The full circle wish of our Maker Unitary 4.0 part 1


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The full circle wish of our Maker

Unitary 4.0 part 1

A publicly answered 17 year prayer

This is the energy and vitality needed for 2 finger push-ups of Bruce Lee

An unobstructed 4 month experience

Wishing for a more loving and individually Awakened world for my

daughter, this idea of a healing arts contest was given to me, to act as

a vehicle delivering authentic healing arts systems and indigenous

wisdom from around the world

Although the author has practiced and taught countless forms and has

read 100’s of books teaching the healing arts, this uniting message is

for the beginner and expert equally.

These are the actual letters addressed to our highest offices; the

leaders of government, media, and religious communication, all fell

on deaf ears to show the reader the root of the problem,” there is

money in our lack of health & self-awareness”

There will be abundance for each of us when our divinity is known by

all, that is why this prayer has been publicly answered

Unitary The Kung Fu of All Games

Playing this Game Will Increase Happiness. We’re Positive

You will be reading the promotion of the first game, which created this 2nd


Important definitions:

Guru – Sanskrit ;gu-destroyer, ru-darkness, destroyer of darkness

or ignorance, a spiritual teacher

Ve- Latin-meaning life

Healing Art - inspired from above or the heart and achieved here

on earth. Music, dance, sports, religion etc. should all be

considered healing arts when service of the all is maintained.

Yoga - Union of human, the Creator, and creation

Kung Fu - Excellence over time, always improving, never ending,

to know what to do

Chi kung or Chi qong - Energy work, circulating and storing

energy-after healing themselves, all practitioners can help heal


33 - double mystical strength

27 - important, three times the divine nine

17 - spiritual perfection, the perfection of spiritual order

13 - authors birth number, 9&4 Devine full circle, and more..

12- faith, of the church

11 - Spiritual messenger, rebirth and renewal

10 - completion of cycle

9 - heaven, divine

8 - Infinite, business success

7 - rest, completion, Mother earth

6 - down

5 - up

4 - United, full circle

3 - sacrifice, purest love, eternal giver to humanity,

mysticism, Jesus

2 - The spiritual and the physical world

1 - “the one thing” for each individual to define for themselves


START Letters to the White House

Letter # 1: November 4, 2011

Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Obama:

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. I and millions of people around the world are

extremely grateful for all that you both do. With great love from my 1 year old daughter and 33

years of study in 1995, my wife and I created a national contest of general and self awareness

(enlightenment). This involves learning:

1. The healing arts (yoga, chi gung, kung fu);

2. Traditional medicine of both India and China; and

3. Indigenous wisdom from every continent.

This literary contest or game is simple. Five hundred health tips, 3 are harmlessly

false. Through group and/or individual effort toward self-improvement, contest winners are

revealed. Three books, 3 audio tapes and 3 video tapes are placed now on one CD. This is all

we need to have the roots of the most important world knowledge and wisdom in one

place. Polished, delivered and made available free for all beings provided by the great nation,

the United States of America. Once understood all good corporations will want to

participate. Re-inspired during a workout in Maui, man’s greatest health sciences, this idea -

Unitary (copyrighted) has been reborn. Unitary meaning undivided whole should be

administered from the top down. I have no interest in fame and financial gain. My only interest

is the Health and Happiness of my fellow man.

Getting things done is the energy I feel from you; if you let me show this to some knowledgeable

people of human health. I am certain you will be pleased with the unlimited potential for good

news and great energy you and Unitary create.

“A healthy spirit cannot get sick.” Native American Wisdom. “A boy becomes a man when he

sees the whole world with his heart.” Native African Wisdom. “Ignorance equals

illusion.” Native Tibetan Wisdom.

Currently with many health concerns our nation needs to improve our mental, physical and

spiritual health. Unitary’s faith in man’s knowledge and wisdom cannot be criticized except by

the grossly ignorant. This information is widely available but generally unknown, other world

leaders will marvel at your respect for their generally known knowledge. With no nation

forgotten, at the stroke of a pen, the upshot of Unitary for all involved is improved peace, love

and respect. Which are all certain to follow.

I thank you both for every breath you take. I am sure some are quite difficult.

Respectfully yours, Tony C. (Phone number)

P.S. I also would love to share an idea about a national 3 sport contest involving table tennis,

golf and basketball. Sorry I was known as Mr. Game in college and would love to participate; I

already know the answers to Unitary.


Letter #2: November 11, 2011

Dear Mr. President and Mrs. Obama:

As a follow-up to my 11-4-11 letter, I would like to ask you to please imagine Unitary’s depth of

greatness as an educational tool as well as the multi-level benefits that will follow after Unitary’s

proper implementation. Participants should be playing for people they love. (To be discussed


As we all know, we need to do something fast. This is it. Please take a moment to imagine

hundreds of the most prominent authors of the Healing Arts, holy men and women, yoga

teachers, martial arts masters, indigenous tribal leaders from all continents and many major

countries and all the books and tapes they have published spending their entire life

creating. Through our tremendous infrastructure of media sharing, you can beam their mind and

integrity to every household in the country. Now let’s discuss what this will create.

Starting with indigenous wisdom necessary in raising children: 1. They should grow straight

and tall like saplings; 2. Read and tell them many stories; 3. They own nothing they share

everything; 4. A child can never raise their voice, there could be a bear or enemy tribe behind the

tree; 5. A child who cannot sit still and talk to the creator is only acting half their age. These

simple and easy to incorporate rules have been with my children since birth and now my

sophomore son carries a 4.0 GPA and is very successful in all his athletic pursuits. My daughter

has been accepted to four major universities including her first choice MSU. With this simple

awareness, here is what your common household has to look forward to. Children that are

peaceful, happy and engaged in self improvement. Please imagine how many parents would be

extremely grateful to you both for making their lives enjoyable rather than stressful. The same

principle works for us as adults.

A definition of fun is “anything that makes us feel good.” There is nothing yet discovered that

makes us feel better than the Healing Arts. From the very first day of practice, subtle and

profound positive changes occur in the mind, body and spirit. When practice is done with

sincere effort, we soon are no longer burdened with afflictive emotions such as anger, jealousy,

envy, depression, sloth, anxiety and self doubt. All melt away leaving the practitioner or game

participant compassionate for all beings, connected to all things and happy for the success of

everyone and everything.

(Continuation of Unitary) If we just look at the darkest side, suicide, for a moment. The

Chinese have a saying “if you want to be happy, do Chi Gong.” Not one suicide victim was

practicing Chi Gong. The same could be said for all the Healing Arts, however happiness is the

most noticeable as a result of practicing Chi Gong. Try to imagine how many thousands of lives

we could save each year. Think of how many sad or troubled people we could completely

transform into happy well adjusted proactive people. Please know this simple Kung Fu saying

“knives sharpen on stone, man sharpens on man.”

Unitary’s current form is just an outline of the greatest human healing project ever in man’s

history. With little writing knowledge while experiencing Unitary’s birth (6 days to create

Unitary), I knew that every word is subject to change and I needed an enlightened female to help

me soften and sharpen the work. Now, I realize Unitary’s perfection would require a gathering

of all the experts described earlier. This would then become the most worthwhile and mutually

beneficial gathering of men and women ever. We are doing nothing wrong in the U.S. with what


we have, however, like a child or a new country, we need a little nudge.

Please look forward to a grateful American culture. Everyone will be grateful to you for

listening to one fellow basketball man’s plea for help. All participants will require less

medication (if any) and they will learn to control their mind, health, weight and happiness. It is

just that simple.

If there has ever been anyone who could sell this idea to America it are you. In my 50 years, I

have never heard anyone communicate more clearly and effectively. I applaud your hard work

and discipline. Without your help, children and adults will continue to suffer and all we can do

is pray. With your help, for those who help themselves, suffering will be eliminated. This will

lead us to be more grateful to you than any leader in modern history. With your interest and

implementation of Unitary, we have a real probability to truly God Bless America.

Thank you for your attention and all the service you both do. I hope to hear from you soon. I

look forward to a game of “HORSE.”

Tony C.

