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The~ Ille for The LAk~ Front ronti ll'lS stoncs.. videos, 11th "" and rn:•e• Chi · 11 ,..

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H.ike illte tl: lu · The Like Front okl

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November 2011 Volume 53, Iss'"'u--'e'-4'--______ _____ _.;.:la:.:.k:.::e.:..:fr..::o.:..:n.::ts:.:ac:.:.c:.:o:.:.m"-

PS E tar etin first- eneration Valef'le Cowan .....

De,iJc:. .-11n1ng a .. hole nc" w::all rn,Jclt S1uJcnt I •u:cllcno.:c I P'il I ha,. unJcri:unc numc:n•u, danll'c, smec l.1\1 \.CfflC'i.lCr

P"if-. a pn,gmm under the lcJcrally lnnJcd TR10 Student Surr,.1rt '<'n1~, . olkn: pcrwnahred \Uf'f'Or1 to l11'"$l-fencra1ion ,nd ~ -1m:ume ,111Jcnh Th11 iuppor1 n1~ an the lorm tit ad, 1\mg: ~1\1n!l, lultmnr, eom~llll\C \l.:holar.h1p ('l('pX1un,uci, lllunc1.d ,ud and h1tr.1l) AM1,tancc. "'t'rk~hop111nJ culturwil alll\lUC\

In onkr to qu.ihl> for ~f. 5-Uackrit'i mu,t hc al ', c1t1;en or pcmuo..-n1 li:-gal n:,,Jent anJ h,1,e • dear o«d lor .1~a<lcm1c ,uppon PSf mcmhcn. mu,1 alw, c11hcr he a fil"I-JCOCtlllk.'ln CQllc,c ~tutk:nt, hill uncfr·r .1 le1~-1nc11mc ,1-1tu, a~ pcr 1he l ~ Dcp.1r1mcnl ol Eduau1on ,,r h.1\ c a Jocum.:nted ph~srl.11 or lnm inH d1u l,1ht) tiled "11h 1hc Offict' uf 01Yh1l1t~ Ser. ,ccs or Te,:as Rduh1l11.1t1,m (.u~1mm,1on

•ml.eJ ,r 1?-.c hnanc I 11d am. <n11en.1 id I •-anted :oio m'.'lft' ad, wn1 and •ork na: •1th 1~1 01 lh.11 level

A I pt;I Prop:t \pa1ah I tier rt"1pon11011 1,n 11Klw:k adv1uns and :,rg.1n111ng workshops for P~E ,1udi.n1, on topics like appl)1n1 1ndw1t- M hnol fin:inc1:d hlc-JiO and budgeting

\\c I fo!IO"' UPO"I IP"il !UdMllJ anJ m:rkt' IUIT Ibey IC1

thc heir I~ ~Ultt' •nd it's Jtell

tocstabl h hatrtl.tlM>•Wup•ath thml <, rnsa~

< ttn ha" u1d the~ P"i[ .\lafl mmtbffs ha\t' \llodcd v.,:-111op1hcr 10 • lhe --.orl nops tu,c bccn •ell auena J

llo¥ic\'er he gran1 rcce1,.cJ t,y f>SI from I l s (Jc')l.nmcnt of f:Al1K.at10n llat PSE must ,1mc to IC' \ICC 11W II _k; <.renlha\\ wi.:t PSI 111 c: rnnll)" ,c v1ng around )CN a..tcnu

r<;r ( ,,c,rJmalt•r JOO) Creni.ha\li uaJ lhc rcial t•I the fR,O rrogr;am1. 'lllhtch •lkl tnduJc l fl'\.1rd Bound 111 thc h1~h -.chc.l(II IC\cl llnd t~ Mt:N.11r <;chotu-,; Pro,nm .It 1hc gr.tdualc IC'\cl. i. •ro help f1n1"""'ncrt11t1n, fttl'•in~·.,mc t,1uJc-n1~ \\Uh 11caJcm1c

PHOTO BY MARIAM KEVUSHIVU PSE proY~ support. both finanda!ly and academically, to freshmen like AcHson Pachccano (above).


--, os ~ here 1t Our lady ol th< uia, UnlYenltV, as """1t stalJStla have soown.

Report: stats positive ... ,..m Kawastwm -Uu ,..i ltcl ~le II Our I ,1Jy

orttw l.akil1 Po )'\IU take t.rc mghl ... lb~lbcca,apu1"Dll)UI f"cr ao.w )Ila,.,.. wmrtQdrd"' Do \1>11k~UMiD)'OUf ... room 1

~JJ,oa \<caOl,..,.,.. .. o_ ~cunt, RC'plft.iaZOIO..,_..,,_ MClunfD\k'Aot'lalml. ...... car thcfl~ c, Jn,v ,toladaal 1:1oa,,a-. thtn:- Y.'l'tt' ..... caNI., aa~va1cJ a,oull .nJ IJM __..,

rtl1• W(ITilpl'" I~ 1« IC' doa' ODr Nbtlcf) tJfW tw,lary

C'IIWffll.,,'°cludc~•~ \ I.Jht\cnrt} \.•mJl'II lit 11w )fff IN h110 .cl offftll;:ft and

laqbrlC't al lncarnalC Word ~ordlftl kJ dtc1,c rYp(llfll.

OLLL camru• 1ttm• 1ht pfcu fn1m 1hc Unl\Cf'llln ,,, ab..•uJ !he ,.unc :SllC

Licu1cn1nl Ramon Zcrtu,he me~ 11udcn11 hl 1.1.Lr 11..t•m and rt"pc'll"lc\c'f\lhinf th<1 think 1'

1ltq..J and UQJUil .. Rq,ort U) 1hmg tltll turpcn,,

Cllhtr on campcu l'I' 1"111 cnmr,u,."' ---Hc nplat• lhal ,,, rhe tunN.1ftertfte'dl111Cnq1u1mc ...... dlltal: ... l\nodunrthat ......... -... ,_ llnh._.orh,plltyolha,&1,'11\Cnt. ........... Nllednn,llhc} ....,....,,.-.,,llod ,_,.. ---~•hd,,r.i _11_ ... __ _ Jacna•lm--~ SAPD•Ol ..... afle•*-.

pa.trolhn, and protccrn~ I tJ11nL Cl\ettb( )nN v.1:

h.l,"C" p!cn hcttcr. 1nJ I WI)' 1h11 hcc•uk \JI ll"\'.hnl'ki,:y 'IIIC hone JUnC1!111-.:c i;lolmt'ras_ 11.c l'la,c bcuc-r cqu1pnicn1 7cNuchc uld

7u1Ulhe u1.J lie 1h1nh Oll..t hua,c-ryufci;,1mp.a,.m.:-r.1ll l ie u,J 1h21 UuJcntl 1rw1 lhc- ofhcCf•. 1nd lht """' l'f IM' phunc 1..all~ 01 I l r p.11,n: Jc,-ar11nat nn:c-1'-ft are rclaicJ mmc hl 1,."IJtorncr 1en M.C r 1tl1Ct than UH!lt'

On \..tfflf"S1, heft in 1hr rut •C"

~,c h..ttl u ·hKlc hurslanc1 That'I rt",hat,,t:, 1hc M111-n& mmc ""' hl,,c h.kl 1n )nil /crtudic y.J

11..,...., c, hr lhlth 1bt.1 ni,-,

lfWl(&,crho\l buJ,-..-p,,J.,;clJJCI, 1hur tt ao uMcrlll •I) ot abw>llllll cnme s;.ton

r 1n1c:,1,pi;:1..1al \ br (, .1nJ Jen rh ~l.u1 r an 01 LL dumw.1 .. 11 n~, , '"' rsr PSE/TRIO continued on pttge 2

Adjunct professors on the rise across board AngellCIICliHS Contnbuu>gW,Ue,

l\hhough the: 11111 ~mc\lcr 11 half".1} throuah ,1nd reg1sm111on for the -.pnns \Cmc .. 1er tu .. 11lr1,.·ad) ticgun. one thmg "111 rcm.11n rehttl\cl)' conuam 1hroug.hout bo1h

11cadc1t11c scnwH 1he number of full• and p,Ul•llmc prok-..~ 1h.1t mali.:e Ufl Our Lady of the L,l.c·, facull) \\'h) ,houlJ lhl) bc ol concern to the 5ludco1 bod)"

II shouldn't But 1n .t concocted sccn.11uo.

a s1uden1 "ht1 ,,. f1mng ,1 pmMcm while c.Ur)mg out an .1u1gnrncn1 pmJect or. more "mrl>, ,~ h;a, mg n hiuJ time under&111ndmg 111..'"\11kcpC 14ould h<'~t lllllllll :111\\\eN. 1t1 I heir quc:Sll(l,U through cvnl,lllln@: 1hc1r profcnor Con111ttmti: • rn•k,"'-w can t'llher be ,n CH) laUI; lhat \\OU]d 10\ohe \Cllmg up an appomlmcn1 or gcll1fl$ question, anS\\Cred throuah c-m,111. or a hanl 1111-k tl lhc pmknor I\ cmrloyw:d p,u1-1unc and Jon QClt ha\e oflicc houn

'"Pan -umc faculty mtmhcrs &IT often ilrctehC'd 1,0 thm 1ha111\ harJ for them fo dc.\ otC the (lfflC number of hour, 10 studcn1s th111 full-11mt mcml-cn do," s.11d Prokuor \i,d,acl he-ad QI !he r nJh,h l">cp,irtmcnl " fl ·~ \,Oen tougher tor s1lk.knt.. to find part-11mc pmlc-,wn on camru,

Although Profnsor", dc'pa:r1mcnt " m.1dt up of 1-C\ c-n full• 110\t" and 1wo pan-time pmfc:uor<. 1hc 1'1100 for OLl U ii larJC 11 ~"'hll d1flc:mn

Atcmhng to ( 1ndy \ uquc:1 an the Ol1u;c of Al11dcm1l r\lT.11~ OUli 1• made urof Ill ru11.11mc anJ 11 .. put-11mc pn.•ICIIOI"\. \1!1lh a to1al l'lil .l.61" un&.:ri;radu..1c Mill ar-fuatt , 1u.Jrtu1, almo-..1 lul11od

baJr. aJla-1111 IDmC 10~1Ddcn11~ pn,ln>or

In comparlMlll hi Ollti. Ulll:f

tdlo.,r, ~l Mar,·, l n"Cflll) tS.MI l uJ tht Un.i,'Cf'III)' or •be llk'Vlla&e U.1\111 llll \\ )do DOI WI (ubchtDd

Aa.md1na: 10 UIW PrmOII Dr Ocm"C Doyle- ... ,, 111 vm 11ucleni• l l\li t()UJ)(l.•dla11oe1l~1r411!

prolt'S- ,or. d1\ 1dcd m10 e1ghl ~hools nOl a Nd numhcr before sep.arallnlJ

1hi:- number c•l lull-omc profcuor-, :?5:?, " 11h the numtic-r ul•t1me rnifeiwn. :?44 Ttw1 cquoln to a r.r.llO of50 M pcn:CTII \CNlt 49:? pcn:c-nl (.ilmost hair alld halll. ,nd .in 11 6 t1udcnt-to•tca1..hcr rat1t1

Al ~MU there ,uc 196 full-11me pn1fc-uun o1nd I <7 JM!n•t1mc proks'ilin a,.1111.iblc 10 41U5 studeol1. AlCOrdmy: to 1hc "\ll1 (W1cr of ln"illlUlh>n11l RC<,('olflh l'ChMIC:

\\ hcrc.11 their ,ttwkm-10-tc.1ehcr rauo I\ lhc same .1, UI\\ ·,. the lull-11mc. fl,1tH1mc ,.t,o h.1Hn II pcn.:cnl Jtllcrcnce 55 5 \CNJ~ 44 5 pcr1.:cnt

lhg.hl~ \.tr)!ln~ from lhe<-c rauo~. Tnnll\ Ln1\eh1t) (TU) I \ made UJI ol :?-l6 lull·t1mc and M put-tune: rruti:<-wn 1u1labh: lor 241" unJl!rJniJulll.c\ and W2 snJu.ile 'i.luJenls. ll \1,n1lit:ant r.tllO M iR pcn:cnt lul1-t1111c \c:'"'usonl} ~:! pcrlc:r\l r•rt-11mc rrof~~ll'l. :1cc:,1nJma to l)r M11.h.1cl h"her, I riml) ·, Vitt Pre"dcnt Qf \c.adtmJL AO"a.lrs Tbt\ al111.1 b\e\ an ;nc,..ic: ofe1f.h1 studenh per prul~sor F 1-w:hcr 111tnbu1cs th,, lO the 26 acaJcnue depar1mcnt1111 the t:m\n11l~

But 11 h 1mportao110 remember 1h11 rm••c \('hi'ol-l hkc OUl,. SMU, UJ\\ and TU dl'li not n:cc1\e lund, lrom the SUILI! anJ therefore mu\l charvc .1 ,on .. ldcfllhly higher IUJIJ(lD h) the \ludcnb in mdcr lo lure II LtfVtt numbc-r ol fuU-1unc pn1fcu.,.,,.. In ~her "'-Ofd,. ttk: buJac:1 of I pm~le lnU.llUlk•O need, 10 be bal.ln\.cJ Wllh the IUlhOII J'l"1CC ror ~tudents by C00\1dnm1 lhc ,mount ol fttll-turic- cn1plo~L-CS 1hn­ni&) h.l\e

At 1he ,a~ MIC', the fl1it1 of b(,1h l)'f'C' ,,f rrok ... wn •hl.•uld be 1.alcn in111 ... -coon1 ruu.,unc I.cull\ mcm!,c-n ■r1: cnlr1kd to !L'Uf l lat'll:1. 'lllhl!re:a, rw1-111ni:: proft"S,l.ln are h1fN tr), l""Onll11~1 anJ ma\ l1.1vc ,,nl\o Ol'IC"lll'l¥i,JCla1.1n .

f 1111 tunt ta,ult) wnlrol lhc ~umLulum. arc ~r1vnwble lor luntlft8 our Pfl'llram ,1J\1~1ns IN' ivillaitlffiy contl11uid on ,... J

[DI,!0~J.ebl\Qf!.tf IQ,tf .. Safety always a top priority Q DITORIAL alv..a) , ,cl") u , ) lo rtalh lhcm . .ind lhc) re: Pl,ll'IJ

prompt!) While •alLmg lhc: c1mru, m the:

