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December/January 2014


The Parish Magazine for the parishes of

St Catherine and Holy Trinity Ventnor and St Boniface Bonchurch

Sunday Services Please see inside Link for details of Sunday Services for

St Catherine‟s, St Boniface and Holy Trinity

Midweek Services

St Catherine‟s Wednesday - 10.30am Holy Communion

Holy Trinity Thursday - 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Morning Prayer Tuesday - Bonchurch Old Church - 8am

Wednesday - St Catherine's Church and Thursday Holy Trinity Church -- 9am

Friday - Bonchurch Parish Church - 8.30am

All Welcome


Articles for the February Magazine should be handed to the

Editorial team by January 12th please. You can hand it in at the

Hub or email to Joan Garlick or Chris Maguire at

Size format for Link pages A5 - GILL Sans MT - font size 11

Hand written reports/articles are accepted if you do not have access

to a computer.

The Julian Group Meets at The Hub in St Catherine’s Church on the

First Friday of each month. 2pm. Encouraging people to practise contemplative prayer in their daily lives,

Contact: Hilary Davis - 855797.

All welcome.

Editorial Team:-

Holy Trinity Church - Gill Chaloner …. 854659

St Catherine's Church - Chris Maguire…..852121

St Boniface Church ...........................


In order to avoid clashes when organising your

social event at St. Catherine’s, St. Boniface or Holy

Trinity, please make sure that you contact Ann or Alan

Dyson to check the availability of your venue.

Details: Tel: 861496



Dear Friends,

By the time Christmas comes around Sarah and I will have been in Ventnor and

Bonchurch for 6 months. One of the more distinctive things I‟ve noticed about

Ventnor is the Timebank, details of which you will find elsewhere in the magazine.

To me it‟s a novel way of matching up people who want to give of their time and

skills to those who need help. Interestingly, I‟ve heard that it‟s harder to find people

who need help than those prepared to give it! Do get in touch with Julia if you or

others known to you come into the second category.

Giving and receiving are at the heart of the story which we tell once again at

Christmas. We say in the midnight service: „From eternity to eternity you are God,

and now we see you as a new born child.‟ As a tiny baby Jesus would have been

completely helpless and at the mercy of everyone, some of whom (eg King Herod)

wanted to do him harm. Becoming helpless was part of God‟s plan of salvation. As

we sing every Christmas: „He was little, weak and helpless, tears and smiles like us

he knew.‟ Or, in the words of St Athanasius, „He became what we are in order that

we become what he is.‟ Because of this, we should never be afraid or ashamed of

seeking and receiving help when we need it, any more than young children are.

Yet God in Christ did not only receive, he also gave. „You know the grace of our

Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor‟ (2

Cor 8:9). God, the creator of all things, reduced himself to the status of human

being to show us what he was like. Not content to just speak to us, he became one

of us. In giving himself in this way he exposed himself to all the world had to throw

at him, as we recall every Easter.

God calls us to mirror this giving with our money and in in our lives. This

Christmas we‟ll be thinking very much of those poor people in the Philippines who

have had their lives turned upside down by the Typhoon. We are collecting for

them in church and around the town as well as praying for them and all who help

them. Yet we can give to people locally too, in all kinds of ways. We can offer our

services to them Timebank, or we could simply give our time in hospitality to

people in our streets. For it is in those dark streets that „shineth the everlasting


I do hope you‟ll be able to join us for the many Christmas events in our churches.

On 6th and 7th Dec St Catherine‟s hosts the Christmas Fair, complete with trees

from around the community. On 13th the Undercliff Singers sing a Christmas

Concert at Holy Trinity. On the 15th(3pm) the Orpheus Singers lead us carols at

Bonchurch. Then there is the town Carol Service (22nd), the Crib Services on

Christmas Eve, a Christingle service shared with St Wilfrid‟s (15th 4pm) as well as


midnight and Christmas morning worship. We will be taking the message of

Christmas into the pubs and the Residential Homes as well as on the streets

through our carol-singing. Do join us in some of these.

Yet singing and speaking God‟s praise is not enough. Let us show it and speak it and

live it and breathe it by the way we live our lives. A Happy Christmas and a peaceful

New Year to you all.



People from all 3 churches are very welcome at the Vicarage, Maples Drive

on Sat 14th Dec, either between 11am and 1pm for coffee and mince pies or

in the evening between 7.30 and 9.30 for drinks and nibbles. Nearer the time

there will be notices in all 3 churches for people to sign up for when they

hope to come.