Just some background on my wife and I --- I am a graduate of Northern Illinois University and

have studied many types of Healing Arts. I was a starting quarterback and point guard in high

school. Third in conference in scoring, behind Glenn “Doc” Rivers by two points. In 1999 was

Player of the Year and Leading Money Winner on Chicagoland’s largest golf tour. I also

introduced the Goji berry to some of the prominent health professionals of the BigTen. My wife,

Janet, is a CPA and attorney and also a graduate of Northern Illinois University and The John

Marshall Law School.

Letter #3: November 15, 2011

Dear President and Mrs. Obama:

As a follow up to our 11-4 and 11-11 letters, the United States may just have the most Healing

Arts. Through experiential knowledge of the Healing Arts we learn to identify them. With

implementation of Unitary we will remind our Country and the World of thousands of

enlightening messages we have to offer. Songs, movies, great speeches, poetry, sports, dance,

exercise systems, sermons, religious texts, documentaries, flower arrangements, scientific

disciplines, art etc., etc., etc., can be Healing Arts if created with a pure heart and good

intentions. Without teacher knowledge (experiential knowledge) of the Healing Arts your

readers of these letters are no smarter than a 5th


At the same time, I was hand delivering this idea to a corporate headquarters of a company that

was interested in improving the overall health of their customers; the true author had the sun

express a geomagnetic storm directly at the earth 13 times the size of earth. This storm knocked

out two satellites over Asia. By this time I had experienced so much synchronism that I was

unappreciative and tired of writing about them. Because not one person, including myself, fully

understood the Healing Arts at this company it went nowhere. I pray the US government is not

this ignorant. Synchronism after our 11-11 letter was far more impressive and precise than ever

before (to be shared orally, I don’t know to whom I am writing, can't wait to tell you” how big

our Creator is”. Thanks Joel Osteen.) I am certain this is the right thing to do otherwise our

Father would not have gone to these new lengths to get our attention.


At 33 years old perfectly healthy and teaching the Healing Arts, I nearly died trying to deliver

Unitary, patiently for 16 years and 9 months I have trained and waited for mother earth and

farther sky to direct my efforts. They are directing me to you. With all my heart I am asking my

Government to please assemble a panel of authors and teachers so that we may reveal to you the

absolute treasurer of an idea we have been given. Without faith, your smartest person will not

know the gift they have received. With complete faith your staff will be jumping for joy. I

thank and praise the Creator for Unitary every moment of my life. With your help so will

everyone else. We will not be able to start this massive healing wave without your seal of

approval and Executive Order. Here is how Unitary’s timeless and repeatable principles have

worked in coaching. After NIU went 0-23 approximately ten years ago, I taught the lineman

some Kung Fu. I don’t think they have had a losing season since. In my coaching, two perfect

undefeated seasons in basketball, three of three championship seasons in football including in

year three 9-0 record, never losing in any game, and only one punt for the entire

season. Captaining these efforts and conceived during the creation of Unitary my son James

golden birthday is tomorrow. Please help me give him and your beautiful daughters the kind and

awakened world they deserve. American is now being given this amazing opportunity to

become the Worlds’ leader in spiritual, mental and physical health. This idea is the salt of our

spiritual being. If we blow it off and not take it seriously without this salt our souls will continue

to suffer. Prepare to take this seriously and then you and the US will be exalted beyond

measure. Believe there is a man from the heart of America who’s only mission is to reduce

world suffering. Received in today’s mail, I would like to quote my current favorite author Sri

Paramahansana Yogananda "We must work hard and be the messengers of light, spreading

divine love and brotherhood around the world. It is our task as the children of God to strive to

preach and to live brotherhood and to spread that spirit of love." I am ready to be at your

service. I just need your ear.

Sut Nam (I am truth), Tony C. (phone number)

Letters to the Media Giant

Letter #4: November 27, 2011

Dear Mass Media Giant:

This letter is to the editors and writers of Politics, Health and Religion. We feel we have a

breaking story for all three of you with possibly many stories to follow. We are going to attempt

to explain a spiritual union that has been documented and been taking place over the last 16

years and 9 months. We feel this could be great news for many who are seeking hope and

spiritual awakening. At this time of our greatest despair we are being readied for a

magnanimous spiritual epiphany.

Almost seventeen years ago I was kicking the air while showing this idea to Rick, Chief Editor

of Tempo. Today I will sit peacefully and show you a very public conclusion that comes as

close as the Creator will come to proving his existence, while still keeping us all faithful.

I am certain everyone employed by the Media Giant could have written these eighty pages or so

better than I. Perhaps the window washer or cleaning lady could have done a better job.

However, it is not the skill of the writing I am promoting. The wisdom of man and the nearness


of the Creator is the reality I wish to propel. Most authors I know read are trying to do the same

things, but this particular way has never been attempted.

Maybe this type of awakening happens frequently in Asia or India, however, I am unaware of

any American synchro-mysticism. This new idea concludes almost perfectly naming the mystic

and who we are becoming while simultaneously reminding us in the greatest fashion of the full

circle consciousness “He” is requesting. The Media Giant play a big role in this individual

awakening, my single vision and wish is that the Media Giant helps propel true health and

vitality while reducing ignorance and suffering of all Americans. Even the world if we can get

our government to be unified in their concern for world peace and our perfect health.

Enclosed you will find three letters directed to the President. This is an attempt to challenge our

government to be leaders in Peace, not just defense. Those who are wise know that Peace has

the most power. These three letters represent only a fraction of what Unitary is intended to do.

When Unitary was created, I felt as through the United States was reaching the kali stage where

wealth is a virtue, people become famous for nothing or evil deeds and relations between a man

and a woman becomes merely sexual. Today it is clear that compared to 1995, we have reached

even higher levels of immoral behavior and deviant activity. Unitary was created to help these


“ The highest degree of prophecy is not when one hears the Creator speaking to them in actual,

physical speech. That would be a far lower degree of prophetic experience designated for

someone who would not otherwise be capable of receiving divine communication. For divine

communication emanates from the mind of the Creator, filtering through all the phases of soul

consciousness until it resonates within the very persona of the recipient who must then translate

spirit resonance into physical verbiage. The more direct experience of the Creator actually

speaking words in the physical sense is, therefore, known as BAHT/KOL, literally: “daughter of

the voice.” Meaning a secondary, indirect experience of the actual communication from

Almighty. .” 16th

Century Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Chapter 32, Sheey’ur Ko’mah.

A meeting to finish what started with Rick is all I ask. I can be reached at (phone number).

With so many people knowingly and unknowingly suffering, a prompt response would be greatly


Tony C. (phone number)

Letter # 5: December 5, 2011

Dear Media Giant, Millions of children are beaten by frustrated unaware parents, millions of

human beings are now locked in cages, mostly due to desperation of one form or another.

Millions are crying right now, because I could not find a way to get this healing message to the


Knowing almost 17 years of a cure and unable to find an important person whom knows of the

medicine I speak has been very hard. There are many reasons I chose the Media Giant;

intelligence, hard working, good ethics, now we learn of the Media Giant’s unequaled concern

and compassion for their fellow man.

Americans can learn to self heal, it just needs to be organized. Yoga is not just for the muscles, it


is to unite us to the energy that gave us Unitary. Mudra or mantra are essential but currently

unknown to most, the best part is, these are the two easiest forms of Yoga.

World energy is unbalanced, the east has our technological wisdom from a calm and balanced

root. A small % of us are trying eastern healing arts, however most are still afraid of what they

do not understand. Americans have worked so hard making every-ones life easier, to reduce

suffering, we just need to properly apply eastern knowledge to the great western mind.

If this work is not for the Media Giant please let me know, the end is so perfect I could take it


In case of difficulty try this "abnee wabo hosbee a-na" . This powerful Hebrew chant brings

great help to any problem. Thank you for my first job and hopefully my last.

