The Houstonian, April 14, 2011



The Houstonian, April 14, 2011

Citation preview

Academic Civic Community Engagement courses will be introduced by the university Fall 2011.

“ A C E courses offer c o m m u n i t y s e r v i c e hours, a minimum of nine hours, along with their standard class curriculum,” Lauren Daniels, an ACE representative said.

“This requirement allows students to live out SHSU’s motto: ‘The Measure of a Life is its Service.’”

ACE courses are designed to enhance a student’s academic performance and work ethic by introducing community service into their schedules, she said.

Courses with an ACE designation will be featured on the registration process

each semester starting in the Fall of 2011. There are currently more than 50 courses, across a variety of disciplines that have ACE designation.

In 2011, Sam Houston S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y was selected by The C a r n e g i e F o u n d a t i o n

for the Advancement of Teaching to receive the Community Engagement Classification. SHSU is among 115 colleges and universities recognized and is the only institution within the Texas State University System with the designation. Only 311 U. S. institutions of higher education have been awarded the classification since it was established.

For more information about ACE designated courses, visit its web site at

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The Independent Student Newspaper of Sam Houston State University

Vol 117— Issue 23

Football springs into action, Page 6

Thursday, April 14, 2011

sammys spotlightWarning: rocky road aheadSenate to investigate Supreme Court actions, advisor cautions students

Pell grants on chopping block

Frank Parker

By Erin Peterson Associate News Editor

By Erin Peterson Associate News Editor

Service-enhanced courses to be featured on Fall registration

By Kolby FlowersSenior Reporter

By Jessica PriestWeb and Multimedia Editor

STUDENT STARS. The 17th Annual Sammy Awards, which was hosted Wednesday night by Student Activities, recognized outstanding student leaders, student organizations and advisors. Pictured are University President Dana Gibson, Ph.D., standing with Jimmy Williams, a graduate student and the treasurer for the Student Government Association, Emcee Ashly Poyer and Emcee Cody Wall. Williams won the student Sammy Award.

Jessica Gomez | The Houstonian

— See SAMMY’S, page 3

— See PELL, page 4

File photo | The Houstonian

Photo courtesy of the White House’s YoutubeFISCAL FUTURE. President Barack Obama addressed the nation Wednesday and outlined his plans to reduce the budget deficit of $4 trillion within the next 12 years. 3 6 4 5

Special................................, 8


Fall registration will begin on

April 15.

The university community came together last night to honor those students and faculty members who had impacted and served the school and Huntsville communities in a big way.

With the audience, recipients and presenters dressed to the nines, the 17th Annual Sammys, hosted by emcees Ashly Poyer and Cody Wall and announcer Erik Baine Johnson, featured the surprising addition of two awards not listed on the program, honoring one faculty member and one overall outstanding organization.

The ceremony presented a total of 22 awards: 13 to individual students,

three to individual faculty members, seven to organizations of varying purposes and one to recognize a community service project.

The Sammy Awards were presented to students Elizabeth Nesselrode and Jimmy Williams and faculty members Brian Blalock, the “unofficial official” photographer for the university, and David Payne, Ph.D.

The award for Outstanding Community Service Project went to Greek Life in honor of the work accomplished during Greek Week 2010, the proceeds of which served to send a dying young girl to New York City as per her final wish.

The award for Outstanding Non-Traditional Student Leader went to Joshua Ruschenberg, who served

three tours in Iraq as a cavalry scout in the 3rd Infantry Division of the U.S. Army. Currently, Ruschenberg, husband and father of two children, serves as a sergeant in the U.S. Army National Guard. Ruschenberg is currently working to achieve his bachelor’s degree in political science with a double minor in history and military science; he is also a member of the SHSU ROTC.

The award for Outstanding Special Interest Organization was given to the Sam Houston Construction Association, as their charity work was responsible for donating 150 gifts to children in Huntsville during the winter holidays.

The compromise made to avert a government shutdown last week will cut $500 million of the federal Pell grant program.

The budget its self has yet to be completely passed, as last Friday’s deal only allowed for a continued flow of federal funding through today.

The bill is to be voted on today by the House and the Senate in order for the government to be funded the rest of the fiscal year.

While the Pell grant program is facing cuts, the maximum Pell grant will stay at $5,550.

The deal will also end the summer school Pell grant system.

“Some of the cuts we agreed to will be painful,” President Obama said in his speech about the deal.

“Programs people rely on will be cut back; needed infrastructure projects will be delayed.

And I would not have made these cuts in better

circumstances.”According to the non-

profit organization,, 24 percent, or about 4,000, of students at Sam Houston State University in 2009 were Pell grant recipients.

“For a lot of students, the only way they can afford

school is with the Pell grant,” said Christina Smith, a senior Criminal Justice student said.

“Cutting this program will mean more students taking out more loans.

Not having the Pell grant as an option might deter students from attending

college.”The bill will save an

estimated $350 billion over the next 10 years with the elimination of the year-round Pell, which allows students to receive two separate grants if they attend school year-round.

A presidential investigative committee was created following a debate during Tuesday night’s general meeting.

The Student Senate debated rescinding Vice President of Student Services Frank Parker’s appointment as chief justice of the Student Supreme Court.

The majority of the meeting centered around whether or not Parker’s recent actions merited the vote.

The rescission was originally proposed by University Affairs Chief Rachel Voss, on the grounds that Parker was “intimidating another justice” and making decisions that violate SGA rules and procedures.