Sunday 22nd : 6.30pm Town Carol Service St Catherine’s Church Christmas Eve: 4pm Bonchurch Crib Service 4pm St Catherine’s Crib Service 11.30pm Midnight Eucharist Holy Trinity 11.30 pm Midnight Eucharist Bonchurch Christmas Morning: 10.30 Family Communion St Catherine’s 10.30 Holy Communion St Boniface Bonchurch


St. Catherine’S newS

Greetings, and Happy Christmas and New Year!

Finally, the Christmas season has arrived, and the Church is preparing to celebrate

the Advent, or First Coming, of Jesus – God in human form – in Bethlehem Epaphrah

(House of Bread). We all know the familiar story and we have the elements

re-enacted by the services, the candles and giving and receiving of gifts. Although

Biblical scholars now recognise that Jesus was born in the late autumn, between 7

and 2 BC, we have Jesus‟ Official Birthday, on the 25th December because of an edict

from the Emperor Constantine (the first accredited Christian Roman Emperor),

rather like the Queen‟s Official Birthday.

But whatever the discussion concerning the veracity of date, it cannot be denied that

His Advent was prophesised some 800 years previously, with unerring accuracy,

primarily in Isaiah. We hear these prophecies from Isaiah every year and just accept

the claims, because we believe that His birth happened. But why should that be,

when there are so many other prophecies concerning the future of Israel‟s and

humankind‟s fate stated in the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, which are

either glossed over or ignored? Is it because of the symbology that is used and not

understood, descriptions of times that can stretch credibility, or simply because they

are so frightening?

Simply put, the Bible is over two-thirds prophetic in nature, and seen as a reliable

history (as the Hebrew chroniclers had to be as accurate as possible, and the Roman

historian Josephus Flavius – a Romanised Jew who was the Official Historian of the

Emperor - tended to confirm many of the writings), one may be reasonably assured

of the Bible‟s truthfulness, especially as the Dead Sea Scrolls continue to also confirm

the writings.

In this time of Advent, we can be assured that the events we celebrate are true and

indicate the Bible is reliable, and if that can be taken as read, then we can be sure

that the other prophetic books can be also. However, I understand that

interpretation can be subjective to the times and conditions, but I personally believe

that they need to be taken in context – such as Daniel‟s prophecy of men going back

and forth across the face of the earth, and that knowledge will increase. In the last

2000 years that has slowly happened, but it is only in the last 150 years, and since the

1900s, that such things have literally exploded, and a brief review of modern history

will confirm as such. All I am suggesting is that prophecy should not be lightly

regarded or ignored. But I will leave such considerations to the reader. But keep in

mind that Isaiah not only predicted Jesus‟ birth, but His death and in what manner it

would take – so did David in his Psalms.

The fact is, prophecy is seen as „scary‟ because it describes doom and gloom, the „end

of the world‟. However, this is not the purpose of prophecy as many different

prophets, like Jeremiah, Amos and Joel quite often spoke God‟s word into the


situation that was current, such as Jeremiah‟s message to King Zedekiah and his

prophets (Jer. 28 – 29). But prophecy is always a message of hope and restoration,

as it was indeed the case, and God, if He is God, will keep His word. This is the

purpose of prophecy, and the culmination will be realised in Jesus Christ, the

reason why we celebrate His birth and renew our hope in this New Year and those

to come.

As to that, I wish and pray that all will have a Happy Christmas and New Year!

Chris Maguire

The News –

The Hub - as ever, the Hub continues to offer an outreach to the town of Ventnor,

with a welcoming atmosphere with Fairtrade coffee and homemade cakes, and the

Fairtrade Goods and Bookshop, which feature gifts and cards, including Advent

Calendars and Christmas Cards. Christmas orders may be taken for same, or

bought over the counter. We remain open every weekday and weekend morning,

and on Sundays after the 10:30 a.m. service.

Remembrance Service – The Service was held on the 10/11/13. All of the

representatives of the Town Council, and other groups, were in attendance at this

Service, with their wreaths which were laid at the foot of the Sanctuary and, later, at

the Town Cenotaph, accompanied by the Last Post, and the Lowering of the Flags

(British Legion, and both Scout Packs of Ventnor). With a full church, everyone

walked to the Cenotaph, led by the Wight Diamonds Marching Band, and there

were many passer-bys who followed and stayed, despite the wind, but no rain

thankfully, to give their respects. Thank you all who both took part and helped

prepare the church, and were in also in attendance at both parts of the ceremony.