C..1mpllS \nunt) nc,cr \«m\ tO be 1

rnn,t1) -.hen cboos1n1 • un1,cnll) "itudmts looL. 11 lht pmaruns offcn:d, co<,1 or 1ui11on. and the 1ypc of11:holu\t11ps. oncn:d I he)' usun.lly don't 1b1nk tha.1 Nrct) of the ,urroundmg ncighhorhooJ couki be an ,s~Ut 110\\ncr, c.11mpus s«ur1t) OOt's affect the "udcnt bod) ,n man, Yl:I)\

C:\C:n1n1.t, \IUd.:nt, al'A,~1 \tt II lt-"1 ,lTIC lJmpu, J>0'1ce car patn1ltmg The) .uc ,en, lnct'ldty .and helpful

llonc\l) 11{ our •tudcnt, .aho maLn thc ,ob ofthc polu.:c olhu.1I, a lot e,hll'.r The-re h.11,e bten so man, i.;,1.,c1 \\hcn ,1u1.knh h.i,c h1rgotten thc1r fl:11,h dmC'\ m the lomruter l.ih, Jnd fou nd them m the ~me ~alt lhc nnt d.1~ There ha,e not b«n, e.1..n<tl 11cm, ht1ng ,t11kn

thel1mp1 tobc.concernc:dabo411 f1r11of1II. ~tud<nl\ ha,c}.NI al,,i.,ut ha, mg a person foUo\\ them 111 the YII) from 1ht t,us stop on mtcncction ol (. ommtrcc: lnd ~.&th Street ul\l1I the end of thc: bndgt (mis often~ hool cd. 'I\IO~td. and \\h1 \tlcJ al \\hllc croumg the strttl m Iron! of the 1:iuchcnluu L1bm)

It I\ l1lcly 1h.11 aftc:rlhc: con,1ruc11on, 1hc unl\Ct\1t) \\ 1l1 ha,c I d10Crc:nt. ufcr feel to 11 II '\\ 1II 1110 lo,1L more connedc:d. lhU) maktn& studclllS ,.eel more secure and comfortatik around

Campus police an: do1rtgc\tt)thtng in 1hcu 1b1ht)' 10 lttp the campui s.afc. 1111 llo\\e,cr. thc:rt i re thrngs .around thc c.1mptJ\

SOUNDING OFF What are you going to do on Black Friday?

Kim Hong, • WIIOI', lhinks ol p,g lhopp,,g in Belt Buy i want 10 buy a MW l0Und tyswn and 30 Blu-RayfflOYIN·

~ lien'9rl. I gtllduall stuotfll. hanop&a,\lkwBIDFnday "Ill had 'the Ulra cuh fd be at Best Buy J11,anctogetan~.t·

LydlaAorfl.aMnlOl'aald'EV9Jrf BlkkFndl:)'""ewaJ,eupvety..,,Y and go at,opp,ng I wanl IO get lob andlotlollhoes"

Juan NNIChe •• l'ft)r. Is wortcl'lg dunl'lgBLld:Ffldly"&«llll

...... \IWGJldnl90ll'IOpplng:.l'd _r.o..111Afloa.,Mdb9 I"

uuttl HHre, ■ )\ri:lr, Mid. ·1 don1rNlydoanyd'w,g,[Blac:k {..~=l~~,~-=:w \: • thOpplngonBltdcFrw:lay, aht )'' wouklbeloolOnglorgOOd<MU on,~,.,.

Shante Oetttyan. a lrestwnan, ,,ii t:ia 1n Corpus Chnsu on BID:Frldly "lmnolplWVWlg . ____ .._._" -............... _

PSE/TRIO continued from page 1

CrmshawmcntlOOCd lhat one of the mlJOr pnh of bcm1 a PSE 11udm1 u the tchobnh1p opportunity. Studcnu ICtMI)·

lnvoh'td v. 1th the PSE program •~ cl1J1bk 10 apply for a $1,000 sc:ho/J.nh1p c\'try scnxstcr unol they rcachJUOior-lc-,cl 5tllUS II 60 cn:d11 houn

Cmuh1n,, also a1J one of

SAFETY continued from page 1

Nit IJ human n."lhU<e," Zatuc:ht .... lkarlau,cdtlw ..,..,.,.

cnmcs comnuutd att the crunea of Oflf'(ll'tWUI), to audmu 0.J!Jld ah ... )'1

be a•ve (If lhclr wJTCIWldm,p Zc1tuchc uid 'Ul.kkras arc of\en

WWYiartof•hm!. al 1.1.lut lune and,ri1thv.-tk,mlht-)'1.1.m\lobcnl panL-ularn'Cl'llhapprncd lkQ.d

AVAILABILTY CINtlnuedtrom,...1.

11udcnb. and acn,na the d1m:1~ of lM pruvram. thr)' Jo lhlllh 01 the 'llnwy hRU11' 1hai na, rroar•m teQ\afft.-..ctDr OmmeJ Do)-tr. Pftn'Oll(bUlW ~dUO'tJIIIII •hllillhappras1nlhec~tbal

~ .. --. ... .... -..-...... -oi....,.. •WIUldtlwtccML•

Onllw-my.lbtbkat 1,-c-um. pn,r,._ •Y be ---.-­Accontmctolwltct,.-.dlie ... o1....,,1par1-t1a. ,.,._.Mcnn '1, ~ II

..... ._..,.oftmhawtolMdli •..-cduc.lC'hoolll'IIIIJ!rftd• llllofUIIW4"'111S, dW) ofttn .a.rt otlct ..... nil 6ft donl hn't lilt __ .... _..., __ ---.....,-~ .... _ ....

fitlllidliluptCllharnintll,ahlJ. __ .,,,.,._, ... -............. .,.._ ___ ..,_ ~•llta-,e,,1,._,

tht changes m.1dc 10 1hc program t.tnct lut )Car actu.tll) nal« P5E membersh1p tu1er for the studtnb Each ,emc-s1er, PSE student\ Ire

~u1rcd 10 ltttnd a cenam number of \\Orie shops and aC:ll\,l(IC!J; Th,s year, the numbtrofrcqu1rcd ICIJ\,1IIC\ and works.hops hu dropped

"There ha,'C' bttn ~tnl s1101fic:1n1 ~hlnses." Crenshaw said "'The Dcpanmcnt ofEduc11ion has u1d that you're not allowed In u~ lht money IO buy food unltn you're d01n1 IOffle IOrt of cuhural ac:11, II) \\llh {the students).. \\c: c:an'IJUSI

mttt o0cn than not, Sludc:w: lttffl 10

be bus) l,ooluna: down on lhcir smatl

""""" Although campui pollCt ofriccB art Jotng their bat to keep the campus tealfC. 11 isst1II rupons.1bthty uf the °"uJtnt to lnow huorhcrffi'n nghH ard ttport t\"'CI) mmc he or :\ht encowim OLLU hu a stlcna "'11.nea w,, szuJcntJ can share k"°"kdge1nooymously lnlomtmg thcauthort1ics v,111 not pul an)'OOC 10


dcto of the School of 81u1nm and L~1p and 1ntcnm dun f« the School nr Profc:JSIONII Scud IC\, lhc mp:,ru1billl)' of the IMIOl(.10!" to ant,. studc::ntf l<.:cti.Jlll 1,mc oot\lde of1hc: cl.1,moom ts still lhC'T'e

"It 11 the npectllJOn of the profcWOf, rcpnllet.) 1f cmpkt)td fulJ.lunc: Of ra.rMunc. llJ IUpporl 11udcn11; a,a,d 81d,1ns Al'Wl

cmrfluinnv tht opponun1ty lc,r 1pp:,tmmcn11, H11k1n1 c.l111ntd a 24-hou.r comnwntcatlOn prot,pC'\.,J\C nmc~ brt..,c:c:na rrofcnor ud l 'lhldt1-. 11\rr lht lhidcba haa ~IOIIICbDIIOU1111kofthc Llaaroam "'l(IJ.rcu.aprubt,m. die, 1M) CMIICI tht dci,utmcnt dai, and..,,'" 1110 lJ'N:: dAn,.

Bul:fVhnsaudeallbflhe dllllncbOnl bcnrcc9 nib and llnw ~. to mart) ,1uJenh, a ~"•~namalkT •hll die rmpio)mrnl" Umt thcl --, lllw.,aod aftff 111, 11 u 1bt1, ,..._hOO dill llrry drptad •• 111brn ICOl'lntodwtr~llliM

..,.... ...... of•hal mdtt 1tw OU.ll a.pchmet ftfflll'bMI. ...-.w ........................


mymoneyp.alOSChooland personalobllgltlons "

bu)' lunch for them for a v.ochhop" PSE no longer oflc:n a lc:\lbook

loon program. but te,tbooks., along \\ 1th a eomfM,itc:r lab and pnntcr, arc: st11I au1h1blc m the PSE office for Slucknt~ to Uk: for homC\\Ork PS[ also no longer ofTcl"\ a laptop loan r~ram, bu1 Creniha\\ said lapcops arc new. a\·a1b.ble for loan :u the 1utonng center

fkmg a put of PSEcan be ,cry bcnc:fic1al to a student's success at 1he un1,•efi1ly lc:vcl

--One of1he grcll things aboot lhc program t\ 1t1 personahzcd ■tltnlJOO to stuJc:nts," Crensha\\

said "Weha,t'IUtOOhc-te\\boarc ' for our PSE51udcnl5"

Crc:nsh:m u1d the apphcalioo proceu for PSE ts rc:lntuc:ly simple.

··They JUSI need 10 p1ck Up an 1pphcauon, v.,hich IS JUSI I couple ~geJ.," Crensh11w s:ud "It's not an intense: apphcatton. and they JU~I nttd to brmg ID their currc:nl In doc:umen1s for us to de1erm1oc el1g1blht)"

for more mformat,on about appllcallons and tlw: 5erv1cc:s PSE hu to offer, stop by room 25 m Worden 10 1alk 10 any of1he PSE ,wrr, orv1s1t thc: PSE hnk on the school's website:

T-day through new eyes » Exchange students experience U.S. holiday. Kathertne E1plnon


h can hardly ht debated 1h11 ThaokSQl\11QJ 11 one oflhc most

fa,t'lrablt hohdly,. \\ hen a,llcgc students can retum lo 1hc1r honltl-. eagerly a,u111n1 a homc-cootcd 5pl"C'ad ol 1n1dumnal hohday dishes 5h;utd 'lrttb f11nUl). 110\\-e\'C'r, for M>mt aodcDt\, a llankq1ving hol1d.iy 11 a l,>f'C1&JI idea

\'1rv:in1, PrnqnqnlCf' 1s a r rcnch ,mcrn,.11, atuJc:n, anenti,na OLLU a, a KtuOr thlj )'Car P01a.,,onnicrspc.,l101

l h&n._~l\tnt II a forc11n holkby 11ncc 11 11 nui C'Ckhnrtc:d m Fr.1ncc SM hnpc:1 IO 1pmd lhc hol1JI) ••th a fam1lydiotrn wnh I~ help of an ad1ma1aoru etK!n~dur •br..a&m I ruf1) Yl"lrtl IO e\ptTl<'N:'C

j1lw,hfm"l) l\ntlw,d • Her IDltlaaaan 1n \ubmt1ae 11110

the- tullurc: of 4lnnl\.• " thraatc:nc,J byl'k11kt1t.._.1.-.i.!I) h,.l"I\ *'-'•II ,p<ndh«holldot

I rc:mcma.1111k at,.,u1 •hat 111t fx>hdav la...._., Potuumua Mad 811IIIINaed11tcpnlli11h the fthl han•-1hr loJiais &nd Ptlan,m.""

YuwlaSclObu..k,.lftldunna hcrbiwllhll .. ..-1!11ratdf.l~"•

York City o.nd panakc: 10 1hc c:11y's lestn1t1c:s New York Ci1y could pc:m,bly be lhc: best choice for an mlc:rn.1ttonal student to fam1hn1zc herselfv.,11h thr Amcnnn tradttH)Tt

"I am to the Macy's Th.anksg1\ mg parade," Seo u1d "M) fnends and I arc ,·cry curious to t1'plorc the city nnd c:,pc:ncncc: American tnd111on"

h's d1fficuh 10 belie,c: a 1rad1t10n 1uch •• Tbanklg1\ mg could 5CC'm lorc1gn to some. but So Yoon& Lee ,s obll\lOUJIO llS origin

.. I w,11 be cclc:br1tmg Thanlcijt1vmg \\ 1th a friend here m ~1 An10010," lee uid •·rm t\C1ltd

to \CC lhe fam1I)' dynamic and ~tc: 111 1he food."

Like IIWI)' other 1ntem1ttonal 1tudcnts \II,~ dc:wl'I celebrate Th.ankif;1v1na 10 lhc:ircountf}. Lee tS

look1na: rorward 10 upencnc,og tht hQhd.l> w1lh an Amenc:an f1m1ly.

lntema1K1n1I Student Ad\luor (uol 0Rhm \udJ a hc:chc dail) 11.:hcdulc: •bile lceep1n, trac-k ofhtr 1n1ern111onal slt.Mlrnll

"'All of them ll't \'t'f)' buty." Grahm said. '"l: lpe('t1.lly lht :uldcto ..

When 11ked 1( ~ 10fc:maJll.)l'W 1UNnlt11.:boo.c to IU'i on Citmpw. di(' ~l•uncd fflO\I ..-1wll) ,1,n ~lnat1onc111t1 to

\rncnc:i hlcc '-c• Vcn. t·h•u,10 aod , ,. An,cln 1'1111 !Ahrr la&crrulJK\fW

11uJmt,ur11ittbfntndaia1bcac C1ht1.


:t \FRONT ··········


'" ""'""' ,AsslsUnt Editor

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Thtopr,IOflSPl,ll:Jlish«1111 ~Lake

Front ¥t m nea!SSln/y mose of ,ts stafr or the f.JClJ/ty, sun;

IJdmirnstr.tbcrn or student body of

OtK Lady of thl La~ tk,,ve,s,ty,

Tht LA*~ Front publaoon

Sllll"l!S to dorm, entffl.M and

communatt wrtti OillJ and

Its surrounding oommooltjel.

~ iWJformallOn IS

IVa!lable upon request.

Submission requirement.::

l7le L.tke Front aa:ep(:S lett~ to

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/nlo,maoo,t Anonymous


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and - "" - a( n,, .... _'""""''""''" ,.,,._ """"""""fll"tol!dlt­forJabetoustMtffl.lf,~mlOCII

"'""""""''°""'""""nil 0,-~.n,, ..