However, the motion to rescind Parker’s appointment was tabled until next general meeting, April 19, upon Chief of Staff Kendall Scudder’s proposition for the president to create a committee, which would investigate the circumstances surrounding Parker’s actions.

One of the justices was in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting.

“I’m not sure about removing [Parker] from the supreme court entirely,” Romeal-Dorasay Johnson, a student justice with the supreme court, said. “However, I do think that removing him from the position of chief justice is a good idea.”

Johnson then explained the reasoning for his opinion.

“I believe that as a faculty member he has the right to be on the supreme court, but, at the same time, I see how his position as vice president of Student Services and chief justice can create a conflict of interest.”

John Yarabeck, dean of student services and adviser to SGA, cautioned the senate about the road they were approaching.

— See DEBATE, page 4


Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

Summer Blockbusters, Page 5

Page 2Thursday, April 14, 2011Viewpoints

The individual opinions on the Viewpoints page are not necessarily affiliated with the view of The Houstonian or SHSU. The Houstonian is published semi-weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is a news publication of Sam Houston State University, a member of the Texas State University system, and is produced by students. It is self-supporting and welcomes all advertisers. Those interested in placing ads or classifieds should call (936) 294-4864. The Houstonian is a member of the Associated Press and the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association.

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Stephen GreenViewpoints

Letter to the Student Body

All cartoons courtesy of

Comedy Corner

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It’s been two years since I saw him, and lately, I thought he had disappeared forever. Three years since he first appeared at George Washington University, where he was able to rouse the students and make his first steps to run for President.

For the first time since he campaigned, President Barrack Obama looked like what we voted for, a pissed off Democrat, who wasn’t going to take any punk moves from the Republicans. I can say that I haven’t been this happy since he was still campaigning against big banks and the growing separation between the rich and the poor.

Obama announced today, that he would be getting rid of the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy in order to help pay for the trillions in deficit that America put on it’s credit card with two wars and a prescription health reform.

While Obama is reducing something, the only eruption of

applause he got from his entire speech was when he started talking about taxing the rich.

This seems like a good time to remember what we voted for. I voted for a man who was going to close

our class gap, a man who was going after Wall St. when they fought deregulation and screwed over the majority of us.

Some have `acknowledged that some black people may have voted for Obama just because he was black but I don’t think that’s what it was about. I would say that a lot of the African American vote came from inspired speeches, and heartfelt

love for our working class.So for the first time in the past

months, especially since November, when the Democrats were destroyed in the House, I feel like I have my president back. I feel like that guy who had socialistic tendencies is finally coming back around the corner

and there is nothing that could make me more happy.

Of course there is the other side, the one that favors big business and fewer taxes and sure enough they were out in full force after the speech. The best argument came from Republican Jeb Hensarling who said, “I know no nation who taxed its way to prosperity.”

Mr. Hensarling, appears to forget that before we had George W. Bush in office the rich paid higher taxes, and times were pretty good.

But the biggest argument came about “Class Warfare” and this is an issue that Democrats are iffy to touch. I almost wish they would, and if President Obama truly is who we voted for I hope he does come out and say, “If you want a war you have it, because there are more of us, than there are of you.”

I just hope I don’t have to wait another two years to hear that speech from him.

Finally back from a long hiatusLotis Butchko praises President Obama’s most recent speech

-Lotis is a senior mass communication student and the sports reporter for the Houstonian.

Why did it take the people of the Middle East so long to rise up against their cruel dictators?

Imagine this scenario: 12,000 troops surround your city. These troops with their tanks begin shelling your city. This continues for more than three weeks. Your city is reduced to rubble; no one is allowed to leave.

When the shelling finally stops, the troops move in and begin to shoot at anything that moves.

People are locked in buildings and then the buildings are set on fire. The soldiers go into the refuges, take the young girls from what’s left of their families. Their families never hear from them again. Many find their daughters left in public bathrooms where they had been raped and murdered and left to rot.

If you try to go to a hospital for help you are met by soldiers. These bloodthirsty soldiers hack at the wounded with butcher’s knives.

All of this and more happened in Hama, Syria in February 1982.

Conservative estimates put the number of people massacred at 10,000 to 25,000. Most agree that the numbers are closer to 30,000 to 40,000. With only 1,000 of those being soldiers. That means 9,000 to 39,000 innocent civilians were slaughtered. In addition 15,000 went missing and 100,000 were expelled from their homes.

Many would look at these figures and think:

war is hell. This was not a case of one country trying to conquer another. These were the actions of a government against its own people in retaliation for some snipers killing a few soldiers.

Fear of events like this has been what has kept the people of the Middle East from taking a stand. Until now.

For the most part, the recent uprisings in the Middle East have only had limited, but still reprehensible, bloodshed. The exception, of course, is the murderous lunatic in Libya. Many wondered if Syria would join in this Arab Spring. Hafaz al-Assad, who ordered the 1982 attack on Hama, is no longer the leader in Syria, his son Bashar is. While Bashar has sold himself to Syria and the rest of the world as a more modern, caring ruler than his father, this did not stop him from responding to the first signs of Syrian unrest with violence.

On March 18th security forces killed three people taking part in a peaceful protest in the southern town of Daraa. Six days later in Daraa, six people were killed in the Omari mosque complex. Later that same day, security forces opened fire on hundreds of youth marching in solidarity.

In a weak attempt to quell the demonstrations, Assad announced on March 24th that he would form a committee to raise the living standards and study the possibility of lifting the emergency law that has been in place since the Baath Party

took over in 1963. The next day more deaths were reported over a widespread area, including for the first time Damascus.

