The Good · This month we begin the process of...


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Our 2015Mission: One Mile for Christ

Our 2015 Motto: Faith Lived for Lives Changed

June 2015

The Good News


Monday - Friday

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


8:30 a.m. Worship Service

9:45 a.m. Sunday School

10:50 a.m. Worship Service

12:00 p.m. Youth Fellowship

Discovery School


Janet Taylor

Asst. Director:

Kirsti Frausto

(817) 281-2669

6701 Smithfield Road

North Richland Hills, Texas 76182

(817) 281-0314


Find us on Facebook

What’s Inside:

Upcoming Events Pg. 2-3

Missions Pg. 4

Youth News Pg. 5

Sunday School News Pg. 6

Schedules/Birthdays Pg. 7

Discovery School Pg. 8

Bulletin Board Pg. 9-10

Activities Pg. 11



Rev. Dr. Lisa Neslony

Office Administrator/Finance: Roberta Ballester


Al Jackson

Music Director:

Trena Burden

Worship Leader:

Ryan Jeffcoat

Youth Director:

Timothy Miler

Assistant Youth Director:

Katie Trantham

Nursery Coordinator: Sara Barrett

From Lisa-of-All-Trades to CSO

This month we begin the process of discerning the new vision God has for SUMC. On Saturday, June 6, the Church Coun-cil, Ministry Team, Lay Representatives to Annual Confer-ence, staff and I will gather with our Coach Jerry Roberson to open our hearts and minds to God’s will for this congregation. Those of us who will be attending this seminar covet your prayers.

But it is only the beginning of the process. Some churches in the HCI process have taken months to discern the vision God has for them. Oth-ers have nailed it down in a month or so. Coach Jerry told me he sees our con-gregation as one who will discern the vision sooner rather than later. Yet, through it all, we covet your prayers.

I have been working with Jerry for a couple of months now. He has been helping me understand and discern what it means for me to the Chief Spiritual Officer (CSO) of SUMC. It seems that through the six years I’ve been here, I have picked up more jobs than I am supposed to be doing. Jerry assures me that I am not evil for seeing gaps and stepping in. However, in a really healthy church, members would be doing these jobs.

So I am gradually laying down some of the things I’ve been doing so I can focus more single-mindedly on being your CSO. I’m doing this gradually because I do a LOT and I don’t want to sink the ship on the first voyage!

One of my concerns Is that the lay members who always end up doing everything, will be the ones who pick these things up! Then what happens is they get ex-hausted and ornery and burned out. It takes the whole village to be a healthy church – not just a handful of laity and the pastor!

Within the year, every member of SUMC will have the opportunity to learn their spiritual gifts and then use them in a variety of ministries. God has gifted you for this purpose – to build up the body of Christ and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. God has gifted me to be your spiritual leader.

I am praying for you daily. I am available to discuss theology, Bible questions, life challenges, retreat possibilities and anything else on your mind. I will be teaching a variety of short-term classes next Fall and Spring. I will be focusing on hospital visits and home visits. And I will be working on sermons that I hope do a better job of challenging, inspiring, and blessing you than my past sermons have done.

I look forward to beginning our seventh year together later this month. Seven – the perfect number. I can’t think of a better time to work through this process with you!

Grace & Peace, Pastor Lisa

Rev. Dr. Lisa Neslony



TODAY-June 9 @ White’s Chapel UMC in Southlake7 p.m. June 7 -- Clergy & Laity Memorial Service in Sanctuary, Rev. Rudy Rasmus

preachingNoon June 8 – United Methodist Women’s luncheon in Evans Hall

7 p.m. June 8 – Ordination Service in Sanctuary, Bishop Mike Lowry Preaching5 p.m. June 9 – Sending Forth Service in Sanctuary

You are welcome to attend worship services & daily meetings.Guests typically sit in the balcony during daily meetings. Greeters will guide you.

Planning meeting on June 7th Admin Bldg.




Please pray for our Church Council, pastor,lay representatives to Annual Conference, and staff

as they meet June 6 to pray for God’s new vision for SUMC.

Noon to 4 p.m. June 6In RLAB room on 2nd floor of the FLCPlease enter through the South door nearest the administration building.