Hilary Davis took a special service on the 11/11/13 at the Legion, which properly

recognised the Two-Minute Silence at 11 a.m., which was observed across the

country, which went well, despite the turn in the weather.

Ghana Trip – David Tamcken has recently returned from Ghana and presented a

most interesting talk, on the 17th November at the Family Service, about the current

situations in the areas of Wenchi, Wa and Tamale, Fr. Moses‟ work, and that the site

of the well that the Doughnut Club has raised £500 for (and it would be great to

raise another £500 to pay for the full cost of the well!) has been identified – thanks

to the industrious efforts of Ghanaian ants, and seven blokes standing around a hole!

Not wishing to steal David‟s thunder, do ask him about the ants, and read his

reports when printed in this magazine! All of that, and the building of a new High

School and its provision of equipment. Please remember to buy a few extra things –

pencils, erasers, sharpeners, rulers, maths kits, exercise books, colouring pencils, and

reading glasses from Poundland (yes, I‟m plugging them, as they have good value

items useful for Ghana!) when you‟re there next!


Don‟t forget to pick up your free copy of

The Pompey Chimes

Lights Of Love Service – this will have taken place at St. Catherine‟s on the 28th

November, organised by the EMB Hospice. I hope that all who attended will be

especially comforted by this Service, especially at this poignant time of year.

Home Groups – these are continuing until further notice. Please consider

whether you would benefit by being part of one of the three groups (details in the

Sunday Notes and the Link), to deepen your walk with the Lord and understanding

of the Bible. You don‟t need to be a Scholar, but your being in a Group will be

most welcome!

Two Things – (1) We are collecting woollen knitted items for refugees of the

Syrian Crisis, especially the children. For a hot Middle Eastern country, it can get

very cold around this time of year, so knitted squares that can be adapted for ap-

propriate use will be both useful and welcome. A box is at the back of the church

for this very purpose. (2) As you know, the Philippines has been hit by one of the

biggest storms it has experienced in living memory, even scouring whole towns,

with many affected by loss of homes, livelihoods and lives. Clean water is in short

supply, as are the basics which we all take for granted here in the UK. We have a

bucket into which donations can be put (and is emptied regularly) in the Hub and

the church during and after services. It is realised that these times are hard, and

especially at this time, but any loose change will be gratefully appreciated.

Ventnor Christmas Carols – we will be holding the Town Christmas Carols at

the Central Car Park this month – watch the Sunday Notes for further details if

you want to lend your voice to raising Christmas Praises!

By now, we will be in the midst of our Christmas celebrations including the Tree

Festival and St. Catherine‟s Christmas Fair, which I hope you have attended, or

even took part. Don‟t forget to read the notices and service times in this Issue,

and on the Sunday Notes, and pick your double issue of the Pompey Chimes!


Our Vicar Hugh Wright, and his wife Sarah, cordially invite all Parishioners and

guests back tom his gaff for coffee and cake between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., or mince

pies, drinkies and nibbles between 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. at The Vicarage, Maples

Drive, Ventnor, on the 14th December. Sign up soon so they know how much to

get in!

Chris Maguire


Holy Trinity Times CHRISTMAS

Although I live in a small flat, I very often lose things! Usually it‟s because I‟ve taken

something out of its usual place and put it “in a safe place”! And, (of course) as

soon as it‟s in that “safe place”, I forget where it is!

I sometimes think that Christmas can be like that. We take Christmas out of where

it SHOULD be, in the centre of all we do and plan, and put it “in a safe place”,

where it can‟t disturb our thinking or stop us having our celebrations. I‟m as fond

of the trappings of Christmas as anyone; I like to plan presents and stockings (yes,

in my family, adults as well as children hang up a stocking!), I put up a tree and

decorate it, and I enjoy writing and receiving Christmas cards. I like seeing the

family (not that I need Christmas as an excuse for that!) and I‟m happy planning

Christmas menus. All these things still bring a sense of enjoyment and excitement, a

feeling that hasn‟t changed since I was a child.