That day a few hundred brave people in the city of Hama joined their brothers and sisters across the country in protest, chanting “freedom” in the streets. We’ll never know the extent of the courage it took for the people of that town to gather in the streets.

The protests have continued in Syria while the attention of the international community has been focused on Libya. Every day the people of Syria protest, and every day more and more deaths are reported. Every day the protests spread to new cities, every day the protests spread to new sectors of society. Now, in the major cities of Damascus and Aleppo, the students have begun to protest in the universities.

Looking at the exponential increase of violence from the government security forces we can only speculate that the unrest in Syria is far from over. We can only hope that the people can topple the Syrian regime before much more time has passed. We can only hope that there will not be further bloodshed. We can only hope that the events that unfolded in Hama in February 1982 will not be repeated.

But nobody is holding their breath.

Hope is the only thing we haveKarmen King isn’t expecting a peacful transfer of power in Middle Eastern countries

EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMeagan Ellsworth






A&E EDITORThomas Merka





COPY EDITORApril Sanders



Advertising ManagerGupreet Singh




Lotis ButchkoSports Reporter

-King is a recurring columnist and the President of the Middle East Studies Student Group.

Quick ThoughtsNew legislation:

Texas Senate Bill, SB 1904, would include private and other bodies of higher educaiton in the definition of a “government body.”

The change would effect Section 551 of the Texas Governing Code, also known as the Open Meetings Act.

As a journalist I am thankful for Sen. Jeff Wentworth for doing this. Currently, the only thing calling a school in higher education a “government body” is an interpretation of the wording of the current law, and the Texas Supreme Court case, Dallas Community College, et al. vs. Bolton.

This presents a challenge to not only reporters in the field and real work place, but student journalists. Now that, hopefully, this will be clearly defined in the law, it will be easier for students to gain access to various meetings that they had to fight for before.

After going to the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association convention, other editors told me they had problems with getting into meetings because the university didn’t feel they fell under the law.

Not anymore my friends. This effort by the Texas legislature will provide for more transparency and bring the truth out of situations that before may have been hidden.

My experience with this university has been highly transparent and beneficial to the student body, so I hope we will never have to resort to extreme measures to get the truth, which should already be in the open.

- Stephen Green

Tigerblood isn’t winningStephen Green thinks Tiger Woods is far from back on the PGA Tour

We are seeing droves of people trade in their old-fashioned hybrid cars for something that has become increasingly popular...the bandwagon.

Tiger Woods, former world number one, placed fourth at the Masters on Sunday, seemingly regaining what many wanted to see from him.

My question is this: wouldn’t it be bigger news if Woods didn’t do well at Augusta? It would have been his fifth green jacket. It was his first major, where he was the youngest ever to win the event.

The fact is that he is only performing well in events we should. World Golf Championship at Doral, 10th, no surprise. Tied for 24th at the Arnold Palmer Inviational, schocker.

But the least surprising thing to me, is that those are the only top 25 finishes for him this year. Sure, maybe he made all of his cuts this year, so have approxiamtely 20 other players. Does this mean they are all making a comeback?

Let’s look at the top 10 of the Masters just to make sure I’m not overlooking anything.

Charl Schwartzel, who won the Masters hasn’t done anything else on the tour. K.J. Choi? He’s been slipping into the higher 40’s of the world rankings every week. Angel Cabrera, Bo Van Pelt, Jason Day? Jokers.

What you can see if you look past the one instance of performing well in a tournament is the lack of success elsewhere.

The problem lies in a few people. and the Golf Channel pull the Woods card whenever they can to boost ratings. The Tiger fans bring their talk up in bars where most people don’t even understand the sport of golf.

My prediction is that Tiger won’t do well again until the U.S. Open at Congressional Country Club where, again, he has past success.

So, ladies and gents, save up the gas and ride your bandwagons onto Washington.

-Stephen is the Houstonian Viewpoints Editor.

The first surprise award, Overall Outstanding Organization, was presented to the Soul Lifters Gospel Choir. The Soul Lifters have been a part of SHSU for nearly 40 years; they also received an award for Outstanding Religious Organization during the evening.

The final award Sammy Award presented to David Payne, Ph.D., provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, was a surprise to many, as Payne’s name was not listed on the ceremony’s program. Payne was recognized for his 13 years of service to the university.

University President

Dana Gibson, one of the presenters for the final four Sammy Awards, was pleased to hear about Payne’s award.

“I think it was a great tribute to Dr. Payne that they voted and awarded that to him after all his years of service,” Gibson said. “He’s been such a wonderful academic leader here, and students today really benefit from those thirteen years of leadership.”

The evening also provided plenty of music performed by the SHSU Jazz Lab Band, a small dance routine and a song by two members of the choir.

Last year’s Sammy Awards took place in the Lowman Student Center. However, for this year’s event, those involved

were very happy to have the awards take place in concert hall of the James and Nancy Gaertner Performing Arts Center.

“I thought that it was extraordinary to have it in this new concert hall,” Gibson said, gesturing to the gleaming, polished stage behind her. “I thought that it was a nice change from last year, because I attended last year when it was in the [Lowman Student Center].”

Andrea Richardson, executive director for Program Council, agreed.

“I like the new location of the [Performing Arts Center],” she said. “Last year was a really great event, but the new location was a welcome change.”

Another noticeable change in the event was the quick pace at which the

awards were presented. Last year’s ceremony was considered to be rather lengthy, while this year’s event was approximately one hour and 18 minutes long.

