The Extroverted Reader 2.0




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The extrovertedreader 2.0

Mathias Klang @klang67

Eugene Polley (1915-2012) We become our tools: they control us

Sumerian Logographs (c.a 4000bc)


Phoenician alphabet only consonants (2000 BC).

“ifindtelevisionveryeducatingeverytimesomebodyturnsonthesetigointotheotherroomandreadabook” Greeks added vowels (1000 BC)


Aristophanes’ plays have punctuation (200 BC)

“Ifindtelevisionveryeducating.Everytimesomebodyturnsontheset,Igointotheotherroomandreadabook.”Lower case appears c:a 700 AD

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.”

Spaces between appear about 900 AD

The silent voids

An unchanging millennium

Generation zero


memexVannevar Bush; As We May Think; Atlantic Monthly; July 1945

Generation 3 (1964-72)

1970s Xerox develops e-paperScreens, battery life, weight,

Information Wants To Be Free. Information also

wants to be expensive. ...That tension

will not go awaySteward Brand (1985)

World wide web (an open standard)

Hypertext in the wild - Tim Berners-Lee (1990/91)

Killer apps 1995: Browser wars




1993 2004

This is not a book

Pinch & swipe gestures

Only technology(spot the ethical dilemma?)


Contextual & programmed social


ArchitectureControl in

analogue world

Control in digital world

”It was as if a light had been Nookd in a carved and painted lantern....”

Tolstoj War & Peace

What do we own?

Pushing connectivity


ger 1





End of communications monopoly

The end of scarcity

“who told me” becomes more important than “who made it”. Sandra Snan

Remember this?

This is not a phone

Always online

The end of boredom

Monotask queuing

Not knowing

Waiting by THE phone

To be social is to share


(my apologies, it is a really ugly word)

Performance lifestyle

Truman show delusion

My amazing coffee

Back to readers

Cloudreading: Readability & Evernote… (& books)

The bling factor

What we chose to read

Recommendations & reviews

Algorithmic serendipity

Dream of non-judgmental reading

How we read

Changing the marketplace

More information

User generated content

Personal data & walled gardens

Pricing models & purpose of copyright

Alternative marketplaces

Only technology(spot the ethical dilemma?)

XKCDMicrosoft(Oct 2012)


What do the people who control what we can do, think?

Giving people what they want

A Squirrel Dying In Your Front Yard May Be More Relevant To

Your Interests Right Now Than People

Dying In AfricaMark Zuckerberg

What does it all mean?

Old stupidity or new intelligence?

The death of languages

Endless personal library

End of culture: can the infinite be shared?

Tailored books: what sells in Nebraska or Sweden

The Gutenberg Parenthesis

The conservative illusion

There is no book… there are still readers

Proud to be an algorithmic anomaly

End democracy! Librarians as proud


Culture is inevitable, copyright is not


Mathias Klang or @klang67

Image & licensing info in the notes section of slides.

Images at (or specifically stated).

This ppt licensed: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

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