Tony C (phone number)

Letter # 6: December 9, 2011

Dear Media Giant: On page 27 of Ray Berry's The Spiritual Athlete, (required reading in 1995's

Unitary) Swami Vivekananda preached his first sermon in Chicago at the WORLD'S

PARLIAMENT OF RELIGIONS. The following is a quote from Vivekananda's Chicago


. . . if there is ever to be a universal religion, it must be one which will have no location in place

or time; which will be infinite, like the God it will preach, and whose sun will shine upon the

followers of Krishna and of Christ, on saints and sinners alike; which will not be Brahminic or

Buddhistic, Christian or Mohammedan, but the sum total of all these, and still have infinite space

for development; which in it catholicity will embrace in its infinite arms, and find a place for

every human being, from the lowest groveling savage not far removed from the brute, to the

highest man towering by the virtues of his head and heart almost above humanity, making

society stand in awe of him and doubt his human nature. It will be a religion which will have no

place for persecution or intolerance in its polity, which will recognize divinity in every man and

woman, and whose whole scope, whose whole force, will be centered in aiding humanity to

realize its own true, divine nature. This is, in short, the message of Vivekananda.

Please remember all possibilities

Tony C. (Phone number)


Letters to the World Parliament of Religions

Letter #7: December 11, 2011

Dear Council members, I would love to volunteer for your organization. I feel like I have been

for the past 17 years but did not know about your organization.

I have made several attempts to communicate a spiritual union. See attached letters to the U.S.

Government and the Media Giant. I was able to package this for the 9th grade. Even my friends

whom have not finished high school understand this effort, while people at important levels

ignore it. This really makes me want to help your organization.

I will contact you next week to see whom may have time to get together. Thanks for your

consideration and your past efforts.

Tony C. (phone number)

Letter # 8: December 14, 2011

Dear Amelia,

We are very grateful that you and Matt took the time to sit with us today. Both being busy we

felt we came to the right place. The holy ones brought my full of grace and silent witness wife

and I, to both of you, you must be great people.

The Creator is so thoughtful, omnipresent, and nice that if you just read the last 8 pages you both

will understand that religion is the ultimate healing art; that's why "he" "she" saved it for last. All

the pages prior to the government letters are very similar to the last 8 pages, these last 8 pages

are the clearest summation with the help the Above and Below that I could articulate.

I meant to show you how today's hopefully historical meeting was Identified by the Creator.

Today's FRONT PAGE of the newspaper had an 8"x 8" article and picture titled Snowy Owl

Invasion. Referencing Ted Andrew's Animal Speak (one of my many Bibles) the Owl represents

magic, prophecy, wisdom, vision, as well as the darkness within. To the Greek the Owl was

associated with the goddess Athena and was a symbol of higher wisdom. On page 180 ( meaning

Devine with the full circle) Mr. Andrews writes specifically of the Snowy Owl, stating this Owl

has the power of prophecy and spirit while teaching us a sense of timing. The Mass Media could

not have picked a better cover for this seemingly endless Holy effort. Unitary is simply designed

to teach us how the Creator works infinite miracles.

Thanks again for seeing us without an appointment, I hope thru yours and Matt's understanding

the next time I'll be invited. In the meantime I would be honored to volunteer for your

organization in any capacity you may need.

Gratefully yours, Tony C.


The 1st half of Synchronicities- Unitary 4.0

The following synchronicities change this from a man talking about divinity to a householder holy man living it.

These synchronicities prove that this is the right thing to do. No human alive could put this together without the

Healing Arts and Listening to a healthy inner voice.

11-11-11: 6:10 am Sent 2nd

letter to the White House

Mentioning Michigan State in Basketball before the public knew Obama is on a ship playing basketball

with Michigan State

Jim Morrison leading the Singapore open that day; (first sentence in Unitary) Jim Morrison finish 8th

A man surfing the biggest wave in history

All the same day --- the white house was shot -- 800 yards away, Obama kisses unknown soldier , my

name in Unitary. Mr. PC.US. Mr. pure consciousness, unknown soldier

Next day bull has head in tire for approx. 20 hours\author born in the year and month of the bull

Obama is heading to Asia for Asian conference with 17 leaders

Tiger finishes 3rd the messiah of golf reminds us of 3

Singapore open finish GF Castellano (go for -the authors name ) wins the most memorable playoff ever

weather-wise (needed two days to complete two holes)against another young star named Pagan;

Castellano holds up a trophy with 4 men hitting a golf ball in all four directions. Even the trophy maker

concept is touched by the creator. Story told best orally

11-27-11 Letter to Media Giant 10:00AM:

Finding out thru Dr. OZ, whom I had meant to mention, this is the hospital medicine delivery time. Sent

letter to the Media Giant completing the circle of 16 years and 9 1/2 months. The 27th in the Buddhist

tradition is the most auspicious number and the game should be in front of the media on that day.

10:09 A.M. Ann Arbore, MI sales call that was Krishna (ref. Bhagavad-Gita) . Within one hour of sending

the letter to the Media Giant, a man named Henry Otto becomes the 101st South African winner in the

European PGA tour in the 101st playing of the South African open. If we study the number 11

surrounded by the full circle we would understand Unitary. My finest playing golf buddy Jason called

me that he had a smart Indian client read the letters to Obama. It was my first call in all this time that

someone actually liked my writing. The USA wins the world cup of golf reminds us that we can be the

leaders in PEACE. Alex Creacha plays great, stays in the Unitary-21. Henry Otto has his own parishioners

and is a man of Faith. Perhaps the only professional golfer to be also considered a preacher. The letter

H and the name Otto are to remind us that the Creator, Christ and the full circle consciousness are one.

H is the 8th letter of the alphabet and the Otto is two crosses surrounded by two circles reminding us

that from Singapore to South Africa, China to the United States Christ consciousness is surrounding us

and has been surrounding us. I should have known this all along for there is an approximately 25 foot

triple wooden cross in my back yard placed by a power company. The POWER comes from ------ you tell

us. Maybe we just need to self heal and study more.

Tebow wins fourth in a row. NIU Football wins MAC Championship with a resurrection-like comeback

and Go-Daddy Bowl Champions(?); NIU basketball 0-11 showing how just a few drops of Kung Fu or any

refined marital art can shake your world.


Priest in Mitch Album’s television movie “Have a Little Faith,” real name is Anthony (Cass) Castellow,

throwing a Hebrew letter at the end of Castelluccio, I thought the Creator was just showing off.

J. Olsteen Psalm 9012. Teach us to number our days.

If and when we love the Creator with all our heart, there will be no reason or room to fear him.

If “he” remembered my opened heart wish, for a health game, think of how much more “he” could do

for your opened heart wishes.

12-7-11 : After a summer long hiatus, I spent the afternoon with Marilyn Jackson, a very spiritual widow

that after 6 years is still grieving. Sony by song, we listened to the Buddhist monks, a CD I hope is the

title track for Unitary. We read the song purpose before every song and repeated several if necessary.

After one of the greatest afternoons I can remember, I came home to see Jeopardy. Two players named

Tony and Bernstein were next to each other. I thought about my friend Stan Bernstein, my Jewish

marine buddy. The next day Marilyn told me her maiden name was Bernstein. I still can’t figure out

how “she” does it.

12-9-11 1:30 p.m. Lastly and most importantly religion has always been very personal to me. How one

perceives this subject and his or her relationship with the all could be as varied as DNA, atoms,

fingerprints, flowers, trees, plants or even the almost 7 billion people. If one person’s religion is a rose

and he or she sees, feels and communes with a rose, they are done. The all communicates to us from

what we love, if we don’t love others fully, love the all while practicing the Healing Arts.

2:30 p.m. Saw Nick Price from 213 yards had a center cut hole in one, it has been 11 years since

his last one. Did a thought on how to love change that shot? Only the all can know that.

12-14-11 Brought this idea to the Parliament of Religions

Of the 1,000 plus synchronisms this was the 2nd time I brought a synchronism to a meeting. On the

Media Giant’s’s front page, there was an 8”X8” article and picture titled “Snowy Owl Invasion.”

Referencing Ted Andrew’s Animal Speak (one of my many Bibles) the Owl represents magic, prophecy,

wisdom, vision, as well as the darkness within. To the Greek the Owl was associated with the goddess

Athena and was a symbol of higher wisdom. On page 180 (meaning Devine with the full circle) Mr.

Andrews writes specifically of the Snowy Owl stating this Owl has the power of prophecy and spirit while

teaching us a sense of timing. The Media Giant could not have picked a better cover for this seemingly

endless Holy effort. Unitary is simply designed to teach us how the Creator works infinite miracles for

each of us.