“Shorter is better,” John Yarabeck, dean of students, said. “They kept things moving. Not that longer is necessarily bad, but, you know, things just had a good life to them, a good rhythm.”

The 17th Annual Sammys were sponsored by the Department of Student Activities as well as the Division of Student Services this year. For additional information about the Sammys, visit their website at

Page 3Thursday, April 14, 2011Sammys

From SAMMYS page 1

All photos taken by Jessica Gomez | The Houstonian

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Greek LifeOutstanding Community Service Project

Katie WesnekiExcellence in Service: College of Business

Soul Lifters Gospel ChoirOverall Outstanding, Religious organization

Megan LeeOutsanding Junior Student Leader

Over the years, Sam Houston State University has evolved into an institution that attracts people of all degrees, locations and ethnicities. It has allowed the city of Huntsville to expand drastically economically, commercially and culturally, especially within the past few years.

Like many universities, SHSU has progressed with the times and added new facilities and services, as well as more students and faculty. Many modifications have been made to residence halls around campus that have not only accommodated more students, but given them more living options. Academic buildings have also been added over the years to support the growing university, such as the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Building (AB5) constructed in 2009.

Sam Houston Village is one of the newest residences located on the northwest end of campus. It opened in fall 2004 as a freshman dormitory and can accommodate 530 students. It includes fully-furnished, two-bedroom, one-bathroom suites with a kitchenette per suite. Beginning Fall 2011, all classifications will be eligible to live at SHV. Raven Village was then constructed in 2006 to parallel SHV for upperclassmen. The $15 million, 400-bed complex was built on the site of a number of 40-year-old student residences and remains as a popular choice for upper classmen.

The newest facility, Lone Star Hall, is scheduled to open fall 2011 and accommodate 298 co-ed students of all classifications. The $18 million building will be located on the north end of campus, behind Belvin and across the street from the University Health Center. The first floor of the building will also have Residence

Life Administrative offices. The rooms will house two students and will include a bathroom, a small refrigerator, a microwave and ceiling fans for each student, as wells as a closet room divider for student privacy.

“It has been amazing to see all the changes happening with many different aspects of the school, even in the three years I have been here,” junior Kellie Hostutler said. “I cannot wait to come back years from now and see how much has changed.”

There have also been changes regarding meal plans and dining options. Along with the addition of South Paw Dining Hall in 2004, sushi has been included in the dining areas, providing SHSU with some cultural diversity. The Northside Dining Facility is a cafeteria currently under construction and is located on the northern edge of campus on the corner of Bearkat Boulevard and University Avenue, north of Belvin-Buchanan Hall. It will replace the former Lawrence and Mitchell Houses.

“I think adding sushi to our meal options was brilliant,” Hostutler said. “Some students maintain a healthier lifestyle than fries and cheeseburgers. It has also allowed students to try new things.”

One of the biggest complaints continues to be parking on campus.

Last spring, two parking lots were removed in order for the new residence and dining halls. Students were redirected to park at Bowers Stadium, resulting in quite a distance for some students to walk.

The new $38.5 million Performance Arts Center was also completed last fall, including an 800-seat concert hall and 150-seat dance theater. However, the parking offered for the building is also minimal. Parking construction is expected to be complete sometime before 2020, offering 9,000 to 10,000 parking spaces for students,

faculty, and staff.“Parking may be a huge

inconvenience now, but, in the long run, the school will really benefit,” junior Ryan Peña said. “The best thing to do is stay positive that one day, there will actually be enough parking for everyone.”

As SHSU has expanded, Huntsville has adapted to being a “college town” and has used it to their advantage, leaving residents and students to anticipate many changes. There are now many more apartment complexes than Huntsville has ever seen before, with still more going up. Currently under construction and due to open fall 2011 are The Forum and Villas on Sycamore; both are college-style apartment complexes.

The Forum is an SHSU-oriented project, noticeable in the color selections and designs that were chosen. It will be a multi-resident, gated complex on the corner of Sam Houston Avenue and Sycamore with an estimated project cost of $20 million. The Forum offers free roommate-matching and flexible individual leases with both cable TV and Internet included in rates. According to the leasing staff, leasing is going well and things are on schedule.

The Villas on Sycamore, on the other hand, are offering 170 cottage-style,

two-story living units and 7,500 square feet of community center and pool area. The Villas will have individual leases per bedroom/bathroom. Prices per bedroom will be as low as $459 and will include water, sewer, trash, Internet, and cable TV.

“I am really excited about living at the Villas after this semester,” senior David Madden said. “After living with all girls who I was not involved with, living with guys will feel normal again.”

As the university expands, so is the Huntsville Library, which is currently undergoing renovation that began in early 2010. The 22,000-square-foot, $3.5 million expansion will provide a meeting room, a computer room, an expanded children’s area and reading space. The project will be completed this fall to provide a more efficient facility for the growing community.

Possibly one of the biggest ventures currently underway in Huntsville is Ravenwood Village, the site of about $77 million in new residential and commercial construction, located on the corner of Interstate 45 feeder road and the Smither Overpass. The site will include a chain of stores and restaurants, a 55-acre residential subdivision and a rumored “high-end” hotel.

Planning began as early as 2006, and Property Commerce purchased and developed 60 acres to build the 15-lot Huntsville Retail Center, receiving Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone assistance from the City of Huntsville.

“Ravenwood Village will be an additional source of property tax revenue, sales tax revenue and ultimately help tax payers in Huntsville, the county, the school district and the hospital district,” George Miles, chairman of the Economic Development Council, said. “It’s a win-win situation.”