But without the “reason for the season”, as someone once wrote, the enjoyment

has something missing. If we‟ve taken the thoughts of a weary couple on a long

journey, or an unglamorous birth at the back of an inn, or rough shepherds

following a strange message, or unknown strangers travelling from afar, and put

them “in a safe place”, where they can‟t make us remember what Christmas is

really all about, then we‟ve lost the plot entirely! Even the well-worn words, “The

Christmas Story” put this remarkable event “in a safe place” where it only appears

in children‟s books, Nativity Plays, beautiful paintings or on Christmas cards. The

earth-shaking magnitude of God coming to Earth as one of US is something that is

at the heart of all that we believe and all that we do at Christmas.

And not just at Christmas, either, but all through the year, as we celebrate the

height and depth and breadth of a love that is too great for us even to begin to


Truly, (to paraphrase a well-known car sticker) “Christmas is for life, not just for


I wish you all a Happy and Blessed Christmas, and a Joyful New Year.


One of my “rituals” at this time of year is to transfer my old diary to my new one,

ready for the First Sunday in Advent, when my diary begins. It‟s quite a

thought-provoking process, as I mull over the events of the last year and start

putting dates in my diary for 2014! My diary‟s not just an events calendar, but a sort

of Portable Brain with all sorts of lists (you know me!) of names, numbers,

addresses, facts and quotes in the back. So….as I scribbled industriously in my new

diary, the following poem came to mind…..



I‟m changing over diaries,

Another New Year‟s here!

There‟s some things that are bound to please

And others that I fear.

Some dates already in there,

And many more to add,

Occasions that a family shares

Events that may be sad.

Some names with us no longer,

Though new ones there instead,

Close friendships getting stronger,

Plus books that I have read.

And lists (of course!) of birthdays,

Of dates already fixed,

There‟s meetings, Sundays, fun-days,

The choice is pretty mixed!

All SORTS of things are listed,

(The rag-bag of my mind!)

But if it‟s ever missed

Or I leave it (Help!) behind,

Then doubt and desperation

Take over in my brain.

And NOTHING brings elation

Until it‟s found again!!


You have just got time to send Christmas cards by Air Mail to Ghana, though

surface mail is too late. If you at Holy Trinity would like to send any to the

Cathedral at Tamale, the address is:

The Bishop, Dean Clergy and Congregation,

Bishop Aglionby Memorial Cathedral,

Anglican Diocese of Tamale,

P.O. Box 110,



W. Africa.


It‟s good to see David back from his visit; his news of various people, places and

projects can be read elsewhere in the Link.

And in the ALPHABET OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, we have reached

(Heaven help me!) Q!

Qorban, a Hebrew word sometimes spelled as “Corban”, which means

altar-offerings or free-will gifts. Jesus refers to it in Mark 7, verse 11, when he

objects to people letting Qorban take precedence over the duty of looking after


Quasimodo Sunday, mentioned by Maurice Slattery in a sermon, when we all

thought that he was joking, on Low Sunday, the Sunday after Easter. It is , in fact,

named after the first few verses that used to be sung before Holy Communion on

that Sunday. In this case it was 1 Peter 2 verse 2, “Quasi modo geniti…”, “as new-

born babes….”

Queen Anne’s Bounty, a fund founded by Queen Anne in 1704 to receive the

tithes and other money which had been confiscated from the Church by Henry VIII.

She gave them back to the Church of England to be used to increase the wages of

poor clergy. Since then, grants from Parliament and other donations have been

added, until in 1948 Queen Anne‟s Bounty and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners

were combined to make the Church Commissioners, who are still in charge of

Clergy stipends and pensions today.

The Qumran Scrolls, also called the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in a cave

between 1947 and 1956. They probably belonged to the library of a Jewish

community who lived in a kind of monastery at Qumran around the beginning of the

Christian era.. They were almost certainly hidden when the destruction of the

building was threatened during the First Jewish Revolt against the Romans (A.D. 66-


Abbe Michel Quoist, who in 1954 wrote a book of meditations called “Prayers of

Life”, which, when translated into English in 1963, became very popular with

Christians of all denominations. I have a copy, and though parts of it have become

dated, a lot of it is very thought-provoking.



Sunday, December 1st Advent Sunday

Friday, December 5th, Saturday, December 6th,

St Catherine‟s Christmas Fair, 10.30 to 3.00 p.m. each day.

Friday, December 13th, Undercliff Singers Christmas Concert and

Organ Recital at Holy Trinity, 7.00 p.m.

