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The magazine of


Christmas 20101


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Minister : Rev Frank Campbell22 The Glebe ; Ancrum ; Jedburgh ; TD8 6UX

Voicemail : 01835-830318 Fax : 01835-830262e-mail :

Session : Mr John RogersonClerk 24 Cotgreen Road ; Galashiels ; TD1 3SG

Phone : 01896-754817

Treasurer : Mr Harold Inglis72 Back Row ; Selkirk ; TD7 4AG

Phone : 01750-23172e-mail :

TIMES OF SERVICES : January to March 2011

ANCRUM Every Sunday at EXCEPT 2 Jan

LILLIESLEAF Every Sunday at EXCEPT 2 Jan 20 Mar : Communion, 11.30 [no evening service]

CRAILING 2, 9 & 23 Jan ; 13 & 27 Feb ; 13 & 27 Mar ; all at 10.30NO Songs of Praise evenings during this period

Any changes will be notified in weekly Church News

Details of Easter services in the next edition of GOOD NEWS

May the Lord grant peace and prosperity to you and all whom you love during 2011, and may you come to know and love Him more.

Ale & Teviot United Church of Scotland. Scottish Charity No. SC 016457


Glory to God in the highest

As I write these notes, late in November, the long-range forecasts for both the weather and the

economy are gloomy – a real “bah humbug” note to hansel in the season of Advent! But hey - all the more reason, surely, to proclaim and to celebrate what Christmas truly means for the man or woman of faith.

Christmas is a time when the true Light of God’s love explodes into the darkness of this world’s self-centred, fear-based way of thinking, floodlighting the path to joy and peace, health and prosperity in every area of life, that nothing dangled before our eyes and ears by the secular world, nor any other form of religion, philosophy or so-called “spirituality”, could ever come close to matching.

Christmas offers THE definitive answer to a number of searching questions :

How can I kick fear, anxiety, stress and insecurity out of my life?Why do I feel the way I do about other people – and even myself?How can I get my life back on track and make it count for something?How can I beat the addictive behaviour that seems to be controlling me?

First of all, let’s give credit where it’s due! It’s vital that we recognise that those issues I outlined above are NOT God’s best will for your life, never have been, and never will be. It is NO part of God’s plan for you that you suffer, and it is certainly NOT His will that you stay stuck in that rut one minute longer.

However … ALL those “nasties” are an inevitable consequence of trying to make sense of life WITHOUT a relationship with God, the Giver of Life. And when God is not part of your life, an unwelcome squatter – the devil – is liable to creep in, take over, and cause havoc. Worse than that, he has authority to do it, from way back at the beginning of time when man first chose to disregard the voice of God, threw away the original perfect Father-child relationship with God, and took delivery of all sorts of unpleasant consequences of that bad choice.

You may not realise it, but your life is a spiritual battlefield, and if you don’t take decisive action, YOU will be a casualty. Please understand that there is NO safe middle ground, NO neutral territory, NO demilitarized zone, NO fence to sit on. In the Bible, in John 10.10, we hear Jesus say that the devil – a thief – comes


only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I, Jesus, came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance, to the full, till it overflows. Yes, your life is a battlefield, contested between two superpowers – but YOU get to decide who wins that battle … the devil, who hates you, and will do all in his power to hurt and destroy you ; or Jesus, who loves you, and longs to bless and prosper you.

At Christmas, we remember that God sent Jesus into the world NOT to condemn or judge humanity, however much our failings individually and collectively would have justified Him in doing so. No, Jesus came to assure us that God loves each one of us, that God longs to forgive us, heal us, prosper us, set us free from all kinds of bondage [including credit card debt] and welcome each and every one of us as precious sons and daughters into His Fatherly embrace.

How much more of a vote of confidence could God have given the human race than to send His own flesh and blood to join us, to experience human life, warts and all? He became like us for a time so that we could become like Him forever.

However, as all Strictly fans [!] will know, it takes two to tango. God has proved His love and commitment to us in Jesus, and in Him has made available, freely, unconditionally and universally, what the Bible calls salvation. That’s a religious word translated into real everyday English as a totally awesome, over-the-top blessed, nothing-missing, nothing-broken, truly fulfilling, LIFE with a capital L.

By sending Jesus, God has done His part. He has come 99% of the way to give us LIFE to the max. But we have a responsibility too. The Bible says that what God expects of us is to BELIEVE in Jesus ; to BELIEVE that He is the Son of God and the giver of LIFE ; to BELIEVE that we can cast the all our stress and anxiety on to Him in the sure and certain knowledge that He is willing and able to sort out everything far better than we ever could under our own steam.

If the “Christmas spirit” is to mean more for you this year than a few glasses of supermarket plonk, if the joy of Christmas is to last for you after the Christmas decorations have been taken down, please DON’T let Christmas go past without making time to meet Jesus, and receive His gift that never shrinks, goes off, nor gets broken [nor makes you fat!] – His gift of LIFE and blessing by faith in Him.