12-16-11 Met with marketing man from JB . They are currently playing the JB Were Masters Golf

Tournament in Melbourne, Australia at the Victoria Golf Club. This made me feel as if I picked the right

marketing representative. Victoria is my 79 year old closest Christian friend and housekeeper. I hug,

and have talked to her for many hours. She is a wonderful person. This also inspired me that I was on

the right track.

12-18-11 Alexi Thompson wins the Dubai Masters. The young 16 year old shooting star should remind

us of Kristna and Christ with the FULL CIRCLE. Did not want anyone to think the power is not with the

ladies tour. In the JB Were tournament Ian Poulter wins down in Melbourne. “I” is the ninth letter, “p”

is the seventeenth letter reminding us of the church near the Parliament of Religions and this seventeen

year effort. The western winds of 127 miles per hour and Lee Westwood, pro golfer in a dominating

fashion winning like crazy should remind us that according Kabala 365 on page 27 “if the wind is blowing

at you from the west open your heart to receive and manifest the gift of realization. Pray for healing,


for harmonizing all that is fragmented within and without.“ Please study the authorship of another

great American yogi Sri Paramahansana Yogananda; start with his autobiography and expand.

The library called Friday. I can pick up my book, Living at the Source, Yoga Teachings of Vivekanada.

The very first words are a quote eerily similar to Unitary “everything in the universe is struggling to

complete a circle to return to its source to return to its only real source , the self.” The following are

quotes from the man who started this effort 118 years ago:

Religion as a science, as a study, is the greatest and healthiest exercise that the human mind can


Soft brain men, weak minded, chicken hearted, cannot find the truth. One has to be free and as

broad as the sky.

No man is born to any religion; he has religion in his soul.

Come out into the broad light of day, come out from the little narrow paths, for how can the

infinite soul rest content to live and die in small ruts? Come out into the universe of Light.

Everything in the universe is yours, stretch out your arms and embrace it with love. If you ever

felt you wanted to do that, you have felt The Creator.

The new cycle must see the masses living the Vedanta. This will have to come through woman.

The first sign you are coming religious is that you are becoming cheerful.

Karma is the eternal assertion of human freedom. If we can bring ourselves down by our

karma, surely it is in our power to raise ourselves by it.

First, believe in this world --- there is a meaning behind everything.

You cannot believe in the Creator until you believe in yourself.

Everything must be sacrificed, if necessary, for that one sentiment, universality.

My ideal can be put into few words and that is to preach onto mankind their divinity, and how

to make it manifest in every movement of life.

I believe in reason and follow reason.

Woman have suffered for eons and that has given her infinite patients and infinite


Tell the truth boldly, whether it hurts or not. Never pander to weakness. If truth is too much

for intelligent people and sweeps them away, let them go; the sooner the better.

Stand as a rock; you are indestructible. You are the self, the Creator of the universe.

How do you know that a book teaches truth? Because you are truth and feel it. That is what

the Vedanta says. What is the proof of the Christs and Buddhas of the world? That you and I

feel them.

Various religions, bibles, Vedas, dogmas --- are all just tubs for the little plant; but it must get

out of the tub.

Do something for your souls! Do wrong if you please, but do something!

Holiness is the greatest power. Everything else quails before it.

Wherever you are, that it is the point from which you can start to the center.

Vivekananda thought #22 : “Experience is the only source of knowledge. In the world, religion

is the only science where there is no surety, because it is not taught as a science of experience.

This should not be. There is always, however, a small group of men who teach religion from


experience. They are called mystics, and these mystics in every religion speak the same tongue

and teach the same truth. This is the real science of religion. As mathematics in every part of

the world does not differ so the mystics do not differ. They are all similarly constituted and

similarly situated. Their experience is the same; and this becomes law. (6:81)”

Just so the reader knows what he or she has to look forward to; Dr. Chopra taught me a long time ago

three very important words: Sat-Chit-Ananda meaning Existence-Knowledge- Bliss reminding me of my

upbringing in the name the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hopefully the reader will see the

tremendous parallels of these two sayings.

In Swami Vivekananda’s book Vedanta, Voice of Freedom, on page 92 under Fundamentals of Religion

he names mysticism as one of the four fundamentals of religion. He defines mysticism – the assertion of

something superior to sense knowledge and reason and on page 190 in the middle of the page, he

describes something else the hardest working, most devoted readers have to look forward to. The Devi

Bhagavata gives us the following definition of the higher love (para-bhakti): “as oil poured from one

vessel to another falls in an unbroken line, so when the mind in an unbroken stream thinks of the lord we

have what is called para-bhakti or supreme love. This kind of undisturbed and ever-steady direction of

the mind and heart to the Lord, with an inseparable attachment, is indeed the highest manifestation of

man’s love for God.” (III.31-32,36,84-86). (AJC) “The returned love is exponentially greater than my


On 11-4-11 a fuse was lit. On 11-11-11 first rocket was ignited with a letter to the government. On 11-27-11 a second rocket was ignited with a letter to the media. On 12-14-11 we lit another rocket at the Parliament of World Religions. On 12-16-11 we lit another rocket by bringing this to the great communicator marketing man. For this uniting and healing rocket ship to get into orbit we are going to need at least one of these to fire. Perhaps one firing will light the rest. However, with all four firing, the ride will be a lot smoother. Once we are in orbit and have achieved this ninth grade education they have laid out for us --- just a hunch --- I think a female will launch a fifth rocket.

Peace to Mother Earth and all beings, especially the holy beings that helped me write this healing idea.

“ye shall do greater things than thee”(JC)

Part 1 OVER

The next two months of this experience provide clues to the answers, however most importantly the healing arts videos attached provide the clarity, patience, power and

strength needed for a healthy happy life.

Without significant response, for the next two months I sent more letters, many more world events are recorded as validation (considerably more than the first half) I could

not find from people here on earth, except at the end from a women named Maria.



Andrews, Ted. Animal-speak: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small. St. Paul, Minn., U.S.A.: Llewellyn Publications, 1993. Print. Berry, Ray. The Spiritual Athlete, a primer for the inner life. Olema, California, U.S.A.: Joshua Press, 1992. Print. Myren, Ann, and Dorothy Madison, eds. Living at the Source: Yoga Teachings of Vivekananda, Boston & London: Shambhala Dragon Editions, 1993. Print.

Prabhavananda, Swami and Christopher Isherwood The Song of God: Bhagavad-Gita, , New York, New York , USA: The New American Library, 1964. Print.

Winkler, Gershon. Kabbalah 365, Daily Fruit from the Tree of Life. Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.: ,Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2004. Print. Videos: TBD Musical CD’s: The Buddhist Monks, My Spirit Flies to You, Sakya Tashi Ling. Vale Music Spain, 2006.

The Sun Lama Gyurme & Jean-Philippe Rykiel, The Lama’s Chants, Songs of Awakening / Roads of Blessing.

The Moon AJC 3/3/12 APP draft complete


Unitary 4.0 Part 2 --- A Publicly Answered Prayer

Synchronicity- the doorway into the realm of divine intelligence

Letters to Dr. Chopra 1-8-12: Dear Tami, thank you for your prompt and friendly response. We are looking for support from yourself, Dr. Chopra as well as Dr. Andrew Weil for a sychro-mystic effort to help Americans realize their own divinity as well as other countries if possible. Those Apps I saw on your website would work perfect for Unitary 4.0. We have been given many signs that this is the right thing to do for the last 17 years including the last 2-month effort that we have attached where some very convincing signs have occurred. This being a very new concept, we need as much support as possible from the person who planted most all the seeds for me to build this. I felt Dr. Chopra's book "Perfect Health" should be a high school classroom reading. I memorized the tape series "Magical Mind, Magical Body" as well as the "Higher Self" back in the late 80's early 90's and taught this brilliance to Chicago-area health clubs. Perhaps the spirit of Swami Vivekananda entrained himself to me and gave me the notion I could teach my class to everyone in a "game" form. I hope you see its potential to help remove suffering wherever it is played. Thanks so much for your attention and I will contact you soon. Sincerely, Tony C. (phone number) 1-14-12 Dear Tami, Please let me take this time to thank Dr. Chopra and my Ayurvedic physician, Dr. Shambhu and explain the magical life their wisdom has enabled me to realize. When I met Dr. Shambhu he felt my right pulse saying "my gosh you're trying to save the world. What are you working on?" I said "how did you know." He then felt my left wrist and said "you see the world just like a woman." This was my first introduction to, in the flesh, Ayurveda. Please understand my ego has been trained away by Dr. Chopra years ago and the following stories "just happened" and have consistently happened since Dr. Chopra became my never actually touched; Guru. Many people don't know what led to their epiphanies. I on the other hand know exactly what trio of genius enabled hundreds of my own -- Magical Mind Magical Body, The Higher Self, and Perfect Health. Working backwards January 11th 8:00 a.m. I played four games of basketball. In the


