the flash




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Why the Flash is the strongest superhero.Firstly I would like you to read the motherfucking flash. It pretty much sums up what The Flash can do when he's fighting no-holds-barred.Secondly, we need to point out his most strongest points to drive the hammer home as to why this guy is just so fucking strong. As demonstrated several times in The Flash comics and other things, Flash has proven that as he reaches the speed of light and beyond, his body begins to acquire enough relativistic mass to punch with the force of "a white dwarf star".Now, since white dwarf stars don't actually have any kinetic force when they're just hanging around, and we're not assuming he meant "gravitational pull", we're gonna assume he means his fist has the punching power equal to the total density of a white dwarf star. The average density of a white dwarf star is 1,000,000 times that of our Sun, which is equal to 1 tonnes per cubic centimeter. Let's put that into actual numbers:A normal sized matchbox made of white dwarf star would weigh about 250 tonnes.The Sun's got a density of 1.989110^30 kg. A white dwarf star has 1,000,000 times that, which means, without those pesky exponents, a white dwarf star, on average, has a grand total of...1,989,099,999,999,999,940,000,000,000 tonnes.That's one octillion, nine hundred eighty nine septillion, ninety nine sextillion, nine hundred ninety nine quintillion, nine hundred ninety nine quadrillion, nine hundred ninety nine trillion and nine hundred forty billion tonnes.(hehe, he said sex)"Alright", you might be thinking, "but what if the other guy gets the first punch? All you gotta do is throw the first punch and knock the son of a bitch out before he can get moving that fast."EXCEPT THAT'S NOT GONNA FUCKING HAPPEN. WANNA KNOW WHY??As specifically stated by The Flash, he can perceive events that last for less than an ATTOSECOND.That's 0.000,000,000,000,000,001 seconds.?In case you're trying to puzzle how short that is, let me tell you that it is impossible for the human brain to comprehend how small of a time frame that is just by looking at it, so I'm gonna lay down some facts for some context:12 attoseconds is the shortest measurable amount of time possible.In a single second, light can travel across the Earth about 7.5 times. In a single attosecond, it wouldn't make it from the end of an atom to the other.An attosecond to a regular second is what a regular second is to 31.71 billion years; twice the age of the universe.And he said it was less than an attosecond.Now that we've understood how impossibly fast an attosecond is, try to imagine trying to be some other superhero other than Flash trying to move that fast. Assuming The Flash is going to start running the instant he can, at the speed required to prepare his Infinite Mass Punch (faster the speed of light), he'd be able to win the battle seven times over before you can even finish your last thought.Now, all we know is that it goes around the Earth 7.5 times a second. He only needs to be moving at the speed of light to unleash the IMP. So let's assume he's unleashing it the second he gets the chance.The earth is 25,000 miles at its widest. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second.25,000/186,000 = 0.1344Now putting that into units of time, that's 134 milliseconds. The Flash, will win the fight in approximately 134 milliseconds if he unleashes his Infinite Mass Punch the moment he can."But wait, didn't Superman beat The Flash in a ton of races they had together?"No need to go into details about this one, because as shown in Flash: Rebirth #3 he proved he was much, much faster than Superman and that he was only letting the races be even remotely close "for charity".Now, enough about the Infinite Mass Punch. Let's talk about regular punches. If The Flash is throwing punches at the speed of light, and if we're assuming you and him are about one foot away, he is landing a single punch every nanosecond. In one second, he'd have punched you approximately one billion times. A regular person would be dead several hundred times over. A regular superhuman, like Superman, would also die with that many punches.Superman's supertough skin doesn't apply here, as you could smash anything into pieces with enough punches. A few more seconds and even insanely strong superheroes like Doomsday or Juggernaut will be dead. Combined with his superhuman perception, there is no hope to counterattack.Now I know what you're thinking: "Hah, jokes on you, I know my DC Comics and The Flash can't hold a candle to Darkseid, if he has Anti-Life equation!"What is the Anti-Life Equation for all you guys who aren't into DC Comics? Well, a villain known as Darkseid is looking for a mathematical proof that, when spoken, makes anyone realize that life is completely and utterly pointless, and according to Oracle (a cripple who serves as a computer geek for Batman), the Anti-Life Equation further states that the only point in anything is to conform to Darkseid's will.In writing, the Anti-Life Equation is "loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth mockery condemnation misunderstanding guilt shame failure judgment. n=y where y=hope and n=folly, n=y where y=love and n=lies, n=y where y=life and n=death, n=y where n=self y=dark side".Flash Fact: That last part about self=dark side is what makes you believe the only point in anything is to serve Darkseid.Anyway, the joke is still on you, since The Flash has the power to negate the motherfucking Anti-Life Equation.Yeah, you heard me. All that math bullshit about how "darkseid is kul u should listen to him"? Doesn't fucking work on The Flash.WHY?Well, you got me there. But it's happened. Here's a scan of the page, and the series is apparently titled One Perfect Moment: The Return of Barry Allen, but I can't find the full comic, or a reason why kissing her worked. Hell, I don't even know if there's anything more than just the one page.But regardless, The Flash (Barry Allen at the time) reversed the effects of the Anti-Life Equation on his wife (Iris Allen) by kissing her.The Flash is such a good kisser he gives people a reason to live.?Let's recap.He punches with kinetic force equal to 1.989110^36 tonnes.As explained in this moderately off topic video, if an object that weighs 10 quadrillion tonnes is dropped from a person's hand onto the ground, an explosion equal to the Chicxulub meteor impact is created. Now, doing the math, we learn that the Infinite Mass Punch hits with 1.989110^21 times that.Now that we really know what we're dealing with here, we can make a full list on whyTOO LONG: DIDN'T READ VERSIONThe Flash can punch someone with enough force to wipe out all life on Earth 1,989,099,999,999,999,940,000 times.The Flash can perceive the world in a way where even light appears frozen to him.Through quantum tunnelling, he can phase through anything.He can punch you a billion times a second.He is a really good kisser.And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why The Flash is the strongest superhero in the history of all time?