With love in the precious Name of Jesus

Frank & Alexis


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Worry Is Not Your Fwendby Craig Groeschel

Worry (or not trusting God) has been a significant issue in my life. Although I believe in God, I’ve trusted more in my own abilities than I have in His faithfulness. For Christian Atheists, our worry proves we don’t trust in God as we claim to. We think, I know God’s a good God and all that, but I’ve got this situation handled. And when it turns out we don’t have it handled, then it falls to us – not God – to fix it.

Worry reminds me of my feelings about snakes. I hate snakes. I hate them worse than Indiana Jones does. My family lives in a heavily wooded area, where we’re basically besieged by poisonous snakes. One day, when my son Bookie was about two years old, he was playing on our front porch. Suddenly we heard Bookie squealing with delight. He was jumping up and down, calling out, “My fwend! My fwend! Daddy, look! He’s my fwend!” I strolled over and asked, “Bookie, where’s your fwend? Is it an imaginary fwend?”

Bookie chirped, “No, Daddy!” and pointed excitedly. “Look! My fwend!” And there, directly at his feet, was a small rattlesnake. In case you didn’t know, a rattlesnake is not your fwend. I jerked Bookie away from the snake, the stomped on the snake’s head and crushed it – immediately after I first cut off its head with a shovel.

Many of us treat worry like our fwend. We don’t consciously think or talk about it that way, but how we live tells a different story. We clutch worry to our chests like our favourite stuffed animals from childhood. We have many different euphemisms to mask this sin: “I'm concerned about something.”“I have some issues I'm working through.” “I have a lot on my mind.”But no matter what you call it, worry is still a sin. In Philippians 4:6, Paul tells us not to be anxious about anything. Romans 14:23 says, “Everything that does not come from faith is sin.” That is pretty clear to me. Worry is the opposite of faith; therefore, it’s sin. When we live by faith, we believe that God has everything under control. But if we start to worry, how we live says the opposite.

Worry, in essence, is the sin of distrusting the promises and the power of God. It’s choosing to dwell on, to think about, the worst case scenario. It’s faith in the bad things rather than faith in God.

The Christian Atheist may do everything humanly possible to ensure a situation’s positive outcome, and still worry.


I can’t just let this sit. I have to do more. But if we’ve honestly done everything we can, by definition we can’t do anything more. And in many cases nothing’s going to go wrong anyway; there’s really nothing you can do about a nonexistent worse-case scenario.

So in our powerlessness we settle for the only thing left within our control: we worry. But Philippians 4:6-7 tells us, “Don’t worry about anything.” And it doesn’t just tell what not to do. It tells us what to do as well. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (NLT)

Honestly, do you want your worry back? It’s not your fwend. The promise of Philippians 4:7 is that when you give it to him, “you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds.” (NLT) So stop worrying. And take advantage of what he’s offering. Do what you can, and then trust God to do what you cannot do: “Here you go, God. Say hello to my little fwend.”

Adapted from The Christian Atheist by Craig Groeschel,© 2010 Craig Groeschel, reproduced by kind permission of Zondervan

Visitors from the USA

During the summer, the award-winning Marching Band from the Governor Livingston High School, New Jersey, visited Ancrum as part of a tour of Scotland, which also included performing at the Edinburgh Festival. The Band were keen to visit Ancrum as their school is named for Governor William Livingston, a signatory of the American Declaration of Independence. The Governor was a direct descendant of Rev John Livingston, the renowned former minister of Ancrum.

The Band hope to return to Scotland in 2014, and it may be that they will be able to perform in the village. It has not, unfortunately, proved possible to reproduce photographs of the Band’s visit to Ancrum Kirk and other sites in the village, but these may be “visited” online at :


Faith vs. Works : No contest!

Frank’s sermon on 31 October 2010 from Galatians 3:6-14 & Matthew 11:11-19

This message may turn everything you believe upside-down. I would go far as to say that, if you understand it correctly, you’ll either storm out of church mortally offended, or you’ll dance out of church, liberated for life.

Jesus is paying tribute to John the Baptist, stating that there has never been, throughout history, up to this moment, anyone greater than John. Oh, really? What, his hearers must have thought, about Abraham, Moses, King David, Isaiah? How come this guy with the camel coat, the leather belt and the attitude, standing up to his knees in water, with dried honey and locust legs matted in his beard, qualified as greater than them?

For a start, Isaiah prophesied that he would come, and a prophet always points to someone greater than himself. Isaiah 40.3 looks forward to : A voice of one calling: In the desert prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God. This fits the bill for John’s ministry, as The One sent on to prepare the people for the coming of the long-promised Christ.

Also, unlike all the great figures of Old Testament history, John would see with his own eyes, and hear with his own ears, the fulfilment of all that the Old Testament pointed to. Everything from Genesis to Malachi, in a sense, looks forward to Jesus, if only by showing, in some of the bloodier parts of Kings and Chronicles, how bereft of true revelation the people were before Jesus came.