third game I scored our first 14 points and 22-24 of our teams 30 points including the game winning three pointer. Strangely during the writing of the last 12 pages (almost two months) The creator gave me a pain free injury to my right knee. I could still golf but could not play basketball. This is perhaps the only spot on my body that has never been injured. Later that day, playing golf with my veteran buddies, Larry and Roy, I shot a 69. My lowest score all year on this course and perhaps the lowest January 11th score in the history of Chicago land. I had a 71 two days before, however, the expert and experienced green's keeper said "he had the equipment out rolling the greens for the first time every in January. Those two shots show the power of a good greens keeper. This season in team play I was part of a 17 under group on three different tournament winning teams. Once, with my wife in the group, witch is probably the biggest miracle in this entire manuscript. (Sorry, I have to make her laugh or she won't type.) In another 17 under effort, after going 6-under on the front side, we had a perfect 11 under, something, I've never seen or heard of before and perhaps will never see again. In teaching golf three of my beginning students three years in a row (2008, 2009, and 2010) had a hole in one. With only a select and small number of students, I felt this was quite magical as the odds are very far from favoring these awe inspiring moments to happen. After a determined hour on the range, one spirited and hard working student, Mickey, hit her second right in front of me, in only her second year of golf. Roy hit the 4th hole-in-one the week before I went to see Dr. Chopra. Near the turn of the century I was the first group of teachers at the busiest $8 million, 3-story range in Chicago land. Gifting us as many students as we could handle, this was a fun job. Before that I taught at Rolling Green CC where Ray Crock was a member. (Currently McDonalds are giving away millions of books in Europe. With this idea they will get all the health nuts to come into and appreciate the great job they do feeding millions.) This being my first teaching job I was sad to see hardly any teaching, within a few months I was doing 12-15 per day. This also was pure joy. Approximately four years ago I was lucky enough beat the world's current number one golfer, Luke Donald on his home course when he was a student at Northwestern; Evanston Golf Club. 71-74. He was not playing in the tough pin tournament, but he was in the group in front of me and I heard him hit some trees a few times. So the best I could, I put the pedal down and shot pretty well. To give you an idea how tough the pins were. Both our club pros shot in the high 70's. All these events were quite joyful but won't even compare to the joy we have to look forward to once we promote all the great "teachers" whom have ever lived. There is enough greatness out there to keep this game going forever. It is the Guru whom is the impetus for this work, not the humble student. With Gratitude and Faith in you that if measured would be off all charts. Tony C. P.S. My first professional job out of college was for almost four years selling revolving doors. My Dad was plant manager at Morton Salt and I spent many summers and Christmas breaks stacking salt bags. I also spent a summer with Pepper Construction and just to show you how close to the center of the earth I was, during my third year of college, I spent nine months, 13 1/2 hours a day, six days a week, taking care of


10,000 live lobsters. Try looking down at 10,000 pairs of independently moving eyeballs. Crustaceans teach us nothing gets done unless we move and act. 1-17-12 Tami, I've seen your picture, thought, thanks to our father I would send you mine. This is pretty close to what I looked like in our wedding pictures. This is Sunday the 15th results at the Sony open. Johnson Wagner's first name is Mortimer and finished at 13 under shot a 67 and ended at 267. The top 4 players had 67; the top 6 out of 7 had 67's. The next 4 players finished at minus 11 the next 4 at minus 10 finishing at 27o. Hope you’re enjoying the effort of our maker; they have worked pretty hard to be very clear on so many occasions it is almost beyond human comprehension. Last weeks score at -27 by Oosthasan shattered an all time Euro scoring record; I hope the great Doctor liked the effort for his childhood best friend, whom has a big O and a small o in his name. Peace to you Tami, and the great Doctor.

1 2 1 Johnson Wagner

-13 F -3

color info 68 66 66 67 267

T2 6 7

Carl Pettersson -11 F -3

color info 65 67 70 67 269

T2 6 5 Sean O'Hair -11 F -3

color info 67 67 68 67 269

T2 6 4 Harrison Frazar -11 F -3

color info 67 68 67 67 269

T2 1 7

Charles Howell III

-11 F -1

color info 67 67 66 69 269

T6 13


Michael Thompson -10 F -3

color info 70 65 68 67 270

T6 13

16 Brian Gay

-10 F -3

color info 69 69 65 67 270

T6 10 D.A. Points -10 F -1

color info 68 69 64 69 270

T6 5 16 Matt Every

-10 F 2 color info 66 64 68 72 270


2-5-2012 Synchronicities:

Fly to see Dr. Chopra – Death notice of Deepak’s partner Dr. David Simon

appears in the Chicago papers and I bring them with me on the plane.

12.5 inches of snow fall on Denver breaking a 103 year old record by 3 inches.

(12.5 = # of pages in part one)

A new version of the New Testament is praised by Jewish and Christian scholars

– published by Oxford University.

2-9-12: Dear Tami, yesterday I went a block away to get a haircut. I told the female barber at Supercuts, I am here to see Deepak Chopra. She had no idea who I was talking about reminding me of my 17 year intent to make him more of a household name than Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. Our healers should be way more revered than our entertainers. Countless people including a member of the Self Realization Fellowship have told me to


make my work into a book. That is not what I have been given messages to do. The small percentage of people that have read Dr. Chopra's books has not been big enough to significantly change society to a loving environment for all. American's love contests and the last 2 months effort of 12 pages would be a perfect start. All I need is a 5 minute meeting with Dr. Chopra or yourself to convey this message to him. The creator has given me a perfect life. I am not here for any reasons of the self. I am simply here to meet him and convince him that we can reduce suffering significantly with a contest. His validation, promotion and possible communication enhancement of this work would be the final step in promoting great change and a moral improvement of our culture. Then the one thing I do need rest, will be realized. Sorry to keep bothering you with all my letters but I have to do what I am compelled to do. The world will greatly appreciate any assistance you can give me. Sincerely, Tony C.

Letters to President Clinton


Dear President Clinton, thank you for your contributions to the United States and the world as a leader who shows goodwill and compassion. It is difficult this day and age to find someone who has fame, wealth and also good heart to help those who are less fortunate.

I have been given a gift of spiritual Union. During the 17 years of this union, we have been given a mystical message to create a national contest of general health, happiness and self awareness (enlightenment). This contest is meant to touch those less fortunate whom do not have access to the expensive and challenging books that are available to others improving their health, happiness and overall well-being. This contest is intended to remind us of the powers that be: and the powers we are all born with. The night after reading my 17 year old daughter dreamed she was the fifth rocket, showing that this work can be inspirational.

I have read and listened to you speak about your charitable efforts with The Clinton Global Initiative and feel this is in-line with your heartfelt mission to help others. There are two versions of Unitary --- Unitary (72 page long version) and Unitary 4.0 (12 page short version) both are literary contests including tips to improve health, happiness and self-improvement. For your reading I have attached the shorter 12 page version- Unitary 4.0 to help you better understand the intent, content and format of the game. Any suggestions on the content, structure and launching of the game are always welcome. I would appreciate your interest in helping me get this contest off the ground so we can create a better planet for all of us.


Just to give you an idea of how much the creator wants this to work, here is some of the validation through synchronization's that occurred upon completion of this writing.