Friday, December 13th, Street Pastors out in Ventnor.

Saturday, December 14th Carols in the Park. Time to be announced.

Sunday, December 15th, Orpheus Singers at Bonchurch Parish Church,

Nine Lessons and Carols, 3.00p.m.

Sunday, December 22nd Carols by Candlelight, Town Carol Service,

St Catherine‟s Church 6.30 p.m.

Christmas Services at all our three churches will appear on a separate

leaflet. Other dates are yet to be confirmed…please keep an eye out

for posters and the pew leaflet each Sunday.

Sun 15th December at 4pm

Christingle service at

St Wilfrid’s Hall

All Welcome


Don‟t forget to pick up your free copy of the


The Pompey Chimes

News ~ hot from Ghana And it was hot!! 38 degrees C was normal ~ so it was a warm welcome at


St Paul's Wenchi has a new minister, Rev Thomas Adjei. He is in his first

parish, having completed 3 years theological training at the St Nicholas

Seminary in Cape Coast. Thomas will earn his family income as a health

worker at the Wenchi Methodist Hospital.

Edward Tontoh is the ever-dependable church warden at St Pauls. He and

Thomas need our prayers as they seek to encourage the congregation after

what has been a difficult inter-regnum.

St Paul's School at Wenchi continues to be one of the most popular in the

area, with good results.

The library/workshop building has stalled a bit over the last year, but is none-

the-less nearly ready for use. Hopefully we can encourage Thomas (with the help of Barnabas, who is nearby) to complete the job.

Moses at Wa continues his diligent and cheerful ministry, in the most difficult

circumstances. His home is basic and quite inadequate, and his task as parish

minister and archdeacon nigh impossible, with a huge area and no effective


The well site at Wichau-Boa has been selected by the engineer and agreed

with the village chief. It is estimated that water is 12 metres down, and

work on the project can commence as soon as sufficient funds are available.

We met Bishop Emmanuel, who was in good form, though not walking freely,

and using a stick. His retirement home is looking good, though there is still

work to be done.

David Tamcken


What could Ventnor Timebank bring to you?

Since the Timebank was launched last year it has signed 60+ local members,

helped local people access services ranging from literacy, CV writing, basic

gardening and interior design. It has helped local groups by providing cakes

for events, new volunteers and by accessing professional design services.

At Ventnor Timebank, we try to promote the ethos of Timebanking, it is

about local support. We trade in hours, so members give an hour and gain an

hour, which can be saved, donated or spent claiming rewards like DVD hire

from the library or tickets for Cineworld.

There are people listed with the bank who will walk dogs and change library

books but we don‟t have any people that need this help but we believe they

are out there, so please help us to find people that could benefit.

If you would like to join us or can think of someone that would benefit from

joining us, please do get in touch with Julia on 852753 or find us online at Even our website was built by a volunteer!

A workshop for intercessors and

people who read in church

with Revd Ruth Tuschling, diocesan spirituality adviser

St Peter’s Church, Havenstreet, IoW

Wednesday 22nd January 2014

7.30-9.00 (coffee from 7.00)

A space in which to think about what goes on in the liturgy and how the part

we play fits into the greater whole.

A mix of input, discussion and practical work.

You will come away feeling more confident about why you do what you do as

well as how you do it.

See Hugh if you‟d like to come.


The HUB Coffee Shop 10.30 - 12.30 Monday - Saturday

For Cards - Gifts - Books - Fairtrade goods.

Christmas Cards - Advent Calendars

other Christmas goodies in now!

Listening for Life We are planning to hold a listening course at St Catherine's Church starting next

February. It will be held in the Hub, on 4 Thursday evenings from 7pm ~ 9.30pm.

The dates will be ~ February 6th, 13th and 27th, and March 6th. If you are inter-

ested or need more information, please contact

Shirley Tamcken 07972837129. …........

Listening for Life

Essential Skills for a Healthier World

Listening for Life equips people to make a positive difference in their world through

developing good attitudes and skills in listening,

to others, to themselves and to God.

The course will look at this three dimensional way of listening.

Listening to others

an awareness of good listening.

the skills of active listening. an understanding of how such skills can be effective and foster health and healing in

everyday life at home, at work and in the church.

Listening to ourselves

learning to quieten ourselves before God.

becoming aware of our natural listening style. exploring our own thoughts and feelings.