"""'"""""'­- al - - ..,,_ --~0,--"·uttmtolllo-lsl,?tfnd!rd o:, ~--~ ibtoo,lb,--·­OW/~

··· ········· ·-·····


Joan's missing sword a real-life mystery

,._ 'uaM-' ,a.~ () Ptullttkac, .... ..,,. -

lollliaJ.S.,.t1""'1' fl'llldl; a,rt. ...:rvallll (TIU .. !1Jq .. \t,,.11, "k) IIAd hr\llld•..,.'dP' ..... l!,,1t. ,--~t'CI,,. ,.. maldlart,.t.llkc11

'°ldba-'..ttbaen,l 0 "'r'lalwtr,411Sfbl P11n .mtllfd._udA Tlw1rt an1\dh .,._ the s-ool 111,,11 ol 51 baipn)qlulllh

W.dl Sboll I..,. lk' Ma.Sn-ow act') ~ ·~ ,.~ .. ,_, LIJy al 1k Lale\ IU'Chll) l\mba'Wlb. amr~nntlin11"'kll£f•1i1 .,._,. .. --.,...i ..... lll<y O;J1AtlO\.fMll1ll,UW)'lll.lplnd

ttpn,1 ti. m, of~ ..._., mtutn1 .. -onl \lu.k:al I ltll \folftk., Mmlul lkm.t:ab.~ rcrouJ1bl lqimd1 ....

•1 llld\)'JU..,hm•ut<IJ10,no wklllklllffolllcn: lllwuld

\tJII OI dw 1nl,10Ql"Cllft M,,nlf

lllth1Jr\11,k:p.l lhe1n.h1\H t.&\t., doaana\l_jlwlft OIi 1111' lnl\St!lf.Clrord \•l~n th.nea dt\fflll'f"III onl) b,,nJ I•\) pttl1Jft'1C'J/l,~nof\R Chw1111

ID.en•• \be NII •hr-ii lhc -.1'1UC'

soll bdJ • ,-.,,., Arx,thrr WIJ.llfJ ,-:tnnlb:N,J1,aa.uhout1norJ

r• l 1mcn11y I\J!,., ~ftt ...... 11(11 R'Ulft ~ oW.thM IU)UrWand4liJull;a,e1 ff'C\."fdaft.lwtaaal'lmtWftf•""OI\I

f'lla!l!ll'IIC1:>IJ,._,,,,rc11fo11t bf t&JI and ll llNl1Cld tn the opt ham.JCDmerolM,i,-clla11 lt•.u maJc 111 lcr.!I lr'IJ 1'.u J.,na!N lo dw OLLt ~ u(>N,1q,nn1

\,.arr l:111tiirl Ball. d.ircdo.w of \l 1Sm0allf'tch\t"lnl .. utQ;h1rc 111. ~~ti H.U It I.he hmr the nulfti • ., '1<>kn ~ w..t tlw ,'A-UN aa. ..... lil)"nl111Cl)Oflna) btkJasw

IWI tnrd \0 o.puln w1ty DO ('Ilk' h,n NlllldllrswordDtlntdloo\.111111.Jr

~Atflru.1.-tbt" didn1 DOtc:e • •• niimtn&,.'" the laid

AtNndlt.•rochmc• the •onf1 duawarva. Ball ~ man, pnnU by UM: 111udcr11111 ••1 •-u lhce ai all· ,..,r, 1111tttauon \1 one poua. 8111 ~lltdlOIOCoflhc:lfodcm.ltilh"I the '1.l\~tQ(Unda•'1.blhlfftd aannah .... 'A 1th dC'nuJ floa One d lbe 1uh r'C'\ponilt>k 11 • ill',tef" -"'"".....,..,.,,......i Titcn::u or Lrttk Flower'• loc na,/,-

PHOTO 8Y MMIAH ICM.ISHYIU Tho_,. ct Joan ct NC w, - HID hM Slood prouOly fo, ,,..,,, but who- he' -

111,m,saof Aull'tW'TIIJ~q111ll 11 abomn:11111,

"'I th11lk the-~•~ turun.,"' a,n --1 ~u DI l)l)e ol vud,.!Bm

""°P-"lh<>Mlbn"1llx ... rwd~ h~ldm&M' aniu: ~ar,r'"

'A--llm aaL::J ,rSt .i..n ,,1 Ar .. 'I t....-d wdl ncr be bmd, Ball ad. "1 ~ tt It UI Dnsol\'Nf CUC

ahd alll nna'be 1ohed h 1

1mpnn.ant 10 II)' to IDICl'OI aume,.~ in ,ctlmg the nrn..-d l:Q{.L,.

':u~c-r Joan Michtlle R,Lo.: k,.,,., ahal happe:nnS t~ nigh! the: 1•\ird .,,._. 5tolm )he belrd pl.all lhc hr11l lukr t11C11f.kd Our Lid) the lake •hen 11 W.U 511ll a .,,,,mm t culJc-F rn 1942

'ihe- bcume fntnd1 •llh • pwpuf IOrir 1: 11rt1 .,,.hoaoulJ do rnnU Rake mnnnbco pannte

ka.~i\,lStl' XI dJC doarbob of .. fll

"""""'­\li.c~l&t~acaa-Nd R.a.~l&Jd 1'tdlda mll. NIIOlc.or~•'-

M •• "IGofJrDIIPllml_.._ P.ud beaaat- •lhnm. ·-­U.ofhnfl"lftllk~Bate, camcup•lhdar.ldcaat..._mc* Po-ord il.lutfflllload:iedmdAocr'

----C.ueid ------~--~--­b Jcafll.\lt_, n.-.1 - -­~·----"'1il. Jmz -rr.,. •"UI .,...,.. ... 51. n.:m.•lrlllircr .. CArDu.111 ,.-..1o..u dmm.a11Dk..-,

Event brings awareness through art Ayb Betancourt ~-

nw room -.11 filled • p&lnl.inp. drn1npand carpentry. •d:11 fam1ha, tymbohc. n11agcs mc.h • l'.bc \. lrp:D dr Gwhh1pc, lhc

S1.,111• of Lthttcy, Oath •nd lbc Amrncan Raj - ,mlXd top:tber W

d1J.pby che Mmt' potDll meuagc-•---Tbc 11.ruak thlrt maay Ul"l"lrpu!.AudthruCamtla rac ~ dJklltled Fnday and

SatunJay III the Gkit.J hnDltflnlllO!l 011plllcc-mcm SymJ'IOU(lm m lhe OUU Ubnl'}· ( ommun1t) Room

"lmm,snuon has • d1ffrrt'nl lool llir-ooah the lent of ati uud • m1u1m and m1n1flry ·, offict \tet

pm,dcnl anJ cocml11Wrof' Glonl Umho.m...i

The r..n-<hty "°fflt bcpn • llh an~ ol JO Fndl) afternoon Cqrmman Cbatln tntrodtK-cd u lhc "\:h1mp1on lbr 1rnm~ion.•cOffllllC?W:Cd,,.1lhlhc 1mporuixe the ,uut or rmm11tnn.10r1

JIIUCOl!>. the po\11tal bmandanu In th( ctffll)ltp pn,mot10, 1mm1111hon. the lfJUfflCHb

and KlJ pnhc:1n and Gonnla 1 economic f<1lu11an

. ........ bu,.~)<! .... • hue, v.c need C'll-h other 1n llu:s CUUltlJ)', but )'Oll prnbaN) Dttd lhc

c:mr:rw:1na La11no popwl'IIOR )OUlh mon: than~ nmJ lll)lhllJ& cbc ,n this tOUfflr)'" (ionQlrcz

uJd "Youbcttaab:alctbcnl \ltltlbcllal'llalc Ami~ halt

t ll1\ll'.'d •url. ICt t«<~ your ru11uc~h011rt

The tudK'Tlo:c ooddied 1n arr,ro,,W. CICUSIOIU:11)

JfUnllf'lll. 'rn," UOIX'f Ihm bffatL and lf'f'Ltud1111 throutboul lhr IJ'let'Ch

-whsc •c att do,n, heff a, cultunil ffll\lffll.

1mqr.Ooa tctJ\ ~ tnd PHOTO BY MIJUAM KfVllSHVIU fat 1l1tnoc of tht C'\cnt Jul., Artvot ~ in the Ulnry c:ormu-.ty Room depras powerflA wnaqes.. <,ucrmusaid

'iJlurtJ;iiy•r\'C.1\1 1ntladcd \fL-(IU [1«11IM , 1-.""t-rrn1dcnl L ,ncla Thompt,.,n, •hihr,oh ~r•phic..11) on tht 1uugglc amm11Jf<1..nh ra.:c Poet ArnanJ.a Flc.-n a Ui.akt11 from T'r1ffll) l nm:n,I) •hi> dacrihed b,m,til hl,z

J,Jl"fC' \ aJadc-z PfC:IICIUcd U. '"nlhoral r,tf'fl"Cl1\("oflmm1p;iuoa.tbc sJubal ~ anJ tht "'nm:l for \k\'dr,r1ng• moral J'C'T",pect1,ct'on

"""'"' \ 8.urm and truup,c

1~• • 111111 Umor Gana VJd "Olflcrcn1 pe,c.,rk \cam 1n d1ffc-rtn11'.t}, tnd d1tlntnl peop6t ('lfftU\"t"th1ng,dilTn-m:ly An 1maar ~ 11111 11110 pttJJIC'Clne SomcurDn. ,isuat stimu.lia \'I


PHOTO IY NAlllAM uvustMU ~~---.. -lhe 11q1,11rrd from '·()..-er the ~"' 1t1.111ncd the: l...le'II.-. •llblhruh1thC1!1tr!) podTV Jlann on conform1h, toh<bnty and tccrrl.ln(e

Ph1luaJphy rm&-ssor

p,,c • ,,,.o-p,,.ra. absln.c1 thatnt.a.l ~rformancc, ~11ng 11K lffltnlJDlll\ •ho aUiU l)\('I, and lhcD

.u.: dq,,oocd had .. t.ald Bvn:n. .._nd lkcnw,Jo \l•rl•.ncr.c~ the t)ffif'IISUII'> •11.b tradn!OMI L•1n American ffl) art ba au.w-

it S,\Q )IN. rrn.b

The pe,c.,rlc kin& W"III home m paM Of the commtllill) md ~ C"ICIIOUT o.t1ihbon,. CDQll.m_ and k,\~-donttofpcop!c:•c~ 11.udm:A&JWC•lic.lud Tbcllll.lC 11 1mpnrtam. (bc:...ruti('j JI. IOuCbn all of our I,~"


Fit and fabulous »E er

Contttluf 9Wt1tr~

Amc,,._,.M&ll'~w.1lll•a11hl l,.,a rtmcJM:1 and 11..1\ 1Q1 ftl \lffl lot,\. 11.w method• OC11 ~ hi Jt" l 11, r-,xl anJ 1'1.lfflm

wan! IOOcJ ~ &nJ lh11h, r \cn hd,wc the v.orlN.11 ~•ns.. thctc 11

one 1mp.inar11 eomr,.«n1 lo tn,urc the: ~t r"C'lult, from b,)J) 1.11nJ1twn1r11

f ml It Yo\1t1 IJ t'C hndint cornc:1h1np 11\111 )'OU Cfll••\ Jo,n, tn\lC:ad col forl1na )\lll~II , .. do w•mcth1n1 wu J.,11·1 h\.c, .. { h,.,,,nc lltm1rtl. OllL '1 hnJ a1hlc11\ tn11ncr. 1,111d '"l()'OUJooth\.ctnrun lhtnM'trun•

,\ coo,mon ptoNcm with a h11 I)! r<or&c 11 after 1 "'ed. \If tv.o ol •llfi•ns out. 11

cornn In. lt.•r l l&llll, tht ftN •w\oul II tht hardnt n.,c 1ll'lh J.lC'i a J"Cnl;lll ha,-c lo

J>ttJ'IU\' rb)flCAlly. htd :al'l(1 mcnu.lh

hlnc1!1 IUIU ,>rend Ufl 11\\Utl\'i'C"!Jl fut- lowftl ~ lo he some ph)"IUI •lrl. I 1tron,a and hcalthin

l~] do..111·111\.~pun 'lh,mc-, h.l'lkctbJll{'Ll\fl'Adl~Owl utJ T Jon 1• ant 1,1 t-c11rcJ l \ h ■ihk.'C ]hnd 101nct,od, •ho•1II kl 1 .. 11h l~ 10tr1&"

lkiJJc, 1ncrcu1na shn in

kukhna mu'<!~ a hcahl v d 1 al ( m H I U\11.UI 1ngrcJ IOI I p.J hod)' h1un: l>.Jn lpnt rch I RMINrlbtt I mon,:-,1 nn I I OC1 lhc hlpi

'-1>morcn1.: 11111 ta f•huk,u•'

PHOTO BY NEIDA ESCAMILLA Head a~ trattr ~ RarTWU (~ ) performs an ul'trasoood on frc. m n Ash 'Y Olari<s (right) ., heat UI) ... bssue In trle leg ., - · • , ... belle'.


PHOTO BY NEIDA f.SCAH IUA Head atNebc t,,llne- Chnstlne ~ {left) pe-forms an 1 ~rl'iO ,cl oi- f- :stvnan AsN,!y Ow1es (nght) to ~at up tilt us:,ue II the leg to mil~ If. feel bett~

Five Helpful Tips to a Better Workout 1. Have a fitness regime that you won ·t get tired of doing. Be creative and mix up your workouts 2. Don't compromise your workouts to something you don't hke to do Just because you see a lot of people running on the treadmills. doesn't mean you have to do 1t Find what interests you .

.,._-s,.~,-mt....,fflrtfflt'llMlllon. Bnng a friend to the gym-to lift your spInts and push you to the finish and vice versa 4. Stretch before and after your workout to avoid In1ury and minImIze soreness. 5. Set your goals. It could be a target weight loss or increasing the amount of pull-ups you do in a month's time.