In April 2008, The Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce hosted the Ravenwood Village groundbreaking

ceremony, in which Miles spoke of growth to come for Huntsville. Other attendees, such as County Judge Danny Pierce, spoke of the all of those involved in the project and all who made it possible. Pierce said he is proud of every entity that supported Ravenwood Village, including SHSU.

“I want to say also that [President Emeritus] Jim Gaertner and the faculty and staff at Sam Houston State University have been very supportive of this project,” Pierce said. “I’m looking forward to a tremendous ride.”

Target was the kick-off store that opened in July 2009. Construction was completed by the developer, Sun Builders of Houston. The store leader Tim Wolff participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 130,760 square-foot store, which is unique for its perishable products typically only carried by Super Targets.

SHSU and the community have a great deal of stores and food chains to look forward to. Another major addition will be a newer and bigger HEB. It is predicted to have 20 registers, a full service gas station and car wash, and a business center for services such as bill pay and money orders. This is an exciting change for many in comparison to the current pantry store on Sam Houston Avenue. Since a company announcement has yet to been released, specific information is still uncertain.

With all the growth Huntsville has undergone and the future development, downtown Huntsville seems to remain frozen in time. Many wonder when “the Square” will finally modernize to reflect a growing college community. There seems to be more antique shops than coffee shops and local “hang-outs.” However, the Downtown Business Alliance could not be reached to receive comments about how downtown Huntsville is trying to manage the growth of SHSU and its student population.

“I hope downtown becomes more like the other famous college towns of Texas,” junior Jenny Gorthy said. “I mean, I know it won’t be to that extent, but a little excitement in the Square would be fun.”

It is official: Huntsville is growing, thanks to Sam Houston State University. It has been a beneficial process for both the school and the community, and hopefully, growth will continue.

Visit for news and updates of the changes occurring with the university, as well as the history of the school and Huntsville.

“Keep in mind all of the things that [Parker] has done for this university during his 30 years here,” Yarabeck said. “Don’t be too hasty.”

Scudder agreed.“I’m advising that you

vote ‘no,’ in this case,” he said. “We don’t know exactly what happened, so we should take a step back.”

Not everyone agreed with this opinion, however.

“As representatives of the student body,” Rules and Regulations Chief Cortnie Crayton said, “when we see an injustice such as this, it is our responsibility to speak up.”

Steven Perry, a freshman observer, urged the senate to take action.

“This is [the Senate’s] first opportunity to do

something that actually matters,” he said. “So grow a backbone already.”

The investigative committee consists of Senator Kolby Flowers (pro-rescission), Steven Perry (pro-rescission), Senator Brian Howard (against rescission), Senator Latriece Bruce (against rescission) and Senator Tracy Nnamadim (neutral).

The committee will go through the SGA Rules and Procedures and Constitution, hear testimony from those involved and deliver an opinion to the senate as to what the course of action should be.

The debate regarding Parker’s rescission will be taken up again at the next general meeting once the committee’s findings are presented.

At the close of the

meeting, one last matter of business was addressed.

The recent supreme court ruling called for the 2011 SGA Election to be pushed back to April 27 and 28, which calls for the senate to violate their rules for election.

According to the SGA election code, the elections cannot take place later than the 15th class day in April, which would be April 21.

After the debate surrounding Parker had ended, SGA Representative to the Election Commission Christina Smith motioned for the senate to suspend a section in the election code to push back the date to April 27 so that everything would be in accordance with the rules.

At this, Yarabeck spoke up for the second time during the meeting.

“Y’all need to stop getting

into a pissing match over [the election], and grow the frick up already,” he said, packing up his belongings. “Just have the election when you are supposed to and move on.”

Yarabeck left the meeting after his statement, at which point the senate agreed to officially postpone the election until April 27 and 28 and quickly adjourned thereafter.

For up-to-date coverage of the Student Senate’s general meetings, visit The Houstonian’s Facebook page every Tuesday at 6 p.m. for a link to our live blog.

- Kolby Flowers is a member of the Houstonian as well as a senator with the Student Goverment Association. Due to this possible conflict of interest, Flowers did not participate in this publication.

Would you like to write for the Houstonian? Do you have an story idea? E-mail Associate News Editor Erin Peterson at to become a contributor.


Page 4Thursday, April 14, 2011News

Thursday, April 14:- 12th Annual Juried Student ExhibitionGaddis Geeslin Gallery, Art Building F- 8 p.m. - “Into the Woods” - Erica Starr Theater - Tickets $12 for students / seniors, $15 general admission- 7:30 p.m. - Clarinet Studio Recital - PAC Recital Hall

Friday, April 15:- 12th Annual Juried Student ExhibitionGaddis Geeslin Gallery, Art Building F- 5 p.m. - Sam Houston Challenge - HKC Courts and Intramural Field- 6:30 p.m. - Softball v. Texas A&M - Softball Field- 7:30 p.m. - US Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants from Washington, D.C.PAC Concert Hall- 8 p.m. - “Into the Woods” - Erica Starr Theater - Tickets $12 for students / seniors, $15 general admission

Saturday, April 16:- 12th Annual Juried Student ExhibitionGaddis Geeslin Gallery, Art Building F- 1 p.m. - Softball v. Texas A&M - Corpus Christi - Softball Field- 2 p.m. - Baseball v. Lamar - Don Sanders Stadium- 4 p.m. - Sam Houston Challenge - HKC Courts and Intramural Field- 9 p.m. - “Into the Woods” - Erica Starr Theater - Tickets $12 for students / seniors, $15 general admission

