THE FOREST HILL NEWS · This past summer we learned of the news that brother Richard Taylor passed...


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Volume 44 January 3, 2017 Number 1


Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Rd

Memphis, TN 38125

Office: 901-751-2444 Info Line: 901-531-8849

Elders: Anthony D. Callahan

Warren Davenport Gregory D. Mangrum Harold D. Mangrum Keith B. McAlister

Ministers: Barry M. Grider, Pulpit Evangelist Matthew Jones,

Personal Evangelist Jordan Pugh, Youth

Sunday: Bible Study………… 9:30 A.M. Morning Worship.… 10:30 A.M. Afternoon Worship….1:30 P.M.

Wednesday: Bible Study ……….. 7:00 P.M.



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Jean  Harville  Taylor  1936-­‐2016  

I remember very well my first visit to the campus of the Memphis School of Preaching in the summer of 1990. At that time the school was located on the grounds of the Knight Arnold church over in the Parkway Village section of the city. The first person I met was the very friendly and efficient Jean Taylor, secretary of the school. At that time she had already served in that position for over 20 years. Once I was accepted in the school and enrolled that Fall, sister Jean was there again to show me the house where I would be living, along with two other young preachers. She had purchased a nice sofa for us and in my bedroom there was bed frame and two mattresses. It was just in her nature to be like a mother to us and make sure we had the household items we needed. I felt a special friendship with sister Taylor, which continued even after I graduated and began my work with the Knight Arnold congregation. She and her husband, Richard, a deacon at Knight Arnold, was a source of constant encouragement to me from the beginning of my work as a minister. I remember when I returned to fill the pulpit in 2000, no one seemed more pleased than sister Taylor. During the year that followed, she and I led the Restoration Studies Tour together, and we had a great time. As secretary of the school, sister Taylor did not have the advantages of technology like today. Countless hours were spent toiling over records, bills, and forms that had to be completed. She worked patiently and tirelessly assisting the elders and MSOP directors, brethren Hearn and Cates. Despite the love she and Richard had for the school, it had long been their desire to move back to her home area of Glen, Mississippi, upon their retirement. At a dinner held in their honor in 2001, during the MSOP lectureship, and not long before their move, brother Cates wrote the following in the program for that special evening:

Her dedication to and love for the work of the School can hardly be described. When asked what she considers to have been very rewarding about her work, she stated: “Seeing everybody go out and do their best in reaching souls; working with the students and their wives; being amazed at the number of baptisms and restorations, papers printed and sent out, work on the radio, et. al. reported by the graduates of the School in a questionnaire some years ago; seeing the graduates’ sons now coming through the School.”

On that special occasion, I was honored to speak and express my thoughts about this wonderful couple. I, also, read a poem I composed for “Miss” Jean that you may read on page 2 of this bulletin. This past summer we learned of the news that brother Richard Taylor passed away. A large contingent of faculty and students attended his funeral at the New Hope Church. Sister Taylor was so pleased to see all of us. On Friday, December 23, she passed away at the age of 80. Likewise, her service was conducted a few days later and she was laid to rest beside Richard in the little cemetery located on the church grounds. Our prayers are extended on behalf of their two daughters, Terry and Shirley, and all other family members. We are comforted knowing, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints” (Psalm 116:15). Barry

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[Editor’s Note: The editor composed the following poem that he read at the retirement dinner for sister Taylor.]

“Miss Jean” (Dedicated to Jean Taylor)

What a joy it is, really a thrill, To spend my days working with the church at Forest Hill,

I love it so much, I often dream Of staying around here as long as “Miss Jean.”

As each day begins we toil for the Lord. Together we work all in one accord,

Ever looking for insight so keen, We hover around the desk of our beloved “Miss Jean.”

A student needs this, the instructors need that, Typing and calls and forms need filled out.

Some problems ought really to go to the dean, But whom do they call upon, none other than “Miss Jean.”

She’s sweet, and she’s gentle, and really very kind, That’s how she is most of the time.

You will find when you cross her she can seem mean, Don’t worry about it, it’s just “Miss Jean.”

The sun is now setting, everybody’s going home, We’re tired and weary right down to the bone,

But as the evening shadows gather, how often I’ve seen, A light shining in the window, it must be “Miss Jean.”

Can it really be true, after all these years, She’s leaving the school, and the joy and the tears?

What shall we do with an incomplete team? You are so special - don’t leave, “Miss Jean”!

When I got to Heaven and entered the great throne room, I was ever so thankful life didn’t end at the tomb,

And then to be seated at the banquet table of the redeemed, I just knew taking up tickets would be “Miss Jean.”!

Then I remembered the words of the Lord, The servant on earth shall be first He implored,

So I was not surprised when I glanced at the King, Seated next to Him was none other than “Miss Jean”!

Barry M. Grider

Ten Commandments of a Caring Church Glenn I. Hitchcock

1. Thou shalt reverently enter the assembly on time, respecting other worshippers (1 Cor. 14:40; Heb. 10:23-25).

2. Thou shalt be given to worship and not entertainment (Mat. 4:10; John 4:24).

3. Thou shalt clean up thine own mess and shall return Bibles and songbooks in their proper places— before returning to thine own place (1 Cor. 14:40).

4. Thou shalt visit with thy guests and strangers as a first priority. Rush not past them. Best friends can and should wait (Mat. 25:34-36; Lk. 19:10; Gal. 6:10).

5. Thou shalt apply the lessons of the Bible to thine own life first and be thou ready to answer questions (Mat. 7:3-5; 2 Tim. 2:15; 1 Pet. 3:15).

6. Thou shalt not regard the person of children as insignificant — they regard influence and so should thee (Mark 9:42; Rom. 14:7; Eph. 6:4).