New choir director inspired by music GL■nna Rendon

Or f11llll,,1► 0\ rtt•fh(t'",SlliArc sllnn,1) empt, 1 ht c-n•f'l1ncu I\ t1thux cJ h) IIIC' ,~11hlt her kt.\c d llf\llwd 1n I ( t lflKf

tllkC' ,pace 11c. wmeJ try .an 1mmrnlt' bbd Nh) ,:ru.nd p1.1n,.1 \lu1K h,n htrnll) liken ui,

"•" ' of her hk \he ,u, t-. n 111 .\m11n. lci;n hul rno,cd

IY.'1) v.hcn ti.he IUI 11,11

l\c t.ccn lr11chn1 the \Oonrld ii\ a mu,1<:un ncr 1in1.r. !her u1d

D)cr :11tcoJcJ tic the ( ,1lkrcul \\ 1\ham 1oJ \fary .u an unJcryr:aJ u!IC and Un1\ crs1t) ul \(IA. Ill L n,W>d 1ur 1r1du.1tc ~ huol i;t,c 11,-,;ci, ~ lhc- ~ult•nghl "'-holintnr,, .,hKb •l~t>d her ltl \lud) '" lrt4nJ lllf • )1:U She\ lp'nl thc l&.\1 li\c ) C&N, 10 ,on. I ngl.1nd

l>)Trrccrnil) moH•d lt'"l'IJI ,\nton1o v.11h

htth11>hanJ1nJhcr111.nuh lkrn"kl\-10, c.,>1ncidcd .,1lh • J"l"""'lfl .,f'Cnma irp Al Oll U

~ht 1, the C ho1t Duncnr fur the L'n1,cr'li!I) lnot'us.. L.1\.c lll\.'cl. and le, ( 1n1rJ, Shc-alM> , 1aht ,m,1n1 anJ c-ar 1,-1nlBjlbua

1 JI Lll n ,m.111(-r lh,11, otbct plat Cl O•n:r hu -•>t\.~J She l1lc-l 1h11 t)LI l 111 ('hnUiffl• t-1<.ed un"n"ll} \he llrf'R)lL'IIC1 the ~ml atm<»phcrc.-

Wbm ukcJ 111fwt nude hrr cholil111< IP be• dn11cachtt, lihcmpc.,nJcJ, lu.,Nlm'"IICI' fihl mcm!J"ICS h1dlkk-J un,1n, .Ind l'U)1Df uulnmcfl lot .a •h1k * 11uch1,J JCflcilC~ hit MIC 1ral1«d ,bis &ht •'t.tlh a'Ulltd 10 Ju 1m,1,.-Jm111,t

\"hl:witl.apm,tinunldl•~11b(,\ ,-c luurtd thcu ,alh111 "'hn )W •11.c ur rn the llll..'ffllrtf, ■nJ ~•lllt' lhal alul )IN JC! ,,~1rcJ ah,,J,uttk,.fll,

(>)'Cr J'l.a)~ nan) t , 1 nuncnt1 io,,.hahri,: the (MAil llfll1Jbc ti;au. ,,.t,nphi:er orpa. ha,('\11;bc•1J. \Y!JiJI,, lli:J ft! (IIGBf Iler \\>ICC Ui

•• 1111-tnu-a:nl.••" ' !.ht 11 .urt1n1 kl bro I pu;) tlw 1111~ Slit llJll lllr ktrotd t!il"Clt'

e,01\U 1ft fi•t QIINl,1

,\nd th, 1'1 Y.tth my ,1\Kkn1 ~ymg. 'Th11" MY, )OO h,\ld 11 .... Oye r addN

T~ u c "' tn\trumcoo D)~r un·1 rtay ·1 'm tcmNc Al " 1nJ tMtrumcnt,.• ihc ulJ

·1 .. \Ji I 1.:llU\d rb) lhc ftu1c .. \ he hu , uns 1111" 1hc pw tour rrcsidcnt',.

pnmc m1n11.:tcn. C1•n1rcu, P,rh,mcn1. , nJ 111

It's rT'lpc,tont to make each person r, the ensemble !eel appreciated '

Dr. Ell:tobcth O,.,r OUll'h,f,-

lhc ·crvv.ncJ hu1;h 1>( [uropc .. She hu nut bcm to A l li. \u\.lrah£. 1,11 ~e- Zcab1nd and •ould hh tn go lo lho.c rb~et 'IOmedl)

Altholiah \he- cnJO)'I rc,-fonn1ng, :me 11 a icadlt'r II hew • <ihc ..:'Orn« from• f.1m1I)' of IClllhen, her bmthcrlCAChct Enaht.h l11m1urt. •nJ her ~utcr lcuhcs art.

On lhc th1rJ 0001 ol the Fnlt' Arts bt11khn1, Dyer .a-1111 htr nt\l 1pp0tntmcnt - 1th 1 •tudcnt She hoa calendar ouu1ck hcrolllce to remind hcrY.hoWk°'• m«UnJ\lillb next~ lilt\ lo ~ uiJc- 11 lcut I'.'- mmu1c, o( pcfl01ll;I lune •11h u..11 ol hn- 11udmt1 tn heir 1~m ••th thru mu111,. anJ 11na1n11n.hnkjiae-

D)tt 11\0 thanU each m1Cmblc- mtmt,n (lfflU(Ullv hrfr('c cac:h rcrturman.;e.

h I lfflf'Ol"IAUI 111 rn■ \;C' C1"1i pcncin IQ !he cntemtik fed lll'flff\ iattd.• ~ w.1d

I II! ,'h1lck10C' m Pl111. I 11ncc •• her b1vr11e rl&lr In perform titt,:u11c II hu 1,eac: ... nu ,.._ ...

··\!u\K!l1,1 d1,n'11hml of1hc (\UtC' •hen Ilk, thin\. .. , their f1\\\flk t.uldu,g. 0-.Tr u,d

llw) lhm~ of tht«""'IK.1. • (,ht k:,\cr, lhc lCDUUk1 of~ Hur1

(hap-I hmllOlll ~111r111'1al1ncJ11 1mro-,ttik ll>fbC'f II> lc-a\Clllcc:laar,I •rtb,.,u1 11ns1ns



When will the construction end? Cllrtsu fltochique,.

C,v,1:11 ngWrtc,,

u laJ of1hc l al lm1m111 lno.1111 1,ciJCIC llhc nwat hc-au111ul ~•mrllki, n ~•n Anlonio h.u~tt .. cnmuby ~elk,• lract,,, gU{JOft IIIIU. men in h.1t1 •DJ lots ol f1)m1 Wl.s (01Wruc:l1L,:t11(l1 Lt haul!MtJ

,iu.kn111tt.11h, aod i k'ffltt IIC:\n­tnd1n1

·1 un t • ·111111n11I the Ctlf\llruct1on1,0\am I un foll) a'IIO'I the b..·.IIIJl'.)1 Ill the t.lnlfl\11,,.

torhom,.,rc ( Lmw c,u,a uld (IJIU.Uucfkll'ICrt1lsh.i,,cbctn

• prc1<rw:c m lilmr.11

Mrl\.'( I.all ~f)ln "'"en Ilic Uhl\CNII\

~00\ltCJ \b1n H111IJ1ng .,, ~ htc' flrork .1ill m.,, 1hc c1tv •ere dc,ui,ucJ ,mJ 11ltcc1cJ h, the di,a1.tni1t1 fire 111hKh lcJ k11~,1n1

~en !-.,,., 1h.1it \t.11n 8u1l..lmg 11 comrktcJ. OL I l .mJ ih,.· n•) h.l,c ffill\cJ lhtu fotu, In h,ma the ru,1J;. Ind '1dcY.all. un :-'th ~tr'CCt

In ,r,r,na 2011 ~u.k,itt Ind la,ult, "nnn!led U,c

if0Und"'rnl..m1urcmon, for the Z-'•h \trttt 1mpi-\l\emcnt anJ bc.1u1111,atK•n rmJ~l lun,iru~t11,,n IU!tcd in I.he irr•n,, and ,:0011.nucJ dunni the ,um mer \fart) duJcttts ~d II ... oulJ he 1.:(>mrlttcd b) lhc

II~ lhc fill k lRC"\lcr \l.lM\"'d. but eo&eru .. t1<•n tOOIUIUC\ 1kin1 ~--th liiuttt 1t11mrru-,c .... 1~1n11 :klUU

camru, and to rctic,c IBl tK 1n the

"'"' The ~4th l:i1 ~ proia:1 not

PHOTO BY MARIAM KEVUSHVIU Constructlon on 24th 5tr'ffl his become I dally eye-sore and obstadt for OUU ,;tudtnts

full) fund:Uk Ill I l,thci1t,· 1mcllcd \I ) m1ll111a., ' \ntonkl \\ .lkl \\ r.' \C ~-tMl,000, 11\0

1nduJ1n1 t P\ l navy v.nh $H2 000 anJ Ol l L P\t' ,r~u IIOO. as rcp,11\td 1n hr Ii.In .\nl,xuo E ,rn).)

J',,cv., fhc J'«ljCCt v.1ll 1n..:h1Jc

nunw. ma 1hc ,,~, M adJ1ng loot•loot ,hc,ulJcr, and rla,ma cww•.111., llillh lr.i.lh,· lljlll~I•

\ «t1rdm1 ltl mlomUlk'II ''" lhc-

Um\ef'111)' ¥.:l>\Jle. \.rt'• rl ,iorl un ~-Ith ,1rcc11hroogh \f.u~h

201' !or null) ,1\kkn" 1ha1 h\'C

11numru1, 1htuin\trlJd1t>nJnJ

d1~n1 ol lrou,.,tl~ bu become ao

tl\C )' U I route' 1r lhe

,r1 11ncc the can1otruct1 ,n "" !he\, ended r clo\rn1 ,.,11; 1,attt.1 ■n OU l 11111 I Jon I mind 11 hut II .-OU be kt.Irr II Mt ks .. m open OCIKk'I.. I

ao1rth.Hl1n•11hdu,1 ,n

m.ldrnb ari:a I he only thal arc affected t,y the

k C1 lftl 11 II)' loo

M.it10rafl1M>phomott pohhi:al 14 nee 'n1 u Ukl The c INCkJIIO(thcJWC'l(lll&hould bJ,c ltce dont alrcad} II creates so much traltk I mll) don 1 lCC

hlw. 11 11 ,o na to~ hmdic1.1I to lhc

"""°' So '1K' studc arr,-r 1ha1 ')l J l

\1.0. I I 241h \UC. Utli> I

ttAO-laDC 11,oms: toausc .. ayfflc:ff 1ralfil and rroNhl) more ac,sdctlts.," f• rtU PJU<"non I t,('TIKlf uid 'I ,1 I th nl 11 "'ould bmmt studtms

n) "'IY I 11hr "')• "'"" '111! ha\C ll ron tilt strcc lo [l:ct lO

( n1cd.11 .. 1llrna~clhc 1ebool rm: hut I don I th nl "'c JM,uld be: fo,.:.;is«i on lhc Jlf'C'ctl ,Jr udc\l.1lli \\c lhoukt l,c conccmcd about , ,otn1 JO 'llldc the du! r,JOtftl.

mcl1.1,lm1 bt11cr I hnolou and 1tb-li1I lurn11arc

OLLU revamps emergency alert tactic »The r,~w sy.,tem allows the school to update students imm iately. Ana federko


Ourt•d) ortli, I JI.el n1\m1t) added J'f1l.1I i 11n• t,1 lht I~ nl

~llu II,.,. UK lo htoatk:111 CmclJrnl.) TIWflil~\llilhc l ~n,) \lu1 '>"cm th1~ l't'.lt

TilC' alc'n ')""m a.lrcad) Uk'I

Int mcuai,::e.. \ilCC' Ni.I cma,1 mrua~, 1{'111 10 ~c-11 rhoncL 1'41rne r,hontl aoJ unncn1tl \mltl ku:-.uQb

1n lhc (',:Ill 111 ITiffl1CTJf'fll1' f ,,f ncv. Uudcnh ~nJ lklllt,

and ,1,n mrmk'1L II n unpwtan11,, kncr'A the nntfJffl() notthetlt<ln \)llrm 111(ntt.1achlnJl\idml k'f allilf'l'TICP fhc alrt1 ,, Im, lll>t ,,nl'I'

tn pt<\fflCI,o lo 1'1htn t-.ut $110 not1licl al'OUI IC\CR' .. t'olthc-r lllll

n~ht•I na.ull1<•n 1,um umru• DlrC\h•r \\I \lukc:111111 and

(.fJlnlm11oicallno1 ;\nnc: I' l,vflltl u1J 1hr Clt\Cfrmc-)' J11<1,l11."lllton

l}"l-lCffl I\ JU•I unc l•I mam COfflfflllOl\,IIR•ft llwth lha1 • 1111-r

ua ITI ,11'1 Cll'CfJCTC) lkouw f l'ft\ hltli ~hoollnp aoJ 1n,,:Mkn1,

fn,, 1nJu111,e1'1t1n.

Our 1.a.h ,f the I ■le Uoi\cf">II) ... ants 111 l 11 the- -.Olllf111Jftll) 1kt1

anJ l'lf1::'\ I pr '('le lrom Jl:'ll'"JI hun "(II I I 1-q!1111e.c.m:hmg "J)"lt

1,1 5C™ n1~.a.1u1m

lhroush cull, .tnJ mu 107 ~ho.•lln@S Al\ llJI 1" ~I-,~ .!OOS hrc m M - (,nmc, ~ id

lflcfl 1l.111', •l1h(Wc 1 1nl\ff!I\ \Iii.ti\\ IC'lll\\\U

csuN,\hrd in Ill(' 1~111,fflK'\ICr of JO\llt n~hl ,nu 1hr lirc

Thlu1 f'IOklklflna:JcJ !rum ln\llhC ,n unkt h) r'C\.C1'e lhc

lllllilKl!we l l-'f\tal I tnl,lf11\llklfl l!w ~IUtlt•nh !all mJ lkUh)' memticn r1iq 1J.c lt1 Ill(' Ulll\C'r-11) I\ u-.c-J 10

Kad 1hr al,:rt (" nc, tou-ur1,n C\ff)1JDC' ..,hu 11 ••I lhc UTll\\'..NI\

~)llffll h>Cftlllff lbal ~Oll1£o.l ml mll>1l!\1 u:p,htnl

\n1 data II ur".&.J rC"¥Uiat1y 1,,lht 114 .. Jffl(7 Th<"n: Ire 1n \ iont bu~1hnJt1;>fthl~I

infonnet• 11.,'lll~follu:o.acJu/ AIC'II

\hdtm l'lnuu (,1ri;11 uid W t.htl lll!l rn: \f the IC'\I 00Ub1.;lllt1fl

l)tallff' ho'l'(WI w.,.,,..,,~rc lt>I.IUI l!w 1kr1 (n;,m '-1 frwnd• 11 ho JiJ m; \'f II \hi: mctll~•IIC"•l hotl 1l,t'11 I )lik'c1ha,,chcr11(Urtlc .nl..:,rnulion 111.I ukf that 11 II ll'Ylf'O h !hf 11.lll\C'nl()' hi h,n-c­lhC It'll ,kn NII n..;iMru to ll'iUfC llllid,i,n1t J, "'"""I' Hw fflChli' lltc-lmup11C" !\1ct1,:,"11nn

1>lt ton:auw: "'e Jo not t.a,c lnttre lltnb!pllJll.'111: ()a,t"all I t,c lt'\Clhatrnc,,,na

lc\l lPnliJ" ""-I ph,'IIW ~•ll1 It a


""" rmouco -r .... (l,ltl ond-.. ("QM) -•le!t -­..... OVOll)h . .,., -In ., ... ,., .. , lab,H,tz -

"OLLU began researching ways to send out mass communications through text messages, phone calls and emails due to the the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech and the May 2008 fire in Main Building."