Sunday, April 17:- 12th Annual Juried Student ExhibitionGaddis Geeslin Gallery, Art Building F- 12 p.m. - Softball v. Texas A&M - Corpus Christi - Softball Field- 1 p.m. - Baseball v. Lamar - Don Sanders Stadium- 7:30 p.m. Collaborative Piano Recital - PAC Recital Hall

Monday, April 18:- 12th Annual Juried Student ExhibitionGaddis Geeslin Gallery, Art Building F- 12 p.m. - STATISTICSLSC Mall Area- 7:30 p.m. - Faculty Chamber RecitalPAC Recital Hall

Campus Calendar

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From DEBATE page 1

By Brittany PiresContributing Reporter

Daily UPD Activity

April 11, 2011

A male university student was arrested in the 1800 block of Avenue I for outstanding warrants of arrest (113555).

A male university student was arrested in the 800 block of Bowers Boulevard for outstanding warrants or arrests (113559).

By maintaining the Pell at the maximum $5,550, the bill ensures that colleges won’t have to backtrack on their financial-aid offers to families for the coming academic year, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Other cuts include cuts to Homeland Security, the high-speed rail program that Obama has pushed for since his election into office, and the public broadcasting system.

If the bill is passed today, it will fund the government through September 30, the end of the fiscal year.

From GRANT page 1

Photo courtesy of Brittany PiresSLOW GROWTH. Huntsville is slowly expanding to include modern stores like Marshalls.

Jessica Gomez | The HoustonianEXPANSION. Huntsville’s newest shopping center includes two new clothing stores: Rue 21 and Marshalls.

Supply meets demandThe city’s most recent shopping center reflects student demand for more options

Summer BlockbustersPage 5

Thursday, April 14, 2011Arts &

Summer blockbuster season is semi-officially underway. Its arrival is a bit early this year – probably because Hollywood studios are desperate to get audiences into seats during an economic recovery that is moving slower than the plot of Gran Turino, or any other Clint Eastwood film for that matter.

The Houstonian has put together a list of must-see summer blockbusters as well as a list of movies that should be avoided (think 2012 or Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen).

What to Watch:

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Pt. 2

The final installment in a series most of us have grown up first reading and then watching, not going to see this shouldn’t even be an option. Daniel Radcliffe and the gang are back to speak in British accents and finally bring an end to an epic ride we started back in 2001. Now we are all ten years older, but I will still cry like a baby when they fight the final battle against Voldemort.

See it if you like: all the other Harry Potter movies, magic, crying, British people with questionable teeth, epic wand battles.

Release date: July 15

The Hangover 2We all loved the low-budget, surprise hit

that the first Hangover was, and I’ve heard a lot of people doubting that this one can match up. I say if it’s even half as good it’ll be funnier than most comedies. This time, Stu is getting married in Thailand and we all know that something catastrophic will happen to the “wolfpack.” With all the original cast coming back together, we have their chemistry and rumors that Mike Tyson will also be back for another cameo! Mel Gibson and then Liam Neeson were supposed to have roles but apparently neither of them are going to be in it anymore.

Hopefully director Todd Phillips can pull it together and make us die laughing again.

See it if you like: drunken buffoonery, hilarious dudes with great comic chemistry, Zach Galifin—whatever.

Release date: May 26

Water for ElephantsReese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson

star in this drama about a travelling circus. Robert’s parents die and he drops out of vet school and goes on the road as the circus vet and falls in love with Reese, the boss’s wife. It’s based on a best-selling novel and it looks like it will end badly, but I’ve heard good things about the book and there has been a lot of buzz about the movie.

See it if you like: elephants, Robert Pattinson finally looking somewhat normal-colored but still gloomy, Reese Witherspoon looking beautiful.

Release date: April 22

ThorThis movie is based on the Marvel comic,

and it looks like the ultimate summer blockbuster. A cocky hero is thrown out of his home planet of Asgard and “grounded” on earth, where he (Thor!) ends up helping us out. Kat Dennings and Natalie Portman costar with Chris Hemsworth (beautiful person who has never really been in anything) in this film that will probably have no real twists but a lot of exciting special effects and action sequences.

See it if you like: being entertained, looking at Natalie Portman (who doesn’t?!), weird misinterpretations of Norse mythology, a thick icing of special effects sure to rock your socks.

Release date: May 6

Green LanternRyan Reynolds and Blake Lively star in

this movie based on the DC Comic hero of the same name, and that sentence right there tells me that this movie will be like candy for the eyes. Reynolds plays a test pilot who is given a ring that grants him superpowers, and then there’s the whole, “Omg, I was kind of a crappy person, but now I’m a

superhero! Will I rise to the occasion?!” plot thing that happens in almost every one of these types of movies. However, this looks like a genuinely fun summer movie.

See it if you like: looking at gorgeous people, action, comic books adaptations, the color green.

Release date: June 17

What to Avoid:

Fast FiveI have never been more confident that a

movie will be a complete waste of time and money than I have been with this movie. Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are back to utter more gruff one-liners while professional drivers perform high speed trick things. They are in trouble with drug lords and government agents alike! Good line from the trailer: “This just went from Mission Impossible to Mission In-freakin’-sanity!” With writers like that, how can they fail?!

See it if you hate: talented actors driving slow, plots, good dialogue, probable action sequences.

