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November 2015

What’s Inside

Zion Lutheran Church, Hemlock, Michigan

The IvaThe Iva ChimesChimes

Prayer Corner Page 2

Christian Symbols Page 2

Euchre Fellowship Night Page 2

Pastor’s Page Page 3

November Calendar Page 4

Veterans Day Prayer Page 4

Youth Group Activities Pages 5-6

Eagle Scout Project Pages 7-8

November Birthdays/Anniv. Page 6

Christmas Tree Decorating Page 7

Bible Study Opportunities Page 7

Stewardship Update Page 7

Capital City Ringers Concert Page 7

The Iva Chimes

is available online at

What’s Inside

The Iva Chimes 2

November 2015

Prayer Corner of the World…

In Ethiopia, which is number 22 on the list of Persecuting Countries, marriages can be-come a living nightmare over faith in Jesus. One woman June 22, was killed after her husband beat her for her refusal to recant her Christian faith. A Muslim before she was married, she became a Christian two years ago and had endured regular beating from her husband for converting to Christianity - a situation which she had earlier reported to the police. A Christian acquaintance arrived at the scene of the crime just before Maria

died to hear her say repeatedly, "He killed me."

Opposition to converts is common in Ethiopia particularly for Muslim-background believers. Members of mosques and con-

verts' own families will monitor their activity and fabricate false accusations to take to the police.

Owning Christian materials, accessing Christian media and meeting others Christians are all difficult for certain believers, as

is finding a place of burial. Children of Christians are harassed because of the faith of their family.

At the national level, the government, obsessed with controlling every aspect of society, restricts freedom of religion. Securi-ty and administration issues are used as a reason to discourage missionaries from travelling within the country. The govern-ment also requires certain Christians to register in order to operate legally. Many church leaders do not want to speak open-ly against the instigators of persecution because of the risks involved. There are also reports that indicate negligence by the

government in dealing with violence against Christians.Let us pray:

That the government will take action against those responsible for damaging churches and harming Christians

For workers strengthening the church through biblical and leadership training For the body of Christ to be united and led by love and humility, not arrogance or fear.

Praying with you, and for Ethiopians, a people whom Philip once discipled,

Christian Symbols Crown

The crown, a symbol of royal authority, represents Jesus, the King of Kings. It can also symbolize the “crown of glory,” the eternal reward that faithful Chris-tians receive in heaven (see 1 Peter 5:4). Three crowns are often used to represent the wise men who traveled from the East in search of the baby Jesus .

Join us for some games of Euchre in the fellowship hall on

Sunday, November 1, 2015 beginning at 6:00 pm. Bring a snack to

share. Beverages will be provided.

The Iva Chimes

November 2015 3

Pastor Paul Hauser

Pastor’s Page…

“She gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:35) Who is this passage speaking of? The one who gave thanks was named, “Anna”, and the one for whom she gave thanks was

named, “Jesus!”

I’ve been thinking of my Aunt Anna, who is slowly fading away in health due to a weak heart. She has been a Christian all her life, and shared much love with me and my siblings, especially when we were young. Now, at the old age of 85, she is looking

forward to the new Jerusalem in heaven.

Anna, in the Bible, was an elderly Jewish woman who prophesied about Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem during the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. “Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, was of the tribe of Asher. She had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple, but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God

and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.” (Luke 2:36-38)

As my Aunt Anna looks forward to the new life in heaven, in January, my daughter, Elise, is due to have a baby, looking forward to the new life in their family, and God’s family through baptism. My Aunt Anna has been a widow for quite a

while now, having had her husband, my Uncle Alex, die of Alzheimer’s many years ago.

Looking forward to Thanksgiving in November, many who are older may go through their distant memories and choose to give thanks for God being with them and not leaving them as widows, widowers, or orphans. Young or old, we al-ways have Jesus for whom we can give thanks for not only our life on earth, but our life in heaven someday soon. As one life flies by towards its end, so another, for which we give thanks, crawls into this world, and through baptism,

learns to walk with Jesus. Jesus was born to die, and rise to make life and death beautiful for each of us by faith.

Where are you at this time of your life? Are you young, middle-aged, or ancient? Do you see things for which you can give thanks, or have the daily to lifetime troubles faded gratitude from your memory? Look forward to seeing Jesus in your arms, as you read His Word, so you can give thanks that, one day, you will be in His arms in heaven. Look for-ward to each day, prepared to receive the gift of God as Immanuel, God with us. He resides in the temple of your body

by faith, to present your life to God and others as dedicated in thanks to Jesus.

