The First Five November 6, 2014 Agenda Message: Complete the Articles of Confederation worksheet...


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The First FiveNovember 6, 2014

Agenda Message: Complete the Articles of Confederation worksheet

Today’s Warm-up:1. Who was the black soldier

who was seriously wounded at the Battle of Kettle Creek?

A. Crispus AttucksB. Agippa HullC. Austin DabneyD. Frederick Douglass

2. Who were the three Georgians who signed the Declaration of Independence?A. Lyman Hall, George

Walton, & Noble JonesB. Thomas Jefferson, Henry

Ellis, & James WrightC. George Walton, Nancy

Hart, and Austin DabneyD. Lyman Hall, Button

Gwinnett, and George Walton

Unit 4: StatehoodArticles of Confederation &

Georgia Constitution of 1777 CCGPS: SS8H3a-Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the Articles of Confederation and explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to a need to revise the Articles.

Graphic Organizer: Strengths & Weaknesses of the Articles of

ConfederationStrengths Weaknesses

Articles of Confederation

• The Articles of Confederation were the 1st form of constitution for the USA.

• They were written at the same time the Declaration of Independence was written.

• It set up a system of government that divided power between the national government and the individual state governments.

• Congress was the national body of government (unicameral).

Articles of Confederation• Strengths of the Articles of Confederation were that

Congress could do the following:1. declare war2. sign treaties3. deliver mail4. create money• But the individual states had the most power. Each state

could do the following:1. collect its own taxes2. issue its own money3. support its own military4. had 1 vote in Congress

Individual State Power

Articles of Confederation• Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation were that

Congress:1. Lacked power to enforce laws2. Lacked power to levy (raise) taxes; therefore, Congress

could not repay the $42 million debt from the American Revolutionary War.

3. Lacked power to regulate (control) trade among states4. Required all 13 states to approve changes in the articles5. Lacked power to create a national military

Georgia Constitution of 1777

Weaknesses of the Georgia Constitution of 1777:• Unicameral legislature (1 house legislature)• This single legislative body had too much power:1. Selected the judges for the judicial branch (the

courts)2. Elected the governor, not the citizens of

Georgia• Governors were served a 1-year term under this

state Constitution

Georgia Constitution of 1777• John Treutlen was the state of Georgia’s

1st Governor.

Ticket Out the Door

1. What were four weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

2. What were three weaknesses of Georgia’s Constitution of 1777?