UMC Wesley Camp, Latvia


Helpful hands painting the Family Life Center


Youth Director: Timothy Miler Assistant Youth Director: Katie Trantham

Youth News

Our kids are working hard for Bid-A-Kid! They are

raising money for their youth missions for the sum-

mer. The Youth are headed to Boise City, LA,

which is 3 hours away, from June 14-20. Come send

the kids off on the 14th!

Shortly after mission trip several kids are leaving for

the Youth 2015 Convention in Orlando, Florida

from June 22-29. It is a busy, yet fun time for our


There will be no youth for the month of July. Thank

You for all your Support! Anyone is welcome to join

our group!

Timothy Miler and Katie Trantham

Applying Christianity—Meeting place:

Administration Building Conference Room

Bible Class—Meeting place: Family Life Center Gym

Fellowship Class—Meeting place: Administration

Building Northwest Classroom

Isaac—Meeting place: Family Life Center, 2nd floor

Southeast Classroom

RLAB (Research Learn Apply Believe)—Meeting

place: Family Life Center, 2nd floor Northeast Clsrm

2 & 3 year

olds class:



activity time.

4, 5 & 6 year olds class:

Rt to Lt—Brooklyn, Nataly, Aurora, Mason C,

Morgan D, and Jonathan

Koaster kids: Garrett and Morgan studying the book

of Jacob with teachers, John and Karen

If you have questions regarding a Sunday School

class, please contact the church office at (817) 281-

0314 to obtain a contact name and number.


Sonshine Class (Special Needs)—Meeting place:

Administration Building Northeast Classroom. Pictured

left to right are Jacob, Ryan and Jillian.


Wee Worship

06/07 Rene Bort

06/14 Lynn Glasscock

06/21 Heather Doyle

06/28 Sandy Bellamy

Good Place

06/07 Lynn Glasscock

06/14 Open

06/21 Open

06/28 Open


No TGIW for the

Summer. TGIW will

resume in August

Sunday School Helpers

June - Open

July - Open

August - Open

September - Open



06/03 Abigail Durden 06/12 Bryan Doyle 06/21 Joshua Bort

06/03 David Pearson 06/15 Allison Gross 06/22 Bill Manning

06/03 Roberta Ballester 06/16 Molly Rhymer 06/23 David Hamm

06/06 Kaye Leach 06/19 Heather Doyle 06/25 Johnny Parrott

06/08 Bryan Trantham 06/20 Danielle Neal 06/28 Debbie Mitzo

06/10 Wayne Hutchinson 06/20 Andrew Moran 06/30 Karen Clark

06/10 Aaron Neslony

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thanks to all of you for your visits, flowers, calls, cards and, most of all, for

keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. God is good and I know these

prayers work.

Joe McFadin

Discovery School Graduation

Discovery School Sunday was May 17th. A slide

show and video of Discovery School's 85 students

singing was presented at both worship ser-

vices. At the 10:50 Worship Service, we recog-

nized our DS students/families and staff that were

in attendance, as well as, our alumni. The children

did a great job singing along with the video at the

second service. Our DS families all commented

on how friendly our church was and how they

were made to feel welcome. Thanks to Sandra

Roberts for the delicious cake.

We had 40 students graduate on May 21st. They

will be headed to Kindergarten and DS's Bridge

Class. Thanks to everyone who baked cookies for refreshments after the program, to Diane for making the won-

derful punch we enjoy every year, and to Sandra for coordinating the refreshments and greeters for our special

celebration! Thank you to the wonderful ladies who served as hostesses -- Sandra, Diane, Lynn, and Linda. Also,

thank you to Steve Scott for working the sound room for us!

We will be in the office Tuesday-Thursday during June and August. We will take the month of July off. We still

have a few spots available in our two and four-year old classrooms. School will resume on September 1st.

Have a great summer!


Janet Taylor



Wisdom 1:6 (CEB)

6 Wisdom is a spirit that wants only what is best for humans. Wisdom won’t declare blasphemers to be innocent because their

own words convict them. God is witness to their thoughts. Truth examines the heart and hears what is said.

Father I never called him that growing up, it was simply Dad. I was an only daughter so our relationship was special. I think all Father-

Daughter relationships are special and I suppose any girl that has a good relationship with their Father thinks theirs is the most special.

