideas. One of those domains relates to the process of algorithmizing

ideas and the results obtained through that process. The ability to explore a wider design

space within a range of values given by the architect is related to the generalization of an idea

during the creation of an algorithm. This generalization is accomplished through the

assignment of parametric variables, i.e., dimensions, values, and measures that can vary

within a set of rules and constraints that constitute a generic algorithm. If an algorithm is

created to only compute one static geometry, the design space is limited, and the alternative

designs do not vary much. However, if an idea is translated in a generic algorithm that is able

to generate that same specific idea and many similar others, the possibilities are endless,

which introduces a curious factor to the design process: surprise. When a specific idea is

generated by a generic algorithm, the architect can choose to be surprised by other outcomes

of the computation. The introduction of randomness is one of the mechanisms that compute

this surprise factor, giving random values within a range chosen by the architect. Therefore,

the algorithms can be created with different degrees of randomness applied to different parts

of the geometry to be created, and the architect can explore the surprise outcomes of each

iteration. The advantage of such mechanisms is in the possibility of generating random results

that might be more appealing, functional, or performant than the first specific idea that was

base to the building of a more generic algorithm. Therefore, the surprise factor of

computation multiplies the inventiveness of the architect, that is able to generate new shapes

within the frame and rules of an initial idea.

We strongly believe that architects of the present day should learn how to program,

due to all the benefits of being in charge of the algorithmic process and thinking and to take

full advantage of the design parametrization and exploration. Therefore, architects should


extend their curriculum to incorporate programming skills, by learning both how to think

algorithmically and how to work with Programming Languages (PLs) for architecture. And

through this affirmation, we now extend these conclusions to reflect the programming

paradigm architects should use. After all, what is the best approach? Visual or Textual?

AD with Visual or with Textual Programming Languages?

The main conclusion regarding this subject is that the answer to these questions is

relative and dependent upon different factors, such as the type of documentation to be

produced, the type of exploration process adopted by the architect, the availability of the

architect in working with AD, and the long-term utility of the AD models, among others.

In theory, Visual Programming Languages (VPLs) and Textual Programming

Languages (TPLs) have the same computational power, which means that they are both

capable of resolving all solvable computational problems. However, with the development

of this investigation, we were able to conclude that this theoretical data has a different

expression in practice. Other criteria such as performance, expressive power, user-interface

features, and limit of complexity make the languages heterogeneous in the relative

advantages and disadvantages they offer, which are summarized in the tables that follow.

VPLs like Grasshopper do offer clear advantages regarding the learning process and

the appeal to the use of algorithmic approaches. In the visual paradigm, programming


Immediate Feedback Readability of complex programs

Traceability Supports recursion mechanisms

User-interaction mechanisms Sequential interaction phases

Visual input mechanisms Visual input mechanisms

Predefined intuitive abstractions Portability of the programs created

Less background knowledge More flexible abstractions

Visually intuitive and appealing for architects Higher-Order Functions

Easy experimentation of the design space Scales easily for complex programs

Features customization Integration of final stages of the design process

Optimization plug-ins Optimization libraries

Graphs, images, and gradients inside the program Greater flexibility

More broadly used by architects Programs easier to manage and maintain


Does not scale for complex programs Takes more time to learn and master

Does not support recursion Less intuitive and appealing for architects

Unreadability of complex programs Requires knowledge on programming

Lack of sophisticated abstraction mechanisms No sophisticated visual features and mechanisms

Predefined and inflexible abstractions Fewer customization features and mechanisms

Maintenance problems for complex programs Least used by architects

Loss of interactivity in complex programs No interactivity

Table 4 – Advantages of creating programs with a VPL and a TPL.

