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Automatic SprinklersTASKTo review the value of sprinkler systems to citizens andto firefighters. To understand the function and properoperation of various sprinkler system devices andconditions detrimental to proper sprinkler operation.

Estimated Time: 4 hours

INTRODUCTIONI t i s c r i t i ca l fo r each s tudent to have a bas icunderstanding of what a sprinkler system is and how itworks. They must be aware of what they are expectedto do during a fire operation in a building protected byan automatic fire sprinkler system. They need to knowthe various parts, how they operate, and contribute toproper sprinkler performance. This includes variousvalves, gauges and sprinkler heads.

CLASS OBJECTIVES1. To identify specific valves found on sprinkler


2. To define types and temperature ratings of sprinklerheads

3. To understand the function and readings on sprinklersystems.

4. To define reasons for improper performance ofsorinkler svstems.

Copyright @ 2003 Intemational Society of Fire Service Instructors

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.


NFPA 1001 Standard for Firefighter Professional Quali-fications

1. 5.3.14 Conserve property as a member of a team,given salvage tools and equipment and anassignment, so that the building and its contents areprotected from further damage.

2. (A) Requisite Knowledge: The purpose of propertyconservation and its value to the public, methodsused to protect property, types of and uses forsalvage covers, operations at properties protectedwith automatic sprinklers, how to stop the flowof water from an automatic sprinkler head,identification of the main control valve on anautomatic sprinkler system, and forcible entryissues related to salvage.

3. (B) Requisite Skills: The ability to cluster furniture;deploy covering materials; ro11 and fold salvagecovers for reuse; construct water chutes and catch-al ls; remove water; cover bui lding openings,including doors, windows, floor openings, and roofopenings; separate, remove, and relocate charredmaterial to a safe location while protecting the areaof origin for cause determination; stop the flow ofwater from a sprinkler with sprinkler wedges orstoppers; and operate a main control valve onan automatic sprinkler system.



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Lesson Defined

a It is the purpose of this lesson to cover certain partsand devices that are a part of the system. Theseinclude valves, gauges, and the spririkler heads, thelatter in regard to the type and temperature rating.

,a This IOG is not designed to cover the overall designand layout of sprinkler systems.


a The instructor will define and explain the useof valves.

'a The instructor will define and explain the useof gauges

a The instructor will define and explain thetypes and ratings of sprinkler heads


a Alarm Valve

1. Operated by flow of water from maincontrol valve of system when valveopens.

2. Water enters intermediate chamber,pressurizes alarm line and fills retardchamber if there is one present.

3. After retard chamber is full, or if noneexists, water activates alarm switch; eitherpressure or vane Lype.

4. Switch sends electrical signal and waterflows to activate an electrically operatedgong or mechanical water-motor gong.

5. Alarm may be transmitted to remotestation, central station, or proprietarystation, preferably monitored 24 hours.

6. To shut off alarm, close the alarm valve.

a Alarm Test Valve

1. To determine that alarm valve line is openand will actuate alarm.

2. Located in alarm test line below mainvalve.

3. Operation simulates that of alarm valve.4. Should be indicating valve; O S& Y or

similar to gas shutoff.

5. Opening valve should cause electric

alarm and water gong to sound; may takeone or two minutes of water flow toactuate.

6. Upon hearing alarm close valve.

7. Only test alarm line not sprinkler system.(Note - Any supervising station on or offthe premises must be notified prior to andat the conclusion of the test. Occuoantsmust also be notified.)

a Drip (Drain) Valves

1. To automatically drain different parts ofthe sprinkler system such as alarm linesand the fire department connection.

Z. May be called an automatic drip valve,drip, drain, ball drip, or velocity drainvalve.

3. In the ball drip valve, it must bedetermined that the balls moves freelyand allows trapped water to seep out.This may be determined by use of afinger, pencil or something similar.

4. The velocity drip valve or restrictedorifice on the retard chamber must alsobe free of obstruction to allow fordrainage.

5. Some valves may be equipped with aspring-loaded push rod that allows theinner clapper to be moved. This may beoperated by lifting or pushing independing on the type, design, andmodel.

a Check Valves

1. Similar to clapper valves; allow water toflow in one direction.

2. Located in the fire department connectionline and in the main supply line.

3. May be installed in other locationsaccording to the design of the system.

4. Arow on casing indicates direction offlow.

5. Fire department Siamese usually haseither single or double clapper valves


a Wet System

a Dry System


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Wet system

1. Two gauges; one indicating pressure onthe service (house) side; the other on thesupply (street) side.

2. Readings are most often identical or closeto identical.

3. Fluctuations in the water supply mayshow on the service side with a higherreading than the supply side by indicatingthe highest pressure to which the systemhas been subjected (surge pressure).