Truly John was blessed, truly John was esteemed in the courts of heaven – but … this is the bit that may fry your brain … however great John was, his standing is less than yours or mine, if we are born again. That IS what Matthew 11.11 says! According to the lips of Jesus Himself, if you have given your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, you have a righteousness and an empowering that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Elijah, Isaiah, could scarcely dream of.

Even John the Baptist did not have that anointing in fullest measure because it could only be released by the finished work of Jesus at Easter and Pentecost, first His death in our place on the cross to cancel the entire massive debt of human disobedience ; to endure the curse of being hung on a tree to redeem us from the curse of the law ; to forgive our every sin and to heal our every disease, and to reconcile us to Father God.

Then His resurrection from the dead, the first fruits of the resurrection of all humanity – which, for those who put our faith and trust in Him as Saviour and Lord means the resurrection to everlasting life of a whole new quality, starting now, to be enjoyed in abundance, to the full, till it overflows, as we make the choice to love God with all we have and all we are, and express that practically by loving our neighbour with the same measure of love we apply to ourselves – and that includes a decision, made not by feelings but by faith, to love our enemies.


Finally, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit into the church at Pentecost, without which discipleship is but a pipe-dream. The Holy Spirit, the personal presence of God in our spirit, transforms our inner being from self-centred to God-centred, enabling us to walk daily in love by faith, whether we feel like it or not. Whether in the flesh we feel as happy as a dog let loose in a butcher’s shop, or as irritable as a wasp with a hangover, the Holy Spirit enables us to over-rule our flesh.

The Holy Spirit, the parting gift of Jesus to believers as He went home to His Dad in Heaven, brings God’s Word to life in our minds and hearts ; convicts us as to who we truly are, God’s precious and much-loved kids ; takes root in our spirit and begins to bear fruit in our life – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control ; and – now we get controversial!

The Holy Spirit empowers us with charismatic gifts to get the job done – speaking in tongues, prophecy, supernatural knowledge, wisdom, discernment of good and evil, healing, miracles etc – in other words, since we are the body of Christ, according to Paul in 1 Corinthians, both in the collective sense as the church and as individual members of the church, with a Great Commission to fulfil, by doing the things Jesus used to do, we are also given the power to do those things. Now I know that teaching may put noses in a sling, but it’s what God’s Word teaches, so kindly take it up with Him! And here’s the thing …

John the Baptist did not experience all these outpourings of the grace of God, because He died before Jesus did. In that sense, even the most humble born-again believer has – according to scripture – greater anointing, responsibility, authority and power than even John the Baptist had. I believe it’s about time the church started to rejoice in the fullness of that grace, and stopped arguing about it. Listen. If we don’t have it, it’s not because God didn’t give it, it’s because we didn’t receive it, and that’s a very special category of not-very-bright!

Since we’re on a roll, now is perhaps the time to emphasise what this teaching from Jesus should make very clear. The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament isn’t just a blank page between Malachi and Matthew, it’s a whole radical new way in which God relates to His people. I am fed up hearing well-meaning but ill-advised comments about needing to go back to the 10 Commandments. That is absolutely 110% wrong and an insult to Jesus.

The 10 Commandments were an interim measure put in place in the hope that God’s people might see that, in and of themselves, they were incapable of pleasing God and earning God’s favour by their own efforts. Even just 10 rules were too many for human beings to obey under their own steam, as it proved over and over again ; even when consequences were set out for breaking the rules. Have you ever looked at the curses in Deuteronomy 28 : 15-68?

You do NOT want your destiny to depend on obeying the 10 commandments or relating to God by legalism. Ah but that’s not what I meant. We believe in Jesus but we should obey the commandments as well.


Well, let’s see what that one-time arch-legalist and Pharisee of Pharisees, Paul, had to say about that. Romans 11.5-6, Amplified Bible : At the present time there is a remnant (a small believing minority), selected (chosen) by grace (by God's unmerited favor and graciousness). But if it is by grace (His unmerited favor and graciousness), it is no longer conditioned on works or anything men have done. Otherwise, grace would no longer be grace [it would be meaningless].

You can’t have grace and works together. That’s what Paul teaches in Romans 11, and again in Galatians 3.13f, where he calls the whole Old Testament mindset of obeying the 10 commandments, or else, as a curse, as well as all the stuff that came with the inevitable failure to obey the Law. We base our relationship with God either on the free and unmerited grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who died to set us free from bondage to the 10 commandments and all the other works of the law, and receive all the wonderful benefits we outlined earlier as a free gift.

Or we act as if Jesus had never turned up ; as if Christmas, Easter and Pentecost were just dates when the Post Office isn’t open ; and in foolish pride we try to please God by our own efforts. A covenant of grace sealed in the blood of Christ, offering eternal life of the highest order ; or a covenant of works ignoring Christ, offering frustration, judgement and death? Do we want Christ-righteousness, or self-righteousness? Grace, or law? Faith, or works? Life, or death? You choose!

I’m not arguing for tearing the Old Testament out of your Bible. In it, you find many wonderful promises, which Jesus came and fulfilled. The Old Testament is the background against which Jesus ministered. Without that historical context we’d find it difficult to make sense of much of what He said and did. But we must always read it in the light of the New Testament, and remember that it’s Jesus, not our goody-goody works, who is the Amen to the promises there.