Table 5 – Disadvantages of creating programs with a VPL and a TPL.


abstractions, such as functions and geometry, are represented as boxes (the so-called

components), and the flow of data between those boxes as connecting wires. This flow-chart

form is more familiar to architects, who are thus relieved of having to know what is behind

the implementation of each component, focusing solely on the dynamics of connecting the

available abstractions to create a visual algorithm. However, these predefined abstractions

also represent a limitation for architects, who are restricted to the set of available operations,

not having the freedom and the means to make small changes within these components to

achieve more personalized and adapted results. The solution is usually to combine a larger

number of available components that could actually be simply implemented as a single one.

This freedom of implementing new abstractions becomes exclusive to plug-in developers, an

area that already starts to segregate from the architectural domain. Another alternative would

be to use specific components that allow the insertion of textual programs, which proves that

some issues in scaling or adapting programs solely have a solution in the textual paradigm.

Thus, we already understood that this flexibility is inherent in textual programming,

as architects building a program are able to freely combine all the possible predefined

operations and define new ones within the same structure and reasoning. These predefined

operations are implemented within the body of Khepri and also dismiss the architect of

knowing how they are implemented. The main difference from VPLs is that, if architects

need to make alterations within a pre-implemented function, they have the means to do so.

Another clear advantage of VPLs is the available visual features and mechanisms,

such as immediate feedback, traceability, and visual input mechanisms, that allow a closer

interaction both with the program and with the modeling tool in use, which facilitates the

understanding of the program. Nevertheless, we strongly believe that those advantages fall

short when contextualized within the real potentialities of AD for architecture. VPLs working

with complex problems show limitations, such as the loss of the appealing features and

mechanisms mentioned above. Moreover, this scalability problem is extended to program

comprehension, since complex visual programs become hard to understand, modify, and


TPLs within programming tools such as Khepri, on the other hand, come to surpass

the scalability problems by supporting sophisticated abstractions and programming

mechanisms like recursion, that simplify complex problems in simpler sub-problems.

Therefore, the programs created keep the same structure regardless of the amount of code or

the computational demands of the functions created, also allowing the user to organize,

search, and modify the program easily.

Another limitation regarding VPLs that conditions their application in architecture

relates to the tools they work with, since they are integrated and implemented within a

specific modeling tool, such as Grasshopper for Rhino. The lack of intuitiveness of using

plug-ins to extend this limitation, that sometimes might not work accordingly to the user’s

wishes, leads us to conclude that it is more beneficial to engage in more generic approaches,


i.e., that enables us to work with various tools. This portability is an intrinsic feature of TPLs

implemented in programming environments such as Khepri, which allows a single program

to generate the same model in different modeling and analysis tools. The interaction with the

program to obtain this portability is simple, since the user solely has to inform Khepri which

is the back-end to use. Even though this portability demands that the program incorporates

as much information as required by the most complex tool to use, it provides strong

advantages when managing and developing projects in the long term, mainly projects with a

great level of complexity that need to be fully developed digitally.

The efficiency of program building is another aspect that differentiates both

paradigms. This aspect is related to productivity, since it measures the time and effort spent

while creating a program. VPLs for architecture provide an intuitive mechanism to build a

program, since the user solely needs to search for the components, drag and drop them in the

programming window, and connect them to create the algorithm. Although it is an intuitive

way of working and similar to the way we materialize our reasoning, it is a relatively time-

consuming process, especially if the user takes special care in dropping the components in

an organized way. The use of the mouse simultaneously with the keyboard, together with the

freedom to place components unconstrainedly in the programming window, makes building

a visual program a more time-consuming and sometimes confusing task.

In contrast, writing a text is the primary process of using a computer. Any architect

accustomed to writing on computers is able to construct a textual program almost

uninterruptedly. The only disadvantage of this process is the greater propensity to errors, that

are more likely to occur by typing than by dragging static objects. However, we believe that

the attention needed to detect in advance any typing errors takes no more time than the

required during the process of building a visual program. From experience, we can say that

an expert building a program in a VPL takes more time than an expert writing an equivalent

program in a TPL. The relevance of this factor, as mentioned previously, is the productivity

of building an algorithm, as the use of TPLs is more productive than the use of VPLs,

consuming less time and demanding less effort.