Listening to God

experiencing different ways of praying: with the Bible; through meditation or silence; and through our own senses, e.g. through pictures and



News from St Boniface and Bonchurch

15th December - 3pm

The Orpheus choir will be

performing a Traditional Nine

lessons and carols service at

St Boniface Church

For further information contact: Andy Chilton - 853663

Bonchurch Community Association events:

Fund Raising Shop ( Old Post Office) - 14th and 21st December

12:30 - 4pm

Preserves - Christmas Stockings - Gifts - Bonchurch Calendars

15th December 5:30pm

Turn on Christmas Lights at Bonchurch Pond.

21st December 6:30pm

Carols at the Pond with the Shanklin Brass Band.

























Pudding - carols - heavenlyhost

Foodbank Please think of those in need over the Christmas period.

All non perishable items welcome. Drop off points St Catherine‟s

Church - Holy Trinity Church and St Boniface Church.

The Spar Shop also have a collection box.




Ventnor's October Weather

Rainfall of 135.4mm (5.33") was 150% of the average of 90.37mm (3.56"). This

was the fourth wettest October in the last 30 years. The wettest day (since

September last year) was the 27th with 32.0mm (1.26"). The mean

temperature of 14.5C (58F) was well above the average of 13.0C (55F). The

average maximum temperature was 17C (63F). The hottest day was the 2nd

with 21C (70F), 2 days had more than 20C (68F). The average minimum

temperature was 12.C (54F). The coldest night was the 10th with 6.2C (43F).

Thanks to Mike Wood for our weather information.

The Friends of St Catherine’s Church A fine summer made 2013 a very good year for generating electricity from the

solar panels which now adorn a hidden recess on the Church roof. They cost almost

£13,000 to install and have now been fully paid for by the Church with strong

support from the Friends of St Catherine‟s. From now onwards all the money from

the sale of surplus electricity will go directly to the Church and, in a good year, this

could produce extra income of about £1,500. That is very good news when the cost

of gas and electricity continue to rise.

The Friends concentrate their efforts on raising money towards Church

projects, particularly those that support community use of the Church and the

preservation of the Building. This year we have been able to repay £3,000 to

Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust who provided an interest-free

loan towards the renovation of the Church Tower. Various fund-raising events

contributed towards this achievement, particularly the 24 Hour Music Event in June

which raised over £1,300.

We would like to encourage all members of the congregation to join the Friends

of St Catherine‟s Church and support our efforts to strengthen links with the local

community. Membership leaflets are always available at the back of the Church. The

work we do can be summed up in the words of our recently adopted „Mission

Statement‟ – The Friends seek to encourage local people to join with the Church

congregation in preserving, maintaining and improving the fabric and contents of the

Church Building and Grounds. Our aim is for St Catherine‟s Church to be at the

heart of the community and a focal point for Christian worship, ceremonies and

social events.

Gordon Pollard, Secretary


HOME GROUPS Monday Afternoon 4.00 - 5.30pm

Chris Maguire 852121 or Hilary 855797 - The Troubadour Café,

Monday Evening 7.45pm

Jenny Hopkins-Holder. 852575 Belhaven, Castle Road.

Tuesday Evening 8.00pm

We meet at St Andrew's, Belgrave Rd, Ventnor at 8pm

on Tuesdays. Please see David Tamcken or Mick & Nava (852680)

for more information

Mid winter break. Please phone above contacts to find out when the Home

Groups will be gathering in December and January



All requests for the Prayer Chain

should be first directed to

Kizzie Baker on 853779

BEREAVEMENT GROUP….Can we help you?

We are aware that there are a number of people who have been

bereaved and might like someone to talk to.

If this is YOU or someone you know, please contact any of the

Bereavement Group from St Catherine‟s, Holy Trinity and

St Boniface, by telephoning 857795 (outside Hub hours you can

leave a message) or visit the Hub at St Catherine‟s any morning

between 10.30 and 12.30. If you‟d rather leave a note, there‟s a

box in the Coffee Shop. Anything you wish to discuss will be

treated with absolute confidentiality.

From St Francis Primary School, Ventnor.

We are taking our Year 6 classes on a residential visit to London in 2014 as a

significant number of our children have not visited and experienced our capital

city. A number of the children are from families of limited income and as a

school serving the local community we would not like them to feel that they

could not participate due to the cost. The cost of this trip is £200 per pupil.