7. Thou shalt not forget to financially support the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Cor. 8:21; 9:6).

8. Thou shalt not be idle with the message of salvation to family, friend, or foe (Mark 16:15-16; 2 Tim. 2:2; 1 Pet. 2:17).

9. Thou shalt not lose thine heart when thou art contesting with Satan or his children (Rom. 1:16; 8:35-39; 1 Pet. 5:8; James 4:14).

10. Thou shalt not forget to model after thine caretaker (Phil 2:5-9; 1 Pet. 5:7).

NOTES OF APPRECIATION Forest Hill Church of Christ, Thank you for your gift of toys for our patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. One of the biggest comforts and blessings our families say they have is the knowledge that countless people across America truly care for them. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Sincerely, Jacqueline Harris, Dir ECC Services St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Dear Forest Hill, We would like to say “Thank you” to each one who donated cards and gifts to our platoon of 100 soldiers fighting in the middle East. Your outpouring of love and generosity will, no doubt, be appreciated by all who received them. Sincerely, Lynn & Evan Manning

UPCOMING EVENTS 58th ANNIVERSARY of the Knight Arnold/Forest Hill congregation and Homecoming, Sunday, January 8. A fellowship meal will follow the morning service. ZONE 5 is responsible for set-up and clean-up. ZONE 6 is responsible for supplying drinks and set-up, serve and clean-up the drink area. TUESDAY MORNING LADIES’ and MEN’S CLASSES will resume January 10, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. We will meet for breakfast at Cracker Barrel at 8:45. NEW SERMON SERIES beginning Sunday, January 16. Brother Grider will preach a series of messages during the afternoon service centered on the theme, “In God’s House.” ELDERS, DEACONS & PREACHERS PLANNING SESSION Saturday, January 21 at 8:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall.

2017 MSOP Lectureship, March 26-30. 2017 VBS June 5, 6 & 7.

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Andy Ammons Bob Bergstrom John Pope Irwin Thomas

Raymond Pipkin Francis Fairley Wayne Sanders Jack Woods






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OUR SICK Betty Jones is scheduled for surgery later this week. Avis Terry, Kirby Pines Rehab. ILL AT HOME: Tish Clarke, Kathy Maund, Anessa McLaurin, Diane Ray and Isaiah Thomas.

INFORMATION LINE: 901-531-8849

PLACED MEMBERSHIP: C.J. Stafford and Lindsay Roscoe will be married in April. Their permanent address will be: 6618 Cedarbrook Lane, Apt 2, Memphis, TN 38134. C.J.: 918-935-9951, Lindsay: 765-744-8891.

90th BIRTHDAY Just over a year ago sister Vada Rice moved to Chattanooga to be closer to two of her daughters. Friday, January 6, she will celebrate her 90th birthday. If any of our readers would like to send birthday greetings, her address is: 760 Wildflower Lane, Chattanooga, TN 37419.


KIRBY PINES Retirement Community worship service each fourth Sunday 8:00-8:45 a.m., conducted by Forest Hill. Our next service will be Sunday, January 22. LEGACY ESTATES worship service each Sunday afternoon 3:00 p.m. conducted by Forest Hill.

If you are unable to lead prayer or serve at the Lord’s table, please contact Cedric Huff or Paul Connell.

RECORD, WEEK of January 1, 2017

CORNERSTONE Unscramble the letters in each word below to reveal

the passage of scripture.


Solution next week

Last week’s solution: But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. II Peter 3:8-9

Phil Houston Robert Jeter Warren Davenport Adam Maund

Bessie Berry Ann Castleman Virginia Ditto Hazel Eskew Tommy & Nell Herndon Anita Hopper


Albert & Ruth House Clarine Justice Ryan McCullar Helen Palazola Jerry & Betty Robbins James Terry

Page 4 The Forest Hill News January 3, 2017

The Forest Hill News Forest Hill Church of Christ 3950 Forest Hill-Irene Road

Memphis, TN 38125

Address Service Requested

From the Preacher Happy New Year and welcome to 2017. I pray that your holiday season was enjoyable and that you are ready to enter the Lord’s service as we begin a new year for Him. This coming Sunday our annual Homecoming will take place. This is always conjoined with the anniversary of the congregation. The Forest Hill church was started on Knight Arnold Road in 1959, hence, this marks our 58th year of service to our Lord, our brotherhood, and our community. As in year’s past, we are looking forward to visitors being a part of the service, including some who were past members. A fellowship meal will take place between the morning and afternoon services. For many years our young people have been ringing in the new year at the home of Keith and Annette McAlister. Since this year the new year began at 12 a.m. Sunday, the celebration did not take place until New Year’s night after our Lord’s day worship services were completed. I express our great appreciation to the McAlister family, not only for the service rendered by brother Keith as one of our shepherds, but, also, for the love and example they have constantly provided for our young people for many years. During this new year we look forward to several big events that need to be marked on our calendars. Our annual MSOP lectureship will take place March 26-30. Our encouraging theme will be, “Build Your Hopes On Things Eternal.” Vacation Bible School is June 5-7. And we are pleased to announce that brother Neal Pollard, evangelist of the Bear Valley Church of Christ in Denver, Colorado will preach in our gospel meeting set for November 12-15. The preceding Saturday, November 11, Neal’s wife, Kathy, will be our guest speaker for the annual Ladies Day. All of these opportunities can help us grow in our faith through study of the word, which is how faith is produced and nurtured (Rom. 10:17). On Sunday, January 16, I look forward to beginning an afternoon series entitled, “The House of the Lord.” Prayerfully this study will help deepen our affection for Christ and His church. God bless you all with good health and happiness in this new year.