In a world increasingly dominated by software, we need to think about what is the

percentage of programs built around the world that are created using TPLs. The answer is the

overwhelming majority, which makes us reflect on why this is not the trend observed in

architecture, where the majority of architects that practice AD is still using VPLs.

Presently, the bigger limitation to the use of TPLs is in the demanding learning process

and in the lack of appealing features and mechanisms that aid architects to understand and

master the program they are creating. However, as a product of this investigation, we were

also able to conclude that there is no impediment to the future implementation of visual

features and mechanisms within the textual approach that promise to bring TPLs closer to

architects. By using this strategy, TPLs might start to become more accessible for less

experienced users and more easily integrated into the workflow of architects worldwide.


The Barriers to Surpass

As already stated, TPLs are less appealing and intuitive to use. Programs textually

structured are more abstract and difficult to understand in the beginning. However, this

limitation can easily be overcome, not only by adapting the implementation of TPLs for

architects, but also by insisting on their integration within the architectural curriculum. After

all, when technical drawings were first developed and adopted as representation methods of

architectural projects, they were also considered abstract and difficult to interpret by those

less familiar with the technique. Actually, one can affirm that for some people that do not

deal with technical drawings on a daily basis, plans, elevations, and section are still difficult

to construe.

Furthermore, and besides practical limitations regarding the implementation of TPLs

for architecture, that, in their current format of application, are considered less appealing and

intuitive to use, there are other psychological obstacles in what concerns the tendency to use

VPLs over TPLs.

Architects that are familiar with the visual paradigm within the AD approach tend to

accommodate to what it provides, which sometimes means that they also accommodate to

the limitations of the languages they are used to work with. This is corroborated by Paul

Graham (2003): programmers tend to get attached to their favorite languages, i.e., the

languages that are more familiar and comfortable to them. One possible explanation behind

this is the fact that languages become more than just technology, they become a habit of mind

(Graham, 2003). In the case of VPLs, a habit that does not scale or allow evolution within

the paradigm.

We conclude that this phenomenon also applies to architects using AD: when they

start using and mastering the visual approach, which guarantees them the results they want

in a more instinctive way, it is not worth thinking or investing in any other approach.

Therefore the transition to TPLs is not natural, since users of VPLs prefer to

circumvent the limitations within the visual approach than evolve to more powerful methods

to develop algorithmic programs. Solely the users that understand the most powerful

languages are able to see the differences between them (Graham, 2003), and VPLs are far

from being the most powerful approach to AD.

Once again, this limitation can only be surpassed in the core of the integration of AD

for architecture: architects should first learn to master algorithmic thinking in order to be

comfortable in creating textual AD programs of their designs. It is only through the insistence

that textual approaches will be able to become generalized in the world of architecture.

Although it is expected to be a lagging process, mainly due to the overwhelming impact of

VPLs in the current practice of architecture, the potential of textual languages will begin to

bring competitive advantages to the architects who adopt them. Thus, the trend may reverse


when, to keep up with this advantage, other architects and architectural studios also start

investing in TPLs to compete directly with those who already use them to create architecture.

The last consideration in favor of TPLs, that is a potentiality to explore in order to

surpass the initial limitations of the textual paradigm, regards the intellectual flexibility in

using both paradigms. The fact that TPLs are more demanding to learn and use is related to

the knowledge of programming required that, in VPLs, is not necessarily mandatory.

Therefore, an architect who learns the fundamentals of programming when working with a

TPL, quickly and easily transitions and learns to work with a VPL. The opposite, however,

is no longer the case, since the lack of in-depth knowledge of the principles of programming

makes it difficult for an exclusive VPL user to write a program using a TPL.

