The main goal of SIOS



Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) A new level of international research cooperation on Svalbard Project Director Dr. Karin Refsnes Research Council of Norway. The main goal of SIOS. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS)

A new level of international research cooperation on Svalbard

Project Director Dr. Karin Refsnes

Research Council of Norway

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The main goal of SIOS

• Establish an (Arctic) Earth System Observing Facility in and around Svalbard that covers meteorological, geophysical, hydrological and biological processes from a spectre of platforms to match Earth System Models.

• Establish a first important - European - node in the envisaged Sustained Arctic Observing Network (SAON).

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Major steps towards this goal:

1. Assess the present infrastructure and activities in Svalbard to identify gaps and weaknesses compared to the needs of Earth System Models (ESM). Invest in additional infrastructure and activities to close these gaps.

2. Organize all relevant infrastructure and all research and monitoring activities into observation platforms which are most appropriate w.r.t. practical and organisational aspects.

3. Establish a Knowledge Centre in Longyearbyen for data collection/aggregation/access, education and outreach, cooperative efforts, and input to Earth System modeling.

4. Take action to coordinate the SIOS initiative with complementary ESFRI efforts as well as other global and Arctic observation systems and related modelling efforts.

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Area covered by SIOS

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Ny-Ålesund – Svalbard in miniature

EU research infrastructure (ARCFAC) since 1996

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Marine Observatories in the Fram Strait

• Seafloor observatory ”Hausgarten” (AWI) since 1999

• ”Mooring” stations in and outside Kongsfjorden since 2002 (NPI, UiT, SAMS)

• To be merged in project ”KONGHAU” (2008-2010)

• Fram Strait transect ARCOONE (ESONET component)

• Seafloor methane observatory (MASOX) due in 2010




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In summary:• Comprehensive upper atmosphere observation

system (long-term, distributed)• Comprehensive marine observing system (focus

on Fram Strait, partially long-term)• Comprehensive atmosphere-climate observing

system (partially long-term, mostly Ny-Ålesund)• Fragmented terrestrial, cryospheric and solid

earth observing system (distributed, some elements long-term)

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The SIOS Knowledge CentreThe main integrating element and exhibition window of SIOS

• Data handling, storage and delivery (mostly as a portal, but with option of physical data centre), including access to Earth Observation segment (satellite data)

• Interface between scientific platforms and user/stakeholder community

• Facilitator for scientific integration (interdisciplinary activities, ESS)

• Education and training on graduate and under-graduate levels

• Public outreach activities

• Coordination and service functions

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SIOS – Overarching Plan

• 9 December, 2008: SIOS on revised ESFRI Roadmap

• 3 December, 2009: submission of SIOS Preparatory Phase proposal

• Summer 2010 – summer 2013: SIOS Preparatory Phase project: clarification of legal status, governance structure and financial strategy and business plan, plus other strategic processes

• From 2013 (at latest): SIOS implementation phase

• From end of 2013: SIOS operational phase (since much infrastructure already in place)

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15 (or more) countries in the SIOS consortium

• Norway• Sweden• Denmark• Finland• UK• Germany• France• Netherlands• Italy• Poland• Spain (?)• Czech Republic (?)

• Russia• China• Korea• Japan• USA (associated partner)• India (?)• Canada (? Associated