Release date: April 29

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Johnny Depp and Geoffrey Rush return, now seeking the Fountain of Youth with or maybe against Blackbeard. Not present: Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. This makes sense given the tragic train wreck (shipwreck?) the last two movies ended up being. On Stranger Tides will probably be a similar disordered, flashy, overlong attempt to showcase Johnny Depp’s Captain Sparrow and do very little else. However, Penelope Cruz is now on board, and I could continue with the seafaring references, but my point is: I think this movie will be awful.

See it if you hate: land, coherent storylines

Release date: May 20

Transformers: Dark of the MoonMy reaction to this falls in the same

category as my reaction to Pirates of the Carribean and Fast Five—I expect it to be another awful installment in a fallen franchise. However, this is only the third film in the Transformers series, as opposed to the fourth in the Pirates or the fifth in The Fast And The Furious. Maybe Michael Bay will be able to pull of something more like the fun first movie and less like the unpleasantly long and self-indulgent second movie. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, a Victoria’s Secret model and reportedly

Jason Statham’s girlfriend, is replacing Megan Fox as the leading lady. This time the Autobots and the Decepticons are racing to the moon to find a mysterious something that will help them in the final battle. There’s a slim chance Bay is bringing us something compelling and enjoyable, but my money says it will just be a mess of half-formed concepts and half-explained plots.

See it if you hate: not being confused, not seeing Shia LeBeouf with his mouth open looking astonished, modestly dressed women with average body types, non-gratuitous CGI.Release date: July 1 Cowboys and Aliens

This could possibly fall into the “so bad it’s good” category, but I seriously doubt it. With Daniel “I’ve never known happiness” Craig, Harrison “I have so many wrinkles now” Ford and Olivia “Inhumanly Gorgeous” Wilde, this movie is Western vs. sci fi—aliens try to invade the Wild West circa 1873. Need I say more? It’s sure to be strange and possibly delightful in its strangeness.

See it if you hate: established genres, spaghetti westerns, Philip K. Dick

Release date: July 29

Friends with BenefitsMila Kunis and Justin Timberlake try

to have a merely physical relationship and then they have a lot of trouble not falling in love—or at least one of them does! If you change those names to Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, you have No Strings Attached, which means you have already seen this movie. It is also going to be extremely similar to every romantic comedy ever (think Pretty Woman, How To Lose A Man In 10 Days, etc.) where what started as a working relationship or some kind of struck deal ends in TRUE LOVE. I bet someone delivers an impassioned speech!

See it if you hate: originality, reality, irony.

Release date: July 22

By Hilary CollinsContributing Writer

Hilary Collins gives her input on what movies to watch and what movies will waste your time


Richard Paul Thomas with Jan Seides

Saturday, April 16th @ 7 pm. 144 E. Mosley Lane, Huntsville TX 77340. For more

information call (936) 661-4313.

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Photo by Francois Duhamel. TM & © DC Comics

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Photo courtesy of Glen Wilson | Sony Pictures

Page 6Thursday, April 14, 2011Sports


TUESDAY, April 12 Houston 0 SHSU 9



Lamar at SHSUApril 15 - April 17


Texas StateStephen F. Austin.Southeastern LaLamarSHSUUT ArlingtonTexas A&M-CCMcNeese StateCentral Arkansas Nicholls StateUTSANorthwestern State

11-4 (21-11)10-5 (23-11)9-6 (23-11)9-6 (22-13)8-7 (23-12)8-7 (16-17)7-8 (22-15)7-8 (17-17)6-9 (16-17)6-9 (16-17)6-9 (14-21)3-12 (11-22)




SATURDAY, April 16 (DH)Texas A&M-CC at SHSU


Texas StateStephen F. AustinNichollsUT ArlingtonMcNeese StateUTSASam Houston StateSoutheastern La.Southeastern La.Central ArkansasSoutheastern La.

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Texas A&M 4 SHSU 1

SUNDAY, April 17

HUNTSVILLE - The bats were alive on Tuesday night as the Bearkats defeated the Houston Cougars 9-0.

In the bottom of the second inning, catch-er John Hale (1-4) hit a single to drive in the first run of the game. Rightfielder Greg Ol-son (1-3) singled in the second run. Second-baseman Ryan Mooney (2-5) singled in the third run of the game, and the fourth run was driven in on a sacrifice fly by designated hit-ter Chris Andreas (2-5).

Andreas led off the bottom of the fifth with

a home run, his seventh and they added two more runs in the same inning and Mooney hit his first homerun of the year in the bottom of the eight that went off the light pole of the softball field.

Starting pitcher Cody Dickson went 4 1/3 innings and Michael Oros pitched 2 2/3 in relieve with the win and Michael Hilliard got the save.

The Bearkats will play host to Lamar Cardinals this weekend as head coach Mark Johnson will be going for his 1200th career win.

For time and schedule of the games, visit the website at

Cheval John Staff Blogger

Kats blank Cougs

Photos courtesy of Brian BlalockDOMINANCE ON THE MOUND Bearkat pitchers Cody Dickson, Michael Oros, Paul Spinn and Michael Hilliard combined to blank the Cougars for Sam Houston’s fifth shutout of the season. SHSU out-hit UH 11-6.


Mike Silva | The Houstonian

BLACK SWARM. In the previous two Orange-White offense vs. defense showdowns, the two units have split. The offense won 54-35 in 2009 when quarterback Bryan Randolph threw for a spring game record of 418 yards passing. Last year, the defense (also known as Black Swarm) dominated, winning 42-27.

MORE WORK DOWNFIELD. Offensive coordina-tor Bob DeBesse told The Houstonian that coaches are still waiting for more wide receivers to step up. “Sometimes you have to create your own confidence,” DeBesse said.