Annt Go,nn,. IAr«tor f .\/,1rA.t/1,iw rJ'ld Comi 11111u.1/1111t

1rca1 ,~,t~m h1 leer ,tu&nt, 1kr1 !rum lll)1hrff¥ turrmm1

Gomu u1d that thf 1krt 1)\tem I\ IC\IC'd C'llh \cll'ICllt:t to rfhUrc

that 11 "'A\ pniJ'lt:rh 100 to Hrc ,1udcnh arc aetung 1hc n,,>11fio.:Jtion, and to rcrn1nd IJlult). \11111 1nJ \luJcnh hi updJtC Ihm

01hcr tl1.1n tn1, 11 hu been uicd on he ll01uton Qfflpll\ four umc1 :icuu1e f ,ampu1 dowrn due to IC\C"n v.c lhcr, uid (,omc,

le hu N'Cn .tKd l'A ttc )ti •~ \.an \ntonlllampu1 also d tolt'<«c wcathc

~PIIUnlOJ,.Mmcll lums., rc,cl\Cd the lhl akn lkllllk.ahon .all three K"mc11crund bcJ,nc, 11 s .i ulu.1tilc ~)\tern bccau,c •tu..knh ,houlJ I.nm~ v.hcn 1hq arc In da~t

·\\ 1th the ,ht11.11m~\ fn>m l>lhtr unl\ct,111e,, II I\ bcner Ill he ulc and lu,c 11.,mcthin~ lo l«p u~ 111ia~ c,f 11l\:tdcnh on caml'Ut.." fonn ,.11J

oin us for an e,rening with John L. Allen Jr.


,', .- l , ,, . '"!'be Future Church: HoW Ten Trends ere Re,,01ut1onallzlnl! the cathollo church"


Caf e offers chill space for students C1ariu11Rodri9ua lM1.\.s.fl.k...J,.andd1 ,~, Th r,K ll't Cottfl~wrter arcn'lthconh-th1111~hopnthc thcnk Nine

FJ,~,,., C...iJ,,.,I .. " 8o,t 'iJ, ,WAtl, do,tn/ /wt11.1Jt'

f~f,1M1h J,J,..a,lt.Jw llw t1• 1UlttpfN1,_,PO('f'lf r,,krtlwi bl.-l1'rl ti} l,_. l'ffll" rh lflki rftn ~ t011t11lr"'"'~ft/'tf/ltt'Jf"Ul,.~O.IO

t'O""• 11,,,1(' 0#(( UJl'tlllf

· \1)- ., 1t.. She ,w,cd 1h11. 1l

•·u all her ,Jca • f01,1r ynn •an. Robert \i1IIU1\IC\l "'U taken b) 1urpmc ... hmh11.,,1c 1uwstcdth11 ~ \houkl opm a cuff« \bop

"'I 11,n t.urpmcd, hut thou&ht. . .,..h\n,,ll., ...

talc Chtlh Oon Boo 11ias IUrp(MCd In tic j\1,111 cnffct lhop. but u more studcnl\ and pcoflk from 1hc Ml&hbomooJ v..allcd in. the:) ltrt till.ins fclf food. \ '1\bnlX'\I llld

,tudmuhkht-..1nhl1k(lnlh bdin lh.,.1-.hc, non lkll'I II\ he the h.&IIIO", "I'"' fur they C\Jl(fk'ft' ll fol ,1udcnt"i 1ftc:rC1r l)cll>re d.1uc1 1hcn11ch, they aoukt

I ITMIIMJ lhll rtt .. c It.\ be hlc d,hniic") ID ~a,,.l • ·\a,cd l') the fkll' han~t ,r,,t, It 11111\:c rlatc Ythcrcthc)· Qft h:1n1ou1 \I.Uhku1c IOl(t 1ill \amp.a, anJ /..&1;h, .. \ 11\anut\l 1,1iJ .. , 'llllnl A~oill 111d h I JUII

11.tudcrtu toka\CYtllhlh<lfflK thil •Jrc•l lt'll'IIII~ fur they un lUOCIIIC t,1,1lh and kd the ,tudcnl\, 11, IUr,cf comfonablc " ~h,11

I fflC1l ~11\1 1..IJ'l&ln of the bov.hna tnm hol.h ,t\k!y M\11 lof lhe mtn and 11,'0ffl(tf, N.Wihn, IClffl

,1 the care "'I La.kc the tum 10 the ult

to«au,c ifs a rc\1,cd rlue \\here the) can focu,. and 1t &I\C1 them a brrak from aimpu, en\ uonmem bw lhcy ,111\ tct to hlna out"" 1th fnends." S1ha wild

Ric\. Ac()\ll, an H\Ol:late ofthc: cart.a&fttd•11h V1llanuc,1

\ 11\anuc:\a ..k.hn1tch l1111J HuJcnts 1a mind •hen hc ,~ the ")(.1lklQ. a, ¥,ell u the naiM

tv.o-) "'hen he hnl •Urh:d .,;alhng me C h1\h Bon B,lft 1 didn't ll'IO\I, 't\hcrc hc 11111h11 ltoin, bul I notKN thas he lo.J\cd


~ l"lt'W coffet shop has• pool tab6e, a foosbll tat-le. and free wl•tl fOf" OLLU student:S

J 1l'h1lh8onll,:in . . d,.ti;c,rc,1111,a'!a ~;rte :J~:; ,.,k a,nd I v.crc tJll1na t\('n hrcalll\l llCO\ 1111 ncYoC1t

"1"hal'1 ,hen I \.new v.e had to set a menu Thi, menu that \\C ha,~ 1• ae1ualt), hl.e lhc fourth r"C\U,IOI\, and 11 "still noh1na •· \"11\anun1 wJ

V1\lanueu said he lln\J for l'CUOllJble, ~11uJen1.fr11:ndly" pncn lledld his rcsnirch t,) ,u111na the C)bcr Cerc and rnhzcd nactly tiow much ,tudcnu v,~ JMYlll& foe

'"The catc ,, 50 pcrfc"t for s tudents," Yid Acosta. v.ho 111 fre1hrmin 11 OLLlJ. -you can ...,al\. do"' n the llrttt "'uh SIO 1n )OUthanJ and yo,i"rc kt \.\.e ncn a..:ccpt credit card,nmr. 11·1:al"l'at

ACOIUI s.i.ld 1h11 m0$1 ,tudenlS

I 1ueH 1~, 11\l r•hbcmh 1lfl the ,hlrv. lcamchomconcd.1) .an« v.orl. and I ukl 'lie} ' \\h,1t1tt )•II.I up too"'' anJ )ou Lnoo.i, v.h.11 he uMI '(.h1lh l~,n R.,n' Ill' ' I ~°'" Ihm t l out II JU~I uu,.:l, he .Joe~-, ,.11 me

ahi 1namn fo,thc: ~.111! v.dl I than houah 11 ·(afCt hill• Boo Bt,n on :wuhnrdthc.,;on\crutt®andhc dic<.o llcpbn1tl)SC11 Soffc:ar1 )0 u1J (. h1ll1 llon U, 1 1 loolcJ Ill malms Ulpl to the c,mpu• C\-t'I')'

m) v.1k•nh1,-.uulcd .Ktanduid m1nutc1forordc-hll•,O•ndtop1Cl T" t 1 11. \ 211! t b1lh HM lk,n up ana drop ol 1 11udcDU thll nc-cd •

\ lla11utuu1dtichopts10 ridc1o hct::ak

Dedicated to dance AN federico

"""""'""'"""" Sc:,ffl )~.tin aao • rcahnd lhJ,t danct .,u

bcrpau,on Alyna P1rp. 20, IOOkJU2, hip hop. lyrk:al baJlc1 and aymnuucs u rm ate d.lJ'ICC lcuon1 for Inc )'t'i1f1 She also JOlncd 8om>e Champion llla;h School's ,m11y d.anc:c team Now in rolleae, she dancei for Our Udy of the Lake Um,m11y·s dance team, "hen: she find, .. ay, 10 hnng out. the best chmctemhcs in othen. Her a11111.1dc and motl\aMn ~ her to bcc:omc the Wt.nee twn,Jn foctblS )Ur, fall 201 I

~fore h«omu'I the OLLU dance team's Clf!U,ln., hrp IC/\~ 111 Her maJOf 111 earl) cluldhood cduauon. and lhc tw bctn a lllllkftl at OLW \IDC'C bCT ftt:Wr\an year, t.112009 SIie II a Ju.n1<1f thl.J temCUCt and plan, to SJ'(i1.11tc

lalllDll hip ... btcn • member nl the OLLU claocc ~==~~~~':2=~has

alto 1'tt'tcd II pra.dcnl ofthc OLLU Educ.ation Club for 1•0 ya.n.

BccaU>C ofbcT lad. of dance o.pmcncc, P;up thouaht I\\ t1..t before ukma o,er the up1am

"""""" "The fflOII fnibt('nina a:,pcct •u nol haHDI any Nc:kiround in lclldm11 a;roup b\11 ,.1th dance bc1ns my p■.w,IOCI 1 cooldn'1 m1a.: Pup wd

J\lnw MartM \fontoyahasbemar'!'lffllbcrof the OLLU dan~ 1nm lur 1-.0 )Un MontO)'a aid lhe 1, \Cr) C\Ulcd to h,i\"( a~ capu,n Ibis )CU

1od W fet:I~ that Parga I\ the hci.1 pcfM1n lo kid lhc­

l""'r ·She\ a 1rc,1,1 and crc:1111,c ltadn "Aho i;c11 the

,ob done." Monl0)'11 u.1d 'She\ 1\w • l!n:.11 lncnJ "'1th I b11 hc;u1 ..

In Sc:rtcmbcr OLLU cdct'lf11cJ \r1ru l),1~

a da)' v.hen studcnu cdebra1e the bc::11nnms ot a n~ academic school )CU The cclcbr•lwn mdudc, food.~. 1 parade and more P11p nd tht da.nce team gl\c 1hc 1ud1t"ncc :a tb.rke ricrlormanu: to "Po.rt~ Rod Anthem .. b) LMAFO. \\here the} m,m"kcd lhe shuffle tno\CS 1hc hip-hop duo m:aJc famous m their music , idco

Scn10r Jltk Martine,. v.ho ah.o ittcndcd Sptnt Day, $.I.Id he enJU)cd the dance'1- dcbut Mar1.1nez u.1d hc \\OUld definite!) 11tcnd bdsletNlll home pmcs "'hctc the dance team \\1II rcriorm d11.nn1 half tune He sawl al 1mpfn\N him to KC a guy m 1hc dance th1~ )Ur, and he " look1na for,,,"J.rd to \CC ,r.ha1 they ha,'l' fot the audience

ho-Ae~c::~~~=g~;;;":~rt\sTul "Prcpat11wn for Spmt Da)· 1, 1l"'a), :a time

erunJi. b1.,.1ng tl)OUb, 1 f~ v.ccl1 t>c:~ require" kam1ni;tach dancer·, \!)le a11d hc:lr1ng the lcam hond together," Parp r,aid ··tt can b(- 'ef} ta'1-p.m• but lhc: n'ICtTWHY\ and fncnd,hlP' \Ulrt ugh! ·---~

Para• sud hecom1ng .a lc:adcrof an orpruu.twn requ11-c1 a grc:at deal ol rc,pM.,1h1l1t) and dtd1~uon Howc:,cr. hcrmom.iuun" htr k,,c of dance Oanc,n¥a"c-.hcrthc ,,...,or1un1t~ IOJIJ\I

let eoof c-.el)thini and c,prc\\ \\h.11 ,he feel\

Las Posadas 24th Annual Celebration


December 2 , 2011

Begins at McCullough Hall


ti Reception at Chapel Auditorium

' ,, ~,. 11n ,1\d M1111.,trv

II ed


Concert Line-up 11/14 Cowboy Indian Bear9:00 p.m. Cover $6 ($8 minors) Location: Mohawk, 912 Red River, Austin, TX With the steadiness of a cowboy nding a horse, an Indian's precision of making arrowheads, and the cuddliness of a bear, Cowboy Indian Bear weave together harmonizing vocals, mesmenzIng drumbeats, and space-like electronica melodies.

11/16 Icarus The Owl 7:00 p.m Cover:TBA Location: The Ten Eleven, 1011 Avenue B All the Waif from P0111and,-Oregon, Icarus the Owl take flight on intricate guitar nffs. and soar with their catchy lyncal vocals.

11 /18 Korn, Datsik, Downlink, & Dope D.O.P. 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $39.50 Location: Sunken Gardens, 3875 N St. Mary's Get your spoonful of Korn; instead of with mayo and chili powder, try it with a hint of dubstep and electronica music from Datsik and company.

11/19 Pierce The Veil, Miss May I, Woe is Me, Let Live, & The Amity Affliction 5:30 p.m. Tickets: $15-$17 Location: White Rabbit, 2410 N St. Mary's Filled with high-prtched vocals and wicked guitar sequencing, paired along with a hardcore lineup, Pierce The Veil stop by the Rabbit on the "No Guts, No Glory" tour.

11120 Between the Buried and Me, Animals As Leaders, Tesseract, & Absence of Fear 8:00 p.m. Tickets: $16-$18 Location· Backstage Live, 1305 E Houston St. Crammed wtth aggression, charm, and quirkiness, Between the Buried and Me yield sounds of heavy metal with a bit of beauty

11 /20 Melt Banana & 400 Blows 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $12 Location: Jack's Bar, 3030 Thousand Oaks Or. Strange band name, strange sound. Japanese punk band, Melt Banana mix fast noise rock with experimental electronica to make truly unique music.