1. The day after I sent this to IBM Corporation and the Noetic Society, the morning headlines read Kim Jong IL died, which had been in power 17 years exactly as long as I have been working on this project. He also claimed to 11 holes in one and 38 under par his first time golfing, 4 times better than any golfer ever. Dr. Chopra says "every creative leap in evolution has a death involved".

2. There was an earthquake in Christchurch New Zealand registering 4.0.

3. Upon arrival Carlsbad California to see Dr. Chopra, my first full day, Daniel Chopra hits two holes in one in the same round. At 67,000,000 to 1 - if we add this publicly answered prayer to the equation we would need Einstein to figure the numbers. Imagine going to the man who wrote the book on synchronicity, whom is teaching his class called Synchrodestiny , and you have 17 years of synchronicity in your briefcase.

4. There is a volcanic eruption in Sicily where my Dad's family is from.

5. A drunken man drives into a house, putting a man named Tony (the author's name) in the hospital one town away. The same town a cop named Tony confesses to his misconduct.

6. Doc River's son (his father is mentioned in unitary 4.0) hits the game winner against North Carolina, and has been the leading scorer for Duke all season.

7. The first American born Chinese NBA basketball player, Jeremy Lin, number 17 on the New York Knicks has his historic 4th game the week I am in Carlsbad. " He" had to put three people on the injured list in order for Jeremy Lin to start. Mr. Lin was the fourth string point guard before this week.

8. Novak Jokovich and Rafel Nadal have a historic Australian open tennis match at 5 hours 53 minutes equaling 13 (# of the Unitary games).

9. Tiger Woods the masia of golf is playing golf @ pebble beach with a quarterback named Tony Romo (I was an Italian quarterback named Tony).

10. Another 8 paragraphs of PGA and life synchronizations that were sent to Dr. Chopra in the 3 weeks leading to my visit.

Please know this game is promoting world wisdom and The creator. "These are just a few examples of the hundreds of synchronizations that VALIDATE Unitary and Unitary 4.0. It may be that Dr. Chopra is content with those who buy his books and/or attend his seminars, however this effort is intended for the common man and woman; those who don't have the money to go to these types of seminars or understand the value of self-study.


The reason I am looking for support in this production is because with the right HUMAN validation; health, morality and crime would be improved, leading to large proceeds going to needy charities.

Giving away my life's mission,

Tony. C. (phone number)

Additional 2-11-2012 Synchronicities:

After sending a letter to the Clinton Global Initiative, the connections were so numerous. I just started saving the whole newspaper instead of documenting as I went.

The next morning headlines read Whitney dies at 48. Her 85 debut album sold 13 million.

Michael McAndrews went to 108 funerals releasing white doves – in India 108 is very important in that it is the number of mind-body points (marma points) and the number of primordial sounds in the universe each of us are born with and should meditate upon.(primordial sound therapy)

A pair of bald eagles (our Nation’s bird) has nested for the first time since the 1880’s here in Chicago land, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation has agreed to lease 33 acres to the Chicago Police for a gun range – these two eagles ended up putting a stop to the gun range.

One year since Bear great Dave Duerson took his life, at 3:00 a.m. 2-17-11, he texted his kids that he loved them – his son Tregg reads Dave’s favorite Bible verse Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not be faint.”

Luke Donald whom is mentioned in part 2 has daughter on 11/11/11 early in the morning just like our letter to the president.

KPMG co-player Phil Mickelson wins 40th tournament -17 under. Jessica Korda wins the ladies tour at -4. Corey Pavin, strong Christian, wins his first senior tour event -11 (Game was 11 pages at this time).

Find out on TV show 60 Minutes that Adele was not allowed to speak at all for the months of November and December --- same two months we wrote this healing game.

Riots in Athens, Greece, mentioned Athena in religion letters.

China’s Vice President XI arrives at the White House – that’s the Roman numeral for 11.

A bull calf born in Kane County, Illinois, has an almost perfect heart on his forehead.

Jewel thieves (3 men) Rob Omega Jewelry Store on Michigan Avenues Magnificent Mile.


Google buys Motorola for 12.5 billion (number of pages of Unitary 4.0 – the biggest deal in Google’s’ 13 year history.

President Nixon’s 40 year anniversary, visit to China – Nixon’s meeting with Chairman Mau is the reason I was able to study Chi Gong in 1987. America’s introduction to Chi-Gong started at this time with Master Lam Kam Chuens Book, The Way of Energy.


Dear President Clinton,

Attached you will find the entire 17 year effort. The original Unitary document and Unitary 4.0, The entire effort is to promote teachers of the world's most highly regarded human health sciences. I would invite the opportunity to hear you or your staff's thoughts on this initiative. If there are any reasons that this is not an idea that has anything but good results, I would appreciate your input. A meeting or conversation with someone at your organization would be greatly appreciated.

Tony C. (phone number)

Park Ridge, Illinois

Subject: practicality of Unitary

Dear President Clinton,

Unitary was made to promote Teachers (tapes with authentic root studies of healing arts and songs) and Union with the greatest of all Teachers (synchronicity). These two main aspects of Unitary create Work and Fun. For new participants to the healing arts it will start as work and become fun. For the slightly interested in self study it will still be work and become fun sooner. Those with a solid practice it will be pure fun.

The coincidences or synchronicity will be fun for all levels right from the beginning. When we add the latest few days after sending to you this idea (we could have 10 new pages-by far the most to date) the effort will create the shock and awe effect-creating fun.

The harvest would be more inspired, productive, healthy, happy and knowledgeable people. My daughter Valerie woke up the next morning after reading exclaiming a dream”I just launched the fifth rocket” " I was giving you red pebbles you were giving me blue pebbles". We should be able to find a few CEOs whom would love to have their daughter dream of big things.


If you can find one reason why this is not a good idea I will donate my life savings to your foundation.

Thank you, Tony C. (the hopefully anonymous paperboy)

Sent 2/15/2012 Mission of Unitary

This idea has been given to all of us, instructing us individually, (using a properly administered contest), how to live a synchronized life. The only known way to achieve this dynamic and important way of being is through the study of a healing art. One person cannot be authentic in the many healing arts that is why no one person can do this alone; we are looking for the help of a major organization.

The contest has been recently completed; we just need to get a proper powerful person to help us all. We are asking for all loving brothers and sisters to please contact Please ask them to help produce this idea in order that each of us will learn of our individual power and greatness as well as approximately 1000 glimpses into the powers that be, (17 years of synchronization).

If you are interested in learning and realizing more about our CREATOR and his greatest creation---YOU: please contact the heartfelt organization named above.

Sent 2/16/2012 Benefits of Unitary

The focus of Unitary is self healing. Currently many of us were taught next to nothing in self care, resulting in a health care system that cannot keep pace with our many ills. We each are given a short time in this body to help the next generation thrive and enjoy their lives to the fullest. Unitary will place the most refined human health sciences from the best teachers on earth in our living rooms. Raise you kids with a Native American flare and they will never complain, or be overweight. Teach them peace and unimaginable vitality using the timeless wisdom of Chinese Kung Fu, show them how to prevent most all illness by learning 1 or more of the 1008 registered forms of Chi Gong. Many of them take less than 5 minutes to learn.

Let’s look at India's Yoga, currently most of us think of this as an exercise system, this will grant us about 1/10th of Yoga's potential. We forget or have not been taught the 3 m's. Mudra(hand poses) to connect us energetically to the entire solar system: Mantra, sound therapy for the entire being as well as all other beings, Meditation which should be the focus of the entire practice creating pleasant mindfulness throughout your day. There is much more to this contest; however our health is the main reason the Love surrounding us, has gifted us this idea.

