The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services



The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. SELECTING PRIORITIES IN INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT WITH THE HELP OF THE EXPERT COMMUNITY. Director General Gennady Bakhturin - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation




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Director General

Gennady Bakhturin28 february-1 march 2013


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation

and Consulting Services was established in 1991

and charged with the function of the Head organization

of the state expert examination

in the sphere of science and innovation

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The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Expert examination Consulting

Organization of competitions of


Statistics of science

Analytical support

Development of information resources

Providing ofscientific and technical

activities of the Ministry of Education

and Science of the Russian Federation

The Research Centre performs complex research in the field of:


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

At the present time one of the main functions of the Research Centre is the selection of the priority directions

of researches and planning of actual research subjects within the framework of the State Program

«Development of science and technologies» for 2014-2020.

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The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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The selection of priority directions is performedon the basis of the complex analysis

The selection of priority directions is performedon the basis of the complex analysis


The current situation in the world, in the state, in the branch of industry.The current situation in the world, in the state, in the branch of industry.


Internal possibilitiesof the state

Internal possibilitiesof the state


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Effective expert examination of scientific projects is the basic tool of distribution of financial resources in scientific and technical sphere.


The correct choice of priority directions of research can be provided only by active involvement of the intellectual potential of the country, organized in the form of the community of experts.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Currently the system of information- analytical support of decision-making

for the selection of priorities of the scientific and technical development of the country and the selection of the most important subjects of research, is being developed in FRCEC.


This work is conducted under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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System of information and analytical support consists of the two main elements

System of information and analytical support consists of the two main elements


A structured Register of


A structured Register of


Information system for remote joint work of

experts-analysts with the use of network technologies

Information system for remote joint work of

experts-analysts with the use of network technologies


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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The successful introduction of any information technology with the involvement of expert information is largely determined by the correct choice of the qualitative and quantitative composition of experts.


This task is solved by the creation of the expert community. In this community the leading scientists and specialists in the respective industries are selected.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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The experts are involved in the formation of a unified vision of the condition and prospects of development of R&D sphere due to:


identification and monitoring of the leading trends of development of the world science;

analysis of the needs of the state and assessment of the relevance of research for the state;

forecasting of the long-term national research and innovation priorities.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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On the basis of experts’ opinions and their proposals, recommendations on perspective subjects and directions of research are formed.

The financing of these subjects and directions of research will be provided from the state budget.

Experts have access to the patent and bibliometric information on their areas of research, as well as to databases, which contain descriptions and results of research projects funded earlier and financed at the present time.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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The main task of the Expert Community is the proposal and justifications of subjects of exploratory and experimental studies, as well as avoiding of duplication of research within the framework of the scientific and technical complex of Russia.

The system of the selection of priorities and topical themes is based on the collective opinion of the expert community.

Opinions of some experts serve as a pretext for mandatory registration.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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Directions of activity of the Expert Community are classified

in accordance with the priority trends of development of

science, technologies and technics of the Russian

Federation, the thematic areas are identified in

the State Program

«Development of science and technologies»

for 2014-202013


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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information and telecommunication systems;


medicine and health care;

new materials and nanotechnology;

transport and space systems;

rational use of natural resources;

energy efficiency and energy saving.


The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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At the present time there are more than 3

thousand specialists in the Register of Experts, half of

which are already actively involved in expert and

information-analytical activity.

The Register also lists the specialists working

outside Russia.



The Federal Research Centre for Project Evaluation and Consulting Services

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

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