When you see Jesus, you can look forward to another day of life, or even your death. Jesus makes life worth living, and death worth dying. Put your hope in Him like Anna, who was waiting for life in Jesus, even at death. Put your hope in Jesus who created you, and saved you, and who will not disappoint you with His gifts for life under the tree of His

cross. Happy Thanksgiving! Looking forward to Life’s Holy Days with you,

Pastor Paul Hauser

The Iva Chimes 4

November 2015

November Calendar

Nov 1 9:30 am Worship w/Communion/ Combined Choirs 11:00 am Confirmation Class 11:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Choir Rehearsal 6:30 pm Euchre Fellowship Nov 2 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 3 9:00 am LWR Quilters 7:00 pm Council Meeting Nov 4 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 5 12:30 am Ladies Bible Study 7:00 pm Amen’s Bible Study Nov 8 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am Confirmation Class 11:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Board of Chr. Ed. Nov 9 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 10 9:00 am LWR Quilters 7:00 pm Evangelism/Stewardship Nov 11 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 12 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00 pm Elders Nov 14 9:00 am Put up Christmas Tree

Nov 15 9:30 am Worship w/Communion 11:00 am Confirmation Class 11:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Choir Rehearsal Nov 16 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 17 9:00 am LWR Quilters Nov 18 10:30 am Bible Study Nov 19 12:30 pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00 pm Amen’s Bible Study Nov 21 4:00 pm Capital City Ringers Handbell Concert Nov 22 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am Confirmation Class 11:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Choir Rehearsal Nov 23 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal Nov 24 9:00 am LWR Quilters Nov 25 10:30 am Bible Study 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Eve Worship Nov 26 9:30 am Thanksgiving Worship Nov 29 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am Confirmation Class 11:00 am Sunday School 11:00 am Choir Rehearsal

A Veterans Day Prayer God of all nations, you are our Strength and Shield. We give you thanks today for the devotion and cour-age of all those who have offered military service for

this country …

We ask today that you would lift up by your Spirit those who are now at war; encourage and heal

those in hospitals or mending their wounds at home; guard those in any need or trouble; hold safely in

your hands all military families and bring the return-ing troops to joyful reunion and tranquil life at home. Give to us, your people, grateful hearts and a united will to honor these men and women and hold them always in our love and our prayers until your world is perfected in peace and all wars cease. Through

Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.

—Rev. Dr. Jennifer Phillips

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November 2015 5

Youth Group A recent outing to Frankenmuth Adventure Forest was enjoyed by the youth group and chaperones. After receiving safety orientation and safety harnesses the group headed out to a series of platforms in the trees connected by cable, wood, rope and zip lines to form bridges. Each bridge presents a different challenge of how to get to the next platform. A series of bridges form “aerial trails” throughout the forest. A great time was had by all!

The Iva Chimes 6

November 2015

Youth Group On Sunday, October 25 the youth group visited Grandma’s Pumpkin Patch and made their way through the corn maze followed by a costume party at the church. Do you know who is who???

The Iva Chimes

November 2015 7

Eagle Scout Project Complete!

Bob Burdick recently finished his Eagle Scout project, enhancing two of the former classrooms here at Zion. You may remember them as the purple room and the blue room, but now I’d bet you wouldn’t recognize them. Back in January, Bob attended a Church Council meeting and presented his proposal to repaint these two rooms in order to make them more usable and multipurpose. Presently one of the rooms is used primarily for the choir and other music related purpos-es. The second room was basically used as a storage room and is currently being used for handbell practices. Bob pro-posed to recolor these rooms in a neutral shade in order to brighten them up and make them more inviting for more activi-

ties such as meetings and gatherings.

The project could not have been completed without the coordination and generosity of others. Irene Kruth was Bob’s touchstone at Zion. Together, Bob and his aunt, Linda Laurenz, applied for seed money through Thrivent Financial who provided $250 for materials and supplies. The Home Depot in Shields also donated $100 and Glidden Paints through

salesman, Ray LaFrance, donated 12 gallons of paint.

The first order of business was to contend with the old chalkboard/whiteboards that had been on the walls for years and were in rough shape. Gratefully, through the hard work of Bruce Tessin and Jack Traub, those boards were removed and Bob was ready to prepare the rooms for paint. He spent many hours sanding the

walls and taping off the edges.

With the help and input of a few church members, Bob chose a color most like the fellowship hall with a coordinating trim. Bob enlisted a painting crew consisting of members of his Scout troop and family and even Irene Kruth (who happens to be a great trim

painter!) and together the walls were completely painted over a 2-day span. The walls are

made from concrete blocks and soaked up a total of 17 gallons of paint between the two rooms.

From there, the church brought in someone to refinish the floors. Bob came back and installed new rubber trim and elec-trical outlet covers. The project is complete! Bob hopes that these rooms can be utilized more now that they are brighter

and cleaner.

Bob thanks the Church for all the support that has been shown over his years in scouting and appreciates the opportunity to give back. Bob hosted coffee hour after

services on Sunday, September 27, 2015 for an official unveiling of the final results.

