The Final Speech



Daniela, 12º C says good-bye to High School. A text worht reading

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The Final Speech

Once, I had a dream. I woke up, and then twelve years of my life had passed. I

was finishing the high-school, I was eighteen, I knew what I wanted for my future and

the most important thing, I was happy; today, I realized that that time is now. I am

scared (I think we all are), I am nervous, and I don’t want to believe that the dream

that I always had is becoming real; nevertheless, I don’t want to wake up. The best part

about dreaming is achieving so, despite all the questions that we still have without

answer, today is the time for us to face the world. Therefore, it’s time for me to say

something about everything. If I ever had to grab a microphone and make my last

speech as a high-school student, I would say that my dreams had come truth.

Today is the day my life begins. It seemed that it was yesterday, but the truth is one

and only: today is the day when we started a new journey. Today, I became a citizen of

the world, more grown-up. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself;

accountable for more than my grades, because high-school and life showed me that we

are much more than grades: we are valuable. Today, I became accountable to the

world… to the future… to all the possibilities that life has to offer, to all the possibilities

that each one of you has to offer. Starting today, my job is to show up that I am ready;

ready for what? I don’t know! Maybe for anything, or for everything. To take on life; to

take on love; to take on friends; to take on dance; to take on the responsibility and the

possibility. Today, my friends’ lives begin, and I, for one, can´t wait for seeing that! Life

is short and opportunities are rare; so we have to protect that, and remember always

that we should hold not only the opportunities to succeed, but the opportunities to

laugh and to live. Now is the time for us to shine and leave a little sparkle wherever we

go. This is the time when our dreams came truth; now is the time for all of us becoming

people we’ve always dreamed of being. Today is the day that I have been dreaming on.

The world is waiting…our time is now!

There are things in this world that we can’t explain. Saying “have even” (because this is

not a goodbye, it will never be) is one of them. We choose different roads, but I’m sure

that we are all achieving our happiness. If I could have a chance to say three, and only

three words that must reflect the most important things which helped me to build

myself as a better person these years, I would say: Support, believe and smile.

Support, because that word is the perfect reflection of what my parents and family

were for me: always there for giving me a hand, to accept the hardest decisions of my

life and mainly, to fight with and for me, towards everything and everyone. Believe,

because it made me keep on dancing. This year, I believed that my biggest dream

might result… that maybe I could go somewhere else and build a career in dance; as a

pessimistic, I had to have someone that must be a dancer too (because a dancer’s

opinion is always more reliable) who believed in me as much as they can… in fact,

there was always one person that believed that I could reach my highest dreams, even

without the point shoes; if now I believe, it’s because that very special dancer believed

always in me first. Smile, because it reminds me of my friends, of my classmates, of all

who travelled with me in this tireless, but finite journey; those who have grown-up

with me… those who cried, who laughed, who shared moments and were part of those

moments too; those people who always made me smile; those were the most

important bricks to build this big house of friendship in which we are all living. For now

on, we will face the world with our dreams, we will show without fear that this is what

we believe, that this is who we wanted today; and that moment starts today!