The activities that they will participate in include: Sleeping on HMS Belfast, a visit

to the Harry Potter Studios, a visit to the Science Museum, a Big Bus tour of

London, a river, a river tour and a visit to the theatre to see a show.

Many of the children have not experienced a trip away from the Isle of Wight or

even away from home and we feel that this is an important opportunity for

them. If you are able to offer a donation of any kind to assist it would be most


Kind regards. Miss Angela Hewkin. Head teacher.


We remember with love and affection

those who have died recently,

especially we pray for their families.

And we pray for those newly baptised.

We pray for those

recently married.

We pray for those who will be on their own

this Christmas.


December Worship

December 1st The First Sunday of Advent.

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine‟s Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

December 8th The Second Sunday of Advent.

9.30 a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine‟s Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

6.30 p.m. Holy Communion (sung), Holy Trinity Church

December 15th The Third Sunday of Advent.

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 Holy Communion, St Catherine‟s Church.

(Please note change)

10.30 Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

December 22nd The Fourth Sunday of Advent.

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30.a.m. Family and all-age worship, St Catherine‟s

Church (Please note change)

10.30 a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church.

6.30 p.m. Carols by Candlelight, St Catherine‟s Church.

December 29th The First Sunday after Christmas.

10.30.a.m. JOINT SERVICE, Holy Trinity Church.

No services at other churches.

Services for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in all three

churches will appear elsewhere on the Christmas leaflet.


Bible Readings for December

(The Lectionary returns to Year A)

December 1st The First Sunday of Advent.

Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11 to end.

St. Matthew 24:36-44

December 8th The Second Sunday of Advent.

Isaiah 11:1-10

Romans 15:4-13

St. Matthew 3:1-12

December 15th The Third Sunday of Advent.

Isaiah 35: 1-10

James 5:7-10

St. Matthew 11:2-11

December 22nd The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Isaiah 7:10-16

Romans 1:1-7

St. Matthew 1:18 to end

December 29th The First Sunday of Christmas.

Isaiah 63: 7-9

Hebrews 2:10 to end

St. Matthew 2:13 to end.


January Worship

January 5th The Second Sunday of Christmas

The Eve of the Epiphany

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m. Morning Worship, St Catherine‟s Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

6.30 p.m. Epiphany Carol Service, St Boniface Church.

January 12th The Baptism of Christ.

9.30 a.m. Morning Worship, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m .Holy Communion, St Catherine‟s Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

6.30 p.m. Holy Communion (sung), Holy Trinity Church

January 19th The Second Sunday of Epiphany

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church

10.30 a.m. Family and all-age worship, St Catherine‟s


10.30.a.m.Holy Communion, St Boniface Church.

January 26th The Third Sunday of Epiphany.

9.30 a.m. Holy Communion, Holy Trinity Church.

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion, St Catherine‟s Church

10.30 a.m. Morning Worship, St Boniface Church.


Bible Readings for January

January 5th The Second Sunday of Christmas

Readings for the Epiphany

Isaiah 60:1-6

Ephesians 3:1-12

St. Matthew 2:1-12

January 12th The Baptism of Christ.

Isaiah 42:1-9

Acts 10:34-43

St. Matthew 3:13-end.

January 19th The Second Sunday of Epiphany

Isaiah 49:1-7

1 Corinthians 1:1-9

St. John 1:29-42

January 26th The Third Sunday of Epiphany

Isaiah 9:1-4

1 Corinthians 1:10-18

St. Matthew 4:12-23


Ventnor & Bonchurch Parish website address Email:


St Catherine’s Chris Maguire 852121

John Holder 852575

Holy Trinity Tim Slade 853504

Robin Oakley 854584

St Boniface Jonny Fitzgerald Bond 854824

Lyn Ridler-Lee 404508

Come and join us carol singing in the pubs, starting

at The Crab and Lobster on December 18th at 8pm.

Also, people are welcome to join us for carol singing in

Residential Homes: 19th December 11am Downside and

2pm Byrne Hill; 20th December 10.30am Excelsior.

Then we join our fellow Christians singing in the

Central Cark Park on Saturday 21st at 11am.

The Ministry Team:-

Revd Hugh Wright 853729


David Tamcken Reader 863215

Hilary Davis Reader 855797

Jenny Hopkins Holder Reader 852575

Gill Chaloner Reader 854659