The Iva Chimes 8

November 2015

November Birthdays and Anniversaries

November 1 Jim & Diane Mc Quiston November 5 Richard & Gwen Diebel November 7 Bob & Carol Eggebrecht November 21 Tim & Brenda Northrup November 25 Leon & Noreen Zastrow

2 Ken Gath John Klembecki Brittany Rohde Arlene Rohn Scotty Rose 3 Aimee Gath 4 Elsie Bluemer Aaron Kocsis 5 Richard Huey Ann Klink 7 Chad Benes Diane Mc Quiston Barry Neuenfeldt

17 Jim Hingston Dave Kade Zoey Schultz 19 Grant Hollingsworth Theresa Miller 20 Joyce Zastrow 21 Tom Clapp Les Hyatt Linda Nunn 23 Elmer Blehm Dick Bluemer Bill Kilgore 24 Noah Rowe

8 Bonnie Wietfeldt 9 Jessica Coulter Joel Hutfilz 10 Michelle Beyersdorf Bobby Burdick 13 Rachel Hilbrandt Judy Hingston Joyce Little Janice Hingston 15 Jim Gardner Fred Kruth 16 Ryan Kade Mitchell Rowe

25 Victoria Heath Brady Richnak Mary Rexin 26 Aaron Coty 27 Willie Brickel Shaun Byron Vincent Werry 28 Mark Hingston Jaxson Hildebrant 30 Lynette Rossow Jadon Mayer


Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy

and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.

—William Arthur Ward







The Iva Chimes

November 2015 9

Offerings Received for the Lord’s Work

As of October 25, 2015

Income received from: Loose Plate $ 5,600 General Fund Envelopes $ 139,827 Mission $ 6,186 Maintenance $ 11,248 Misc. Other Income, Rent $ 19,379 Total Income $182,240 Expenses 1/1/15 to 10/31/15 $ 179,957 Income 1/1/15 thru 10/3115 $ 182,240 Income minus Expense $ 2,283 Amount needed weekly $4,220 per budget Amount needed thru 10/3115 (43 wks) $ 181,460 Amount received thru 10/3115 $ 182,240 Amount over per budget $ 780

Christmas Tree Decorating

Saturday, November 14 9:00 am

We will be putting up the Christmas Tree a little

early this year in an effort to set the mood for the Christmas season as we welcome the Capital City Ringers Handbell group to Zion on November 21. Help is needed to accomplish this. We will not be

putting the remaining decorations until after Thanksgiving. Please contact Millie Parker if you are willing to help. We need some strong young blood to help out. Further decorating will take

place at a later date. Watch for details.

Sunday School, Confirmation, Adult Bible Study


Sunday School and Confirmation have begun. Thank you to Sandy Schultz, Julayne Goward and Shantelle Knapik for taking on the shared responsibility of

teaching preschoolers thru grade 5.

Adult Bible Study groups continue on Wednesdays from 10:30 am until noon. Amen’s Bible Study will continues on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 8:30 pm on the 1st, 3rd, 4th

and 5th Thursdays studying the book of Genesis.

Ladies Bible Study group meets on Thursdays from 12:30 – 2:30 pm studying the book of Ruth. Invite a friend to join you

for any or all of these groups.

Capital City Ringers Handbell Concert The Capital City Ringers, Inc., under the direction of Nicole Lep-pala, will be in concert at Zion Saturday, November 21 at 4:00 pm. CCR , a nonprofit community handbell ensemble from the Lan-sing area, will feature a family-friendly program. Fifteen ringers and more than 150 handbells and handchimes come together as one in-strument that’s a treat for the eyes as well as the ears. CCR performs more than 15 concerts each year and has toured extensively in and beyond Michigan. The ensemble has performed at many community events, including Handbell Musicians of America events and Lansing’s Silver Bells. CCR has collaborated with oth-er handbell choirs, as well as various instrumental and choral ensembles. The group has produced four re-cordings, available for sale at concerts and on the CCR website. For additional information, be sure to visit CCR’s website at Refreshments will be served following the concert. A freewill donation we be taken. Flyers are available in the church narthex. Please feel free to take and pass on to your friends and neighbors. You will truly enjoy this performance!

The mission and vision of Zion Lutheran Church is to share Jesus with all people as we

J~oyfully worship E~ducate all people S~hare God’s Word U~tilize all gifts S~erve all souls

Zion Lutheran Church 17927 Dice Road Hemlock, Michigan 48626

Zion Lutheran Church Pastor: Rev. Paul Hauser Church Office - 989-642-5909 Secretary Office Hours Tues. & Thurs. 2-4 pm Fri 9 am-11 am Pastor Home 989-327-1557 Pastor’s Cell Phone 989-964-8722 Zion’s E-mail Zion’s Website Zion’s newsletter, “The Iva Chimes” is published monthly. Information to be included in the newsletter is due on or before the 23rd of the month

and can be faxed or emailed to the church.

Who’s Who

Sunday Worship Schedule 9:30 A.M. Divine Worship Service

10:45 am Sunday School (Sept—May) (Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month)



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