4. Supply side will indicate the actual staticpressure at the time of the reading.

Dry System (To include pre-action anddeluge)

1. Two gauges;one indicating waterpressure under the control valve, the otherindicating the air pressure above thecontrol valve (clapper).

2. Different readings may be found due tothe design of the system; air pressureholding back the water pressure at a threeor four to one ratio.

3. Dry pipe valve is a different valve with asix to one ratio of square inches of surfaceso that air pressure requirement to holdclapper closed against the supply-sidepressure is about \15 or l16 of theincoming water pressure. Three or four toone ratio used however, to make positiveseal and hold against pressure surges.


A fixed spray nozzle activated by a thermalsensing device.

Numerous types and designs of operatingelement exist:

1. Fusible links

2. Quartzoid bulbs

3. Solder pellet

a Heads must be marked to indicate:1. Temperature rating2. Date of manufacture





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Name of manufacturer

Position for installation

Types of sprinkler heads:

1. Upright - discharges a proper stray

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pattem of water downward when upright.Pendent - discharges water downwardwhen facing downward.

Sidewall - mounted close to wall, directsspray in a conical pattern away from thewall; used to protect small rooms,vertical openings, atriums, etc.Directional - as the name implies, it isused to direct the spray in a specificdirection or pattern for specialapplications.

Flush/d6cor - used where appearance is amajor concem, such as restaurants,lobbies, offices, etc.; most are flushmounted, chrome with fusible links set attemperature less than that of head behindcover; cover drops free before headfuses.

Quick response - used where rapidresponse time is critical; has special heatcollector (quick-response actuator) thatgathers and directs heat to special solderin the fusible link.

Open - this is used in a deluge system;heads are similar to standard heads, butwithout the fusible components.

Coated - used where the normalatmosphere might affect and deter properoperation; lead or wax may be used asthe coating; usually used inmanufacturing locations over acid baths,plating tanks and similar areas,

Water-spray projectors - have variousorifices and deflector sizes for specialinstallations.

On-off heads - open when heated, closewhen temperature is cooled down,stopping the water flow.

Foam head - used to dischargemechanical foam, usually in a delugetype operating system.Note: Standard sprinkler head orifice isr/2" andpipe thread size is the same.

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a Based upon the maximum temperature normalat the level ofthe sprinkler and the expectedrate ofheat produced by a fire in the area.

a Temperature rating indicated by color codingof the frame arrns or other authorized method.

a Coated sprinklers may have color on afins ora colored dot on top of the deflector.

a Decorative heads are not required to be color-coded but a colored dot may be found on thedeflector.

a Color coding - In degrees Fahrenheit:

1. Unpainted, partially black or chromer35-170

2. Whitet75-225

3. Blue250-300

4. Red325-375

5. Green400-475

6. Orange500-575


a About 96 percent effective in controlling orextinguishing fire.

a Of the remaining 4Vo not controlled by thesystem 357o were due to system being shutdown prior to fire; or

a Main control valve closed prematurely by thefire department or occupancy representatives.

a Improper maintenance, lack of water supply,partial protection, explosions and flash fires.

a Systems blocked by obstructions.

SUMMARYIn this month's 1nslruct-O-Gram we have presented theelements necessary to create an understanding of somebasic information regarding automatic spr inklersystems. We urge you to retain each IOG in yourtraining files, in order to allow for the orderly deliveryof fire service training. We urge you to conduct acomplete review of this standard prior to conductingany classroom sessions. We would also recommend thata copy of the standard be made available for eachstudent. Forvolume discounts, contact the National FireProtection As sociation at (617 )'7 7 0 -3000. You may al socontact them on the Internet at www.NFPA.ors.

This month's Instruct-O-Gram was prepared by HarryR. Carter, Ph.D., CFO, MIFireE.

The Instruct-O-Gram is the monthly training outline of the IntemationalSociety of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI). The monthly Instruct-O-

Gram is provided as one of the benefits of membership in ISFSI.

Call 1-800-435-0005 for informationon other benefits of membership.

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