11/21 The Rocketboys, Winter Sounds 8:00 p.m Cover. $8 Location. Jack's Bar, 3030 Thousand Oaks Or. The soothing and melancholic wavelengths of The Rocketboys will take you on a journey lo the moon.

-- - ------Concert Line-up Oft P•U• a

_r,_c_, _7 _________ T:..;H~E ...:L:.:A:.,:K:.,:E:....:.F_::Rc:,0'._!N:,_T!.....!l....::O~U..::R:.._:.L;,;.A.:;D.cY_O:::.,:_F_T;_H=E...:L:..;A.;.;K.;.;Ec....:U--N_I_V __ E;..R_S;..I_T_Y ______ N '" ''"'" LO I I


Qev,~h condy ~ng offered dUf1ng Oto de "'ls Muer101

l he proce~ through lhe convent cemetery on Oto de los M.uertos

Loi 18< ;Jt e '~r: , b'011 r )n m .. tv i,}OITI

Students buncfle up lo, one ol the Fnt cold dOYi of the fol semester

Theology sludents decoroled 1he alter at The grotto as part of a se<Vtee learning pro,ecl

:-N_n,_t.;.M;;;;u.:•.:2:.:0:.:1.:.1 _____ ..,:T.:.H~E~LA~K~E:..!F.:R.!:0'..!:N:,.:T_!..I ..::O:,::.U P A nv n F THE LA K F I NI VE~' • -y ~ u,. w,wnt.111...; ,,.,m _.,. ,

... ' R

11122 Hydra Melody, The Transit Cura, Tangible Green, Deer Vlbea, Panic the Brave, Ready Revolution, Room 635, Northern Lights, Crown, Rumors, Arla Salolllte, Czars, Flrst Heal, Narlottah, Nick Hibbits, & Domelnlc Jimenez 7 00 pm Cover $6 ($10 minors) location White Rabbit 2410 N St. Mary's Wrth their "pop mu:;Ic, that doesnl sound hke pop music,· The Trans11 Cura will reloase a new CO alongsldo a hnoup of over 15 bands Be sure to got there early and stick around 'lor many other local bands such as Hydra Melody nnd their edgy rock tunes with a Labn jazz twist, as well os many more to bo announced

11125 The Bright Light Soclol Hour, Sun Salutation, 3 Legged Horse, & Rumors 8 00 p m Cover $12 Location Bor 502, 502 Embassy Oaks Hailing from music capital of the wor1d Austin, TX. Tho Bnght LJght Social Hour Integrates rhythm and blues, dance, hard rock-and•roll. lnd1e, and soul Into their sound, producing an energy-abundant set Gel there early lo hear local band, Rumors, who spend loss bme gossiping and more time hypnotizing crowds with their catchy melodies

11/28 Tho Devil Wears Prada, White Chapel, Enter Shlkari, & For Today 6 00 p m. Tickets: $211$24 Location: Backstage Live, 1305 E Houston St Metalcore at best, The Devil Wears Prada take the stage with their brutal breakdowns and vigorous vocals for an evening of head banging you can only fathom If you're a part of the crowd

11/29 Attica, Collectlve Dreams, Tera Ferne, Brandon Cunningham, I The Gentlemen Swank 8-00 p.m Cover. Stp (all black attire $7) Location: Jack's Bar, 3030 Thousand Oaks Dr. One part subtle screamo, and one part ambient 1ndie, Attica hght up the stage with such an energetic set, you will forget they're from San Antonio. Dress completely m black to recelVe a discourrt In lieu of Black Fnday.

12/3 Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $24-$200 Locabon: Lila Cockrell Theatre, 200 E Market St One evening and one afternoon (12/4 at 3:00 p.m.) jam packed with the sweet sounds of mariachi music. Mariachi Vargas de Tecalrtltm, based in Mexico City. celebrate the 17th annual mariachi music festival that serves as a platform to promote cultural preservation and higher education among the Hispanic community.

12/4 Cake 7:00 p.m. T ICkets: $35 Location: Stubb's, 801 Red River, Austin Formed in the early 90s, Cake is spreadmg rt on thick with scruffy, low-tech approaches to live performances, while keeping rt raw with politics Ulfused songs.

12/5 Big Sean, Cyhi the Prince, Shawn Christopher, & Spiffa 8:00 p.m. 11ckets:$25 L.ocallon: White Rabbit, 2410 N St Mary's Finally famous, Big Sean throws down some hip-hop grooves after a month of almost non­stop hardcore jams at the Rabbit.

1 m Televangelist. Cur& For the Radio, The Ground, V9flsimllltude, cantaloupe St Plerfe e:00 p.m. Cover:$5 l.ocalion: The Ten Eleven, 1011 Avenue B Reinventing himself through euphonious phrases keii secret. Ar1l10ny Eaqulvef, former snger and gu1tansl of Daytes, drops his first CO under his soto project. Televangelist Arrive early lo wilne96 the psychedelic instrumental sounds of Verisimllitude and their kaleidoscope elfeclll on the mind.

Price hike seen in tickets ,lg

:it.on costs hav doubl d.

PHOTO IY SHAH,.ON VAU .. AOOUD Offictrl\elrilr prep--tnri,gf ".Id{,

Saints soccer team gives back Jenntf•r H am>quJn


ti·, fnda) • I no p..m and thc\lX.'rtf~ff'l~CJlllll<1und lheu'p&Br~ iipk'C"lllndarchodcd io.ardthdm'lltol lhe.-b.11.~ Lpon 1111Illl,.-an and pa.m1the hmu)'.• M!Qlndgnidc ltudcnt.,,.,C,thc~ pbyen ard qu1ddy nm h«ll Indus kl'C2mlng_ ""lllt',"n: Jrre!Thry•n: ....,.

'"Tht uh ,c'llllJIC'ft'\l.'llcd. .. frohMallOUU IOCCCl"r,l.,)ff BoN,,,·

Munn aid ""Thr:y'rr.,..~'\~11lJ18 •hm"'c .... alkll'I

S11"11:C the bqinn1rtf ol lht f,IJ ~. lht .,<ttr pkW'n 1'111~ been gotn& IO M)ffl ~n'l Fnd.ay lo hllnr lhc atuJr:rit.J ..,hoan: litnlq:hn, in thnrcb.\RI.

"'Yoo dfl!'l'I k"°"' 1-hll ~ind of horn,c hfie~a;ieh11Jwmr1 1mm: lt'nJQf,oca-r~ Rdit:U.h \.Jmb sul, •n~,.1ll dobrttcr1f~M~ son,eon,e "'ho cam lrirthan and

Tht l!'ltt\'f team rw.n.

,,. ~·i.

wscethmtu_.-..,.-..s. VicR"&-.p,c-.i,-. --,......,.,..,......,

Du.l..l:rlr\-..41R:t1Dol••md gy, ·1--1<Jbthkitxm.J ... IO p,ocmtep,-"'---•­:hie~1em11a.poq•birk exf)t'f'lm."CM~

~1...asllllJll'sdb);lx--=l llffl.edd. .. Dulaqlud.;nlbr h•gh!lpt,Jtm, ..a.1-1111.t.-ayw .... ~b'wardloprQStwf'

Fndl)' Tl,caxm'lclmelfJYI ...

onhp:!IIJlllc~acb--­mdmduolfy ... __ ,,.p,d btbcOOfflJ!llmlh<

·11,"• ifffl .. mm 1mll111g taaes." \ , , ,nn tmJ '"Ir Ji'C'III' ult nu:b -, mah:• ddlercoa JUI( doq: 1bc lftk 1hinp lilie ft.,llll UJ1 and bci~ lht.-rt­can 00 ah b' lhan."'

Thctcamloov,1tbll •hlllhn ~ dJq°DfflJ'l'l1ffllk1~· tolh,: .


.,_. .... tda-111tbcltadr:e -s ac,qwcm1..n. lllllbano -n.-....--~­___ ,q....., _ ... _..,,.. ... bcqi

·""'"""" ""'".IC']l•aao-a,ic.n_,cau ,._,----­-.1adlrta..c---1iie,c:a krilJ'to..dq-••to.,_,-lhll 111n (al: do iiaraQ\., aad dr) c:aa do

•rc!L ~calt-~sdrdicuxmrJ­

lllllknt,,.,...IOkM-lhrlOCUI' ~..,.,._,_°" ponrnkMlhna

I axlld be cbas ~ •rdr tbc"Jme.•\1tnaai"'8tilcadda.1 fJ\~ ap brui, rd! !hie kidl. becas I k,,.~Landllak,mt~ (lift)· ..,,, .....

PHOTO IT JE.NfOFH MAUDQUIN Sen.or liOCtl!!I" Pli'l,ef' Harm Herrera takes lime tD ~ a ss::ond grade 5lt.der-. With 1-'5 ~1119 sktll5

SPORTS~1 . . ' .

Chemistry is key >>OLLU c1H::apt.11n \II the ho"'lmr 1c.1m.

bowling ::: \\hen ,~led \\h)- ~he l1LcJ lo

team hkt•-~~::~~•;:r:~c~~:~r:: t,u,>

r I• rr11ct1u: ··1r,mc-11mc1nd11', e 1es on 't\hatllt\\C llll\Clhc\port andthc

t tomp<llllon IO II •

eam"' ork. tn1'~1u_n.ud) m>thm1_1 m the

Audnl hrdeda

EJuur 1 ,,.,,,. Rtf"irh:r h,Jr.i lkrdcna o 11 "'<"lbt-r of the 01.1 ( llotllmgTt><1'"

All spon~ tu,c one thing 1n common. in orda to do\, lhc~ fflU!I be good dtcml'tr) among the tcamma1c, Good 1:hcm1\lr} 1mohrs chttnng 1c.1mmatt°\ lln. h.t, mg iood spmt. nnd c,cn ,fthc 1c.1m" lll\lng, JUSt ha,mg fun sm,c's v.hat spons arc there for

Sophomore l l:.n,w. Rodrigue,,


SOphomore, O.nssa Rodnguez C,,.C,p<aln

't\orlJ II Jl(tlC\.:t The d;s~ bc:h.,rc 1hc ,u1mm~-c ag11n,1 O'(onn..•r lhll,h "Khnol the tum·~ ca{'Um. lr~t \1lu.. 1:au: a loag \pttch .iN1ut bc:101,1 ~JX•n,1Mc. l't'f)nlful, .anJ p,J­'>pmttd lk klll.m, the team un domu,h l'IC'ucrthln .... ~1 d.t\ did llO the fir\l tourn.smrnl anJ ~ he C\J'C(U bdtc:r from the team during th!\ rc..:cnt IU!JfRlmt"OI on°'' :1',1 holh rntl'ttlll) and \C()rt•" 1st

Ile tell\ 1ht team 10 foc.,n and \\ork on the chcm1,;;1ry v.11h1n thc-tcam, b«.luk 1f one ~n,on get, the Ml'm 8" 1n1 up" 11r. the "hok tcsm will be mffci.tcd hoth cmouon:all) anJ rh),1nlly He told the team to t11kc the ,mmm:ig,; ,;cnou~I) becau~. although 1t'.1,JU\I pl"ll~IICC IOf both 1hcm and the high ..chool, 1t 1\ \till a n\ltlh

On the da) ol the scnmTTu.e-c. and nen 1hose th:at arc not rta,1ng soil come 10 v.atch ""h their JCIVJS

on.Just in ca~ dtc) get ~1,~heJ 1n dunng 1he,h O'Connor lhgh School doc, not let the1t energy and c,c,1emcnt go unli.00\\ n

One O'Connor \Cnior. AWk) Reid . .1,,11d. "h's ltke an) other g,unc really, bu1 \\e alv.a), h:a\e fun

True 10 her "ords. O'Connor ,1ar1cJ ofl the: J><.:nmniagc "11h rep and ~trcngth Samb. no1 \\Jntmg to be kR behind, got the cnthu~1:a,m up 1n the air. though. the :ur arounJ 1beS:un1~ bec1nic un~. the girls allemptcd to Kttp each ocher


5eoior, Ernest Sliva Captain and Coich

TrM.1t11,a1cd h)' ehcwnil 1nJ g1\1ni rot high foe\ 111 any frame 1 he) d1Jn't "'ilnl In he 1h:illcn h> O"(onnor \ ,uJden cool 11r I he men tncd 1n

Leep up. NII ,n the enJ O'( onnor had "''in the \l,:nmm,(!'.e

1\-Ail\&joodpmc lou~ht1n h1i1h ,p1nh "here ten~1on e,1Uld he cul \\Jth I Lnik fhc u1mnosor O"Connor', tc."lm v.u an olhct t,it a.nyllnt' v.,11.:h1nll the mat~hc,,. 1'u1 v.h~n ,1,li.cJ about the 11,1mc. they all rtphcd v. 1th thal they \\ere ncnou1 ll<l\\t\Cf. lhcy r..11J II Vi lt'III) tun 1n the end

lhc S:amt, had a 1100d lime m D.1ll.t1. lor the\\\ IHC l tourn.1mcn1 on Ott ~- hut one tho.1p.h1 Imm ('11p11un [rnc\t S1lu had rcm,1111tJ in

their hc-3J, on lhc trip · l"m IV-1.'.fll\ 01ic 1·,c been hov.lm11 for l\\chc ·

)car .. rm 1tiou11011c1 m) l>u\mc,, dCjll:t' And I v.11nl Ill v.m JI )llUr

\enlcn~c ends -A 11h ·1 "anl to -Aln. then )ou're on the k,cl •~ me

Are sports created equally? Gianna Rendon

C~ds chttr The 1thktc, beat the m-.1 collcgc' Tbcy J01n for a group hui then they ao lt'l the lodcr room aod rc:d.> their ffl..llcup They arc women llhlctn ~,me people: fofl(t ahout lhc " o~ n·, sror1s on campu1.