If you want future generations to live free and happy without illnesses, Please contact He has had this idea for less than a week and with the 1000s of e-mail he must get, without numbers we could get buried. Let’s not get buried, let’s shine just like the SUN


2-16-12 TO BUZZ, a basketball buddy: Thanks for responding, it is hard to describe how few have had the courage to say anything. Basically we are trying to get his global initiative to help produce and organize a natl. contest. The contest is to test the readers understanding of universal spiritual laws. Using sponsorship it could be made free and still make a ton of money for those involved and/or charities. This will happen, those above have given have helped me every step of the way, it just follows reason and common sense. In a previous letter I offered my life savings to his foundation if he could find one problem with this idea of teaching authentic healing arts to the extremely naive US people. We should sit down there is so much more I have not shown anyone that is male. See you fri

Letters to Sports Announcer

Sent 2-17-12 Sports Announcer, I asked you to print because; to get the most benefit from spiritual writing, one needs to hold nature in their hands. The energy of this day, the 17th I saved for you. As you will find this number represents the years of struggle. Of all the eagles that I've met and known your spirit has soured the highest. This flight you have lived brought the company of many high fliers and based on your kindness to me and my family, from what I can tell, a joyful life. This work is for the low fliers or those that cannot fly at all. The high fliers have a real chance to help them in the two versions of Unitary. (Contest name-meaning "undivided whole"). Men and women who are drawn to sport love truth. Sports reveal truth at every level and at all moments of the contest. Following the contest more truth is asked, how they did it, what was their preparation, how can we all learn from their contest mastery. This work is pure truth and we seek men and women whom want to pass on truth and knowledge, making a difference to the generations that follow us. Here is an example of the wisdom we can pass on with this idea. "Those who forsake action and yet are always desiring to perform actions are not free; but those who act in the best way to please the creator, they are free." Freedom results in happiness. My entire adult life has been the study of little known and highly respected healing arts, therefore we have a mountain of self improvement tips in Unitary and Unitary 4.0 that no one in the US has tapped into, and with the right eagles and writers, could be almost priceless. All I ask is a meeting with you so that I can fill in orally things that are hard to write. Everyone whom listens "gets it" but like myself they are birds incapable of effecting great change unless we get the great high flying birds to help. As you know this happens all the time. If it happens this time we will help millions feel great about themselves. The most Noble of all causes.


Thanks for your time; it sure was fun winning those first two games Wednesday. As you joked, I am not slow; I just have great timing, as you will come to a certain conclusion. Please start with Unitary 4.0, and let the games begin. Tony C. (phone number)

Sent 2-18-12

Dear Sports Announcer, You were the only one told to print, "they" chose you to understand this because the world knows you don't take Shiiiit from noONE. Your principles are maintained regardless of the end result or popular opinion. This non-religious and naturally spiritual, simple, contest needs a Chicago tough guy in charge of the answer.

When people are playing and seeking the clues and clarity (the answers are worth millions) they will need to look to the North star for answers. They know you were built for this. Who would be better? There is no hurry, you will fully understand as soon as I show you my cell phone # . The answer to the 4.0 version has been under the nose in my # all along. That’s how smart and loving that which moves me: is. No one will love this more than You, The answer, might be in the writing, it might be in the tapes, and only you will know and easily and safely guide and encourage them. Tony C. (phone number) Sports Announcer, I am sorry to read about your brother and I will pray for him. Because of all the awards I just read about, particularly the halls of fame, I am" bowing before Zod" as they say in Superman. I know they just don't give those away to ordinary people, but there is always a great woman behind the scenes.(Bebe&Janet) The messages I am receiving are telling me to give credit where credit is due. Last week and this week Phil Mickelson is taking charge. Spanking tiger by 11, then starting where he left off as leader this week. The link between my wife and Phil is his hat, Janet just celebrated 1/17/12 her 1st year as partner at her new firm. If you check today's leader-board in India You will Find Kruger at 11 under in first place. This is Janet's maiden and work name. 11/11/11 is the date of the strongest letter to Obama, and a # that describes the energy of Unitary. If you Google 11 the mission is described. This brings me to Bebe, no offense, but this might not be understood without her. Couples become one, and for great things to materialize we need both great minds to work together. Hope this helps our success and is not found to be too personal.

Sent 2-19-12


Sports Announcer, Our chance to honor our women and all other women has just occurred. Kruger gets his first win. I left out his first name(J"be") so that you and BeBe could find the synchronicity yourselves. In Unitary speak-J=Jesus or the # 10. Knowing about BeBe's Halloween bags, I would say that her kindness known by the locals is legendary. This is all I need to know to make her a 10, and I'm sure you would have many more reasons. The reasons both names are not spelled correctly are matters of faith, this whole project is to increase faith, and therefore there is always a little room for the skeptics. To me the numerous synchronizations mean everything and nothing at the same time. Individually each one could be argued away as just chance: when we include 17 years or even just the last 4 months (with everything since Clinton still unwritten) of these public events, we could only come to the conclusion-THE POWERS THAT "BE" WANT THIS IDEA TO BE REALIZED. The bounty one recovers when working for Unitary is love from the highest place, so does everyone else, only YOU will be helping ALL become conscious of the Glory within and throughout. I know you’re the busiest guy in Park Ridge, but is there a date I could buy you lunch or something? Please call or text so I at least know I have the right e-mail. As I've said in previous letters, you are the man to help the everyman. Tony C. (phone number) Sent 2-19-12 Sports Announcer, believe it or not, we are meant to live as deities on earth, or as close as we can in each lifetime. Michael the arch angel is noted for removing negativity from heaven and entire books and movies are dedicated to his power and influence. I'm not sure how accurate the Travolta movie was but I sure enjoyed it. The North aspect is perhaps why I wrote you. According to one of man's most refined spiritual systems- The North Wind is the 7th sphere of creation spiraling into existence. It is also known as NETZACH meaning Sparked. Also Victory and Eternity. As the heart quality of Earth and and Tif'eret sends balance and life force into the four directions of the body via the four valves of the heart, so too does it translate the mystery of the primeval Breath of the Creator, the original sprit wind, into the Four Winds of the physical realm, causing the primeval wind to blow first from the place of mystery, or North. North and Netzach are symbolic of asserting your power in all that you do and encounter, being the one who sparks projects, relationships, or experiences and sets them ablaze with your presence, and translates your diverse constitution into a single, powerful force. Some call this charisma. Some call it intensity. There is probably a little of both attributes that fuels Netzach, a direct flow from Tif'eret, which has so empowered you that you now come at everything and


everyone from a position of victory, exuding an air of immortality. ref. Kabbalah 365-Gershon Winkler. Andrews McMeel Publishing; KC,Mo

This last paragraph is the finest truth I can send you; I hope you smile as you realize the awesome potential and gift we have received. Sent 2-21-12 Sports Announcer, In case you’re wondering where spirit is talking to you, you are the title of today's tournament: NORTHern TRUST-"they" gave you top billing. Repeated on Unitary's website (launched 4/4/04) are the great Gandhi's words "the enemy is fear, we think it is hate, but it is fear."

Talk about a great boss working directly for the creator is pure joy. This will not happen for those with any fear. Tony Robbins is doing the same tasks as Unitary, Teaching others that fear is the cause of illness and suffering. If you could get this to his attention he would have it active in 30 countries in about a week. Please help me eliminate fear in our great country, look forward to hearing from you. Sent 2-21-12 Dear Sports Announcer, Let me just rehash the scope and metaphors of Unitary. All my letters were either directed at media, government, religion, or religious communicators. None of these industries have any interest in helping us remove fear, in fact often thrive upon the fear they preach. 99% of us are not part of these industries yet we allow them to lead us how to think. Everyone knows you as someone that speaks for the everyman. You are the no-nonsense communicator, and I am sure it is difficult to accept spiritual work from someone you know, a local golf pro and experienced basketball player. This brings us to another spoke in the wheel the common phrase, "I am only human" this weak thought of me might lead you to throwing my work in the garbage. Which would be like blowing off a lifetime of Christmas’s and all the gift sharing? "I'm only human" is a phrase of weakness and should never be uttered. Would this be a phrase spoken by any great human such as Abraham, Buddha, Gandhi, Jesus, Mohammad, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Mario Lemieu; Wayne Gretzky, Bobbie Hull, Stan Makita,(whom I battled for first place the last day of a three day golf tournament) Jack Nicholas, Beethoven, Birishnikauf, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Did they say "they are just a man." Our habit of calling ourselves weak is a main reason why I have written this game. Fearlessness creates strength and if you really want to understand this GIFT, we need to do lunch or at least call me or you might disregard this ticket to Paradise in this life and possibly the next. 99% of the people live with fear that is unnecessary and hinders their life. I know you are not a man dominated by fear and you will understand the importance of this message once we sit down. Most of us know


there has got to be a better way, think how grateful to you; everyone would be for listening to an unknown holy man whom politely asked for help. The people are looking for an answer, Unitary 4.0 is the answer. I have faith in "their" choice of YOU. I could have brought this to you any day for the last 17 years, but I don't do anything unless "they" give me clear signals to do so. "They" never give us work we are incapable of performing. I mentioned earlier that this is a gift because "they" know your potential and the Great Spirit in your heart. With Great Admiration, Tony C. On 2-21-12: My 4th 20 something cousin dies, a 27 year old young man, dies of an overdose at a rehab center. This was my 3rd cousin to dies of an overdose of heroin. The other one committed suicide. All these deaths remind me of how desperately Unitary’s message is needed.