Far too many people in today’s church still haven’t realised that Jesus alone is the key to unlock all God’s gracious and supernatural provision for His people. They think everything depends on their limited human ability. They speak piously of the need to be very humble in the face of all the problems in the world, and recognise that God moves in mysterious ways.

That’s like the behaviour of the characters Jesus refers to in vs. 16-18 : clinging to empty, meaningless shadows of religious observance that can never bring life, instead of letting go of all that dead stuff and embracing Jesus, the one and only source of true life and health and peace and fulfilment. It’s not humility, it’s plain unbelief. Humility is recognising that God is always right. There’s nothing mysterious about His New Testament ways as they unfold in Jesus.

It’s time for the Kingdom to advance forcefully, to serve an eviction notice upon the devil and all his works, to tackle head-on the lingering curses of poverty, disease, stress, fear, depression, broken homes and relationships, and to do so in the power that Jesus Himself released, the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called to be a New Testament Kingdom people. Let’s rise to the challenge. Now!


The Adventures of Big Alex & Friends : by CA Graham

Children’s picture book by ... ahem, a local author, who may just have something to do with producing this magazine!

A great stocking-filler for the kids … order your personally autographed copy at £10, of which £2 will go to the Kirk :

speak to Frank or contact

Not just on Sunday mornings …

Ministry Time : Sunday evenings [not during December or January] from to in Ancrum Church Meeting Room. Alexis and Frank will be available to offer ministry, including healing – no appointment required.

Prayer & Bible Study : 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month, to in Ancrum Church Meeting Room, led by John Marshall. We are presently studying Paul’s 1st letter to the Corinthians.

Tuesday Girls : 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month [from February], to in Ancrum Church Meeting Room, led by Alexis, with a emphasis on health and wholeness. This includes a Bible study, presently on the Acts of the Apostles, and, for those who wish to participate, a brief “Pray & Weigh” session.

At each of our churches, there is a Prayer Box near the door, and Prayer Cards are provided for prayer requests, anonymously if you prefer.


A Devotional Diary is produced monthly, available at the church door, with a prayer point for every day, accompanied by three suggested Bible readings.

See the church website : : for more details

Dundee was looking its best in the sunshine as 2000 Guild members and guests gathered for the Annual Meeting entitled ‘GRACE AND MERCY’. Alison Angus, National Vice Convener, led the platform party out. She welcomed Alison Twaddle back among us, to a huge round of applause. Then the Moderator, The Rt. Rev. John Cairns Christie was introduced and invited to speak to us.

The Rt Rev Christie and his Wife had just returned from his first Presbytery visit which was to the Shetland Isles. There were two strands to their visit. One was the heritage of the fishing industry. The second major section related to the Christian Church. A photograph of a stained glass window with the aim of the Guild written on it came up on the big screen in the Caird Hall. A reminder said the Moderator, not only of the longevity of the Guild, but the profound influence the Guild has had on the Church since being formed.

A second photo appeared of a very old membership card and a badge. The Moderator was also wearing one of these old badges which, he said, reminded him of his own connection with the Guild, and the commitment shown by four women in particular, his late mother Agnes, his late wife Elizabeth, a very fine Christian woman called Elspeth who consistently affirmed his ministry while in Hyndland, and now his present wife Annette who came late to manse life and became quickly committed to the Guild.

He used more photographs to highlight our theme of ‘Called to love Mercy’. The first a window in the Church at Kilmalcolm depicting Justice, Mercy and Humility. He spoke of our current projects and the wide range of areas of work and witness that they cover, and of his being impelled to support the joint Project ‘A Place for Hope’ given the nature of his own recent ministry as an Interim Minister for the Church.


The second was a video clip of Portia’s speech from ‘The Merchant of Venice’, “The Quality of Mercy is not Strained”, and he suggested that in many cases, loving mercy is not a first response. Perhaps, he said, there is something in our psyche that needs to be reminded that there is a better way. The ‘Message’ translation puts it this way, “Be compassionate and loyal in your love”. The third photo was from a window in the Church in Mallaig, of Peter stepping out of the boat. Peter gets a hard time for his failure – but he took a big risk said the Moderator. No fisherman would willingly step across the gunwale of his boat! That step however is one we are being called to make, in the way we are called to show mercy. He then related the words “Be compassionate and loyal in your love” to the teachings of Jesus. He showed slides of Jesus and the adulterous woman, the prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan.

In each case the strength of being called to love mercy was of paramount importance. He felt this offered a new way of thinking and being, in our day and generation, when the old norms are changing. Maybe it was time for us as a Church to be prophetic and use our words and actions to remake our society. He then quoted the current cases of Abdelbaset al Megrahi, and the immigrants from Malawi, Florence and Precious, as examples.

