THE IBMYP PERSONAL PROJECT Personal Project 2015-16


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Personal Project 2015-16

What is the Personal Project?A chance to be a Bill Gates, a Picasso,

a Jamie Oliver or….

• A Project based on students’ personal interests completed by all Year 9 and 10 students – commenced in Term 4 of Year 9 and completed in Term 3 of Year 10.

• Opportunity to discover personal abilities and passions

• Opportunity to create something that is of great personal interest

• Opportunity for independent learning.


Global ContextsWhich “lens” will I use?

• Identities and Relationships• Orientation in space and time• Personal and cultural expression• Scientific and technical innovation• Globalisation and sustainability• Fairness and development(See handout)


Focus Questions for identifying the Global Context


• What do I want to achieve through the personal project?

• What do I want others to understand through my work?

• What impact do I want my project to have?


You want to create an App!

What will it be an App for?

How will you go about it?

Group Activity- Step 1• Each table has been assigned a Global

Context.• Using the Global Context allocated and

its details discuss and decide upon an idea for an App that you will create as part of your personal project.

• 5 minutes• Groups to feedback what their decision

was and how it connects to their allocated Global Context.


Project CriteriaEstablish what the parameters of your project will be. These parameters will be used to measure the quality of your completed product. These are used by the student , the final project is marked using a set of given IB criteria.

Some guide questions:

•What will my outcome or project look like?

•What type of materials will I use?

•What techniques /approaches will I use?

•What type of information will be included?

•Who is the audience?

•Do I need to consider copyright or intellectual property?


Group activity - Step 2

• As a group decide on three key criteria (tests) that you will use to measure the success of your App.


Group activity - Step 3

• Now list three questions you think you will need answered to be able to create your App.

• Where will you get this information from and why this source?


Connections to the Personal Project

How have the activities we have taken part in tonight reflected the nature and steps of the project?


The Personal ProjectSupport• Personal Project Coordinator• 2015-16 Students are allocated a staff

member as a mentor. Regular meetings are held to support the process

• Student workshops to address key sections of the project

• Personal Project club• 2015-16 Personal Project Guide Book 11

Invitation to Parents

• Talk to usoSupervisoro PP coordinatoroDirector of IB

o If we don’t know we can’t help.


Project Components

Personal project component How it is assessed

1. Focus on a topic leading towards a product/outcome- Goal.

Evident in the presentation/report

2. Process journal A selection of extracts in appendices of the report

2. Report- Written, Electronic (blog etc), Oral (podcast), Visual (film), multimedia.

The content of the report assessed using all four criteria


What can parents do to help their children with the Personal Project?

•Encourage your daughter to choose a topic that she is really interested in and will be motivated by.•Ensure the $100 limit is adhered to.•Encourage your child NOT to procrastinate, to manage her time well, and to meet all deadlines. •Motivate your child to complete the Project because it is brilliant preparation for life in “the real world”.•Support but don’t do!


A sample or 2 of projects

Restoring a motorbike A costume


It doesn’t have to be big to achieve an excellent


The emphasis is on process, not product.


Assessment Criteria

Criteria A: Investigating Max 8Criteria B: Planning Max 8Criteria C: Taking Action Max 8Criteria D: Reflecting Max 8

Total 3217

2016Compulsory external moderation is required by IB.

This means:•The IB will select sample student projects which will be required to submit electronically to IB for marking.•The feedback will allow us to refine our delivery and assessment processes.


Questions ?