Sent 2-22-12

Sports Announcer, got your message from Lou, totally disrespectful and cowardly. 17 year old Charley Manly on Astor and North is dead. When I heard this I moved to new people. I knew you were not getting the importance of this college educated and attorney written manuscript. I will try to explain the 7 connections to Unitary this tragedy has, hoping you will follow reason and start caring for others instead of making jokes about what you do not understand.

1. He fell from at least 40 floors=Unitary 4.0 2. The c in Charley stands for Christ. 3. The A in Astor stands for Kristna the main holy man from India, the home of all spiritual understanding 4. Bldg # 1555 means- 5 means up 6 means down, 3 fives denotes a strong message and is the opposite of 3 sixes together 5. North ave. when I heard he went down a garbage shoot, I knew you did not get it , I wrote Mr. Robbins 6. It was reported at exactly 11:00am- the # energy that gave rebirth to this game. 7. Last name Manly- m stands for Mohammad & 13 the unknown soldier or author's # and the # of Unitary


I want only good things for you; you have to want good things for others. I will not contact you until those courage pills are taken and you contact me. Sports Announcer, because I always loved you and everyone else regardless of how they treat me, I will act as if we are sitting. My job( getting this job almost killed me with cardiac arrest, and awoke chained in a perfect cross @ 33 years old) is to respect and report the work of the MASTERS that are no longer breathing but very much alive. Exactly like Jeremy Lin for 17 years I have had this job, now this message is peaking. These people when they were alive were Masters at visiting the spirit world; SOMETHING THE WHITE MAN HAS GREAT TROUBLE UNDERSTANDING. This ability to "break on through" as the late Jim Mossison used to sing, is the goal of all goals for every man and women. It is not the job only of clergy; it is a gift for everyone that leads to robust health. I'm not all that great at it, but I try to get better almost everyday. That's what they want us to accomplish in each and every life, because to do so requires great Peace and Love. It is not very hard to find teachers that spoke these two words. It is not hard to respect Lord Jesus, Lord Buddha, Sri Krishna, Mohammad, all Shaman,(everyone on earth owes their lives to a Shaman somewhere in their family history) all great Martial arts Masters, Yoga Gurus, Chi Gong Masters. All these greats served THE CREATOR, not any particular religion, because it is our choice to choose the vehicle to which we reach the reality of our individual greatness and our eternal nature. All their asking is to push it forward, do your best, and not make fun of a highly educated Man Of The creator This loving energy surrounding us wants to be of service, not feared You and Lou can choose not to act, you have free will-The reason I write now is because I care for you both very much. Additional Synchronicities: 2-22-12:

Baby Aardvark picture in the Trib at the Brookfield Zoo (zoo being my first tax paying job). Also earlier in Unitary an Indiana female Shaman told I my spirit animal is an Aardvark.

After asking my 16 year old son for his help, Joakim Noah, #13 on the Bulls gets a triple, double, the last big man on the bulls to do this was when I was my son’s age. Currently the Bulls have 27 wins.

2-24-2012: A record lobster is caught in Maine (where I got my lobsters from) 40 inches, 27 pounds.

2-27-12 7:24 p.m.


Maria, finding your website has been absolutely thrilling. We commend your efforts and hope you find this work helpful to your mission. Enclosed you will find 3 attachments. First, a literary contest of 45 pages the seventeen year old Unitary and Unitary Afterward; Second you will find Unitary 4.0, a simple 12 page contest designed for today’s culture. The third attachment is letters to famous people promoting this contest along with synchronicities which validate the magnitude and power of this idea. Please call me to discuss any avenues for promotion. I am interested in helping you in anyway I can. Please help me pass along this Publicly Answer Prayer.

My attempts are written in the letters. I refuse to let the pre-conditioning of others keep me from promoting this heavenly sent message. My efforts to contact, the government, media, spiritual leaders, my friends and a local sports host have gone unanswered. Swami Vivekanda taught me that this type of writing is beyond common sense reasoning which tells me that people with the motive to enlighten others have a real good chance of understanding these attempts from above to awaken us. Regardless of the unenlightened who have inspected this so far or completely ignored it, my wife and know this to be a real message of hope and possible enlightenment for a greater percentage than we currently enjoy. American’s love contests and although the pursuit of the creator is serious work, Angels have wings because they take themselves so lightly. In the one, the whole, the seeds are planted and just initiating a glorious thought of good will and hope will be the seed to blossom this new wave and revolution of spiritual growth. I hope you enjoy the readings and the reason that follows reason. All healing arts improve the mind. Many of these healing arts improve the body as well and we have the stamp of the highest spirit on this effort.



PGA tour results – the two leaders finish tied at -13 and need an 8 hole playoff to determine a winner. A man name John Huh wins – “H” is the 8th letter in the alphabet which is on both sides of the “U” for Unitary.

Daytona 500 postponed for the first time in race history. Finishes today; with 40 laps to go, a car crashes into a jet fuel (rocket fuel) tanker causing 2 -3 hour delay. The #17 car wins the race.

Dow closes above 13,000.

3-3-12 app version completed

3-4-12: March 4th front page of the Sun Times. Four synchronicity messages for Unitary readers. Chicago’s 175th anniversary 1+7+5 = 13. The first Ferris wheel is pictured – full circle wisdom the #4; the year 1893 and the Columbian Exposition – the year Swami Vivekananda spoke this idea in Chicago. The headline reads “Second to None” -- I have always thought that teaching the roots and seeds of the healing arts was an idea “Second to None.” Also that was the name of Maria’s battalion in the Dominican Republic’s army. Maria (the founder of Holistic globe radio) was the 1st human to like and propel Unitary, urging me to develop the app for this healing idea.


In golf Rory Mackelroy takes over # 1 world ranking from Luke Donald the day this (from a literary perspective) becomes an app. Two weeks later, after writing the Discovery channel and setting appointment with app builders and university IT departments, Luke wins and retains the # 1 status. Between this, Justin Rose wins (remember the rose in the love thought) part 1) at 16 under par with a bogie the last, because we need to have FAITH.

While describing the loud sounds of Clintonville, WI to my buddy Tim he said “you think those sounds are for you” I said, “not me, just the idea of the arts awakening the world”. Removing the fear and paranoia causing the tragedy of 17 year old Trayvon Martin is the mission of Guru Ve . Think of all he could have accomplished if we had thought to do this sooner. Rest in peace young HERO. We will learn to love stronger because of you.

3-22-12 As I’m driving home from the first app builder to agree to build, Alexi Thompson has an eagle on 12, Ryan Moore has a hole in one on 7, and Anthony Kim has a hole has an ace on 17; --- Three eagles are always with each of us & ALL IS GOOD.

Just one Hebrew message to go: Before this latest effort started, one of our brightest and most lovely flowers married an NBA star for 72 days, and after this was finished, Tiger achieved his 72nd PGA tour victory. Any reader that has gone this far would love the 72 names and characteristics of the Creator, and the people that will realize the most bliss will read them as if they are reading about themselves.

3-30-12 The man (most never heard of) pictured with the, marrying the arts/reporter/teacher, leads the Fed ex cup on the PGA tour, we’ve never heard of most of you, fill your cup with love.

In closing at the 76th Masters, the 4th greatest shot in Master’s history was shot by Louis Oohastaen. On Par 5 hole number 2, Louis made a double eagle too completing the cycle of all Par 5’s being double eagled once in Master’s history. A great way for the powers at be to sign off.