Our second speaker of the morning was Lesley Bilinda who had addressed the Annual Meeting some 14 years ago. Lesley now works with the Tutu Foundation UK, seeking to reduce conflict and tension amongst young people. A tall order these days, especially in many Inner City environments. She spoke of the prevailing culture amongst the people with whom the Tutu Foundation works as one of anger, desire for revenge and lack of trust.

She quoted Jacob Appel, an American ethicist, who said of his homeland – “One of the glaring - yet too often overlooked – failings of contemporary America is that we have become a nation obsessed with justice and retribution” however he goes on to say ……..”What a sea change it might be …. If we focused instead upon mercy and forgiveness. A merciful and forgiving culture might find itself with less anger, less social disruption and even less crime.”

She spoke of our theme ‘Called to love mercy’ and read the verses from Micah. The key to understanding and to finding the resources to love mercy, she felt, were in the verses that precede verse 8. Firstly the prophet Micah calls the Israelites to remember what God has done for them. So that when God asks them to love mercy, in effect it is because He has already shown boundless mercy to them. She asked us “How has He blessed you? How has He provided for you? Showing mercy to others is not an unbearable burden that God places on us but a response to all that He has already done for us.”

Secondly, bearing in mind God’s mercy to them, the Israelites are called to reflect on how they should respond. They were arrogant, refusing to forgive,


and they were being unfair and unjust in their actions. No amount of giving and sacrifice would justify or excuse such behaviour. If their hearts had been in the right place, then their offerings would indeed have been acceptable to God.

This passage reminds us that we need to remember what God has done for us, reflect on how we should then live, and respond by becoming people known for mercy. She went on to say, being a merciful person is not easy. Showing compassion or forgiveness towards someone whom it is within our power to punish or harm doesn’t always come naturally. When someone hurts or offends us, our automatic response is often to want to hurt them back – so being merciful may not be our first thought or the top of our agenda!

She spoke of her own struggles with mercy after the death of her husband and many friends in Rwanda in l994, how she lived with guilt and sadness weighing her down like a ton of bricks, and coming to the realization that only God could offer forgiveness because we can’t make it right ourselves. She closed her talk by challenging us as the Israelites were challenged by Micah – Remember all that God has done for you, reflect on what he wants from you, and respond – by acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with your God.

All reconvened at 2 pm when the Hymn “Praise the Lord His glories show” began our afternoon session. Helen-May introduced the Musical Group ‘Prior Engagement’ from Longniddry Parish Church. Fiona Punton took the stage to help us ‘Look Forward to Guild Week’. Alsion Twaddle and Jeanette Henderson, who represented the Guild on the World Council of Churches ‘Decade to Overcome Violence’, then took a ‘Look Back’ at the work the Guild had been involved with over the Decade, but stressed that although the Decade was over, the work needed to go on as two women per week still die of domestic violence.

Helen-May introduced our last speaker Elaine Duncan, Chief Executive of the Scottish Bible Society, who felt that being last meant that the previous speakers had stolen her thunder! Not the case! She went on to give us her thoughts on the bible passage in Matthew 18 of the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. She suggested that we think of the King as God and the Servants as us ; that God expects the mercy He displays to be passed on.

We say “Forgive us our debts as we forgive others”. What do we owe God? Honour and Praise. She felt that there must have been a blockage in this servant’s life. What could have caused it? Simple Greed? Lack of Gratitude? He didn’t seem to appreciate what the King had done for him. On holiday in Italy she became aware that Grazie – Italian for thanks – comes from Grace, and Merci – French for thanks – from Mercy!

Do we really believe that these are Kingdom values and the best way to live? What would your life look like if you let go your resentments and bitterness?


What would your life look like if you let mercy flow and forgive? She closed by leading in prayer.

National Vice Convener Alison Angus led us in the closing worship, with a reflection on Micah 6 and a prayer and our last hymn ‘To God be the Glory’. The afternoon closed with a prayer from Helen-May, who sent us off home with good wishes for our safe travel.

This was another Annual Meeting which inspired in so many ways, with much to ponder on, and much to take back to those who could not come. We look forward now to next year with anticipation.

Our thanks to ‘Roving Reporters’ Anna Gilmour and Joan Hodges

ANCRUM GUILD thanks all who supported the Coffee Evening on 19 November, when despite the cold foggy weather a magnificent £555 was raised. The Guild also extends a warm welcome to all to join us for the Christmas Party on Monday 6th December at 2 pm in the Church.

The first meeting of 2011 will be on Monday 7 February at in the Meeting Room when our own Heather Marshall will talk to us about ‘Prisons – Becoming a Place of Hope’. Our Guild Meetings offers a ‘Cuppa’, Friendship and Fellowship and a Speaker. The Guild is open to men and women.

Church Newsletter Misprints

We are reliably informed that these are all genuine misprints!

The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment and gracious hostility.

Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.

Pot-luck Supper : Sunday at : Prayer and medication to follow

Low Self-Esteem Support Group, Thursday at Please use the back door.

A Songs of Praise was hell at the Methodist Church on Wednesday.

The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind. They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.

Weight Watchers will meet at at the First Presbyterian Church. Please use the large double door at the side entrance.


Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at the Calvary Memorial Church. Come and hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.