Mike Silva | The Houstonian

HUNTSVILLE - The Bearkats’ key players last season had little to no college football experience. Now, freshmen like quarterback Brian Bell and Timothy Flanders are among the team leaders.

The third annual Orange-White game, which matches the Bearkat offense against the defense, will be held tonight at 7:00 p.m. at Elliot T. Bowers Stadium. Since spring practice began March 21, coaches have been seeking more explosiveness and depth on both sides of the ball.

And if that’s not enough to make the 2011 Orange-White clash exciting, there’s all kinds of extra events planned for the contest when the game brings spring drills to an end.

“This has been an exciting spring for the football team,” Sam Houston head coach Willie Fritz said. “We feel like the program is heading in the right direction and we want the fans and students to get excited too.”

A special system which allows the defense to score points for quarterback sacks, turnovers, tackles for losses, forcing the offense to punt and other stand-out defensive plays will be utilized.

The scoring system will

work as follows:ORANGE-WHITE


*Orange (Defense) White (Offense)

Take-away 4 points Touchdown 6 points

3 & Out 2 points Field Goal 3 points

QB Sack 2 points PAT 1 point

FG Block 2 points Explosive run (+12) 1 point

Tackle for loss 1 point Explosive pass (+16) 1 point

PAT Block 1 point First Down 1 point

Force Punt 1 point 4th Down Conversion 1 point

4th Down Stop 1 point* Following the game,

SHSU football players will participate in an autograph session for children in attendance.

The Bearkats return 46 lettermen including 22 starters from last year’s young team that won six of its final nine games and tied for third place in the Southland Conference.

Returning players include first team All-Southland

defensive back Kenneth Jenkins and all-league return specialist Brian Closner (who returned punts and kickoffs). SLC honorable mention freshmen defensive backs Bookie Sneed and Daxton Swanson also return for the Kats

In the previous two Orange-White showdowns, the two units have split. The offense won 54-35 in 2009 when quarterback Bryan Randolph threw for a spring game record of 418 yards passing.

Last year, the defense dominated with a 42-27 route.

“With a few positions where we’re a little thin, the offense versus defense concept just works better for us again this year,” Fritz said. “The competition will be fun and it will give us an opportunity to have one more look at each of our players in a game situation.”

Orange-White night

excitement starts at 5:30 p.m. with pregame tail-gate in the parking lot north of the Bowers Stadium scoreboard. Attractions include free food for students, the ROTC rock wall, 40-yard dash and punt, pass and kick competitions.

Sam Houston State fraternities and sororities are involved and prizes in the punt, pass and kick contests include a special sidelines pass at the season-opening game for 2011 in September.

The Sam Houston band, cheerleading and dance groups present to add to the excitement.

Seating at the game will be limited to the west side (press box) stands.

“We been looking to become more explosive on both sides of the line of scrimmage this spring,” Fritz said. “We hope to see some of that explosiveness in Thursday’s game. It should be exciting.”

With a crowd of supporters rooting for them, Sam Houston’s first-year women’s bowling team boarded their bus Tuesday morning to head to Detroit for the NCAA Championships.

As the Bearkats departed campus, the National Tenpins Coaches Association re-leased their April, 2011 national rankings. Again, as they have since the first regular season poll last fall, Sam Houston is in the top 10.

The Bearkats will join defending nation-al champion Fairleigh Dickinson, Arkansas State, Central Missouri, Kutztown, Mary-land-Eastern Shore, Nebraska and Vander-bilt in the field. Rounds 1 through 4 will be webcast live on . Satur-day’s finals will be televised nationally on a delayed basis on ESPN. The telecast will air Sunday afternoon April 17 at 1:30 p.m. Huntsville time.

Members of the team headed to Michi-gan are freshmen Neishka Cardona from Carolina Puerto Rico; Kimi Davidson from Azle, Texas and Shaina Woolbaugh from Kirkwood, NY, and juniors Dayna Galgan-ski from West Palm Beach, Fla,; Lisa Ma-

cAllister from Kemp, Tex. And Aida San-chez from the Domincan Republic.

Competition begins with qualifying rounds in which each team will bowl one five-person regular team game against each of the other seven teams participating in the championship for a total of seven games. Teams will be seeded for bracket play based on their win-loss record during the qualify-ing rounds.

Teams will then compete in best-of-sev-en-games Baker matches in a double-elim-ination tournament. In the Baker format, each of the five team members, in order, bowls a complete frame until a complete (10-frame) game is bowled. A Baker match tied 3½ games to 3½ games after seven games will be decided by a tiebreaker using the Modified Baker format.

Sam Houston’s University Police De-partment gave the team bus a police escort out of Huntsville. The three-day event will be be hosted by the University of Detroit Mercy and the Detroit Metro Sports Com-mission on April 14-16 at the Skore Lanes in Taylor, Michigan. The Kat bowlers are the only first-year NCAA Division I wom-en’s bowling team to earn NCAA selection in the eight-year history of the champion-ship.


HUNTSVILLE SLUGGING. Designated hitter Chris Andreas went 2-for-3 with three RBIs, blasting double and his seventh home run of the year to lead Sam Houston to an 9-0 non-con-ference baseball victory over the Houston Cougars Tuesday night at Don Sanders Stadium.

Explosive offense vs. Black Swarm

NATIONALS IN DETROIT. Pictured here (from left to right) Kimi Davidson, Aida Sanchez, Day-na Galganski, Shaina Woolbaugh, Lisa MacAllister Neishka Cardon and Head Coach Brad Hagen.

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