The Last Supper - Stained Glass Inc.The Last Supper in Stained Glass Page 1 Stained Glass Inc.,...


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The Last Supper in Stained Glass

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Stained Glass Inc., G

reenville, TX. ww

w.StainedG info@


The legacy of the Last Supper in the life of Christ flourishes in the number of artists that have brought their artistic talents to the theme. Ancient pictorial artifacts of the final meal of Christ date from first century Roman catacombs. By far the most famous interpretation of the Last Supper is the work of Leonardo da Vinci. As the pictorial representation of the Eucharist or Holy Communion, the Last Supper expresses the cornerstone of salvation in Christianity.

Stained glass art of the last supper may be ideal for a church window or may be used as a internally lit front panel for an Altar or Eucharist table.

Jesus purposefully arranges for the Last Supper to be held on the eve of the Jewish Passover with all twelve disciples in attendance. Recorded in three of the four Synoptic Gospels (e.g., Matthew, Mark, and Luke), Jesus fully realizes that His suffering from betrayal is immanent and that His life on earth will soon be at an end. During the meal, Jesus gives His disciples symbols of remembrance of His sacrificed body and blood.

The meal is over when Jesus gets up from the table and begins to wash the feet of the disciples. When He finishes washing their feet, He returns to His place at the table. The example that Jesus gives to His disciples is that of humility. He knows that fulfilling His mission of bringing the gospel to the nations requires that the disciples learn to serve God with a pure heart.

The Last Supper in Stained Glass

The Last Supper

The Story of the Last Supper

Stained Glass Inc. Panel 3256: Drink This Cup

Stained Glass Inc. Panel 4544: The Last Supper

Stained Glass Inc., G

reenville, TX. ww

w.StainedG info@