Ladies, don’t forget the Rummage Sale. It’s a chance to get rid of the things not worth keeping around the house. Don’t forget to bring your husbands.


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Christian woman facing death for blasphemy is freed

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas in peace, let’s not forget how costly it is to follow Jesus in some parts of the world today. Praise God, for this particular individual, the story has had – if not exactly a HAPPY ending – at least a less tragic one. Please pray for ALL nations to receive the Good News of new life in Christ, and for persecution of Christians to cease.

The Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement welcomes the release of Asia Bibi, the first Christian woman to be sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan. Mother-of-two Asia Bibi was sentenced to death on November 8, 2010, by the additional and session judge Naveed Iqbal. The 45-year-old was found guilty of blasphemy despite there being no evidence that she committed the crime and her repeated denial of the charges laid against her.

She was accused by Muslim field workers of insulting the Prophet Muhammad following a dispute over their different faiths. When she was asked to bring a cup of water, the women refused to drink from it, saying that it had been touched by a Christian and was therefore "unclean".

She was arrested in June 2009 in her home village of Ittanwalai, west of the Punjab provincial capital of Lahore, and prosecuted under Section 295 B and C of the Pakistan Penal Code, which carries a mandatory death penalty.

Asia had spent the last year and a half in prison but was finally set free after being pardoned by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari. She has gone into hiding over fears for her safety. The case has made international headlines and thrown the spotlight on Pakistan's unjust blasphemy laws.

CLAAS, which provides free legal assistance to Pakistani Christians, is delighted by the decision to release Asia and hopes that it brings the country one step closer to repealing the blasphemy laws. Nasir Saeed, Coordinator of CLAAS in the UK, said: "This is the only acceptable outcome to what has been a travesty of justice from the outset. Asia Bibi should never have been charged with blasphemy, let alone found guilty and sentenced to death.


“The ordeal faced by her and her family is unimaginable to most people outside of Pakistan who are largely unaware of the abuse and discrimination faced by the tiny Christian minority there. The blasphemy laws smack in the face of democracy and human rights and only reinforce the notion that Christians and other religious minorities in the country are somehow inferior and less human.

“We are relieved and overjoyed at Asia Bibi's release but so long as the blasphemy laws remain in place there is no telling when another innocent Christian will face being executed because of something they said”.

Information on this case forwarded jointly by theChurch of Scotland’s Church & Society Council and World Mission Council.

21st Century Christmas Carols

Some old favourites receive the required treatment from the commissars of health and safety and political correctness

Jingle Bells

Dashing through the snowIn a one horse open sleighO'er the fields we goLaughing all the way

A risk assessment must be submitted before the open sleigh is deemed safe for members of the public. It must also be considered whether it is appropriate to employ only one horse for this activity, depending on size of sleigh and the persons upon it. Note that permission from landowners must be gained prior to entering fields. Please also consider those who choose not to participate in Christmas festivities, and keep laughter to a moderate level not loud enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

While Shepherds Watched

While shepherds watched their flocks by nightAll seated on the groundThe angel of the Lord came downAnd glory shone around

Requiring shepherds to watch their flocks without appropriate, flexible seating arrangements is a contravention of health and safety regulations and human rights. The provision of benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs is recommended. The angel is also reminded that before shining his or her glory around it must be ascertained that all shepherds are issued with suitable eye wear conforming to British Standards for filtering the harmful effects of UVA, UVB and glory.

We Three Kings


We three kings of Orient areBearing gifts we traverse afarField and fountain, moor and mountainFollowing yonder star

Navigation by yonder stars is not advised and we would politely suggest that traversing kings make use of satellite navigation or a recognised internet route-finder prior to commencing their journey. This will ensure the quickest route and most optimal journey with regard to fuel consumption is identified. In addition, whilst the gift of gold is considered acceptable, gifts of frankincense and myrrh are not appropriate due to the potential risk of allergic reaction caused by such oils and fragrances. A suitable alternative may be a gift voucher.

The Rocking Song

Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir;We will lend a coat of fur,We will rock you, rock you, rock you,We will rock you, rock you, rock you:

Fur is no longer appropriate wear for infants, for ethical reasons and risk of animal allergy. A faux, cellular blanket or micro-fleece material is a suitable alternative. Only persons who have been subject to an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check will be permitted to rock baby Jesus. Persons must carry their CRB disclosure with them at all times and be prepared to provide 3 forms of identification (one of which must be photo-ID) before rocking commences.

Little Donkey

Little donkey, little donkey on the dusty roadGot to keep on plodding onwards with your precious load

Strict guidelines issued by the RSPCA must be adhered to at all times in relation to the weight of the load that Ms/Mr Donkey is permitted to carry. A 20-minute uninterrupted rest break per 6 hours of plodding is a statutory requirement. It is unlawful and an infringement of equine rights for said Ms/Mr Donkey to be referred to in terms bearing relation to his stature which may be perceived by Ms/Mr Donkey or a third party to carry negative connotations. Please also note that due to the risk of pollution from the dusty road, Mary and Joseph are required to wear face masks to prevent inhalation of any airborne particles.