6.2. Future Work

The assessment of this research is based on a comparative methodology, whose evaluation is

guided by the theoretical and practical analysis of two programming languages, a VPL,

Grasshopper, and a TPL within a textual programming tool for architecture, Khepri. Some of

the guidelines comprised within the development of this thesis already bring about further


In an immediate way, we suggest the continuation of the comparison of other visual

components of Grasshopper and the equivalent textual abstractions in Khepri, predefined or

not. This allows to both (1) understand in greater depth the advantages and limitations within

both paradigms and (2) extend the set of predefined abstractions within Khepri, in order to

provide a broader range of operations that aid in the programming process for architects.

Furthermore, the deeper understanding of how current PLs for architecture are used

and what are the main benefits and barriers to their relative application will give us further

and more concise information to establish stronger bases for the implementation and

development of TPLs for architecture. The main objective is to create a textual programming

tool for architecture that, regardless of the demanding learning curve, is able to offset the

initial investment to master the textual approach with advantages for building architectural

projects with varying degrees of complexity. Thence, these implementations should also be

extended to programming mechanisms provided to bring TPLs closer to architects and to be

able to compete directly with the best known and used VPLs from early stages of the design

process. This thesis has already shown two contributions of that methodology with the

implementation of visual input mechanisms, that are inherent to VPLs like Grasshopper,

within Khepri (Sammer, Leitão, & Caetano, 2019; Sammer & Leitão, 2019).

The second line of investigation comes to complement the initial approach to

portability in both paradigms. Therefore, we propose to extend the comparison of VPLs and

TPLs in their current application for BIM and analysis tools. The investigation of the

implementation of Grasshopper’s plug-ins will give more insight regarding their true utility

for architects and the adequacy of the workflow they propose. Thus, we will be able to assess


the relevance of implementing similar mechanisms in a textual approach, which will

represent a starting point for further extend this portability in Khepri.

Another possible aspect to pursue as future work, which complements the previous

proposal to explore other modeling tools, will be to address visual languages that are

integrated directly within other modeling paradigms, namely Dynamo that is implemented

within Revit, a BIM tool. Even though Dynamo is not supported by a community of users as

large as Grasshopper’s, this direct integration within Revit may bring new solutions for better

implementations of BIM tools in a textual approach. Furthermore, this investigation can add

a parallel comparison between (1) a VPL for a CAD tool that is extended with plug-ins to

connect to BIM tools and (2) a VPL that is already integrated within a BIM tool. An example

of this would be to assess Geometry Gym for Grasshopper and Dynamo, in order to provide

information regarding the relative advantages of both types of implementations. The

conclusions taken from this comparison would also be valuable information to further extend

Khepri to the BIM realm.

Finally, the last proposal for future investigation regards the integration of the

algorithmic methodology within the conceptual phase of the development of an architectural

project, working as another tool for conceiving and developing ideas. Currently, AD solely

represents an alternative approach to the manual usage of modeling and analysis tools, being

a support for the generation and visualization of geometry. However, we believe that it can

bring further advantages for the architect if the ideas started to be conceived within an

algorithmic thinking, simultaneously with the creation of the algorithm that later generates

those ideas. A possible evaluation of this proposed methodology would be a comparative

study of the development of proposals for the same project using both approaches: one team

of architects using the conventional approach, creating and manipulating manually the

various computational tools available for architecture, such as CAD, BIM, and analysis tools;

and another team working with an algorithmic approach from the beginning of the conceptual

phase, with the integration of all the available tools in a single program. This study may

provide useful clarification regarding (1) the compared efficiency of both work methods, (2)

the physical effort and time needed in the development of the proposals, (3) the efficiency of

the collaboration process within the team, (4) the time needed to generate digital models and

other supports to the communication of the project, (5) the variety of documentation produced

within the same time-frame, (6) the quality and accuracy of the results obtained, (7) the

performance of the final idea, and (8) the interest and relevance of the result obtained

according to the objectives to fulfill with the project proposal, among others.





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