On Saturday Oc:1nbcr :n. there- \\H I ,olk)ball p me and 1

k)(Cc-t pmt Ot."'Cumn.a at one in the ancrooon There "',.,. about the same 1moun1 <"r people l'cv Clth g,mc At the ,ollc,ball 1amc. 1hcn: •ere mostl) p&n:nll, and 11 lhc IOCCCf g11M. then: -Aert more l luJcnt\ The two from ru"' ' ol 1hc blt"achefl m the: MAbcc: Gym YICTO run oft,J\LC.tNII pl1)-enw1111mi- lorthc1rw-1mimae al thttt'

l)lcf Kouun, I t,opht•morc

bubtha.11 pla)-cr a uJ ltk:}' "'~ !old 10 come 10 the same ind he pmNMy v.ooldn"t ha, e cume oo h1~ a-n

•·t camet'Clorc on m) O\\n and I •11.11·1 lMI mto II ." he u ld

KolsOn uid th,1 m,m:: ~ •r~ com,e 10 mm·1 pmct because 1hc) lltC la\lCr Jw:td

Mano llcmrt. ..,,_,apla~-ct. ,a,d mart pwplc v.101 to \C'C men tpora llcu11dthatpc()flle-A-ould nitherM:t l.dlron Junca dunk then. cul dunk

Randulj'lh Piel/ . 1 k1nn10lug)

p1ofc:11or, Joe.w'1 L.00\, 1f more paople sci h> \\omtn°\ ii""" or mm·• p,-. M be v.1J 1h11 lt'\1. rcorlc go tGpma.Ul)'WI) "'Thcrc·asomany tbina• lur kia kl._, thq IOfJd. about llfflA.-be Mid. -i kllm' I Jo ..

Men"• ,pnrtarncludc,ball. nouoow,u,.rolf IOCUl'tn&l tcl'llld. \l,·l)fflffl~n al10rta,, all olthttntn'tlJ'U'Un«pllurpll ba.lllM' tkrt •1Vd Clk'llfh lnlCTCII Wo,nmha,cO'llt'ffllftl('vlllhaJI d,cmr.,11Olll•\dlqbaJI 'l.t.::n llan"t ban a ha,d,a.11 tram ahh.>u1h 90IIICft N\-e I klflt-4111nm 0-1l 11111 dllffl' bl• ken taU, !lk,ul

CIUlra, a b.tact•JI lellm Mark Lee. .a. llind ('.lKh fH mllnlall ... 111 ... ...,._.lhrtt11nomco1,\Jlk1 -..n•~ he• nr,octffll tf, .i,,1mat1ctoflltllf8""fflftl•

PHOTO BY GIANNA RENDON Cristina AJmelda·Anz, asslstMt volleyball GOOCh, goes through strat,g,os

dunn9 the women~ - II game

,olk)bll\ 11, one of the fuJol

IJO"'lftl ~poru 1n Tew ln~htuoon~ 11} tn hai,e equal

numbcrsofrncn', and \.lomtn·, q,,.,ru duc to T11k- I>.. a lcgt\blKWJ rrcatcd ,n 1972 to g1,-c v.rimcn the simc spor11 orportunrtie-. u men Title IX SI) 1 1hal both the men and ¥>llfflt'o'1 sporu nccJ to ~\C the same 1mouo1 of fundrq; and I.hat lhcrt 1hoo1d be al kut one fcm.1k Spllf1 k"lffl l.o C\t'1")' mak tpM rearu It Ii munt for publKI)" funded scbl!NJ> N.11 ha, 11tln1cd pmatc khool, 11 1,1,dl "ho 11oint to kffl' up "tth tlw: pubhc schools dw11n

OltU \IN.I ttul T1llc I\ hall helped eq11:1hr,- in lf'(ll11111 M1nWllllllllll10Mbulotlw:nl>l11I uu·11qt111 Olctzmdthatlbm • inan iacqu&llly 111 spm, ,n lmtdUUODI •llb ~J ~ .. ibealllere'-lobtafcmaJc.

-•lcal 1'ha9 IN' lJ -le COKhN and

IWO lmlall 0NCDn. Dim sa,d lllll altboap..,_,rc more "lftlltCIMl..ila 11 0LW ii II problbf) t.clgw dlcrc ... IDOlt .. tuehn ta Ff'Cral Hctud._laaKlab.lhrllhld-.: dll't!ICW.11fllr•...,..b&G-. ud_.__,,__ .. btlMltmcalOdlaf»tfttft

Chn\lopher Minner, v.omcn·, t-G».ctb.ill 1w,o1i,:11nt ec»,h. <.11J 1h11 altltough men art ph)ataill} \IMl@er than Ytortlf:n. the) •~ both mcntall) <Iron~ lie haHlllthcd tioth m~lc aoJ fem&lc <('Orb 11 the high ...:hool and cotq:1.11c lt,cl tic u 1d he flNnd 1h,1 v.omc::n ln1cn 10 c:<11chc:\ bci1cr than mm. lie u id he treat, the w~mcn ba, lethlll J'Ul)tn hke 1thle1cs fhc be\l ball.e1ba\l 1ho.."14cr he n cr kncv. v.u I anl

llcu1d thlt mcn'a , portJfCI mor\'.: pubhtll). bll11hat l, rn cencnal tllllJU\IIIOlLU,

A-.hlcy lhd,1 and knn1fc-r OJ\ 1J"l1n. womcn buLctball pla)cn . u,d rt M::ffll) h~ lhc mcn l'I mun' pubh,11~ 1nJ mort' cqu,p,n..:nt llnllnauc.i auJ 11 n the u iac:hci,, dC'C11101'1 ltl ac:t alhletes ~lpmtnt If lhc Clffit1 ..,o,achm doo"t fl\e lhetr &1hlc1c-s 1bc: ume eq,.irpncn1, 11 '1 111.ll P"fJud&--c- rt"1)11.tlthtir1uJJmenl call on whether (If no110ffldh1n, 11. ....... .,

A.Jncnl\l" Rodf1auu. the IM«llltathltuctlirtck,r wiJUw thccoadolln~IOf""kktq111l equtprllall~lfUllllllllnr)hr 11d lUI 01 ll '1 ..... 1tAm1 ate

llffll)l'qllait'0111puNlobiS.r ---

SPORTS SOUNDING OFF What is your worst

sports related injury?

Lau,-,, Schutu: __ ,,,.,.,

,., ... ndolfflyMNOf)"tM ln~ac:hoolrit1tbe!Ore ~ I brokt l'Oy Iba

(Shlnlrihllllll'ldrnyfo.Nln IIOOJ14plxts lhadlOhl..,.

211!anunrodaputnDmy leg IO triath oor.l would l'le.al0Qff9Ctty,theya,esi,1 therttodlylc:outdnlplay

soccer for• year and had to baSICdy r-.rn how to walk/

t\lJI properly.

LoAonSmrth Jtnot~Pla)91'

I broke my 5lt'I meuurul bOne and my JOO( N lut

WMkolJ~-!ylt»tyHr bfote llnebaSlletbllgaine

.IIJmped up for a rilOQUJld arid someone was under ma My rif,l loot lallded on INof ion looland9ffllpl)tdthtkleol

my toot

11 AlltN HUMt■

.JvrWKSoilblllPJ.y« 1btol•my1en.,1t.i.lkll'lg

.-IIOIIWtl~onastNI whenlWNl2 l•UWUG

IT'UCh pam l ac:roarNdendl\ wmf«I my parWlta ~

BrarKlleHurl ---- ,,,,,_ The woral ll'ljllfy l''M ti.i Wilt\

croncoumrylllffldonrt:s nrnykno. 1-,,.had ■UU hlghlChoolandllC"alMlh 1'fld0rlflmykr11Nwhleh c;:orWlefflrnyrn!Jlde my bone 10 lnll&rM and \lb up aQlfttl""f•,.,.....,...nwaa trorn CMNM and 10! MnnQ


ElyMEKOOllr ---­"lto<•myllwnn"f't ~ rrty toPhOfflOt9 'IN' N•~1a&peakllmetriat

"~~~ gotwOl'N'7w'll"b'Nbeca.a

:tlOMJIOOltyltwQI.I/I~ ll'ld~r.-.ablnmucfl .. OOUld ,,...daymy tflQu6dlllwn~ .-i..a Then iad l0 gc1 ........

Jennifer o.vlson Jun,orS.SkttO,IIPuirtM" "Myworsesoorttraattd -.,uy••~·---•,-nor inHigtiSc:hoolandtl\tga,Tl9 wubOdlnlOO\'efllff'ol Iran down thl k)r a last bl'HkWl'IM!lrrllld9111olhe t>uio411,....upklf•'-Y'41 and on. ot thl oil~ from lhe0~!Nfflund9rnA:rne 1llf'IM l .,.•nlheaor llppt<I and•CIIINdrneloccwne doWn on my legs 'IWf0n8 and boflOmyMefllNPP'(I, I M my hMd on lhe ground • nd""'9'1tUl"l00nl00ld I IO!t bott'lofmyACLlaridhadl


~ counny ol Spoita lnlmnllion o«a

PHOTO IY GIANNA UNDON ...,.._.., ......,_eokh,pu<sawotlhe-condudonglhe

9amt to prep,lfit tor the ~ iiCml'NQt' aftenMrd.

SPORTS .. . . ' . Team preps for season lawYancey

\1lC"'rll..:u1,a11mJ,'4.rt 111 ksm,lnttc.t"m"'11h1 lto--fltet.ord 1nu,nlctc-au.· 1hc LaJ, \11nll

h.ul.t1h.tll tc-:am 1, 1c.aJ, lo 1.1\..c 1hr c,,url sp1111h11 \C'JIOII th,, time

• 1th 1tw mm1 hll,11\1,.~ 'lit.lid Out

l •J> oft'-:,.,, h1, Kffl )CL

Thi,; lie'&S4."lft"' 111 he die: lint

o.c:twn lhc Lai.I) ~1n11 tuJ 1

hc.&J n~\h mum nc,;.iu~ 11t 1h1" l!c.111 l C1.11.h \\.1lh.1m Mtlnc1J) thml,,., Hut llN l,111c~ J11lcn:~c 1h,, W.t\on II h1t, comhxl ku:I V, 1th the- lcam

\in,.~ I ha,(' \f<Jll I )ar

coa,,;hu'I "' l'I them .anJ knlJ1n9 ■ rtl.1lkN1,h1r 1nJ re.: ru111ni 1hc nN,

One 11 he Uffllftt: cthlctc, Ktnntd) h.nJ.: ttorcJ1h..~"'1th I\JUnklf\1 C) I> mlc),v.hofccls th.u allhtJllih lhr)' J1Jn I h1, ,., much m ~hcm111r, 111ht un ~

th,~ 1.: ,n asl )ffl btt.tusc o! 11 the Tll:'I, rcurl It 1 v,cn: r~n:mcd. IJI,~ )'Tdl he) 1ft :I IJ.'1111" \llllh S kc mort'd\pth

II• Cl'mt: ll1 L1Lc tune t,> Llk•" n1.h Nhtr' pcnunnd ,-.n the ~,,urt." U\\ [hrnlr, hut I kcl "'' hai,c morr Jq'lth l'n our 1c.1 1han lase \C'&l wtt • ii hcahk hlmt&tc 1n more rll,~a!ld be mcn<"01ecinc

lo.alb K<"nnt:J, &jrm lo\llh

tulancccl team 11 tea1m1

Lu1var"'tp«moll f our 1e:,nn1 fnl1'T! lht rt:nrntkr, t..t'flncJ, uKI l1mynrv.t~\J hi: to 1mrJ r<orl<" un I 1u,1 l1.""\- on 'IC a1ta'"

\1ll .. Jh\ll.&Jun101 rl•)ltll her fif'll )<'al al !he I 11.l• J'l.11":1 :m tit-mt a IQdcf ana a role tnockl on !ht court

\\(' hut a lol 0(1.hOcrrot "'"'l'Ofb."ll:,,1,u1d \\i:ll.n

run..h 111n 1<1 tht' guanh ur we can l11.l1101111othc.,.,nit

Rut 11 \ nut JUS.t lhc lt'2ffl n,crnbtn tJw Kl""U1ab s c,l 11N

aN>Utth11~.t'°" I am \Cr) M««J IO ~\-C tv,-o

,u) kno"lcJgcAbkanJ harJv,f'li.1na Jln'f'k on lhl: 0'1<1d11na ~UII v,.1th me 1h1\ '"ar t..tnfll'tJ\' u1J i oalh \lmnc-r I\ hkc h.l,ma a IC'1.ood h<ad 1.0llh and Kcl<' \I, !)~Jc hu b«n 1n-m to f,r lier .,.,~m 111 -.orl1n1 'lt!lb1hcp:uarJ~~ndtk-r1h1h1~ to t,rL:11n thm~ to fl\a)Tn 1n ■ v,,1) that the) unJcr.1.1nJ h.n he-en huac loru,"

lktv.ccn all 1he new 1JJ1tions, :i, \\cll 111 th<' lt1,-.c10! tv,o lcy rl.i)cr. lrom l111 )car anJ the adJ1l10n of Kl')\lal \I.Jnn1np: 1.nd Kele \ldbdc 1h11 )-c-:ir·, 1r.1Ju.11t am..t.Jnt co.11.h. the Lad) \..unu, \htlllltl nulc for an C\1.1t1n1 team to come out .and v.:it..:h

·J ~.111) hlc th" tc.1m, Kenned) '>lld "The) arc 1,1,orlmii turd 10 g,:1 ticucr C\CI) CU} •nd

PHOTO BY MARIAM KEVUSHIVU udyS.onts p,oako ""'1 fo<theorlJl)(XllMg swan.

our ~I 1, 10 he the t-c<,1 v,e e.1n be v.Mte\~r thal mean, for u, •1 the tnd of the ..c.1.M1n·

Balance sports and academia

Tbt empt) l)'Tl'l""'um hrolJ1 •n1un,1l 1nt11.:1PA1111'}a.n111c1, H

1thk1c-, run Id 1nJ tn1m the adJILcnl -~•aht r\.lfllll In I~ J1 Ulkc, lhur .. h

bell, rin1 alcn1n11 the ,11.k1e111 tiod} lo the 1111,e anJ 1hc1t nbh1aU11M for

an atbliNc hmt: ts 1 •cll-htluk.cJ cllu,1

Soct.111tud('l'lt .. 1blct~ 11l!J)1n1 at Wr LAJ)" ol lht Lala l n1u:NI} utJ ltc,. hlbn..:c bornn.1,rk ,1\td\lOl,•nd11hlt11csby •nt.1r-11n11 due ..Ute, 11.nJ mtct1n, dc,adh!'l("t.ahddolltmc

r.uu.1.1 llkkr.,.IICJJ 11.J "'I ha,-.: M\n ruUrJ an all ntahtcr u, my •hi.IC IOJcmi.; cuttr'"