Away in a Manger

Away in a Manger, no Crib for a bed

Social Services have been notified.

Technical issues …!!!


Because of some computer “issues”, plans to provide CD’s of church services have been delayed – but we are now fairly confident that this problem has been rectified and CD’s should be available from early in 2011 for anyone interested.

The website also has suffered from a number of technological problems, but you can now download hard copies of sermons, along with the full [and very encouraging] Presbytery 5-yearly Report on the congregation, and the Kirk Session’s response to the Special Commission on Same-Sex Relationships and Ministry. Log in and enjoy on

The Hon Francis Hepburne Scott

The Hon Francis Hepburne Scott died in September, in his 90th year. The second son of the Master of Polwarth, his early life was spent at Harden, in the Roberton Valley, the family home created over five centuries around the original keep built by his direct forebear, Auld Wat of Harden, the famous 16th-century reiver. Francis fought a distinguished war, with The Lothians and Border Horse, participating at the centre of the decisive battle of Monte Cassino.

On 21 April, 1945, aged 24, he was in command of C Squadron in a fierce action at Bondeno, south of Venice. An extract from his citation for the Military Cross reads "Captain Hepburne Scott led his squadron and company in support with unparalleled vigour and skill in the face of a well organised enemy. He imbued all who saw him with the will to make super-human efforts, with the result that the bridge was taken sooner than intended"

During his time with the Lothians, he formed the regimental pipe band which eventually became the famous band of The Royal Scots Greys and now The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. He remained closely in touch with the regiment and never missed their annual remembrance parade.

After VE Day, he took leave in the UK and invited himself to a dance near Biggar – which happened to take place on VJ Day. There he met the hostess, Marjorie Ross, and within weeks they were engaged. After a brief spell on colonial service in Rhodesia, Francis began a new and highly successful double career as farmer and land agent, eventually settling at Newhouse.

Francis was a director of the local Red Cross, a passionate supporter of the Buccleuch Hunt, which he served as chairman from 1988 to 1992, and for many years an elder in Lilliesleaf Kirk. Above all, Francis was a devoted family man, and our prayers are with his wife of 65 years Marjorie, their children James, Mary and Michael, their nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

The Church of Scotland : Policy Statement


Ensuring a Safe Church for All

The Church of Scotland has a deep concern for the wholeness and wellbeing of each individual. It seeks to safeguard the welfare of all people, regardless of age, who come into contact with the Church and its organisations.

The Church affirms the responsibility of each individual within its fellowship to prevent harm or abuse of any type – physical, sexual or emotional – especially if this is directed toward children, young people, or vulnerable adults.


News in Brief

Ancrum Junior Church have once more donated their offerings during the session to the Christian Aid project Present Aid. The total of £96 was enough to pay a teacher’s salary in India for a whole year. Very well done, everybody!

Ale & Teviot United Church was privileged to host the Blessing of the Plough Service, held in conjunction with the Annual National and 5-Nations Ploughing Championships in October, hosted this year by Robert & Jacqueline Neill at Upper Nisbet. A large congregation filled Ancrum Kirk for a happy occasion.

Thanks to all who organised and supported the Blythswood Care Shoebox Appeal, with almost 60 boxes of toys and other goodies sent to brighten Christmas for some of the world’s poorest people. In addition, cash donations ensured that transportation costs were fully met.

The Harvest Thanksgiving Offering of almost £700 went to Samaritans Purse for their Pakistan Earthquake Appeal. In addition, Retiring Offerings totalling £200 were received on Armistice Day for the Earl Haig Fund.

Help With Heating Bills

Through local Trust Funds, it may be possible to offer some modest help toward winter heating bills – more than ever, a significant item in any household budget. If you would like to apply for help, or to recommend someone for help, in either case on a totally confidential basis, please contact Frank Campbell in writing – either by e-mail or by “snail-mail”. We hope we can help you.

Blythswood Care : Uplift of good used clothes etc

Blythswood Care have a monthly uplift of clothing, non-perishable foodstuffs, bric-a-brac and small items of furniture for needy people in Eastern Europe. Larger items of furniture may also be accepted, subject to arrangement with the Glasgow office on 0141-882-0585. Provisional collection dates for 2011 are as shown, although arrangements for January are still unknown. Check with the Glasgow office or on the day with driver : 07947 617047

MONDAYS : 7 February, 7 March, 4 April [January not yet known]

Galashiels Asda Car Park 2.00-2.30.pmMelrose Rugby Club 3.00-3.30.pmSelkirk West Port Car Park

TUESDAYS : 8 February, 8 March, 5 April [January not yet known]

Hawick Morrisons Car Park Jedburgh Bus Station Car Park Kelso Knowes Car Park


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Contact Norman on 01835-870733 or 07831-144037 Dimpleknowe, Lil l iesleaf, Melrose TD6 9JU


Crime Prevention – Better Safe than Sorry

A message from PC Gary Chisholm, Jedburgh Community Officer

Lothian and Borders Police are urging the public to be vigilant to an ongoing phone scam. A number of reports have been received over the past few months where members of the public are contacted by people claiming to be from a computer software company. The callers offer to fix computer faults and direct their victims to a website that allows remote access to their computers.