I’ll give you that but I think mine was the best Dad ever.

Growing up in the countryside of the Iowa landscape was special on its own but being a “Daddy’s Girl” was great. I could get

my brothers in trouble and they didn’t even have to do anything! After all I had three of them and most of the time it was self defense.

If I wasn’t in the cow barn or the hog lot I was with the horses. That was a strong tie to my Dad, his love for horses was definitely passed

on to me. Whenever we would go riding it was a time for calm and quiet. We didn’t have to talk but he always had a story for me and

most of the time there was a point that he wanted to make. I don’t know how many times he told me “If you can’t say something nice,

don’t say anything” He told me to always think before I spoke because once the words were out of my mouth I could never get them


My Father was born in 1917, one of ten children and also a twin. He was born in a small house in a small town in Iowa. They

held a record birth weight for twins at more than 8 pounds each! He and his twin brother were total opposites. Dad was short and stocky

with dark olive skin. My Uncle was tall and slender with light skin, almost pale.

Growing up in the 1920’s was difficult and Dad only completed the sixth grade. He worked odd jobs to help support the family.

When he was 16 he was a jockey but only for a short time. He actually spent some time in San Antonio while he was in the Army so he

was a Texan for a while. He went on to fight in WWII; he very seldom talked about it but when he did the stories were chilling. My re-

cent trip to Europe made me feel very close to him. His family came from Ipswich and the surrounding area so the closer I got the more

emotional it was for me.

The really great thing about my Dad was that he understood me. I was the last person to speak to him before he died. It was

January 1969 and his business was outside work so he worked in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter. We had an ice storm

the night before so when he called me to tell me he wasn’t feeling well and for me to call my Mom so she would go straight home from

work instead of running her usual errands I told him I would come. I knew if he was saying he didn’t feel well he was really sick. He

told me to stay home with that baby, my daughter was less than a month old and his only thoughts were for our safety. The roads were

icy and he said he was okay to wait for Mom to take him to the doctor. Again I told him I could take the kids next door and come and get

him but he was adamant that I stay home. My younger brother found him when he got home from school that day and shortly after that

my Mother arrived home. It was too late, he was gone.

The only question I asked God was “Why” I blamed myself for a long time because I was “The good daughter” and did what he

told me to do. The doctors said even if I had gotten him to the hospital they would not have been able to save him, the heart was just too

damaged. None of the comments the doctors made about not being able to save him satisfied me, I was angry and nothing was going to

change that. He was a good, hardworking man that supported his family and he was a great Dad. Maybe that’s why God wanted him but

I needed him.

Over the years I have gone back and forth with my feelings of guilt but those feeling are gone now. I understand much more

now than when I was 21. It took me a long time to get past the anger; I am one of those people that don’t want help from anyone includ-

ing God and when I finally let God in, my life got easier and the grief lessened. I will always miss my Dad and I look forward to seeing

him more than anyone when I get to Heaven.

There are so many stories I could tell about my relationship with my Dad but I’ll save them for another time.

June 6 is D-Day in remembrance of Allied Forces landing on the

beaches at Normandy in 1944

June 14 is Flag Day

June 21 is Father’s Day

So as we enter the month of June, remember your Dad, hug

him if you can, honor him if you can’t and know that June is

all about love.

June's birth flower is the rose, which has numerous mean-

ings! A pink rose means perfect happiness, while a red rose

means "I love you." A white rose signifies innocence and

purity, while a yellow rose conveys jealousy. A bouquet of

roses means sincere gratitude, whereas a single rose amplifies

the meaning of the color (a single red rose means "I

REALLY love you"). The other June flower is honeysuckle,

which is a symbol for the everlasting bonds of love.

June's birthstone, the pearl, has long been a symbol of purity.

The ancient Greeks believed that pearls were the hardened

tears of joy from Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

By Marilyn Schorr


United Methodist Men

June 13, 2015

8:00 a.m.

Devotional: David Butcher

Family Life Center

SUMC’s mission is

Of Jesus Christ

Please schedule with Roberta, so your room is nice and cool!

(817) 281-0314

To sign up, go to Click on the above symbol (next to worship times)

and follow the prompts. Set up your account for one-time or ongoing gifts. Thanks for keeping SUMC in the black!