I n..l~rooJ IS I kOIOI' 00 tht ,ollc\NII ttam v.ho Kit the .iandJ.nJ htjh 1n ~«r1n1 up •11h 1u11nmmt'-. l'M,.r'\-cr!Xlf unmunc 10,uaa. i.Jir 1alr, u rut '\,ti the ,l"l~tull court

anJ ~)'th 1111 t:l\(' r"' • •• n

Thi ,u111 .. ,,c of \ZU11},1n1 ,a,KJ \lrC'\;lul commun1.at11 i 'lt1lh tht one b,1udtnt hu.ll):,cf\alhar profC'!o«lo•'Ori.•11hrnt uatl1nitdhcrmcthudolbrrai.1n,up fr~'i1h• lkOk.'lfbu\illt'IS

~11,J~1n• 1nro l<11,1r hour 1ncttrMnh m•n.ainnntl m1J« ,1nJ '\.1inh and rulat1ni ,1 d1fl1.n-nt ell\\ rc-r, dub team~ ptim, wuJ. ''A, tk.1111 team ur1a1n. I lccl m~>re •nd rt'l(lrt'

I .M:e1Nr ,, a tcnk1r and 1ull 11mt •ltc\5 .u the tounun1ent<, 1(1C«h rttho.l11g)' ,iu,or \\ a ,1uJ~nr 'A, 1n athlt'IC I fttl JU•l ,1\

llhktc lot t.hc \s,n\\ ,oll<")hlll 1trc"-l:d rb\1n1 rn,h-vr v.1th ((.lffl, hfr mo\l ,u,;tcutul kll<lll hi HUJnmcall. \11\.a Mid . '.'>tuJent IUM"f pmd!M.11\t 11111n111hc \l.hool athletes •ho h&,c It• he at planocr 10 h<.1r,c ,n on \lo hen- i.1 lmd fur m&nd,1t1r} ruwffl 1u..h free 11me 1n hclV.t"C11 ~'11lt ■nJ ,l'I, 1ntctn,hlJ"" tlf't\am, ll"UIC cl1uc11'1 tlkl:.- fk,1h1ht)· "'11h1n the ,pi,r1 "

When ,,led 110 lu,v. 1IIC' h.:mdln ~11u t\pl1111cd h1, rcawns. \tress, l 11.,>N.1 ,,uJ. · I t,,h· a"•' t,'lf h.tla0l1n1 l:•oth ti(,v,hn1 and cltttront1., t,,r .thoul an ho.1ur a1kl acadcmi.., a ...... , hl,: to learn. ,It 1hc

rds, lht") t'C,.,..-cnc adu1r,, .. 111,n" lame tune I h~e touwn('C1c \I.~ .a\klm1 aihkt(i adm,mJ 11.c ltmc i•I the ,r,on OUllll.k uf

,1rcu ret"hN II l't'.ll v,h(nc,cr (11\, ll{TIOOnt, Id the time a lull tune tomrnunl(llkXl """h rwlcuon vn Jtih v.ould «•n,umc \1udcnt athlt'te, m"''"II 1e•t J11n or 1roup pn,,-\.1 m1cn1cv.cJ oo •~crap: claimtd 1ht1r f""~nl.llh1'o1'11111ftt'OK1cn1 lfll'll"I 1( an)Y.hcrt Ir-om 30 11'140

I K•ihar ,Nrc,J ht'r \lot) ahoul. h,.,un I w«l ( In'<\ ■nd ,tud)UI¥ ur-- h,1,nr;.htn .. lh.ad1tt'l-lthc a,m1cdco1t o&niund2.!lhouna

' ,cd.a) ua,· 'N'llndll"'l\\er) v.ed,

Freshman shines on and off field ~WrotN

"=" \ea, ,,..,. ~u~'tfl} St.,nc, rcctnl tcnJlll~ rhllTI li..tnttra n. o,vn.nrir111rh"-tlf'ri, 1t1rw

\i.l tbt lk•nt adJdlllr!i tu lh11 >• 1 Our I adv of tbr l ,d,<' 1 1m<'1'1I) ,uttball1c.un

Thr1111nmh)'ltnmha,• Rl'IN'• IOdfkal 11,al1 OIi lht Wi1 l\m11111ldoalbllMll3>nr­old~ •Olddfltnst. 111-.llhlhc ll!&m. -4J.- adlleta uaJ,

'1lrituny 1t, ~fl) IQlftlll't

•dlc6&Wlftd•anatow1nnny ...... IUIIUIIII<' Mmpll llMn R.t ... ~ 111'U lln'.,_ Ill JOQII .. dlf

...... ua..,...,-~1 .... r ....... 1win

1&a11.lftlb•llh••...,...,.IS!Qll(I uratrh. ~- lt'lc)qrclQ ...-ml111Maa.kntailhb pantl(•turtt..-'tlllrl""•W"IT • .-.. ..:111 ... ,.,.,.. .. .., ...... ~--..... -•-•rla,-I -.Ul,rt1k:mll.J'l8ffl.

, .... _,. .... IM,o/ ............. -­........ .,.. ..... ('IUI'

-■------,,-~1. .... ._...._..,...,_.,.....,. .... .................. _

fflOft' lllkfW'IJCl.had•d C'\Cf) .JA) asBrnLNldllC'I Vridtlhafbl-u11 m,Ll11'11'lilftlllcm\nlbcepur1 udhuUfl'INt•'IKl1•l'Clb,t~ rla)I' thrwnhc ~ ,u Ul•ln, J'k)tt -.hrJt ~ lhc can f'ls~ ennal l"'ffl,lftt ,n'6:dll)

Uo11-.:tifttl91tqc111dl•IP ~ t,lic • .., cb:lc:J \a:nnd 1tt1D UI 01111 1,1Ytild.Sn ,n .?~ ~tu Sbc ..... , .tn:ltd ror h-cond TNm ~ "-11 o,.,,mct f tc T_,. All hatf11:1 lh.Jnt tumtan ,a,,d

('bal~~· fleMf'.,]t,\

"'" ~ h•fllnd~IO tih,.,tr--- .,.,.

""tut .tic T.'allb 1n &nd ·J.ll 1•1 the l\ckl 1nimtn11e "'ffll!'C'l l,Ud '"'he Ii NC 1hnt- t\tr') J.1, ruan1n1-t11U1f1¥, u1~b1., \11,1,n, anJ rh"*'"i..,bffltrbr,-..dr• ~ ~ rnam11.1I 1'1 tit lhc


Ramllft u.ld. ·llnu n\ "a "1:1"\ drtJ11.£1.cdlllllcleandalv.n,111\c-1 IIO~tlll

Uc;lJtC I (tttfflMn JIIUhriJ t.;,h..'l(•I and an Na lhalltrlgc. but kw has haJ btlp (t1 .. ht-r(, ....

lbcl ....... ttt.11),nri•llh

a.talMlll.cllNAeld.. ~---.i ""Tbo al•&J'I llialc ,urt t'III' fhtdlel _,,,,.

Coach's corner N•v• W1llrt69e --f~lt 11 lo1 of t4ll a11 t1m;'IMJ ati.1t11 the 11p:omin1 RukttNII ICalOn Olll f1n,1.:1.n1v,.11t101« our \.lints 1n ICIIOD on 1he COUii

( ach Ruuell Varl.ind,nilwn alw ~nt,.na,(oxh \' flsc~lhe upcom1na season

\ Jf2duatcd from \t.,~forry ln1, 11,- 1n \htlcne Tc:u~ lk(on- 111r11n, the N,l\;11\1II fl'OlrlTTl ,1t OU L 1n ;!tM!'1. \ .tnland1n,:ham ,,.., an a11iiun1 u>4~h (o, qun<" 1 "'hilt ,oadunas1Jl\1 N)ft0nt,d1, ,wn l1'1l ■nJ '( '\ Jt'\-ds

\ ,ntand1nghsm hold1 'Ttln) ..:onltrcncc 111lcs In 2009 the '\smts kd the conlcrcncc m 1(1\fll\l. anti lut )'Car the team u..1.1 stcond 1n c(lflkrcnct for '<:onnit \.anl.and1ngh&m hu h11h nfl(dJl1o•11\ for \hn;o J,, crl'i

t . R, n l\fM

R11. ...,. "Tho aunt hl\c I tug ) n

order for ,ht 1t2m 10 he successful \anl1tld1n1ham ..,.iJ ··The team ltn't al athlctu; ,11 Ille) 'lt'Ctt' la\l

inr" 'r'<'I. -.,1hthcllcYI r«rUlll

Out )"nf. not oolv are th<")" & pld t.hoolnli lc3ffl ~ 1hr) art aJw \Cf'}'

,cn,11lc ... I 1h11 rotnl In 11mc,

\anJlandin,him dt,r1r1'1 feel the tum 11 rc111J) for 1hc ~u,n. but he

doesn't think an~ of the compc11n,: team~ ITC, either lfov.e,n, \1nl1nd1nsham hcllC\n the t<'flll

-.,JI he \CT) cornpt:1111\C v,hcn Ibey n«d 11.'1 hc tlc-.anblhc team h>

1mpr1.J\C c\C'I')' da) ■nJ become the bn1 team the) can be

"II v,c do 1h.1t 1,1,c'll hc m po11tion to v.m confcn:f\Ct.'" \'1nlandm11h.1m 1d

Golf strives for titles Aaron Flores

ConlnDvT.l lQ Wnlt

The '-'mts \1cn, golt team hn hcfll • pl'"Otll 1"9((1 ol 1hc

I )I l L 1.tmpus k,r the p.a~ t'OUrk •ll )c,1r1. I ht) arc 1he fmt anJ on!" team In e\ct mJlc 11 hi a charnr1on~h1p and they ha,e no1 d11 .. '1pf11.11n1cd th1, I he Samh uc<"d l~1h m the nal1X111:~0ldinti: 1,, <.nMlt.11 com, the 1C1Ur'-c lor

1nlon11,1111.1n on college suit an,ond tM° CVUntl')

'"\\"arc,~ ck>w: 1t1tit"m11hc 1e.1rn th.:u 11c arc c.1~hk 111 hems. ..,,Id lkall [o;a,.h Fnl Moore

\fo,.,re h■~ lictn tht- cwi.:h at ot Ll for four )<.ll'\ and h,i\ cn]fl)cd mu1.h ,u .. "\.CU lie" tht IV.O•hmc Ra.I R1,tt At.htc11e C"oofcn-nce !RR.\() ( uach "' the: Yt'.lr •nJ hu tllt> ,,_II- \mcn.:.1n~ and l\\o \11-f,rc\hm<:n k,1m !ltltttce, unJcr h1\ tenure

··one ,1 pc..·t <11 ,,ur iamc thst v,c n«J to 1mrt\l\C 1, OUftfflllll<.ln\

M,11-.n: u1d •If v.e un wntmJ our CfflOlklO\ no OflC can l!Xkh U\ ..

The 1e.1m hu .... ,me trc..h l,KeS 11 \\ell•\ \lll'IIC UpJl('nJ:1\,m<:n lhJ1 ha,c C.\pcricncc Ill 1-onng to 1h,: t.1hk nu,unBl:11r,..,.ho1111,1lc)' 11i:n« ll'I' the Saint\ 1h1, ~car. hu ,00Jnho1cd hn p..1r1 11, th<' B!.m hH s ,-an,kc I\Cf"ll,C of 71 S l•w IO ruuruh ,1.nJ ha, hcen • l<',

COi pdn nt 1'1 lhc ~•nb olftearn 'tu II jBMOffl) lrc-~hnKnyur.

I -..1ntcd 11, 1'rm& a rart "' ID)"klfto the 1nm as III di as ,ood ¾'Ofn 1,,

cocitnbwc IO the tnm," Blair u1d Blair has 1br« tor 10, anJ one

top I~ to tlan hit ~ollctfC c.arcc:r and ,1111 ha, t)rl(' m11n: l\lllrn&mcnt 1n tbc f.all

Iv.ant to be 1.n All-.\ Mc ffl) tcarrmaln .\anlll f lorn and \id.Chacon l,1.intldm.alcm) rwnt lt1t1v, n u 11<"111, the t<"•m.'"

·\fk.11hcr le) playn th1,

h,h hccn )Cnmr J,1.,_\_ '-,hf.,n:, v,I)(} ha, hid a ,tcllar \Hr 1n 1.'0fllr1h1;.111_. to lhc- \.11nts lum \hmn tn.nsltrmi from R&:n1er Juruur ( olkp. i.,1 )\;.u •nJ h.b 111.lJ.: kl! nnr,Kt"" l!w "-'1ni- He ha, a 7-1 ~ 11rolc avcna,. :ind hs, ,w,c lop j .and one I()(' IU hn1\h 1u aho md,l• .t lttJl'!Of 1.'tmpa1gn lor h1m'ltll

The '-imh arc on their "-1) h, nu\ang • name h'I' thcm'oCht'\ ,n lhc n1tM,nal \f'l.ltl1pht b) ~Im ms l<.1 v,10 .1 n.11LOrul .. h.impnin~h1r. \\1nnin11 nt.1n} l••Utl\.lfflC'n1\ •lt1ng the Ill\

The \amh h.a,c had• \ui;,.:o,tul :.c.1\lm w lar 1nJ ire \111•\mg lol"\\ant 111 the 1prm11umc, "'hen lhc lt~1n.tnl<:nh re.ill) wunt

·our ,osl a, a 1cam h 111 \\ ,n .1 ,.111:•nal l hamr10ru.t11p and \\C h■,e lht 1,11.ii, 1'1 J.1 tlut. 'ihon::, ,.,J

Sports Schedule NOY U TIA w-1'1 t So«tt • eo,,1.,.11ce ,_MY

(iltAC~all,ljtT~.f ,_, ...,11 TIA • llA


-1 TIA Mf'Oltll.lotU••U • COll()ordl.llJ111Wr1l'JltA)


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6 •i'Hlil ~II I a,,l"l"1 ~\ \ 1111\ Olt "' ~1

.. . ----.,., I~ 'AOfttllla.t

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{Ol,.,__ Ory U'l/#rtll)' ""- UM,,ntt,, o/St ""'-•I

ISolltn 0.Hlt ,_,..,,.rflf/ . ,.. -­,_,.,,.,.._._IIIIIUJ nt10 lou,-.,P'llt"I .._,dCllirHDMl/lllMrslr,o,;.


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