This allows access to an individual's files and sensitive information and police are urging the public to refuse this service and report any such calls to police.A police spokesman said : 'Criminals will look to profit from any opportunity and it's essential that our communities don't make themselves an easy target.

NEVER allow anyone you do not know or trust access to your computer or anywhere else where you may store sensitive data and NEVER give out any personal information online to companies where you are not entirely confident in their authenticity. This scam is not just localised to the Lothian and Borders Force area and we are currently liaising with colleagues in the Canadian authorities, where similar crimes have been recorded.

Anyone with information that can assist us with these enquiries is asked to contact the police immediately.

A word for Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

Do you feel isolated because you have been bereaved by the suicide of a relative or friend? For those who are left behind after someone takes their own life it can help to talk to others who have experienced the same situation.

There is now a new support group in the Borders to try and help you through this. Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide [SOBS] is a National Charity who are now setting groups up in new areas.

If you are interested, come along to their first meeting at Old Gala House, Scott Crescent, Galashiels on Tuesday 7th December anytime from 6.45-9pm

Meetings are open to anyone over 18, regardless of religious beliefs or nationality, and will be arranged on a monthly basis.

If you would like information please contact Gwen on 07561 319863.

There is also a National Helpline 0844 561 6855 (available daily 9am – 9pm) or contact the web site

We know it happens…so let’s talk


11 July to 20 November 2010


5 September Kieran Robert Morrison Cowan, son ofAncrum Ian & Lisa [Morrison], 60 Howdenburn Court

17 October James Noble Macpherson, son ofLilliesleaf Graham & Louise [Cain], 110 Whitacres Road, Glasgow

24 October Harry Euan Heard, son ofCrailing Euan & Amanda [Watson], 41 West Myres Croft

7 November Niamh Finlayson George, daughter ofAncrum Derek & Emma [Finlayson], 45 West Myres Croft


22 July Mr James BriggsJedburgh 1 Priors Road

26 July Mr Walter DavidsonJedburgh 4 Forthill Terrace

16 August Mrs Margaret HoggLilliesleaf 3 Burnhead Road, Hawick

20 September Mr Andrew TurnbullMortonhall 42 South Myres Croft

24 September The Hon Francis Hepburne-ScottLilliesleaf Newhouse


28 August Peter Hogg & Hayley HewittJedburgh Castle now of : 15 Howden Crescent

20 November Grant Scott & Toni ReidCrailing now of : 2 Hume Place


Ale & Teviot United Church

Special Celebrations over Christmas

We look forward to seeing you at any of our festive events!



Tuesday 14 December : Ancrum School Concert

In Ancrum Church at, then mince pies in the Village Hall.

Friday 17 December : Carol Service : Eckford :

Fun event in Eckford Village Hall, followed by coffee, mulled wine and mince pies. To ensure our “Special Guest” knows about any children who are coming, please contact Annette Fraser [850213].

Saturday 18 December : Junior Church : Ancrum :

Dress Rehearsal for the Nativity Play, followed by a fun time with light refreshments, finishing at 12 noon.

Sunday 19 December : United Service : Ancrum :

ALL-AGE SERVICE featuring Nativity Play by the Junior Church. There is a collection of new and good used toys for needy children, There will be NO SERVICES at Crailing or Lilliesleaf that morning.

Sunday 19 December : Riddell Fiddles : Lilliesleaf :

A happy celebration for the holiday season, led by this locally based, and internationally renowned, group of musicians.

Tuesday 21 December : School End-of-term Services

In church – all welcome : Lilliesleaf : ; Ancrum :


Christmas Eve : Family Service : Ancrum :

If you have young children to get safely tucked up in bed in good time for Santa, or if you are keen to get safely home before the weather turns too cold, come to our United Family Service.

Christmas Eve : Carol Singing : Lilliesleaf : [provisional]

Meeting at the Village Hall, singing around the village and collecting for the War Blinded … then coffee and mince pies in The Plough!

Christmas Eve : Watchnight ServicesCrailing & Lilliesleaf :

Come and greet the new-born King as the Christmas bells ring out! Bruce McNicol presides at Lilliesleaf, Frank Campbell is at Crailing.

Christmas Day : Family Service : Ancrum :

Begin Christmas Day with a happy half-hour to give thanks for the Saviour’s birth. Kids of all ages are welcome to bring along a new toy that Santa has brought.

All offerings in church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be “sown” into the work of local children’s charities.

Sunday 26 December : Lessons & Carols : Lilliesleaf :

Come and hear the Christmas story, and sing along with well-loved carols, old and new. No services at Ancrum or Crailing.

Sunday 2 January : Communion : Crailing :

We begin the New Year together around the Lord’s table. Everyone welcome, of all ages or denominations. There will be NO SERVICES that day at Ancrum or Lilliesleaf.

